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"That Aether must have been a pain in the ass." Tony said.
"Oh you have no idea." Thor told him.
Jane was examined by Asgardian physicians led by Eir via soul forge. She inquired about it but Eir told her not to move. Thor knew the thing within her was not from Earth and another physician told him Jane wouldn't survive the amount of energy surging within her, startling him. Jane asked if it was a Quantum Field Generator and EIr told her it was a soul forge. Jane asked if a soul forge transferred molecular energy from one place to another. Eir, startled by Jane's knowledge, said it did and Jane whispered to Thor that it was a quantum field generator, making him smile.
Everyone chuckled as Steve said, "Well, she is still as smart as ever."
"I can see why you liked her." Loki told Thor and Odinson.
Odin arrived, chastising Thor and asking him if his words were mere noises to him because of which he ignored them completely. He shut off the soul forge too.
"Boy is he in for a surprise!" Tony said.
"Took the words right out of my mouth." Scott said.
Thor told Odin she was ill and Odin told him she was a mortal and it was their defining trait. Thor said they could help her and Odin said she didn't belong here anymore than a goat at a banquet table, offending her.
"Okay, that was an unnecessary comparison." Hope said.
"Will you tell him that?" Scott asked her.
"Nope." Hope told him.
Odin introduced himself as King of Asgard and Protector of the Nine Realms. He told Jane he knew about her too, shocking her as she realized Thor had told his dad about her.
"Of course you would." Aunt May told him.
Thor told Odin something was within Jane and he had not seen it before. Odin said Midgard had 'doctors' who could deal with it and asked his guards to lead her back to Midgard. Two of the guards moved towards and Thor tried to warn them not to touch her but it was too late as they were sent flying back by the striking red mist.
"And there it is!" Tony said, "Surprise on the face of Old Father Time!"
Jane felt weakened and Thor ran up to her, gently touching her face and asking if she was all right. Odin walked up to her and saw the red energy flowing through her veins and was shocked. Eir thought the infection was defending Jane but Thor corrected her, saying it was defending itself. Odin told them to come with him.
"At least he's taking things seriously now." Peter said.
"No kidding." Benjamin agreed.
Odin led Thor and Jane into a room which had Yggdrasil in it and told them there were relics that predated the Universe itself and the thing inside Jane was one of them. He opened a book and said the Nine Realms were not eternal. They had a dawn and they will have a dusk. Before that dawn though, the forces of the Dark Elves had reigned absolute and unchallenged.
"And here comes a story." Sam said.
Thor remembered the quote from a story Frigga used to tell him and Loki as kids- "Born of eternal night the Dark Elves come to steal away the light." Odin showed them a picture and said Malekith made a weapon out of the darkness called the Aether which was fluid and ever-changing. It changed matter into dark matter and seeked out host bodies to draw strength from their bodies. Malekith had sought to use the power to return the Universe to one of darkness but after eternities of bloodshed, his father Bor had finally triumphed and ushered in a peace that lasted thousands of years.
"Definitely a poor man's Lord of the Rings now." Jessica commented and there were chuckles again.
"I know right! This looks so much like when Gandalf told Frodo the history of the One Ring." Trish remembered.
Jane asked what had happened and Odin said he had killed them all. Thor asked him if he was certain as the book said the Aether was destroyed too and yet here it was.
"Preach!" Clint said and everyone laughed.
Odin insisted the Dark Elves were dead and Jane asked if the book said how to get it out of her. Odin said it didn't and walked off.
"That's funny." Logan said, "The Allfather doesn't know how to extract the Aether but a raccoon does." [1]
"What?" Thor asked.
"You will see later." Odinson told him.
In his ship, Malekith took out a blade and told Algrim in the Elven tongue he would be the last of the Kurse and he agreed as Malekith stabbed him on the side and gave him a Kurse stone, telling him he will become darkness, cursed to this existence until it consumed him and no power his enemies possess could stop them. Algrim said he would tear down their defenses and ensure Malekith's return to a Universe reborn. Several smaller ships then flew out of the large one.
"And the Dark Lord returns." Matt said dryly.
