Ch 30 Avengers Assembled

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"That portal was a pain in the ass." Tony said.

"No kidding." Natasha agreed.

Iron Man flew towards his tower at full speed as Jarvis told him the device was self-sustaining. Tony asked Selvig to shut it down but he ranted like a madman, saying it wanted to show them a new universe.

"You really did something to him." Thor said.

"Yup. The Mind Stone can make people sound delusional." Loki said.

Tony fired a beam but a barrier protected the device and he was sent flying back as Selvig was knocked out. Jarvis said the barrier was pure energy and unreachable so Tony looked down at Loki and switched to Plan B. Jarvis said the Mark VII wasn't ready for deployment so Tony told him to skip the spinning rims as they were out of time.

"I so did not enjoy Plan B." Loki said.

"It's me improvising after all." Tony said and there were chuckles.

Tony descended and had the armor removed from him as him and Loki marched towards each other and Loki asked if Tony was going to appeal to his humanity. Tony casually said he was planning to threaten as Loki said he should have left his armor on for that. Tony walked towards his little bar and said it had seen a bit of mileage and pointing at Loki, told him he had the blue stick of destiny.

"So now I am the machine of destiny?" Vision asked, puzzled.

"It's a metaphor, Viz." Wanda told him.

Tony friendlily offered a drink as Loki said stalling him won't change anything. Tony corrected that he was threatening and said he was having a drink as he got himself one.

"You're pretty good." Steve told Tony.

"Thanks Cap." Tony said.

"Yeah, your battle of wits delayed him a little." Natasha agreed.

"That's Mr. Stark for you." Benjamin said.

Loki walked towards the window and said the Chitauri were coming and nothing would change that. He asked what he had to fear and Tony said, "The Avengers."

"The Earth's Mightiest Heroes." Peter cheered happily.

"Protector of this world." Aunt May agreed.

Tony poured himself a drink and said, "It's what we call ourselves, sort of like a team. Earth's Mightiest Heroes type of thing." Loki chuckled saying how he had met them and Tony sad it took them a while to get any traction.

"Not wrong there." Fury said.

"You were pretty dysfunctional." Hill agreed.

"Really, now I wonder, when were we ever not dysfunctional?" Clint asked.

"I'd say during our attack on Hydra, we were pretty functional." Banner said.

"And before we were split." Sam said.

"Those would be the only times." Wanda said.

Tony then did a head count- Loki's brother who was the God of Thunder. Loki looked away as Tony put a bracelet on his wrist.

"Now that was a brilliant idea." Bobbi said.

"Yup." Tony said, "It's what I do."

Tony sipped his drink and counted the others- a super soldier who was a living legend and kind of lived up to the legend, a man with breath-taking anger management issues, a couple of master assassins and Loki had managed to piss of every single one of them.

"Shows how smart you were." Odinson said, "Or not."

"Not the smartest idea from me." Loki agreed.

Loki arrogantly said that was the plan and Tony told him it wasn't a great plan. "When they come, and they will, they'll come for you." Tony told him. "I have an army." Loki said. "We have a Hulk." Tony countered.

"Burn!" Scott clapped.

"That can be a meme." Hope said.

"Sounds right." Tony said, "Dany: I have dragons. Cersei: I have the Mountain. Jon Snow: I have Lyanna Mormont."

Everyone laughed at Tony's joke.

"Now that was a great one." Pepper said.

"Aragorn: I have the dead army." Tony continued, "Jack Sparrow: I have a jar of dirt."

At this point, everyone was rolling in laughter.

"Never lose your sense of humor, bub." Logan told him.

A confused Loki said he had thought Hulk had wandered off as Tony said he was missing the point. "There's no throne, there is no version of this, where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you." Tony said before declaring, "Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it."

Everyone applauded at Tony's stand against Loki and Tony felt flattered.

"Preach." Rhodes said.

Tony took a sip of his drink as Loki marched towards him and touched his chest with the Scepter but nothing happened due to his Arc Reactor in the way. Loki tried again but the result was the same.

"That thing is pretty useful." Sam said.

"And you had removed." Pepper said.

"Loki doesn't have the stick anymore." Tony shrugged.

Loki was shocked as Tony mocked about performance issues when he was lifted up by the throat and thrown to the floor. Tony got up, telling Jarvis to be prepared. Loki lifted him up by the throat again and said they would all fall before him as Tony told Jarvis to deploy. Loki threw him off. He crashed through his window and to the street below. As Loki watched his descent, he heard something and turning around, narrowly avoided the flying suit. As Tony fell down, the suit flew after him and detecting his bracelet, put itself on him and just when he was near the ground, he was fully armored.

Everyone applauded and cheered again at Tony.

"Already embarrassing me." Loki sighed.

Activating his thrusters, Tony flew up and was face to face with Loki. "And there's one other person you pissed off!" As Loki raised the scepter to strike, Tony fired a repulsor, throwing him back, "His name is Phil."

"Yes!" Daisy cheered happily at Tony's declaration.

"You deserved that for Coulson." Bobbi told Loki.

That moment, a blue light shot up into the sky from the device. As Tony looked up, a portal opened in the sky. On the other side of it was space. Out from it came dozens of flying vehicles. Flying them were reptilian-like creatures which looked like they were a mix between organic human tissue and machine. The Chitauri! "Right." Tony muttered in horror, "Army."

