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"I think you're about to piss off a lot of people." Tony said.
"Not as many as you think." Thor told him.
In the meeting, Fandrall told Thor that Loki will betray him. Thor agreed, saying Loki will try.
"Going prepared this time I see." Steve said.
"If I let him fool me all the time, then shame on me." Thor said as Loki smirked.
Thor and Loki walked together and Loki commented how being so clandestine was unlike Thor who would rather punch his way out. Thor said if Loki didn't stop talking, he just might so Loki decided he wasn't even there and as they passed a pillar, he transformed himself into an Einherjar and wondered if it was better. Thor said it was better company.
"Now that's a burn." Peter said.
"Oh just watch what I do now." Loki said.
Loki commented they could be less conspicuous and as they passed another pillar, Loki transformed back into himself while Thor was now in Sif's form and Loki commented how he looked ravishing.
No one could stop the laughter from leaving their throats as Thor and Odinson both looked embarrassed and glared at Loki.
"Now that is the biggest burn." Scott said.
"Just keep watching." Odinson said.
Thor looked at himself and then told Loki it would hurt no less when he killed him in this form.
Everyone laughed as Hope said, "And he got you back."
Loki decided that Thor preferred one of his new companions and as they passed another pillar, Thor was back in his normal form while Loki was in the form of Steve Rogers.
"Oh come on!" Steve said in annoyance as everyone laughed and Loki had a smug smile.
"Well Cap, prepare to be tarnished." Tony joked and everyone chuckled.
Loki said how this was much better and while the suit was a bit tight, he could feel the confidence and righteousness surging.
"He is gonna kill you now." Bucky said to Loki as Steve shook his head.
"As if I didn't know that." Loki smirked.
He asked Thor if he wanted to have a rousing discussion about truth, honor or patriotism and was about to say "God Bless America" when Thor shut his mouth and pinned him to a pillar as two Einherjar passed by. Loki transformed back into his normal form.
"Thanks Thor." Steve sighed as everyone chuckled.
"Don't mention it." Thor said.
Loki said Thor could at least provide him with a weapon like a dagger and Thor started giving him something. Loki smiled but then realized Thor had cuffed his hands. He held them up in shock as Thor chuckled, "And I thought you liked tricks."
Everyone laughed heartily as now Loki looked embarrassed.
"Now that is a point for Thor." Benjamin said as the laughter continued and Loki shook his head in embarrassment.
At the meeting, Fandrall pointed out that Jane was being guarded by a legion of EInherjar who would see Thor coming from a mile away. Thor said he wouldn't come for her and turned to Sif.
"What a great idea!" Bruce said sarcastically as everyone laughed, "Sending the woman who has got a thing for you to rescue your girlfriend!"
"Now that you put it like that, I feel like an idiot." Thor sighed.
An Einherjar brought food for Jane and she said she wasn't hungry. That was when Sif knocked out the Einherjar and told Jane to come with her.
"At least it works." T'Challa said.
Thor and Loki were walking when some Einherjar appeared in their way. Loki asked if that was a good idea and Thor said they won't kill. Thor then grabbed one of their staffs as he tried to hit and avoiding another one's strike, threw the Einherjar away before throwing another one away. He then grabbed another one by the neck and threw him into a pillar as Loki watched. He then threw another one down and grabbing another's staff, pushed him back and snatched it, using it to hit two of them as Loki tried to free himself. Thor blocked attacks from all the Einherjar and they were in a deadlock before he kicked one away and smacked another, throwing him down and grabbing the last one, slammed his head on a pillar, finally knocking him out.
Everyone clapped as Sam said, "Now that was a good fight."
"Which I always love." Odinson said.
Sif then arrived with Jane, who recognized Loki and slapped him for New York. He smirked and said he liked her.
"Unnecessary but understandable." Aunt May commented.
At the meeting, Heimdall said it was his sworn duty to inform the Allfather of crimes against the throne.
"The guy is going to find a loophole again." Natasha realized as Thor nodded at her.
Odin and some Einherjar arrived at Heimdall's Observatory to ask him about the urgent matter he wanted to talk about. Heimdall said it was treason. When Odin asked whose, Heimdall brandished Hofund and said his own. Before the Einherjar could attack him, Tyr arrived and told Odin that Jane had been taken. Odin looked at Heimdall and realized the plan. He told the Einherjar to stop Thor by any means necessary.
"Good luck with that." Logan said.
Some Einherjar walked up to Thor, Loki, Sif and Jane. Sif said she will hold them off and Thor thanked her, walking away with Jane. Sif put her sword on Loki's throat and said she would kill him if he betrayed Thor. Loki laughed and said it was good to see her too before walking off as she prepared to fight the Einherjar.
