Ch 64 Mini-battle

"So how did you get out of that one?" Peter asked Scott.

"Just watch, kid." Scott said.

Scott woke up in the cop car and asked Paxton to take him back to the backyard as there was something in the backyard that needed to be destroyed. Jim angrily stopped the car and said Scott's delusions were out of hand. Then the comm unit said there was a 2-36 in progress at 840 Winter Street, shocking them both as it was Jim's house.

"So he is trying to threaten you?" Aunt May asked Cassie, feeling angry at Cross.

"Yes." Cassie said, "But he has dad to go through."

In Cassie's room, a Thomas the Tank Engine was moving around as Cross stood there in his Yellowjacket suit. Cassie looked afraid as he told her not to be scared.

"Don't be scared? Don't be scared?" Scott asked angrily, "You are standing there in that suit and you're telling her to not be scared?"

"Calm down." Hope said as she held his hand.

"You saved me, dad." Cassie reminded him.

Paxton stopped in front of his house as Scott asked to be let out but Paxton refused as him and the other cop got out. Jim asked Maggie what was going on and she said in a panicked state that the thing had got Cassie.

"The monster." Steve said.

Scott managed to kneel down and put the helmet on, shrinking in time.

"Now he is coming to beat you up." Tony said.

"Cross is gonna regret everything he has done." Sam said.

Cross asked if he looked like a monster and Cassie said she wanted her daddy. Cross said he wanted her daddy too.

"Her daddy is gonna kick your ass." Clint said, shaking with rage at Cross threatening Scott's kid to get to him.

He then grabbed her and she screamed.

"Let her go you moron!" Clint snarled as everyone shook with rage.

"I'm coming." Scott muttered.

"Yeah you are." Cassie said.

Scott arrived in his normal size and retracted his helmet to the joy of Cassie. He told Cross to pick on someone his own size as he let Cassie go.

"Now it's starting." Rhodes said.

"The damn moron is gonna get his." Fury said.

"Can't wait." Hill said.

Scott threw a red disk at Cross, shrinking him as he shrunk too. Cross was on top of Thomas the Tank Engine as Scott ran through a carpet. Cross fired energy beams at him and he dodged while Cassie watched from a corner.

"It looks big from your point of view but small from everyone else." Bucky said.

"I think that's the point." Pepper said.

"Yup." Scott said.

Several ants arrived as Cross tried to fight them all while Scott leapt on top of the train. He lifted a compartment and threw it at Cross who destroyed it with his energy beam and continued fighting the ants. Scott threw another compartment to the same result. Cross ducked to avoid the toy tunnel. Scott lifted it up and threw it at Cross, throwing him off the train on the track. He got up and was frightened as the train reached near him but as it hit him, Cassie's POV was shown. The compartments of the toy all broke.

No one could stop themselves from laughing at that as T'Challa said, "Now that was unexpected."

"And a bit funny." Wanda added.

"Yeah it was." Benjamin said.

"That's the point of this fight." Scarlet Witch said.

"Yes it is." Scott agreed.

"And it is emphasized nicely." Hope said.

Cross threw the engine of Thomas the Tank Engine on Scott but he smacked it away and it fell on the window.

"This is getting a bit hard to digest even for me." Vision said.

"That is pretty funny, bub." Logan said.

"Yes. An android finding something hard to digest sounds funny to me as well." Loki agreed.

Luis, Kurt and Dave arrived near the house but on seeing the cop cars, they backed off.

Everyone chuckled as Thor said, "Now that was a bit disappointing."

"I handled him nicely myself." Scott said.

"We know." Odinson told him.

Cross fought more ants as they surrounded him and he flew up angrily, firing at Scott who dodged while Cassie watched. Scott threw a blue disk at Cross who avoided and it hit an ant instead, enlarging it to the size of a dog as Cassie's jaw dropped.

"Damn!" Tony said.

"That is…..a very huge ant." Natasha trailed off.

"It was my pet for a while." Cassie revealed to everyone's shock and they laughed.

Scott threw another blue disk and Cross dodged again. This time it hit the engine of Thomas the Tank Engine and it enlarged to the size of a real locomotive, breaking the wall and falling on the cop car outside.

"Now that's even worse." Pepper said.

"No kidding." Sam agreed.

