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"I have a feeling the government will us this to their advantage." Steve said.
"Right you are, Cap." Tony said.
On the TV, Stern was berating Tony for the incident at Monaco and his statement of the Suit not being invented for 5 to 10 years which was wrong. Tony muted the TV and told Pepper that Stern should give them a medal.
"He did eventually." Rhodes said.
"Yup. I remember that." Tony smirked.
"It was amusing to watch." Fury remembered as everyone snickered.
Pepper asked about the food which Tony said was her in-flight meal. She asked him if he had made that, to which he told her it had taken three hours.
"Awwww." Natasha, Hill and Aunt May said at the same time as Tony and Pepper blushed.
"That was nice of you, Tony." Steve said and Tony shrugged.
Pepper asked Tony what he wasn't telling her.
"The fact that you're dying." Sam said dryly.
"Due to metal poisoning." Logan added.
"From the thing that's supposed to keep you alive." Bruce said as Tony winced.
Tony said he didn't want to go home and that they should take a holiday but Pepper said as CEO she needed to be there. Tony then said as CEO she was entitled to a leave or as he called it- company retreat. Pepper said this wasn't the time due to the mess but Tony said that made it the best time.
"You're not making much sense." Peter said.
"When do I?" Tony shrugged.
"At that time, you made even less sense than usual." Pepper told him.
"Apparently, almost dying brought out the worst in Mr. Stark." Vision noted.
"Pepper as a CEO can take a leave but not that early." Natasha said and everyone nodded.
Tony said they needed to recharge their batteries but Pepper told him not everyone ran on batteries and both smiled.
"I thought you were going to give another quip." T'Challa said.
"Wasn't in the mood." Tony shrugged.
Ivan was sitting in his cell when the guard put a food tray on his cell. He picked it up and saw a message on it that said "Enjoy the potatoes." Ivan turned the white lump to see a bomb with a timer.
"Okay, those are not potatoes." Sam said.
"Duh!" Tony said as if it was obvious.
"I have always wondered how he escaped." Natasha said.
"Well, we're about to find out." Clint said.
"Damn right." Fury agreed.
Another prisoner was shoved inside and his inmate number was the same as Ivan, which caused Ivan to smirk.
"Oh my God!" Aunt May said in horror as everyone realized what was going to happen.
Ivan smashed the man's head around, killing him before fitting the bomb near the wall as the guard left a key. He unlocked the door and walked out.
"That man must be an infiltrator." Thor said.
"Right you are, brother." Loki agreed.
As he walked, a real guard tried to stop him but he snapped his neck.
"Oh God!" Wanda said in shock.
"Good thing he didn't fight you in hand to hand." Rhodes said and Tony paled as he thought of the possibilities.
He walked as the bomb exploded but two guards shut the gate so he turned around, only for some infiltrators to grab him and put a bag over his head as they shut him in a truck.
"So this is how it happened." Hill noted.
"A pretty smart plan." Fury said.
"So Hammer isn't as dumb as he appeared." Tony noted.
Later, the bag was taken off his head and he saw Justin Hammer sitting in the middle of a magnificent room, ready to eat.
"I always wondered how they met." Tony said.
Hammer told the guards to get the cuffs off Vanko and after some hesitation, they did as told and tried to argue a bit with Hammer but he sent them off before asking Vanko to sit, saying he would like to do business with him and apologizing for bringing him in the way he did.
"Is he being serious here?" Steve asked incredulously.
"Apparently." Professor Hulk said.
"I still don't get how he thought he would get a man like Ivan to work for him." Benjamin said.
"He was a fool." Odinson said.
"Yes. He is a vain fool." Thor agreed.
"Yup. And a dumb person." Tony said.
Hammer's men then brought some delicious food on his order.
"Okay, now I'm hungry." Wanda said as her mouth watered.
"We will have dinner." Xavier simply said.
Hammer told Ivan how him standing up to Tony in front of everyone was great.
"Nothing new about that." Tony shrugged.
"Hammer saw things the way he wanted to." T'Challa said.
