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"What did you do next?" Sam asked Rhodes.
"You will see." Rhodes said.
In the Air Traffic Control room at the top of a tower, Major Allen and several other cadets stood as Rhodes flew down in his War Machine armor and landed while they all looked at him in awe.
"Nice landing." Natasha said.
"Thanks." Rhodes told her.
Major Allen was awed as Rhodes said they should take it inside and they did.
"Well, you're getting popular." Tony said and Rhodes sighed.
"Why did you fly away with the Suit?" Peter asked innocently.
"Because by giving them one suit, I'm preventing them from barging into Tony's house to take away all of them." Rhodes said.
"Thanks mate." Tony said and Rhodes shrugged.
"Even though you were a dick to me and Pepper, though you had a reason for that, I got your back." Rhodes said.
"Me too." Pepper said as the two held hands and Tony nodded at both of them.
Tony was sitting somewhere, still wearing his Suit, with the exception of the helmet, eating donuts.
"That is a lot of donuts." Steve said.
"I was hungover." Tony shrugged.
"Maybe you should try some water." Bruce told him.
Then it was revealed that Tony was sitting inside an actual huge donut of a restaurant called "Randy's Donuts."
"Now that is a big donut." Thor said.
"Biggest one I have seen so far." Odinson agreed.
A very familiar voice asked Tony to 'exit the donut' as he looked down to see Fury standing in his trench coat. He looked at Tony and walked off.
"And our Director is here." Hill said with a smirk.
"Never thought I'd tell you to exit a donut." Fury told Stark.
"And I never thought I would exit a donut." Tony said.
"How do you exit a donut?" Pepper wondered.
Later, Tony was sitting in an empty restaurant with Fury and a cup of coffee. Tony told him he didn't want to join Fury's band as Fury asked sarcastically how that was working out.
"Pretty terrible." Aunt May said.
Tony asked if he should look in the eye or the eyepatch and asked if it was a hallucination.
"You shouldn't ask that." Clint told Tony.
"Look at the eye. Never at the eyepatch." Fury said and everyone wondered what that was about.
Fury leaned forward across the table and said, "I am very real. I'm the realest person you're ever gonna meet."
"Can't argue with that." Tony said.
"Me neither." Steve agreed.
"Well, I think about every possibility." Fury shrugged.
As Tony asked where the staff was, Fury turned his head to see the alarming veins on his neck and a woman in some kind of a black suit entered.
Bucky whistled as everyone turned to him and Natasha, who was smirking.
Natalie Rushman, clad in SHIELD attire said that they had secured the perimeter.
"Well, hello Natalie." Steve said as Natasha winked at him.
Tony just looked at her in shock, struggling to form a witty retort as Fury smirked at him. Tony tried to say she was fired but she said it wasn't up to him.
"Of course it isn't." Tony shrugged.
"It is actually very amusing to see you at a loss of words." Loki said in amusement as Tony glared at him but he didn't back down.
She sat next to Fury who put an arm around her and introduced her as Agent Natasha Romanoff as Tony greeted her.
"Hi Natasha!" Steve, Bucky, Clint, Sam, Thor and Bruce said at the same time as Natasha smirked while everyone except Fury clapped.
Natasha told him she was a SHIELD Agent monitoring him as Fury told him how he had made Pepper the CEO and given Rhodes his Suit, to which Tony replied he had taken it, much to Fury's shock who asked him if Rhodes had kicked his ass and taken it.
"That's what happened." Bucky said.
"It did." Fury agreed.
"Rhodes is the only one who can." Benjamin said.
"Yup." Tony agreed.
Natasha said there were redundancies to prevent unauthorized usage as Fury glared at Stark.
"Colonel Rhodes was authorized." Vision said.
Tony asked Fury what he wanted from him but Fury turned the question on him in annoyance, telling him contrary to his belief, he wasn't the center of Fury's universe.
"All of them are." Hill said and Fury shook his head.
Natasha then pushed a syringe into Tony as he gasped as Natasha looked at his neck while he joked if they were trying to steal and sell his kidney.
"Wasn't that too much force?" Pepper asked.
"He wasn't cooperating." Natasha said.
"Nope." Tony said.
"That was actually very satisfying." Fury said as everyone smirked.
Fury said the lithium dioxide was abating his symptoms as Tony said he had tried every known permutation and combination of every known element but nothing worked.
"Then how?" Peter asked.
"Just watch." Professor Hulk said.
