Ch 44 End of the line

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"Time for Pierce to get his." Tony said.

"Can't wait." Pepper said too.

At the facility, the launch sequence was final. One of the young tech guys said they were go on guidance.

"Cameron." Fury said.

"Who is he?" Scott asked.

"A very loyal agent who listened to Cap's speech in here." Hill said.

Pierce and the other Council members walked together as Pierce inquired about Hawley's flight and she said it was lovely but the ride from the airport less so. Pierce said sadly SHIELD couldn't control everything and Rockwell added Captain America to the list. A man brought a box with pinned badges and Pierce gave them to the other members, saying the facility was biometrically controlled and those would give them unrestricted access.

"And it would give you unrestricted access to their life." Natasha snarled.

"What?" Hope asked.

"Just watch." Fury said.

In the control room, two tech guys were talking when their comms had static.

"Is it just me or does this guy look like Abel?" Peter asked.

"He does look like Abel." Aunt May said. [1]

'Abel' went to check it out but when he opened the door, Sam and Hill were pointing guns at him and Steve walked in, asking him to excuse them. He did and pointed them to the right direction.

"Poor Abel." Benjamin joked.

With under 2 minutes left till the launch, Pierce said to the other Council members that the road hadn't exactly been smooth and some of them would have gladly kicked him out on the way but now here they were and the world should be grateful. He raised his glass and the others did too.

"Here it comes." Sam said.

Steve's voice was heard, "Attention all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, this is Steve Rogers. " As all the agents, including Sharon and Cameron listened, he continued, "You've heard a lot about me over the last few days. Some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think it's time you know the truth. S.H.I.E.L.D. is not what we thought it was. It's been taken over by HYDRA. Alexander Pierce is their leader." The other Council members glared at Pierce who smirked as Steve continued, "The S.T.R.I.K.E. and Insight crew are HYDRA as well. I don't know how many more, but I know they're in the building. They could be standing right next to you." Some people actually looked at the ones next to them while Pierce typed on his phone as Steve continued, "They almost have what they want. Absolute control. They shot Nick Fury. And it won't end there. If you launch those helicarriers today, HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way. Unless we stop them." Two guards were inspired by Steve's speech and tried to stop the Insight crew but were shot down as Steve continued, "I know I'm asking a lot. But the price of freedom is high. It always has been. And it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it." Hill glanced over at Steve as he finished, "But I'm willing to bet I'm not." Sam walked up to Steve and asked, "Did you write that down first, or was it off the top of your head?"

"Off the top of my head." Steve said.

"You're really good at that." Scott told Steve.

"The best." Clint said.

"Do you have a crush on Steve or something? You constantly steal glances at him." Hope teased Hill who blushed.

"No I don't." Hill said, flustered, and everyone chuckled.

Rockwell called Pierce a smug son of a bitch as Rollins and other STRIKE agents arrived. Singh asked them to arrest Pierce but they held the Council members at gunpoint instead as Pierce said he had the floor.

"He is 10 steps ahead." Bucky sighed.

Rumlow arrived and asked the tech workers to launch the ships. Klein didn't do anything so Rumlow asked if there was a problem. "I'm sorry, sir." Klein said in a voice that was a mixture of fear and bravery, "I'm not gonna launch those ships. Captain's orders."

Frank slowly started clapping at Klein's bravery and soon Logan, Bucky and Steve joined and then everyone joined.

"As long as one man stands against Hydra, they will never win." Steve said firmly and everyone nodded in agreement.

Rumlow pointed his gun at Klein and ordered him to move away as Sharon pointed a gun at his head and said, "Like he said, Captain's orders." All the SHIELD loyalists and Hydra moles brandished their guns at the same time, pointing them at each other as Rumlow said, "You picked the wrong side, agent." Sharon sneered, "Depends on where you're standing."

Everyone was tense, wondering what the outcome of the standoff was.

