"You need to stop Ultron before he transfers himself to his new body." Scott said.
"We will." Steve said.
Cho told Ultron cellular cohesion will take few hours but they could initiate the consciousness stream now. Wanda said she could read him and he was dreaming. Cho said it was Ultron's base consciousness. Ultron asked how soon would it be finished and then said he wasn't being pushy.
"You sound pretty pushy to me." Tony said.
Wanda touched the body of the droid and suddenly saw a meteor crashing on Earth and destroying it. She gasped loudly and backed off, snapping back into sanity as Pietro held her face in concern.
"That is what brought me back to my senses." Scarlet Witch said, "Finding out what Ultron wanted."
"I only wanted to destroy you all at the time due to wrong beliefs. Not the innocents." Wanda said.
"I believe you saw that because at the moment, his brain and mine were connected." Vision said.
"How could you?" Wanda asked Ultron. Ultron feigned confusion and she said he had told them he'd destroy the Avengers and make a better world. He said he would. She asked when everyone would be dead. Ultron said the human race would have every opportunity to improve. Pietro asked what if they didn't and he told them to ask Noah.
Everyone was chilled to the bone again as Steve said, "He took his lunacy to a new level."
"No kidding." Peter agreed.
Wanda called him a madman and he said there were a dozen extinction level events before even the dinosaurs got theirs. "When the Earth starts to settle, God throws a stone at it. And, believe me, he's winding up." Ultron said.
"How would he know I wonder?" Pepper muttered.
The ones from the future were chilled as Ultron had in a way predicted the future. Thanos had played God and he had pretty much become one when he had got the Infinity Gauntlet.
Ultron said they had to evolve and there was no room for the weak. Wanda asked who decided who was weak and Ultron said life always decided. As he said that, Wanda blew her mist on Cho, freeing her from the Mind Stone's control.
"At least she is free now." Clint sighed in relief.
Ultron detected a Quinjet coming and said they needed to move. Cho said that wouldn't be a problem and paused the upload. Ultron angrily fired a concussive blast at her, knocking her out.
Everyone flinched as Aunt May said, "Was she all right?"
"She was just wounded. She recovered." Natasha told her and everyone sighed in relief.
Pietro grabbed Wanda and ran off as Ultron called out to them.
"We are not coming back to you ever." Wanda sneered.
"No more than he deserves." Benjamin said.
Ultron's sentries killed the rest of the staff and he said they would understand when they see as he took out the wire, losing the connection. His sentries then started taking the Cradle away as Steve arrived with the Quinjet hovering above him and told them to stay close.
"A bit too late unfortunately." Logan said.
"Don't lose hope just yet." Steve smirked.
Steve rushed inside and saw a wounded Cho as he pressed a cloth to her to stem the bleeding and she took it from him, telling him the real power was in the Cradle and the Gem's power was uncontainable. He couldn't just blow it up. Steve asked if the others had copied that and they said they had.
"That makes things even more complicated." Hill said.
"Unfortunately." T'Challa said.
Natasha said she had a private jet taking off across town without a manifest and it could be him. Clint saw a truck from the lab and told Steve it was above him and asked if he could take out the driver but Steve said if it crashed, the Gem would level the city. He climbed up and jumped on top of the truck, annoying Ultron.
"I think you pissed him off." Tony said.
"He clearly did." Fury agreed.
"A lot." Steve said.
"Good luck." Bucky told him.
"Thanks. I'll need it." Steve said.
As Steve hung behind the truck, Ultron yelled at him to leave him alone and fired a concussive blast, opening the door as Steve hung on to it.
"Shit!" Rhodes said.
"He is pissed to a new level." Sam said.
"I believe you still fought him." Thor said.
"Yes." Steve said.
Ultron fired again, sending Steve flying up as he held on to it again. He said he would try to keep Ultron at bay and Clint told him he was no match for him. Steve sarcastically thanked him.
Everyone chuckled a bit as Hope told Clint, "Try to be more supportive."