"They came in huge droves." Storm said, "That's what made them so hard to beat."

"Yup." Bucky agreed as he looked at the screen.

As Tony flew up, one of them fired at him but he dodged and destroyed the offender with a repulsor. He tried to fire again but one of the transports smacked him on the head, staggering him. Spinning around to dodge, he fired mini-missiles from his shoulders, destroying more of them. But even Iron Man couldn't hold back an entire army of aliens all by himself. Many of them flew past him and towards the streets. The people were standing still in horror and shock, jaws agape. The Chitauri then started rapidly firing from their transports and the people ran off to protect themselves as their vehicles were destroyed. They also fired at the café outside which Steve had been sitting earlier as all the customers and waitresses, including Beth, ran inside and watched the destruction with horror.

"What a jackass." Logan said to Loki.

"Not my best moment." Loki said, "Actually, one of my worst. No excuse for that."

"Good to see you're learning." Benjamin said to Loki.

Loki stood on top of the tower and looked down with a smirk while his armor and horned helmet appeared. It had begun! The Other appeared to him again as Loki said his time had come. The Other said there was resistance and Loki said it was from few. The Other asked about the rest of the Chitauri and Loki said they would mow everyone down. The Other smirked and the conversation ended.

"Damn!" Sam said, "I'm guessing the guy did do a number on you."

"Yeah. You can say that." Loki said, "But my actions were my own. Not anyone else's. I take full responsibility for everything I have done."

Everyone looked shocked at Loki on hearing that and felt respect for him, realizing that he actually had changed.

"It's a start brother." Thor told Loki.

"It's a start." Odinson agreed.

Thor, fully dressed in his battle armor, descended near Loki and told him to turn off the Teserract or he would destroy it. Loki said there was no stopping it and only the war. Thor reluctantly agreed as Loki leapt at him with a roar and Thor side-stepped to avoid. Thor struck with Mjolnir but Loki blocked with the scepter and swung at Thor who ducked to avoid. Loki fired a blast which Thor deflected before both of them clashed their weapons. The resulting energy wave destroyed the "K" at the end of "STARK" on the building and sent it down.

"My name is really hated." Tony joked and everyone snickered.

On the ground below, police vans pulled up but even the cops were horrified at what they were witnessing. The Quinjet flew towards New York. As Natasha informed Stark they were heading north east. Stark said he was going to lay the Chitauri out for them as they flew after him. Tony flew past where Thor and Loki were battling, dodging some shots and making them hit each other. The Quinjet arrived and Natasha brandished its gun, firing at some Chitauri and killing them. Jarvis told Tony there were more incoming and he decided to keep them occupied. Thor swung at Loki who ducked to avoid before grabbing Thor and slamming him into some glass.

"Why are you losing?" Peter asked Thor.

"I didn't want to hurt Loki." Thor admitted, "So I held back."

Natasha and Clint saw Thor and Loki fighting. Loki slammed Thor down again before the Quinjet fired on him but he fired a blast of his scepter and it hit a wing, damaging the vehicle. Thor roared angrily on seeing that and started pummeling Loki.

"And now you're not holding back." Loki said dryly.

The Quinjet was all haywire before it 3started going down. Steve hung on the top to avoid losing balance as Natasha and Clint tried to safely crash it. They managed to safely crash land it, being SHIELD's best pilots not only in flying, but also crash landing.

"You two are the best SHIELD pilots, aren't you?" Daisy asked.

"Yup." Natasha and Clint said simultaneously.

The backdoor opened as Steve, Natasha and Clint ran out into the center of the city and what they saw horrified them. A giant reptilian creature floated out of the portal and all the people were paralyzed in fear on seeing it. From it jumped Chitauri foot soldiers, scaling on walls, crashing into buildings and killing people with their firearms. Steve asked Stark if he was seeing this and he said he was but still working on believing.

"Don't blame you." Aunt May said.

"Nice use of humor there." Pepper told him.

"Best defense mechanism ever." Rhodes agreed.

Stark asked about Banner and Steve said he hadn't shown up. Stark told them to keep him posted. Flying after the Leviathan, Tony asked Jarvis to find him a soft spot.

"There weren't many." Vision remembered.

Thor asked Loki to look at the destruction around him, asking him if the madness would end with his rule. Loki said it was too late to stop it. Thor said they could- together. Loki looked like he was going to break down but he suddenly smirked and stabbed Thor in the abdomen. Thor grunted and staggered back, dropping Mjolnir. "Sentiment!" Loki smirked. Thor angrily kicked him through some glass and lifting him up, threw him down. Loki rolled away onto a Chitauri transport. Thor ripped out the knife.

"Really, you were very unreasonable during that time." Odinson said.

"I was." Loki agreed, "Not proud of it."

Clint said they had civilians trapped in the roof as Steve saw Loki flying past them on a Chitauri transport with other Chitauri and destroying vehicles. Some Chitauri arrived and fired at the three as Natasha fired back and told Steve to go. Steve asked if Clint could hold them off. "Captain." Clint said as he notched an arrow, "It would be my genuine pleasure." He fired, getting one of them.

"And my job begins." Clint said.

"You're an Avenger now." Wanda told Clint and the two smiled at each other.

