Ch 60 Battle of Sokovia

"Now we fight Ultron." Tony said.

"Together." Steve added.

"Yup." Natasha agreed.

Clint picked up his bow and arrows while Pietro wore sports shoes and a blue shirt while Thor and Vision talked. Tony plugged in an AI called F.R.I.D.A.Y. that greeted him.

"Hello Friday." Pepper smiled.

"Friday is pretty advanced too." Vision approved of Tony's replacement for him.

Pietro tossed Wanda a red jacket.

"I love that jacket." Wanda said.

"I wear it to this day." Scarlet Witch said as she showed the jacket.

"That was my jacket." Natasha said with a mock glare, "But you can keep it."

Both the Wandas smiled sweetly.

As Clint looked at a photo of his family, Tony said no way they all got through this. If even one tin soldier was left standing, they had lost. Blood would be on the floor. Steve dryly said he had no plans for the next night. Tony said he would get the first crack at Ultron as he was waiting for Iron Man and Vision agreed, saying he hated Iron Man the most.

Everyone chuckled as Clint said, "When an android tells you how much a bot hates you."

Steve then said, "Ultron knows we're coming. Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire. And that's what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia, they didn't. So our priority is getting them out." Pietro sped into a station and told the cops to clear the city. They didn't listen so he sped away and a few seconds later, returned with a gun which he fired into the air. They were all startled and ran off as Pietro told them to get off their asses.

Everyone chuckled as Wanda said, "Yes. He doesn't like anyone sitting on their asses lazily."

"Aggressive but needed." Bruce agreed.

Wanda used her red mist to make people evacuate. Steve said, "All they want is to live their lives in peace. And that's not gonna happen today. But we can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done. We find out what Ultron's been building, we find Romanoff, and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us." Thor smashed a hole into Ultron's lair as him and Bruce went inside and walked to different directions.

"Help me!" Natasha said in a mock damsel-in-distress tone and everyone chuckled.

"Help anyone who pisses you off." Bucky corrected and more chuckles followed.

Steve finished, "Ultron thinks we're monsters. That we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right." Tony looked up at him.

"We proved him wrong." Clint said.

"Yes we did." Thor agreed.

The Quinjet was shown landing in Novi Grad. Steve, Clint, Wanda and Pietro walked out as Steve was about to wear his helmet when he saw graffiti painted which had him labelled as a fascist. Seeing that, he threw his helmet back into the Quinjet.

"That was a wise decision, Captain." T'Challa said and Steve nodded.

Wanda said the bridge was the main route out and Pietro said they will cover the others. Steve told them to get everyone out and they walked off to do as asked. Clint told him it wasn't bad as they both ran into different directions.

"And so it begins." Fury said ominously.

"So it begins indeed." Benjamin agreed.

The people were being evacuated as Bruce found Natasha and he asked if she was all right. She said she was and he said the team was in the city and it was all about to light up. Bruce then fired at the lock, destroying it. Natasha asked what their play was and Bruce said he was only here to get her to safety.

"I don't think Nat really needs to be led to safety." Hill pointed out.

He could help with the evacuation but couldn't be in a fight near civilians while she had done plenty.

"It's never enough." Natasha said.

Natasha asked if they should just disappear.

"No. Bad idea and unworkable." Bruce said and nods followed.

Clint watched the civilians being evacuated as Steve helped with the evacuation. Friday told Tony Ultron was in the church and he flew there in his Iron Man Armor: Mark XLV. He landed there as Ultron asked if he had come to confess his sins.

"Trying to play God." Steve said.

"Won't end well for him I imagine." Scott said.

"Nope. Not at all." Logan said.

Tony asked how much time he had got and Ultron said more than him as he arrived and towered over Tony in his new form.

"He is big." Aunt May said.

"That is very big." Hope said.

Tony jokingly asked if he had been juicing with Vibranium cocktail and jokingly called him puffy.

Everyone chuckled as Peter said, "Nice way to stall there."

Ultron said Tony was stalling to protect the people and Tony said that was the mission. Ultron said he had moved beyond their mission and was free. Suddenly, the activation device made of Vibranium jutted out of the ground as Ultron said Tony wasn't the only one stalling. Friday scanned it and said this was the rest of the Vibranium but the function was unclear.

