Ch 67 Zemo's plan

"I think the bad stuff is gonna happen really soon." Sam said.

"Because it is, bub." Logan said.

In London a few days later, the funeral for Peggy was taking place in a church; the choir was singing as the pall bearers brought in the casket. Steve was one of the pall bearers and tears were visible on his face. Later, everyone was seated and the Priest allowed Sharon Carter to give the eulogy. Sharon stepped up to the podium and Sam elbowed Steve, who had been lost in thoughts. Steve looked up at the podium and was shocked to see Sharon.

"I think this is getting really awkward." Peter muttered.

"I didn't even know they were related till now." Steve said.

Sharon gave the eulogy, "Margaret Carter was known to most as a founder of S.H.I.E.L.D... but I just knew her as Aunt Peggy. She had a photograph in her office. Aunt Peggy standing next to JFK. As a kid, that was pretty cool. But it was a lot to live up to. Which is why I never told anyone we were related. I asked her once how she managed to master diplomacy and espionage... in a time when no one wanted to see a woman succeed at either. She said, compromise where you can. But where you can't, don't. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move... it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree... look them in the eye and say "No, you move."" Steve had a look of determination on his face now, deciding not to sign.

"She was a great woman." Scott said and everyone nodded.

"So, no signing now I guess." Hope said.

"No." Steve said.

"I don't think so." Bucky said at the same time.

After the funeral, Steve was standing alone in the church, looking at a picture of Peggy as Natasha walked up to him. Steve remembered finding out Peggy was still alive after coming out of the ice. He said he was lucky to get her back and Natasha pointed out Peggy got him back to. Steve sighed, asking who'd signed The Accords. Natasha said Tony, Rhodey and Vision have. Clint said he was retired and Wanda hadn't made up her mind.

"Anyone thinking of Accords reforms?" Rhodes asked.

"I am." Natasha said.

"I believe they can be reformed to something you truly wanted, Mr. Stark." T'Challa told Tony who nodded.

"And this time both sides decide the clauses of the Accords." Tony said and more nods followed.

"Then it will be a compromise." Hill said.

Natasha said they need to stay together but Steve won't give up his free will to do it. Natasha knew this, making a confused Steve ask why she's there. She said she didn't want him to be alone before she hugged him, comforting him as he broke down.

Steve looked over at Natasha a grateful look on his face. Words failed him as he tried to express how grateful he was for her support. But he didn't need to say anything; the look she shot him said she understood.

"That's what friends are for." Bucky muttered and they both smiled with him.

In Vienna later that day, reporters crowded around the building. T'Challa was watching from the window.

"Hey, it's you Your Highness," Scott exclaimed.

"So it would appear." T'Challa noted.

"I think that just leaves me and Aunt May." Peter said as the two exchanged a look.

"Oh we will appear in this too." Benjamin said.

T'Challa turned away from the window as he heard Natasha enter. T'Challa walked over and they bonded over how neither of them really liked the spotlight. T'Challa made his dislike of politics clear as T'Chaka walked over. Natasha apologized for the deaths of the Wakandians in Nigeria, which T'Chaka gracefully accepted. They both regretted Steve not being there as the session began. Natasha took her seat as T'Chaka noted T'Challa is getting good at diplomacy. The two shared a close moment before T'Chaka took the podium.

T'Challa was breathing heavily. While he had lost some respect for his father due to his actions, he still loved him. And this was the last moment they had shared together.

T'Chaka gave an impassioned speech, talking about Wakanda remaining in the shadows for too long. As he gave his speech, T'Challa was by the window and noticed something odd on the ground. Police surrounded a news van, looking tense. Suddenly, they ran. Realizing what is happening; T'Challa rushed forward, telling everyone to get down. T'Challa tried to tackle his father out of the way but the explosive went off, sending him flying as T'Chaka was caught up in the explosion.

"Son of a bitch!" Tony cried out as everyone knew what was coming.

