Ch 65 Break V

Everyone reached the dining hall to eat their food. Four was the highest number of 'movies' they had watched any day.

This time, they saw two young women eating there too with them.

"Who're you?" Natasha asked the shorter woman who had a boy-cut.

She looked up with fake disappointment and asked, "You don't recognize me, Auntie Nat?"

Everyone's eyes widened and their jaws dropped as Clint actually stood up from his chair so fast that it actually fell down.

"Lila?" He asked as Lila nodded with a smile. Clint walked over to her as she stood up and then father and daughter hugged each other tightly.

Natasha also walked up to them and the two shared a hug.

"You're so big." Clint said with a smile, "But then again, you always grew really fast."

"Yeah. Remember when I aged like 7 years in 3?" Lila joked and everyone chuckled.

"So you're an Avenger?" Natasha asked and she nodded.

"Yes, Auntie Nat." Lila said.

"She is the new Hawkeye." Cassie said as they all looked between her and Clint.

"Honored to meet you, Hawkeye." Clint said as he held out his hand.

"The honor is mine, Hawkeye." Lila said as they both shook hands and everyone smiled.

"Family reunions. Always nice." Thor said with a sense of longing.

"I can understand." Loki told him.

"This is family now." Odinson said and they both nodded.

Tony got up from his chair and walked to Clint and Lila.

"Uhhh…." He trailed off, "I just wanted to…..uhhh….."

"Apologize." Pepper popped up and he nodded.

"Right! Apologize!" Tony said as he turned to Lila, "I wanted to apologize for telling Ross about you, your brothers and your mom."

Lila sighed and said, "It's been a long time since then. We have forgiven you now."

"I will forgive you, Tony." Clint said, "If you promise to nail Ross to a cross when we get back."

"Oh I will, with pleasure." Tony said.

"All right." Clint said as he held out his hand and Tony shook it.

"Call me up too when you're doing whatever you're doing to Ross." Bruce said and they all chuckled.

"So Thanos, Kang, Doom, the real Mandarin and Ross." Steve summed up, "Any other threat you know about and we don't?"

"Well, Strange takes care of any magical threats." Scarlet Witch said, "So you don't need to interfere with that."

"And because you're taking care of Ross, you will end up taking care of Zemo as well." Benjamin said, confusing them all.

"What do you mean?" Bucky asked, confused.

"Well, you see, Ross wasn't pleased with the Accords being repealed and all that." Logan said, "He wanted his own deterrent to the Avengers. So he made a team of his own. In his eyes, they were the heroes. He called them the Thunderbolts."

"Thunderbolts? Did any of them shoot lightning?" Thor asked and everyone chuckled a bit.

"And Zemo was their leader." Benjamin revealed to their shock, "They were all formerly incarcerated supervillains really. Eventually, Zemo was killed by the two of you."

Benjamin pointed at Bucky and Sam as he said that and they looked at each other, then Steve, and then back at Benjamin.

"And some of those villains actually wanted redemption for their actions." Odinson said, "So they ended up rebelling against Ross. He was furious though."

"So he performed an experiment on himself. The same one that turned you into Hulk." Lila said as she pointed at Bruce, shocking everyone in the room.

"Wait what? The jackass became Hulkass?" Tony asked as the ones from the future nodded.

"Just when I thought our problems couldn't get any worse." Fury muttered.

"He was called Red Hulk." Cassie said, "He came around and caused a lot of damage."

"But you and Jennifer stopped him." Scarlet Witch said as she pointed at Bruce.

"Jennifer? As in my cousin?" Bruce asked and they nodded, "She got powers too or something?"

"Ross once abducted her to get to you and she ended up injured." Benjamin said, "You were the only one whose blood type was compatible with her. So you transferred some of your blood to her."

"And then she got powers too." Logan said, "She actually looks like Professor Hulk. Except much hotter."

"You talk about her like that again, the Other Guy will have words with you." Bruce said as Logan smirked.

"I'd like to see him try." Logan said as everyone chuckled in amusement at their antics.

"And she is a lawyer for all superheroes too." The other woman who was sitting with Lila added.

She had long black hair and was slightly taller than Lila.

"Who're you?" Hill asked her.

She looked at Tony and Pepper with sadness in her eyes and said, "My name is Morgan Stark. I'm their daughter."

She pointed at Tony and Pepper, shocking them both.

"What? Really?" Pepper asked and she nodded, "Never thought I'd say this but I really need a shower and some rest right now."

"I know it is hard to stomach." Morgan said as she got up and moved towards Tony. She then suddenly hugged him tightly and lovingly to his surprise, "I've missed you, dad."

Tony, while confused, realized he was feeling affection for this woman who was his daughter from the future. He ended up hugging her back as some tears fell out of her eyes. Pepper got up and hugged Morgan too, feeling affection for her in the moment.

"She looks just like you." Tony said as he looked between Pepper and Morgan.

"But I got your brains." Morgan said as they both smiled at her, "Comes in handy."

"Just hope you use it better than him." Pepper joked and the two chuckled as Tony gave Pepper a 'mock' glare.

"So, now all three of us have met our daughters in the future. Funny, isn't it?" Scott asked and everyone chuckled.

"Very funny." Hope muttered.

"Time travel is so cool man." Peter said as he finally finished his food.

"It is a rather interesting and complex concept." Vision said.

Clint then suddenly glared at Benjamin and walked towards him. Pointing at Scarlet Witch, he said, "You hurt her, kid, and no one will find your body."

"What?" Aunt May asked incredulously as she looked between Benjamin and Scarlet Witch, "You two…I mean…" Her head was moving between them rather comically at this point, "How…..When…"

Peter at this point was blushing. And so was Wanda.

