I thought I was In love with you

Sophia ran into the mansion. She practically flew inside. But she slipped about to fall when a strong arm catches her about the waist.

She looks up at Jason. There was a small frown on his face. But other than that he looked breathlessly handsome. His hair was wet and a few strands stuck to his forehead.

"W...Where's Janvier" She said pulling away from him.

"You just missed her" His voice was cold. Surprisingly. "Veronica just drove them out to school".

She felt sad. She slowly nodded.

"I'm on my way to the airport" He said avoiding her gaze. "I've asked Williams to drive you down to New York"

"Really? You shouldn't have done that. I can just board a ..."

"I've already made the arrangements. You can't change your mind now" He almost snapped at her.

"Ok.." She squeezed her face. "But why are you so cold to me this morning. Did I do anything wrong"

"How do you intend I behave towards you" He snapped at her. It shocked her. She had to step back. "Do you want me to hug you or kiss you. Do you want me to feel sad because you're leaving"

"No... I just....." Tears stung her eyes.

"When you get home" His voice softened a bit, his expression still dark. "I want you to promise me something"

She looked at him, her eyes glossy with tears. She didn't answer him.

He held her shoulders roughly. She noticed he was tense. What was he scared about. Why was he mad at her

"When you're back home, I don't want you to trust a single person in that house. I want you to be careful of the things you eat. I want...."

Sophia shook his hand off.

"....What's your problem. What are you blabbing about. What are saying"

".....I want you to always be alert Sophia. Watch your back. Sleep with one eye open"

She looked at him.

"You're mad" She nodded. "For sure"

"If you don't listen to me....you'll die"

She folded her arms and laughed.

"Okay. You can stop now. Joke's over okay"

He frowned so hard that she stopped laughing.

"You're serious" She shrugged. "Who wants me dead"

"The same person that killed your father"

"So you're warning me to watch my back when I'm home because you'll try to kill me" She had an amused look on her face.

"You still think I killed him??? Why can't you just trust me Sophia"

"Trust you?" She rolled her eyes. "I can barely understand you. Yesterday you were all sweet and romantic with me. But now you're just acting like a cold jerk towards me"

He tried to say something with his hands raised up in the air but he stopped, squeezing his fist in the air with his eyes closed. He finally opened his eyes.

"Goodbye Sophia" He starts going upstairs to grab his car keys.

"Just like that"She said softly.

He stopped in his tracks but he didn't turn to look at her.

Sophia inhaled and exhaled loudly.

".....I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked anything more from you than just .....sex. That's why I was here in the first place ,wasn't it. I was just here....as a maid...as your mistress. You used my body but I don't regret it. I'm finally free. I can leave and I don't have to see you again".

Her voice wavered. Tears fell down her cheeks. She tried to steady her voice.

Jason had his back to her. He still didn't turn. He tried to maintain a stony face, but he couldn't.

"....I thought I was in love with you...." Jason's eyes widened. "Figures out I was wrong. It wasn't love. It was just lust. Goodbye Jason".

Jason turned suddenly but she had left.