Steve ran off, avoiding the shots as he flipped around. Clint and an officer helped some civilians out of a trapped bus. Natasha commented it was like Budapest all over again as she fired at the Chitauri and Clint said they remembered Budapest very differently.

"What happened in Budapest?" Peter asked innocently.

"Don't ask." Clint and Natasha said simultaneously.

Steve leapt around as the cops tried to fire at Chitauri and a young cop said the National Guard would come in an hour. The police captain asked if the National Guard knew what was going on and the cop asked if they did in the first place. Steve leapt in front of some cops on a car and ordered them to save the people through the basement or the subway and keep them off the streets and he needed a perimeter as far back as the 39th. The police captain asked why they should take orders from him. That moment, some Chitauri destroyed a vehicles and caused a small blast, making the cops back off. Steve blocked one and smacked it away with his shield before turning around and blocking another. He punched it away and turning around smacked one out before using his shield to cut off one's weapon and smacked it away.

"That's why." Bucky said.

The captain now knew why to take his orders and said on comms and ordered his men on comms to do what Steve had said. Steve tossed the Chitauri's gun to the guard, telling him to see what he could do with it. Steve walked off as the cop dropped the hand stuck to the gun in disgust.

"Eww!" Hope said.

"Is it just me or does that cop look like Agent Sousa?" Hill asked, remembering the man's picture.

"You're not wrong." Fury said. [1]

"Who's Sousa?" Steve asked.

"SSR Agent who worked with Agent Carter." Fury told Steve.

Thor flew next to Selvig and checked his pulse. He was still alive. He then moved towards the device and struck it with Mjolnir but the barrier defended it and he was sent flying back.

"Can't smash everything with hammers." Loki joked.

The Chitauri fired at more vehicles as a family cowered in a car as the front of the car caught fire. The kid looked afraid and his mother covered him. The father started the car and drove into an alley. A Chitauri tried to fire at them from above but Steve leapt at it, throwing it down as his shield fell off. He saw the car coming and flipped to avoid as the Chitauri grabbed the car from behind and was dragged along with it. It broke the glass with a punch and tried to grab the kid as the mother tried to protect him and the father drove around when Steve picked up his shield and threw it, knocking the Chitauri out. The car rammed into some trash cans and stopped as Steve ran up to it and threw the unconscious Chitauri off. The grateful kid returned him his shield and he nodded.

"That was so sweet." Aunt May said.

Steve told the family to go underground and they complied. Iron Man fired mini missiles on the Leviathan and it turned to him as some debris fell on an ice cream cart. Tony joked they had got its attention and wondered about Step 2. He flew off as it followed him while Natasha leapt onto a Chitauri and stabbed it on the head before taking its weapon while Clint smacked one down with his bow and stabbed it with an arrow. Natasha ducked to avoid another Chitauri and deflecting its attack, smacked it out. Clint smacked another in the abdomen before knocking it out and shot one behind him without even looking.

"That was awesome!" Peter cheered.

"Sure was." Benjamin agreed.

"Show-off." Tony grumbled.

"You two are great fighters." Steve told them.

"Thanks." They said simultaneously, flattered at the praise.

Clint blocked a Chitauri's weapon with his bow and they were in a deadlock as Natasha stabbed one and Clint freed his bow from the deadlock. Natasha avoided another Chitauri and smacked one down and smacked the previous one too before pressing the weapon to another's neck and shooting it down. One Chitauri slammed Clint to the ground but he stabbed it with a fletchette, staggering it back before slamming it to the ground. Another one kicked him and he fell over a car. Natasha blocked two Chitauri's attacks and in a rotatory motion, fired at them, sending them down. She fired at more as they rushed her. Clint tried to elbow a Chitauri away as it slammed his head on the can and threw him away. He rolled away to avoid being hit as Natasha fought two more but they pushed her to the cab. She turned her head to avoid being hit. She got up and blocked an attack from one of them but it grabbed her by the weapon and tossed her onto a car. She fell on it and groaned in pain.

"Damn!" Sam said.

"For ordinary humans with no powers, you two are holding up very well." T'Challa complimented and they nodded gratefully.

"Yes, you two are doing great." Bucky agreed.

Clint ducked to avoid another Chitauri's swing and then shot it down. Determination flashed in Natasha's eyes and she got back up. Clint slid on the ground with his bow on the front as it smacked two Chitauris on their feet, putting them down. He turned around and shot another one down as Natasha battled one and stabbed it before shooting another and Clint shot one on top of a car. He kicked another one away as Natasha blocked attacks from another and stabbed it. Clint smacked his opponent away and shot it down. Clint and Natasha were then surrounded as the former raised his bow.

"Uh-oh." Bobbi said.

"That is not good." Daisy said in panic.

Suddenly, Steve leapt there and slammed the Chitauri away with his shield. He slammed another away with his shield in a rotatory motion and hit another on the feet, throwing it off. He slammed another down with his shield in a rotatory motion and stood in front of Clint and Natasha protectively. Some more Chitauri rushed them but lightning bolts descended from the sky and killed them all before Thor landed on the ground and used a car for support, still weakened from trying to destroy the Teserract.

"Just in time." Bucky said as everyone sighed in relief.