Fury said he hadn't tried them all.
Tony smiled as Logan said, "And now you will see."
Ivan was working as Hammer and Jack brought a cage covered with a cloth and revealed the bird inside it but Ivan said it wasn't his bird. There was some arguing before Hammer told Ivan he shouldn't get too attached to things and learn to let go.
"He won't." Tony said.
"It looks like the same bird to me." Natasha said.
"It is." Clint said as he squinted his eyes.
"Right you are, Agent Barton." Xavier told him.
"So Ivan was screwing with Hammer." Bucky said.
Justin then noticed the suits didn't have heads and asked Jack to put it on in confusion just to display in front of Ivan it wasn't a head.
"And that is why this guy sucks." Tony said.
"I can see that." Pepper said as everyone watched in amusement.
Hammer said 'drone better' as people make mistakes. Hammer protested until Ivan told him not to get too attached to things and learn to let go, just like he had said to him. Justin told him the drones better rock the show.
"Burn." Sam said as everyone laughed.
"The drones did rock the show." Tony said.
"Yup." Pepper said.
"A little too much." Rhodes said.
"Let's not talk about it." Natasha said and they all nodded.
At the army base, a General was pleased with Rhodes as the Suit would get the Senate off his ass and said he wanted Hammer to weaponize it for a presentation at the Expo. Rhodes protested but the General said the world needed to see that.
"No, the Senate needed to see that." Fury said.
He told Rhodes that was an order and he accepted as the General said he had made his country proud.
"Right." Sam muttered as him and Rhodes exchanged a look.
In Tony's house by the sea, Tony and Fury sat in a lounge as two agents stood on the balcony. Fury said the thing in his chest was based on unfinished technology.
"Unfinished?" Thor asked.
"You had to show that!" Tony said to their future friends.
"Well, we didn't cut my worst moments either." Odinson said as he remembered his 'Bro Thor' phase with a shudder. [1]
Thor assumed Odinson was talking about his embarrassing moments at Sakaar.
Loki did too, "I remember those."
Tony tried to protest as Fury said the Arc Reactor was a stepping stone to something greater. Howard was about to kick off an energy race that would have dwarfed the arms race and made the nuclear reactor look like a Grade-A battery.
"Whoa!" Steve said.
"I didn't know that." Natasha said.
"Because you're only supposed to act like you know everything." Fury told her and she shrugged.
"What stopped him?" Peter asked.
"Technology of his time." Tony said.
Tony asked Fury about Anton Vanko as Fury said they were two sides of the same coin, telling him why he had been deported and then raised his son in a vodka-fueled rage. Tony asked Fury what he meant by him not having tried everything as Fury said Howard had said that only Tony had the knowledge and resources to finish what he had started.
"Wow!" Pepper said.
"Yeah, he said that." Tony shrugged.
Tony was shocked as Fury told him that if he was what Howard said, he could solve his heart's riddle. Tony protested how Howard wasn't his biggest fan as his happiest day had been when he had shipped Tony off to boarding school and Fury said it wasn't true. Tony then said Fury must have known his father better than he did, which Fury said was true.
"Lot of people did." Tony said with a look at Steve and Bucky who didn't say anything.
"He was a good man who couldn't handle parenting." Fury said as Tony nodded.
Fury then revealed Howard had been a founding member of SHIELD.
"He was?" Wanda asked in shock.
"Yup." Tony and Fury said simultaneously.
Two more agents brought a grey case in front of a shocked Stark as Fury said he needed to go.
"You're leaving us on a cliffhanger?" Clint asked.
"I got an intelligence organization to run." Fury shrugged.
Tony asked Fury about the grey case but Fury said he had got it as Tony protested.
"You did figure it out." Fury said unrepentantly.
"Yeah." Tony snorted.
Fury said Natasha would remain a floater at Stark Industries as her and Phil Coulson arrived.
"Coulson." Tony said fondly.
"Yeah." Steve shared his sentiments.
"I never knew him. He seems like a nice guy." Bruce said.
"He was." Clint said.
Fury went off after inclining his head at an angle with Tony and telling him he had got his eye on him.
"When he does that, he is being serious." Hill said.
Natasha told him they had disabled communications and there would be no contact with the outside world before wishing him luck and walking off.
"Got a job to do." Natasha shrugged as everyone chuckled.
Tony tried to get Coulson on his side but he said he would tase him and watch Supernanny while he drooled on the carpet as Tony decided not to mess with him and he walked off, telling him to enjoy his evening's entertainment. Tony looked at the box which was his father's property.
