Ch 46 Star-Lord

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The next day, everyone woke up again and after taking showers, ate their breakfast.

"So who're we watching today?" Tony asked.

This time you're watching people you have never met before." Benjamin said, "But you will meet them in the near future."

"Who are they?" Steve asked.

"Remember the Guardians we mentioned?" Odinson asked and they all nodded.

"It's them we will watch this time." Logan said, "Two recordings about them back to back."

"Though we have to warn you, they do some pretty ridiculous stuff at times." Odinson said.

"We survived that Wade Wilson guy yesterday." Peter pointed out.

"Yeah, I doubt anyone can be more ridiculous than him." Thor agreed.

"I mean, does he have some kind of problem or something?" Loki asked.

"Not that we know of." Logan said.

"I think he does." Hill said. Her and Steve had been avoiding talking to each other ever since Wade's "Go climb that Hill, Captain" comment.

"Please tell me he is not coming back." Aunt May, who wanted the entire experience to remain as PG-13 as it could for Peter, "He has a big mouth."

"Oh don't worry, he won't be back. He comes like once in 2 months." Logan said.

"I think he is your team's jester." Loki commented and everyone chuckled.

"I guess it's time to start then." Scott said.

"Right you are." Benjamin agreed and they all went to the viewing room as Benjamin switched the TV on.

Wanda seemed a bit drowsy.

"What happened, kid?" Clint asked in concern.

"Nothing. Just couldn't sleep properly last night." Wanda said as she glanced over at Natasha and Bucky, who looked pretty happy. Of course they would, considering he had spent most of the night between her legs. And their room was next to hers. Which is why she hadn't been able to sleep the previous night.

And then the recording started.

The screen showed Earth, 1988 before showing a young boy listening to a Walkman with a tape titled "Awesome Mix Vol. 1." He was listening to "I'm Not in Love." A man then walked up to him and called him Peter.

"Peter? Wow!" Peter said.

"Yeah, we know two Peters." Logan said, "But we just call him by his surname- Quill."

"Peter Quill." Tony muttered as he looked at the screen.

The man said his mother wanted to see him but when he didn't listen, he took the headphones off and led him inside. Several crying people stood over a bald woman who was lying on the bed.

"Oh no!" Bruce realized what was happening to the woman.

"Yes. That sounds about right." Tony said as everyone looked at the boy in sympathy.

Bucky suddenly realized something, "Steve, wasn't this woman in your first recording?"

Everyone's eyes widened as they remembered the woman and Steve said, "Yeah. She greeted after one of my shows."

"This woman is the daughter of that one. Her name is Meredith Quill." Benjamin told them, "For some reason, mother and daughter look exactly the same."

"Peter Quill is her grandson." Logan told them. [1]

Meredith asked Peter why he had been fighting with other boys and he told her they had killed a frog for no reason at all by smushing it with a stick.

"Okay, I'm no psychologist, but behavior like that in children is disturbing." Bruce said about the bullies Quill had spoken off.

"You're not wrong." Hope agreed.

Meredith told him gently he was so much like his dad. He looked just like him and was an angel.

"Daddy was worse than the Devil though." Logan muttered and everyone wondered what he was talking about, though they had a feeling they would get the answer soon.

On the request of Quill's grandfather, Meredith gave him a wrapped up present and told him to open it after she was gone. Meredith told him his grandpa was going to take good care of him until his daddy came back to get him. She then asked him to take her hand in her last moments but he couldn't bear to watch his mother in so much pain and she flatlined.

No one said a word, feeling heartbroken for Quill, having to lose his mother at such a young age. Parker could feel himself relating to the other Peter as he had also lost his parents at a young age, though Ben and May had done the best they could for him and he considered them parents now.

Wanda could also relate to him for the very same reasons.

Quill was heartbroken and started screaming in despair as his grandfather dragged him out and begged him to stay there.

Quill's screams of despair were enough to make some of the viewers moist eyed.

As his granddad went back inside, Quill ran out of the hospital in despair. As he looked around, he felt a strong wind blow and looked up to see a huge spaceship hovering over him.

"What the hell?" Clint said as everyone watched the scene in shock.

