Ch 55 He wasn't your daddy

"So how're they going to beat an entire planet?" Tony asked.

"Just watch." Odinson said.

"Pity they don't have the Bifrost." Scott said as he glanced over at Loki who winced a little but seemed amused.

"I feel a living planet will try to resist it." Loki said.

"Yeah, it is more difficult than you think." Thor agreed.

"Let's see what Ego can do in his most powerful form." Natasha said.

"A lot." Logan told everyone.

On Earth in Missouri, the plant Ego had planted years ago started expanding with energy and the people ran around in terror as the energy destroyed a shop nearby along with several trees and continued expansion.

"Shit!" Tony, Rhodes and Sam said at the same time.

"I heard about that." Fury said, "But it went as soon as it came so couldn't investigate."

"Yeah, too quick." Hill agreed.

"I heard of that too." Tony remembered.

"The only reason we weren't there was because it ended really quickly." Steve said too.

"Which means we have to watch the movie." Clint said and everyone turned to the screen again.

As Ego continued, Drax kicked the door open and rushed in with Gamora, Nebula and Mantis as Ego turned to them. And then the ceiling shattered as the pod from the Quadrant flew in and Yondu yelled, "Hey there, jackass!" He then crashed it on top of Ego.

Everyone clapped as Bucky said, "Take that, jackass!"

"Hope you liked it." Bruce said.

On Earth, the expanding energy froze in one place and the people stopped.

Everyone sighed in relief.

The door opened as Groot waved and Drax yelled, "Out of the way dumber, smaller Groot!"

"You should have said 'really adorable Groot.'" Hope said and nods followed.

Drax climbed as Groot hit his shoulder but he was unaffected. The vine disappeared and Quill fell down as Gamora helped him up and said she had told him something wasn't right and Quill said it was just what he needed to hear. Gamora said she had returned and Quill said it was because of the unspoken thing.

Literally everyone facepalmed as Pepper said, "Right now? Really?"

"Pathetic." Aunt May muttered.

Drax told Rocket he could have killed them all and Rocket seemed angry as they were ungrateful to him. Drax said they had it under control and Mantis said they didn't as that was only an extension of Ego.

"Uh-oh." Sam said as everyone else paled.

"Yeah, 'uh-oh' sounds about right." Benjamin said.

Quill asked why Nebula was here and she said she needed a ride home. Rocket said she had tried to murder him and she called him a fox and said she had saved his life. Rocket said he wasn't a fox and Groot said his line. Rocket said he wasn't a 'raboon' and Groot repeated his line and Rocket said he wasn't a 'raccoon.'

"Except you are." Fury said and everyone chuckled.

The energy vines returned and started wrapping the pod as Drax asked how to kill a Celestial and Quill said he had a brain at the center and Mantis said it was in the caverns. Quill climbed up and was shocked to see Yondu. He tried to fly off but the vines pulled them down while the palace started coming down. Quill said he was glad to be a skinny kid or Yondu would have handed him to Ego. Yondu said he had kept him around because he figured out what Ego did to the kids and so he wasn't just gonna hand him over. Quill said Yondu had said they were going to eat him. Yondu said he was being funny and Quill said not to him while Rocket said they had issues.

"Yeah. They all have issues." Tony said.

"So Yondu has a heart after all." Steve said and everyone nodded, realizing how much Yondu did care for Quill.

"He did. He cared about Quill." Benjamin said, "You will see it soon."

Ego's human form reappeared in a skeletal appearance and Quill yelled that was his father.

"And I thought I had daddy issues." Tony muttered.

Thrusters came back up as they flew through Ego and shattering some columns, shattered the window and flew out but flew down and Quill said they needed to stop Ego.

"Now that's the Star-Lord we know." Sam said and nods followed.

Rocket pressed a button and spherical energy devices rolled around and fired lasers, destroying the ground as Rocket said if they saved the galaxy again, they might need to jack up their prices while Quill was incredulous this was Rocket's priority and Rocket said it was just a thought as they were friends and he cared about everything on the planet. Mantis said the crabby puppy was cute and made her want to die.