And then Rumlow slowly lowered his gun and dropped it. He suddenly brandished a knife and slashed at Sharon's arm, making her fall down as all the SHIELD and Hydra agents fired at each other. Sharon managed to kick Klein out of the way as Rumlow typed the launch codes and ran off while Sharon ran after him, firing.

"Uh-oh." Rhodes said, "He has launched the helicarriers."

"Unfortunate, I know." Loki said.

The Helicarriers activated as the bay door opened. One man asked his workers to close the bay door but Hydra agents arrived and fired at them, killing them all.

"Bunch of traitors." Logan snarled.

Hill told Steve and Sam they were initiating launch. As the Helicarriers all went up, Steve and Sam were running together.

"You choose this time to continue your run?" Natasha asked jokingly.

"It was a good run for me." Steve shrugged.

"Good flight." Sam added.

Sam asked how to figure out the good guys from the bad ones and Steve said if they were shooting at him, they were bad. Sam leapt off and flew away with his wings as Steve leapt down and rolled before running.

"Works for me." Logan said about the shooting thing.

Steve used his shield to block some shots fired at him and leapt over some crates to avoid shots. He then punched a Hydra thug and slamming him against a crate, knocked him out before taking the grenade from his shoulder. He then threw it at three thugs where it exploded, knocking them all down.

"Oh my God. It is so on." Peter said.

"And it is going somewhere." Tony said.

Sam flew up as some machine guns fired at him but he avoided them all and told Steve he had found the bad guys. Steve asked if he was all right and Sam said he wasn't dead yet. In the Council room, Pierce handed Singh a drink and asked if Pakistan would march into Mumbai the next day and he knew they were going to drag their daughters into a soccer stadium for execution and he could stop it with a flick of a switch, wouldn't he? He asked the same question to the others and Singh said not if it was his switch before throwing the glass away.

"Respect." Tony said and everyone nodded.

Pierce chuckled in amusement before pointing a gun at Singh when Hawley kicked Singh out of the way and grabbing Pierce's hand, punched him down. She threw a disk at one STRIKE thug, knocking him out before throwing Pierce's gun at another's face, staggering him back. She then grabbed him and kneeing him, flipped him down. Another tried to attack with a gun but she grabbed his hand and slammed him to a table before elbowing the last one and flipped him down too. She then pointed a gun at Pierce and pressed the side of her face, making it flicker, revealing it to be a photostatic veil. "I'm sorry." She said as she took the veil off, revealing herself to be Natasha Romanoff. She took off the wig too and asked mockingly, "Did I step on your moment?"

Everyone clapped and cheered again as Peter said, "That was so awesome!"

"I am so grateful to have you as a mentor." Wanda said with a proud smile and Natasha smirked.

"That's my girl." Bucky said.

"I know." Natasha smiled.

"And I thought she was some sort of Bruce Lee." Tony joked about Hawley.

"Or she had powers like Hulk." Bruce joked too and everyone laughed.

"No Hulk. Only Nat." Steve said.

The Hydra tech workers said satellites were in range of 3000 feet as Hill asked Sam his status and he said he was engaging. He dodged more shots and kicked one thug away before shooting another one down as he flew back. He told Steve he was in but a Quinjet flew at him and fired so he flew off.

"You jinxed it." Jessica sighed.

"Jinxes are bullshit." Logan said.

Sam flew around to avoid shots though a blast near him threw him down. The Quinjet flew over him but he opened his wings again and fired at the glass, making holes as the Quinjet flew back and he flew off as it flew after him, firing. Steve ran and punched a thug out and smacked another away with his shield before kicking a third away. He smacked another one and in a rotatory motion, kicked another away twice. He leapt into the air and kicked the one behind him while hitting the one in the front with his shield, knocking them both out before throwing it at the last one. Hill told him he had 8 minutes and he said he was working on it as he caught his shield on return and ran through a door.

"Work faster." Matt said.

"I think he will." Odinson said, "He will."

