Ch 39 Ending Malekith

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"So I'm guessing some science-y discussion and then the final fight." Sam said.

"Yes." Thor said.

Darcy was typing on her computer when Thor and Jane walked in. As Thor put Mjolnir on the coat hanger, Darcy told her she couldn't leave like that as the stuff they saw was spreading. She then asked if Jane had been to a fancy dress party.

"You wish." Tony said.

"Mjolnir on a coat hanger? Never going to get that out of my head." Loki chuckled.

Jane then noticed Erik and they hugged as she asked him about his pants and Ian said they helped him think.

"Never knew that." Rhodes said.

Thor asked Erik if he was well and he asked if his brother was coming. Thor sadly said Loki was dead. Erik had missed the grief in Thor's voice and looked relieved but on seeing Thor's expression, apologized for his loss and hugged him with a smile.

"What a nice man." Steve said.

"I know. Shouldn't have done what I did to him." Loki said.

At Svartalfheim, there was a flash of green and an Einherjar started walking away.

"And you're back in the game." Scott said to Loki.

"Yeah. How fortunate." Loki joked.

The Einherjar stopped in front of Odin at Asgard and told him they had found no sign of Thor or the Aether but they had found a body. Odin realized it was Loki.

"Except you're right behind him." Hope said.

"How did he not detect you?" Thor asked.

"Let's just say I came prepared with a plan that even he wouldn't have seen coming." Loki said.

"What was it?" Peter asked.

"Svartalfheim has a very strong poisonous flower on it." Loki said, "It can kill humans with a touch and even Gods. And it could temporarily paralyze Odin. I disguised it as a dagger and tried to stab him. He obviously saw through the trick and stopped me. He then took away the dagger. Then I removed the illusion and the poison temporarily paralyzed him. Before he could recover, I cast the spell on him."

After Loki was finished, the only reaction of was a "Damn!" by Bruce.

"'Damn' sounds about right." Odinson said.

"While you were a two-faced sneak back then obviously, I got to say, that was a good plan." Logan told him.

In the apartment- Thor, Erik, Jane, Darcy and Ian discussed Malekith's plan. Jane said Malekith would fire the weapon at a spot where all the Nine Realms were connecting and it would amplify its impact. The effect would be universal. Thor said Malekith needed to be in exactly the right place at exactly the right time as it was temporary. Erik then opened a map, saying that it had happened years ago and witnessed by the Ancients. They had left them a map. Erik then looked at all the coordinates and finally discovered that the location was Greenwich. Jane said the walls between worlds will be non-existent, physics will go ballistic with increases and decreases in gravity and special extrusions. The very fabric in reality will be torn apart. Thor summoned Mjolnir from the coat rack and it flew to his hand. Erik said he needed to get his pants.

"Yeah, you will need them." Pepper joked.

"Now finally the better part of this recording." Elektra said.

"No kidding." Jessica agreed.

At the site, Darcy told Ian to focus and said they needed to hammer their equipment all around the site before Jane and Erik will activate them at the tower. Ian said they were taped together. Darcy asked if he even knew what they did. He said he didn't and she said she didn't either.

Everyone laughed as Frank said, "Now that's how you lighten the mood."

Jane and Erik walked in a library. Jane's shoes squeaked so the librarian shushed her.

"That can be a bummer." Aunt May said.

As Darcy and Ian installed the equipment, Malekith's ship appeared and they backed off as the civilians started running around in fear.

"Coulson's team had to clean that up." Benjamin remembered.

"Led to quite a few headaches if I remember." Matt said.

As the civilians continued running, the ship opened up and out stepped Malekith along with several Dark Elves. He looked up at the Convergence when suddenly Thor flew up to the area and landed in front of them, breaking the ground underneath.

"Now that is what I call a landing." Tony said, "Breaking the ground underneath huh!"

Malekith told Thor he shouldn't have come as death would have come for him soon enough. Thor told him not by his hand. Malekith told him his Universe was never meant to be and his world and family will be extinguished.

"Can this moron get any more cliché?" Jessica said in annoyance.

Malekith then fired a blast from the Aether. Thor put Mjolnir in the way but was thrown back.

"Sweet Christmas!" Luke said, "This one looks like a pretty hard fight."

"Hela gave that word a new definition." Thor said.

"I know right! I mean, telling me to kneel?" Loki said jokingly and everyone chuckled, though they wanted to know about the kneeling thing sometime.

Erik and Jane watched as Erik told her the equipment she was calibrating was made to detect anomalies, not cause them. Jane ran up to where Darcy was as Thor was thrown back by another from the Aether. He got up as Malekith fired again but Thor put Mjolnir in the way, though he was still pushed back. Getting up, he wiped the blood off his lip and said, "You know, with all that power, I thought you'd hit harder." With that, he threw Mjolnir in a rotatory motion and it hit Malekith, sending him flying off into some Dark Elves and then crashing through a column into a car.