"Okay, not so nice." Tony said.
"I wasn't expecting him to be that savage." Aunt May said.
"That nice look is to fool you." Natasha told her.
"Appears so." Peter said.
"You have no idea." Fury said as he remembered some of Coulson's exploits with his team.
At the army base, Rhodes took out the Arc Reactor with Major Allen as Hammer arrived happily with two cadets pushing a large metal box behind him as he drooled over the Suit.
"He appears to be happy." T'Challa said.
"He is going to orgasm or something?" Tony joked.
"Wouldn't be surprised if he did." Benjamin said.
"Me neither." Scott said.
"Me neither." Hope agreed.
Hammer said he would change the software as Rhodes said he wanted weapons and Hammer popped the lollipop in his mouth.
"Don't touch the software!" Tony protested before turning to Rhodes, "Thanks man!"
"No problem." Rhodes said.
"Don' blame you for your reaction." Scott agreed.
"This guy is full of himself." Hope said about Hammer, "But he is more entertaining that Cross and Stane. I will give him that."
"Yeah. That is true." Scott agreed.
"At least try to look professional." Natasha said to Hammer.
"He is too much of an idiot to notice." Bucky said.
Hammer then presented his weapons to them- Clearage high-tech semi-automatic nine-millimeter pistol, which he then called too downtown, M-24 shotgun, pump action five-round magazine, but dismissed that too as they weren't hunters, F-N-2000, from Belgium, but it wasn't disco enough, mill-four military grenade launcher which had tear gas, smoke, hippie control. Rhodes and Allen didn't laugh at joke.
Everyone was laughing at how pathetic Hammer was though.
"Not disco enough?" Aunt May said between laughs.
"Really? Not a hunter?" Sam said.
"Trust me. You're not." Benjamin said as he remembered Kraven the Hunter.
"This is the most unprofessional man I have ever seen. And I'm counting myself." Logan said.
"And hippie control?" Pepper said as everyone continued laughing.
"I was composed there but I was laughing inside at the guy." Rhodes said.
"And he thought he could give a presentation." Scott said.
"He should just take a dump instead." Hope shrugged.
Hammer took out an M-134 762 minigun but got no response so he then took out his best weapon- the ex-wife.
"How angry was she?" Natasha wondered.
"A lot." Clint said.
"Wouldn't blame her. The guy eats everyone's head like candy." Tony joked.
"That could have worked with kinetic energy." Rhodes said.
"So the only thing of his that worked." Peter concluded and everyone nodded.
"But with a condition." Wanda reminded him and he nodded.
Rhodes said he would take all of it, stunning Hammer.
"Oh boy!" Tony said.
"I know." Rhodes agreed.
"This must be his lucky day." T'Challa said.
Tony opened the case and looked at its contents, including blueprints and newspapers and books. He then put on a video of Howard where he was about to give some kind of speech.
"Looks like behind-the-scenes footage." Peter commented.
Howard said how everything was achievable through technology, including the possibility of world peace as Tony flipped the pages of the book. Howard started fumbling.
"One mistake and back to square one." Pepper said.
"Yup." Steve agreed.
Howard began again but a young Tony appeared in the background behind the model.
"Hello." Pepper said sweetly with a wave.
"Hey kiddo." Rhodes said.
"I'm a riot." Tony said.
"You look cute." Scott said.
"All kids do." Aunt May said.
Before Howard could continue, he noticed Tony and saw him holding a circle.
"Oops!" Steve said.
Howard told him sharply to put it back as the adult Tony watched the footage of his younger self putting it back and a worker took him away to Maria.
Tony winced at that as Pepper held his hand for comfort. While Tony's childhood hadn't been the worst, it wasn't rainbows and sunshine either.
Steve and Bucky wondered how much Howard had changed from when they knew him.
In the nearby room, Morgan Stark, Cassie Lang and Lila Barton were eating their dinner when they heard the recording from the next room and Morgan realized there were some tears in her eyes.
"What happened?" Lila asked kindly.
"Nothing. Just remembered something." Morgan said as she wiped her tears.
"What?" Cassie asked.
"When I was a kid, I interrupted my dad the same way he interrupted his in the video." Morgan said with tears, "He had just discovered time travel. But unlike his father, my dad didn't tell me to go away. He indulged me instead." [2]
With that, her tears returned as Lila and Cassie hugged her to offer comfort. Tony may not have been a perfect man. No one was. But he had been a great father to Morgan for the first five years of her life. The best she could ask for. And she still loved him 3000.
