"So now you will be doing your first mission?" Peter asked.
"Yup." Scott said.
A miniature Scott was in a plane with the ants as Pym said the final phase of his training was a stealth incursion mission. Hank is shown showing Scott some blueprints of a facility and a signal decoy he had made in his SHIELD days, saying he has to retrieve it. Hope said they needed to counteract the transmission blockers. Hank said it was collecting dust in one of Howard's old storage facilities and should be a piece of cake.
"Except it wasn't." Sam smirked.
"We weren't expecting you." Hope said.
"But I managed to get through you." Scott said and everyone chuckled.
"That was a good audition." Sam shrugged, trying to save face.
When they were over the target area, Scott sent away squadrons of ants.
"Never thought I would see an ant-squadron." Steve said as everyone chuckled.
"You see something new every day." Bucky said.
Scott then sat on Ant-thony and commented how this was a big leap from sugar cubes. Hank told him to stay calm as they all flew down.
"Good luck." Natasha said.
"Thanks." Scott said.
Scott then noticed something and said this wasn't just some old warehouse. The clouds parted to reveal the New Avengers Facility, next to which the warehouse was located.
"Sucks for you lot. The New Avengers Facility is right next to the warehouse." Tony said.
"But he managed to do it." Logan smirked.
"Yeah I did." Scott said.
Hank and Hope told Scott to abort but he said nobody was home. Hank said he'd lose the suit while Hope said he'd lose his life.
"We do not kill intruders just like that." Vision said, "We hold them for questioning."
"Thanks for the tip." Hope shrugged.
Scott and the ants stopped at the top of the facility as Hope said somebody was home.
"That would be the Falcon." Cassie said.
"I'm home." Sam said.
Sam Wilson flew down and stopped on the roof.
"And I'm here." Sam said.
"This is gonna be embarrassing, right?" Benjamin asked.
"Very." Sam said.
Sam said he had a sensor trip but wasn't seeing anything. He then looked around with the microscopic vision of his combat goggles. Scott said Sam couldn't see him but his telescopic vision locked in on him and he said he could see him. Scott lamely said Sam could see him.
Everyone chuckled as Wanda said, "Bummer."
"Yeah." Scott said.
Scott grew to normal size and retracting the mask said, "Hi. I'm Scott." Hope asked Hank incredulously, "Did he just say, "Hi, I'm Scott?""
Everyone chuckled as Pepper asked, "Who tells their names to their opponents?"
"Yeah. It was a stupid thing to do." Fury agreed.
"That's inexperience for ya!" Clint said.
Benjamin was silent.
"He does it too." Scarlet Witch said about him and everyone chuckled.
"Why do you have to tell everyone?" Benjamin asked and more chuckles followed.
"You still do it?" Peter asked him.
"Not as much as before but I'm talkative." Benjamin shrugged.
"They are young people after all." Odinson said and laughs followed.
Sam asked Scott what he was doing here. He said he was a big fan. Sam said he appreciated it and asked who he was. He said, "I'm Ant-Man."
Everyone chuckled as Hill said, "Now he knows both your names."
"Most people didn't recognize you till few years later." Cassie said and Scott sighed.
Scott realized Sam wouldn't have heard of him and asked if he could grab a piece of technology for a few days, use it to save the world and return it.
"Okay, you're likable, but not that likable." Aunt May told him.
"Overestimated myself." Scott said.
"We can see that." Loki smirked.
Sam said he knew exactly how that was before saying he was bringing the breach in. He tried to grab him but then Scott apologized and shrunk down before giving him an uppercut in his miniature form, sending him back.
Everyone chuckled as Rhodes asked, "So now you're gonna be embarrassed or what?"
"Very embarrassed." Sam said.
Scott then leapt off the roof as Hank was furious. Sam flew around, saying breach was an adult male with shrinking tech. His microscopic vision noticed a running Scott and he landed near him. He tried to hit him with his foot but Scott dodged and hit him many times.
Everyone was laughing as Sam muttered, "Somebody kill me."
"I will." Natasha chuckled and he sighed.
Sam fired his Steyr SPP pistols but Scott was on top of the barrel.
Everyone laughed as Tony said, "Now that is the definition of ironic."
