Mystery 5: -There is actually a sea monster in the village's lake-

"So now we are going to the lake?" I asked with a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

"Yep. Isn't it exciting? They say a sea monster is really there. It would be really awesome if we find it." Arya said excitedly with her big eyes sparkling.

"Out of all the mysteries we have uncovered so far, I guess this is the closest to what a mystery is. Not that I expect anything from this though. I bet it is just another stupid prank of some people with a lot of time."

"There you go making all that side comments again. Come on, let's get going."

"Wait, you are going to the lake with that kind of attire?"

Arya was again wearing a long white one piece dress with the design slightly different from yesterday. Seriously, how many dresses does she have? Though it suited her so much and it fitted the summer season too. As for me, I decided to just wear a simple shirt and short attire which actually suits an outdoor activity.

"What's wrong with this? I have a swimsuit underneath so there's no problem right?"

"Fine, fine." I said with a resigned tone. After all, when Arya decided on something, she won't just back down. I stared at her for a while before realizing something. It seems like Arya was in her normal self, too normal as if nothing happened yesterday. Well, that's what I wanted so this shouldn't really be a problem. But, shouldn't she at least be a bit shy? I mean, considering what happened?

"Hey! What are you standing there? Let's go." Arya shouted.

"Ah nothing."

The two of us packed only a few things for this trip. These included towels, change of clothes, and some snacks. Though we don't really plan to stay there until the sun sets, given that we left just at noon, we might have to spend some more time preparing. This was the reason why we even brought flashlights and first-aid kit in case an accident happens.

"Hey, doesn't this make your heart excited?" Arya asked as we were walking.

"Well, this may seem to be quite an adventure so I can't deny that I kind of feel a bit excited." I confessed shyly. To be honest, I am excited about this since this sounded like a real mystery compared to others. After all, discovering an unknown monster would be really cool.

"Oh! Now you're getting it."

"Well, this is the most decent adventure that we have done so far so I guess feeling quite excited is just normal." I commented without paying any attention to Arya's teasing smile.

"You are complaining about the previous mysteries but you actually enjoyed being with me. You shy boy." Arya teased.

That was definitely a wrong move. Upon hearing Arya, the memory of what happened last night resurfaced which immediately made me embarrassed. Looking at Arya, it seemed like she felt the same. After that, the atmosphere became a bit awkward. And it was all because of Arya and her talkative mouth. I was actually feeling comfortable a while ago and she ruined it. Stupid Arya.

As we arrive at the lake, both of us were still silent. Not even the usual talkative Arya was making any noise. This mood really wasn't good. I would really appreciate it if something happen that'll break this ice. As I was fervently praying for something to happen, we finally reached our destination. And as if hearing my awkward yet desperate prayer, the ice was broken. After putting down our things, we finally had the chance to appreciate the lake in front of us. The circular lake that was about as big as our school gym was surrounded by forest. The water it holds was so clear that you can actually see the fishes swimming. Arya was at awe when she saw it, and I was not exempted from such reaction as well. But, though the lake was indeed beautiful, this just proved that the mystery we were trying to uncover was almost impossible to accomplish.

"Wait, this can't be right. How can such a clear lake house a sea monster? And, even if there is such a thing, we should've been able to find it at first glance." I said in a panicked voice as I finally realize the crisis we were facing.

"You're right." Arya said in disappointment. "But maybe there is something more to the mystery. Like a mark or something. You know, maybe the monster left and there are still some remaining tracks or something."

"Well, you do have a point." I sighed, feeling disappointed. All of my excitement a while ago suddenly vanished. As much as I want to remain immersed in our little adventure, being slapped by the fact brought me back to reality as to how ridiculous this mystery was. "Not like I am expecting anything anymore."

After searching for a while, I sighed once more. Everything feels hopeless. With this clear of a lake, it was impossible to not see the monster the mystery was talking about.

"It seems like we won't be able to find anything here. I guess let's just go home."

"No! Please, let's search for a while longer. There's got to be something here, I know." Arya insisted desperately as if she was going to cry.

I looked at Arya with her pleading eyes and scratched my head. I really can't say no seeing Arya like that. "Fine. But only before the sun sets, okay?"

"Sure! Thanks Reve." Arya smiled in relief. That smile was enough to lighten up my mood.

The two of us started to look around to find any trace of what the mystery calls the sea monster once more. We were so focused on searching that we failed to take note of the time. And before we knew it, the sun was about to set.

