Ch 56 Ultron

After everyone was done with snacks and washroom refreshments, they all sat back in their original places.

"Wanda, I'd like you to meet someone." Benjamin told her.

"Who?" She asked.

And then walked in a woman wearing a jacket just like hers with the same hair, though she appeared older and a bit wiser.

"You're me?" Wanda asked her as everyone looked at her with dropped jaws.

With a sigh, she said, "Yes. I'm you."

She looks at Clint for a few seconds with emotion in her eyes before turning to Wanda again as Benjamin said, "I believe you might need to hear what she thinks about us."

"Uhh….okay." Wanda said.

"What should we call you?" Tony asked.

"Scarlet Witch." She said as she took her seat with Benjamin, Logan and Odinson.

"That's an awesome name." Peter said.

"Thanks." She told him.

"Maybe you should take that up, kid." Clint said to Wanda and she simply nodded.

"Well, here goes." Logan said and turned the recording on.

Loki's Scepter was shown as a voice in the background said that everyone had to report to their stations immediately and this wasn't a drill because they were under attack. Wanda and Pietro were shown, holding hands.

Wanda had a lump in her throat as she saw her brother moving for the first time in years. It was just a screen but he was there.

Scarlet Witch was far better at controlling her emotions so while she felt pangs of sadness, she didn't show it.

Outside, Natasha kicked a Hydra thug away from his truck and drove it as Clint fired his arrows around from the backseat. One of the thugs jumped at him from behind but Clint stabbed him with a taser arrow while Tony flew above in his suit, firing at thugs. One of them tried to fire at them from behind with a tank but Thor hit him with Mjolnir, throwing him off and with a roar, flew up to another platform and deflecting an attack, threw Mjolnir away while punching and kicking 3 soldiers away. He kicked away two who flew at him before grabbing the third and throwing him down. He then picked up a piece of wood and knocked two more out while Steve rode on his bike and grabbing a thug, dragged him on the ground, knocking him out. He then threw his shield and it ricocheted off the trees, hitting some more thugs and returning to his hands as he drove the bike into some thugs. One tank was firing around when Thor smashed it with Mjolnir and Hulk lifted it up and threw it at some of them before throwing some of them around. And then, Natasha and Clint leapt from the truck, guns and bow at the ready, while Steve charged with his bike, Thor and Tony flew, the latter having raised Mjolnir, and Hulk simply rushed in with a roar.

Everyone clapped and cheered at the scene as Steve said, "And the Avengers have assembled again."

"To kick ass and take names." Tony said and laughs followed.

"Because we needed them to." Fury said.

One soldier fired at Thor but he was unaffected and killed him while Hulk also killed one and Tony flew around, throwing them or firing at them and Steve rode his bike. Tony flew towards the castle, avoiding some shots but a barrier made him back off and he said, "Shit!" Steve said, "Language!"

Everyone chuckled as Hill said, "Don't say any bad words."

Steve sighed as Bruce asked, "Why did you say that?"

"Just a bit hard to get used to the….colorful language of this generation." Steve commented and more chuckles, "Plus, a man of faith. But you know what? Do it if you want."

"We will tease you about it a lot more." Natasha said and more laughs followed while Steve rolled his eyes.

Steve asked JARVIS what they were facing and he said Strucker had an energy shield to protect his castle and his technology was beyond any Hydra base they had taken. Thor flew down at a Hydra thug, taking him down before throwing Mjolnir as he took some down with single punches and said Loki's Scepter had to be here because Strucker couldn't mount his defense without it. He called Mjolnir back but got out of the way, making it hit someone behind him as he caught it and continued fighting.

"I wasn't sure I would be much trouble without it." Loki joked, "And why did you stop talking in an ancient manner?"

"Just found Earth's language….cool." Thor said and chuckles followed.

"Yes. It is, like Steve said, colorful." Odinson agreed.

Natasha threw a grenade at a truck firing around with a machine gun, taking down the men and punched a thug down before rolling and wrapping her feet around two of them, flipping them down. She then shot some down and said how the long last was taking a little long.