"Right you are, Mr. Stark." T'Challa said.
Scott then punched Sam in his miniature form again several times, apologizing. Sam was angered and just as Scott grew back to normal size, Sam punched him, sending him down.
"At least I got some hits." Sam said.
"Yeah. Some is better than none." Bucky said.
"No kidding." Rhodes agreed.
Sam punched Scott again before flying up with him and punching him down but this time he shrunk. Sam came down and looked around when Scott grew to normal size and grabbing Sam's head between his legs, flipped him down as Hope watched in shock because Scott had executed the move she had taught him perfectly.
Everyone clapped and cheered as Hope said, "Perfect."
"Thanks." Scott shrugged.
"So embarrassing." Sam muttered.
"It was just an audition, right?" Scott asked and both chuckled.
"Yeah, just an audition." Sam said.
"Very nice audition." Bruce said and laughs followed.
"Yes. Midgard has some strange customs itself." Thor joked too and more laughs followed.
Scott then continued dragging Sam away before shrinking, throwing Sam off. He grew back as Sam punched him down. He then shrunk again and called Ant-thony for help. Ant-thony arrived and he hopped on it, flying off into the warehouse.
"The ant shares its name with me. Now you can't win, Sam." Tony said and everyone laughed.
Sam went into the warehouse and shut the door, making Hank and Hope lose visual. After a few seconds, he came flying out, yelling Scott was in his pack. Scott disconnected all the connections inside, apologizing to Sam and saying he was a great guy.
"So great that you are embarrassing me in front of everyone." Sam said as everyone laughed.
"Sorry." Scott said lamely.
Sam fell down and realized his combat goggles weren't working as Scott flew off on Ant-thony behind him. Sam said it was important to him that Cap never found out about this.
"It's nothing to be ashamed of, Sam." Steve assured.
"Thanks Cap." Sam sighed, "But I told you after all."
"Yeah you did." Steve said.
"Thanks for thinking of me there." Scott said and everyone chuckled.
"We needed a bit of help." Wanda said.
At Pym Mansion, Hank told Scott he what he had done was irresponsible and dangerous and he had jeopardized the entire mission but Scott took out the device, revealing he had got it, and shrugged.
"Mic drop." Rhodes said and everyone laughed.
Hank complimented him and Scott asked if he had just complimented him.
"I'm guessing being complimented by Hank is like being complimented by me." Fury said and everyone laughed.
Hope said it sounded like he had and Scott said he was good. He then asked what they thought about the fact that he had fought an Avenger and didn't die.
"Yeah, yeah. Let's move past that." Sam said and everyone laughed.
Hank said they shouldn't dwell on the past and finish the planning. He winked at Scott and walked off as Hope said he had done well.
"Thanks." Scott said and Hope shrugged.
Hank walked out only to see Darren standing there, shocking him.
"Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!" A shocked Peter was saying as everyone watched with wide eyes.
"So he is onto you?" Pepper asked.
"Yeah. He is a paranoid guy." Hope said.
"Man! It's just like Stane!" Tony said.
"But he is even more pathetic." Scott reminded Tony.
Hank called out his name loudly, alerting Scott and Hope.
"Smart." Steve said as everyone watched the tense scene with breaths held back.
Hank asked how he had gotten in and he said Hank had left the door open. He was officially old. Hank kept the device inside as Hope whispered to Scott that Darren would kill Hank for the plans. Darren said he had good news that Pym Tech was about to become one of the most profitable operations in the world. They were anticipating $15 billion in sales the next day alone.
"Damn!" Bucky said, "Definitely about rise to the top."
"Not so fast!" Hope said and everyone chuckled.
During that time, Scott made some ants hide the plans discreetly.
"Phew!" Aunt May sighed in relief.
"You did good." Natasha told Scott who smirked.
Darren said he'd like Hank to be there to see it and he agreed as Darren looked at a picture of Hope. "What did you see in me?" Darren asked. "I don't know what you mean." Hank said. "All those years ago, you picked me. What did you see?" Darren asked. "I saw myself." Hank told him. "Then why did you push me away?" Darren asked angrily. "Because I saw too much of myself." Hank said honestly and Darren walked out.
"A wise man recognizes his flaws well." T'Challa said.
"And now he knows." Clint sighed.
