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"If it is boring, why are we watching it?" Loki asked.
"Because it is about the Reality Stone." Benjamin said, "And you were actually pretty great in it."
"Oh! Thank you!" A flattered Loki said.
"And me?" Thor asked.
"You were fine. But he stole the show." Logan said.
"All right. Don't show off." Odinson sighed, seeing Loki's smirk as everyone chuckled.
Odin's voice was heard narrating how there was darkness before light and the Dark Elves came from that light. Millennia ago, the most ruthless Dark Elf, Malekith, sought to transform the universe back into one of eternal light. Malekith was shown standing and watching the Convergence.
"Malekith!" Thor snarled angrily.
Odin narrated that this was possible through the power of the Aether, an ancient force of infinite destruction. The Aether was shown in its liquid form with a red background.
"That thing." Loki sighed.
"Very harmful if used against us in a fight." Odinson said.
Malekith then walked out to see a raging battle as his right hand man- Algrim, told him Asgard's forces were upon them. Suddenly, the Bifrost hit the ground, sending many of the Dark Elves flying back as several Einherjar arrived, killing the Dark Elves. Odin's voice narrated how the noble armies of Asgard, led by his father Bor, waged mighty war against those creatures. Bor arrived, holding Gungnir, and killed several Dark Elves with its power.
"Grandfather in all his glory." Thor said.
"He looks pretty badass." Scott said.
"So far, so good." Hope said, wondering how boring it would get based on what the future people thought.
Malekith told Algrim they would survive with their people's sacrifice and told his people to use the Kurse Stones. Some of them used the stones and got enhanced strength and speed, using them to kill some Einherjar.
"Oh no!" Sam said.
Odin's voice narrated that with the Convergence happening, Malekith could finally unleash the Aether. Malekith walked towards the Aether, about to absorb it into himself, when suddenly the Bifrost surrounded it and out stepped 3 Einherjar. They rushed Malekith with roars but he easily dispatched them. He rushed the Aether but the Bifrost took it away. Malekith looked up in despair.
"Looks like he lost his precious." Tony joked and everyone laughed.
"No more than he deserved." Steve said.
Odin's voice narrated that Asgsrd ripped the Aether from his grasp and without it, the Dark Elves fell. Some of the Einherjar were shown together overpowering the Kurse while many of the Dark Elves fell. Odin's voice said that in a desperate attempt for victory, Malekith sacrificed his own people. A ship then fell in the midst of battle and exploded, killing several soldiers from both sides.
"Damn! I had heard of friendly fire. Friendly explosion is new!" Rhodes said.
"He sacrificed his own wife and son in the fight." Odinson said in disgust, horrifying everyone.
"What a bastard!" Logan snarled.
Malekith, Algrim and some other followers then went into their ship and it flew off through the distortions made by the Convergence as Odin's voice said Malekith had been vanquished and the Aether was destroyed, or so they were lead to believe. One of the Einherjar asked Bor if they should destroy the Aether. Bor said they couldn't because its power was too great. So they should bury it deep somewhere no one will ever find it. The Aether was then hidden somewhere no one could find it.
"Not gonna lie. This opening is like a poor man's Lord of the Rings." Jessica quipped and everyone chuckled at the joke, which was pretty true.
A chained up Loki was brought to the Asgardian court by the Einherjar. Frigga stood there. Loki greeted her and mockingly asked if he had made her proud and she asked him to not make it worse.
Loki shook his head, not proud of this behavior.
Loki asked her to define worse but Odin stopped them and said he will speak to 'the prisoner' alone. Frigga walked off as Loki walked further and stood in a kingly manner.
"The attitude!" Natasha said jokingly and everyone chuckled.
"I know." Loki said.
Loki said he didn't know what the fuss is about.
"You don't know?" Clint exploded, "You don't know?"
"Spare me the lecture." Loki simply said, "These recordings are lecture enough."
Odin told him wherever he went, there was war, ruin and death. Loki said he had gone to Midgard to rule them as a benevolent God, just like Odin.