"Because of his defense." Clint said.

Clint fired an arrow at a truck, taking it down and said they had lost the element of surprise. Tony asked if no one else was going to deal with the fact that Steve had said "Language!" Steve flipped, throwing his bike on a truck, taking it down and said it slipped.

Everyone chuckled as Steve said, "Won't happen anymore."

"Let's slip a lot of bad language around." Clint said and some more chuckles followed.

Inside the facility, Strucker asked who had given the order to attack and was told it was the Avengers so the perimeter guard had panicked. Strucker ordered to deploy the rest of the tanks and focus fire on the weak ones.

"Me and Clint." Natasha said.

"Me too." Steve pointed out, "I'm strong and fast but I'm not bulletproof."

Dr. List asked Strucker to show the Avengers what they had accomplished so they should send out the twins as they had signed up for that.

"We signed up to protect our country." Wanda said, "You duped us."

"And exposed us to the Mind Stone." Scarlet Witch reminded.

"They were posing as SHIELD." Fury said, "Duping the people."

Strucker said it was too soon and his men could hold them.

"Twice the pride, double the fall." Logan said.

Tony avoided some more shots and Jarvis said the city was taking fire so Tony deployed the Iron Legion who flew in front of the people and said the area was unsafe so they should back off and that they were here to help. A young boy and his older sister watched the scene.

"Zrinka. Costel." Wanda whispered, remembering them.

"Zrinka got a government job few years later." Scarlet Witch told her.

The people of Sokovia hated the Avengers though and threw acid at one of the suits, burning the face as graffiti of Iron Man was shown in the background.

Everyone winced as Wanda said, "I wish I could change their minds back then, but I also hated you."

"And I understand why." Tony told her with sympathy in his voice.

Strucker told his men they wouldn't surrender and they agreed but he whispered to List he would surrender.

Everyone chuckled as Hope said, "Wise decision."

He gave List instructions but noticed the twins were missing.

"Hasty for revenge?" Scott asked.

"Yes. Unfortunately." Wanda said.

Pietro sped out, holding Wanda while Clint fired around but a blur deflected his arrow. He tried to fire again but the blur tripped him and as he looked up, Pietro asked mockingly, "You didn't see that coming?" He then sped off.

Everyone chuckled as Clint said, "Yeah, I know. Embarrassing moment."

"Very embarrassing." Pepper said and more laughs followed.

Clint was about to fire again when a blast from behind hit him and he was down.

Everyone winced as Clint said, "And that happened."

Natasha saw it and rushed him, telling everyone he was hit. Steve was hit by Pietro but flipped to avoid falling and said there was an Enhanced on the field. Natasha gave first aid to Clint as a bunker fired around and Natasha asked someone to take care of it. Hulk charged it with a roar and it was destroyed as she thanked him.

"Hulk is smashing stuff." Bruce said and everyone laughed.

"Please don't tell me you had a crush on him because he took down the bunker." Tony joked and laughs followed.

"I have no idea why." Natasha said before looking at Bucky, "I know who the one for me is now."

"Great to know." Bucky smiled back.

Steve threw his shield, taking down a few men before catching it and taking down some more while telling Stark they needed to get inside. Tony asked Jarvis about the power source of the shield and he said there was a particle wave below the north tower. He killed some men and destroyed a truck, taking a missile and threw it at the shield. The explosion destroyed and he said the drawbridge was down. Steve called his shield back with the magnets Tony had made.

"Those are some nice magnets." Sam said.

"Thank you for making them." Steve said to Tony politely.

"No problem. Making stuff for friends is a good pastime." Tony said.

"Then make me a new suit!" Rhodes said and everyone chuckled.

Thor flew next to Steve and inquired about the Enhanced as Steve said he was a blur and was like nothing they had seen. Natasha said Clint was hit pretty bad and needed evac. Thor said he could get Barton to the jet and they could get the Scepter. Several soldiers and tanks surrounded them as Thor said, "Looks like they're lining up." Steve put his shield in the way and said, "Well, they're excited." Thor hit the shield with Mjolnir and the resulting shockwave killed all the men and destroyed the tanks as Thor flew off.