Everyone clapped and cheered happily as Clint said, "Take that you bastard!"

Malekith got up as Thor leapt into the air, flying over the Dark Elves and charging Mjolnir with lightning, hit the ground with it. The lightning hit Malekith but he took it.

"Lame but powerful." Natasha sighed, "Bummer."

Darcy and Ian finished installing the equipment as Jane ran back to Erik who said the Convergence will be in full effect in seven minutes. Jane said they needed to keep Malekith busy for eight. She told Erik to hold on to something as she pressed the device and some of the Dark Elves disappeared, awing Darcy. As Jane tried to explain the science, Darcy asked to get the Dark Elf with the sword. Jane pressed it again but this time Darcy and Ian disappeared accidentally.

"Well, sucks." Trish said.

Darcy and Ian appeared between some cars as a Dark Elf crashed and Darcy screamed. The two ran off. Thor rushed Malekith and he tried to fire another blast but Thor slid underneath to avoid and hit Malekith, sending him flying into a portal. Thor then rushed the portal but Malekith returned and punched him back. Erik and Jane ran through the library and she told everyone to get out but one man said Thor was out there, waving his hammer and took out his phone to take a video as everyone else did the same.

"Get out!" Steve snapped.

Thor leapt up with a roar and charging Mjolnir with lightning, brought it down on Malekith who blocked with the Aether's power. The resulting shockwave shattered the library's windows and the people started running off.

"At least they are getting out now." Tony said.

Malekith threw Thor up into a building but he flew back and both of them were thrown into the portal along with a few cars. They reached Svartalfheim on the other side as the cars crashed and they all fell through another portal back to Earth. They fought as a car crashed on a building. They fell on the ground but once again went through two portals as another car crashed. They fell back into Svartalfheim and Thor threw Mjolnir but it went through a portal between them.

"Uh-oh. That isn't good." Loki said.

"No its not." Thor agreed.

Mjolnir flew to Earth and then flew up, exiting the Earth's atmosphere. Malekith hit Thor with another blast from the Aether, sending him back. He then lifted Thor up and punched him down and both of them fell back to Earth through another portal. They fell on a building and slid down via glass as the people looked down. Thor called Mjolnir and it returned but both of them disappeared through another portal as Mjolnir flew back up, its speed shattering the glass.

"Damn! That is one powerful hammer." Bucky said.

Two battleships arrived and one of them fired a missile at Malekith's ship but because of the Convergence, it went into a portal and exploded somewhere above Vanaheim. Hogun noticed that.

"Yeah, I think humans should stay out of this one." Thor said.

Erik and Jane were running around as Dark Elves came up to them. Jane tried to use the device but it didn't work so Erik pulled her away as they avoided bullets. Thor and Malekith crashed on Jotunheim. A Jotunheim Beast leapt at them but they avoided as the impact broke the ground under them and they were all sent through another portal.

"One of those is coming to our Earth now." Steve sighed.

Darcy and Ian were running when she fell. As Dark Elves neared them, the Jotunheim Beast arrived and ate one up before running off.

"At least it helped against the Dark Elves for a second." Wanda sighed.

Ian got up and realized the car was affected by gravitational anomalies so he lifted it up and threw it at the Dark Elves, crushing them. Darcy got up and said he had saved her life.

"That was pretty good." Elektra smiled.

"I sense a kiss coming." Matt smirked.

Jane pressed the device and Ian and Darcy appeared near them, kissing each other. "Darcy?" Jane questioned. "Jane!" Darcy said as she dropped Ian in shock. "Ian!" Erik said. "Selvig!" Ian said. Mjolnir flew over them and Darcy said, "Myeuh myeuh!"

Everyone laughed at the funny scene.

Malekith crashed somewhere as Thor crashed at a station. He walked up to a train and asked the woman how to get to Greenwich. She said he could take the train and it had 3 stops. He walked inside. As it started, the woman bumped into him on purpose to touch his chest.

"What a disgusting piece of work." Tony snorted as everyone watched the scene in disgust.

"What?" Thor asked.

"She groped you." Natasha told him, "If anyone else tries that, don't let them get away with it."

"All right." Thor said. [1]

Malekith arrived at the site and surrounded himself and his ship with the Aether's energy. Erik and Jane ran closer as Thor finally arrived. Jane told him they were too late. Thor asked if the devices will stop him. They said not from where they were and they couldn't get close enough. Thor said he could and taking the devices, ran into the barrier Malekith had made.

"Getting closer to the end now." Logan said.

Malekith asked if Thor had come to witness the end of his Universe. "I've come to accept your surrender." Thor told him.

Everyone chuckled as Loki said, "Good one."

Thor threw one device. Malekith caught it but Jane pressed her device. It made his hand disappear into a portal. Thor threw the other one and he caught it again but Jane pressed her device and it was transported to Svartalfheim. Malekith said the Aether could not be destroyed but Thor said he could. He then ran closer, summoning Mjolnir. He leapt up and as Mjolnir returned to his hand, he hit Malekith with it, sending him crashing into his ship as the barrier faded. Jane then pressed her device again and Malekith disappeared.