Hope told Hank Darren knew and was baiting them so they had to call it off. Hank said they were all taking risks. Hope said he might have seen her as Hank said he didn't when Hope's phone rang and Darren told her he still got only contempt from Hank. Hope told Darren not to let Hank rile him up as he was just a senile old man. Hank and Scott exchanged funny looks on that.
"Senile enough to hit those who piss him off." Cassie said and everyone chuckled.
Darren said he was tripling security with full sensors at all entrances and exterior air-vents filled with micro mesh. Hope said it was a great idea and Darren said he was lucky to have her on his team before cutting the call.
"Now he's trying to guilt trip me." Hope sighed.
Hope told Hank and Scott that Darren had lost his mind and was tripling security and was onto him. Hank said he wasn't onto Hope as she asked how they were going to get Scott inside. Scott said the water main was the only entrance as they couldn't add security to it. They could decrease the strong pressure. Hope said somebody would have to reach control center to change the water pressure and both her and Hank would be beside Cross so they'd have to expand the team. Scott said they needed a fake security guard to de-pressurize the water system, someone else to hack in to the power supply and kill the laser grid and a getaway guy.
"Are you bringing who I think you're bringing?" Tony asked.
"Uhhhh…yeah." Scott said.
"I called it!" Tony said and everyone chuckled.
Hank immediately refused, calling them wombats.
"You make do with what you get." Fury said.
Luis, Kurt and Dave were handed coffees as Luis said it wasn't always that they robbed a place and were welcomed back. Hope told Scott that Luis was arrested for stealing a smoothie machine but he corrected her that it was 2 smoothie machines.
"Not very convincing." Hope said as everyone chuckled.
Hope asked if they could handle it and Luis said they could because they were professionals. Dave reminded them that they had broken into this house but Hank said he had let them. Dave said he had let him let them.
Everyone laughed as Pepper said, "Now I'm confused."
Kurt said he was in the system as Luis seemed excited and Hank said they were doomed.
"I get the feeling." Hill said.
Later, Hank and Hope were telling their plans to the three when Scott arrived in the Ant-Man suit, awing Luis. Scott said this was gonna get weird and told Luis not to get scared. Luis said daddy didn't get scared and Scott shrunk down. A horrified Kurt said this was the work of gypsies.
Everyone chuckled as Peter said, "So a tech expert believes in myths?"
"Some people are strange." Benjamin said.
Scott then climbed on Luis' shoulder and told him to look at it. Luis screamed in fear and ran around, telling him to get off as Hank and Hope seemed incredulous. Scott said he had thought daddy didn't get scared.
Everyone laughed as Fury said, "Goofing off during the planning? Really?"
"He was goofing off. I was just showing him." Scott said.
Later, the three were asleep as Hope said she had given them half a Xanax and Hank had explained the science of the suit to them, making them fall asleep.
Everyone chuckled.
Scott started thanking her but she said they were doing this for reasons bigger than them.
"The small way." Scott said and laughter followed.
"I like you, Man of Ants." Thor said and more laughs followed.
"Really? That's eloquent." Hope laughed.
"Which is so unlike my brother." Loki laughed too.
"I have my moment of eloquence." Odinson laughed.
Hope said they had a slight chance of pulling this off as Scott thanked her for the pep talk. She said she had gone from despising him to almost liking him.
"That's Scott for ya!" Hope said and everyone chuckled.
Scott joked she should write poetry as she told him to get some sleep and went into her room, giving him a look.
"Just kiss already." Tony said, only to get glares, "Uhhh…..Sorry."
Scott was later sitting alone. A sleeping Cassie was shown as Scott stood over her in his suit minus the helmet and kissed her forehead lovingly.
Everyone watched the scene with happy smiles as Scott and Cassie exchanged a smile.
Scott asked next day if everyone knew their roles. Dave was wheels on the ground, Kurt was eyes in the sky and Luis excitedly said he got to wear a uniform. Scott called him out and he apologized, saying he was excited.
"Well, he's excited." Steve said and everyone laughed.
Luis then said Scott's girlfriend was really hot so that made him nervous. He called her beautiful.
"Thank you." A flattered Hope smirked.
"Luis has a good eye." Scott said and everyone chuckled.