"If that is benevolent, I dread to think what malevolent will be." Steve said.
Odin told him they were not Gods. They were born, they lived and they died just like humans.
"Bummer for Vikings I'm sure." Peter said and everyone chuckled again.
Loki smugly told him to give or take 5000 years.
"Okay. Not so much of a bummer." Aunt May said, eliciting another chuckle.
Odin told him all of this mess was because Loki desired a throne. Loki said it was his birthright but Odin exploded on him, saying his birthright was to die, cast out on a frozen rock. If he had not taken him in, Loki wouldn't be here to hate him.
"Gee, thanks dad." Loki said dryly, only for Thor to smack his head, "Ouch!"
Loki said mercy shouldn't stop him from swinging the axe and he didn't love their talks. Odin told him Frigga was the only reason he was alive and he would never see her again as he would be locked in the dungeon. Loki was led away and asked Odin if he would make the witless oaf known as Thor the king.
"Witless oaf?" Thor asked angrily.
"Oh come on! Did you forget the snake?" Loki smirked.
"Do not bring that up!" Thor said.
"Oh! That!" Bruce smirked and chuckled.
"What about the snake?" Bucky asked.
"Let's not bring it up!" Odinson said.
"It is pretty embarrassing for Thor here." Matt said.
Odin said Thor would strive to undo the damage Loki had done and then he would be king. Loki was then led away into the dungeon.
"Only took about 5 years for that to come true." Thor said dryly.
In present day, Vanaheim, the Vanir of the realm were running through the thick forests in terror as the Marauders chased after them, firing at them.
"Marauders!" Thor snarled.
"Who are they?" Scott asked.
"Pillagers." Loki said.
That was when Hogun arrived and threw his mace at one of them, killing him.
"Hogun." Odinson smiled sadly.
Hogun engaged the other Marauders as Fandrall came riding on his horse and knocked another down. He asked if they had a plan and Hogun said it was to tear them apart.
"I like this guy." Tony said.
A large Kronan Marauder then destroyed a tree and Fandrall said they needed to turn around. Turning around, they all rode away as Hogun also took a horse. The battle was raging fiercely between the Asgardians and Marauders as Sif jumped off her horse and smacked a Marauder away with her shield.
"She uses her shield pretty well." Steve commented.
"Shield praise from the Captain." Natasha joked and everyone laughed as Steve rolled his eyes.
Volstagg blocked attacks from two Marauders and knocked them down at the same time. The Marauders continued to slaughter people as the Vanir screamed and ran around in terror. Sif dispatched a Marauder when the Bifrost hit the ground in front of her. Out flew Mjolnir and hit a Marauder, knocking him out. Mjolnir flew back into the hand of Thor who became visible as the Bifrost faded.
Everyone cheered happily as Odinson laughed merrily.
"Why are you laughing?" Hill asked him.
"It just reminds me of my best moment ever." Odinson said.
"Your best moment?" Thor asked.
"You haven't experienced it yet." Odinson said.
"Just take this entrance of yours and multiply the epicness by about, 10,000." Trish said.
"Wow!" Thor said, wondering what they were talking about and wanting to see it. [1]
Thor leapt into the air with a roar, Mjolnir raised, and brought it down on the ground. Some thunder emanated from the impact and hit many Marauders, killing them as the dirt also flew into the air and fell down. Sif said she had got everything under control and Thor jokingly asked if that was why everything was on fire as some Marauders tried to attack him.
Everyone laughed as Luke said, "That's Thor for you."
Fandrall, Hogun and Sif continued killing Marauders effortlessly as Thor broke one's weapon with Mjolnir and elbowed him away before throwing it at some opponents. One of the Marauders fired at him from behind but Sif raised her shield to protect him with a "You're welcome."
"Aren't you immune to bullets?" Frank asked.
"Marauders have better technology." Thor told him.