Back in the viewing room, everyone continued watching.
The videos continued, with Howard fumbling and even saying he wanted to show his ass in one of them.
Everyone laughed hard at that.
"Oh my God!" Sam said.
"I don't think anyone wants to see that." Thor said.
"Nope." Loki agreed.
Finally, he addressed Tony in a recording and the grown up Tony looked at the video as Howard said he was limited by technology of his time but Tony could figure it out. And when he did, he would change the world. He finished with, "What is and always will be my greatest creation - is you." Tony and Howard stared at each other, separated in reality by 35 years.
Everyone watched silently as they absorbed the emotional scene and Pepper held Tony's hand for comfort. Once again, the most sensitive people in the room- Wanda, Peter, Aunt May and Pepper sniffed.
Tony drove in his car, stopping to buy strawberries from a man who said they believed in him.
"And I have just brought strawberries." Tony sighed.
"It's okay." Pepper told him.
At Stark Industries, Pepper was talking to someone about maintenance of propriety ownership while on the news the anchor criticized both Tony and Pepper, asking for the qualifications of the latter as Tony entered, with an old woman saying she had tried to stop him as Tony muted the TV.
"Thank you." Pepper said.
"Don't mention it." Tony shrugged.
"That channel looks biased and lacking."" Fury said.
"This is terrible news though." Hill said.
"Yeah, it's like he personally hates you or something, Pepper." Hope told her.
"Most of these guys are like that." Pepper shrugged.
Pepper continued talking as Tony took his seat. Pepper was asked if Tony would attend the Expo. She glared at him and said he won't, in spite of his protests. Tony asked if he could get 30 seconds to which she started counting down.
"Savage." Natasha said.
"I have my moments." Pepper shrugged.
Tony then said he was working on apologizing and asked to move the revolving object on the desk, but she refused.
"To be honest, it is distracting." Bruce said.
"Yes it is." Professor Hulk agreed.
"Yes. Such images can distract the mind." Xavier said.
"Thank you!" Tony said gratefully.
"I had it removed." Pepper reminded him.
"Yes thank you." Tony said to her too.
Tony tried to tell her about his condition but he fumbled a lot and an annoyed Pepper stopped him, saying she was putting out his fires and taking the heat for it. She then noticed the box on her desk as Tony looked up hopefully but she said she was allergic to them and he deflated.
"Sorry." He said.
"It's okay." Pepper shrugged.
Tony said this was progress as he had known there was a correlation between her and strawberries before Pepper told him to leave.
"Oh boy!" Rhodes said.
That was when a professionally dressed Natasha entered with Happy as Tony realized they were both under Pepper now and joked how he lost both kids in the divorce.
"Bad joke?" Tony asked.
"Tasteless." Natasha said and he paled.
Tony asked 'Natalie' if she was blending in well as he realized her and Pepper didn't care for him much currently. Pepper and Happy walked out of the office as Tony complimented Natasha and asked her if she spoke Latin. She spoke a sentence and when he asked the meaning, she said he could either drive himself home or she could have him collected.
"And I'm being very lenient." Natasha said as Tony sighed.
Natasha walked out as Tony stopped the revolving device with scotch tape and threw the strawberries in the dustbin after putting one in his mouth. He then noticed the Expo model and removing the cloth, looked at it carefully. It had a small plate that said- "THE KEY TO THE FUTURE IS HERE."
"The key to the future?" Steve asked.
"Just watch." Tony said.
Tony stared at the model after shutting one eye and later drove back home with the model. In his workshop, him and JARVIS started manipulating the projection.
"You can do that too?" Peter asked excitedly.
"I can do a lot of stuff." Tony said before turning to Vision, "And we're at work now."
"I believe you would give me twelve percent of the credit." Vision said as Tony and Pepper laughed while Wanda look confused.
"What?" She asked.
"I will tell you later." He said.
Tony manipulated it a bit more as his eyes fell on the great globe which looked like an atom so Tony looked for the nucleus and had JARVIS highlight the unisphere. JARVIS asked him what he was trying to achieve, to which Tony said he was trying to rediscover and element as he removed all the background stuff. He clapped his hands and threw them apart and commented how Howard was still taking him to school in spite of being dead for almost twenty years.
"I don't say this often but that was awesome." Steve said.