Scott, Hope and Hank were all embarrassed as Luis said he would whistle to blend in but Scott told him not to whistle as it wasn't the Andy Griffith show.
"Good call." Hill said.
Kurt and Dave stopped their van outside Pym Tech as the former put out traffic cones. The guards were all working as Luis was scanned and let in with a gun and badge.
"And he got the uniform." Bucky said as everyone chuckled.
Kurt came back inside as Scott told them to wish him luck and shrunk before going in through the drain. Luis whistled and walked to a door, opening it with his badge.
"And he's whistling." Fury sighed.
Luis arrived in the water system room as the guard looked at him and he said boss man had said to secure the area so he was securing it. The guard said he was the boss.
"Uh-oh." Rhodes said.
Luis suddenly knocked him out.
"Damn!" Sam said.
"That was unexpected." Natasha said.
"He knocked out Peachy, remember?" Scott asked and everyone nodded in realization.
Luis then decreased the water pressure as the water started flowing with the fire ants carrying Scott. Scott climbed up with the help of other ants from above while ants flew around.
"That looks fun." Cassie said as everyone chuckled.
Kurt and Dave noticed a Vic's Crown car and called it a problem because it was the most commonly used car by cops.
"You're not wrong there." Scott said.
Jim and another cop were there. As Hank arrived, they ran after him.
"Damn!" Rhodes said.
Luis stood next to another guard who was suddenly bitten by several ants and Luis then knocked him out.
Everyone chuckled a bit.
Hope walked past Luis and opened the door, putting the signal decoy in while Luis dragged the guard away. Kurt said mean pretty lady had done good.
"Mean pretty lady?" Hope asked.
"No offense but you do come off as that." Hill said and everyone chuckled while Hope shook her head.
Kurt and Dave then noticed Jim and the other cop talking to Hank who told them people would die if he didn't get into the building. The cop said it was awfully dramatic.
"Yeah. It does sound overdramatic." Peter said.
Dave ran into the cop car and blaring the sirens, drove it away as Jim and the cop ran after it. Kurt muttered the problem was solved.
Everyone laughed and clapped.
Luis was now in the suit of the knocked out guard as Hope walked past him right into Darren.
"And he's here." Tony said as everyone glared at Darren.
Cross asked her how he looked as Hank arrived and Cross said he was in time. They went through several verifications as Hank said he was over the top and Cross said they could never be too safe. Hank looked around at the lab and said Cross had really done it as he said this was only half of it. The door shut behind them as a helicopter landed and out walked Carson with his men.
"And the rat bastard is here." Logan snarled.
Scott flew on Ant-thony with several ants behind him as they reached the location and he jumped down, saying he was in position and was going to signal the ants. Jim and the cop found their car crashed against a tree as Dave ran back into the car and laughed, accidentally blowing the horn, alerting Jim and the cop.
"Busted." Hope said finally.
"WE are busted!" Scott said as everyone chuckled.
"I'm sure they'll handle it." Clint said.
"Oh they will." Cassie said.
The crazies stood in position and managed to fry the servers finally as Kurt said data servers were erased. Scott jumped back on Ant-thony and flew to the particle chamber.
Everyone clapped a bit.
Carson and his men arrived in the lab as Cross shook hands with them and said they were representatives of Hydra but not what they used to be and were doing interesting work. Darren said he had tried to hide his technology from him and now it would blow up in his face. Hank angrily punched Darren, staggering him back.
"Still got the moves." Fury said.
"Never piss my dad off!" Hope said seriously.
Darren held his face and said he had seen the punch coming but had figured it'd be weak. Hank said he had figured wrong.
"Damn right you did!" Logan said.
"Yup." Scarlet Witch agreed.
Paxton and the cop knocked on the van as the former recognized it while Kurt and Dave hid.
"Uh-oh!" Peter and Benjamin said at the same time.
Scott and the ants managed to plant the explosives, growing them back to normal size as a flying ant carried some fire ants away. Scott said he'd take it from here and kicked a screw into the laser grid, only for it to disintegrate. He asked where they were with the laser grid and Kurt said they were close as the bar was almost at 60% while Paxton and the cop knocked.
"Go faster! Go faster!" Clint said.