Jim ran inside as Scott avoided Cross' beams and threw stuff from a bucket at him which he destroyed. Jim ran upstairs only for the big ant to arrive. He screamed and fell down in shock as the ant passed him and smashing a glass door, crawled out, making Maggie, Jim's partner and another cop gasp in shock. Jim's partner said that was a messed up looking dog.

Everyone chuckled as Cassie said, "I treated it as a dog for a while."

"That's my girl for ya!" Scott said as everyone chuckled.

Cross grew back to normal size as Cassie screamed. Jim arrived to fight him but was disarmed. Scott leapt at his suit from behind to break it but failed as Cross grabbed him and said it was titanium. He tried to crush Scott but he grew back to normal and the two fought before Scott was thrown out. Jim ran with Cassie but Cross blocked his way. Jim put Cassie behind him as she yelled at Cross to stay away from them. Cross was about to fire at them when Scott realized he had to shrink between the molecules.

"You're gonna do that?" Tony asked in shock.

"Yes." Scott said selflessly.

"Respect." Bruce muttered.

Scott shrunk between the molecules and leapt into the back of the suit, breaking the wires and destroying the connections as he said he loved Cassie.

"I love you too, dad." Cassie said as Scott smiled.

Scott managed to destroy the power source of Cross' suit and he screamed before the suit collapsed into itself and there was zilch left of him.

Everyone clapped as Rhodes said, "Finally!"

"He got what he deserved." Pepper said.

"Damn right he did!" Fury agreed.

"But what about you?" Steve asked Scott.

"Just watch." Scott said.

Cassie called out to Scott who was shrinking uncontrollably in the Quantum Realm, remembering what Hank had said.

"A whole new realm." Tony said, fascinated by the Quantum Realm.

"It is beautiful…and dangerous." Thor said.

"That is exactly how I would describe it." Loki agreed.

As Cassie continued calling out to him, Scott took out the blue disk and remembering Hank's words not to screw with the regulator, put it on the regulator before turning it as Cassie said she loved him.

"Something is about to happen." Bucky said.

"Something big is about to happen." Natasha agreed.

Cassie and Jim watched as Scott finally grew back to normal size and she hugged him happily as he said he loved her too.

Scott and Cassie exchanged loving smiles.

Jim awkwardly said there was a hole in the roof. Jim's partner, Maggie and the other cops arrived but all they saw was Jim and Cassie. Cassie hugged her mother happily and looked at the wall as a miniature Scott leapt away, his shadow visible. Outside, the cops looked at Thomas the Tank Engine as the big ant crawled away.

"And the day is saved." Sam said as everyone clapped.

"That was so awesome." Peter said.

"It really was." Benjamin agreed.

"And a very interesting fight." Vision said.

"I agree, Vision." T'Challa said.

Next day, Hank asked Scott if he didn't remember anything about the Quantum Realm and then he realized the human mind couldn't comprehend the experience. Hank was satisfied with the fact that Scott had made it. Hope said she would walk Scott out and they walked out.

"You sure it's just about walking me out?" Scott asked with a smirk and she shook her head.

Hank wondered if it was possible as he looked at a picture of himself, Janet and Hope as a baby. He opened the door only to see Scott and Hope parting from a kiss.

Everyone laughed out loud at that as Hill said, "Now you're busted!"

"Fine. You got back at me." Hope sighed.

"He is gonna be so pissed." Tony said and everyone chuckled.

Hank asked when that had happened and Hope said nothing was happening. Scott said something was happening as Hank told them to shoot him again. Scott said he didn't know what Hope was doing grabbing and kissing him like that, embarrassing her a bit.

"This is embarrassing." Hope muttered.

"I knew it!" Hill said, "Everyone has dirt on them!"

"You got back at me. What more do you want?" Hope said as everyone chuckled.

Scott said he had to get somewhere and jokingly chastised Hope again as Hank said he was full of shit and he agreed as he walked out.

"Too happy to argue at this point." Scott said.

Scott was having dinner with Cassie, Maggie and Jim as Jim told him that he had told his captain something had fried the cameras but Scott had been processed correctly. Scott happily thanked him as he said he couldn't send Cassie's dad back to jail on a technical glitch. Scott thanked Jim for everything he did for Cassie as well as he said this one he had done for him. They realized it was awkward now.

"At least you are friends now." Steve said.

"Yeah. Good stuff comes out of a lot of things at least." Scott said.

Scott wondered what to talk about as Cassie said she had done her first cartwheel today and Jim showed him the video. He joked how that was a professional gymnast while Cassie fed the big ant under the table.