Everyone's jaws dropped as Rhodes asked, "Seriously? He makes you wanna die?"

"I think we found someone even stranger than Drax." Peter said and chuckles followed.

"No kidding." Wanda agreed.

Kraglin was listening to 'Wham Bam Shang-A-Lang' playing on the Quadrant and sang along when several Sovereign ships arrived and detecting the batteries on Ego's planet, flew down there while Kraglin tried to contact Yondu but there was no signal.

"And now they are here too. The galaxy hates them." Natasha groaned.

"Yes. Our tasks become really difficult at times." T'Challa agreed.

The pod continued firing lasers as Yondu asked why Ego wanted Quill and he said it was because of the genetic connection to the light. He wanted to destroy the universe and taught Quill how to use the powers. Yondu asked if he could and Quill said he made a ball. He said he thought as hard as he could. Yondu told him he didn't use his head when he made the arrow fly.

"It is part of him." Clint said.

Then they crashed into something and part of the pod broke as they were now underground and Mantis pointed them at Ego's core.

"Prepare for the fight of your lives." Fury said.

Rocket brought all the spherical devices together and fired a concentrated laser, slowly breaking bits of it until Kraglin's voice came and asked if Yondu remembered Ayesha. Yondu said he did and that was when the battleships arrived and fired, forcing them to back off and fly away.

"And they are here." Tony said and everyone groaned.

"Best timing ever." Scott said sarcastically.

"No kidding." Hope agreed.

The pod swerved and Gamora, Drax and Mantis fell off and landed on the ground while Rocket said the generator was blown firing the lasers and they needed detonators. The Anulax batteries would help be the explosives. Quill asked if it could destroy Ego and Rocket said if it did, it would cause a chain reaction throughout his nervous system and destroy the planet which meant they needed to get out fast.

"I believe something bad will happen to hamper them." T'Challa said.

"It will." Logan sighed.

Quill put on his helmet and flew out as Rocket also put on a spacesuit and flew out with Groot on his shoulder. They fired at some battleships before reaching the cavern while the ground lighted up and Mantis said Ego was coming. Drax said she could put him to sleep and she said only when he wanted. Right now, he was too powerful. Drax said he believed she could do it and as Ego transformed into a giant ball of power and rolled at them, Mantis touched the light on the ground and yelled, "Sleep!" The light faded.

Everyone clapped as Wanda said, "She is pretty powerful."

Drax said he had never thought someone weak and skinny would be able to do it.

"Good thing he didn't say it earlier." Peter said.

Mantis said she didn't know how long she could hold him while Rocket said they'd have to put the bomb on Ego's core and they couldn't fit through two of the tine holes. Quill got an idea as he looked at Groot.

"And now they have to work again." Hope said.

Rocket said it was a terrible idea and Quill said it was all they had left.

"It's the only idea you always have." Fury said and laughs followed.

An annoyed Rocket went inside with Groot on his shoulder while Quill fired at the battleships.

"And now he is doing it." Pepper said.

Rocket showed Groot the detonator and told him to flick the switches and press a button but not the last button as it would set off the charges immediately. He asked Groot to repeat but he ended up pointing at the death button, horrifying Rocket, who taught him again and asked him to repeat, to get the same result, and he asked him to point at the button he was supposed to press, only for him to point at the death button, horrifying Rocket.

Everyone groaned as Bucky said, "Please, understand what he is saying and press the right button."

Rocket called out to Quill and asked if he had tape. Quill said he didn't and went off to ask Yondu, Gamora and Drax, getting hit a few times as Drax asked if Scotch tape would work and he said it would but Drax didn't have it. Quill returned and said no one had tape as Rocket asked if he had asked Nebula and Quill said she was next to Yondu and didn't have it. He said Rocket would have it as he had a bag but Rocket was annoyed.

Everyone laughed as Rhodes said, "Hope we don't need any tape."