"Function is to destroy the city." Scarlet Witch snarled.

Ultron said this is how they ended and this was peace in his time.

"In a madman's head." Odinson said.

"He is even more insane than I was." Loki said.

Ultron Sentries climbed to the city from the nearby water. They fired around as the people ran. Tony flew up while Steve blocked a Sentry's blast and swatted one away while Clint fired at one and stabbed another with his arrow without even looking at him.

Everyone clapped for Clint as Sam said, "You have some really nice moments."

"Thanks." Clint shrugged.

Clint fired at another as Wanda defended the people with a hex shield and told them to get off the bridge and run. One powerful shot made her shield disappear as she fell down. "Ultron." Ultron looked up to see Vision descending in front of him.

"And our conflict begins." Vision said.

"Looks interesting." Rhodes said.

Ultron and Vision hovered in front of each other as Ultron said they had taken everything from him and Vision said Ultron could change the terms he set. Ultron grabbed Vision but Vision grabbed his head and started burning him out of the Internet.

"I don't think he would like that." T'Challa said.

"No." Vision agreed.

Steve threw a Sentry onto a car and destroyed it as Thor sent some flying off with hits from Mjolnir and throwing it, continued. Pietro looked at some Sentries and cracking his neck, sped at them, destroying them all.

Everyone clapped.

Tony asked Friday about Vision and Friday said Ultron was being burnt out of the Net. Vision managed to burn Ultron out and was weakened Ultron said he didn't care and knocked Vision out.

"Uhhh…I think you do care." Tony said.

Ultron activated the device and the city started cracking as Thor defended himself from falling debris and Steve, Clint and Pietro watched as the city slowly started rising into the sky while civilians fell off the edges. Friday told Tony Sokovia was going for a ride.

Everyone watched in horror with wide eyes as Peter said, "Oh boy!"

Wanda and Scarlet Witch were both pale as they once again experienced what their country had been through.

Ultron then declared, "Do you see...the beauty of it? The inevitability. You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers, you are my meteor. My swift and terrible sword. And the Earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world...will be metal."

Everyone was once again chilled by Ultron's speech as Scott said, "Damn!"

"He is too insane." Hope said.

Clint shot a Sentry down as Steve punched another without looking. Bruce told Natasha they needed to move and she asked him to turn green. He said he had a compelling reason not to and she said she adored him as they kissed.

"EUGH!" Everyone said as the cringe level reached its max. Natasha and Bruce's 'EUGH' were the loudest.

"Please end this soon." Bruce said.

Natasha then pushed Bruce off and said she needed the Other Guy.

"That was a dick move." Natasha said as she looked at Bruce apologetically, "I'm sorry."

"It's all right." Bruce shrugged, "It did work after all."

Hulk leapt out and Natasha held onto him as he leapt around till they reached Novi Grad and she fell off his back. She said now they were even.

Everyone chuckled as Fury said, "Sounds about right."

She told Hulk to be a hero and he leapt into the city as Natasha started running. Pietro sped around, destroying more Sentries as Friday said the Vibranium core had a magnetic field which was keeping the rock together. If it dropped, the impact would kill thousands but from its max height, global extinction.

Everyone watched with wide eyes again as Peter said, "That is so scary."

"It really is." Aunt May agreed.

Friday told Tony the 10th floor of a building wasn't clear as he flew into it. He blasted through the window and awkwardly greeting the family, told them to get into the tub.

Everyone chuckled as Pepper said, "Good going."

"Thanks." Tony shrugged.

Tony flew the entire family out in the tub as the kid looked down in awe. Friday told Tony then had incoming on the bridge. A Sentry flew into Steve, sending him crashing into a car as Tony said he had incoming and Steve said they already came in.

Everyone chuckled as Scott said, "Dude! You pulled a Drax!"

Everyone laughed as Tony said, "And I did it very literally."

Steve got up and said, "Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job, tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt them back. You get killed... walk it off."

"Nice speech." Natasha commented and Steve nodded in appreciation.

"You're really great at this." Bucky told Steve.

"Of course he is!" Sam said.

The Sentries fired around as Zrinka ran with Costel and then Hulk arrived, tearing a Sentry apart. Zrinka screamed and led Costel away. Clint fired at some Sentries as a scared Wanda barely deflected one. Clint flipped over a Sentry and shot it down.