A bright swirling light came out of the spaceship, surrounding Quill as he kept his hands in front of his face to protect himself and soon, he was sucked into the ship as it flew off.

"I'm guessing it wasn't his daddy." Tony quipped to lighten the mood.

"No. I don't think it was." Natasha agreed.

26 years later, on an abandoned planet called Morag, a young man wearing a helmet that had red eyes moved around. He used a holographic map to look around for something, even seeing stuff that had been there before.

"Okay, what the hell is that?" Tony asked.

"A holographic map that shows things that are and things that were in a location." Benjamin told him.

"I want one of those." Tony said.

"As Rocket would say- "You're a genius only on Earth."" Odinson said and everyone chuckled as Tony had a look of mock offense on his face.

The man then entered a ruined temple and pressed a button to retract his helmet, revealing himself to be a young, good looking blonde haired man with a very light moustache and beard. He then took out a Walkman and put it around his ears.

"So the kid is all grown up now." Tony said.

He then started listening to "Come and Get your Love" and danced to it happily, kicking a few lizard like creatures that tried to attack him and picked up one of them, using it as a mic.

Everyone had dropped jaws at the ridiculousness they were witnessing in front of them.

"So he's an idiot?" Rhodes finally asked.

"More like a very excitable fellow." Odinson said.

"And pretty insecure." Logan added and Odinson nodded.

Quill finally threw it off and using his jet-boots, jumped over a gap before using a device of his to pick a lock of a huge door, finally opening it. He then lit up some kind of blue ball and saw an Orb floating in the air in the middle of some kind of barrier.

"What is that?" Aunt May asked.

"Nothing good probably." Natasha said.

"Nope. Nothing good at all." Logan agreed.

Outside, two more ships landed in the area.

"I don't think they are with Quill." Tony said.

"Nope." Odinson told him.

Quill put some kind of device down near the barrier and it activated. The Orb started getting pulled. The barrier tried to stop it but the Orb flew out of it and landed on the device.

"Now what is that?" Tony asked.

"A Gravity Mine." Benjamin said, "Pulls stuff due to its gravity."

"I do not think even Wakanda has those." T'Challa said.

"This is space." Odinson said, "Everything is very advanced."

Quill picked up the Orb but turned around to see some people pointing guns at him, led by a dark-skinned man who seemed to have very small horns on his head.

"Now what are those?" Scott asked.

"The Kree." Thor said as everyone looked at him, "I have heard of them. A technologically advanced militaristic race. Most of them are blue. This one seems like an exception."

"Never met any of them though." Loki said, "Not that I want to because I have heard they are pig-headed idiots."

Everyone turned back to the screen as the recording continued.

The dark Kree told Quill to drop it and he did as he raised his hands. He was asked how he knew about this and he said he was just a junker looking for stuff. The Kree said he did not look like one as he was wearing Ravager garb. Quill said this was just an outfit as a guard poked him with his gun and he told him to stop. He introduced himself as Peter Quill and the Kree told him to come with them as Ronan might have some questions for him. "Hey, you know what?" Quill asked, "There's another name you might know me by- Star Lord."

Everyone burst out laughing at the name.

"Okay, what kind of name is that?" Rhodes asked.

"I wish I knew." Tony said.

"He loves it." Odinson spoke up.

The Kree was confused as he told them he was a legendary outlaw but the Kree still wanted to bring him in so he kicked the blue ball he had and it shattered, disintegrating the two people with him.

"Okay, that ball was awesome!" Peter said.

"It is called a Plasma Sphere." Benjamin told him.

Quill then took out some kind of blasters and shot the Kree down before picking up the Orb. He then saw the Kree was back up and ducked to avoid a blast from him which destroyed the wall behind him. He put his helmet back on then used his jet boots to fly out as the Kree continued firing at him. He flew out before running and saw some more people outside who tried to fire at him. He threw a gravity mine and it trapped them all as he leapt to avoid another blast from the Kree behind and landed above his spaceship into which he slid from above and started it just as the other soldiers freed themselves from the gravity field. He then took off his helmet and flew up as they tried to fire at him and he laughed.

"Okay, he is pretty ridiculous but he has some brains." Tony said.

"An idiot who is smart." Rhodes said.