Groot then took the detonator and slid down, cheering like a child while Rocket said they were all going to die.

"Please press the right button." Bruce said.

The pod was hit on the back and Yondu said the rear thrusters were out again and they were done without the generator. Quill flew back inside as Nebula took out some of her wires from inside and attached them to it while Ayesha informed them their deaths would be a message to everyone to not screw with the Sovereign.

"I have a feeling you're gonna be screwed really, really bad." Tony said.

Yondu said this was gonna hurt but Nebula didn't mind as Yondu pulled the lever and Nebula screamed as she was hit by electricity and the spheres activated, shooting the lasers and going around, destroying every single battleship as Ayesha screamed angrily while one of the lasers slightly grazed Mantis on the ground, angering Drax.

"That is a really horrible case of friendly fire." Rhodes muttered.

The ship exploded just as Yondu started whistling. Gamora called out to Quill in horror as Nebula jumped down from the ship and the two looked at each other. And then from the fires of the explosion Quill flew down and with him was Yondu holding onto the Yaka Arrow. Quill chuckled and said Yondu looked like Mary Poppins. Yondu, not knowing Mary Poppins was female, asked if 'he' was cool and Quill said he was. "I'm Mary Poppins, y'all!" Yondu declared happily.

Everyone clapped and laughed at the same time as Sam said, "He actually thought Mary Poppins was a 'he?'"

"Space is strange." Natasha said.

"Well, if Mary Poppins was a guy, it would be Yondu." Steve said and everyone chuckled and nodded.

The two landed on the ground as Mantis still had her hands on the light on the ground. Quill and Gamora looked at each other as Rocket flew up next to them and Nebula, Drax and Yondu looked around. And then a boulder hit Mantis, knocking her out while Drax yelled at her to look out.

"You couldn't have said that 2 seconds earlier?" Hope asked in annoyance.

"He is strange." Scott reminded her.

The light started spreading around again as Drax lifted Mantis up and said she was just unconscious.

"Which is a really bad thing." Natasha said.

"No kidding." Bucky agreed.

"Now he is back." T'Challa groaned.

Groot continued running around and seeing some light, ran in its direction.

"He is doing it!" Wanda said.

Quill asked how long until the bombs went off and Rocket said in the unlikely event Groot didn't kill them, about 6 minutes.

"Have some faith." Peter said.

"You cannot blame him for not having it." T'Challa told him.

The ground around them started breaking as Yondu asked Kraglin for extraction and he flew the Quadrant in. Quill said someone needed to be up there and put his suit on Drax, making him fly up with Mantis as he yelled about his nipples in pain.

Everyone laughed as Pepper said, "Him and his poor nipples."

The ground started breaking as Gamora fell down and the energy vines reappeared, with Ego reappearing in a giant light form with a huge face. Gamora was falling and Nebula jumped after her, catching her and holding onto a cliff with her other hand.

"I think Gamora won't do what I did." Loki said.

"Even Nebula wouldn't at this point." Thor said.

"Nope." Odinson told them.

She grunted and pulled Gamora up. Gamora looked at her gratefully and she told her to get over it.

"I don't think she will." Benjamin said.

Ego told Quill he would be a horrible father if he let him make this choice.

"You're pretty horrible without it, bastard." Logan snarled.

Quill flew around, firing at his vines while Yondu whistled, destroying them and the connected boulders before catching it and whistling again to the same result. Rocket flew around, avoiding the vines and threw devices at them before covering himself in a barrier and pressed a button, making them explode, destroying the vines as he landed on the ground and his barrier vanished.

Everyone clapped as Aunt May said, "Keep hitting him."

A vine sent Rocket flying off as Ego said him and Quill would be the only ones left soon so he needed to stop pissing him off. Quill continued firing until a vine threw him off and his helmet fell down.

"I think you're pissing off everyone with your BS." Tony snarled in disgust.