Hammer said that instead of trying to kill Stark, he should be trying to kill his legacy and that the two of them were alike in a lot of ways with one difference- Hammer had resources and Ivan needed them. He could be Ivan's benefactor.
"Another difference is that Ivan has brains." Bruce said.
"Along with brawn." Peter noted.
"A very dangerous combination." Steve said grimly.
"And he will now try to do both- kill me and destroy my legacy." Tony said grimly.
Ivan laughed what seemed to be a mocking laugh and said something in Russian.
Natasha suddenly started laughing as everyone turned to her in shock.
"What is he saying?" Aunt May asked.
Struggling to control her laughter, Natasha said, "He says "When I die, do not wake me. It is better to be dead than live in your world.""
Everyone laughed as they realized how Ivan was mocking Hammer.
Hammer asked if he needed a translator but Ivan then said in English it was all good and the two shook hands happily and raised a toast before Vanko said he wanted his bird. Hammer asked if he wanted a bird but Ivan said he wanted his bird and Hammer finally agreed as he asked if the bird would be found in Russia.
"Yup." Natasha said.
"And now he will send men there too." Clint said dryly.
Pepper was talking to an anchor on the news as she asked her questions as Natalie worked next to her. Pepper told the anchor that Iron Man had never stopped protecting them as Rhodes asked where Tony was and she told him to go downstairs.
"It is obvious I tried." Pepper said.
"I never said you didn't." Tony told her.
"Don't ever say that." Pepper and Rhodes said simultaneously.
"Now that is going to be an interesting conversation." Hope said.
"Not that interesting." Tony sighed.
"You should have told me!" Rhodes said again.
"Yeah, yeah." Tony sighed.
"Not telling anyone was pretty reckless of you." Scott said.
Tony was sitting in front of his computers as JARVIS was telling him about Anton Vanko, a Soviet physicist who had defected to the US in 1943 but was accused of espionage and deported in 1967 and his son Ivan, who is also a physicist, was convicted of selling Soviet-era weapons-grade plutonium to Pakistan, and served fifteen years in Kopeisk prison. No further records existed.
"Family of crooks." Loki said.
"On point, Reindeer Games." Tony agreed.
"My records have been updated since then." Vision said.
Rhodes arrived and asked him to handle the situation, telling him they were sick of his games and were going to take his suits. Tony had said nobody would possess the technology for 20 years but someone else had it the previous day so it wasn't theoretical anymore.
"I said 5 to 10, Hammer 20." Tony said and everyone rolled their eyes.
Rhodes asked Tony if he was okay. Tony tried to get up and fell down as Rhodes supported him to his desk on his request. Tony ripped out his Arc Reactor and Rhodes was shocked that it was smoking.
"It is depleted." Tony said.
Tony then took the new Arc Reactor and put it in himself as Rhodes asked him about the high-tech crossword puzzle on his neck which he called a road rash.
"Yeah right." Bucky said.
"You really should have told someone." Fury said.
"Yeah, I get it. I should have." Tony said.
Rhodes wasn't convinced but let it go and told Tony that his lone gunslinger act was unnecessary. Tony said contrary to the popular belief, he knew what he was doing.
"Contrary to your popular belief, you did not know anything." Scott said and everyone nodded.
In Queens, New York, Hammer lead Ivan into his workshop, telling him he could work in peace.
"Not with Hammer pestering him." Tony said and everyone chuckled.
Hammer showed him the Suits which had a rushed prototype and weren't combat ready as Hammer started typing.
"Of course you rushed them." Thor said scornfully.
"This man talks more, works less." Odinson said.
"I can see that." Loki agreed.
"So he's hacking." Tony said.
"What is h hacking?" Bruce asked.
"Just watch." Professor Hulk said.
Ivan managed to access the computers as many lines of code appeared and he said their software was shit.
"Did he just say that to Hammer's face?" Pepper asked with a smirk and everyone nodded.
Hammer was about to show him his workplace when Ivan climbed up to see a suit but accidentally broke the head as Hammer assured he would fix it while Ivan climbed down.
"Clearly, he has his own ideas of where to work." Sam said.