Ultron took out the wire again. He then used his gravity manipulation to throw Steve off as he crashed onto the hood of a car. The Quinjet flew around as the car neared the truck and Steve leapt onto the top. Ultron flew in front of him and fired a beam which his shield deflected. Ultron asked, "You know what's in that Cradle? The power to make real change. And that terrifies you." Steve dryly said, "I wouldn't call it a comfort." And then he threw his shield, making Ultron fly back as it hit him. Steve dodged his blasts and threw the shield again. It returned to him and he flip kicked it back at him. It was stuck on Ultron now and he threw it off the truck before firing at Steve, making him fly back. Steve hung on the front of the truck as an Ultron Sentry tried to attack him but he avoided.
"Steve is holding his own better than you thought, Barton." Odinson said and everyone chuckled and nodded.
"All right. I should have faith." Barton said dryly.
The backdoor of the Quinjet opened as Clint counted down and told Natasha to give Ultron hell. She got on a bike and it dropped down as she rode it around. She saw the shield on the ground and commented, "I'm always picking up after you boys." She picked it up and continued riding as Clint gave her directions.
"Which is why I'm glad to not be the only woman around now." Natasha commented with a look at Wanda as they all chuckled.
Steve had Ultron in a chokehold now.
"Uhhhhhh…why exactly are you choking a robot?" Peter asked.
"And it seems to be working." Tony said.
"I'm not choking him. Just restraining him." Steve said.
Ultron freed himself and had Steve in a chokehold as Natasha arrived near the truck and went underneath it.
Everyone clapped as Natasha smirked.
Natasha threw the shield to Steve who caught it and hit Ultron, staggering him away. Ultron used gravity manipulation to lift a piece of the road in front of Natasha, making her stop.
"Damn it!" Bucky said.
Natasha started the bike again and drove into another direction on top of stairs to avoid shots from Ultron Sentries. Steve was blasted on top of a car again and Ultron used gravity manipulation to pull up the road. The cars flipped around as Steve avoided and leapt onto the truck again, blocking and dodging Ultron's blows.
"Even if you're not a threat to Ultron, your indomitable will is." Loki of all people said to Steve and he nodded in appreciation.
Natasha rode around, politely telling people to get out of her way with a 'beep-beep.'
Everyone chuckled.
She asked Clint if he could draw out the guards and he fired the Quinjet's guns at Ultron as he fought Steve, making him stagger back. The Ultron Sentries flew out of the truck and grabbed the Quinjet, trying to fire.
"And now they're after you." Hill said to Clint.
"Part of the job." Clint shrugged.
Clint managed to shake the Sentries off as Wanda and Pietro watched a news on the roadside which showed Steve and Ultron battling. They exchanged a look.
"This is where you decided to help against Ultron." Bruce realized.
"Yes. We realized we need to stop what we helped unleash." Wanda said.
Ultron flew at Steve but he grabbed him and threw him to the other side, making him crash into a pillar. Ultron flew back and grabbing Steve, crashed them both into a train.
"First bus, now train." Sam said dryly.
The Ultron Sentries flew back as Clint told Natasha to work faster. Steve threw his shield at Ultron, making him stagger back before flipping back to avoid a flying Ultron. But then he fired a concussive blast, making Steve fall down. Natasha asked if Steve could keep Ultron occupied and he dryly asked what she thought he had been doing the entire time.
Everyone chuckled as Natasha said dryly, "Sorry."
Steve shrugged.
Natasha leapt into the truck as police arrived. The Sentries grabbed the truck from the side and lifted the back portion while the front portion crashed.
"Oh boy!" Peter said as everyone watched in shock.
Clint was about to fire when Natasha told him she was still inside, to his shock. She said she was sending the package to him as she cut off the holds. Steve blocked all of Ultron's attacks but was overpowered just as Pietro sped in, staggering Ultron away. As he turned, Wanda used her powers to put stuff in his way. Ultron begged them to not do this but she said they didn't have any other choice. Ultron fired a concussive blast, destroying the train's control panel and killing the driver as he flew out.