In the Council room, Natasha was accessing the files as Rockwell asked what she was doing and Pierce, who was held at gunpoint by Yen, said she was disabling security protocols and dumping secrets onto the Internet. Natasha said it included Hydra's but Pierce pointed out it included SHIELD's too. He said if she did this, none of her past will remain hidden- Budapest, Osaka and the Children's Ward. Natasha faltered for a second.

Natasha winced at the reminder as Bucky put his arm around her, "Hey. It's all right."

She simply held the arm he had put around her and kissed it.

Pierce asked if she was ready for the world to see her as she was. She asked if he was and he asked her to look out the window as it didn't matter what their enemies thought of them. Natasha said that was why they were going down. Pierce said she had a pretty high opinion of Roger's chances and she said he hadn't paid attention with a smirk.

"Burn." Trish said, "Nice one."

Steve rushed into the Helicarrier and replaced their targeting blades with his card and said, "Alpha lock." Hill asked Sam where he was and he said he had to take a detour. He avoided shots from the Quinjet and it fired small missiles so he flew around to avoid, turning to the Helicarrier. Some of them exploded and he folded his wings and flew down to avoid the remaining ones, exploding under the Helicarrier, blowing a hole. He flew back up and inside, replacing their targeting blades with his card and said, "Bravo lock." He then flew off as Hill said now two were down and one was left.

"I know you will reach it in time." Thor said.

"Keep watching." Steve sighed.

Some SHIELD agents were walking to their Quinjets to help Steve and Sam when one of their Quinjets was blasted off by a grenade. As the flames and smoke cleared, the Winter Soldier appeared. He fired another grenade with his M203 Grenade Launcher, destroying another Quinjet. An agent tried to throw a grenade at him but he fired his Colt M4A1, killing him as the grenade fell down. Using his enhanced reflexes, he picked up the grenade and threw it into a Quinjet just as it closed. It exploded and killed both the agents inside it. An agent fired at him but he blocked with his metal arm and punched him so hard with it that his jaw broke, making him fall down. He then kicked the other one so hard that he was sent flying off into another Quinjet. He fell into its rotors, being sliced into pieces while the Quinjet stopped working because of it. He then climbed on top of another Quinjet as it closed and shot the pilot. He then ripped out its door and sat inside. He threw the body away and started flying the Quinjet upwards.

Bucky held his head in his hands at this point, "Why did this have to happen to me?"

Natasha simply held his hand as Clint said, "Don't blame yourself. I've been where you're at too."

Natasha's access was restricted as Pierce said disabling the encryption was an executive order and needed to Alpha level members. Natasha said, "Don't worry. Company's coming." And then a chopper landed there and someone stepped out. The man opened the door and walked inside. It was Nick Fury, once again in his customary trench coat, with his left hand in a sling.

Everyone cheered as Wanda said, "How do you like that?"

"Not very much I think." Vision said.

"Hydra is getting a taste of their own medicine." T'Challa said.

"Yeah. The shitpieces are getting what they deserve." Jessica said.

"Damn right!" Fury said.

Pierce smirked and jokingly asked if he had gotten his flowers and said he was glad to see Nick but Fury pointed out he had him killed. Pierce said he knew how the game worked. Fury asked why he had made him head of SHIELD and Pierce said Fury was the best, most ruthless person he knew. Fury said he did what he did to protect people. Pierce said their enemies were the same- war, disorder. It was only a matter of time before an international tragedy took place. Diplomacy was just a holding action and band-aid. He had learnt that in Bogota, shocking Fury as Pierce said he had just done what had to be done without asking. He could bring order to the lives of 7 billion people by sacrificing 20 million.

"And I thought Alexandra was insane." Elektra said.

"No kidding." Luke agreed.

"Damn! He is one psycho!" Scott said.

"It's the next step, Nick. If you have the courage to take it." Pierce said. "No, I have the courage not to." Fury told him. He led Pierce to the scanner as Natasha pointed a gun at him and he said they had erased Fury's clearance. Fury said he knew everything and then said, "But if you want to stay ahead of me, Mr. Secretary", he lowered his eyepatch to show his damaged eye, "You need to keep both eyes open."