"That looked cool." Hope said.

"Thanks." Clint shrugged.

Clint led a scared Wanda away and jumped into an empty house with her. She crawled away, guiltily muttering she had let it happen and that it was their fault. Clint said, "Hey, look at me. It's your fault, it's everyone's fault. Who cares? Are you up for this? Are you? Look, I just need to know. Because the city is flying. Okay. Look, the city is flying, we're fighting an army of robots, and I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense." He was interrupted by a Sentry firing through the door as Wanda gasped and he fired through the hole before continuing, "But I'm going back out there because it's my job. Okay? And I can't do my job and babysit. It doesn't matter what you did or what you were. If you go out there, you fight, and you fight to kill. Stay in here, you're good. I'll send your brother to come find you. But if you step out that door, you are an Avenger." Wanda now looked determined as Clint got up and took out some arrows, "All right. Good chat. Yeah, the city is flying." He opened the door with his back and returned to the fight.

Everyone applauded and cheered at Clint's speech as Fury said, "Captain. You've got competition."

"You did great, Clint." Steve complimented him.

"Thanks." He shrugged again.

"Thank you for what you said to me that day." Wanda said to him, "You are the reason I am what I am today."

Clint smiled proudly at her as Scarlet Witch said, "Yes. Your words are what inspired us. Thank you."

Clint smiled at her too as they looked at the screen again.

A car was about to fall off as the woman in it screamed. Steve grabbed it from behind but it broke off and fell down. That was Thor flew up and seeing her, flew at her. Steve sent a Sentry flying off as Thor took the woman's hand and threw her up. Steve caught her and told her to look at him as he pulled her up and threw his shield at a ranting Sentry. "You'll never-" It was cut off when Steve pulled it with the shield and threw it down, "You'll never what? You didn't finish!"

Everyone chuckled as Tony said, "Nice one Cap!"

"If Tony is complimenting for something funny, it is an achievement." Natasha joked and everyone laughed.

Thor arrived as he put down a car he was holding. They walked off as Steve dryly asked if he was napping. The man in the car Thor had lifted staggered out and vomited.

"Bummer." Peter said and everyone chuckled a bit.

"Travelling at that speed is not safe for normal humans." Vision said.

Natasha dodged a Sentry's shots and managed to take it down with her batons as Steve dodged some shots and kicked up his shield. Thor batted it away with Mjolnir and it hit many Sentries, destroying them.

Everyone clapped as Bucky said, "Now you two have the best combinations."

Thor then flew up, holding some Sentries on Mjolnir and in a rotatory motion, threw them all around, killing them all as one crashed into a petrol van, causing an explosion which destroyed several more.

Everyone clapped and cheered as Loki said, "I believe you are bothering him."

"I am, brother." Thor said.

"He didn't take it well." Odinson said.

Ultron saw what was happening and said Thor was bothering him. Thor got another Sentry when Ultron rammed into him and flew off with him.

"Just repeated what I said." Loki said dryly and everyone chuckled.

Clint fired at more Sentries but his arm hurt a bit because he was only human. The doors then opened and out walked a Wanda different than before. She was not the unstable person the Mind Stone had made her and not a scared girl. She was an Avenger ready to fight for what's right. She blasted a Sentry with her hex blast and used her telekinesis to rip them apart while Clint fired at another. She ripped more apart and destroyed the remaining with another hex blast. She nodded at Clint and he nodded back.

Everyone clapped and cheered happily as Benjamin said, "Nice!"

"Thanks." Scarlet Witch said with a smirk. To their relief, nobody noticed, except the spies. Though they decided not to say a thing for now.

"That was very brave of you." Vision complimented Wanda.

"Thanks." She said too.

"Proud of you both." Clint said with a beaming smile to the two Wandas.

"He is not the only one." Natasha said.

"No he isn't." Steve agreed.

Clint told Steve they were clear as Steve rammed his shield into a Sentry and said they were not clear as he shattered it into pieces with a kick. Clint said they were coming to him when Pietro arrived and holding Wanda bridal style, sped away, calling Clint 'old man' and telling him to speed up. Clint aimed an arrow into the air and said nobody would know he killed him and ran around muttering how Ultron was sitting on Pietro and he will be missed.

