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Everyone sat quietly in the dining room, eating silently as the people from the past tried to process what they had just witnessed and heard.
"Half of all life in the Universe." Tony scoffed, "And I thought Ultron was bad."
"Thanos was feared by many throughout the galaxy." Benjamin said, "For good reason."
"And he tortured you?" Thor asked Loki.
"Y-yes." Loki said, appearing a bit traumatized, "He did. And then he gave me the Scepter and allowed me to lead the Chitauri against Earth."
"You always planned to double cross him?" Steve asked.
"Yes." Loki said, "I wanted to rule the Earth but knowing his intentions, I intended to hide the Teserract from him. I was crazy, but not crazy enough to wipe out half of all life in the Universe."
"That is very reassuring." Clint said dryly.
"And to do that, he needed the stones?" Wanda asked and everyone from the future nodded.
"If he tries that, I feel the Mind Stone will warn me." Vision said.
"It will. But it's of no use, bub." Logan told him.
"Compared to him, you actually seem like the mischievous little brother Thor always makes you out to be." Bruce told Loki.
"If that ever happened, I can't imagine how badly the world would be affected." Aunt May said.
"Accidents will happen. Governments will fall." Pepper said.
"There will be riots, man." Scott said, "It'll be a disaster."
"And he thinks it will save everyone?" Hope scoffed.
"Why didn't he just double the resources?" Peter asked.
"He was told 'no' to an idea that he had felt was the only solution." Odinson said.
"And then he was proven right to himself when that solution was not acted upon." Storm said.
"So, his Messianic complex- he is now committed to following through on the idea that he had many, many years ago." Logan said and everyone visibly shook. Logan himself was reminded of Erik Lensherr who was like Thanos in that regard, though not insane.
"Insane, committed and believes he is doing the right thing." Steve summed it all up.
"Now that is just horrible." Sam said.
"No kidding." Rhodes agreed.
Natasha had remained silent this whole time, processing some other info and decided it was time to act on it now.
"Daisy." She said and the woman in question looked up to her, "How do you know Coulson?"
The question caught her off guard, "What?"
"There is no record of you in SHIELD before Coulson's death." Natasha said, "And he never mentioned knowing someone by your name. So I'm going to ask again, how do you know Coulson?"
"That is something I have been wanting to ask too actually." Clint said, "I noticed it too."
"Well, if you want to know the answer, that is the person to whom you should ask this question." Bobbi said as she pointed at Fury and all eyes turned to him.
"What is it, spy?" Tony asked.
"I believe you're hiding something." T'Challa realized.
"Of course he is." Loki said, "He is as manipulative as me."
Fury wasn't saying a word so far.
"It is of no use, Fury." Daisy told him, "Just tell the truth."
"We brought you lot here so that there are no more secrets." Logan said.
"Which means that some truths must come to light." Benjamin agreed.
Fury gave a deep sigh, knowing he was busted now.
"Tell them." Hill told him and he turned to face everyone.
"Romanoff. Barton. You remember Project T.A.H.I.T.I.?" Fury asked them both.
"Yes." Clint said, "But I thought that never came to fruition."
"You were wrong." Fury said.
"What is Project TAHITI?" Tony asked.
"We at SHIELD found the body of a dead alien of a species called the Kree." Fury said.
"Kree." Thor said, "I know of them."
"The cells of the Kree had cellular regeneration capabilities." Fury said and everyone caught onto what he was getting at, "So we decided to experiment on it. The goal of the project was to bring back an Avenger if they ever died."
"But the few people on whom it was tested showed signs of mental deterioration, including carving alien symbols onto walls." Hill said.
"Coulson was the head of the project and advised us to shut it down." Fury revealed.
"But you didn't?" Steve asked, feeling disgusted to his core.
"After the Battle of New York, I sent Coulson's corpse to the Guest House, the place where the Kree body was kept." Fury clarified on seeing the confused looks, "And they used Project TAHITI on him. They repaired the damage that had been done to him on a cellular level and after 7 surgeries, he came back."
Everyone gasped on hearing that, panting heavily. That was a huge shock to all of them! Biggest shock of the day actually!
"Agent is alive?" Tony asked as he started breathing heavily, "I need air. I need air."
"Breathe Tony. Breathe." Pepper said as she held his back and his breath slowly came back to normal.
"But he was showing signs of mental deterioration to so I had his memories of the operation wiped and replaced with a memory of relaxing in Tahiti to make him believe he was resuscitated there." Fury revealed as Daisy and Bobbi glared at him, the former remembering the pain Coulson had went through on regaining his memories, "Though he eventually regained his true memory of what happened and figured it all out."
Everyone was glaring daggers at Fury at this point, and Fury knew it.
"I know you're all upset with m-"
Fury was cut off when Clint shot out of his chair and punched him hard on the face, whipping it to the other side.
"You son of a bitch!" Clint snarled, "You have been lying to us all this time? How could you?"
"And if you say we needed the push, I'm going to do the same thing Clint did." Tony told him.
"How could you do that Fury?" Steve asked.
"And you knew too?" Natasha asked Hill and she nodded guiltily.
"We're done." Natasha said as the Fury and Hill looked at her in shock.
"What?" Hill asked, sure she had misheard.
"It is clear you don't trust anyone, Fury." Natasha said, "Not me. Not Clint. Not Tony. Not Steve. Not even Hill probably. No one. You manipulated us all, just like the Red Room did to me. And staying with him has made you just like him, Hill. So this is it. We're done."