"Never make her angry." Thor told Loki who nodded.
At the meeting, Volstagg asked that even if Thor succeeded in securing Loki's aid and freeing Jane, how would they escape as they would be dead if they stepped foot outside the palace. Thor said they won't be leaving by foot.
"And that is the only good thing those stupid Dark Elves did for us." Odinson smirked and everyone realized what they were going to do.
Thor, Loki and Jane walked towards the crashed Dark Elf battleship, passing by Volstagg, who said he will hold them off. Thor thanked him and Jane nodded at him with a smile. Volstagg pushed Loki back and started saying what he would do if he thought about betraying Thor. Loki smirked and asked Volstagg if he would kill him. He then said there has got to be a line. Volstagg sighed as Loki walked past him.
Everyone chuckled as Wanda said, "Looks like no one should fight verbally with Loki."
"No kidding." Clint said.
Thor, Loki and Jane walked into the ship as Thor tried to start it. Loki remembered that Thor had said he could fly this thing but Thor reminded that he had said it couldn't be that hard.
"Doesn't look that hard to me." Tony said.
The Einherjar arrived to stop them and Volstagg fought them off as Loki told Thor to work faster. Thor pressed every button on the ship as Loki told him to press gently. Thor smacked the buttons hard and the ship started.
"And it worked." Pepper said.
The guards all covered Volstagg, taking him down.
"They have to resort to squashing him to even win." Thor laughed as everyone had smiles on their faces.
The ship then started, throwing them off as Volstagg laughed and the flight started, destroying a few columns. Loki joked how he had missed one and Thor told him to shut up as the ship burst through the door. It flew up as a turret fired but Thor avoided. Loki said he should drive as he is the better pilot but Thor said he could actually fly.
"Which actually makes Loki the better pilot." Steve pointed out.
Jane then fell down as Loki joked she was dead but a weakened Jane said she was okay.
"I hope you get it out of her soon." T'Challa said as everyone noted Jane's suffering.
Asgardian battleships followed them and fired as Loki commented on that and Thor sarcastically said the commentary was unnecessary. The ship hit a statue of Bor, decapitating it as Loki joked how he had decapitated grandfather.
"Unfortunate. I know." Loki said as everyone laughed.
Loki sarcastically said how Thor's idea was just brilliant- stealing the world's biggest, most obvious ship and fly around the city in that so everyone could see them. Thor then pushed Loki off the ship and he screamed.
"Did you just push him off?" Clint asked, equally amused and confused.
"Just watch." Thor said.
Thor picked Jane up and jumped off on an Asgardian battleship driven by Fandrall as the Asgardian battleships continued firing at the Dark Elf Battleship.
"Okay, that was a brilliant plan." Tony said.
"I agree." Steve agreed with him.
"You're pretty smart, you know that?" Bruce asked.
"Thanks." Thor simply said.
Loki realized Thor had lied to him and was impressed.
"Do I get your seal of approval?" Natasha asked jokingly.
"Oh I would give you about 50 of them if I could." Loki said as everyone laughed and Natasha smirked while Bucky put an arm around her.
Thor asked Loki to do as promised and he drove the battleship as Fandrall took a rope and used it to swing onto another battleship. He punched out two Einherjar and dodging the third's swing, elbowed him out before giving a salute to Thor who nodded.
"I can see why he is so dashing." Aunt May said and everyone nodded in agreement.
Loki then started driving towards a hill, startling Thor. Loki said if it was easy, everyone would do it.
"Good point." Frank said.
As they neared the hill, they were transported right to Svartalfheim. "Ta-da!" Loki said.
"And that is why Loki is the best part of this recording." Jessica said and everyone laughed.
"Yup. This entire part was so enjoyable." Trish said.
"Thanks." Loki said, flattered.
"You really know how to attract an audience." Luke told him.
At their base, Kurse told Malekith in the Elven tongue they should strike now but Malekith said it was meaningless as the Aether had found its way home.
"This is becoming a poor man's Lord of the Rings every second now." Elektra said and gained nods of approval.
"Couldn't agree more." Matt said.
Thor put a blanket on a passed out Jane as Loki commented what he could accomplish with the power flowing through those veins. Thor said it would consume him and Loki said she was holding up all right for now. Thor told Loki she was strong in ways Loki didn't know.
Odinson winced, knowing how wrong he was about Loki. No one said a thing.
