Part 13

Hello all and welcome to the thirteenth instalment of my story. I hope you enjoy and thank you for reading.

Sung Jin woo POV

After rescuing that women and feeding her I retreated to a room with a desk and proceeded to sit down and remember everything I had done up until this point. From the point of creation till now I reflected on the death of the Absolute being and the betrayal of the rulers. The power that I had been granted for my blind loyalty, the armies I had amassed including bellion and igris. I also thought about how I was betrayed yet again by the monarchs, but I wasn't surprised as they are the embodiments of darkness.

I also remembered how I had a life on earth and how fascinating that was with my parents and sister and my friends that I had. I also remembered getting stronger to protect them, yet that was pointless as they betrayed me in the end after realising who I was. I thought that by becoming stronger I would be able to protect those I had loved, yet I realised that after everything that happened, after everything I did for them, the only one to accept me was my son.

Thankfully I wouldn't be totally bored as I had my immortal army with me who had consciousness despite their complete loyalty to me. This meant I could converse with them so I wouldn't always be alone, but after coming to this world I would continue to hide my identity up until the very end. This is because all I ever wanted was people that I could rely on, and people who could accept me and love me.

I sighed as I removed these thoughts from my head and for the first time in a long time, I felt tired, physically and mentally tired. I decided to get some sleep, it had been a long while as I never needed it but I decided to try now. I closed my eyes and rested my head on my right hand as I drifted off into sleep. If it was back then I would protect myself with my soldiers but now that I was one of the most powerful beings to exist, nothing could harm me.

I also failed to notice that the women I saved was in here with me until I felt that she touched my scarred hand jolting me to wake as I opened my eyes and saw that she looked at it in horror and sorrow. I continued to watch her touch it until she turned back to me which is when I spoke up. "What are you doing?" I asked her as she dropped my hand and moved away with an embarrassed face.

"I uhhh, nothing" she replied as she was red as a tomato.

"Sigh... did you want something?" I asked as she turned to me.

"Uhh yes, where are we?" She asked.

"The beast glades" I replied nonchalantly.

"WHAT!!" She shouted.

"Can you not shout please" I said as I could feel the migraine forming.

"S-s-sorry" she said blushing.

"As I said we are in the beast glades, but you don't have to worry nothing shall attack us if you don't leave a certain radius of the house" I said as she calmed down.

"Oh, sorry for overreacting" she said.

"It's fine, but I have yet to receive your name so if you could tell me it will sort out a lot of issues" I said smiling.

"My name is Alea" she said with a bright smile.

"Alea, a beautiful name" I said speaking my mind.

"T-t-thank y-y-you" she said as she blushed again causing me to smile.

After a few hours passed I was sitting outside watching the stars whilst smoking. I never realised how much I liked it but it does calm the nerves after billions of years of fighting. I also never realised how much I liked the sky at night, it had a calming effect that soothed me, possibly from my time in the chaos world. I heard the door creak open as I saw that Alea had come outside, I flicked away my cigarette as it turned into flash and disintegrated at the high speeds.

"Hello" I said smiling to her.

"Hello, is it alright if I join you?" She asked.

"Sure, come" I said patting to the ground as she can and sat next to me as I continued to look up at the sky.

"May I ask what you are looking at?" She asked with confusion on her face.

I turned and smiled to her. "I enjoy looking at the sky, it has a calming effect on me, possibly because I hadn't seen it in a long time" I responded to her.

"What do you mean a long time?" She asked wondering how someone can go without seeing the night sky for a long time.

"It's nothing" I said as I returned a smile and looked back up.

We sat in silence for a few minutes as I continued to look up at the sky and she continued to look at me. "Umm mister Jin woo" she asked for me.

"You may just call me jin woo, if you like" I said.

"Okay Jin woo, I wanted to know who you really are?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well you are incredibly powerful to have killed something a white core couldn't have, also to heal me who was on the brink of death, and because of your personality and aura differ from others tremendously" she said basically analysing me as a whole and thought that she could compare me to others.

"Your ability to tell things about a person is excellent" I said praising her.

"T-t-thank you" she said blushing.

"But the answer you are looking for is not one that you want to know" I said with a sigh.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"To know who I am, most people have hated that fact and resent me or envy me or have tried to kill me because of it" I said with a faint smile still on my face.

I turned as I saw the suspicious look on her face and chuckled. "Relax I'm not some monster, I won't hurt you and nothing can when I'm around" I said as she began to calm down.

Alea POV

I don't know why but I felt at ease the moment he said that he wouldn't hurt me and I felt warm in my heart about how he said that nothing could hurt me whilst he was around. At the same time I was feeling sad for him as he must've had a hard life to have to hide his identity. It made me want to give him the ability to feel happy from being around me.

"Do you have any family?" He asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"No I was orphaned when I was young and had lived by myself until becoming a Lance" I replied.

"I see" he said.

"What about you?" I asked wanting to get closer to him.

"Well after learning out who I was my mother tried to stab me whilst my father burned my house down with me in it" he replied with a solemn face.

I looked at him in total shock as I thought that what I had experienced was nothing compared to him and after learning about that I became even more sorrowful towards him and angry at his parents who would do such a thing to their son.

"It doesn't matter though it was a long time ago and they are dead now" he said.

"What do you mean it doesn't matter? Of course it does they tried to kill you" I said angrily at his disregard to the situation whilst he stared at me in shock.

"Hahaha, interesting" he said whilst quietly laughing.