"Now that's a good dog." Cassie said as everyone laughed.

Scott told Cassie the cartwheel was amazing but then got a call and said he had to go to work.

"I think I know what that is." Sam said as he looked at Scott.

"Yup." Scott said.

Scott then met Luis, Kurt and Dave and said he wanted just the facts and nothing else. An excited Luis started his story, "So, I'm at this art museum with my cousin Ignacio, right? And there was this, like, abstract expressionism exhibit. But you know me, I'm more like a Neo-Cubist kind of guy, right? But there was this one Rothko that was sublime, bro! Oh, my God!" Scott stopped him and he apologized, saying he got excited a lot.

"We can see that." Wanda said and everyone chuckled.

Luis then continued, "But anyway, Ignacio tells me, "Yo, I met this crazy-fine writer chick at the Spot last night. Like fine-fine. Like crazy-stupid fine." And he goes up to the bartender and goes, "Look at the girl I'm with. You know what I'm sayin'? She's crazy-stupid fine, right?" The bartender's all like, "Yeah, crazy-stupid fine."" Everyone's lips moved in the flashback at the same time as Luis narrated, including the elderly bartender.

"Even your buddy talked through our old Watcher agent in this one." Tony said as everyone chuckled.

Luis continued, "So this writer chick tells Ignacio, "Yo, I'm like a boss in the world of guerrilla journalism, and I got mad connects with the peeps behind the curtains, you know what I'm saying?" Ignacio's like, "For real?" And she's like, "Yeah, you know what, I can't tell you who my contact is, because he works with the Avengers." Scott was shocked, "Oh, no." Luis continued, "Yeah, and this dude sounds like a badass, man. Like, he comes up to her and says, "Yo, I'm looking for this dude who's new on the scene, who's flashing his fresh tack, who's got, like, bomb moves, right? Who you got?"" Sam's lips moved in the flashback at the same time as Luis spoke.

"He spoke through me as well." Sam joked and everyone chuckled.

Luis continued, "And she's like, "Well, we got everything nowadays. We got a guy who jumps. We got a guy who swings, we got a guy who crawls up the walls. You gotta be more specific.""

"I think she was talking about me." Peter said.

"Yes she was." Benjamin confirmed.

Luis continued, "And he's like, "I'm looking for a guy that shrinks." And I'm, like, "Damn!" I got all nervous 'cause I'd keep mad secrets for you, bro. So I asked Ignacio, "Did the badass tell the stupid-fine writer chick to tell you to tell me, because I'm tight with Ant-Man that he's looking for him?"" All the lips in the flashbacks moved at the same time as Luis talked while Scott asked, "And? What'd he say?" Luis said, "He said, "Yes."" The screen went black.

"What a nice story!" Natasha said as everyone chuckled.

"He really should tell bed-time stories." Scarlet Witch agreed.

Hank led Hope into a room and said he wanted to show her something. He had realized that they couldn't destroy power but make sure it didn't fall in the wrong hands. He opened a compartment, revealing a slick suit with wings as he said him and Janet had been working on it but she had never gotten to use it. "But now I realize that we were...we were working on it for you." Hank said, "Maybe it's time we finished it." Hope looked at him and the suit and said with a smile, "It's about damn time." The screen went black.

"So now you're coming too." Bucky asked.

"I'm already here." Hope said.

"One more scene." Logan said.

"Hey Cap." Sam said as him and Steve walked to an awoken Bucky in a warehouse.

"Oh! That!" Bucky said.

"I remember." Sam said.

"Not a very pleasant experience." Steve agreed.

"This would have been a lot easier a week ago." Sam said. "If we call Tony..." Sam interrupted, "He won't believe us." Steve started, "Even if he did..." Sam interrupted again, "Who knows if the Accords will let him help."

"Damn Accords!" Tony muttered.

"We're on our own." Steve said. "Maybe not." Sam told him, "I know a guy." The screen went black.

"The guy being me." Scott said.

"That's right." Sam said.

"I know I said it before but thanks for thinking of me." Scott said again.

"No problem, Tic-Tac." Sam smirked.

"So that's the end of this." Benjamin said.

"So, who's hungry?" Scarlet Witch asked.

"I think everyone is." Hope said.

"Well, let us sate our hungers." Odinson said as they all got up.

"Yeah let us." Loki agreed as they moved to the dining hall.