Thor called Mjolnir back and in a rotatory motion, hit a Marauder, sending him flying off. That was when the Kronan Marauder announced his arrival with a roar and sent an Asgardian flying off with a hit from his mace. Sif said he was all Thor's.
"Uh-oh." Elektra said.
Thor walked up to him and greeting him said, "I accept your surrender." The Marauders started laughing hysterically and Thor laughed with them before twirling Mjolnir and shattering him into pieces. The Marauders were terrified at this point and threw their weapons down, surrendering as Fandrall said they should start with the big one next time.
"So did you kill a member of your new best friend's race?" Bruce asked.
"I think I did." Thor said with wide eyes.
"Is it just me or does Robin Hood look different in this one?" Tony asked about Fandrall.
"He does." Clint said. [2]
Later, the Vanir started rebuilding stuff as the Marauder prisoners were led away. Hogun asked Thor where they should go next. Thor said peace had almost been won so Hogun should stay with his people and Asgard could wait. Hogun happily thanked Thor and the two shook hands as Thor thanked him too and he walked off. Thor then called out to Heimdall and the Bifrost opened, taking him to Asgard, which was still as magnificent as ever.
"Asgard." Wanda smiled.
"In all of its glory." T'Challa added.
Two ravens flew around and one of them landed on the shoulder of Odin, who was watching the warriors fighting each other for practice. As the raven flew off, Thor walked up next to Odin and he asked if Vanaheim was secure. Thor said it was, along with Nornheim and Ria, but their work would have been done quicker with Odin in the lead. Odin joked how Thor considered him a piece of breadto be buttered and said that for the first time since the destruction of the Bifrost, the Nine Realms were at peace, reminded of Asgard's strength. Thor had earned their respect and Odin's gratitude.
"That's a first." Tony commented.
"Yes it is." Thor agreed.
Odin said nothing was out of order except Thor's confused and distracted heart.
"Not anymore." Odinson said.
Thor said this wasn't about Jane Foster. Odin said human lives were fleeting and Thor would be better served by what was in front of him. Thor looked up to see Sif beating an opponent of hers.
"He's got a point, you know." Loki told Thor who simply nodded.
"And if he agrees with Odin, you know how bad it is." Benjamin joked and everyone chuckled.
Odin told Thor not as the Allfather but as his father that he was ready to take the throne. He told Thor to embrace and celebrate what he had won, eat and drink, revel in the celebration, and at least pretend to enjoy himself.
"I only enjoy parties in Midgard now." Thor smiled and everyone nodded happily, knowing he considered them family too.
Later, Thor washed himself up, naked from the waist up, and looked around the city.
"You've got some nice abs." Hope commented on Thor's abs with a smirk.
"Thanks." Thor and Odinson said simultaneously.
"I have abs!" Scott said.
"Don't kid yourself." Hope said and everyone laughed.
"But you're still a nice guy." She said and he smiled as they all turned to the screen again.
At night, little children played around in the feast and the musicians played several instruments as Volstagg narrated a tale of killing a beast and being thrown down by 6 more. He called up a little girl happily and having her sit on his lap lovingly, was about to narrate the best part but forgot what he was saying. Thor reminded him that he was surrounded and he continued.
Everyone chuckled as Aunt May said, "He is funny."
"He was." Odinson said sadly.
Volstagg said to his left were powerful fanged creatures and to his right soldiers of fortune and facing them were Fandrall the Dashing, Hogun the Grim and Volstag the….. he didn't think of a title for himself.
"He does look like a dashing guy." Tony said about Fandrall.
"And Hogun looks pretty grim too." Pepper said.
One of the girls with Fandrall suggested 'Voluminous' while Fandrall suggested 'Fat' and everyone laughed.
"Voluminous sounds good." Natasha said.
Volstagg titled himself 'Invincible' and said he had feared for Thor's life but with his courage and ax, they won. Everyone clapped happily as Thor said it was a tale for the ages and Fandrall dryly said how he would be telling that too. Volstagg then threw his mug away and roared happily, "Another!" Everyone laughed and did the same. Thor looked around at everyone's happiness as Volstagg played with the little girl. He then simply put his drink down with a smile.