"What is?" I asked in confusion.

"You are the first person who has defended me in a long time" he said and he showed a warm smile to me as if to say thank you causing me to blush.

"I-I-it's nothing" I said.

"To you it may not but for me it is enough" he said smiling.

We sat in silence as I looked at this person who has experienced so much and overcame it all and still had the ability to smile. What he said though warmed my heart as it made me realise that my words meant so much to him. We continued to sit in silence as the night carried on until he broke it.

"Let's head inside then, it's getting late and it wouldn't be to good if you caught a cold" he said getting up and lending a hand.

"I would but it seems my legs had fallen asleep" I said cursing them for doing it at this time.

"Well that's an issue then, hmmm... I know" he said before lifting me up and princess carrying me inside as I had the biggest blush ever on. Y face. What was worse was that I couldn't hide it as he chuckled at it, this made me burry my head deeper into his chest before realising it was a bad ideas. I could smell the scent of him and could feel his heartbeat which nearly sent me crazy.

We continued walking until we reached my room, he pulled the covers off and lay me on it before recovering me. "Goodnight" he said as I still had a large blush on my face.

"G-g-goodnight" I managed to get out before he smiled warmly at me and left the room.

That night I could not stop thinking about him as it took me hours to fall asleep. I awoke to the sun again as I got out of bed and went and washed my self up, albeit in massive pain. I was going to get my clothes back on before realising the huge amounts of holes in it. I then saw that there was a drawer next to my bed filled with an assortment of clothes that where of the highest quality of material. After trying a few of the dresses on I picked a white one with a pink bow and found that it suited me perfectly.

I walked out of my room and went to the dining room to see I Jin woo was there, to which I was surprised he wasn't and I searched the house until I found him in the same room as before. I smiled as I could see he was sleeping and noticed how content he looked. I walked in and came close to his face and kissed him on the lips lightly.

I pulled my head away from his smiling as I was blushing crazily from the chance to kiss him. I then quietly left the room and went to the dining room to try and prepare food, and fail massively as I had never cooked before. I also failed to notice the person standing at the doorway watching me and smiling.

"Would you like some help?" I heard Jin woo behind me as I turned around to see his smile.

"Y-y-yes please" I said as he walked in and made breakfast.

After a few minutes we were sat down at the table and eating. It was an assortment of fantastic foods that filled me with energy. As I ate the food in a hurry I noticed a pair of eyes on me as I looked up to see Jin woo smiling at me whilst I ate. I blushed in embarrassment at him smiling at me as he chuckled at my response.

"It seems that your body is healing quite well" he said.

"Yes, sadly I can no longer use mana though" I said holding back my tears.

"You are mistaken, it is indeed possible to do so" he said as my hope reignited.

"Really?" I asked.

"How do you think I grew strong. I don't have a mana core I store mana in my body differently" he said as the realisation dawned on me as I now knew why he was so powerful.

I felt happy that I would now be able to use mana again and become stronger. I looked at Jin woo with eyes that showed how appreciative I was towards his kindness.

"We will have to wait a while for your body to fully heal otherwise it will kill you" he said.

This made me so happy. "Thank you Jin woo" I said with tears forming at the side of my eyes.

In fact I was so happy I disregarded any suspicious thoughts I had before and jumped into his embrace hugging him tightly.

As I realised what I was doing I let go to see him equally shocked but with a faint blush on his face which made me laugh. I was no longer hungry so I went off to my room where I jumped on my bed and hugged the pillow close to me as I remembered his face when I hugged him.

After a few hours of staying in there I left and came back to see that he was drinking a hot black drink. He noticed me as I walked into the room and we both blushed, I then sat down at the table staring at my lap. After a few minutes of awkward silence I spoke up. "I apologise for becoming over emotional and hugging you" I said with a small bow.

"Huh, you don't need to apologise it's fine" he said with a smile.

"O-o-okay" I said before sitting back down and feeling happy over what he said.

Sung Jin woo POV

I don't know why I felt so happy when she hugged me and what this warm feeling was in my heart. It felt strange to me, almost as if it was something which didn't belong. I didn't know what to do as the incident that happened back then had left me unable to feel this ever again. Perhaps it was because I locked it away so it couldn't hurt me.

I debated over this for a while as she sat in front of me and looked at her lap. I chuckled at her blushed face which I had found cute as I could tell that it would be boring in this place if we had nothing to do.

"Igris" I asked in my head.

"Yes my lord" he replied in his deep voice.

"How is Arthur?" I asked as I hadn't seen the brat in a while, I wondered if he and tessia had gotten together.

"He is now dating the women named tessia whilst continuing his school life" he replied.

"Good, also do you know if we can do anything to pass the time?" I asked as I was stumped about this.

"I would not know my lord" he said.

"Sigh... okay" I said as I cut the connection off,

"Umm Jin woo?" I turned as I heard her call me.

"Yes" I replied with a smile.

"Do you find it boring being here with me?" She asked with puppy eyes.

"No, I find it enjoyable as i don't get much time to relax. I was just thinking about what we can do" I replied as she smiled as if a weight had lifted off her shoulder.

After that we started talking as she recounted her adventurer days late into the day as I prepared food and we ate. After that we continued to talk outside again under the starlight until I felt a bump on my shoulder and saw that she had fallen asleep next on me. I smiled before picking her up and carrying her indoors and putting her to bed, this time I was tired so I pulled a chair and feel asleep leaning against her bed.