The Quadrant landed while Gamora told Nebula they needed to get to the extraction point. Several columns went up and they jumped onto one, hanging on it as Drax arrived near the ship with Mantis and ran towards it, only for Ego's vines to tie it up and trash it around as Kraglin held onto the controls for dear life.

"He is going all out now." Steve said as everyone watched in horror and felt tense.

Kraglin managed to activate the thrusters and the Quadrant flew up while the column went up and crashed both Gamora and Nebula near a cliff. Quill, Rocket and Yondu continued fighting Ego as he grabbed Rocket and threw him off. He then reappeared in his skeletal form as Yondu whistled but a huge vine with the boulders pinned him down and shattered the Yaka Arrow.

"NO!" Clint yelled in horror, "Not Yondu and his arrow!"

"He is one powerful creature. And very vile and disgusting." Natasha snarled angrily.

Yondu yelled in pan while Rocket was also wrapped in vines. Drax started being swallowed by the dirt, trying to keep Mantis up while Gamora and Nebula were also wrapped in the vines and the space around Groot closed in on him, making him cry.

"Oh my God! Oh my God!" Peter was saying in horror.

"Damn it!" Rhodes said.

"Now that leaves only one guy to stop him." Fury said.

"Yes. Only one." Hill agreed.

As more vines appeared, Ego said he didn't want to do it alone. A vine then went through him and lifted him up as he screamed in pain and Ego said he couldn't deny the purpose the Universe had bestowed upon him. On Earth, people were taking pictures of the frozen energy when it started expanding again and the same thing happened on Xandar too.

"And that thing is trying to cover Earth again." Bruce groaned.

"And we never looked into it because of how it just disappeared. Such a mistake." Steve groaned too.

Ego told Quill it didn't need to be like this and he shouldn't destroy their chance. He should stop pretending to be what he wasn't. His old form returned as several planets were covered by the expanding energy and the people screamed in terror. Ego asked what more meaning life could possibly hold and Yondu reminded him he didn't use the arrow with his head, but with his heart as the vines covered him.

"I think something is about to happen." Scott said.

"Something big is about to happen." Hope said.

Quill then remembered listening to music with his mother, laughing with Drax, flying with Rocket, dancing with Gamora, learning shooting with Yondu, and clutching his fists snarled, "You shouldn't have killed my mom and squished my Walkman."

Everyone watched with wide eyes as Bruce said, "And now he is screwed."

The light turned around as the vines around Quill disappeared and he flew into Ego, throwing him off. He turned his hand into a boulder and punched his face repeatedly, tearing off chunks of it.

Everyone clapped again as Wanda said, "Keep hitting him."

"Take that asshole!" Hill said.

"No more than he deserved." Logan agreed.

Everyone was freed from their restraints as the expanding energy stopped on all planets.

Everyone sighed in relief.

Groot finally saw the brain.

"Yes!" Pepper said.

Rocket told Groot if he could hear him he must hurry up as Quill couldn't keep Ego distracted for long. Groot flicked the switched and almost pressed the wrong button.

"NO!" Everyone from the past cried out instantaneously.

But then he pressed the right button and the countdown started.

"YES!" Everyone cheered.

"Now the baby has brains finally." Tony said and everyone chuckled.

Groot ran off as Drax hauled Mantis onto the Quadrant and climbed inside while Gamora and Nebula reached the top. Quill and Ego continued trading blows as Rocket flew up to Yondu with Groot on his shoulder and said they were about to blow. Yondu said they needed to get to the ship and he said he wouldn't leave without Quill. Yondu said he needed to take care of twig and Rocket said not without him. Yondu said, "I ain't done nothin' right my whole damn life, rat. You need to give me this."

Everyone watched the scene with their hearts hammering against their chests, realizing Yondu's goodness.

"Yondu is using his heart finally." Benjamin said.

Rocket gave Yondu a spacesuit and aero-rig, saying he only had one. Groot said, "I am Groot." Yondu asked, "What's that?" Rocket said proudly with a smirk, "He says, "Welcome to the frickin' Guardians of the Galaxy." Only he didn't use "frickin'.""