Ivan asked what Hammer wanted the suits to do, to which he said he wanted them to put him in the Pentagon for the next 25 years so he could take a dump in Stark's yard.
"The dump would be more useful than anything you make." Tony said and everyone laughed.
"How he managed to run his company like that, I'll never know." Natasha said.
Ivan agreed and the two laughed as Hammer said he had a feeling.
"Of course you did." Hill sighed.
A long line of cars pulled up in front of Tony's mansion.
"The party." Pepper whispered as her and Rhodes already looked stressed while Tony looked embarrassed.
"Let it be known that I tried to stop him." Natasha said in her defense.
"Yes you did." Tony agreed.
Tony was looking at his blackened veins in the mirror and now his toxicity level was 89%.
"Damn!" Sam whispered.
"Why didn't you ever tell anyone?" Peter asked this time, shocked by how careless his mentor really was.
"Dumb genius." Tony shrugged.
"This time, just dumb." Wanda said and everyone nodded in agreement.
Natalie arrived and asked what watch he would like to wear to which he replied he would take a look and asked if he should just cancel the party, to which she said he probably should.
"Look!" Natasha said, "Evidence."
Natalie told it was ill-timed. Tony said it sent the wrong message and Natalie agreed it was inappropriate as he drank and she asked if it was dirty enough for him. He then asked her to bring him a watch as he sat down and she brought the entire case and sat on the arm of his chair, looking at him with a smile as he smiled back.
"Still ogling me." Natasha said.
"I didn't know you could kill me." Tony said.
Natalie started covering Tony's face with makeup compact as he said it was hard to get a read on her and asked her where she was from and she said legal. He then asked her a hypothetical question- If this was her last birthday party, how would she spend it. Natalie smiled and said, "I'd do whatever I wanted to do. With whomever I wanted to do it with." She left the room as Tony started considering.
"No, no, no, no, no…." Rhodes said.
"Out of all the things Miss Romanoff said, those were the ones you decided to act on." T'Challa said as he shook his head.
"With whomever you wanted to do it with?" Bucky asked Natasha flirtily.
"Whatever too." She responded with a flirty smile of her own.
"Guys!" Steve said in an annoyed tone and they looked away again, blushing with embarrassment.
Later, the party was going on in full swing as Tony, drunk out of his mind, danced in his Iron Man Suit with the DJ playing music next to him as several well-dressed men and scantily clad women stood around. Pepper was watching in astonishment as Tony did a fist pump with the DJ, hurting the DJ's hand.
"Oh my God!" Steve said as everyone shook their heads.
"Aren't you something?" Fury said sarcastically as Tony winced.
Rhodes arrived, assuring his superiors Iron Man would be under watch again in 24 hours. He walked inside to see the drunk Tony tripping away and was astonished. Rhodes was about to call someone as Pepper tried to stop him and said she would handle it. Tony slurred that the question he was asked most was how he peed in the suit.
"Really?" Steve asked in disgust.
"Don't tell me I peed in the Suit." Tony blushed in embarrassment.
"Oh my God!" Aunt May said as everyone shook their heads.
"Definitely don't want to be like you now." Peter said to Tony.
"Don't be." Tony agreed.
He then leaned forward and straightened again before saying "Just like that!"
"You peed in the Suit." Vision said as Tony put his head in his hands.
Pepper walked up to the stage and announced the party was going to be over, telling everyone to go home as Tony tried to protest but she pointed out he was out of control.
"I was." Tony agreed.
"If you had a little more alcohol, you would have killed yourself." Bruce said.
"Yet you would have had it." Professor Hulk said.
"Dumb genius." Tony shrugged again.
Tony tried to smooch her but she refused.
"Nope, nope, nope!" Pepper said.
Pepper said he had peed in his Suit and it wasn't sexy as he said his Suit had a filtration system and she could drink that water.
"Ewww!" Hope said, "Seriously?"
"What the hell was wrong with you, man?" Scott asked.
"Gross!" Clint said too.
"Yeah, I'm an idiot." Tony agreed.