"Oh God!" Aunt May said as everyone watched in horror.
Steve told the others Ultron was headed their way as he saw the dead driver. Natasha put a bomb with a 10-second countdown on the truck and slid away with the Cradle, landing at the back of the Quinjet as the truck exploded but Ultron grabbed her leg and pulled her down.
"Damn it!" Bucky cursed.
"So he took you?" Aunt May asked and she nodded.
"But I was saved." Natasha said.
The train crashed through the barricade and ran into the city, threatening to trample the civilians in the path. Clint asked Steve if he had eyes on Nat. In spite of his concern for Natasha, Steve knew what was more important and told Clint to get the package to Stark.
Steve and Natasha exchanged a look. Natasha knew the job and people were the priority so she was proud of Steve for what he did. Bucky too.
Clint flew off as Pietro sped the civilians out of the way on Steve's order. The train crashed through a wall and Steve was sent flying back by some debris. Wanda used her telekinesis and in under a minute, managed to stop the train.
Everyone sighed in relief as Peter said, "Thank God!"
Pietro said he needed a minute as Steve told him he was tempted not to give him one. Wanda inquired about the Cradle and Steve said Stark would take care of it. Wanda said he wouldn't and Steve told her she had no idea what she was talking about because Stark wasn't crazy. Wanda told him he would do anything to make things right. He then tried to call anyone on comms but got no response as Wanda said Ultron couldn't tell the difference between saving and destroying the world.
"My desire to save the world unintentionally led to it's almost destruction." Tony said, "Though I would have done anything to make things right."
"Still, you wouldn't try to destroy the world like Ultron did. You are not that kind of person." Wanda said.
In Avengers Tower, Bruce asked Tony if they had anything on Nat and he said not yet but she was alive or Ultron would rub it in their faces.
"Yeah. Based on what I've seen, I think he would." Rhodes agreed.
Clint said it was sealed shut and Bruce said they would destroy the programming as Tony asked Clint if she could contact him based on old-school spy stuff and he walked off to find her. Bruce suggested how they would destroy it but Tony made no move to help him and he realized Tony's intentions. Bruce refused but Tony asked him to trust him, which he said he didn't.
"After what Ultron did, can't say I blame you." Tony said.
"It was too risky to do something like that again." Bruce said, "We're lucky Vision didn't turn out like Ultron."
"That we are, Dr. Banner." Vision agreed.
"It is kind of ironic." Thor said to Bruce, "You're a pushover when Hulk is anything but."
"You're right!" Bruce said, agreeing.
Tony said he had had found their ally against Ultron and Jarvis' neuron form appeared, greeting Bruce.
"And you're back!" Wanda said to Vision.
"I believe I am." Vision said.
Tony said Ultron had attacked Jarvis because he was scared and found him a threat. So Jarvis had gone underground and dumped all his memory, but not his protocols. He hadn't even known he was in there until Tony had pieced him together.
"Wow!" Pepper said as everyone was impressed by how advanced Jarvis was, "You designed Jarvis really well, Tony."
Tony shrugged.
"I remember I was an amnesiac when you pieced me back together." Vision told Tony.
Bruce asked if Tony wanted his help to put Jarvis into the droid but Tony said he wanted to help him put Jarvis in the droid because bio-organics was Bruce's field. Bruce said Tony was assuming Jarvis' operational matrix could beat Ultron's. Tony said Jarvis had been beating Ultron from the inside without knowing it. This was the opportunity to create Ultron's perfect self without the homicidal glitches he thought made him better. Jarvis believed it was worth a go. Bruce said he was stuck in a loop.
"And I made it come full circle when I helped you again." Bruce sighed.
"You're right. It was stupid and risky. We're lucky Vision didn't become like Ultron. Or we would be in double trouble." Tony sighed.
