89 - Home Sweet Home

Early next morning, Ren and Fang flew off to Cosmopolis with the four babies, Steward Paul and Jules. Pax stayed back to wrap things up, while Wolf decided to accompany his twin brother.

Coming back home, a sweet feeling took over Ren's heart. He wandered around in his garden with the babies while Fang went with Steward Paul and Jules to sort out some household matters. Ren felt quite content as he sat down under a tree on the soft grass he'd missed so much.

Sylvia turned into a snake and slithered out of the baby stroller she was in, out on to the grass. She basked under the warm sun, delighted to be with Ren. Snow stretched out on the grass right next to Sylvia. Ren watched his lazy daughters fondly.

Smoke and Shadow were more active. The two puppies frolicked around, chasing butterflies and rolling in the grass. Their actions made Ren chuckle.

"It's good to be back home," Ren muttered to himself.

It's good to have you back, Daddy. Snow told him.