"But Sauron was a badass." Rhodes said, "This guy is lame."
"So right." Natasha agreed.
Heimdall opened the Bifrost and Fandrall and Volstagg arrived with several prisoners. Volstagg said guarding the scoundrels was beneath them. One of the prisoners was Algrim in disguise.
"Sweet Christmas!" Luke said as everyone looked horrified.
"I share your sentiments." Elektra told him.
The prisoners were all led into their cells.
"And this is where shit starts spiraling out of control." Frank said.
The Bifrost was then shown with Asgard in all of its glory. In the throne room, all the men, women and children were applauding for someone. Sif, Fandrall and Volstagg bowed to someone.
"Okay, what's this?" Bucky asked as everyone looked in shock, Thor included.
"Well, this is embarrassing." Loki said.
A man in a red cape and a kingly robe walked up the steps to the throne and turned around, revealing himself to be Loki.
"Okay, what?" Pepper asked in shock.
"Fantasy?" Thor asked Loki.
"Yeah." Loki said, feeling embarrassed.
Loki spread his hands as everyone cheered for him and Mjolnir flew into his hand as the cheering became louder.
"Now that's just hurtful." Bruce said.
"I know." Thor and Odinson said as Loki looked embarrassed.
Frigga then appeared next to Loki and called out his name, asking him what he was doing. He said he was giving the people what they wanted. She asked if it made him feel better and he said it didn't make him feel worse. "Cast enough illusions and you risk forgetting what is real." Frigga told him. "Precisely." Loki agreed.
"What a nice fantasy." Natasha said dryly.
"One that should never come true." Loki said, surprising everyone with his sincerity.
Frigga asked if the books she sent didn't interest Loki and he wondered if he was to while away in eternity. Frigga said she had done everything in her power to make him comfortable. Loki asked if Odin or Thor shared her concern, saying how inconvenient it must be, them asking after him day and night.
"I did share her concern but I never showed it." Thor said and Loki simply nodded, once again feeling ashamed of how he was talking to his mother.
Frigga said Loki's own actions had landed him here and he said he was giving truth to the lie he had been fed his entire life. He was born to be a king. Frigga said a true king admitted his faults and inquired about the lives he had taken on Earth. Loki said they were a mere handful in comparison to the ones Odin had taken himself.
"The statement holds so much truth now." Odinson said.
Frigga called Odin Loki's father and he exploded on her that Odin was not his father. Frigga then asked if she wasn't his mother and he said she wasn't.
Loki held his head in his hands, feeling a stray tear drop out of his eye but Thor grasped his shoulder to offer comfort, knowing how horrible he felt.
Frigga chuckled and told Loki he was perceptive about everyone but himself. She held out her hands. He tried to touch them but they were just an illusion she had conjured. She faded away with a smile.
Loki winced again and shook his head.
Thor and Jane walked together and she asked if he had known she was in trouble. He said Heimdall had lost sight of her and she was not on Earth, confusing her. He told her the Nine Realms traveled within Yggdrasil and orbited Midgard just as the planets orbit the sun and every 5000 years the worlds aligned perfectly and that was called the Convergence. As he said that, the two aligned their hands.
"Now that's a perfect alignment." Benjamin quipped and there were laughs as Thor and Odinson shook their heads.
Thor said the borders between worlds became blurred and she had found one of these points. They were lucky it had remained open as once the worlds passed out of alignment the connection was lost forever. As he said that, he moved the hands out of alignment. With that, the two kissed each other passionately.
"And there it is." Wanda sighed.
Vision started, "The opposite pheromo-"
"Yeah, yeah. We get it." Tony said.
Jane said she liked the way he explained things and asked what was going to happen to her. Thor said he will find a way to save her. Jane reminded him that his father had said there was no way and Thor said his father didn't know everything.
"But a raccoon does." Logan said and everyone chuckled.
Frigga's voice told Thor not to let his father hear him say that. The two turned to see her walking up to them.
"Or YOU'LL BE UNWORTHY AGAIN!" Scott said but instead of laughs, got glares.