Scott started jumping as the van was opened. Dave said a black guy that looked exactly like him had attacked them and put them in the back of the disgusting van.
"You expect them to buy it?" Bruce asked.
"They are stalling, my friend." Loki said.
Dave was pulled out and as the bar reached 100%, Kurt started getting pulled out too until he pressed the button, deactivating the grid as Scott passed it.
Everyone released breaths they hadn't realized they were holding.
"Now that's my man!" Scott said.
But then the Yellowjacket suit was moved away in front of him and he realized he was trapped. Outside, Darren waved to him and showed him the suit.
"Oh no!" Peter said as everyone's jaws dropped in horror.
"You son of a bitch!" Sam said.
"He planned ahead." Vision realized.
"He knew you were coming." T'Challa said.
"Damn it!" Tony said.
"What're you going to do now?" Rhodes asked.
"Just watch." Scott said.
"It's gonna get ugly." Hope said.
"We can see that." Steve said.
The grid activated as Scott fell down while Hope and Hank watched in horror. Darren said he had suspected Hank of hiding a suit and then showed a picture of Scott, introducing him to everyone, saying he had taken on the system and lost his family and only daughter in the process by going to prison. Darren said he was exactly Hank's kind of guy as he had escaped a jail cell magically without a clue. He put the Yellowjacket in a suit and said now Scott had brought him the Ant-Man suit, the only thing to rival his creation.
"He is creepy." Scott said randomly.
"We can see that." Bucky said.
Hank begged Darren not to do this as these men would cause chaos but Darren said he already had for twice the price. It wasn't easy to infiltrate an Avengers facility but word traveled fast.
"Damn it!" Sam said.
He would sell the Yellowjacket but keep the particle to himself, telling Carson to buy it from him later.
"On your face!" Pepper said.
Darren asked what they called the man who armed the most powerful weapon in the world and Hank said the most powerful man. Darren asked if Hank was proud of him yet as Hank told him to stop. He told Hope Hank wasn't capable of taking care of her or him as his men aimed guns at Hank. Hope told him to stop, saying the particles were altering his brain chemistry.
"His brain chemistry already looks pretty askew to me." Tony said.
Darren stopped his men and aimed a gun at Hank himself. Hope elbowed a man out and aimed his gun at Darren, telling him to drop the gun. Darren said he had come to the house to kill Hank but Hope was there.
"So he did see you." Clint said.
Hope said Darren was sick and she could help him. Darren said he wasn't ready to kill her then but was now. Hope told him to put it down as he said she had picked the wrong side.
"Depends on where you're standing." Hope reminded everyone of Sharon's words and they nodded.
Scott then burst out and threw a man off before enlarging as Hank punched Darren away while Hope knocked a guy out but Darren managed to shoot Hank in the shoulder.
"Oh no!" Rhodes said.
"Things are getting worse." Hill muttered.
Scott shrunk and knocked a guy back before enlarging and knocking him out. He then knelt in front of Hank when Darren pointed the gun at him, telling him to take off the suit. He pulled the trigger but nothing happened as Hope was using ants to block it.
"That was resourceful!" Aunt May said as everyone clapped a bit while Hope shrugged.
Darren took off his coat as ants bit him and picking up the case, ran off. Carson picked up the vial and ran off as ants bit him too but he resisted them.
"And he's still out there." Fury sighed.
"We'll get him." Hill said.
Luis triggered the alarms so Jim and the other cop ran inside while Dave and Kurt ran into the van and drove off. Cross picked up an ant on his face and told his men to get him to the roof and radio ahead as he wanted a helicopter ready for him. He told his two men to kill anything that moved.
"It's official. He has lost the 1% of sanity he had." Tony said.
Hope knelt close to Hank as Scott said they needed to get him out of here. With a tear in her eye, she told him to get the suit. Scott ran to the guards. They fired but he shrunk and leaping up, knocked one down. The other one fired but he managed to jump on the barrel in time and knocked him out. The other one got up when Scott grew to normal size and grabbing him by the tie, threw him through glass, knocking him out.
Everyone clapped and cheered as a flattered Scott smiled.
Scott then jumped on a table and ran through the miniature model of Cross Technologies, avoiding shots from the two guards. Then Luis punched one out before disarming the other and knocking him out too.