"Changed a lot from before huh?" Scott asked as everyone remembered him doing the same in his first recording.
"Like you can never imagine." Thor said.
Thor got up and walked off as Fandrall continued talking to the girls. He walked past Sif who told him there was a time he used to celebrate for weeks. Thor remembered that Sif had celebrated the Battle of Harokin so much that she had nearly started the second and she joked how the first one was so much fun.
Everyone chuckled.
Sif asked Thor to take a drink with her but Thor told her he had set a task for himself. She told him there were Nine Realms and the future king of Asgard should focus on more than one.
"Is she jealous?" Loki smirked.
"I think she is." Bruce said.
"Yes, but her advice is still very true." Steve pointed out.
"I agree." Thor said.
Thor thanked Sif for her sword and her council and walked away as she looked dejected.
Thor and Odinson both winced, a bit guilty about how they had unintentionally hurt her feelings.
In a restaurant in London on Earth, Jane Foster was sitting in front of a man, hiding behind the menu. The man then slipped her a note that said 'Hi.' She then greeted him. He commented how she had spent the first 10 minutes of the date hiding behind the menu which had 3 choices- chicken, vegetarian or fish, so there was a story that involved a guy.
"He is not wrong." Vision said.
"Must be Richard." Thor remembered.
"Yes. That's him." Odinson said.
Richard asked if he was still around and she said he had gone away. Richard said he was seeing a woman who then took a job in New York so the distance killed it, along with the fact that she slept with other men.
"Poor guy." Matt said.
"I hate cheaters." Jessica agreed.
"But I didn't cheat." Thor reminded them.
"We know." Benjamin said.
That was when Darcy arrived. Richard mistook her for a waitress and asked for wine and she said she'd love it. Jane introduced the two as Darcy took a seat and said how she expected to see Jane in her lab/mom's house moping around in her pajamas and obsessing over You-Know-Who.
"So you're Voldemort now." Logan said to Thor and Odinson and everyone chuckled.
"She is still funny." Steve said about Darcy.
"Yeah. She made this one bearable along with Loki." Jessica said and everyone chuckled.
Darcy then started eating their food and noted how Jane was wearing lady clothes and had even showered. Jane asked if there was a point to all this and Darcy reminded her of the scientific equipment she didn't even look at anymore and that she should look at it again. She took out Jane's detection device and Jane said it was malfunctioning as she hit it on the table and Darcy told her to do something more scientific.
Everyone laughed as Natasha said, "You're right. She makes this one more bearable."
Darcy said it didn't look like nothing and that readings were like the ones Erik was rambling about and that he went banana balls.
"What happened?" Loki asked.
"You did." Matt told him and Loki sighed, realizing his mind control of Erik had consequences for him.
Jane said they weren't interested so Darcy should leave, which she did. Richard said he would have the sea bass and Jane started repeating the word over and over again so Richard told her to go after Darcy. She apologized and said this was fun before getting up as Richard said he would say sea bass himself.
"Off to investigate the Convergence." T'Challa said.
Jane then sat in the van next to Darcy and jokingly said how she hated her as Darcy said Richard was cute. She started driving when a man from behind told her to take left, startling Jane who asked who he was and Darcy introduced him as her intern, shocking Jane. The man said it was an honor to work with Dr. Foster as Jane said she needed to call Erik.
"Ian." Thor remembered.
"Yeah. Pretty nice guy." Odinson said.
Darcy took a right and left on Ian's instructions, though the driving was a bit reckless as she said she had mastered driving in London. Jane called Erik and asked where he was as he had said something interesting was happening and vanished. A news reporter reported that in Stonehenge, astrophysicist Erik Selvig had stripped naked and harassed tourists with lab equipment, claiming he was trying to save them. A naked Erik was shown, with his privates blurred, being led away by the police.