"What? Trying to manipulate her again?" Bucky asked him with a glare.
"So you're as bad as me." Loki said dryly.
"Why did Coulson never reach out to us?" Thor asked.
"I asked him a few times." Daisy said, "He was going through a life changing experience at first and then tracking down threats to SHIELD. Then the Hydra uprising happened, followed by the Inhuman outbreak, Hive, and what not. He then said he was too much of a coward to face you guys after this long. And that was his biggest regret in his life."
"So you were all in some kind of a team?" Sam asked.
"Yeah." Daisy said, "We were the Agents of SHIELD. Coulson, me, Melinda May, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons and Grant Ward at first."
"Ward was Hydra." Hill said and Daisy nodded.
"May was with you lot too?" Natasha asked and Bobbi nodded.
"After we got rid of Ward, me and Hunter joined, along with Mack and Antoinne Triplett, who died unfortunately." Bobbi said, "Unfortunately, a mission me and Hunter were on a year later went south so we had to leave the team."
"I made Coulson the Director after the Hydra uprising." Fury said, "So he could lead SHIELD."
"And he did. Until Jeffrey Mace and then Ghost Rider, LMDs, Aida, space, time travel, and all that." Daisy summed up as everyone struggled to absorb the info.
"And is he around right now?" Natasha asked.
"No." Daisy said, "It's a bit of a long story."
"I'm pretty sure we have time." Peter said dryly.
"We recruited a doctor who started making Life Model Decoys." Daisy said, "One of them was a bot called AIDA. But he used her to create something called the Framework, which was a virtual life which removed all of our biggest regrets. Unfortunately for all of us, AIDA got feelings of her own due to an incident and decided that she wanted to have the love of Leo Fitz."
"Murder bot in love? Sounds like a recipe for disaster." Tony said, though Vision did not comment.
"So she sent most of the team into the Framework where everyone's biggest regrets were removed but most of them worked for Hydra while SHIELD was considered a terrorist organization." Daisy said, "Me and Jemma went inside though and managed to help everyone out. AIDA also returned but in there, she had experimented on and taken the powers of many Inhumans, so that made her all powerful. And Fitz was never going to love her as him and Jemma and meant to be. So she angrily tried to destroy us all."
"What happened then?" Clint asked.
"Ever heard of some vigilante with a flaming skull?" Bobbi asked and everyone seemed shocked.
"That guy?" Scott asked, "Skull guy? He is real?"
"Yes." Daisy said, "He made a deal with the Devil."
"I'd call BS but after all that has happened, probably not. Which is surprising." Tony said.
"He was called the Ghost Rider. And he used it to punish sinners. He was the only one who could beat AIDA but she always escaped whenever he came around." Daisy said, "So Coulson made a deal with the Rider."
"What?" Fury asked.
"To take it inside him and use it to beat AIDA." Daisy revealed to everyone's shock.
"So you're trying to tell us that Coulson used a cosmic force to beat a murder bot turned Inhuman?" Natasha asked and she nodded.
"Yes." Daisy said, "And he did it before returning the Ghost Rider to Robbie Reyes, the guy who had it. But he made a deal with and we only found out one year later."
"What was it?" Clint asked.
"Using the Ghost Rider burnt the GH.325 out of his body." Daisy said and everyone looked confused.
"That was what was keeping Coulson alive." Fury said.
"So he died again?" Steve asked, "Is there no way to save him?"
"There was. But a guy called Glenn Talbot absorbed a lot of Gravitonium and used it to try to tear the world in half and also beat Thanos." Daisy said to everyone's horror, "And the thing that could have saved him was used to stop Talbot instead. It was his choice. He made peace with it and accepted his death."
"So when did that happen?" Bruce asked.
"At about the same time Thanos attacked." Bobbi said.
Everyone was silent for a few minutes, trying to process the info they had just learnt.
"I know you're all pissed at Fury and Hill." Logan said finally.
"And you have every right to." Benjamin said as the winced, "But you will have to find a way to work through this."
"Yeah. In my dreams." Clint snarled.
"I know it sounds impossible." Odinson said, "But eventually, you will all have to learn to trust each other again. All of you. That is the only way to get through everything that will come at you."
"Fury. Hill." Storm said as the two turned to her, "No more secrets."
"Well." Benjamin said, "You want to go to your rooms?"
Everyone just nodded, to tired and shocked to talk much. So they were all led to their rooms where they decided to go off to sleep.
"You two going?" Benjamin asked Daisy and Bobbi.
"Yeah." Daisy said, "Juggling time between the Avengers and S.W.O.R.D. is something near impossible to do."
"I get it." Logan said, "Hope to see you all some other time."
"Yeah. We will." Bobbi said and they hugged the two before going off to the S.W.O.R.D. base.
"I think I'm going too." Storm said.
"Really?" Logan asked.
"Yeah." She said, "I have a teaching job, unlike you."
The two chuckled and kissed as Storm said, "Good luck."
"You too." Logan said and she walked off too, back to Xavier's Institute for Gifted Yougnsters.
Benjamin went back to his room where 2035 Wanda was waiting for him and the two kissed.
"Spilled the beans about Coulson I believe?" She asked and Benjamin nodded.
"Yeah. It had the exact effect we thought it would." Benjamin said, "But hopefully, they work through it sometime."
"I hope so too." She assured him and he nodded, thinking of everything that had happened and everything the people from the past will probably do on seeing and learning everything.
Hopefully, it turned out well.