Quill flew around, dodging blast from the Kree and his men. He cheered happily before flying into a blast of steam which caused the ship to go haywire.

"Never celebrate victory until you're out of the danger zone." Steve said and everyone nodded.

The ship started crash landing as he was thrown around in it until he managed to pull a lever, steadying it again and flying off the planet.

"At least he managed to escape." Pepper said.

"But considering the way he does things, I would never really consider him for the Avengers Initiative." Fury told everyone.

"Yeah, he seems to be a bit ridiculous." Hill said.

"I think it is more than just a bit." Steve said but Hill didn't reply, which everyone noticed.

As he flew into space, a hatch opened and a beautiful red-skinned woman came out, seeming dizzy. Quill realized he had forgotten her name and she said it was Bereet. He said he had totally forgotten she was here, shocking her.

"Okay, he is more like pre-cave me then." Tony said and everyone realized it was a pretty good comparison.

Later, Bereet was sitting as Quill watched the news where it said that scattered riots had broken out in the Kree Empire to protest the peace treaty signed by the Kree Emperor and Xandar's Nova Prime.

"Now what is Xandar?" Bucky asked.

"It is a place where an intergalactic military force called Nova Corps resides." Odinson told them, "Led by an individual with the title of Nova Prime. In this recording, the Kree tried to attack Xandar but ended up signing a peace treaty."

"Guessing the Kree didn't like it." Tony said and the people from the future nodded.

Quill's 'phone' rang and Bereet told him he had a call. It was some blue-skinned alien. Quill told her not pick it but she did anyway and the blue-skinned alien appeared on his screen, calling out to him. Quill greeted him. His name was Yondu. Yondu said he was on Morag but the Orb and him weren't there. Quill said he was in the neighborhood and though to save them the hassle. He asked where Quill was now but he said he couldn't tell him that.

"Who is he?" Wanda asked.

"Yondu Udonta." Odinson said, "Captain of a Ravager faction. Ravagers are a race of criminals with many factions that have different captains."

"So they picked him up." Natasha realized and he nodded.

Yondu said he had put this deal together after a lot of hard work and now he was going to be ripped off, even though the Ravagers had a code. Quill reminded him the code was "Steal from everybody" as Yondu started about when he had picked him up from Terra, his boys wanted to eat him as they had never tasted Terran before but he stopped them and that he was alive because of him. Yondu started how he will find Quill but he cut the call.

"I have a feeling that was not a good move to make." Hill said.

"Right you are, Agent Hill." T'Challa agreed.

"So these aliens call Earth as Terra?" Clint asked.

"Yup." Logan said.

"If he thinks he should be grateful to him for not letting him get eaten, he definitely needs to learn Earth etiquette better." Peter joked and everyone laughed.

Yondu told his men to put a 40K bounty on Quill but he wanted him alive. Another Ravager told him they should have delivered Quill like they were hired to do and that Yondu had always been soft on him. Yondu grabbed him and told him the only person he was soft on was him as he pointed at an arrow he had and told him as soon as they got Quill, he would kill him himself. What they needed to worry about was who else was after the Orb.

"Yeah you better." Odinson agreed.

Two small ships flew into a large Kree Warship called The Dark Aster as a blue-skinned huge Kree bathed in blood under a hatch.

"Is he actually bathing in blood?" Steve asked as everyone watched the scene in horror and disgust.

"Yes. Ronan the Accuser bathes in the blood of his enemies." Odinson said and everyone's horror and disgust increased.

Ronan's voice was heard saying how he was called 'terrorist', 'radical' and 'zealot' for following the ancient laws of the Kree and punishing those who didn't. He was shown having a helmet and an armor put on him by his followers with some blood painted under his eyes. He was then handed his hammer as he said to someone he had not forgiven their people for taking the life of his forefathers and that the thousand years of war will not be forgotten. A Nova Corp he had captured told him in desperation their governments had signed a peace treaty and he said his government knew no shame. The Nova Corp said he would never rule Xandar and he said he would cure it before hitting his head with the hammer, making his blood pour down the patch.

Everyone watched with wide eyes, too horrified and disgusted by Ronan's brutality to comment.

A blue-skinned cybernetic woman stopped behind him and told him Korath the Pursuer had returned.

