Part 14

Hello all and welcome back to my story, thank you for reading I hope you all enjoy.

Alea POV

I looked around and I was in an entirely dark space, it was cold, not the normal type but the feeling of death all around me. I walked around and noticed I was on top of a blanket of water, and as I was walking I felt that this was endless nothingness. I wanted to leave this place, yet didn't know how.

It was then that it happened, I was pulled out of the darkness and into a throne room. A throne room that was decorated with countless jewels and treasures. I was confused at what was going on until I turned and saw something sat on the seat with a large stone tablet behind him. This figure was looking at me as if trying to pull out all my secrets.

"Who are you?" I asked both confused and scared.

"I was endless creation" it said. "I was the start of life and the collective embodiment of destruction, but now I am only a remnant will" it said.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked contemplating his words.

"I didn't, your connection with him did" it said.

"Him? You mean Jin woo?" I asked.

"Yes" it said.

"How do you know him?" I asked still confused and wondering how to leave this place.

"Our history is a long one, one that had been destroyed after we where both betrayed" it said.

"Betrayed?" I asked as I was interested to find out more on them both.

"That is not something I can tell you about. Wait until he thinks you are ready" it said.

"Just know that whatever happens in the future, you must stay with him" it said as I relaxed my guard.

"I had already planned to" I said with confidence as it smiled.

"Very well then, I will send you back, but don't tell him of this, I want to speak to him myself" it said before raising its hand, and I felt myself being pulled out as I awoke back in my bed.

I then began wondering who that was that I just spoke to, it looked like a god? Was it a dream? no it couldn't have been, it felt real. He mentioned a long history between him and Jin woo, just who is he to have known Jin woo. All this debating gave me a headache as I shook the thoughts out of my head and was about to get out of bed.

I felt something on my side and turned to see Jin woo resting on the side of my bed whilst sitting on a chair. I blushed crazily at the fact that he slept next to me throughout the night. I looked at his sleeping face and saw how calm he looked compared to when he was sleeping in his chair and reached out to touch him as I could feel his smooth skin. It felt so warm under my hand as his face relaxed even more as if welcoming to continue touching him.

I started to trace my fingertips down his face and ended at his lips as I remembered the kiss I gave him last time. I wanted to stay like this for a while, just being here with him, someone who went out of his way to save me and stay with me, as well as help me use mana again, for a little while. Those thoughts where ruined when I could see he was waking up as I pulled my hand away from him quickly.

Sung Jin woo POV

I didn't know how it happened but I managed to fall asleep again, I was confused as I never really needed it but now I did. I woke up and saw that I had fallen asleep leaning on a bed, I was confused about who's bed when I saw Alea's blushed face. For some unknown reason I found it cute as we looked into each others eyes and found a sense of belonging.

After a few minutes of staring at each other I broke it as I realised that it was getting closer to midday. "*Cough* shall we get up then?" I said with a smile as she nodded and I left the room to let her get ready. I went and made food for her as she would've been hungry and wondered what to make. Naturally after being bored on earth I took many courses and became a professional chef.

After preparing some food I brought it to the table and waited for her, and after a few minutes she came into the room wearing a floral dress. All I could say was that she was stunning in it as I couldn't take my eyes off her, she could see this as she blushed and moved to sit down. I broke out of my state and wondered what I was doing, I had shut off my ability to love after that incident so I didn't know what happened.

As I debated it in over my head I saw that she was looking at me. "What are you thinking about?" She asked as I wondered if she could tell what i was thinking about.

"*cough* nothing it's fine" I said trying to defend myself as she looked at me with a furrowed brow.

"I believe that your body should be well enough to practice using mana again" I said as I tried to direct the conversation.

"Really?" She asked with a smile.

"Yes now eat up and we'll start" I said as I drank my coffee.

"Okay" she said smiling before continuing to eat.

After a few more minutes she was finished eating as I took the empty plates into the kitchen whilst I told her to go outside. After putting the plates away I went outside to join her, only to be distracted by how good she looked. Her dress matched her soft white hair perfectly and her smooth skin reflected beautifully in the sunlight.