"What happened to that eye?" Tony asked.

"Don't ask." Clint said.

The retinal scan was done and the order was confirmed, shocking Pierce.

"Good to see your smug grin wiped off your face, bastard." Frank snarled, remembering Rawlins who had the same attitude as Pierce.

Hill said Charlie Carrier was 45 degrees off port and saw two thugs entering her room via camera and getting up, shot them both down before telling them they had 6 minutes. A running Steve told Sam he needed a ride and he asked to be let known when he was ready. Steve leapt off and said he just had as Sam flew towards him and caught him. He struggled to hold him but managed to fly up. The two landed on the final Helicarrier. Sam commented he was heavier than he looked and he said he had a big breakfast.

Everyone chuckled.

Suddenly, the Winter Soldier jumped out of his hiding place and pushed Steve away. He fell off the Helicarrier. Sam tried to fly after him but Winter Soldier grabbed his wing and pulled him back. Sam fired at him with his Steyr SPP pistols but he flipped to avoid. Sam flew to save Steve again but Winter Solider used his grapple device to grab his wing and pulled him down, making him fall. As he tried to get up, Winter Soldier pulled again and the wing was torn off. As Sam got up, Winter Soldier kicked him on the chest, sending him flying off too.

"Sorry man." Bucky said to Sam apologetically.

"I forgave you a long while ago." Sam assured him.

As Sam fell, he managed to detach the other wing from his suit and produced a parachute, landing safely just in time. He frantically asked Steve via earpiece if he was okay and Steve said he was still on the Helicarrier, where he hung. Sam said his suit was down and apologized. Steve told him not to worry and climbed up as Bucky looked down on him.

"Getting worse." Rhodes muttered.

Rumlow snuck around in the building and swiftly stabbed out two SHIELD agents before shooting down two more and was informed Black Widow had breached the Council so he started walking up. Hill informed Sam of it and he said he was on it as he threw his jetpack off.

"That was embarrassing." Sam remembered.

"I'm sure you did your best." Steve assured him.

Steve ran across the ramp only to see Bucky blocking his path. "People are gonna die, Buck. I can't let that happen." Steve tried to reason and begged in a cracking voice, "Please don't make me do this."

"Sorry I had to." Bucky said.

"Don't be." Steve told him.

The only response he got was a cold glare. Seeing that, Steve's face steeled up. With all his might, he threw his shield. Bucky deflected it with his metal arm and as Steve caught it again, Bucky fired at him with his Glock 19 and SIG-Sauer P226R. Steve blocked all the times and managed to push Bucky back but Bucky shot under the shield, getting Steve on the abdomen. Steve grunted in pain. As Bucky charged, Steve hit him with the shield in a rotatory motion, sending him back. Bucky got back up, holding a knife. Steve deflected his attacks before getting a kick on the knee. He then deflected Bucky's arm with his shield. He tried to change the card but Bucky attacked again and he deflected some blows. The two were in a deadlock before Steve finally snatched Bucky's knife and kicked him back. He took out the blade but turned around to block a punch from Bucky's metal arm, producing a metallic clang. Steve pushed Bucky back and tried to hit with his shield as Bucky blocked or dodged. He grabbed Steve but was elbowed away. Bucky charged him and the two fell down the railing. Steve's shield fell away. As Steve hit the ground, the chip fell out of his hand. Steve and Bucky got up and charged each other. Bucky punched Steve on the abdomen with his metal arm. Steve blocked another hit but Bucky smacked him on the face, sending him flying off. The two slid to the edge as Steve grabbed the chip. The two got up at the same time and Bucky smacked Steve's hand, sending the chip down. Steve smacked him on the face and kicked him down before jumping after him.

"It's on." Luke commented.

"Brother against brother." Frank commented sadly, remembering his own fight against Russo, the difference being Russo was in perfect control of himself and was a bastard.