"Who is robot lady there?" Tony asked.

"Nebula." Logan said, "Daughter of Thanos."

Everyone's jaws dropped in shock as Tony asked, "That Thanos?"

"Yes. He killed half of several races and adopted one of them as his kid to train them and they were called 'The Children of Thanos.'" Benjamin told them.

"Two people as sick as Thanos and Ronan working together." Steve said in horror, "Sounds like a death sentence for anyone against them."

Korath stood in front of Ronan and told him an outlaw called Star-Lord had taken the Orb but they had discovered of an agreement between him and an intermediary called the Broker. Ronan said he had promised Thanos to retrieve the Orb for him so he could destroy Xandar. He then got up and asked Nebula to retrieve the Orb but a green-skinned woman stopped her, saying she would bring it. Nebula said they both were Daughters of Thanos but the green one reminded her that she knew Xandar well.

"What is her name?" Wanda asked.

"Gamora." Benjamin told them.

Ronan told Gamora not to fail and she told him she never had.

"So now she is gonna come after Quill." Tony realized.

On Xandar, someone was watching the people going about their daily lives via some holographic device. The person called Xandarians losers, mocking a man's hairstyle and a child for needing help to walk before seeing an old man flirting with a young woman and called him a Class-A prevert.

"Okay, I'm not as insensitive as whoever is saying all this." Tony said.

"No you're not." Pepper agreed.

"So this man goes to other planets to hang out as well." Fury said about the old man who was the same one from all the recordings, "Got it."

"Like we said, he is in all of these." Logan said.

"We're all being stalked. Scary." Tony said, "Even a different planet isn't safe."

The person was revealed to be a short, raccoon-like creature.

"Okay, is that a raccoon?" Sam asked as everyone watched the scene with wide eyes and dropped jaws.

"It's a rabbit." Thor said and everyone seemed confused.

"Rabbit with a mouth worse than Iron Man." Loki agreed and everyone snickered.

"His name is Rocket." Odinson told them.

He then turned to see his partner Groot, a large-tree like creature drinking water from a fountain and told him not to as it was disgusting but he shook his head and Rocket told him not to lie.

"Now what is that?" Sam asked.

"That looks like a species of Flora colossus." Thor said.

"Sentient tree-like creatures." Loki said, "Their language was taught to us on Asgard as an elective."

"Really?" Bucky asked in amusement.

"Yup." Odinson said, "His name is Groot."

"Asgardian culture is so like Earth and yet so unlike." Vision commented.

Rocket's device beeped red and then he saw Quill kissing Bereet and bidding her goodbye. He realized there was a bounty of 40,000 units on him and said they would get rich but Groot was drinking fountain water again.

"Getting off on the wrong foot I see." Tony said.

"Worse than the two of us and Steve." Odinson said and everyone looked shocked.

Quill walked into a building where the Broker was and they greeted each other. Quill took out the Orb as the Broker asked where Yondu was and Quill said he couldn't make it but sent his love and told him to tell him he had the best eyebrows in business.

"Does know how to flatter." Pepper noted.

Broker said it was not his policy to discuss his clients and their needs as Quill said he had almost died getting it for him. Broker said it was probably an occupational hazard and Quill said it was some machine-headed freak working for some freak called Ronan. Broker looked horrified and returned the Orb to Quill, saying he wanted no part of the transaction if Ronan was around, telling him Ronan was a Kree fanatic outraged by the peace treaty and wanted to end his people and culture. He started pushing Quill out, saying he would not want to get on Ronan's bad side. Quill asked about his bad side but Broker opened the shutter behind him and sent him out before closing it while Quill yelled they had a deal.

"I have a feeling avoiding a fanatical warlord is more important than deals." Bruce said and everyone nodded.

Quill then turned to see Gamora standing near the building, eating something and looking at him.

"Uh-oh." Tony said.

"Yup." Logan agreed.

Quill said the guy had backed out from a deal and that he hated a man without integrity.

"Funny coming from you." Logan joked.

He introduced himself as Peter Quill and said people called him Star-Lord. Gamora said he had the bearing of a man of honor.

"Oh, the sarcasm!" Scott said and everyone laughed.