"Erik?" Hope said as everyone looked in shock.
"What happened to him?" Peter said with wide eyes.
"It was me." Loki said, feeling shame, "What I did has led to a mental breakdown."
Nobody decided to comment, seeing Loki's guilt-ridden expression.
Jane, Darcy and Ian reached the area as Darcy said how Ian was excited and called him 'intern.' She asked him to bring the phase meter as they walked further. Jane's phone rang and she picked it up, wondering how to change the ringtone. Darcy, who was the caller, said Jane had 3 PhDs so she should know how to do it. Jane asked why she was calling and Darcy said she didn't want to shout.
Everyone laughed as Bruce said, "Darcy does have a point."
"And a guy with 7 PhDs should know how to pronounce Wakanda." Tony said and everyone laughed as Bruce looked embarrassed.
Darcy commented she wasn't getting stabbed in the name if science again and announced they were Americans. 3 kids- two boys and a girl walked out, asking if they were the police. Jane said she was a scientist and the kids said they had found something. They walked inside and one of the boys lifted a truck effortlessly with a finger as it floated.
"Wow!" Bucky said as everyone watched the scene with awe.
Jane was shocked as they all climbed up and one of the kids threw a bottle down. It disappeared into thin and appeared above them, falling down again and disappearing. The cycle continued as the boy caught the bottle again and Jane threw a can down but it didn't reappear. The girl said sometimes they came back and sometimes they didn't. Darcy said she wanted to throw something and asked Jane for her shoe. Jane took the tracking device and realized the readings were like New Mexico.
"Here they go again." Steve said.
Jane walked off, asking them not to touch anything as Darcy again asked Ian for his shoe.
"She is like Rocket. She will get it." Benjamin joked as everyone from the future laughed.
Jane tracked the readings as the kids threw stuff happily. Ian threw something but it didn't reappear. Darcy realized those were the car keys.
"Uh-oh. Stranded." Scott quipped.
Jane looked around and felt a strong wind blowing on her face. The beeping of her device got louder and suddenly, the wind pushed her towards a door and then she found herself in a dark cave like place.
"What happened?" Peter asked.
"The Convergence." Wanda realized.
Jane called out to Darcy but there was no answer so she walked around, looking at the place. Between two flat rocks was a red light.
"The Aether." Loki realized.
Jane walked towards it and looked at it, the liquid all flowing around naturally.
"Uh-oh." Sam said.
As Jane reached out, the Aether suddenly jumped at her hand and went into it, going inside her body as she looked horrified and confused at the same time.
"Oh shit!" Rhodes and Jessica said.
"Oh boy!" Peter said at the same time.
Somewhere in space, a ship lighted up and inside it, Malekith awoke.
"Oh no!" Wanda said in horror as everyone realized what was happening.
As all the other Dark Elves in the ship awoke, Malekith said to them in the Elven tongue that the Aether had been found and the Convergence had returned.
"Now he is coming." Aunt May said.
At Asgard, Thor walked up to Heimdall's observatory and Heimdall told him he was late. Thor said merriment could be a heavier burden than battle at times and Heimdall noted he was doing one of them incorrectly.
"He is not wrong." Hope said.
Thor chuckled and asked how the stars fared. Heimdall said they were still shining and that from here he could see the Nine Realms and ten trillion souls. He then asked Thor if he recalled what Heimdall had taught him of the Convergence. Thor said he did and realized the alignment of the worlds approached. Heimdall said the universe hadn't seen this marvel since before his watch begun. Few could sense it and even fewer could see it and while its effects could be dangerous, it was truly beautiful.
"Well, now all of you're going to see it." Frank told everyone and they nodded.
Thor said he saw nothing and Heimdall told him that was not the beauty he was seeking.
"Of course he knows." Scott said.
Thor chuckled and inquired about Jane. Heimdall said she was quite clever and that she was unknowingly studying the Convergence and that even he couldn't see her. Now that shocked Thor.