Normally, it would be really funny but because of Pietro's eventual fate, it wasn't. It only made everyone wince in pain and sadness.

Ultron threw Thor into the church and used gravity manipulation to smash a column into him. He then punched Thor as Mjolnir fell from his grip.

"Why aren't you trying to fight back?" Peter asked.

"Remember what happened the last time I hit something Vibranium with all my strength?" Thor reminded and everyone's eyes widened in realization.

"Oh!" Tony said.

"That makes sense." Steve said.

"Yes. That is why I held back." Odinson said.

Pietro sped Wanda to where police were firing at the Sentries as the captain told everyone to hold their fire while Wanda destroyed Sentries with hex blasts. But one cop didn't pull back by mistake and his bullet hit Pietro's shoulder as he hadn't noticed. He then glared at the cop who backed down.

Everyone chuckled a bit there because that did look funny.

Steve tossed Natasha his shield and she used it to defend herself from a Sentry before tossing it back to Steve who destroyed it.

"You two make a great team." Sam commented to them and they smiled.

Friday said the anti-gravs were rigged to flip and city won't come down slow. Tony wondered if he could get Thor to hit it and Friday said it would crack but the impact would be devastating. Tony said they needed to get the atomic action doubling back and Friday said it could vaporize the city.

"Which is why it had to be emptied." Tony said.

"Yeah." Steve agreed.

Steve said next wave would hit any minute and inquired Tony if he had found anything. Tony said he had a way to blow up the city to keep it from impacting the surface if they could get it clear. Steve said he asked for a solution, not an escape plan and Tony said impact radius was getting bigger every second so they needed to make a choice. Natasha said there was no math there and Steve said he wouldn't leave the rock with one civilian on it. Natasha said they won't leave as there were worse ways to go.

"We have to try to save as many people as we can." Steve said.

"Yes. And figure out a way." Tony agreed.

Natasha said she liked the view when Fury's voice came, "Glad you like the view, Romanoff. It's about to get better." And then a Helicarrier rose into the air as Pietro, Zrinka, Costel and the other people of Sokovia watched happily.

Everyone clapped and cheered as Bruce said, "Now that was your best entrance so far."

Fury shrugged.

Fury said he had pulled it out of the mothballs with help from old friends.

"Coulson and his team." Hill said.

"Oh!" Almost everyone said.

"Fury, you son of a bitch." Steve said dryly. "You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Fury asked back dryly.

Everyone chuckled as Tony said, "Watch your language!"

"I will." Steve said in amusement.

Hill said altitude was 18,000 and climbing and Cameron Klein said lifeboats were disengaging.

"And Klein is here too." Natasha said and they all smiled at remembering his bravery from the earlier recording.

The lifeboats came out as Pietro asked if this was SHIELD and Steve said this was what SHIELD was supposed to be. "This is not so bad." Pietro said as Steve said to load them up. Many Sentries flew at the Helicarrier as Hill informed Fury and he told her to show them what they had got.

"Now this will be a story!" Rhodes said and everyone realized what was coming.

Rhodes flew out and fired at the Sentries, destroying them all as he said this was gonna be a story.

Everyone clapped and cheered as Tony said, "And now you have the material for the best story of your life!"

"I am doing it." Rhodes said as everyone chuckled.

Tony said if he lived to tell it and Rhodes said he could hold his own. Tony said if they got through this, he would hold his own and Rhodes said he had to make it weird.

Everyone chuckled as Pepper said, "That was really weird."

Steve and Natasha led people into a lifeboat as Wanda led people into another and Clint led them into a third while Klein commented a boat was full. Hill said a Sentry was incoming as it crashed into the Helicarrier and crawled at Klein. Hill fired at it and Fury stabbed it with debris, destroying it.

Everyone sighed in relief.

Ultron punched Thor down and said he wasn't saving anyone as he held him in a chokehold. He said he could drop the rock early and still people would die and even Thor couldn't stop it.

"Ultron, we would have words with thee." Thor said and everyone clapped at how menacing he sounded when he had said it.

Thor said, "I am Thor, son of Odin, and as long as there is life in my breast...I am running out of things to say! Are you ready?" Ultron turned around and an awakened Vision hit him with Mjolnir, sending him flying off.

Everyone clapped and cheered as Scott said, "Take that you bastard!"