Steve asked Thor about the situation up there and Thor said the power surrounding the cube was impenetrable. Tony agreed, saying they needed to deal with the Chitauri. Natasha asked how they would do it and Steve said as a team. Thor said he had unfinished business with Loki as Clint jokingly told him to get in line.

Everyone snickered.

Steve told Clint to save it and said Loki was going to keep he fight focused on them and they needed that. He was about to give orders when they heard a bike stopping behind them and turned around to see Bruce getting off with a smirk.

"And Hulk is in." Bruce smirked.

"So this all seems horrible." Bruce said. "I've seen worse." Natasha said. "Sorry." Bruce apologized. "No, we could use a little worse." Natasha clarified. Steve told Stark Banner was there and he said to tell Banner to suit up as he was bringing the party to them. He then flew towards them, the Leviathan on his tail. Natasha commented how that wasn't a party as Bruce marched forwards. "Dr. Banner." Steve said as he turned around, "Now might be a good time for you to get angry." "That's my secret, Captain." Banner smirked, "I'm always angry." As the Leviathan came closer, Bruce turned into Hulk, tearing through his clothes, and punched it hard, toppling it. Tony fired a missile at it. The Leviathan exploded and the debris fell on them, though Steve protected Natasha with his shield while Clint took cover behind a car.

"Yes!" Peter cheered.

The Chitauri roared angrily. Hulk roared back louder as Clint notched an arrow next to him and Thor raised Mjolnir while Natasha loaded her guns. Steve stood with his shield as Tony descended next to him. The Avengers had assembled in a circle.

"Avengers….Assemble." Steve said and everyone started applauding at the spectacle on the screen, awed by its surrealism.

"And that was the day I became an Avengers fangirl." Daisy admitted.

"And there came a day unlike any other, when Earth's Mightiest Heroes found themselves united against a common threat. On that day, they became The Avengers! The Invincible Armored Iron Man. Thor, God of Thunder. Hulk, the strongest superhero there is. Captain America, the First Avenger. Black Widow, a woman trusted by some and feared by most. And Hawkeye, the best marksman in the world." Fury announced and everyone clapped again, considering how awesome and surreal it sounded coming from him.

Loki saw the spectacle below and commanded, "Send the rest." Two more Leviathans slowly came out of the portal along with more Chitauri on transports. Natasha said attracted everyone's attention to them as Stark asked Steve for their orders.

"Now I finally listen." Tony said.

Steve started commanding everyone, saying they had to contain the Chitauri until they could close the portals. Turning to Clint, he said he wanted him on the roof to call out patterns and strays. Turning to Stark, he told him if anything got more than three blocks out, he could turn it back or turn it to ash. Clint asked for a lift and Stark flew him off, calling him Legolas.

"Thanks." Barton said grudgingly, flattered to be compared to the best fictional archer.

Steve then turned to Thor and asked him to bottleneck the portal and light the bastards up with his lightning. Thor twirled Mjolnir and flew up. Steve then told Natasha the two of them would keep the fighting on the ground. "And Hulk." The indestructible green monster turned to the Captain. Steve raised a finger, "Smash!"

"Best Captain ever!" Daisy cheered as Steve gave a flattered smile.

Hulk grinned and leapt into the air onto a building, smashing the Chitauri hanging on it. Grabbing it, he leapt onto the opposite building, smashing another one and throwing them both down before grabbing a third one and leaping again. He threw that one into another building and it crashed through several floors while Hulk leapt into the air and smashed a flying Chitauri transport.

"And I'm listening." Bruce said.

"I told you to do what you do best- smash." Steve reminded him.

Thor flew up and stood on the top of the Chrysler Building. Raising Mjolnir skywards, he summoned a powerful lightning bolt. The lightning was conducted through the entire building, increasing Thor's power. He directed his hammer at the portal and with a mighty roar, discharged multiple lightning bolts. The bolts instantly destroyed multiple Chitauri vehicles that were coming through along with two giant Leviathans.

"Wow!" Peter said, summing up everyone's reactions.

"If you had used more power, you could have hurt civilians." Wanda said and Thor and Odinson nodded.

Fury was watching everything via monitors on the Helicarrier. Hill told him the Council was on and he solemnly nodded before shutting the monitor down and walking off.

"Council of morons." Fury said dryly.

Loki was flying around on the Chitauri transport when The Other contacted him again. He angrily asked Loki if this was the 'little' resistance he spoke about. Loki said the force lacked finesse as The Other retorted the warriors were fearless and welcomed a glorious death. Loki shook his head and said, "That may actually be the problem."

In spite of the tense situation, everyone burst out laughing at Loki's wit.

"Yes, that is a problem- for you!" Benjamin said.

"And a blessing for us." Odinson said as Loki chuckled too.

The Other asked Loki to lead them in that case as he wielded the Scepter. That was when Loki realized he had left the Scepter on Stark Tower.

"Good thing you made that mistake." Natasha said.

Clint fired at some Chitauri transports and told Stark some strays were sniffing his tail as Tony said he was keeping them off the streets. Clint fired at a Chitauri transport and destroyed it without even looking at it.

"Now that is awesome!" Bobbi said with a smirk.

"Thanks!" Clint said.