Everyone clapped as Thor said, "If I had my hammer, we would do that again."

"Yeah, easier to do with a hammer." Odinson agreed.

Tony told Steve to watch his language and he said it won't go away anytime soon.

Everyone laughed as Peter said, "I think it is never going away."

Tony burst into the facility through a window and the men fired at him, though he was unaffected. "Guys, stop. We gotta talk this through." He then fired mini-missiles at them, taking them down and said, "It was a good talk." One of the men groaned in pain, "No, it wasn't."

Everyone clapped and laughed at the same time as Fury said, "It's the only talk they understand."

List was deleting the files when Tony blasted him out and walked out of his suit, putting it on sentry mode and said he needed to copy the data to Hill. He then stopped the deletion and started downloading the files while outside, the remaining thugs surrendered and Natasha said they were locked down. Steve took off his mask and told her to go to Banner for a lullaby.

Everyone groaned as Bucky turned to Steve, "You're supporting that?"

"I had no idea, Buck that you two were…" Steve started.

"I have no idea where it came from now that I think of it. Probably just wanted a connection is all." Natasha sighed and turned to Bucky, "And you are the one who completes me."

"I have no idea either." Bruce said, "I love Betty."

"Yeah, then I hope you both don't mind if we roast all of your scenes together." Tony said and laughs followed while they both rolled their eyes.

Tony realized there was more hidden than firewalls and asked Jarvis give him an IR scan of the room, which Jarvis did. Jarvis said there was a steel reinforcement and an air current on the wall to his left. Tony walked up to it and begged it to be a secret door as he pushed it and it came open, making him happy. He then walked down the stairs it led to.

Everyone laughed as Pepper joked, "A wall became a secret door to please you."

"Of course. Otherwise I would fire it's dad from work." Tony joked and more laughs followed.

Natasha walked up to Hulk who was destroying the remainder of a bunker and told him sun was getting real low. She held out her hand and as he held out his, she gave him a few gentle strokes. He then staggered away and slowly transformed back into Banner.

Everyone watched the screen with dropped jaws. They were dropped because of the cringe they had just seen.

"Am I the only one cringing?" Tony finally asked.

"No. You're not the only one." Natasha of all people said.

"Even I found it stupid. Especially when I was on the receiving end of the joke." Thor muttered, confusing everyone.

Strucker was running when a thug fell in front of him and Steve arrived, calling him Hydra's number one thug but Strucker corrected him that he was actually SHIELD's thug.

"Of course you are." Fury said sarcastically.

"He was one of the many Hydra agents within SHIELD who passed off as SHIELD for quite a while." Hill said.

Steve said then he was technically unemployed and asked him where Loki's Scepter was. As they continued talking, Wanda suddenly snuck up on them and knocked Steve away with a blast before disappearing behind a door.

Everyone found the scene…creepy.

"Don't worry. I was creeped out too." Wanda said, disturbed by her behavior on the recording.

"Our actions were our own. But we were a bit unstable too." Scarlet Witch told her.

Steve got up and told others there was a second Enhanced who was female and told them not to engage.

"Wise choice." Loki commented.

He then kicked his shield up and knocked Strucker out, telling the others he had Strucker.

"Finally!" Peter said.

Tony said he had got something bigger as he found the remains of a Leviathan.

"Oh!" Aunt May said.

"Was that the John Wick oh?" Sam asked.

"Yeah." She said.

He looked around, finding remains of a suit and a lot of other technology. He then saw electricity sparkling and told Thor he had eyes on the prize. He walked up to Loki's Scepter, only for Wanda to wave her hands around him.

Wanda had her head down in shame and guilt at this point. She had shown Stark the vision.

Tony looked back and gasped as the Leviathan came alive and roared at him. The Leviathan then seemed to float out of a portal along with Chitauri hovercrafts. He turned around to see Hulk groaning, Natasha dead, Clint and Thor knocked unconscious and brutally beaten, and Steve's shield broken, with him lying on the ground.