"All right! I'm not here! Please turn to the screen." Scott said with a smile and they all turned to the screen.
Thor introduced Jane to Frigga and she awkwardly said hi again.
"Well, this is awkward." Jessica said.
Loki was lying in his cell. Algrim took out the Kurse stone from his wound and pressed it. He then started spasming violently as the other prisoners banged their barrier in horror. Loki heard the commotion and got up.
"Oh no!" Natasha said in horror as everyone watched the screen.
Algrim convulsed as his body produced flames and let out a mist, knocking out all the prisoners. As the guards arrived, Algrim, now transformed Kurse, grabbed a prisoner and slammed his head on the barrier, electrocuting him. He then punched the man hard, killing him and shattering the barrier.
"Shit!" Sam said.
"Oh boy!" Rhodes said.
"They're coming." Steve sighed.
Two Einherjar attacked him. One stabbed him but he was unaffected and lifting up both of them, he used his burning hands to turn them into skeletons and threw them down before ripping the sword out and throwing it off.
"And it begins." Tony sighed.
He then walked up to all the cells, punching the barriers and freeing the prisoners. They all started running around, causing havoc.
"So this is where Lorelei gets out." Thor realized.
"Yup." Loki and Odinson said.
Hearing the alarm, the Einherjar armed themselves, running to the dungeon. As they battled the prisoners, Kurse walked up to Loki's cell and the two stared at each other, the former with a snarl and the latter with a smirk. He then walked off as Loki told him he might want to take the stairs to the left. Kurse looked at him one last time and walked off.
"Shouldn't have said that." Loki said, feeling guilty again.
Thor, Frigga and Jane heard the alarm and she told him to go, assuring him that she would take care of Jane. Thor ran up to the balcony, throwing off his cloak and leaping up into the air, summoned Mjolnir to him as his cape appeared too and he flew off.
"Damn!" Sam said, impressed by how Thor's cape had appeared out of nowhere.
Fandrall and Volstagg took down some prisoners as the former joked they resented being imprisoned and the latter joked there was no pleasing some creatures. One of the prisoners ran to Loki's cell but the barrier pushed him off as Loki simply continued reading a book.
Everyone laughed as Natasha said, "Okay, that looked pretty cool."
"Thanks." Loki said.
Thor landed on the ground and the fighting came to a halt. "Return to your cells, no further harm will come to you." He said, "You have my word." One of them punched him and he grabbed him angrily, "Very well, you do not have my word." He then hit him with Mjolnir, knocking him out.
"Should have taken the offer." Steve said.
Another prisoner grabbed Thor from behind as he kicked another away and punched the one grabbing him down before dodging another's blow and snapping his neck effortlessly with one hand.
"Damn!" Bucky said as all of them were awed by Thor's strength, "That is a lot of strength."
"There's a reason they're called Gods." Benjamin pointed out.
Thor sent another flying off with Mjolnir as Odin told the Einherjar to send a squadron to the weapons' vault and defend it at all costs and secure the dungeon. They started walking off as Frigga and Jane arrived and he told them it was just a skirmish and nothing to fear. She told Odin he had never been a very good liar.
"There is only one good liar in Asgard." Thor said and Loki smirked.
"You're not a good liar if everyone knows you're one." Natasha said and Loki's smirk vanished.
Sif passed by Jane and they exchanged a look.
"Ooh! The jealousy is dripping." Loki smirked and everyone shook their heads.
"I know right!" Bruce said.
Odin told Frigga to take Jane to her chambers and that he would come for them once the threat was over. She told Odin to take care and he said how his Queen still worried over him in spite of all he had survived. She said he survived only because she worried for him as she walked off with Jane.
"Sounds about right." Clint said.
"It is." Thor agreed.
Frigga then took a sword from an Einherjar and told Jane to follow everything she said without any questions and Jane agreed.
"Good for her." Odinson said.
Heimdall was standing in his Observatory when he sensed something. He ran out onto the Bifrost and leapt onto something with his daggers out. And then a Dark Elf battleship became visible as he destroyed it and jumped back down.