Tony flew past the archer. Clint fired a thermal tipped arrow on one transport, melting the metal as the Chitauri was down. Tony flew through a tunnel, leading the Chitauri on a goose chase. He avoided their shots and they crashed into the tunnel, getting destroyed as Tony flew out. Clint informed Stark Thor was taking down a squadron 6 and Tony grumbled that he wasn't invited. One Leviathan moved towards a building when suddenly Hulk leapt at it from inside, scaring the people. Grabbing it by the lower jaw, pulled it away, though its side still destroyed some windows.

"This was just horrible." Aunt May said as she remembered living through that day.

The cop to whom Steve had given the Chitauri gun was walking around with the gun. A Chitauri tried to fire at him but he took it down with the gun. Amazed at its capabilities, he informed the other cops, "If you find enemies down, get the guns. The guns are very good."

"And you didn't know that before?" Pepper asked incredulously.

Beth, another waitress and some more civilians were hiding in the café when a blast shattered the glass and she opened the door, running out with other civilians as the other waitress fell down, crying. A Chitauri fired at a man in front of Beth, killing him as she ran around in the middle of smoke when a blast destroyed part of a building and she ducked behind a car as some smoke and little debris covered her.

Loki watched the scene, shaking and feeling ashamed of his role in all of this.

Tony was shaking too, remembering his trauma as Pepper held his hand for comfort.

Beth got up and ran around, looking at the destruction around her in horror, including a dead Leviathan. She looked up to see Thor flying off when she saw the cop and he gestured her to run to him. But then a Chitauri shot him from behind and he died as Beth covered her mouth in horror. Suddenly, a Chitauri leapt at her and knocked her out.

Everyone closed their eyes and sighed sadly at the scene, feeling respect for the dead cop.

Natasha was pinned to a car by a Chitauri but she hit it on the side of the neck with a knife, destroying it. Taking its staff, she fired at another one, sending it flying off. She sensed movement behind her but turning around, saw it was Steve. She said none of it would work unless they closed the portal. Steve said their biggest guns couldn't touch it and she said it might not be about guns.

"Not wrong there." Fury said.

They looked up and Steve said she would need a ride if she wanted to go up. Natasha threw the staff away and said she had a ride, though she could use a boost. Steve asked if she was sure and she said she was and that it would be fun.

"Really?" Bucky asked.

"Just trying to cheer myself up." Natasha said.

Natasha she ran and leapt on a car and then on Steve's shield who pushed her up to a transport which she hung on to. Some Chiatauri fired near Steve and he turned to face them. Natasha cut off the chain of the Chitauri on the back and kicked it down. She then stabbed the other one, trying to control it. As other transports fired at her, Iron Man flew past them, firing his repulsors at some transports. He then flew down where Steve slammed a Chitauri to the ground and flip kicked another away. Tony fired a repulsor at a Chitauri, blowing it off before firing one at Steve's shield and it deflected off, killing more Chitauri.

"That looks like foreshadowing at this point." Steve said.

"No kidding." Tony said.

Tony then flew up a building and destroyed more of them with his repulsors while Clint shot down a Chitauri who was trying to climb that building. He ducked to avoid a shot and then fired on a Chitauri on a transport, toppling it on a Leviathan where Hulk roared and threw a Chitauri away before smashing more of them. Thor landed and with Mjolnir, sent two of them flying off. Hulk threw off more as Thor disarmed one of its gun and threw it off before throwing another off. Hulk ripped out a piece of the Leviathan and embedded it into its back. Thor charged Mjolnir and hit the piece hard, killing the Leviathan which crashed into an empty building. The two then stood there, side to side. Suddenly, Hulk sucker punched Thor sending him crashing to a side while Hulk gave a sniff of satisfaction.

Everyone laughed at the scene.

"I will pay you back for that." Thor said.

"Good thing." Odinson said, "I never got the chance."

"And you never will." Bruce smirked.

Selvig woke up, back to his senses, and looked around in horror. The army finally arrived in their tanks and fired at the Chitauri while also evacuating civilians. Steve was pinned to the ground by a Chitauri and its weapon but he managed to punch it away and got up as Clint told him the Chitauri had cornered a lot of civilians in a bank past Madison. Steve went there to save the civilians.

"The army is here at least." Scott said with a sigh.

The Chitauri had cornered the civilians in the bank, including Beth. She walked around and noticed the glasses and watch of some person who was probably dead by now and seemed horrified as she realized other people had been held hostage here before and killed. One of the Chitauri activated a grenade when Steve leapt in and threw his shield, knocking it down as the grenade dropped. The other two fired at him but he jumped behind an overturned table and kicked it at the two, sending one down and the other back. Steve then leapt over the table and punching the Chitauri, snapped its neck before throwing it down in the middle of the frightened civilians. He commanded everyone to clear out as the previous Chitauri grabbed him from behind and started taking off his mask as the two struggled. The one with the grenade got back up and tried to fire but Steve flipped behind his assailant and it was killed instead. The Chitauri picked up the grenade as Steve rolled and picked up his shield. The Chitauri threw the grenade at Steve and it exploded on his shield as he was sent crashing out through the window and onto a car.

"Oh my God!" Peter said in horror.

"One of the worst attacks ever." Storm said sadly.

"But you all did the best you could." Logan assured them.