Everyone sighed in relief as Rhodes said, "Best friend to the rescue."
"Maybe I should get one." Logan muttered.
Luis looked around, asking if he had saved Scott's life. Scott grew back to normal and thanked Luis, who asked if they were the good guys and Scott said they were. They both agreed it felt weird as he said they were not done and told him to get out before the place blew as he shrunk while Luis started running. The timer was a little less than 2 minutes now.
"Get out fast." Pepper muttered.
Luis then remembered the knocked out guard and started dragging him out too.
"Noble thing to do." Steve muttered.
Hank was still down and then he said they weren't going to die as he took out a miniature tank on a keychain and said it wasn't a keychain.
"Is he going to do what I think he is going to do?" Sam asked.
"Yeah." Hope said.
As Paxton and the other cop were out, a huge tank burst out from the building and landed down, shocking Jim.
"WHOA!" Almost everyone went.
Luis supported the other guard out as the other cop helped him away while Hope supported Hank out and some medics led him away. Luis then heard the horn of his van and ran to it. Darren was getting away in the helicopter when many ants flew there. Scott was there on Ant-thony. Cross took a gun and fired. One of the bullets hit Ant-thony, killing him.
"Oh no!" Wanda said in horror and sadness as everyone watched sadly.
"I miss him." Scott said glumly as Hope held his hand for comfort.
Scott called out to him in despair as he got on another ant and looked back at his falling wing.
"I'm sorry." Steve said to Scott who nodded in appreciation.
"He was a good…..ant." Tony said, trying to offer comfort and Scott accepted with a nod.
Scott snarled at Cross that he was gonna regret that.
"Can't wait to see that happen." Peter said.
"It's gonna get ugly though." Cassie said.
Jim and the cop looked up at the helicopter as Luis ran into the van. Jim yelled at him to get out but he said he couldn't hear him as they drove off.
Everyone chuckled a bit.
Scott punched a hole in the window of the helicopter and shrinking down, flew in, knocking a guy out. Cross fired as he dodged and a bullet hit the case. "Did you think you could stop the future with a heist?" Cross asked. "It was never just a heist." Scott said as the bombs finally exploded while Pym watched. There was zilch left of Pym Technologies now.
"And it's gone." Pepper said.
"Now just need to stop cross." Benjamin said.
"Who is a lunatic." Logan added.
Scott knocked another guy out as Darren smacked him away and he grew back to normal, holding onto the helicopter. Jim and the other cop chased from the ground as Scott climbed back onto the helicopter, only to see the Yellowjacket suit, now normal sized. Cross had put it on.
"Oh boy!" Peter said as everyone watched in horror.
"And now he has gone fully crazy." Tony said.
"No kidding." Pepper agreed, having flashbacks to when Stane had emerged in the Iron Monger Armor.
Darren then fired energy beams as Scott shrunk and ran around to avoid while the helicopter was hit. He managed to hit Cross before he shrunk down too and they both fought. Cross' energy beams killed the pilots as they both went into the case and it was thrown off the helicopter. Cross roared he would disintegrate him as 'Disintegration' by 'The Cure' started playing on a phone.
Everyone laughed at that.
The two leapt at each other as the case fell in a pool at the backyard of a house. The family watched as Cross then emerged at normal size, firing his energy beams. They ran back to avoid when a normal-sized Scott leapt at Cross, smashing him into the house as they both shrunk.
Everyone sighed in relief.
Cross punched Scott and threw him off as he enlarged again. Cross flew at him but Scott smacked him away with a ping-pong paddle right into a bug zapper, knocking him out.
Everyone clapped as Scarlet Witch said, "That was nicely done."
"Thanks." Sam shrugged.
Scott told the family it was okay as they ran off when Paxton and the cop arrived. Scott removed his helmet, shocking Jim. He tried to explain the situation but Jim tasered him, knocking him out.
"And that happened." Aunt May said.
"It sucks. I know." Scott said.
Jim and the cop led Scott away as Cross woke up within the bug zapper and roared.
"And he is awake." Fury sighed.
"Only dad can stop him." Cassie said as she exchanged a smile with Scott.
"Now you're going to see how it ends." Benjamin said as the recording continued.