"Oh no!" Peter said as everyone watched in horror.
That was when the main ship became visible and several battleships flew out of it.
"Oh my God!" Wanda said in horror.
The ships all flew around. Some Asgardian turrets fired at them but they dodged and destroyed them. An Asgardian battleship flew up to fire at them but they dodged and destroyed it too before another one from behind them destroyed some of them. Heimdall walked into his Observatory and pressed Hofund, which caused a golden barrier to rise up, covering the palace as protection. Several Dark Elf warships were destroyed as they collided with it.
"Finally!" Tony said.
"Thank God!" Steve sighed in relief.
"Don't be happy just yet." Thor said with a grim expression and everyone paled.
Kurse killed more Einherjar and walked up to the source of the barrier. Using all of his strength, he smashed it hard, destroying it as the barrier came down and faded.
"What?" Pepper said in horror.
"Damn!" Rhodes said.
"Even the Other Guy would struggle against this Kurse." Bruce said with wide eyes.
One of the battleships crashed into the palace, bringing down some debris which crushed Einherjar and civilians alike. The rumbling alerted Thor, Fandrall, Volstagg and even Loki in the dungeon. The Einherjar moved towards the ship as the Dark Elves lay in wait. They suddenly charged out, firing their weapons to kill the soldiers and one of them threw a grenade which produced a kind of black hole that sucked some soldiers inside.
"Okay, what the hell is that?!" A horrified Tony asked.
"Black Hole Grenade." Odinson sighed.
Another Black Hole Grenade took down a few Einherjar as some of them took down a few Dark Elves but were taken down by their guns. Malekith then walked out of the battleship and taking a Black Hole Grenade from one of the Dark Elves, threw it right at the throne of Asgard. It exploded and destroyed almost all of the throne.
"Shit!" Sam said as everyone looked horrified while Thor, Odinson and Loki simply glared.
Loki watched the action from his cell as Odin and some other Einherjar arrived at the throne room. Odin fired a beam from Gungnir, killing the remaining Dark Elf and realized in horror that they were going to attack Frigga and Jane.
"Oh no!" Steve said in horror.
Malekith opened the door to Frigga's chambers as a horrified Jane backed off but Frigga stood in his way, telling him he could survive this if he surrendered. Malekith said he had survived worse and Frigga asked him who he was. He said he was Malekith and he would have what was his.
"Does it say on the lease?" Tony joked to lighten the mood but it didn't work as everyone knew what was coming.
Frigga suddenly brandished her sword and struck his face, staggering him back. He took out his own sword and the two clashed. He dodged her blows before she elbowed him back. Jane watched as Frigga overpowered Malekith and pinned him to a pillar.
"That's it! Kick his ass!" Scott cheered but Thor, Odinson and Loki were pale as they knew what was about to happen.
Frigga sensed a presence on her side and tried to strike but Kurse disarmed her and lifted her by the throat.
Everyone snarled in rage, especially Thor, Odinson and Loki.
Malekith told Jane to return what she had taken and tried to touch her but she faded away. Malekith realized it was an illusion.
"Smart." Tony whispered.
An outraged Malekith called her witch and asked her where the Aether was. She said she would never tell him and he said he believed her. And then Kurse drove his sword through her back. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!"
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Thor roared in agony as Loki watched with a pale face and wide eyes, jaw dropped as tears started flowing out while Odinson simply shook his head and held it in his hands. He still remembered that moment as if it was yesterday.
Loki put a hand on Thor's shoulder to offer support while Logan did the same for Odinson and T'Challa did the same for Loki. He could feel their pain as he remembered his father's loss.
Steve, Tony, Bruce, Wanda and Hope as well.
Malekith's face was hit by powerful lightning, scarring it permanently as a roaring Thor threw Mjolnir but Kurse covered him as it broke the balcony. They jumped into a battleship and it flew off to the main ship. Thor threw Mjolnir again but the ships disappeared as Thor watched in horror and disbelief. He turned around, feeling numb, as Mjolnir returned to him. Odin and the real Jane walked in too and the former kneeled down sadly, holding Frigga in his arms.