"Uhhhhhhh…I' m sorry if that offends you or anything." Peter said lamely to Wanda, "I mean, the future relationship thingy or whatever."

He did find her an attractive woman and all that. But she seemed way out of his league right now. So he had no idea how his future self was in a relationship with her, especially considering Vision.

"Yeah, we have been in a relationship for a few years now." Scarlet Witch sighed, "Being the youngest in the group kind of brings you closer."

"I promise I won't hurt her or anything like that." Benjamin said lamely to Clint with raised hands, "If I do, I'll let her hurt me in return or something like that. I mean, I do get hurt a lot in fights and all that, but you know…."

"I have no idea what to say at this point." Clint shook his head.

"This just got so much weirder." Rhodes said as he turned to Tony, "You sure you didn't have anything to do with it?"

"No. The kid did." Tony said and everyone laughed while he said to Peter, "Be careful around Wanda now or Clint will come for you."

"I won't let him." Aunt May said with a glare at Clint and he raised his hands.

"As long as it doesn't happen around me, I'm good." He said.

"Won't want to piss her off now, would we?" Natasha asked Clint rhetorically and both chuckled a bit.

"What about Vision?" Wanda asked and the people from the future exchanged looks.

"Those looks suggest something happened to me." Vision said, "Something not good at all."

"You died." Scarlet Witch said with healed but remembered pain in her voice to everyone's horror, "When Thanos attacked, he wanted the Mind Stone in your forehead. He ripped it out of you."

Wanda looked horrified as Vision also seemed to actually look pale in fear. Fear of impending death.

"But calm down. Please, everyone calm down." Benjamin said as he did some random gestures, "We brought you here so you can see your mistakes and learn your lessons from them, so that you do not repeat your mistakes again. And because of that, you will beat your foes with less difficulty than you originally did."

"Mr. Parker speaks truly." T'Challa said.

"Yes, considering what you have done by bringing us here to view our past and future, I believe the future can change." Vision said, regaining his composure.

"Anyway, now that you're going to deal with Ross right after returning, I guess Zemo, the Thunderbolts, Red Hulk and She-Hulk are not gonna happen at all. Good. Saves us all a headache." Logan said.

"She-Hulk? Really? That was her name?" Bruce asked and Logan nodded, "Must be the tallest woman in the world or something like that."

"Oh you have no idea, bub." Logan said.

"And there is also this Magneto guy you will need to deal with a few years after dealing with Thanos." Scarlet Witch said, "He is an enemy of the X-Men. He died recently due to his old age."

"What's his story?" Steve asked.

"You have actually met him, Cap." Morgan revealed to his own shock.

"Really? When?" Steve asked.

"You remember that kid we saved from Auschwitz, Poland?" Logan asked, "Erik Lensherr?"

"Yes!" Bucky spoke up, "I remember him! He is the one?"

"He was a mutant." Logan revealed, "He can control all metal as well as the Earth's electromagnetic field."

"Damn!" Sam said.

"So….I'm a goner then?" Tony asked dryly.

"You can use carbon fiber." Morgan suggested and he nodded.

"Right! Thanks for that! You really do have my brains!" The two and Pepper chuckled a bit.

"He had this plan of turning all world leaders into mutants but we stopped him." Scarlet Witch said, "Now that you know it, you can do it too."

"We will." Natasha said.

"So...I'm guessing that's enough info dump for today? Right?" Benjamin asked and nods followed.

"Well, we need to rest now. We have more to watch tomorrow." Hill said.

"It's actually going to be the Civil War tomorrow." Odinson cringed and Steve and Tony gave each other a look before looking at him and nodding.

"I hope no one tries to kill each other." Loki commented and everyone chuckled.

"Well, let's all go for now." Tony said and they all started moving towards their bedrooms.

"Wanda? A word before you go?" Scarlet Witch asked and Wanda stopped to listen to her, sensing it was important.

"I just wanted to say to you one last time, you may not be able to forgive yourself for anything you have done even if the others have. But you have to move on from all of that sometime. All that anger and pain can only have negative consequences if not dealt with properly." Scarlet Witch told her. Wanda nodded, conceding her point.

"And the relationship with Viz." Scarlet Witch said and she listened with ears perked up at this point (figuratively of course), "I have realized now that it was not a very healthy relationship."

"What?" Wanda asked, a bit confused, though deep down, she knew what Scarlet Witch was implying.

"Vision has tried his best to be human and he has some feelings too." Scarlet Witch said, "But at the end of the day, he doesn't understand every single thing about being human. His behavior regarding the relationship isn't the best. It should actually send some warning bells to our heads."

Wanda nodded, considering. She wasn't wrong actually. Vision did seem to not respect her boundaries or privacy. It wasn't his fault though as he wasn't fully human and couldn't grasp humanity fully at the end of the day, even though he tried. He could only grasp bits of it. But a relationship like that sure sounded doomed.

"So while he is a good guy and all, I don't think the relationship was all that healthy." Scarlet Witch finally concluded, "Now I'm not saying start a relationship with Peter or anything like that. He is still a minor at this point."

Both the Wandas chuckled before Scarlet Witch said finally, "So my advice, end the relationship. For both of your sakes."

"I think you're right." Wanda said, "We both are more attracted to the version of each other we have built up in our heads than who we really are."

She looked up at her older self and said with a smile, "Thank you for everything you have said and done for me."

"Well, I have actually done it for myself." Scarlet Witch joked and they both chuckled and then hugged before Scarlet Witch walked off.

Wanda went to her bedroom, deep in thought. Scarlet Witch was right. She would have to tell Vision the next day.

Well, she better a good night's sleep for now like the others. And hopefully, Bucky and Natasha won't be engaging in their passionate….bedroom activities this night. With that, she went to sleep.