Natasha said the leaking was done and was trending. Then Pierce pressed his phone and the pinned badges flashed killing Rockwell, Singh and Yen. Natasha and Fury pointed their guns at him but he held up the device and said she shouldn't ask for a two inch hole in her sternum. It was armed the moment she had pinned it on. Natasha and Fury reluctantly lowered their guns.

"Bastard." Bucky snarled.

"Just wait." Fury told him.

Steve ran towards the card. Bucky picked up his shield and threw it at him, making him fall down. As Steve got up, Bucky fired with his Glock 19 which Steve blocked with his shield. Steve then threw his shield which Bucky deflected with his metal arm as he took out his knife. Steve dodged a slice before trying grabbing his hands. Bucky used all his strength and managed to drive it into Steve's right shoulder, making him shout in pain. Steve then head-butted Bucky twice while Bucky pushed him to a wall. Steve pulled out the knife and saw Bucky crawling towards the card. Steve grabbed his arm but he resisted. Steve grabbed his neck and managed to lift him into the air. He then slammed Bucky on the ground and twisted his normal arm in which he was holding the card. Steve commanded him to drop it. Steve then twisted his arm and he screamed in pain. Both of them were now on the ground, struggling violently. Steve put Bucky in a chokehold and restrained his metal arm with his foot. Finally, Bucky lost consciousness and the card fell to the ground. Steve let his unconscious body go and picked up the card before rushing to put it in.

No one commented at all due to the intensity and emotion of the scene, not knowing that even more was coming. Steve and Bucky nodded at each other apologetically, carrying out an entire conversation without words.

Rumlow moved around when Sam punched him away but was head-butted and pushed back as Rumlow said Hydra had no prisoners, only order, which came through pain. He asked Sam if he was ready for his and he asked him to shut the hell up as both of them charged at each other.

"That moron is a drama queen." Jessica said about Rumlow.

"I thought I was the only one." Elektra said.

"No prisoners? What a liar!" Bucky snarled angrily at Rumlow.

Pierce was told 65 seconds were left for satellite link. Hill kept counting down for Steve who leapt back up and rushed towards his destination. That moment, there was a gunshot and he was hit on the side. It was Bucky who then fired but Steve narrowly avoided as he continued running towards his destination. Steve climbed up while narrowly avoiding gunshots from Bucky. He took out the card but just before he could put it in, a shot from Bucky hit him and he fell down, panting heavily.

"Damn it!" Bucky said.

They reached 3000 feet and the algorithm was deployed. The Helicarrier managed to lock onto all of its targets which numbered over 715,000. Tony Stark was one of them.

"I'm in too?" Tony asked.

"Duh!" Pepper said.

"Right." Tony sighed.

The countdown started. But at the last moment, Steve used his remaining strength to get up and put the card inside. The targets all disappeared, shocking the Hydra tech workers. Hill told him to get out of there as she made the Helicarriers target each other, shocking the workers.

"How do you like that, huh?" Peter asked.

"Not very much." Aunt May said.

"Not at all." Benjamin said.

Steve asked her to fire now, in spite of her protests. Reluctantly, Hill pressed the button and the Helicarriers started firing at each other. Steve staggered around to avoid the shots.

"Why?" Hope asked.

"I needed to stop Hydra." Steve said.

"Same reason I let Surtur destroy Asgard." Thor sighed.

Steve heard Bucky's pained screams and saw him pinned down.

"Oh no!" Scott said.

Natasha mockingly asked Pierce if he was still on the fence about Rogers' chances. He told her she would lead him out and they started walking off as Fury said he would have taken a bullet for him. Pierce said he already had and would do again when the time came. Natasha then pressed a disk and got electrocuted, being knocked out. Pierce looked at her in shock as his device rebooted and Fury shot him twice and he fell back, shattering through glass.

Everyone clapped and cheered loudly as Sam said, "Finally!"

"You did great, Fury." Steve told him and he nodded.

Fury tried to wake Natasha up and her eyes opened as she commented those stung.