"Let's prepare for a reunion." Trish said.
Jane found herself falling in a red background as the Aether covered her.
"Oh boy!" Peter said as everyone watched in horror.
Jane's eyes then opened and she found herself back in the area in London. She ran out as Darcy called out to her. The police was there too. Jane asked her why she had called the cops, because the cops would call the feds and then SHIELD would 'Area 51' the place.
"SHIELD isn't that bad." Fury said but was ignored by everyone.
Darcy revealed that Jane had been gone for 5 hours, horrifying her. The two then realized thunder was rumbling and it was raining heavily but they weren't wet at all. The two then turned around to see Thor standing there, holding Mjolnir. Jane handed her device to Darcy and walked towards Thor. Thor was preventing the rain from falling on Jane so she was till dry but then Darcy got drenched unfortunately.
Everyone chuckled as Natasha said, "Poor her. Victim of your emotions."
"Yeah. My emotions caused the rain." Thor revealed.
Jane walked up to Thor and slapped him.
Everyone flinched.
She said she needed to make sure Thor was real as it had been a strange day and then slapped him again, asking him where he was all this time.
"Okay, that 2nd one was so unnecessary." Aunt May pointed out and everyone nodded in agreement.
Thor asked Jane where she was as Heimdall couldn't see her. Jane said she was right here when Thor had left her. She had waited and then cried and then tried to look for him. He had said he was coming back. Thor said the Bifrost was destroyed and the Nine Realms had erupted into chaos. Wars were raging and Marauders were pillaging. He had to put an end to the slaughter. Jane said it wasn't a terrible excuse but he was also in New York. Thor said he had fought to protect Jane from the dangers of his world and he was a fool. He put a hand on her face and said he believed fate had brought them together. He didn't know where she was but he knew…
"Just say it." Wanda said.
The two were about to kiss but were interrupted when Darcy arrived. The rain then abruptly stopped.
"She is just something else." Pepper said about Darcy and everyone laughed.
"She is like a sunny girl." Tony said and the laughter continued.
An annoyed Jane said they were in the middle of something as Darcy said they were getting arrested. Jane told Thor to hold that thought and walked up to the police as Jane touched Thor's chest and commented how he was still muscly and inquired about space, to which Thor said space was fine.
"Poor everyone who has to stay with her." Sam said and everyone chuckled.
The officer asked Jane questions, including about Ian who was being searched and she said he was her intern's intern. The officer said they were all trespassing on private property and touching her arm, asked her to come with them but a red mist shot out and threw all the cops back as Thor covered Darcy to protect her.
"Sweet Christmas!" Luke said as everyone watched the scene with wide eyes.
Jane was on the ground and Thor ran up to her in concern, helping her up. She was confused. A cop with a baton asked her to put her hands behind her back. Thor said she was unwell and the cop countered she was dangerous.
"Both actually." Loki said, "Though the latter is unintentional."
Thor said he was dangerous too and the cop requested armed response. Thor asked Jane to hold on to him and the Bifrost hit the ground, taking them up as its mark was formed on the ground. The cops were thrown back as Darcy looked up in awe. Jane looked around in awe and disbelief as Heimdall effortlessly avoided a piece of a police van that had also been sucked up from hitting him. Thor and Jane then found themselves in his observatory and Jane said they had to do that again.
"Don't blame her." Wanda said.
She then saw Heimdall and awkwardly greeted him and he welcomed her to Asgard.
"First time in ages a mortal went to Asgard." Odinson said.
In Svartalfheim, Malekith looked around sadly and said in the Elven tongue how he could barely remember the time before the light. Algrim told him their survival would be his legacy and Malekith angrily said the Asgardians will suffer as he had. He will reclaim the Aether, restore their world and put an end to this poisoned universe.
"Oh boy!" Peter said.
"Most cliché villain ever." Tony said and everyone chuckled.
"No kidding." Elektra said.
"Well, let's get through this." Logan simply said.