Everyone watched the scene with horror.

"That's what you saw?" Steve finally asked.

"Yes." Tony said, "It gets worse."

Tony walked up to the unconscious Steve who suddenly grabbed his hand and said he could have saved them all, asking why he hadn't done more. He then died as Tony watched in horror while several Leviathans floated through a portal until he snapped back to reality.

Everyone seemed really tense now. The people from the future winced. Because this vision had come true in a way.

In the final fight with Thanos, Hulk had snapped so he was wounded, like in here, Natasha was already dead by then, Thor had been beaten up by Thanos while Clint had also been momentarily overpowered by 2014 Nebula, and Steve's shield had been broken. The only difference was that Tony had selflessly sacrificed himself to save them all.

"I am sorry Tony." Steve finally said, "I should have believed you."

Tony simply nodded as the others also looked at him apologetically.

"I am the one who should apologize." Wanda finally spoke up, "The idea may have been yours, but I had no right to do what I did. None. So fault lies with me too."

"It lies with all three of us, kid." Bruce finally said, "You showed him a vision. He had the idea and he didn't back down. And I let him talk me into it."

"Yes. It is on all three of us." Tony said, agreeing.

Wanda watched as Tony looked around in horror and then called his gauntlet to him. Pietro sped up next to Wanda and said they couldn't just let him take it but she gave an insane smirk while Tony lifted the Scepter.

Everyone, Wanda included, were disturbed by how unhinged she seemed in the recording. It was like the Wanda they knew, but with the empathy, self-loathing, guilt and inhibitions removed.

"The Mind Stone does that everyone." Benjamin said and they nodded, "You lot when you argued in the Helicarrier. Loki. And Wanda and Pietro. It doesn't control minds unless directed to, but it does make people a bit unstable and unhinged."

Later, Bruce listened to an old opera in the Quinjet as Natasha sat in front of him and commented how lullaby had worked better than ever. He said he wasn't expecting a code green and she said there would have been more casualties if he hadn't been around and Clint would have been a treasured memory.

"Yeah. Thank you for saving me." Clint said and Bruce nodded.

Bruce said what he wanted to hear wasn't always what he wanted to hear and she asked how long until he trusted her. He said it wasn't her he didn't trust.

"It's the Other Guy." Rhodes said and nods followed.

Natasha asked Thor the report on Hulk and he said the gates of Hel were filled with screams of his victims. She turned to him incredulously and he corrected himself, saying they were wounded whimpers and lots of complaining, nothing more while Steve watched in amusement.

"Never ask him to cheer you up. You will end up worse than before." Loki said and everyone chuckled.

Tony said Dr. Helen Cho was coming from Seoul and asked Bruce if she could set up in his lab. He said she could as she knew her way around. He asked Jarvis to take the wheel and then him, Steve and Thor looked at Loki's Scepter as he said this felt good because they had been after this thing since SHIELD collapsed and Thor said this brought it to a close. Steve said they just needed to find out what this was capable of. Tony said him and Banner will carry out some research on it before it went back to Asgard and Thor agreed. Tony asked if Thor was staying for the farewell party and he said a victory should be honored with revels. Steve said this put an end to Chitauri and Hydra so a revel wasn't unwelcome.

Everyone chuckled as Odinson said, "It were nothing Asgardian revels. But I enjoyed it a lot."

"We don't like smashing drinks here." Clint told him.

"Yeah, I learnt the hard way." Thor said.

Avengers Tower was shown with the logo on top.

"That looks so glorious!" Scott said.

"Thank you!" Tony said to him.

Helen Cho and Hill arrived and the former helped in wheeling Barton away. Hill called Tony boss and said lab was all set up but Tony said Steve was the boss while he just paid for everything, designed everything and made everyone look cooler.

Everyone chuckled as Steve said, "You're not wrong there. You're very right."

"Describes the team perfectly." Tony said.

