chapter 27: what split us apart pt1

[yoichi,yadara,narimo and hatano make a plan to save mazato]

Yadara: ok, so how are we going to save mom?.

Hatano: I'm not sure yet, but we need to find something quick.

Yoichi: What if we go and find Inaba's henchmen and take them down first?.

Hatano: [sigh] that will take too long. We need to find something quick and easy.

Narimo: what if we get ise to bring more people?.

Hatano: ise can't send anyone here because the higher ups will know something is up.

[yadara looks at hatano surprised]

Yadara: I thought that they already knew?, I mean we did run into the gate and almost ran over the guards.

Yoichi: yes they might have known about that but we did have one of the guards trucks so maybe the higher ups think there were more civilians in the city that needed to be rescued.

Hatano: I think I found a plan.

Yoichi: ok what is it?.

Hatano: We just go in full force and dont stop at anything.

[yadara,yoichi and narimo look at hatano surprised]

Yoichi: what?.

Hatano: i mean it's our only option

Yadara: But what about Inaba's henchmen, I mean we don't even know how many he has or what their powers are.

Hatano: Well, that's our plan.

Narimo: Are you sure about this?.

Hatano: yes.

Yadara: ok.

[yoichi smiles]

Yoichi: Finally I can get Inaba back for everything.

[yadara and narimo look at yoichi surprised]

Yadara: Is everything ok?.

Yoichi: what? Of course it is, I get to get back at Inaba for everything he has done.

Narimo: Does this mean that you'll be the one to fight inaba?.

Yoichi: Yes, I need to protect you two and hatano.

Narimo: But what if you need help?

[yoichi smiles]

Yoichi: Then I'll ask for help.

Yadara: Are you sure?.

[yoichi puts his hand on yadaras shoulder]

Yoichi: yadara, i'm the one that's meant to be protecting you two and hatano.

Yadara: But we can help too.

Yoichi: I know, but there are some things I need to do by myself.

Narimo: ok, we're here to help too so you don't have to do everything by yourself.

[hatano puts her hand on yoichis shoulder]

Hatano: ok, we need to go ahead and see what's going on outside before we go to the prison.

Yoichi: ok.

[yoichi and hatano walk outside to see the area]

Hatano: [sigh] I know you're trying to protect them two from what's going on.

[Yoichi looks at hatano surprised]

Yoichi: what?, what do you mean?.

Hatano: I overheard you talking to yadara and narimo a minute ago and you said that you were meant to protect them two and me.

Yoichi: oh, it's because I am meant to protect you and them two.

Hatano: I know you have good intentions but you need to be more relaxed with stuff like yadara and narimo will learn eventually that the world is not perfect.

Yoichi: [sigh] I know but I want to protect them from it for now.

[hatano smiles]

Hatano: You act like their parent.

[yoichi looks at hatano surprised]

Yoichi: What do you mean?.

[hatano blushes]

Hatano: you're just always protective over them.

Yoichi: oh, is it a bad thing?.

Hatano: what?, no it's actually a good thing.

Yoichi: oh ok.

[hatano smiles while looking into the sunset]

Hatano: Thank you for taking care of them.

[yoichi smiles]

Yoichi: oh, you're welcome.

Hatano: Well, I guess we should go get them and tell them we're ready.

Yoichi: ok.

[hatano and yoichi walk back to the camp and go inside]

Yoichi: kids, it's safe outside.

Yadara: ok, are we ready to go and save mom?.

Hatano: Yes, we need to hurry before it gets dark.

Narimo: wouldn't it be better if it was dark?.

Hatano: It doesn't matter if it's dark or not, we need to go now.

Yadara: ok.

[hatano,yoichi,yadara and narimo walk outside and head for the prison]

Yadara: So how many henchmen do you think inaba has?.

Yoichi: I'm not sure.

Hatano: I believe ise found three of Inaba's henchmen during the mission he had done.

Narimo: So there's three of them?.

Hatano: I'm pretty sure.

[koide sees yadara,narimo,yoichi and hatano walking]

Koide: I wonder what they're up to?.

[koide calls inaba]

Inaba: hello?.

Koide: they're heading towards the prison, what do you want me to do?.

Inaba: stop them at all costs, i can't afford to move to another location.

Koide: understood.

[koide hangs up]

Koide: Well, this will be fun.

[koide jumps off a building and runs at yoichi]

[yadara notices something coming their way]

Yadara: Hey, what is that?.

Yoichi: what is what ?.

[yoichi sees koide charging at them]

Yoichi: hatano, kids get back!.

[koide jumps at yoichi and uses his freak strand]

Koide: I have you now!.

[yoichi smiles and uses his war scythe to cut koide in half]

Yoichi: Well that wasn't hard, I thought they would have put up more of a fight.

[yadara and narimo look at yoichi surprised]

Yadara and narimo: was that your strand?.

Yoichi: yeah, oh i forgot you two have never seen my strand before.

Yadara: So what is your strand called?.

Yoichi: oh, I don't have a name for my strand.

[yadara and narimo look at yoichi surprised]

Narimo: really?.

Yoichi: what?.

Narimo: I thought every strand had a name.

[yoichi looks at narimo surprised]

Yoichi: no, not everyone has a name for their strand.

Narimo: Well, can we name yours?.

[yoichi smiles]

Yoichi: Sure, call it whatever you want.

Narimo: ok, we'll call it yoichi's strand.

Yoichi: ok, yoichi's strand it is.

[narimo smiles]

Yoichi: I'll keep that name forever.

Narimo: really?.

Yoichi: Yes, you are the one that named it after all.

[saito sees yoichi,yadara,narimo and hatano]

Saito: I wonder what they're up to?.

[saito calls inaba]

Inaba: hello?.

Saito: sir, they're trying to get to the prison.

Inaba: what? I thought koide killed them.

Saito: no i watched the entire thing the man thats with them killed koide in one swing.

Inaba: what?, what kind of strand did they have?.

Saito: It's one I've never seen before.

Inaba: could it be?.

Saito: could it be what?.

Inaba: nevermind i have to go.

Saito: ok

[inaba hangs up]

Saito: Well, I better get closer to the prison before they get there.

[saito jumps from building to building using his organ strand]

[inaba at the prison training sanjo]

Inaba: Sanjo, come here.

[sanjo charges at inaba trying to kill him]

Inaba: ok, mazato kill this thing.

[mazato looks at inaba in fear]

Mazato: Please, I don't want to do this.

[inaba smiles]

Inaba: Ok then.

[inaba uses a remote to control mazatos strand]

Inaba: kill sanjo!.

[mazato uses her oppressor strand to kill sanjo]

[mazato starts crying]

Mazato: Why, why did you make me do that?.

[inaba smiles]

Inaba: It doesn't matter now.

[yadara,narimo,yoichi and hatano get blown away from each other because of the wave of power that came from the prison]

Yadara: narimo!.

Narimo: yadara!.

Hatano: yoichi!.

Yoichi: hatano, kids!.

[yadara gets thrown into a nearby building]

Yadara: What was that?.

Yadara: What could have been so strong to throw us away from each other like that?.

part 2 july 25th