Quill said people said that about him but he didn't say it about himself. Gamora suddenly snatched the Orb and kicked Quill, staggering him, before running off.

"And it is on." Rhodes said.

Quill threw a red bola at her which tied her feet and she fell down. He rushed her just as she freed herself and kicked him down next to her. She punched him twice before he blocked but she hit his abdomen and kicked his face twice. He tried to take out his blasters but she pressed his wrist with her knee and taking out a knife, told him this wasn't the plan. She was about to bring it down on him but a figure leapt at her and threw her off.

"I think I know who that is." Natasha said.

Rocket crawled on her face, hitting her and told Groot to put him in the bag but Groot extended his braches towards Gamora as Rocket told him to learn genders.

No one could stop their laughter at this ridiculousness.

Gamora bit Rocket's hand and managed to throw him off as Groot retracted his branches. Quill picked up the Orb and ran as Gamora threw a dagger at him. It hit his hand and he dropped it as she took out a sword and slashed Groot's arm, making him back off. She then jumped down and picking up he Orb, ran off. Quill got up and taking out a device, leapt at her from above. She pinned him down, telling him he should have learnt. He said it was one of his issues and snatching the Orb, put a device on her which flew her off and threw her into the fountain.

"Like you said, smart and dumb." Peter told Tony and Rhodes.

Groot came up behind Quill and put the bag over him. Him and Rocket were about to carry him away when Gamora returned and pushed Rocket off. Groot dropped the bag and tried to fight her but she chopped off his arms with her blade and staggered him back.

"They grow back." Logan told him.

She went up to the bag but Quill hit her with a blaster, electrocuting her as she screamed in pain. He started running off but Rocket pointed his blaster at him and said, "I live for the simple things. Like how much is this gonna hurt."

"That is one cruel rabbit." Thor said.

"I wish I knew that sooner." Odinson said.

Rocket fired a blast at him and Quill screamed in pain as he was electrocuted too. The people were all watching in fear. Groot looked at his chopped off arm and Rocket told him to stop whining as they will grow back. Then some Xandar ships arrived and with their yellow beams, held the two up. A Nova Corp called Rocket Subject 89P13 and told him to drop his weapon, which he did reluctantly.

"And caught." Hope said, "That is why you don't carry out illegal activities publicly."

Two Corps lifted up Quill and one of them recognized him as 'Star-Prince.' Quill corrected him and he told the other he had arrested him a while back for petty theft and he had a codename. Quill said it was an outlaw name and the Corp said it was cool to have a codename. An unconscious Gamora was also lifted up by the beam.

"So not a legendary outlaw then." Tony said.

"Nope. Just outlaw." Benjamin told him.

At the Nova Headquarter, Nova Prime told the Kree Emperor on video call that Ronan was destroying Xandarian outposts throughout the Galaxy and he should at least have some response as Ronan was slaughtering children. She said he could at least give a statement saying he condemned Ronan's actions but he said that was her problem and he had work to do. He cut the call as Nova Prime called him prick.

"Typical Kree pig-headed behavior." Loki said.

"What an asshole." Logan said.

A Nova Corp told her they had apprehended one of Ronan's compatriots. They stood in front of Gamora's cell, who didn't react at all as the Nova Corp told Nova Prime said she had been surgically modified and trained as a living weapon. She was the adopted daughter of Thanos and he had lent her and Nebula to Ronan which meant they worked together. They then walked to Rocket's cell who scoffed and spat as Nova Corp said Subject 89P13 called himself Rocket and was a result of illegal genetic and cybernetic experiments on lower life forms. Then they walked in front of Groot's cell who peeked at them from his cell and Nova Corp said he was a humanoid plant travelling with 89P13 as his houseplant/muscle. Then they walked up to Quill and he was introduced as Peter Jason Quill, a Terran who was raised by a band of Ravagers lead by Yondu Udonta. Quill rotated his hand around his other one and raised his middle finger, acting like it was a machine and said, "I'm sorry. I didn't know how this machine worked."

"That is pretty ridiculous." Hope said.

The Nova Corp said they were a bunch of a-holes and needed to be transported to Kyln.

"Doesn't sound like the best place." Steve said about Kyln.

"Because it isn't." Odinson said.