88 - Why does royalty always want you?

The minister huffed in annoyance. "That's exactly what we told him," he said. "But some people just don't want to understand these things! That King has a whole harem for himself - he simply refuses to believe that CEO Ren and Fang are an exclusive couple!"

Ren smiled at the angry minister. "Fang is the only one I'll ever be with in my life," he said firmly.

The minister looked at Fang with a complicated expression. "I'm afraid you may have some trouble coming your way, son," he said quietly. "That King is not used to taking no for an answer...and he won't lash out at CEO Ren directly since Ren just saved his daughter, but he might make things difficult for you to get to CEO Ren instead."

Wade frowned. "That's awful," he said. "Can't we do something about it? What if he abducts Fang...?"