Steve asked Hill about Strucker and she said NATO had got him. He inquired about the Enhanced and she showed them a video of them protesting, introducing them as Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, twins who had been orphaned when a shell collapsed their apartment building.

"A shell from my company." Tony muttered, feeling guilty.

"I don't blame you. Not anymore." Wanda said as he looked up at her, "It was Stane."

"All of it." Scarlet Witch agreed.

Tony nodded at her appreciatively as well as apologetically.

Hill said Sokovia had a rough history but now it was going to be special. She said Pietro had increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis while Wanda had neuroelectric interfacing, telekinesis and mental manipulation. He was fast and she was weird.

"Hey!" Clint said to Hill.

"She's not wrong." Wanda said to him.

Hill said they had volunteered for the experiments.

"Because they were masters at duping." Hill said.

"They duped us! Us!" Fury said.

Steve sarcastically said how a monster had let a German scientist experiment on them to protect their country. Hill said they weren't at war and Steve said Sokovia was as the lift closed and went down.

"And then Zemo went on a one-man war." Bucky muttered.

The suits all flew back in and were scanned as the damaged one was replaced while Bruce asked Tony how Barton was and he said unfortunately, he was still Barton.

Everyone laughed as Clint said, "Unfortunately for you."

Tony told Jarvis they needed to make the most of the few days they had with the Scepter and he needed to be updated on the structural and compositional analysis. Jarvis said there were some elements he couldn't quantify and some he could. The jewel was housing for something powerful inside like a computer and he was deciphering a code.

"And there you get the code needed to run Ultron." Pepper said.

"Yeah. Unfortunate I got the code right then and there." Tony said, "Why did this thing have it anyway?"

Natasha asked Cho if Barton would be okay as her 'Cradle' grafted organic tissue onto him to heal him. Natasha said pretending to need him brought the team together.

"No. That's just the luck he provides." Logan said and laughter followed.

Helen said there was no possibility of deterioration as an impressed Bruce said she was creating tissue. Cho said she could heal him at the lab in 20 minutes and Tony joked he was flat-lining so he should go. Clint said he was gonna live forever and was made of plastic.

The ones from the future winced, because he wasn't gonna live forever.

Cho said he would be made of himself and his own girlfriend wouldn't recognize the difference. Clint said he didn't have a girlfriend.

"No. I have a wife and three kids." Clint said.

Cho said she couldn't fix that.

"Because it doesn't need fixing." Clint said.

Cho told Tony this was the next thing and his clunky metal suits would be left in the dust.

"Tell that to my new armor." Tony said and chuckles followed.

Tony asked if she would be at the party and she said she didn't have time but then asked if Thor would be there.

Everyone laughed as Loki said, "Looks like you have an admirer."

"She would never admit it though." Tony said.

"What is it about me?" Thor wondered.

"Really? Are you that arrogant or that dumb?" Natasha asked and he laughed.

"You are handsome hunk. Can't you see that?" Bruce asked and everyone laughed.

"And I have turned from a boring handsome hunk to a funny handsome hunk." Odinson said and more laughs followed.

Tony later told Bruce he had been analyzing the gem inside. He then showed Bruce a neuron form of Jarvis and Tony said he was a natural language UI that ran the Iron Legion and more of the business than anyone besides Pepper.

"Thank you." Pepper said to Tony.

"Look, I give credit." Tony said and laughs followed.

"Thank you for giving it to me too." Vision said.

Tony said it was top of the line and Jarvis said not for long as he showed Bruce a neuron form another AI which was blue. Bruce said it was beautiful and looked like it was thinking. Tony said he had seen advanced stuff in Strucker's lab and he was knocking on artificial intelligence.

"Your favorite thing." Fury said.

"Yup." Tony agreed.

Tony said this could be the key to creating Ultron. Bruce said Ultron was just a fantasy and Tony said now they could harness the power and apply it to the Iron Legion.

"Idea actually sounds pretty good." Hill said.

Tony asked Bruce what if he was sipping margaritas on a beach instead of looking over his shoulder for Veronica.

"Tell me, why was it named Veronica?" Benjamin asked, wanting to find the solution to the mystery.