Everyone already had tears in their eyes at what they were witnessing.
Frigga was then on a funeral pyre which was floated away on flower petals. Odin, Thor, Jane, Sif, Fandrall and Volstagg were all there and many of the Asgardians held orbs in their hands. An archer fired a flaming arrow and it hit the floating pyre, lighting it up as Thor and Sif looked distraught, the latter also having considered Frigga a mother. Several other archers also fired flaming arrows as they fell into the river. As the pyre reached the end of the waterfall, Odin tapped Gungnir on the ground and light rose from her body, flying up into the stars as the pyre fell down the waterfall. From his Observatory, Heimdall watched the light going up with a distraught expression on his face and the Asgardians all released their orbs from their hands into the sky to help the spirit of light find its way to Valhalla.
No one said a word, all of them feeling like they had been stabbed in the heart. Counting out Thor, Odinson and Loki, none of them knew Frigga well but these recordings had shown how kind she was and her death seemed cruel and unjust to them all.
Steve, Tony, Bruce, Wanda, Hope, Peter and Benjamin could especially feel the pain of the Asgardians.
Loki was reading quietly in his cell when an Einherjar informed him of Frigga's demise. Loki nodded, appearing calm. The Einherjar walked off as Loki stood up and walked around in his cell. Feeling rage like he had never felt before and a desire for vengeance, Loki telekinetically threw the tables and chairs inside his cell away. They hit the barrier violently and fell down.
Everyone flinched at the scene, realizing that Loki wasn't just angry and grieving but also feeling guilty as he had told the Kurse to take the stairs to the left. They all knew his cell was going to be trashed very violently now by an angry Loki.
In London, Erik was telling other patients about the Convergence. He picked up two shoes, using them to represent two worlds and said normally they were separate but during the Convergence, they aligned and everything was connected. All Nine Realms passing through each other, though the results will be cataclysmic if they happened to them now. But it was beautiful. He then asked if there were any questions. "Yeah. Can I have my shoe back?" An elderly man asked.
"And him again." Tony sighed but couldn't bring a funny tone to his voice as what he had witnessed had drained him emotionally, just as it had done to everyone else.
In the Dark Elves' ship, Malekith was resting as Kurse spoke in the Elven tongue and told Malekith to rest as he would need to be at his full strength to reclaim the Aether and when he woke, they would kill them all.
"Can't wait to see you die a painful death, bastard." Sam snarled as everyone glared daggers into the two.
Back at Asgard, Jane was working with some kind of hologram as Thor arrived and commented how she learnt quickly. She said she worked when she didn't know what to do. He asked if it helped and she said it did sometimes. She then sincerely apologized to Thor, saying how Frigga's death was because she was here. Thor assured her it wasn't her fault.
"Survivor's guilt." Steve said sadly, recognizing it easily as he himself had it due to Bucky's 'death.'
Jane said Frigga had saved her and Thor pointed out she had saved them all and asked what she had found. She said she understood the Aether converted matter into dark matter and that Malekith had used it to destroy a planet once.
"Damn!" Frank snarled.
Thor wondered why they had returned now. Jane said she had found something else and revealed a glowing red stone's hologram. She said Odin probably didn't know but Thor realized he didn't want them to know.
"Busted." Hope said, regaining some of her normal humor for the first time since Frigga's death.
Tyr and two Einherjar arrived, saying Jane needed to come with them. Thor was startled as Tyr said Odin had ordered her to be confined to her chambers. Thor said she wasn't going anywhere but Tyr said these were the king's orders. Thor was about to fight them but Jane stopped him and said she didn't want anyone else to get hurt because of her. She then touched Thor's shoulder lovingly and walked away with Tyr and the Einherjar as Thor looked after them.
"Because of his grief, father is taking unreasonable decisions now." Thor sighed.
"Tell me about it." Odinson said.