Everyone clapped and cheered as Tony said, "And now the Guardians have him."

"Yea they do." Thor agreed, not noticing the grim looks on the faces of Benjamin, Logan and Odinson.

Yondu bid farewell to the two as Rocket flew up and said they needed to talk about Groot's language.

"I'm guessing he used a far worse word." Steve realized and everyone chuckled.

Quill and Ego continued trading blows as Quill was smashed down and both of them charged each other, their energies giving them new forms. Ego transformed into a giant version of himself while Quill transformed into Pac-Man.

Everyone laughed and clapped at the same time as Tony said, "And he made Pac-Man finally with his powers."

"Ego better watch out now." Natasha said.

"Pac-Man is invincible." Clint said and everyone laughed.

The two clashed into each other and their forms shattered as they crashed on the ground. Gamora and Nebula were in the Quadrant with an unconscious Mantis as Rocket flew in and Gamora continuously asked him where Quill was. Rocket shook his head sadly while Groot pointed out. Gamora readied her cannon and said she wouldn't leave without him but Rocket shot her from behind, knocking her out and said sadly, "I'm sorry. I can only afford to lose one friend today."

Everyone looked at him sadly as Steve said, "They are all family."

"Yes they are." Aunt May agreed, "And losing each other hurts them."

Drax asked Kraglin to start the ship and continuously asked Rocket via comms if Quill was on the ship or not but got no response as the door closed behind and Rocket watched sadly. Ego tried to get up but Quill punched him back down.

Everyone clapped happily as Scott said, "Hit him a bit more."

Only 25 seconds were left as Ego tried to stop the bomb but Quill grabbed him and threw him down. Ego said he was a god and if he killed him, he would be just like everyone else. Quill asked, "What's so wrong with that?"

"So killing Ego would make him normal?" Bucky asked and nods followed, "Well, he is still taking Ego down."

"He is." Odinson agreed, "He is a hero too."

Ego screamed in terror as Quill pushed him down and the bomb exploded, destroying his brain as his human form disintegrated.

Everyone clapped again as Hope said, "Take that you bastard!"

"He will rot in hell now." Fury said.

The light faded from Quill's hands.

"And he is human again." Sam said.

As the planet exploded around him, Yondu flew up to him and grabbing him, flew up. He said to Quill, "He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn't your daddy."

Everyone smiled at the scene, feeling that their heartstrings had been tugged at.

"No he wasn't. You were." Aunt May said to Yondu.

"I'm sorry I didn't do none of it right. I'm damn lucky you're my boy." Yondu told Quill as he put the spacesuit on him and they flew out of the exploding planet, out of the atmosphere.

"What's he doing?" Peter asked in a heavy voice but he realized what was going on.

Quill asked Yondu what he was doing as he saw him suffocating in the vacuum of space and tried to take off the spacesuit to put on Yondu but it didn't come off as Yondu touched his face and then slowl died while Quill held his body and started sobbing uncontrollably at his loss.

"NO!" Peter yelled sadly as everyone realized they had tears in their eyes at Yondu's selfless sacrifice.

"He was his daddy." Steve whispered sadly.

"He was a good man, if flawed." Pepper said.

"His sacrifice better not be in vain." Thor said.

"I hope so too." Loki agreed.

"It wasn't." Logan said. Everyone still had tears in their eyes due to seeing Yondu die.

"He did the best he could." Clint said sadly about Yondu.

"He did." Natasha agreed.

Candles were lit up as Yondu's decorations, including the troll doll, were put around his grave and he was wrapped in the colors of Ogord.

"Getting the funeral he deserves after all." Wanda smiled sadly.

"He absolutely earned that funeral." Rhodes agreed.