I looked away and cleared those thoughts from my head as I walked towards her. "How will you help me get my mana back? My mana core was shattered" She asked tilting her head.

"Simple, we don't use the mana core" I said.

"But the mana core is the fundamental foundation of any magician and allows for the circulation of mana throughout the body" she said.

"Remember what I said before, I don't have a mana core" i said releasing mana from my fingertips.

"Amazing!" She said as she grabbed my hand and examined the mana coming off it.

For some unknown reason I didn't stop her as she continued to hold my hand as I could feel my face getting warmer at this. I didn't want her to stop as I smiled at her, and after a short while she realised what she was doing and looked at my face. "Sorry" she said shyly.

"It's fine, let us start then"I said before telling her the necessary technique to gather and store mana in her body.

I was surprised at how quickly she comprehended the technique as it was a unique one that not many beings can use. I saw the mana collecting towards her as it was stored in her body and was happy for her. This went on for a few hours was I saw that the sun was about to set, yet I didn't mind as I stayed out here with her protecting her so she didn't get cold. She eventually woke up and looked at me with eyes filled with happiness and gratitude.

"Thank you" she said with a warm smile that made me blush.

"It's fine" I said whilst trying to not look at her.

As I was doing that I saw that she got up and jumped at me and hugged me. I was stumped at what to do to as painful memories came back, I was annoyed that these memories came back to me at this time. I looked down at her hugging me and hesitated to hug her back until I inwardly sighed and put my arms around her.

Alea POV

I was happy that I could use mana again as I could now grow stronger and prove myself to be useful, as well as hopefully being strong enough to stand by his side. After practicing this new technique I felt the mana entering me and spreading around my body as I could feel my strength rising rapidly.

I didn't notice the passage of time as I opened my eyes again to see the sun setting and Jin woo stood in front of it watching it. He turned and I looked at him filled with happiness as I thanked him for what he had done for me, and I decided to take a shot and jumped into his embrace. At first I was wondering what I was doing and thought that he would tell me to get off, yet unexpectedly he put his hands around me and hugged me back as all feelings of worry left me as it was just us. I didn't know how long we where in each other's embrace and only noticed after he told me.

"Are you planning to hug me all night?" He asked jolting me back to reality as I moved out of his embrace and ran inside with an embarrassed look.

I could hear his chuckle as he followed me inside. "I'll go and make some food then" he said as he left me standing there in the front room. Eventually I walked into the dining room and sat down as I moved the mana that I had lost between my fingertips as I sighed in relief. I was happy that I was able to use mana again and grow stronger.

After a few minutes of practicing I saw that Jin woo came back in the room carrying platefuls of food. We sat down as I ate whilst he was drinking that black drink again, and after a while I had finished it and said goodnight to him before leaving him and going to my room.

Sung Jin woo POV

A few weeks had passed and we continued our daily routine of talking and practicing whilst also getting closer to each other to the point where I debated telling her who I am. I wanted to tell her badly yet after the previous incident I didn't know how well she would react to me being the shadow monarch.

I also noticed that she had continued to grow stronger until a point where she was stronger than when she had a mana core and I was happy for her. I was currently outside and seeing what everyone else was doing, Arthur was spending his time in a training room at xyrus academy with tessia, Alice was at home with Ellie and Rey was working as the head of security for the Helsteas. At this time I failed to notice that Alea was approaching me as I felt her tap my shoulder.

I turned around to see her smiling face and gave a smile back. "How are you?" I asked. "I can feel myself being stronger than I was when I had my white core, so I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me" she said as I was captivated by her beauty. I couldn't help but think how amazing she is from her looks to her personality as she was so interesting to speak to.

I couldn't help myself in that moment as I surprised both her and myself by bringing her into my embrace. As I held her here I could feel the heat coming from her face as I smiled, and after a few minutes I let go of her as I could feel my face warm.

"Sorry" I said still blushing.

"It's fine" she said smiling whilst still blushing as I grew even redder at this.

Alea POV

I was surprised and happy that he had taken the initiative to hug me as it confirmed that he liked me. It also meant that my feelings towards him grew as well as I knew that I could be comfortable around him, and I know that he would protect me in case something happened.