Vision said it was terribly well-balanced. Thor took it back and said if they carried too much weight, they'd lose power on the swing.

Everyone chuckled a bit.

Tony blasted some Sentries and said he needed to create a heat seal and supercharge the spire from below. Friday ran numbers as the corner of a lifeboat was destroyed and it started coming down. Rhodes destroyed the Sentry with his gun as Tony lifted the lifeboat back up. Friday said a heat seal could work with enough power and Tony told Thor he had a plan. Thor said they were out of time as Ultron was coming for the core. Tony told Rhodes to get the rest of the people away and said, "Avengers, time to work for a living."

"Now it's about to happen." Hope realized.

At the church, all the Avengers destroyed any Sentries that arrived as Tony flew in and said Romanoff and Banner better not be playing 'hide the zucchini.'

Natasha glared at Tony who paled as Bruce said, "The joke is cringe for obvious reasons."

"Duh!" Pepper said.

Natasha dryly called Tony 'shellhead' and said not all of them could fly as she rammed a truck into several Sentries and arrived. Tony showed her what the drill was and said if Ultron got a hand on it, they would lose. Hulk arrived and stood with them. Ultron then flew up to them and Thor challenged, "Is that the best you can do?" An entire army of Sentries arrived at that moment, running or flying as they surrounded the church." You had to ask." Steve said dryly to Thor.

Everyone chuckled as Odinson said, "I believe I jinxed it."

"Jinxes are bullshit." Logan said after ages.

Ultron said, "This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you against all of me. How can you possibly hope to stop me?" Tony said, "Well, like the old man said...", Steve glanced at him, "Together." Hulk roared.

"And it's on." Aunt May said.

The Sentries ran or flew at the Avengers from all sides. Steve hit them with his shield, Tony flew around and blasted them, Thor threw them around with Mjolnir, Hulk shattered them into pieces, Natasha fire at them with her pistols, Clint fired his arrows, Wanda fired her hex blasts, Pietro sped around and punched them while Vision tore them apart. Vision grabbed a Sentry as Steve grabbed one and tore off its head while Wanda destroyed some that neared the core. Vision grabbed another Sentry and phased his hand through it, destroying it.

"Oh! That!" Scott said.

"That was a unique move." T'Challa said.

"Not that unique." Hope said as her and Scott remembered Ghost.

The Avengers then fought as one as Steve flipped at one and bashed it with his shield while Wanda fired her hex blasts at some and Thor used Mjolnir or lightning to destroy others while Tony flew around and blasted them as Pietro sped at them and Vision ripped them apart as Hulk threw them around and roared. Natasha and Clint simply fired with guns and bow respectively. Thor kicked one away as Clint hit another with his bow while Wanda restrained one with telekinesis and Tony blasted it. Thor ripped one apart and used it to hit others as Pietro hit another at super-speed while Hulk spat pieces of another out of his mouth. Natasha shot one out as Ultron flew in and fought Vision. He slammed Vision onto a wall but Vision fired a beam from the Mind Stone, sending him flying back. As he tried to resist, Thor fired his lightning while Iron Man fired his repulsors. In spite of his Vibranium, he couldn't protect himself as the skin was melted and the three stopped their barrage. Ultron was about to rant when Hulk sent him flying off with a punch and roared at other Sentries, making them run off in fear as he chased them.

Everyone clapped and cheered happily as Peter said, "That was awesome!"

"Really, really awesome!" Pepper said.

"Ultron got what he deserved from us." Bruce said nods and chuckles followed.

"And now they are afraid too." T'Challa said.

"Natural reaction from them." Vision said.

Thor said they would try to leave the city and Tony said they couldn't let them leave. Rhodes said he was on it as he fired at some more, jokingly saying he didn't allow them to leave.

Everyone laughed as Sam said, "That was funny."

"I know." Rhodes shrugged.

He then saw Vision destroying some with his Mind Stone beams and phasing through one and said, "Okay, what?"

Everyone chuckled as Rhodes said, "We have come a long way."

"We sure have." Tony agreed.

Steve said they needed to move out as the air was getting thin. They should get to the boats and he'll sweep for stragglers. Clint asked about the core and Wanda said, "I'll protect it. It's my job."

Wanda and Scarlet Witch smiled.