"Still, good thing it did work out, even if the chance was slim." Steve said, "Or things would be worse."
This was where it had gone wrong and Tony said, "We're mad scientists. We're monsters, buddy. We've gotta own it. Make a stand. It's not a loop. It's the end of the line"
"Could have been." Bruce said, "And I think owning mad scientists might be harmful to people around us."
"You're right." Tony sighed, "Stupid thing to say."
At Ultron's base, Natasha woke up as he worked on technology and said he didn't hope she'd wake up, He knew. He wanted to show her as he had no one else.
"Which is no more than what you deserve." Natasha said.
"He was misanthropic but I now realize he too had a need for human-like companionship." Scarlet Witch told everyone, "He sought us out not just because of our power, but because like him, we came from the Mind Stone. In his own twisted way, he considered us siblings. And us joining the Avengers was akin to a brother and sister falling in the wrong crowd for him. Namely, a crowd that protected the world instead of letting it evolve. His lack of humanity prevented him from understanding our 'betrayal' any other way."
Everyone actually had wide eyes as they realized how Scarlet Witch had finally decoded Ultron's personality and thoughts for them.
"That's…..I don't even know what to say." Wanda said.
"Damn!" Tony said, "This guy was complex."
"He was a walking mass of complexes." Scarlet Witch said about him, "He had a Messiah complex, a God complex, and half of an Oedipus complex as he detested his father."
"That makes sense." Tony said.
Ultron said he thought a lot about meteors and their purity as they ended everything and started everything fresh. "I was meant to be new. I was meant to be beautiful. The world would have looked to the sky and seen hope, seen mercy. Instead, they'll look up in horror because of you." He told her he'd give them full marks for wounding him. "But, like the man said, what doesn't kill me..." Ultron was shattered into pieces by a bigger, stronger Ultron from behind as a horrified Natasha crawled back and the new Ultron finished, "just makes me stronger."
Everyone gasped as Steve said, "My God!"
"That was scary." Natasha said, remembering.
"He sure loves to scare people with his delusions." Bucky agreed.
"He has a cynical view on mankind." Vision said.
"We can see that." T'Challa said.
Ultron shut the bars of the cell while Tony and Bruce started their work. Natasha used a Cold War-era communication technique to contact Clint without being detected and he got the message.
"Damn proud of both of you!" Fury said and they flushed. This was the highest praise anyone had ever gotten from him.
Tony and Bruce needed to upload the schematics in the next 3 minutes when Steve with Wanda and Pietro and told them to stop. Tony said he wouldn't.
"Oh boy! The pre-Civil War." Tony sighed.
"Yeah. Both of us handled this situation poorly by using fists." Steve agreed.
"Good thing I came around to finally bring Vision to life." Thor said and nods followed.
Steve said they didn't know what they were doing as Bruce asked if Wanda was in his head. Wanda said Bruce was angry and he said they were way past that as he could choke the life out of her without changing a shade.
"Wouldn't have blamed you if you did that." Wanda said, guilt and self-loathing filling her again.
They all continued arguing as Pietro broke the wires and connections at super-speed, sarcastically telling them to carry on.
"That's my brother for you." Scarlet Witch sighed, "Does stuff first, thinks later."
"Kind of like an extreme version of me." Logan said and chuckles followed.
A bullet shattered the glass under him and as he realized what had happened, he fell down and Clint put a foot on him, "What? You didn't see that coming?"
Everyone chuckled and clapped as Natasha said, "That's Clint for you."
Tony was about to reroute the upload when Steve broke the machines with his shield. Tony called his gauntlet to him and fired at Steve, sending him flying back. He then called up the rest of his armor as Bruce grabbed Wanda from behind, telling her to piss him off. As Clint arrived, Steve punched Tony while he sent him flying back with another repulsor. Tony crashed into glass, though his suit protected him, while Steve was also on the ground. Wanda fired very minor hex blasts at Bruce to make him let go and stagger back. Thor suddenly arrived and muttered the same thing in Norse he had near the Water of Sight and lifted Mjolnir. As the others watched, he hit the droid with a powerful lightning blast. He stopped and then there was an explosion which sent him back while Mjolnir fell off as a red, naked android got up.