"My old arm remembers." Bucky joked dryly.

Two of the Helicarriers fired and crashed into each other, crashing into the river. "Hail Hydra." A dying Pierce whispered and as the Helicarriers crashed, he finally died.

"No more than you deserved." Pepper sneered.

Steve slowly made his way towards Bucky. Sam and Rumlow fought and the former was flipped over a table. Rumlow told him he was out of his depth but then a Helicarrier crashed behind him as Sam ran off while the debris crushed Rumlow.

"You were saying?" Clint asked mockingly.

Sam ran around and Natasha asked him his location. He said it was the 41st floor and she said to stay on his position. "Not an option." He said as he ran out and Fury managed to catch him on the chopper, though the door broke and Natasha pulled him up. "41st floor! 41st!" Sam said. "It's not like they put the floor numbers on the outside of the building." Fury said dryly as Natasha asked Hill where Steve was.

"That was funny." Frank said.

Steve lifted the debris long enough for Bucky to crawl out. He then dropped it and the two panted. "You know me." Steve said to Bucky. "No I don't!" Bucky said angrily as he punched Steve away.

"Oh boy!" Benjamin sighed, remembering how intense that was.

"Bucky." Steve said with a cracking voice as he got back up, "You've known me your whole life." Bucky lowered his face, as if remembering. But he looked back up and with a roar, punched Steve away again. "Your name…….James Buchanan Barnes." Steve said. "SHUT UP!" Bucky yelled as he punched him away again. As Bucky panted, Steve threw away his mask and said to Bucky, "I'm not gonna fight you." He then let go of his shield and it fell out of the Helicarrier. Looking at Bucky with some hope, he said emotionally, "You're my friend."

"Please stop." Wanda muttered.

The two stood still for a while. Suddenly, Bucky roared and rushed Steve, pinning him to the ground. "You're my mission." He whispered to him before punching him repeatedly with his metal arm, "You're……..mission!"

Bucky lowered his head in shame.

He stopped and was about to land the final blow. "Then finish it." Steve whispered hoarsely, "'Cause I'm with you to the end of the line." The words triggered something as Bucky's face was suddenly full of emotion. He relented, unwilling to throw the final punch.

Everyone's heart was touched by the emotion in front of them at this point.

"Stay till the end of the line." Tony muttered.

As he panted, the surface under Steve was shattered by falling debris and he plummeted into the ocean. Bucky watched, his face now full of emotion.

No one commented, still too emotional from the scene.

Steve's body was drowning in the ocean when a metal hand reached out to him. Later, Bucky pulled the unconscious Steve out of the ocean and gently placed him on the nearby land. He looked at Steve as his mind was slowly assaulted by more memories. He turned around and slowly staggered away, leaving Steve behind.

"And you're gone." Steve whispered sadly.

"Trying to remember." Bucky said.

"Like me." Logan muttered.

Days later, the Trouble Man soundtrack by Marvin Gaye played in the hospital and Steve woke up with a groan. "On your left." He whispered to Sam who turned and smirked.

Everyone chuckled as Sam said, "Gonna get back at you."

The CIA trained at their headquarters and now Sharon was part of them too. Hill sat in the Stark Industries building and smiled.

"Helping Hill?" Steve asked.

"Yup." Tony and Hill said simultaneously.

Stern walked out of his house but was arrested by FBI.

Everyone clapped as Tony said, "Now just need to shatter the kneecaps."

"Let's do it." Rhodes said.

A burnt Rumlow was put on a stretcher.

"Moron killed a nurse." Sam snarled.

Fury walked into an old safehouse of his as Natasha was in a government inquiry and swore to tell nothing but the truth. She was asked why they hadn't heard from Captain Rogers and she said the wreck in the middle of the Potomac had made his point.

"That was all the only thing needed." Hill said.

She was asked how the country would maintain national security as both of them had now laid waste to the intelligence apparatus but Natasha said Hydra was telling them lies, not intelligence. It was pointed out she had a hand in telling some of them and was told she belonged in a penitentiary, not mouthing off at Capitol Hill.