Gamora, Rocket, Groot, Drax, Nebula, Mantis and Kraglin stood sadly as Quill said, "I told when I was a kid I used to pretend David Hasselhoff was my dad. He's a singer and actor from Terra, really famous guy. Earlier, it struck me...Yondu didn't have a talking car, but he did have a flying arrow. He didn't have the beautiful voice of an angel...but he did have the whistle of one." Mantis smiled at that as Quill said, "Both Yondu and David Hasselhoff went on kick-ass adventures...and hooked up with hot women...and fought robots." Kraglin looked up sadly at that as he continued, "I guess David Hasselhoff did kind of end up being my dad after all. Only it was you, Yondu. I had a pretty cool dad. What I'm trying to say here is...sometimes that thing you're searching for your whole's right there by your side all along. You don't even know it." He sniffled as tears fell out of his eyes and Gamora patted his shoulder for comfort.

"Yondu got the funeral he should have." Tony said.

"And he would be happy to hear what Quill said about him." Steve said sadly.

"He used his heart in the end after all." Thor said.

"And he used it wisely." Peter agreed.

"Wise words from Quill." Fury whispered to Hill who instinctively ended up glancing at Steve for a second before looking at the screen again.

"His sacrifice was an inspiration to many." Logan said.

Groot said his line and Rocket remembered how Yondu had affectionately called him 'twig.'

"He showed love to the baby as well." Hope said.

Nebula was walking away as Gamora called out to her. She turned and Gamora walked up to her saying, "I was a child like you. I was concerned with staying alive until the next day, every day. And I never considered what Thanos was doing to you. I'm trying to make it right. There are little girls like you...across the universe who are in danger. You can stay with us and help them." Nebula snarled, "I will help them by killing Thanos." Gamora said she didn't know if that was possible. Nebula turned away but Gamora grasped her arm and hugged her.

Everyone watched the scene with smiles as Tony said, "She just needed a hug."

"Hugs make humans feel happy and wanted." Vision said.

"Right you are there, Vision." T'Challa said.

"You will always be my sister." Gamora said to Nebula who finally hugged her back and then pulling away, walked off.

"I have a feeling killing Thanos isn't that easy." Steve said.

"Because it isn't." Logan said.

"It is the hardest thing to do." Odinson said.

"Like really hard." Benjamin agreed.

Yondu's body was wheeled away and led into the flames as his funeral finally reached its last stage.

"The funeral of a hero." Aunt May smiled sadly.

Kraglin gave Quill something, saying it was when Quill came back to the fold. It was a Zune and it had 300 songs, overjoying Quill.

"I'm guessing Yondu came to Earth a few more times." Fury said, "Shame on us."

Quill then took out the Yaka Arrow, which Rocket had reassembled and said Yondu would want him to have it. Kraglin thanked him and called him captain.

"Hope he uses it wisely." Clint said.

Yondu's body finally disintegrated in the flames and the sparks flew into space.

Everyone watched the scene sadly.

Quill then sat on his bed, looking at the Zune and put on the earphones as Groot climbed next to him. 'Father And Son' played as Groot held out his hands, wanting to hear.

"He is so adorable!" Wanda smiled as everyone looked at Groot lovingly.

"I want to adopt him." Hope said and everyone chuckled.

"You're not the only one." Scott said.

Quill put the other earphone in his ear and both listened to the song as everyone seemed sad when Ravager battleships flew around and Rocket was happy they had come. He told the others he had sent word to Yondu's old Ravager buddies.

"And now things have come full circle." T'Challa realized as everyone had smiles on their faces.

The colors flashed as Kraglin cheered happily and did the Ravager greeting while the others said it was a Ravager funeral. Quill, Gamora and Groot watched as Groot hopped from Quill to Gamora and was on her shoulder. The Ravagers burst crackers as one of the Ravagers said to Stakar that Yondu hadn't let them down after all and he said, "No, he did not, son. He did not." They did the Ravager greeting.

"He did not." Bucky agreed with a smile.

Other Ravagers too did the greeting and a female one did the gesture as well, saying she would see him in the stars.

"Am I the only one seeing the resemblance?" Loki asked with wide eyes.

"No. I see it too." Thor said equally pale.

"You're not wrong." Odinson said.