"Thanks Cap." Tony said gratefully.
Tony stared at the hologram as JARVIS said it would be a good replacement for Palladium and Tony said, "Thanks dad." JARVIS said it wasn't possible to synthesize it though when Tony looked at Dum-E and said they were on hardware mode again.
"Hi Dum-E!" Wanda said fondly as everyone chuckled.
"Well, someone is going to work." Loki commented.
"Work very hard." T'Challa realized and Tony nodded.
Tony then worked hard, hammering stuff around as music played and he set up more stuff, setting up huge pipes from many angles.
"Always a pleasure to see you work, Stark." Thor said.
"Thanks, Point Break." Tony said.
Coulson arrived, saying Stark had broken the perimeter as Tony asked him where he had been to which he said he had been doing stuff.
"New Mexico?" Thor asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes." Fury said with a nod.
"Wasn't that a coincidence." Hill said.
Coulson then saw Captain America's shield and asked him why that was there and if he knew what it was.
"Always the Captain America fanboy." Natasha smiled.
"Don't blame him." Bucky said.
Tony said that was what he needed as with Coulson's help he put it under a pipe to support it.
"So I just got symbolically relegated to supporting Stark?" Steve asked.
"And now you have blown up his ego." Rhodes said ad Tony smirked.
Coulson then said he had been reassigned to New Mexico and walked off saying they needed him. Tony joked that they needed him more than they knew but he said not that much and walked out.
"Yes that much!" Tony said as everyone rolled their eyes.
"And now he is off to New Mexico." Fury said.
"Where interesting things happened." Loki said.
Tony went back to work, flipping a switch and running the pipes in a circle as they glowed with a bluish light and Tony turned a steering wheel as he managed to set some of the room on fire but finally hit the small triangle in the center and it glowed.
"Ooooh!" Pepper said.
"You burnt stuff up but you did it." Bruce said cheerfully.
Tony flipped a switch as the lights receded and he saw the triangle, commenting on the ease with which he had done it and removed it with a pair of pliers. JARVIS said, "Congratulations sir. You have created a new element."
"Yeah!" Thor, Peter, Bruce and Professor Hulk cheered at the same time.
"Just like that?" Hope asked.
"Just like that." Tony said.
"Kind of anti-climatic." Scott said, "But still nice."
"We discovered the element, Viz." Tony told Vision.
"It appears I am getting credit after all." Vision said.
JARVIS said the reactor accepted the element, to Tony's joy as the AI started running diagnostics. Somewhere else, Ivan worked on his own Arc Reactor.
"My dark version." Tony said.
"He is working too." Thor noted.
Hammer, who was playing golf with Stern called him, wanting to see the drones but he said they weren't ready and could only 'make salute' before cutting the call, making Hammer furious. Ivan was working on another whip though.
"Oh boy!" Peter said.
"Make salute?" Steve asked.
"Let's not talk about it." Rhodes said.
"Temper tantrum incoming." Tony said.
Hammer and 2 guards walked to Ivan, taking away his bird, pillows and shoes as Hammer asked if he felt bad for having his stuff taken, because he did. He wondered if Ivan was a genius or a fraud.
"He's smarter than you." Tony said.
Hammer said he had gotten a piece of Stark tech to save himself and Ivan was just paperweight now as he spoke Russian and Hammer lost his temper. He said they would renegotiate their terms or Ivan would die and then he walked off, leaving his two guards with him.
"He hates his guards." Logan joked.
"What a tantrum." Pepper said.
Tony and his bots were cleaning up the mess when he got a call from a blocked number. It was Ivan, who had killed and hung his guards.
"Oh boy!" Peter said as everyone looked shocked.
Tony was shocked as Ivan said he had taken his advice on the Suit.
"Told you." Fury said as Stark shrugged.
JARVIS tried to locate him as he said what his family had done to Ivan's family in 40 years, he was going to do to Tony in 40 minutes.
"Come and try." Rhodes snarled.
JARVIS failed to locate Ivan as Tony saw a picture of Hammer and spinning around, put the new Arc Reactor in, telling JARVIS to run tests right now as it glowed a bright blue color and Tony said it tasted like coconut and metal.
"You can taste it?" Bruce asked and Tony nodded.
"The veins are getting normal." Clint noted.
The blackened veins were healed as Tony screamed happily, feeling better as the light of the Arc Reactor engulfed the screen.
"Things are about to take a turn." Fury said as everyone nodded.