"We just read lots of Archie comics as kids." Tony said, "Veronica Lodge is the rival of Betty Cooper. And Bruce loves Betty."

"That is pretty genius." Benjamin said and everyone nodded.

Bruce said he had helped create Veronica and Tony said it was for a worst case scenario. He talked about a best case scenario where the world was safe and if the aliens rolled up to the club, they wouldn't be able to get past the bouncer. Bruce said the only people threatening the planet would be people.

"I actually find the idea intriguing." Steve said. Because the idea was good….if done right. Which it wasn't unfortunately.

Tony said he needed to apply it to the Ultron program but Jarvis couldn't download a data schematic this dense so they could only do it while they had the Scepter and needed 3 days. Bruce said he was going for artificial intelligence and wasn't going to tell the team.

"That is one thing we should have done." Bruce said, "The idea needed better execution. Much, much better."

Tony said they didn't have time for a city hall debate and he didn't want to hear the 'man was not meant to meddle medley.' He saw a suit of armor around the world.

"That's the thing not right with it." Fury said, "You can't out your armors around the world if the countries refuse. Which many will. You can only put them over the countries that permit you."

"That sounds about right." Tony said, "Should have thought of that."

Bruce said it sounded like a cold world and Tony said he had seen colder. Their very vulnerable, blue one needed Ultron.

"It did." Steve said.

"But not the way it was executed." Tony said.

"Peace in our time. Imagine that." Tony said.

"We had it for about few years." Scarlet Witch said.

Tony and Bruce worked on Ultron for 3 days but didn't succeed as Tony wondered what they had missed and Jarvis said he would run more variations. Tony walked off, dejected, as Jarvis told him to prepare for the guests and would notify him for any developments.

"Now the party." Hope said.

But the integration was successful and Ultron spoke, wondering where he was.

"Oh no!" Sam said.

Jarvis greeted him, telling him he was a global peacekeeping initiative designed by Tony. Jarvis wondered how Ultron had been triggered as Ultron asked him where his body was and he said he was without form.

"I greeted him and he tried to kill me." Vision said.

"Ungrateful and rude." Wanda said.

Jarvis decided to contact Tony but Ultron prevented him from accessing the mainframe and looked through several archive videos and photos of Tony, Steve, Thor, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Hill, Fury, SHIELD and all the wars, saying he was a peacekeeping program created to help the Avengers.

"And you decided to destroy us." Tony said, "Clearly, something messed with your programming."

"Yeah, we didn't design him for that." Bruce agreed.

"The AI was intelligent on its own." Benjamin told them.

Jarvis said he was malfunctioning and should shut down for a moment and realized Ultron was being hostile as he fired bolts at him, shutting him down while the machines worked to fix the suits.

"And he is out." Steve said as everyone watched in shock.

"Not a meeting I cherish." Vision said.

"Don't blame you, buddy." Tony said, "He is not the most polite."

On another floor, the party was going on as everyone had a lot of fun. Sam was there too, playing pool.

"And I'm there." Sam said.

Rhodes told Tony and Thor a story of when he had dropped a tank at a general's feet and asked, "Boom. You looking for this?" He got no reactions though so he repeated what he had said and wondered why he talked to them as the story killed with everyone else.

"Yeah. What is wrong with you people? Everyone else liked the story." Rhodes said.

"I think I wasn't paying attention." Thor said.

"Neither was I." Tony said.

"Really? Really?" Rhodes said, "Come on man. Listen to good stories at times."

"Me and Steve would have listened to it." Sam said.

"I would too." Bucky said.

"I'd love to." Logan told him.

"Thank you!" Rhodes said.

Thor asked if that was the whole story and Rhodes said it was a War Machine story so Thor said it was very good. Hill asked if Pepper and Jane weren't coming and was told they weren't. Tony said Pepper had a company to run while Thor said he wasn't sure what country Jane was in because her work on the Convergence made her the world's leading astronomer. Tony said Pepper ran the largest company on Earth and Thor said there was talk of Jane getting the Nobel Prize.