Loki told Thor to say goodbye but he said not this day. Loki told him even a 100 years would be nothing as was just a heartbeat and the only woman whose love Thor had prized would be snatched from him. Thor asked if that would satisfy Loki and he said satisfaction wasn't in his nature. Thor countered that surrender wasn't in his. Loki called Thor the Son of Odin but Thor said he wasn't just the Son of Odin. He told Loki he wasn't the only one loved of mother. Loki had her tricks but Thor had her trust. Loki asked if trust was her last expression when Thor had let her die and Thor said Loki wasn't much help from his cell either. Loki exploded on Thor, asking him who put him there. Thor grabbed him by the collar and pinning him to the edge, exploded back, saying he knew damn well who.
Everyone flinched at the scene. While most of them still weren't Loki's biggest fans, though they understood where he was coming from, it still hurt to see the two brothers fight like that. It was expected though.
"I'm sorry." Thor said to Loki.
"I'm sorry too." Loki said and the two smiled at each other.
Thor then let Loki go and said, "She wouldn't want us to fight." Loki smiled sadly and said, "Well, she wouldn't exactly be shocked." Thor chuckled humorlessly and said, "I wish I could trust you." Loki had a dark gleam in his eyes and said, "Trust my rage."
"That wasn't a mistake." Odinson said.
"No kidding." Logan agreed.
On Earth, in a hospital, Darcy and Ian were signing Erik's release form, with Ian posing as Erik's son. The man asked Ian to sign and he snapped out of his daze, signing the papers.
"Could he be any less obvious?" Natasha said.
"Even I wasn't that bad with Stane." Pepper said.
"No kidding." Clint agreed.
The man then took out Erik's belongings, including his scientific equipment and some prescription medicines. Erik was led to them and Darcy waved at him. He recognized her and hugged her tightly. He asked where they had found him and Ian said he was naked on TV. Darcy said it was getting weird now and he let her go as the three walked out.
"And now he is out." T'Challa said.
"His research was pretty helpful." Matt said.
Darcy said she shouldn't be left in charge of scientific equipment as she wasn't paid at all and Ian introduced himself as Darcy's intern, saying he didn't get paid either. Erik said he had a God in his brain and didn't recommend it.
"You really did a number on him." Bucky said to Loki.
"You were all right though, right?" Rhodes asked Clint.
"I was." Clint said.
Erik's equipment beeped and he said it was happening. They looked up at a flock of birds flying when they suddenly disappeared in thin air. And then they flew out from under the three as Darcy screamed in terror.
"Okay, that was unexpected." Steve said.
"The Convergence has begun." Scott said.
Erik was smiling though. He said there was nothing more reassuring than realizing the world was crazier than he was. He then threw his prescriptions away and the three walked off to Jane's lab.
"And now they come in too." Elektra said.
At Svaralfheim, Jane woke up, feeling dazed. The ship was visible now. Thor, Loki and Jane exited the battleship and walked further as Malekith, Kurse and some Dark Elves walked out to confront them. Thor asked Jane if she was ready and Loki said he was. He said this plan was going to get them killed and Thor agreed it was possible. Loki raised his cuffed hands and asked, "You still don't trust me, brother?" Thor ripped the cuffs out and asked, "Would you?" Loki smirked and said, "No, I wouldn't." Brandishing a knife, he stabbed Thor in the abdomen and kicked him down. Jane was horrified.
"What?" Steve said.
"Oh no!" Peter said in horror.
"Motherfu-" Fury trailed off.
"You're betraying him?" A horrified Clint said to Loki.
"Just watch!" Thor said.
"I'm a trickster." Loki reminded them.
Malekith watched as Loki walked up to Thor, telling him he didn't care about any of them, Frigga included, and kicked him away. He said he only wanted him and Odin dead at his feet. Thor tried to summon Mjolnir but Loki cut off his hand.
"Damn!" Hill said.
Jane ran up to Thor and kneeled close to him as Loki lifted her up and told Malekith he had a gift for him. He threw Jane at Malekith's feet and said in return, he only wanted a good seat from which to watch Asgard burn. Kurse told Malekith Loki was an enemy of Asgard and a prisoner in their dungeon. Malekith walked up to Thor and turning him around, asked him to look at him.
"What a lame show-off." Tony said about Malekith.
"No kidding." Rhodes agreed.
Malekith telekinetically lifted Jane up and started extracting the Aether. Jane had a vision of the Aether covering Earth.
"Shit!" Jessica said.
Malekith managed to extract the Aether and it took shape in the air. Thor then called out to Loki. Loki pointed at Thor and the illusion faded as Thor's hand reappeared and his wounds disappeared. Mjolnir flew to his hand.