Steve, Natasha and Clint ran out as Pietro sped in and Wanda told him to get everyone to the boats and to come back for her when everyone was on the boats. Pietro jokingly said he was 12 minutes older than her and she told him to go while amused.

Everyone chuckled as Tony said, "Another 12."

Tony told Friday to reroute everything as they only had one shot at this. Clint was driving around with Natasha as he told her he needed to knock out the east wall to make a nice workspace for Laura and out up baffling so she couldn't hear the kids running. Natasha commented how they ate in a kitchen anyway and Clint said nobody ate in a dining room.

Everyone chuckled as Steve said, "But I do."

"You are so old-fashioned." Natasha said and everyone chuckled.

They saw Hulk destroying any remaining Sentries and Natasha told Clint to get on a boat. She walked towards Hulk and taking off her glove said sun was getting real low.

"Not this again." Sam said as everyone groaned.

"Probably the last time." Natasha said.

"Unfortunately, we will see it just one more time in another recording." Odinson said and groans followed.

Clint walked into a lifeboat when Zrinka said her brother Costel had gone missing. Clint saw where Costel was lying between some debris and ran to save him.

"Noble thing to do, Agent Barton." T'Challa said.

"Someone else did something even nobler." Clint said and everyone realized who he was talking about.

Tony made a hole below the spire and told Thor to get back to the church. Steve told Thor the last of the people were on the boats. Tony told Thor if this worked they won't walk away and Thor agreed.

"You both were ready to sacrifice yourselves?" Pepper asked.

"That's our job." Thor said.

"And we needed to save the people." Tony said.

"So that's what we did." Odinson told them.

Everyone nodded.

Natasha and Hulk were about to touch each other's hands again when automatic gunfire hit the ground, knocking Natasha out and staggering Hulk back.

"Shit!" Rhodes said.

"Oh my God! Oh my God!" Peter gasped again.

"It's Ultron again." Logan said.

In the Quinjet, Ultron sang, "I got no strings, so I have fun. I'm not tied up to anyone."

"He is like a creepy Pinocchio." Tony commented and everyone nodded, creeped out by him.

Clint picked up Costel when Ultron fired again. Steve and Thor defended themselves as a cop died. Clint turned around, intent on protecting Costel when Pietro saw them and sped in the way. When the gunfire ceased, Clint realized him and Costel were alive and unharmed. Wanda's expression turned to one of horror as she realized what had happened. Clint turned to see Pietro riddled with bullets. "You didn't see that coming?" He asked one last time before dropping dead on the ground.

Wanda and Scarlet Witch didn't even realize when the tears had formed in their eyes along with lumps in their throats. Wanda was trying to wipe the tears already. Before Vision could comfort her, Clint got up from his couch and sat next to her, taking her in his arms.

Benjamin put an arm around Scarlet Witch to comfort her.

Everyone looked at both the Wandas and the dead Pietro on screen in sympathy. They had helped Ultron, but both of them had paid for it dearly. Pietro with his life and Wanda by experiencing the pain of his death. And she had dedicated herself to helping people since then. She made mistakes, but she was a good person.

After two minutes, Logan restarted the recording.

Wanda screamed in grief, rage and agony as her magic destroyed all the Sentries nearby due to her rage.

Everyone watched with wide eyes. An angry Wanda was one really dangerous foe to face for anyone.

Thor angrily flew off to carry out Tony's plan as Steve ran up to Clint who looked up at him and shook his head sadly due to Pietro's fate. Costel looked at Pietro's bullet-riddled body as Clint picked him up while Steve gently lifted the body. Natasha's eyes opened and she realized she was in Hulk's arms in the air. He landed on the Helicarrier and put her there before leaping away into Ultron's Quinjet. "For God's sake." An annoyed Ultron said before Hulk threw him out and he crashed into a bus below.

"That is exactly what you deserved." Bruce said coldly and nods followed.

Steve gently lowered Pietro's body on the boat as Clint handed Costel over to Zrinka who hugged him and sobbed. Clint sat down next to where Pietro's body lay and refused help from a worker, saying he only needed rest as he lay down. Wanda walked to where Ultron lay, her hands glowing with her magic. Ultron told her to leave or she'd die. "I just did. Do you know how it felt?" Wanda asked coldly before using her powers to brutally rip out his heart which she held in her hand now, "It felt like that."