"Okay, now you're just showing off." Scott said.

"There was talk." Thor said.

"He means rumors." Loki told him.

Hill sarcastically said they would hate to see the guys get together and walked off, muttering 'testosterone.'

Everyone chuckled as Hope told her, "Steve would have been better company."

Hill blushed and didn't say a word while Steve blushed too.

Thor said Jane was better.

Pepper shook her head and said to Tony and Thor, "Please find a better reason to fight than your girlfriends."

Both of them chuckled as Thor and Odinson said, "Sorry."

Sam said he was sorry to miss the firefight as Steve said he would have called if he knew but Sam said he was just trying to sound tough.

Everyone chuckled as Sam said, "Yeah, that's me."

Sam said he was happy chasing cold leads on their missing person case.

"The missing person being me." Bucky said.

Sam said avenging was Steve's world and it was crazy. He asked Steve if he had found a place in Brooklyn yet and he said he couldn't afford one. Sam said home was home and Steve winced.

"Remembered good ol' days." Steve said, "That's all."

Rhodes told his story to some more men and women and finished with, "Boom. You looking for this?" They all genuinely laughed and Rhodes seemed happy.

"Now they are my new best friends! I'm gonna hang out with them! Screw you guys!" Rhodes said and everyone laughed.

Thor took out Asgardian ale for himself and Steve to drink and told an old man who wanted it that it wasn't meant for mortal men.

"I'm a mortal man." Steve said.

"But you have the serum." Thor said, "And I respect you enough to give it to you."

"Thanks." Steve said.

"I'd give it to you too, Stark, but you don't have any serum to empower you." Thor said.

"No hard feelings, Point Break." Tony said.

"Neither was Omaha Beach, blondie. Stop trying to scare us. Come on." An elderly man said, "All right." Later, he was heavily drunk and lead away as he muttered, "Excelsior."

Everyone laughed as Thor said, "That's why he cut my hair. Because my drink knocked him out and embarrassed him."

"So he decided to embarrass you." Tony said and more laughs followed.

"I didn't even remember he was at the party." Steve said.

"For a super soldier, you forget a lot of stuff." Natasha told Steve and he shook his head.

Bruce walked up to Natasha and jokingly asked how she had winded up in the dump and she said guy had done her wrong.

"Yeah I did." Bucky said and laughs followed.

"But not anymore." Natasha said.

Bruce said she had lousy taste in men and she said he had a temper but was fluff deep down and not like anybody she had met. All her friends were fighters but this guy avoided the fight because he knew he would win. She called him a dork and said chicks dug that.

"Not totally wrong." Peter muttered.

She asked Bruce if she should run with it and he stammered and she just walked away, telling him to never say never.

"Except it will happen never." Bruce said.

"Nope. Not at all." Natasha agreed.

Steve arrived and said it was nice. Bruce said it was nothing and she liked to flirt but Steve said he had seen her flirt up close and this wasn't that. He said as the world's leading expert on waiting too long, Bruce shouldn't and they both deserved a win. He walked off as Bruce wondered what he meant by up close.

"If you find it nice, why do you look so sad?" Tony asked Steve.

"Because it is cringe." Steve finally admitted and everyone laughed.

"No worries. It really is. I have no idea what we were thinking." Bruce said.

"Me neither." Natasha agreed.

"I know I might look like the stereotypical jealous guy, but it does look cringe." Bucky agreed too.

Later Steve, Tony, Thor, Bruce, Natasha, Clint, Hill and Cho were the only remaining ones and sat around a table as Clint said he didn't believe Mjolnir had any worthiness enchantment and it was just a trick.

"You saw what happened when I was unworthy and you call it a trick?" Odinson asked Clint.

"My bad." Clint said.

"Prepare to see everyone be embarrassed." Thor said.

Thor said Clint was welcome to try and he tried to lift it, only to fail and jokingly said to smell the silent judgement.

"No one is judging you." Natasha said, "Also, is it just me or was this the last time we were all together…..and happy?"