Beth walked up to the door and her and two men tried to push it open. The army arrived at that spot too and fired at some Chitauri transports, destroying two as one soldier was also gunned down. One of them fired at the Chitauri with his machine gun as Steve picked himself up and looked around at the destruction in horror, disbelief and sadness, reminded of the horrors of World War II. Cops and firefighters arrived to help the civilians. A cop led Beth away as she looked at the now unmasked Steve and recognized him as the man who had visited the café earlier.

"Maybe you should date her." Natasha said with a smirk.

"Come on, Nat." Steve groaned as everyone snickered at him.

Steve looked determined to end this. A Councilwoman told Fury the Council had made a decision. Fury said he knew but because it was a stupid ass decision, he had elected to ignore it. Gideon Malick said Fury was closer than anyone else and he could scramble the jet. Fury countered that it was the island of Manhattan and he would not order a nuclear strike against a civilian population. Malick said they would lose everything if the Chitauri were not held and Fury said he would send out the bird they already had.

"Malick." Daisy snarled.

"What?" Steve asked.

"He is Hydra!" Bobbi said, shocking everyone.

"What?" Clint asked in horror.

"Yes. He was Hydra." Fury said, "I found out a long time later."

"What happened to him?" Bruce asked.

"Hive killed him and his family." Daisy said.

Natasha was riding the transport when Loki fired at her from behind. Turning around, she sighed and called out Clint for help. As both flew in front of Clint, he aimed and fired at Loki but he caught the arrow just before it reached his eye. He looked at Clint with a smirk when suddenly, the arrow beeped and exploded, sending him crashing to the tower, destroying the "S" and "T" of the Stark Industries building.

Everyone clapped at the scene.

"Got you, you son of a bitch!" Clint smirked.

"Yeah, yeah." Loki groaned.

"And my name is even more hated." Stark joked and everyone chuckled.

Natasha leapt off the transport landed on the building's top. Loki got up, only for a roaring Hulk to punch him into the building, crashing him through the glass. As Hulk rushed him, Loki got up and yelled, "ENOUGH!" Hulk stopped as Loki continued ranting, "You are all of you beneath me! I am a God, you dull creature, and I will not be bullied by a-" He was cut off when Hulk lifted him by the foot and started smashing him to the ground repeatedly. He stopped for a second and then smashed him again twice before throwing him down and leaving him lying on the ground. Walking away, he managed to speak in a guttural voice, "Puny God." Loki whimpered behind him.

Everyone burst out laughing hysterically at this point, unable to control their laughter as Loki looked traumatized.

"Puny God." Daisy laughed.

"Puny Giant actually." Loki said after recovering himself.

"We need to see that again sometime." Natasha laughed.

"Later, bub." Logan said as he stopped laughing.

As Natasha looked at the device, Selvig mentioned the Scepter. Natasha assured him it wasn't his fault as he didn't know what he was doing. He said maybe he did and said he had built in a safety to cut the power source- Loki's Scepter. Selvig said it may be able to close the portal and looked down to see it, saying he was looking right at it.

"Fortunately." Natasha said.

Thor smashed away two Chitauri away from their transports and twirled Mjolnir at the third one as a Leviathan burst from a building. Tony fired a laser at it and asked Jarvis for a soft spot and he said they would lose power before penetrating the shell. Tony asked Jarvis if he had heard the tale of Jonah and Jarvis said he wouldn't consider him a role model.

"Still don't." Vision said.

"I do." Tony said.

Tony flew into the Leviathan and exploded his missiles, destroying it as he fell out from behind it and crashed through some glass onto the ground. He tried to get up when some gunfire from Chitauri threw him down again. A shawarma joint was nearby.

"Oh no!" Pepper said in horror with wide eyes.

"So that's how you found the Shawarma joint." Steve said dryly and the original 6 Avengers snickered.

Clint shot a Chitauri behind him down and tried to fire at another one but realized he had run out and smacked it twice instead and kicked it away. He then saw many transports converging on him and ripped out his arrow from the dead Chitauri before pressing a button, making the arrow a trick one. The Chitauri transports fired at the roof, destroying it as Clint ran off and jumped down, firing the grapple arrow at the top and using it to swing into a lower floor, crashing through a window as he lay on the floor, groaning.

"They are gaining the upper hand." T'Challa noted, concerned.

Hulk smashed two Chitauri down and kicked one away before throwing another away when many transports converged on him and fired at him simultaneously, staggering him back as he roared. A pilot was sitting on the Helicarrier in a plane as he was informed Director Fury was no longer in command. He started flying off as Hill informed Fury about it and he ran out, firing a missile launcher at the plane's tail, making it crash land and stop. He saw another plane flying off as threw the launcher down before taking out a gun but the plane was gone.

"Shit!" Sam and Rhodes cursed at the same time.

Fury ran inside and told Stark the missile was headed for the city in 3 minutes. Stark asked Jarvis to put everything in the thrusters and the AI did as Tony blasted the Chitauri hitting him off and flew up. The missile was fired at the city. Steve's shield returned to him as Mjolnir returned to Thor and both of them smacked Chitauri away before a shot hit Steve near the abdomen and he fell down. Thor blocked shots from the Chitauri with Mjolnir and hit a car with it, sending it flying at them and crushing them. He then threw Mjolnir in another direction and gave Steve a hand, helping him up. "You ready for another bout?" He asked Steve. "What, you getting sleepy?" Steve joked dryly as Thor called Mjolnir back.

Everyone snickered at Steve's and Thor's growing bromance.