"Wow!" Natasha said, all of them surprised by the plan of the brothers, "Just wow!"
"Sounds about right." Wanda agreed.
Thor then pointed Mjolnir at the Aether and unleashed a powerful lightning blast as Loki covered Jane. There was an explosion and nothing of the Aether was left.
"False victory." Tony said and everyone nodded.
The shards of the Aether lay at Thor's feet. Suddenly, they flew into the air and turned back into their normal form near Malekith, who absorbed it into him as his eyes showed the color of darkness.
"Oh shit!" Sam said.
"Fail!" Frank sighed.
"As was expected." Tony realized.
They started walking off as Thor killed three Dark Elves with Mjolnir when Kurse threw a Black Hole Grenade. Loki pushed Jane out of the way as it exploded, slowly sucking him in. Thor flew up to him and saved him, throwing him down.
"Looks like we were wrong about you after all." Steve said as everyone had witnessed Loki's selflessness in trying to save Jane.
Thor then flew up to the ship but Kurse knocked him away as Mjolnir fell off. Thor tried to fight but Kurse blocked and punched him before knocking him away. The ship flew off and disappeared.
"And they're gone." Hope sighed.
Some Dark Elves surrounded Loki and he brandished his knife, killing one while Kurse lifted Thor by the throat. Thor punched twice, making him let go. He tried to punch again but Kurse dodged and punched him into a hill. He then ripped out a boulder with a punch and threw it at Thor who put his arms in the way but was still thrown down by it.
"He is kicking your ass, man." Sam said.
"He wouldn't last a second against me now." Odinson said.
"Even I can beat him easily." Thor shrugged.
Kurse walked up to Thor as he summoned Mjolnir but he knocked it away and smashing Thor down, continued punching him.
"What the hell?" Rhodes said.
"He would definitely be a match for the Other Guy." Bruce said.
Loki sliced down two Dark Elves and grabbing the third, stabbed his throat before noticing Kurse pummeling Thor. He continued doing so until a blade protruded from his back. He turned around to see Loki. He then grabbed Loki and pulled him into the blade too. "NOOOOO!" Thor screamed in despair as Loki fell down.
"Don't shed tears. I'm still here." Loki smirked but no one said a thing.
Kurse moved towards Loki who smirked and said, "See you in Hel, monster." That was when Kurse heard a beeping and realized there was a Black Hole Grenade stuck to it. Before it could remove it, it exploded, slowly ripping him to shreds and pulling him in.
Everyone clapped and cheered at the scene as Sam said, "Finally!"
"One down, one to go!" Rhodes said.
"You did great, Loki." Steve told him as everyone clapped for him of all people, which was something they had never expected.
"Uhhhhh, thanks." Loki said simply, amusing everyone.
Thor ran up to Loki and knelt close to him sadly, calling him a fool who didn't listen. Loki said he was a fool as Thor asked him to stay with him, tears in his eyes. Loki apologized as Thor said it was okay and said, "I'll tell father what you did here today." A 'dying' Loki said, "I didn't do it for him." With that, his eyes closed and his breathing stopped. "NOOOOOOOO!" Thor cried out in despair as Jane watched the scene sadly.
No one said a word. While Loki was obviously alive, the scene still seemed sad.
"Sorry I faked my death." Loki sighed but got no response.
Thor and Jane then walked as a storm brewed and he covered her. Jane told Thor Malekith was going to unleash the Aether not just on Asgard or a star but on everything. Thor asked how and she said she had seen him on Earth in her vision. It was the Convergence. Jane said none of this would have happened if she hadn't found the Aether but Thor assured her that then Malekith would have possessed it sooner. She said she had found it because she was looking for him. He stroked her hair when suddenly her phone rang, startling her. A confused Thor said it wasn't him.
"So there is service on there?" Tony joked, "The Dark Elves use phones?"
"Just watch." Thor said.
Jane picked up the phone and it was Richard. He said he had enjoyed their lunch even though they hadn't ordered anything and wondered if they could go to dinner. Jane wondered how she was getting service and asked Richard not to hang up the phone. Thor looked a bit shocked as Jane asked him to stay on the phone and that was when she saw a can there and remembered it as the one thrown by the kids. The car keys were there too and she picked them up as Thor wondered why there were so many shoes. They vanished through the breach in the world as the call was cut and Richard said he would just text her.
"Poor guy." Natasha said.
Thor and Jane were back on Earth and got in a car as Thor asked who Richard was and she simply shook her head as she started the car and drove off.
"Now the real thing is about to start." Logan said.