Everyone was shocked by how brutal she was. But not that shocked. She had lost her brother. Tony and Clint were sure they'd react exactly this way if a loved one was threatened or killed.

One remaining Ultron Sentry crawled up to the now unguarded core.

"Now that was my fault." Wanda said guiltily.

"I have been consumed by vengeance too, Miss Maximoff. It makes people act before they think." T'Challa told her and she nodded.

The Ultron Sentry activated the core and the city started falling just as Steve leapt onto the boat to save himself.

Everyone watched with breaths held back.

Tony fired the Unibeam from is chest to keep the atomic action doubling back and told Thor to hit the core on his mark. Thor raised Mjolnir in the church as lightning emanated from it. Vision flew into the falling city and lifting up Wanda bridal style, flew off. That was when Tony told Thor to do it and he hit the core with all his strength. The shockwave from his hit destroyed the entire city at once as Tony flew and avoided the falling core. The pieces of the destroyed city fell into the water along with a knocked out Thor.

Everyone released their breaths as Wanda said, "My city is gone. But it was what needed to be done."

"Yes. It was." Scarlet Witch agreed.

Hulk was in the Quinjet as Natasha told him on video call to turn it around as they couldn't track him on stealth mode but he cut the call to her shock. He then sat in the Quinjet sadly as it flew off.

"That is on me." Wanda sighed sadly.

Bruce didn't a word, knowing how much she hated herself for that.

The remaining Ultron Sentry climbed out of the crater that was Novi Grad as Vision landed in front of him. "You're afraid." Vision said. "Of you?" Ultron asked. "Of death." He said, "You're the last one." Ultron said, "You were supposed to be the last. Stark asked for a savior and settled for a slave." Vision said, "I suppose we are both disappointments." Ultron chuckled, "I suppose we are." Vision said, "Humans are odd. They think order and chaos are somehow opposites and... try to control what won't be. But there is grace in their failings. I think you missed that."

"That is some nice wisdom for someone so new." Loki commented.

"I did get my personality from quite a few different things." Vision said.

"They're doomed." Ultron said. "Yes." Vision said, "But a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts. It's a privilege to be among them." Ultron said, "You're unbearably naive." Vision responded, "Well...I was born yesterday."

Everyone chuckled as Tony said, "That's Jarvis talking."

"I believe it is." Vision agreed.

The Ultron Sentry tried to attack Vision but was destroyed by the Mind Stone's beam.

Everyone sighed in relief as Steve said, "So that was the last of him."

"I believe it was." Vision said, "I did not sense anyone else after that."

In the farmhouse, Lila and Cooper were reading a book while Laura was cooking something when she turned back to see Clint was there. She smiled and hugged him happily as he hugged back.

Everyone smiled happily at the scene as well as Clint said, "And then I came back."

Scarlet Witch winced as she remembered when Clint had gotten out of retirement one last time to help. And that had been the last.

Tony drove his car to the New Avengers Facility in Upstate New York where several people were working. Hill and Cho talked and worked while Erik Selvig gave instructions to some interns. Natasha stood alone, staring at a wall. She then took out her phone where she saw a video of the newborn Nathaniel Pietro Barton and jokingly called him fat.

Everyone chuckled while a smiling Clint said, "All babies are."

Fury arrived and showed Natasha something like the Quinjet splashed down in the Banda Sea but with Stark's stealth tech, they couldn't track it. Fury joked he had probably jumped and swam to Fiji and said he'd send a postcard.

Everyone chuckled when Bruce suddenly said, "But I took the Quinjet to Sakaar. So what did you find in the sea?"

Fury looked around as everyone shot him glares.

"Busted." Hope muttered.

"So you lied?" Natasha asked as the intensity of the glares increased.

"To get you to focus on the job." Fury said.

"Oh man, when are you gonna stop trying to be the Spy?" Tony asked.

"Well, I did tell you I won't keep stuff from you from now on." Fury said, "So now I won't be keeping anything else I find."

They nodded, not entirely satisfied but accepting.

"I didn't know that." Hill said to Fury.