I decided that I would tell him how I really felt as I moved closer to him. He turned to look at me and I stared into those dark eyes with confidence as if telling him what I wanted to do. I could tell he knew what I was thinking but didn't stop me as I moved till I was in front of him. I reached out my hands to hold his face in them as he closed his eyes as if to welcome them.

I then brought him closer to me as I put my lips on his and kissed him deeply, I could feel us becoming connected with one another as he kissed me back. I felt his hands wrap around me as we stayed like this for a while before breaking the kiss. I looked up to see a faint blush on his face as he smiled at me, and I smiled back as I rested my head against his chest.

"Jin woo" I said catching his attention.

"Yes" he said smiling at me.

"I love you" i said as tears of happiness fell from my eyes.

"I love you too" he said wiping away my tears.

We continued to stare into each other's eyes as time passed unknowingly around us and the sun began to set. We didn't care though as we just wanted to stay in each other's arms, and sadly after a long time we had to break our embrace as we needed to go inside. So I grabbed him by the hand and pulled him inside, and after we where inside he went to make some food whilst I sat down.

After a short while I smiled warmly as he came in carrying food for me and a drink for him. This also made me realise that he hasn't had anything to eat during the time that I had known him. I tasted the food and realised that it was the best he had made yet. I looked up to see him smiling warmly at the sight of me eating.

"Do you like it?" He said as I nodded.

"Good" he replied whilst drinking his drink.

"It seems that as you have regained your full strength, we should return" he said as I lowered my face at the thought of leaving this place.

"It will be fine, we can still be together" he said as my spirits rose again.

"Can you tell me who you are now?" I asked as that figure from before kept me questioning.

"Are you sure you want to know?" He said with sad eyes.

"Yes" I said with confidence.

"Just promise me something first" he asked as I could see tears forming in his eyes which nearly broke my heart.

"Don't leave me when you find out" he said with sadness in his voice as I came and hugged him.

"You don't have to worry, nothing can separate me from you" I said looking into his eyes.

"Thank you" he said before kissing me again.

After I ate he took me outside holding my hand tightly before looking up at the stars. "One last warning, are you sure you want to know?" He said smiling at me. "Yes" I said with confidence.

In that instant everything disappeared and turned into darkness as I was still holding Jin woos hand. I noticed I was in a familiar place as to was before being pulled into that throne room. "Where are we?" I asked looking around.

"This is my domain, the eternal rest" he hesitated. "I am one of the most powerful beings in the universe. I have existed since the start of creation, and have the power over death" he said surprising me as I finally got to see who he is.

As I was in a state of shock as a screen appeared in front of us depicting creation, and I saw that same being from my dreams. I also saw that this being created eight rulers and an equal number of monarchs. These powerful beings were engaged in a war that spanned for eons before the rulers pleaded to their god to help them, only for him to refuse. I watched as they turned their armies onto this god and marched onto him.

Only one of these beings stood up to help their god and was killed into the process, turning into a large shadow figure that controlled the dead and turned them into his soldiers. I figured that this was Jin woo. He went to the throne room of his master and saw that it was too late as he was dead, enraged he joined the side of the monarchs and waged war on the rulers until he was betrayed again.

I'm not going through the rest if you want to read it go on the wiki or the novel.

After the footage was over I turned and saw that Jin woo had his head lowered trying not to see what I thought. I walked over to him and pulled him into me hugging him tightly as I cried for him. "You've been through so much" I said lovingly towards him as his face was shocked at the fact I didn't hate him.

"Y-y-you don't hate me, or think I'm a monster?" He said breaking my heart that he thought such things.

"Of course not, I love you, nothing can change such a thing" I said as he broke down in tears as the scenery changed back to the forest.

After a few minutes of him crying and me comforting him he stopped and hugged me back as he thanked me for not hating him. We went back inside after that as I asked him countless questions.

"Who was that godlike being?" I asked.

"That is the Absolute being, the creator" he said.

"If the absolute being was the creator, than how where the rulers able to kill him?" I asked.

"The mistake that he made was that he made the rulers and monarchs to close in power to him" he said.