Fandrall, Volstagg and some other Einherjar stood in front of Odin, saying the palace shields were still down, their artillery could not detect the Dark Elves and even Heimdall couldn't see them. They were defenseless. Thor then arrived, asking Odin if Jane was his prisoner now. The others left as Odin said he didn't wish to fight Thor and Thor said he didn't wish to fight him either but he intended to pursue Malekith. Odin said they possessed the Aether and Malekith would come to them. Thor said he woul destroy them and Odin said he overestimated them. Thor said he valued their people's lives. He would take Jane to the Dark World to draw the enemy away from Asgard and when Malekith drew the Aether from her, destroy it and him. Odin said if he failed, it would fall into Malekith's hands. Thor said the risk was far greater if they did nothing and the ships could be right over their heads. Odin said his men would fall to 10,000 Asgardian blades. Thor asked how many of theirs would fall to the Dark Elves and he said as many as needed. They would fight till the last drop of Asgardian blood and the last Asgardian breath. Thor asked how he was different from Malekith and he chuckled humorlessly and said the difference was that he would win. He then walked off as Thor looked after him.
"Vengeance is consuming him." T'Challa realized, having experienced it himself.
On Earth, Darcy commented how Jane or Erik weren't calling her back and also mentioned SHIELD. Ian asked what SHIELD was and she said it was a secret.
"Then you shouldn't have said it." Hill said.
"He looks cute." Elektra said about Ian with a smirk. [2]
"Oh come on." Matt sighed as she chuckled and held his hand.
"Oh don't worry, you're still the best." She said and the two shared a quick kiss as everyone chuckled.
Darcy called Erik and told him Thor had taken Jane to Asgard and she wasn't sure what to do. That was when the news reporter said Erik had been streaking nude across the historic site as Ian recognized him. He showed it to Darcy as Erik was shown being led away by the cops. She sat next to Ian, wincing.
"And now they will get him." Luke said.
At Asgard, Thor was sitting as Heimdall sat in front of him. Thor commented how he wasn't on Odin's war council and he said the Bifrost had been shut off on his order. No one was to come or go as they faced an enemy invisible to even him. Thor told him Malekith would return and he knew that. Heimdall said he couldn't overrule Odin's wishes even for Thor. Thor said he wasn't asking him to but the Nine Realms needed the Allfather strong and unchallenged even if he wasn't. He was blinded by hatred and grief. Heimdall they all were. Thor said he saw clearly enough. Heimdall said the risk were too great and Thor said everything they did from now on was a risk. There was no other way. Heimdall asked what Thor required of him.
"A plan is coming up." Bruce said.
Thor, Sif, Fandrall, Volstagg and Heimdall then sat together as he said they were about to commit treason of the highest order. Success would bring them exile and failure would mean their deaths. Malekith could sense the Aether's power and if they did nothing, he would come for it and lay waste to all of Asgard. They had to move Jane off-world. Sif said the Bifrost was shut down and the Teserract locked away. Volstagg said there were other ways off Asgard known to a few. Thor said it was just one and everyone realized who he was referring to.
"Yes." Loki smirked.
Thor walked up to Loki's cell and he commented how Thor had come after all this time to mock and gloat. "Loki enough." Thor said, "No more illusions." The illusion then disappeared as the cell was shown trashed around violently, the tables and chairs all broken as Loki was on the ground, his clothes ripped off and his foot bleeding.
Everyone watched the scene with wide eyes except the Asgardians. They had never expected an outburst this violent from Loki. But it made sense. He grieved, he craved for vengeance and he felt guilty.
"Now you see me brother." Loki said and asked if Frigga had suffered. Thor said he hadn't come to share their grief but to offer a far richer sacrament. Loki asked him to go on and Thor said he knew Loki seeked vengeance as much as him. If Loki helped him escape Asgard, he would grant vengeance to him and then this cell. Loki chuckled and said how Thor would be truly desperate to come to him for help and asked why he trusted him. Thor said he didn't but mother did. He then continued, "But you should know that when we fought each other in the past, I did so with a glimmer of hope that my brother was still in there somewhere. That hope no longer exists to protect you. You betray me, and I will kill you."
"Wow!" Tony said.
"Hmm." Loki smirked, "When do we start?"
"Now the real fun is starting." Logan smirked.