"Hey, it's been hours already. I guess we should head back now." I suggested as I look at Arya who was still desperately searching for traces.

"Not yet, I know there has got to be something here."

"Just a few more minutes, okay?"


The two of us continued our search. But suddenly, Arya shouted in surprised. With no further notice, she dove directly to the lake without paying heed to what she was wearing. I called out to her but it seems like Arya was trying to reach something at the bottom of the lake. Not long enough, Arya finally surfaced but something's strange. She was flailing her arms wildly. I paused for a while and soon realized that this was not Arya playing around but, rather, she was drowning. With no time to waste, I immediately rushed and dove to the lake. Swimming with all my might, all I could think of was to reach Arya as soon as possible. And before Arya could completely drown, I stretched my arm and held Arya tightly. As soon as we were in contact, I carried Arya away from the lake towards the dry land.

"Hey, Arya! Hang in there! Arya!" I shouted in panic as I shake Arya. Soon enough, Arya started coughing.



"Don't sta-"


"Don't just stare at me. Bring me some towel." Arya said weakly as she coughed.

That was the only time I realized the condition of Arya's body being completely drenched. With the sudden awkward situation, I immediately stood up and passed Arya a dry towel.

"You really are reckless."

"Sorry. I forgot that I can't swim." Arya let out a weak laugh.

"That is not something you should just forget."


After things have calmed down, I decided to pack all the things we have used during our search. I also cleaned up all the mess we have made including the plastics from the chips we have eaten.

"Anyway, we should get going. It's too bad that we failed to uncover the mystery but it is already getting dark."

"Who said that we failed?" Arya asked with a rather triumphant smile.

"What do you mean?"

Arya showed me what she has been holding for a while now. It was the thing that she was trying to reach at the bottom of the lake. As soon as I saw it, I immediately let out a sigh.

"A sea monster playing card?"

"It is not just a playing card! This is the proof of the mystery." Arya said proudly. But instead of being happy, I just shook my head in disbelief.

"Why would you even risk your life for something like this?"


"You almost got yourself killed because of that? Enough with that nonsense. Let's go."

"Why do you have to put it that way?"

"What are you mumbling there?"

"Nonsense? It is our adventure!" This was the first time I have ever heard Arya shouted like that. "Please don't say that this is nonsense. This is our adventure, my and Reve's adventure. Didn't you enjoy the time we spent together? Aren't you excited about this a while ago when we left? I am serious about these mysteries so much that I would even risk my life for it. What about you? All you do is complain. We even managed to clear more than half of it already. Please, don't call this nonsense."

"Sorry, it wasn't my intention to-"

"Reve, you idiot!" Arya shouted as she runs away, leaving me behind.

"Arya, wait! I-" Before I could even finish what I was trying to say, any trace of Arya can no longer be seen. "I... don't know how to go home from here."

"So Arya won't come here today too." I muttered as I check outside my house. After the incident at the lake yesterday, I went to Arya's house to talk to her but she just shooed me away without even hearing me out. We don't usually have any fight that last for a day though. But, isn't it her fault also? I tried to justify what happened but ended up feeling more dejected. Who am I kidding? It was clearly my mistake. I hope she'll forgive me.

After pondering for a while as to what I am going to do, I finally decided to go and talk to Arya once more. When I arrived at her house, I was greeted by Arya's mother with a very concerned look. According to her mother's story, it seems like Arya hasn't come out of her room since yesterday. She didn't even eat her dinner and even her lunch a while ago. I just apologized and told her mother that I'll talk to Arya.

"Arya, Reve is here." Arya's mother called as she knocks on the door. "Well, I'll leave her to you."

"Arya?" I softly called.

"Go away!" Arya shouted with very evident anger.

"I'm sorry."

"I don't want to talk you. Leave!"

"Hey, umm, I'm really sorry for what I said yesterday. I was just worried about you."

"Worried? Hmph!"

"I'm really sorry. And, umm, we can go continue our adventure, you know?"

"But you said it was just nonsense!"

"Well, I was wrong, okay?"


"Arya. Fine. I'll, I'll do anything that you want so please forgive me."

"I don't believe you."

"I promise."

"Cross your heart?" Different from how she sounded a while ago, Arya replied in a rather meek voice.

"And hope to die."

"Then, ice cream."


"Buy me an ice cream! Then I'll forgive you."

"Uh, Ah! Roger that."