"What about you?" I asked,

"What about me?" He said confused.

"How powerful are you?" I asked.

"Well there are seven rulers and I killed all the monarchs, including Antares, so I'm one of the, if not the, most powerful being. This is considering the fact I still have my powers as a ruler" he said.

"Do you still hate them?" I asked.

"No, we are all close friends so I couldn't hate them" he replied.

"Okay" I said resuming the silence as we sat next to each other interlocking our hands on my bed.

"It's getting late, you should get some rest" he said before kissing me lightly.

Before he could get up I pulled him down to lay next to me whilst I blushed. I wanted to spend the night with him. "Just stay with me for the night" I said as my face was red.

"Okay" he said smiling before kissing me and stroking my hair.

I felt comfortable in his arms as I drifted off to sleep resting against him. That night was one of the best sleeps I had ever bad, and for a while I thought that the entire day was just dream I had until waking up next to him. I could see how much better he looked compared to last night when he was anxious how I felt about him yet now he was asleep smiling.

I reached forward and kissed him on the lips lightly as I continued to stroke his face. I then noticed a black shadow behind him as I almost screamed before realising that it was one of Jin woos soldiers.

"Thank you" the soldier said.

"For what?" I asked in confusion as this was our first meeting.

"For making our lord happy, he has rarely smiled as much as he has with you in a long time" it said before bowing and disappearing again.

I fully comprehended what it said as tears fell from my eyes at the fact he was happy with me and stayed like this until he woke up as I wiped my eyes. "Morning" I said smiling.

"Good morning" he said lightly kissing me.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked and I nodded in response before getting up and going to wash up.

After washing up I came out as I felt his eyes on me with a blush. I then realised I was only wearing a towel as I blushed as well.

"*cough* since we will be going back you should wear your Lance clothes" he said,

"But it's ripped" I said still blushing.

"Oh, I'll make a new pair of clothes" he said before a new pair of the clothes I was wearing before appeared in his hand as he laid it on the bed and left the room.

Sung Jin woo POV

For the first time in a long time I was happy as I had found someone that didn't hate me after realising who I was. It also made me happy that I could love again as I didn't think so after what had happened back then. After I left the room I went and prepared breakfast for her, I prepared a classic from earth of an English breakfast.

I saw that she came into the dining room trying to act all serious as a Lance which made me laugh. "Why are you laughing?" She said pouting.

"Forgive me miss Lance" I said laughing.

"You are forgiven" she said seriously as I kept laughing until she joined in and laughed as well.

We sat down again as I smiled whilst she ate and I drank my coffee, and after we finished walked outside to leave. "What about the house?" She asked.

"Hmm, what do you mean?" I said confused.

"Well what do we do about it now that we are leaving?" She asked.

"Good question, I only built it as it was easier to treat your injury, but now I don't need it" I said.

"What about the memories we had?" She asked as she looked sad.

"Home is not the place, home is the people who make the memories wherever they settle" I said.

"And the memories I made with you will always be with me, forever" I said as she looked happier now.

"Okay" she said.

"How are we going to get back?" She asked.

"Oh simple" I said before covering her in my mana and flying at high speeds towards xyrus city.

We reached the bustling city in a few minutes as I could see that Alea was disoriented at the high speeds. "Sorry for going so fast" I said as she said it was fine.

"It seems we will have to split up from here. I need to go and report to the lances about how I'm still alive" she said with a sad face at the prospect of leaving me.

"Okay, take this ring, it acts as a storage ring and will cloak your body so it will look like you still have a mana core and you can contact me" i said before handing her a ring I just made.

"T-t-thank y-y-you" she said blushing before putting the ring on.

"Also I left one of my strongest soldiers in your shadow so you'll be protected at all times" I said still holding onto her and smiling.

"You don't have to do so much you know? I can look after myself" she said.

"I know but I want to do I know that you'll be safe" I said as I kissed her.

This kiss lasted long as I had lots of work to do before the rulers get here so I wouldn't know when we would be able to see each other again. She knew this as well as she kissed me deeply, almost as if she was unwilling to leave. After that she left and flew in a certain direction as I smiled and headed toward the Helstea mansion.