"My birth." Vision said as everyone watched, "The day I got life."
"You didn't react very well." Thor reminded.
"I know. I apologize for that." Vision said.
The android looked around as everyone watched it with anticipation. Suddenly, it flew at Thor and he threw it off into another direction while Tony called his other gauntlet. Thor walked up to Vision who punched him but was punched back. Steve picked up his shield and threw it at him. He phased to avoid it. As Clint aimed his gun, Vision punched Thor but was punched back again as Thor turned him around and he fired a blast from the Mind Stone in his forehead, blasting stuff around him.
"Why are you attacking them?" Peter asked as everyone watched in shock.
"I was afraid in the moment. Like a newborn. I couldn't understand anything happening around me. Hence, the reaction was defensive." Vision said and they all nodded.
Thor prepared to fight again and as Vision looked at him, a suit appeared around him with a cape to complete the appearance.
"So you copied his appearance." Loki said.
"He was my creator, along with Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner." Vision shrugged.
Thor charged Vision and crashing him through glass, threw him down before avoiding a blast from the Mind Stone. He blocked some strikes and summoning Mjolnir, hit Vision's head, making him fall down. Vision got back up and as Thor attacked again, Vision hit his wrist, making him drop it. The fight continued as Thor pushed Vision back and almost twisted his arm but Vision freed himself and pushed him away. Thor summoned Mjolnir again and as Vision flew at him, Tony blasted him away with the armor and he crashed through the window. He started looking around at the city as Steve leapt next to Thor who stopped him from attacking the droid.
"And now you will realize your behavior." Steve said.
"Yes. It was odd." Vision said.
Vision turned around and flew up to the gather Avengers and Pietro and Wanda. He said, "I'm sorry. That was…odd."
"It was too odd." Vision said, "I got too defensive due to my fear."
He then thanked Thor.
"You're welcome." Thor and Odinson said at the same time.
Steve asked Thor why he helped create the droid as Thor said, "I've had a vision. A whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life, and at its center is that." He pointed at the Mind Stone and explained it was one of the Infinity Stones whose destructive capabilities were unrivalled but Stark was right that they couldn't defeat Ultron alone as Bruce joked it was the end times.
Everyone chuckled.
Steve asked why Vision sounded like Jarvis and Tony said they had reconfigured Jarvis' matrix to make something new. Vision said, "I'm not Ultron. I am not Jarvis. I am...I am." Wanda said she had looked into his head and seen death so Vision asked her to look again and Clint said her seal of approval meant jack to him.
"Not anymore." Clint said.
Thor said the twins' powers, the visions and Ultron himself came from the Mind Stone but they were nothing compared to what it could unleash. Steve asked if Vision was on their side. Vision said he was on the side of life while Ultron wasn't and he would end it. He was waiting for them in Sokovia and Clint said he had Nat there too. Vision said, "I don't want to kill Ultron. He's unique and he's in pain. But that pain will roll over the Earth. So, he must be destroyed. Every form he's built, every trace of his presence on the net. We have to act now. And not one of us can do it without the others." He looked at himself and said, "Maybe I am a monster. I don't think I'd know if I were one. I'm not what you are, and not what you intended. So, there may be no way to make you trust me. But we need to go." And then he held out Mjolnir as everyone's jaws dropped.
"And that made you trust me." Vision said, "Though it is only because I am not fully human."
"We still trust you. You are flawed like everyone but not a bad person." Thor told him.
Vision handed Mjolnir to Thor and walked off. A slightly embarrassed Thor complimented Tony as Steve said they had 3 minutes and needed to take what they could get.
"So now the final fight." Logan said.
"Yeah." Benjamin sighed.
"It was devastating." Scarlet Witch remembered and Wanda sighed.