Pepper then handed him the mic and took the bottle.
"And now you've handed him something." Rhodes said as everyone was a bit uncomfortable.
Tony first appeared serious, saying Pepper was right and the party was over, but then revealed his true colors, saying the party had been over for him an hour and a half ago and the after party was going to start in 15 minutes and if anyone didn't like it, there was a door. He then blasted a glass pane as everyone including Pepper ducked to avoid the glass shards.
"What are you doing?" Steve asked, shaking his head.
"It was a bit funny till now. Now it isn't." Sam said.
The women threw up wine bottles as Tony blasted them while Rhodes walked off angrily, looking at three Suits.
"How did you get one?" Wanda asked.
"He was authorized." Vision said.
"So that's how he just took it." Fury said.
"Someone could have died!" Steve told Tony.
"I know! I'm an idiot!" Tony agreed.
Tony blasted more bottles, using mirrors and then used his Unibeam to shatter a melon as everyone turned on hearing Rhodes' voice, "I'm only going to say this once. Get out!" Everyone ran off as Tony and Rhodes faced each other.
"You left me with no other choice." Rhodes said.
"I didn't." Tony agreed.
"Before trying to control others, maybe you should learn to control yourself, Mr. Stark." T'Challa told Tony.
"Yes, your Highness." He said.
Rhodes told Tony he didn't deserve to wear the Suit as Tony asked the DJ to play a tune to which he could kick Rhodes' ass. The DJ played Queen's Another One Bites the Dust as Rhodes grabbed Tony in a chokehold but he flew up and they crashed through a glass pane into a gym.
"Ouch!" Hill said.
"How embarrassing." Aunt May said.
Tony walked away, telling Rhodes to put it back where he found it but he threw the removable cylinder of a weightlifting dumbbell on Tony's head and he turned around, avoiding another one that went into the shower stall. Tony grabbed a dumbbell and shaking the cylinder off one end, smashed Rhodey with it, sending him flying off.
"I didn't know how to use it." Rhodes said.
"You were a better fighter but Tony knew how to use the Suit." Steve noted.
"So kind of a fair fight." Sam said.
"Not really." Benjamin said.
"But it was needed to prevent you from being an idiot, Stark." Logan told Tony who winced in shame at his behavior.
Tony said Iron Man didn't need a sidekick as Rhodes hit him with a post, telling him to sidekick that. Rhodes then threw Tony onto an upper floor as Pepper berated Natalie, telling her she was onto her.
"I tried!" Natasha said.
"I know." Pepper sighed.
Tony and Rhodes crashed down as everyone backed off in fear. Tony slammed Rhodes back down as Happy led Pepper away and Natalie walked away.
"Briefing Fury?" Bucky asked.
"She was." Fury said.
"Yup." Natasha agreed.
Tony and Rhodes continued fighting, Rhodes gaining the upper hand for a moment before they traded blows and Tony slammed him into a table. Tony looked at the crowd watching them from outside through the glass doors and screamed angrily, making them run off in fear.
Tony looked down in shame.
"That's the worst you did?" Steve asked.
"Yes." Tony said and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
"Well, at least no one died." Sam said.
"Someone could have and it would have been on me!" Tony said, "I'm an idiot!"
Rhodes smashed Tony with a table, sending him across the room. Rhodes tried to reason with Tony but he refused and raised his hand, firing a ray as Rhodes fired his own.
"Why did you do that?" Thor asked.
"To die." Tony sighed.
"You wanted me to do it?" Rhodes asked, appalled.
"Yup. I'm a horrible person." Tony said.
There was an explosion and all the glass shattered. When the dust cleared, Tony was lying still but his Suit lit up and he saw Rhodes looking back at him sadly before taking flight, flying into the night sky.
"The first flight of the War Machine." Sam said.
"And the downfall of the Iron Man." Hill noted.
"Yup." Tony and Rhodes said at the same time.
"Your behavior at the time made matters even worse." Xavier told Tony.
"I know. I know." Tony said, "I should have handle stuff better."
"Well, let's watch further." Benjamin said.