Erik opened his laptop as Natasha moved the Scepter to the device to close it at the crown. It penetrated the barrier as Natasha said, "I can close it! Can anybody copy? I can shut the portal down!" Steve ordered her to do it but Stark stopped them, saying he had a nuke coming in and it would blow in less than a minute. He knew just where to put it. Stark flew up to the nuke and grabbing it, started flying off as Jarvis tried Pepper's number, as Tony thought it was a one-way trip and needed to talk to her one last time.

"You thought you were going to die?" Pepper asked.

"Well, not an unreasonable assumption." Tony said when Pepper hugged him tightly and he hugged back while Rhodes, Peter and Aunt May shifted away uncomfortably.

"You did the right thing." Pepper assured him finally realizing how much the world needed him.

At the Stark Industries Plane, Pepper and some other employees were watching the news when Pepper's phone vibrated due to Tony's call but she didn't hear.

Pepper cringed at the scene but Tony gave her a reassuring smile.

Tony increased his thrusters' power and flew up as Steve, Thor, Hulk, Natasha and Selvig saw him. Tony flew through the portal as the call failed. The SHIELD agents all cheered at that as Hill sighed in relief and even Fury had a slight smile. Tony saw the Chitauri mothership and let the nuke go as his suit's power wore off due to him being in space. As he started falling down, the nuke flew up to the mothership and exploded, destroying the base utterly. The explosion was reaching Earth though so Steve sadly asked Natasha to close the portal but Stark fell through the portal right before Natasha closed it. The other Chitauri and Leviathans died and fell down when cut off from their power source.

Everyone applauded at Tony's bravery which had finally ended this fight.

"You did it." Steve said, "You made the sacrifice play."

Tony simply nodded with a smile, though he seemed uncomfortable, remembering how this had begun his trauma and made him prepare for whatever was up there. Pepper held his hand for comfort.

"Son of a gun." Steve muttered. Thor realized Tony was not slowing down and twirled Mjolnir but Hulk leapt into the air and caught him, sliding down via a building. He put Iron Man down as Thor and Steve ran up to him. Thor turned him around and ripped off his visor as Steve tried to listen for a heartbeat but the suit prevented him. The two looked saddened, thinking Stark was dead. But then Hulk roared loudly, startling them all as Stark's eyes snapped open. "What the hell?" He said frantically, "What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me?"

Everyone burst out laughing at that, all the tension in the room gone.

"That was the second funniest thing ever." Scott said.

"What's the funniest?" Hope asked.

"Hulk smashing Loki." Scott laughed and everyone laughed again as Loki sighed.

"We won." Steve simply said. "Alright. Hey. Alright. Good job guys." Stark said cheerfully, "Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day. Have you ever tried shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I wanna try it."

"What a way to find a shawarma joint." Natasha said, "Crashing through a Leviathan."

"We're not finished yet." Thor pointed out. "And then shawarma after." Stark said. Loki woke up, groaning as he was still feeling the pain from Hulk's beating. Turning around, his eyes widened as he saw Tony, Hulk, Steve, Clint, Thor and Natasha in front of him. Natasha held the Scepter as Clint had an arrow pointed at him. "If it's all the same to you." He groaned with a smirk as he tried to get up, "I'll have that drink now." A snarl from Hulk told him that wasn't going to happen.

"And that ends the Battle of New York." Benjamin said finally.

"When the world finally discovered that aliens existed after all." Storm said.

"You really thought you would get a drink?" Thor asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nope." Loki said.

The deeds of the Avengers were shown on several news channels. Some praised them while others criticized them. "Heroes in New York? Give me a break." An elderly man said on TV as he played chess with another one.

"Him again!" Tony said.

"He appeared twice in this one." Steve said. No one commented anymore as they had gotten used to it at this point.

Beth the waitress was interviewed on TV, incredulous that some thought it was the Avengers' fault. She said Captain America had saved her life and wherever any of them were, she would just like to thank them.

Steve smiled, happy. This Beth seemed to be genuinely interested in Steve Rogers, not Captain America.

Fury stood as the Council asked him where the Avengers were and he said he wasn't tracking their whereabouts currently as they had earned their leave of absence. They asked about the Teserract and he said it was away from their reach. The Council said it wasn't his call to make and he said he didn't make it, just didn't argue with the God that did. They said Loki should be answering for his crimes and Fury said he would be.

"Good going." Loki told Fury.

A Councilwoman said Fury didn't understand what he had unleashed, saying the Avengers were dangerous. "They surely are." Fury said, "The whole world knows it. Every world knows it." Malick asked if a statement was the point of all this and Fury said it was a promise as he walked off and shut the monitors down.

"That is a badass statement." Tony said.

The scene with Hill in the beginning was shown again as Hawley called out to Hill and she snapped back to the present as Hawley asked about the worst mistake. Hill said they all knew who had made that. The Council thought the Avengers a threat and Hill thought them a joke but Fury only ever saw them as the Avengers. And if he hadn't, Midtown Manhattan would be a smoking crater. One of the Councilmen said the topic wasn't of any concern right now.

"Of course it isn't." Fury said in disgust.