Natasha asked if Fury had known what would happen when he had sent her to recruit him. Fury said, "You never know. You hope for the best, then make do with what you get. I got a great team." Natasha said nothing lasted forever and Fury said, "Trouble, Ms. Romanoff. No matter who wins or loses, trouble still comes around." He then walked off.

"You are a dictionary of quotes, you know that?" Rhodes said to Fury who shook his head.

"He is right." Sam said.

Steve, Tony and Thor walked together as Steve said the rules had changed and Tony said they were dealing with something new. Steve and Tony joked how Vision was a machine so it didn't count. It wasn't like a person lifting the hammer and Steve said it was different rules for them. Tony said he was a nice guy but artificial as Thor said he could lift the hammer so he could keep the Mind Stone.

"But I'm sure you understood that I lifted it because the hammer couldn't make out what I was." Vision said.

"I did." Thor said, "But I knew Steve could lift it. So I left it because I knew he'd do anything to keep it safe." [1]

"Really?" Steve asked and Thor and Odinson both nodded, "Thank you for trusting me."

"Well, that makes more sense." Tony said.

Steve joked if they put the hammer in an elevator and Tony joked it would still go up and Steve joked elevator wasn't worthy.

Everyone laughed as Bucky said to Steve, "You are being as funny as Tony in this one."

Thor said he would miss these little talks of theirs and Tony said he didn't need to leave. They walked out as Thor said, "I have no choice. The Mind Stone is the fourth of the Infinity Stones to show up in the last few years. It's not a coincidence. Someone has been playing an intricate game and has made pawns of us."

"That someone is Thanos." Loki said and everyone nodded.

"And you are here to find out how to stop him." Benjamin said.

Thor said he'd find out what's coming and with Tony, anything was possible.

"Thanks, Point Break." Tony said both Thors nodded.

Thor raised Mjolnir as the Bifrost came down and took him back to Asgard and the mark was put on the ground. Tony joked that man had no regard for lawn maintenance.

Everyone chuckled.

Tony said he'd still miss him though and Steve would miss him as his automatic car arrived. There would be a lot of manful tears as Steve said he would miss Tony. Tony said he was going to tap out and take a page out of Barton's book and build Pepper a farm with hopes of nobody blowing it up.

Everyone chuckled as Pepper said, "I'm still waiting for it."

"We will get there soon." Tony said.

Tony said Steve would get there one day and he said the man who wanted family and stability went into ice 75 years ago and someone else came out. This was home.

"I still need to find what I have beyond this." Steve said and everyone nodded.

Tony got into his car and drove off as Steve went to Natasha and joked the wall was interesting. Natasha joked she thought him and Tony were gazing into each other's eyes.

Everyone chuckled at their witty banter.

Steve and Natasha discussed the new members of their team and decided to beat them into shape as they entered the room. Rhodes opened the visor of his War Machine armor as Vision turned around while Sam flew down with his wings out and Wanda landed on the ground with her energy around her. Steve began, "Avengers…" The screen went black.

"That looked awesome." Peter said as everyone watched.

"So, one more scene?" Tony asked and a nod followed.

In an unknown location, a glove was shown as someone walked towards it and wore it on his left hand. It was Thanos as he pressed he pressed his hand into a fist and said, "Fine. I'll do it myself." The screen went black.

"Oh no!" Hill said.

"What was that?" Steve asked.

"It actually happened a few years after the previous scene." Odinson said, "It has already happened actually." [2]

"What?" Tony asked, "And what is that Gauntlet?"

"Its purpose is to harness the power of the Infinity Stones." Benjamin revealed to their shock.

"It was made by Eitri in Nidavellir when Thanos threatened his people." Odinson revealed to Thor's and Loki's horror, "And when he made it, Thanos still killed the other Dwarves and smelted his hands in metal."

"That is exactly what I'd expect him to do." A horrified Loki said.

"What happened to Eitri?" A concerned Thor asked.

"You will see later. And you have to talk to him in the exact same way when you meet him." Logan said and they nodded.

"So now who're we watching?" Hope asked.

"Last recording for the day is…you and Scott actually." Benjamin said.

"Really?" Scott asked and nods followed, "Yes!"

"It was pretty fun." Scarlet Witch remembered.

"I think after all the stuff we have watched, we need something light-hearted." Natasha said.

"Yeah." Benjamin said, "That is correct."

And then Logan pressed the remote.