
Chapter 4 :Doom Forest

Doom forest is a dangerous place even for a Warlock or for a Warlord. Anyone who doesn't know the right direction or a team that doesn't have a person with a good sense of direction will not be able to survive in the forest for a day.

 Doom forest brings a live-or-die situation for anyone who enters inside. No one can't escape.

Except for Warlocks and Warlords still today. 

I told children that if they went inside the forest they would die in the hand, I think now one will go inside the forest.

Because of this beam. The situation is changed, if any child by chance went inside the forest they would die in the hands of those monsters.

The leader was in a hurry to the direction of the children and Oliver. When he went there, there was no one there and the place was destroyed. Even the grass in the land was turned into the ash that was the condition of the place.

 Then Charlotte started to feel guilty because he was the leader of the village After becoming the leader he protected everyone in his village and helped many people. He made everyone in his village happy. 

But today he wasn't able to fulfill the duty that he had been holding "The protection of children". Which made him mad he shouted out " Why, why this has to happen to those innocent children. God if I did any bad things or I made any sins please punish me, why have you taken those children's life. Am I too weak to protect even these children? Help me? God. Please bring the children's back to life, God.!!!!!!!!!!

Suddenly, there was the voice, still acting like the small child Charlotte when you will mature yourself and can't even save these children without my help.

These words came out from behind the leader and when he turned back he saw every one of those children who came to the ceremony was safe, but Oliver got seriously injured while facing the beam and voice was the friend of the leader the "Warlock Ivan" the ice and poison magician and specialists in the transportation magic.

 The person whom the leader said they are going to meet today.

It seems wrong to me, you will always be in time to meet me. But you took so much time. So I came out to check whether you guys were in trouble. 

At a time I sensed the overwhelming power coming from this direction so I came this way and I saw him trying to protect these children from the blast so I came to help him out and saved these children from the blast. 

Thanks, Thanks a lot ….

What, what did you say I was able to hear it out tell it once again Charlotte.

Thanks, I said thanks for saving children.

I never thought that the man would have such childish, behavior.

That from you Charlotte you are changed after leaving our position and your glory for this kingdom and even after your retirement you are trying to give the best warrior for this kingdom you are something.

I should thank you a lot Charlotte.

Is  Oliver ok?

Yes he is, he took half of the damage from the blast and collapsed by that power so you don't need to worry about him. He just needs the rest for now. He will awake in a few hours.

 So now tell me, Charlotte. How many kids came with you to attend the ceremony?

Ten children came to attend the ceremony with me. 


But it seems only seven children are remaining, where are the three kids now? 

Has anyone seen them? 

No, no leader we didn't see them while escaping we didn't see them. 

Who are those kids Charlotte??

I need to check which one is Kevin, Bell, and the third one?

Who is the third one? Did anyone miss anybody else? 

Then Shell told 

Leader, it's Aarush

The third missing person was Aarush's leader!! 

When vice leader Oliver was trying to protect us from the blast he suddenly released the magical circle and he made the protection circle at the time we spirited ourselves. But the warlock Shell came to save us at that time. Those three should have gone somewhere near the forest.

I think so.

In ancient times there were seven legendary monsters.  These monsters would have destroyed the entire world but our ancestors fought against those monsters and millions of people suffered and lakhs of people died till that day.

The man who stood at the beginning of those struggles and made the place where these monsters can't escape or can't die the "Unknown". The name of the place. Still today no one now" s it. But that place was tightly secured by the two strongest powers.

They are known as the warlock and the warlord.

 The Warlock will fight with his magic and the Warlord will fight with his physical ability. That is why till today we celebrating the people who have become the Warlock and the Warlord.

But what will happen if those two strengths sync together and it will bring the ultimate power?

 You possess such power. No one can't kill you. The world is waiting for you,

You must come with such power.  For next time.

What is this place where I am now and it seems like I have been separated from my team and where am I now? 

Aarush, you're in the Doom forest after the blast you fell and you have collapsed but somehow even in such a situation you're we're able to walk and you made it here. I was trying to wake you up but you were not in the condition to talk with me. You were walking by yourself without any sense of direction. What happened to you.? Do you know this place?  Did your mind come here by itself? Or is it all your loss of memory of this body?

 I don't know anything, but while I was sleeping I heard the voice of an old man. He told me, " The world is waiting for me and I should possess much more power than him when I am here for next time ".

What is happening there Red? What is the faith of this boy? Will he die or will he save this world? Who was that old man?

I can't tell anything, I don't have any power to see the future or past.  I can tell you this till you become stronger you can't gain anything from me or others.  

I know that's why I am prepared to face anything.

Come on red let us get out of this forest.

Yes, we should get out of this place as soon as possible, but it doesn't look like we can't get out of there soon.

Why, ??

Because I am going to sleep


Red, Red, please don't tell me such things at this time, and it can't be a good situation to sleep.

I just lied, 


I just lied, I want to see your scary face at this time. 

You don't need to worry even when I am asleep I can show you the direction. 

Don't make such jokes next time. I can't take it. You're the system, you must be rough, but why are you like this? 

I don't know. I don't want to be serious often and I don't like it. It's fun to scare the friend at this time of the situation.

It's nice you know you must try it out with your friends. Otherwise, you can't get any friends and you can't enjoy yourself with them. You can't always enjoy yourself. You must need someone.

That can be true, but it can't be fun for me at this time  

Ok ok, I know about you and get ready we will work together and we got company.

So soon I thought we would be alone. But it seems someone is ready to interrupt our Conversation. Red, get ready!

 Did you scan this place?

Yes, I scanned this place very well, while you were collapsed. It seems the high-tier wolves came here. 

He spoke with such confidence. Then he just spins his pendant.

This time it showed the angle figure.

The wolves started to attack him and he started to attack the wolves.  The situation of the forests started to change and it became cloudy all of the sudden and the wolves started to vanish one by one who was standing in front of Aarush.

Red, where did these wolves go?

This is the power of these wolves: " They can hide their presence and they smell by these clouds". If you need to defeat these wolves, you must remove these clouds and attack them with one strike. 

I never thought this Doom forest could be my training place. We must leave this after killing these wolves.

Ok, lets us start our process. 

Aarush sees on your left. 

Thanks, Red it's not for you I would have lost my head. They thought that they would catch me so soon, but these wolves do not know they have entered inside the dungeon of the tiger.

I just need to relax and focus now it's time for wind. 

The wind just came from his left hand and he absorbed the cloud and he created the lighting in his right hand and striked every wolf with the thunder.

It's the bright light inside the forest and it came from nowhere. Whose how we're   outside the forest seen the lighting and Shell stated 

Everyone doesn't come out of this place I will move alone inside the forest and I will let you know. What is there? 

Are you ok with this Chester?

Yes, I am ok with this, and I am saving these kids at least till everything gets clear.


Hi guys, tell me. Would you tell me when you and your friends went on a trip in the forest? Who do you like to scare your friends at that time.??