Hill said it was a bad idea as Thor, Steve, Tony, Bruce, Natasha, Clint and Erik led a muzzled and cuffed Loki to Central Park. Hill said they were the wrong people at the wrong time but it worked and they came together and saved them. Selvig took out the Teserract and keeping it in a case, handed it to Thor who put a hand on his shoulder with a smile, happy to see him back to his senses. Hill said it was infuriating as they had all been trained to believe in a system and not to hope but Fury saw a current under the system. Thor nodded at the other Avengers and Erik in goodbye and used the Teserract to transport himself and Loki to Asgard.

"And you're gone." Tony said.

"For a while." Thor said.

Steve and Tony shook hands as Natasha handed Bruce a bag and he jumped into Tony's car with him and drove off as Steve drove his bike away. "The Avengers were the mistake that saved the world." Hill declared, "That's my official statement."

Everybody applauded happily at Hill as she gave a flattered smirk.

The Council looked disappointed as Hill called them morons for trying to nuke New York and said they had it on the record, as in they had recorded it, shocking them all. Hill shut off the interrogation room and getting up said, "So if you're thinking of coming after Nick Fury. Ever. Think really, really hard." She shut off the monitors and walked out.

Everyone clapped at Hill again.

"That was so awesome!" Peter cheered.

"You go girl." Hope said.

"They are afraid to face the consequences of their actions and wanted us to face consequences." Tony grumbled, "Hypocrites."

"I knew I didn't make a mistake, Hill." Fury told her and she nodded with a proud smile.

"Canadians are awesome!" Logan said and everyone chuckled.

Fury asked Hill how it had gone and she said she should have his job within a month.

"I won't mind you having it." Fury told Hill.

Fury commended her and said she should ask for a chair and she said she would keep that in mind. She then asked how it worked with the Avengers as they had gone their separate ways, some pretty extremely far.

"That one being me." Odinson said.

"Yes." Thor agreed.

Hill asked what if they got into such a situation again. "They'll come back." Fury said. "Are you really sure about that?" Hill asked. "I am." Fury said. "Why?" Hill asked. "Because we'll need them to." Fury said and she nodded before walking off, talking with another agent along the way.

"And we did." Steve reminded everyone.

At Stark Tower, Tony and Pepper looked at blueprints of new rooms they were making in the tower as the two kissed and outside, the 'S', 'T', 'R' and 'K' of the "Stark Industries" was shattered, with only the 'A' left.

"The Avengers Tower." Tony introduced with raised hands as everyone clapped lightly.

On a distant planet, The Other kneeled to someone saying, "Humans. They are not the cowering wretches we were promised! They stand. They are unruly and therefore cannot be ruled." Whoever was sitting on the chair was turned the other way. The person looked up as The Other kneeled down in fear again and said, "To challenge them is to court...Death." The being on the chair turned, a cruel smirk on his face. He was purple in color and had armor on him with a helmet too. He gave off an aura of terror.

All the viewers gasped on seeing him, already terrified by him. Though no one from the past except Loki knew who he was. The aura of terror around him actually made Loki look like the naughty little brother Thor always made him out to be.

"Who-who is that?" Steve asked. Wanda shuddered, realizing this was the same being she had seen in Odinson's and Benjamin's memory.

"Thanos." Loki whispered, visibly terrified.

"Thanos?" Tony asked.

"He showed you the power." Thor realized, "He was the one who was behind everything and made pawns out of all of us."

"He is the one against whom we want you united." Benjamin said as everyone turned to him.

"So he is the one?" Steve asked.

"Yes, Captain." Logan nodded.

"What is he?" Natasha asked.

"A genocidal warlord from Titan." Storm said, "His people were threatened by overpopulation. He proposed a solution."

"To randomly kill half of the people so the other half could thrive." Bobbi said.

"What?" Tony asked, "Is he insane or something?"

"He is." Bobbi said, "But his idea was dismissed by the people and they exiled him. Eventually, he was proven right as Titan was devastated and became uninhabitable."

"Thanos believed the vast swell of life in the Universe was depleting its resources." Odinson said, "So he decided to destroy half of life on all planets."

"And when he found out about the Infinity Stones, he decided to use them to wipe out half of the life from the entire Universe." Logan revealed and everyone had horrified looks on their faces.

"That was his goal all along." Loki said, "And that is why I didn't want to give him the Teserract even when we won."

"He has been in my head all this time!" Tony said.

"I'm sorry." Steve told him, feeling sympathy, realizing what Tony had been thinking about all this time.

"A Confederacy of six extraterrestrial species struck a deal with Hydra to take Inhumans and Gravitonium from them in exchange for protection from Thanos." Daisy said, "Didn't work out so well for any of them."

"And what happened?" Steve asked.

"We will tell you later." Bobbi said and everybody groaned.

"We knew his appearance would rattle you so we added a scene to calm you down." Benjamin said as they all turned to the screen.

Steve, Thor, Tony, Bruce, Clint and Natasha all sat quietly around a table in the shawarma joint, silently eating their shawarma. The screen went black.

"That's when I arrived." Rhodes sighed, "I was hunting members of the Ten Rings when this happened. So I arrived to help in the fight too late."

"Don't worry. We handled it." Tony said.

"Now, I'm sure you're all tired and hungry and need to process everything you have seen." Daisy said and everyone nodded as it was true.

"Well then, let's have food and then go to sleep for the night." Logan said as they all got up and moved towards the dining room.