"Here it comes." Natasha smirked.

"You're not going to put any of us in a prison. You know why?" She asked. "Do enlighten us." She was told. She said, "Because you need us." Fury took off his eyepatch and put on glasses as Natasha said, "Yes, the world is a vulnerable place, and yes, we help make it that way. But we're also the ones best qualified to defend it. So, if you want to arrest me, arrest me. You'll know where to find me." She got up and walked off with a smile as the reporters swarmed around her.

Everyone clapped as Sam said, "And you told them to kiss your ass."

"I did." Natasha smirked.

Fury threw down some fuel and with a lighter, burnt the place down before walking off.

"I followed in your footsteps there." Frank said as he remembered burning his own house to move on.

Steve and Sam stood in front of Fury's grave as he arrived and said they had been in this sort of thing before and Steve said they got used to it. His gravestone said- "The path of the righteous man from Ezekiel 25:17."

"Do you say that phrase before killing someone?" Scott asked jokingly and Fury glared at him. [2]

Fury said they were mining Hydra files and many rats didn't go down with the ship. He was going to Europe and asked if Steve would come. He said he had to do something first so he asked Wilson but he said he was more of a soldier than a spy. Fury shook hands with both and said in that case anyone who looked for him could find him right in the grave. He walked off as Natasha arrived and said he should feel honored as that was the closest he got to thanking anyone.

"Didn't know that." Matt said.

She said she wasn't going with him or staying as she had blown all her covers and needed to find a new one. Steve said it would take a while and she said she was counting on it as she gave him the file he had asked for after asking a few favors. He thanked her and she asked him to call the nurse. He said she wasn't one and Natasha said he wasn't a SHIELD agent. He asked her name and she said it was Sharon. She was nice.

"Sharon Carter." Steve emphasized and she shrugged as everyone chuckled.

She kissed his cheek and walked off, saying he might not want to pull on that thread. Steve opened the file to see a picture of Bucky in cryofreeze.

Everyone winced at the sight.

"You're going after him." Sam said as he walked up to Steve. "You don't have to come with me." Steve said. "I know." Sam said before asking, "When do we start?" Steve looked up and said, "We just did." The screen went black.

"Anything else?" Steve asked.

"Two more scenes." Benjamin said.

A man stood as another one walked over to him and said it was over as Fury had released everything to the public but the man said SHIELD and Hydra were two sides of the same coin which was no longer currency.

"List." Steve snarled at the doctor.

"And Strucker." Natasha snarled.

They walked up to Loki's Scepter.

"There it is." Loki said.

Strucker said they had only scratched the surface and other facilities were doing Hydra's good work around the world. They will be fed to Captain America and his colorful friends.

"Forgot about Coulson and his team." Hill said and everyone chuckled.

He said the dead experiments will be buried deep enough that their own ghosts will fail to find them while the surviving twins will face the Avengers soon. He said to List, "It's not a world of spies anymore. Not even a world of heroes. This is the age of miracles, Doctor. There's nothing more horrifying than a miracle." A blonde man and a red-haired woman were shown in two separate rooms. One of them ran very fast around as he looked at himself in shock due to his newfound speed while the woman used some red energy to lift up blocks and crushed them. The screen went black.

Wanda paled in shock and horror as she remembered the experiments and Natasha put a hand on her shoulder, "You okay, kid?"

After a few seconds, she recovered and nodded, "I will be."

In the Smithsonian, a man walked up to Bucky's memorial and read it. Turned out the man was a cap wearing Bucky himself. He absorbed the info, looking horrified. The screen went black.

"And that is when I started remembering." Bucky said as everyone finally sighed.

"So it's over now?" Natasha asked.

"Yes it is." Logan said.

"Good to know." Steve said.

"So….break now?" Benjamin asked.

Everyone realized how hungry and emotionally drained from the recording they were and nodded in agreement as they all walked out from there back to the dining hall.