
Chapter 5: Quarrel Between Friends

Red, Red is everything alright? Did someone find out that the attack was done by us?

No, no, Aarush I didn't get any sign of a person near here and if someone would have seen the attack but they won't believe you are the one who made such an attack against high-tier level wolves.

Yes, they would not believe the attack was done by me. But if someone seen the attack and informed the leader or someone else it would be difficult for us to stay there and we will have to face the Warlock and Warlord.

You don't need to worry at the time I can make them a copy of the human mage and his power at a high level so you won't get caught by anyone.

Red, where are you getting such ideas from? Even to you are just the system?

No, I told you before. I am not the system I am just the voice.

I just get ideas by myself and my IQ levels are above you so you don't need to worry about me.

You can even call me "God's voice". I am more intelligent than you and I have more power.

But you can't use that intelligence and power without the help of me, Red.

No, it's not like that, I can even use my power and intelligence even without your help. To tell the truth, I was assigned to help, that is why I am helping you, otherwise, you will be begging me for my help and you're a waste.

Even, to tell the truth, you're too weak to use your power to its full potential.

That's right, the teacher should train the student. But here the teacher is sleeping whenever he wants and whenever I ask for training he is just told to sit on the rock and meditate.

Now, he just makes fun of me and tells me I am weak. Are you the system don't tell anyone that you're the system or "God's voice". That title does not suit you. You must change the name to " God of Sleep" who always sleeps and does not help others when they need to.

You're just weak like me. If I am sticky you're just the system, if I am weak you're the voice to your nothing just the tool which helps and follows my orders.

Hey, are you trying to tease me? Or are you scolding? And I am not a tool for someone to use and I am just helping you here.

No, no, I am just letting you know the truth. You told me someone is trying to kill me but you never taught me how to use the power I have. Whenever I ask you to teach. You tell me "I can't control it then when I can use my power at full potential? "

I will tell you this one whenever you use the power, use it properly and if someone fights, put everything in the line and fight with them, don't make excuses to fight the killer before he gets us.

This is the only thing I can tell you for now.

You're telling me the same thing again and again. From the time I have been reincarnated to his body, you're telling me the same thing and you are thinking I am just the weak one who doesn't know who takes care of him by himself.

After my family died no one in my family was not ready to know me, but I made it by myself until the age of six. After that, I got help from my sensei but even for that, I worked so hard.

It has been three minutes after he used a pendant power and he was walking, after fighting with Red.

He was thinking about whether he should use the power given by the pendant or should he just have to try to find out some other way to use this real power of the body.

Without realizing the situation and the surrounding.

He just went inside the dungeon.

Red altered, hey Aarush do you know this place very well.

What place are you talking about? I don't know.

He just replied so harshly.

Just calm down Aarush, you don't need to get tension and it's all my fault for telling you, you were weak all the time and allowing you to use your power even after I told you some is there to kill you.

To tell the truth, I am weaker than you. I can't do anything without the help of the owner who uses me. I don't want anyone to order me to do that or to do this. I want to be free that is why I choose you to be my partner

Even I am the system I too have some feelings.

But you told me you're not the system? Then tell to your feeling.

Before becoming the system I too was the human. I just got reincarnated like you.

But you're never told me that.

Because I don't want my past to bore you.

Just tell, how did you reincarnate into his world?

I had an elder brother who always gave me orders to do this or that and he is the one who always takes care of me and he never leaves me alone, not even once.

We argued many times but he was always on my side. He tells me "You're weak, you must get strong".

Like you, I didn't even have any idea who to get stronger or who to increase my power.

I am the mage and my elder brother is the warrior whose strength alone can match three warlords, by himself.

We both are twin kings, we got the nick by our teamwork. We will complete any assignment that is given to us.

But, when we got the assignment to raid the dungeon we went inside. That is the lost thing I remember in my mind after that I don't know anything.

When I woke up, I heard the voice saying " you have been reincarnated to help Roy who is reincarnated in the Aarush body, and you will share the power which you possess.

When, If you both can't balance the power you will sleep for an hour or the day and your name is Red ".

These are the messages, I heard at last and we both started to like your life as the reincarnated members.

I am the system voice to help you and you as the Aarush whose fate is in danger.

We both are the same, even I lost someone precious to me like that you to lost the same way, we both are the same.

Till now I helped you by sharing my power with you but you would we're able to manage only a quarter half of my power.

The practice which I gave you is to increase your Aura. So that you can gain more power from the pendant and me.

I don't have an idea about the pendant, but whenever you spin the pendant you can match my power with Aura.

Without knowing the ability of the pendant you were able to tell me who to use. Who did you come to know about it alone?

I don't know, it's like you I will get the answer by default.

I will tell you these,

" if we need to get more details about this world we should get stronger "

"if we need to get more details about this we should get stronger "

Aarush and Red we're saying the same things.

Why are you repeating the same thing that I said to you?

Because I do know we should get stronger that is why I too told the same things, Red.

Ok, Red, where are we now? Just tell me who to get out of this place.

Where are we, why are you asking me?

Why, because you know the way of this forest.

I said that just to make you brave. I need some time to do anything.

How many minutes has it been, I have used this pendant?

I think it has been more than five minutes.

Why are you asking about that?

Don't tell me, you're planning to use it again.

Yes, I am going to use it. By that, we can get out of there.

Are you mad?

Why are you asking it, Red?

Yes, you are really mad. Just see around you we are inside the dungeon.

This dungeon can change its ability and atmosphere as it is as if you just use your power it will be dangerous for us. We must find some other way to get out of there.

Ok then, let us check out this dungeon and wan can find the way out.

By the way, I need to sleep. After such an argument, I need some time to gain my strength.

It's been an hour.

Red, do you have any setting changes? If next time we are going to argue again we must change our settings to saving mode so that we can have fun for a long time. It's boring to do you now.

Without you it's boring. It was my first fight with a friend I never had before.

Aarush we're roaming inside the dungeon for a long time so he sat on the place. Then he was looking at his pendant and checking it.

Aarush, This pendant can spin. It has two sides but whenever I spin it.

It just shows me this stick but it has a sword on the next side. It never changes to the sword's direction. I must figure it out.

Red tells me I must increase my strength and power. What should I do about it? I just need to find the way.

Aarush just closed his eyes and thought.

What should I do next? Who will escape from this place? What should I tell the leader when he finds me out?

When he was thinking about it he heard the voice.

Then you must move inside the dungeon and defeat the master of this dungeon. If you defeat him you can escape from this place.

By that, you will get a strong weapon. So that you can stand against anybody you are facing.

Red when did you get intel about the dungeon, anyway who are we going to defeat the monster.

By your power only.

What power do I possess? I only have the pendant to give the power to balance your power and you are the one who always shares the powers with me. I don't know anything.

So, that is why you possess the " Death pendant "I never taught the pendant as such ability.

Hey, when did you get so much intel, and you are given the name for the pendant. Being a system will be nice, I think.

By telling them these, he just opened his eyes. At that time black gigantic figures were standing in front of him.

It had a glowing eye with a large body and its body was covered by darkness and he had sharp wings in his back and he had the big sword it in front of him keeping by holding it's both hands

wherever he sees through. It was just darkness surrounding him. It's the internal darkness no one can't escape from. This is the domain of the figure.


Hello guys, do you like to fight with your friends or best friends? Then give the comments for which reasons you like to fight.