"Thank God!" Matt finally said.

Jane then ran up to an unconscious Thor and saw the ship was coming down on him. She tried to pull him away but he was too heavy so she covered him with her body. Erik pressed the device. The ship never came down. On Svartalfheim, Malekith rolled over only for the ship to crash on him.

Everyone clapped and cheered happily as Sam cheered, "Finally! You're dead bastard!"

Erik asked if everyone was all right. Thor's eyes snapped open as Ian and Darcy resumed their kiss. The two battleship flew off.

"The fight is done after all." Wanda said.

Two days later- Erik, Jane, Darcy and Ian ate together as Darcy said he will come back though he had gone for 2 years the last time. Jane said it had only been 2 days. Erik asked if he had said anything. Jane said they had kinda committed treason on their way out so he needed to sort stuff out with his father. She continued to eat as Erik and Darcy exchanged a look.

"I'm pretty sure it was more than 'kinda.'" Bruce said dryly.

"Right you are, Dr. Banner." T'Challa said.

At Asgard, Odin told Thor he had once said there would never be a wiser king but he was wrong. The Convergence had brought all the Realms together and they had witnessed Thor offer his life to save them. He asked Thor to be king but he said he couldn't be king of Asgard. He would protect Asgard and the Realms with his last breath but he couldn't do so from that chair. Loki, for all his grave imbalance, had understood rule as Thor never would.

"Wow! Thank you!" Loki said.

"I'm pretty sure you'd have thanked me there if you were not in father's form." Odinson said.

"I agree." Thor said.

"I'd rather be a good man than a great king." Thor said. Odin wondered if it was Thor he heard or the woman he loved. Thor told him he heard mother's voice whenever he spoke and said Jane didn't even know what he had come to say. It wouldn't make a difference if he forbade him to see her or allowed her to rule at his side. "One son who wanted the throne too much, another who will not take it. Is this my legacy?" Odin asked. "Loki died with honor. I shall try to live the same. Is that not legacy enough?" Thor asked as he held out Mjolnir. Odin said it belonged to him if he was worthy of it.

"Afraid to be busted." Hope said as everyone chuckled.

Odin said he could not give Thor his blessing or wish him good fortune. He said his heart said he was proud of the man his son had become and asked him to go. "Thank you, Father." Thor said gratefully as he walked away. When he was gone, there was a flash of green and Odin transformed into Loki who sat on the throne with a smirk, "No. Thank you." The screen went black.

Everybody's jaws dropped as Natasha said, "That was terrifying!"

"And would be shocking if I didn't know the truth." Thor said.

"So you posed as Odin for like what, almost 4 years?" Clint asked Loki.

"I did." Loki smirked, "It was fun. Until Thor threatened to smash my face with his hammer."

"Don't blame him." Wanda said.

Sif and Volstagg walked into a place as a red-skinned woman presented to them Taneleer Tivan- The Collector. Tivan arrived and bowed to them, saying it was an honor to meet Asgardians. Sif and Volstagg looked around at the specimens he had captured.

"I think he is up to no good." Tony said.

"You are correct, Mr. Stark." T'Challa said.

Sif said they knew why he was here. Tivan asked why they didn't keep the Aether secure within their vaults. Volstagg said the Teserract was on Asgard so they couldn't keep two Infinity Stones so close together. Tivan said that was wise as Sif held out the Aether and he took it. He assured them it would be safe in his collection and Sif asked him to see to it.

"It will be anything but safe with him." Steve said.

Sif and Volstagg looked at the specimens one last time and walked out as Tivan said, "One down. Five to go." The screen went black.

"Voila!" Scott said.

Jane was still on the dining table when the ground rumbled. She looked around with Erik, Darcy and Ian when the Bifrost opened behind them. Jane smiled happily and walked out of the house. The Bifrost faded as Thor stepped out of it and the two kissed passionately.

"Look! Kissing like a married couple already!" Tony joked and everyone chuckled while Thor and Odinson shook their heads. [2]

Somewhere else, birds flew around as the Jotunheim Beast ran around.

"What happened to it?" Wanda asked.

"I heard about it and took it down 2 days later." Thor said.

"Finally! This is over!" Jessica said happily.

"Yes. It is." Luke smiled.

"Now we move on to the best one." Benjamin said.

"What is it?" Steve asked.

"It is about the fall of SHIELD." Matt said, "That one was pretty intense."

"And thrilling." Elektra said to Steve, Natasha, Sam, Fury and Hill, "You five had one intense adventure."

"So we're starting it?" Fury asked.

"Take a bathroom break for a few minutes and then we are." Benjamin said.

"Yup. He is right." Tony said as anyone who needed to go freshen up walked out.