"What is it?" Natasha asked.

"The female Ravager looks like Hela." Thor said, shocking everyone, "Just looks like her though. The hairstyle is the same." [1]

"She is Stakar's wife." Logan revealed, shocking everyone.

Rocket muttered how he didn't chase them away even though he was mean and stole batteries he didn't need. Groot held out his arms to Drax and Gamora handed Groot to Drax, who put him on his shoulder. Groot yawned and went to sleep.

Everyone looked at Groot lovingly with smiles again as the ladies went, "Awwww."

Gamora smiled at Quill and said it was some unspoken thing.

"And now she is flirting." Pepper said and everyone chuckled.

Mantis looked at the firecrackers and said they were beautiful. Drax said she was too from the inside.

"She looks pretty good from the outside." Clint said.

"Drax is strange." Wanda reminded him.

And then Quill, Gamora, Rocket, Groot, Drax and Mantis looked at the firecrackers as a tear fell out of Rocket's eye. The screen went black.

"I think a little more is left." Steve said.

"You learn really fast, Cap." Logan smirked.

Kraglin, now with the fin on him, tried to use the Yaka Arrow with whistles but failed the first two times. The third time though, it flew around until it hit Drax in the shoulder and he screamed in pain. Kraglin backed away in fear.

Everyone laughed as Tony said, "Yeah, you better run before he puts a finger to your throat."

In his Ravager ship, Stakar loaded his gun and said, "You know, it's a shame...that it took the tragedy of losing Yondu to bring us all together again. But I think he'd be proud knowing that we are back as a team." The others all said they were in, including Aleta Ogord.

"Why do I feel they are about to become the space Expendables?" Rhodes said.

"Because they are." Benjamin told him.

"Nice." Sam smiled.

At the Sovereign, Ayesha's chambermaid walked up to her and said the Council wanted to see her and she said they were perturbed she had wasted their resources but their wrath will dissipate when they would see what she had created. The chambermaid asked if it was a new type of birthing pod and she said, "That, my the next step in our evolution. More powerful, more beautiful...more capable of destroying the Guardians of the Galaxy." The pod was shown as Ayesha said, "I think I shall call him...Adam."

"So that is the perfect Sovereign." Steve said.

"I fought him a few times and he managed to come onto our side and became a Guardian too." Odinson revealed.

"On your face, High Priestess!" Tony said and everyone laughed.

Quill walked into Groot's room and it was covered in vines and leaves. Quill said he needed to clean this mess. Groot, now a teenager playing a video game, said his line and Quill said he wasn't boring.

"So he is a teenager now?" Wanda asked and nods followed.

"I think he is a really messy teenager." Peter said.

"Even you aren't that messy." Aunt May told him.

"Not adopting him now." Hope said and everyone chuckled.

"Yeah. The cuteness is gone and in its place is a lot of brooding." Hill said.

Quill said Groot was boring and playing the mind-numbing game was boring and tripping over the vines was boring. Groot repeated his line and Quill said now he knew how Yondu felt.

Everyone laughed as Scott said, "Karma is coming for you."

The Watchers started going away as the elderly man called out to them, "Hey, fellas. Wait, where are you going? You were supposed to be my lift home. How will I get out of here? Hey! Aw, gee... I've got so many more stories to tell. Aw, guys. Oh, gee…"

Everyone laughed as Bruce said, "Looks like he bored them too much."

"Just put a tape on his mouth and give him a lift." Tony said and more laughter followed.

"So that's the end?" Natasha asked and the three from the future nodded.

"Now what?" Clint asked.

"Now back to Earth." Odinson said.

"To very sensitive topics." Logan said as he looked at the original six Avengers and Wanda and they realized what it was about.

"Oh God!" Wanda said.

"You all need to see your mistakes and learn from them." Benjamin said.

"I think you're right." Steve agreed and Wanda also nodded.

"Well, take a small break for toilet and snacks and then we will watch it." Logan said and everyone got up to go to the toilet or get snacks.