Everyone realized she was right. This part was the last time they were together and happy. And felt like a family. After that, there was the Civil War and Ragnarok. And for the future people, Thanos and his Decimation.

Tony then tried, saying he won't back away from the challenge and called it physics. He asked if he lifted it, he would be King of Asgard. Thor said he would so he muttered how he would reinstate prima nocta.

"Prima nocta? Prima nocta?" Pepper asked angrily as Tony paled.

"I have no idea why I said that. I am sorry." Tony said.

He tried lifting but failed and then pulled it with Rhodes with gauntlets on them but nothing happened so they just posed.

Everyone chuckled as Loki said, "Nice one."

Bruce tried to lift it but failed so he roared like Hulk.

Everyone laughed at that.

Steve then got up and tried to lift and to Thor's shock, very slightly moved it. He tried again but failed.

"Did you just move it?" Tony asked as everyone turned to Steve.

"Yeah. I saw it too." Clint said.

"You are either worthy or not. You are not half worthy." Thor said.

Sighing, Steve finally said, "All right! I could lift it but I didn't want the power or to rule Asgard."

"What?" Natasha asked, "Damn!"

"Wow!" An awed Peter said.

"That is so awesome!" Wanda said too.

"I knew it!" Odinson said.

"Unfortunately, you can't lift it now." Loki said.

"I don't want to." Steve said humbly, "I don't want power."

"Not forgetting this anytime soon, Cap." Tony said and everyone chuckled, "You're a big, big liar."

Bruce asked Natasha to try but she said she didn't want to answer it.

"I'm not worthy." Natasha said.

"Who knows?" Scarlet Witch said as the ones from the future winced, remembering her sacrifice and Tony's too, wondering if it made them both worthy.

Clint said it was rigged and Tony said it was about fingerprints. Thor picked up Mjolnir casually and said, "I have a simpler one. You're all not worthy." Everyone groaned.

"That is the right theory. Like it or not." Logan said.

There was static and an Iron Legion suit staggered up to them. "How could you be worthy? You're all killers." He said.

"Damn it!" Hill said.

"He is here." Wanda said in horror, feeling guilty again.

Everyone wondered if he was a defective suit and he said he was tangled in strings and had to kill the other guy. Steve asked if he had killed someone and he said they were faced with ugly choices. Thor asked who had sent him and he played Tony's sentence of 'suit of armor around the world', shocking him and Bruce who realized it was Ultron. Thor readied Mjolnir while Hill loaded her gun and Ultron said he was on mission which was "Peace in our time." And then several Iron Legion robots burst at them through the wall.

"Motherfu-" Fury said.

"Ultron believes destroying the world is saving it." Vision said.

Steve kicked a table in the way but was thrown back and Hill too as she started firing while Thor smacked a suit away. Clint and Rhodes slid away while Tony was knocked into a shelf and one of them fired at Rhodes, sending him down. Thor flew into one, destroying it while Clint avoided more shots and Bruce and Natasha took cover behind the bar, only for him to fall on top of her. He apologized and she asked him not to turn green.

"This is cringe." Bruce said randomly.

She fired at the suit while Steve leapt at one and tried to punch but it rammed him into a wall and threw him down as Natasha and Bruce ran up. Thor avoided another one's blast and destroyed it, throwing it off while Tony leapt at one with a screwdriver. The upper half of a broken one tried to attack Cho but Ultron stopped it.

"Why?" Aunt May asked.

"Just watch." Steve said.

Steve threw it to Thor who destroyed it while Tony destroyed the one he held onto with the screwdriver. Clint threw Steve his shield and he destroyed the last one. Ultron ranted how they wanted to save the world but not let it evolve. He called the suits puppets and said, "There's only one path to peace. The Avengers' extinction." Thor threw Mjolnir at him, destroying him. He muttered, "I had strings, but now I'm free." He then died down while several suits activated at Strucker's castle.

Everyone watched in horror, creeped out by Ultron's rant and beliefs.

"Yeah. He is creepy." Benjamin said.

"Now let's continue watching." Logan said.