T'Challa crawled towards his father, who wasn't moving. He desperately searched for a pulse but it was no use. T'Chaka was dead.

T'Challa couldn't control himself any longer as he started sobbing while everyone looked at him in sympathy. Thor put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him, remembering his own recent losses.

"I'm sorry." Steve said in sympathy.

"He seemed like a good guy." Tony said too.

"I know your pain, my friend." Thor gently said.

"We know your pain." Loki said as Thor shot him a grateful look, "But your father would want you to make him proud."

T'Challa wiped his tears and looked up, nodding gratefully at them before Logan continued the recording.

At Peggy's wake, Sam and Steve were toasting to what Sam called 'an honorable discharge'. They took a drink and Steve asked Sam if he was okay with retirement. Sam assured him he was and that he'd make a great civilian. Steve could to, Sam said as he pointedly looked over at Sharon.

"You are trying to set him up right after his first love's death?" Pepper asked Sam as everyone shot him looks.

"And that too with her niece." Aunt May pointed out.

"Yeah, that was bad timing." Sam admitted, "Sorry Steve."

"And I kissed her." Steve muttered to himself.

"Well, you better hope she doesn't return from the dead to kick your ass." Clint said as everyone chuckled a bit.

"It's weird." Scott muttered.

"It really is." Hope agreed.

Later, Steve and Sharon sat at a table, Steve asking her if Peggy knew Sharon had been assigned to watch him in DC. Sharon confirmed Peggy didn't know, as Sharon didn't want there to be secrets between her and Steve. Steve asked if Sharon was stationed in London but she said she was actually in Berlin, working for the Joint Terrorism Task Force. Sharon asked Steve about The Accords and Steve revealed he planned to 'take some time off'.

"Can you really do that, Cap?" Fury asked.

"I don't think I can. But I had no choice." Steve said.

Sharon asked when he didn't have a uniform in his closet and the two had a coy exchange about Steve's suit.

Steve cringed a bit. While he was attracted to her and she was a great woman, her connection to Peggy made it weird. Besides, she wasn't the only one.

The scene changed to a hotel. Steve and Sharon were standing in front of an elevator after Sharon had pushed the button. Sharon thanked him for walking her back before Sam walked up, saying there's something Steve needs to see.

"Something not good." Odinson said.

The scene changeed to Sharon's room. Sharon was on the phone as Steve and Sam watched the report on the bombing in Vienna. Surveillance caught the suspect, someone who was seemingly James Buchanan Barnes.

"Except it wasn't." Bucky said.

"Yeah. You were set up." Tony said.

"My apologies, Sergeant Barnes." T'Challa said and Bucky shook his head, telling him it wasn't needed.

Sharon told Steve and Sam she needed to go to work.

"Us as well." Sam said.

"Yeah." Steve agreed.

In Vienna, the Joint Terrorism Task Force was on the scene as T'Challa numbly sat on a bench, his father's ring in his hand. Natasha approached him, apologizing for his loss. T'Challa told her about how death was viewed in his culture, which Natasha found peaceful. His father agreed, T'Challa said, but he was not his father. Realizing what he was thinking, Natasha says Barnes was the Task Force's priority but T'Challa said he would kill him himself.

"Worst year for you?" Natasha asked.

"After getting back my memory? Yeah." Bucky said.

As T'Challa stalked off, Natasha's phone rang. Natasha answered and it was Steve, asking if she was okay. She confirms she was before looking around, knowing Steve was there. She tried to get him to back off and Steve asked, "Are you saying you'll arrest me?"

"No, but someone else will." Natasha told him.

"This a bad, no win situation." Fury said.

Natasha said, "No. Someone will. If you interfere. That's how it works now."

"Unfortunate." Vision said.

Steve said if Bucky was this far gone, he should be the one to bring him in. "Because I'm the one least likely to die trying." Steve said before hanging up from where he stood in a corner, wearing a cap and glasses.

"Is it just me or does everyone use a cap and glasses as disguise?" Benjamin asked and the future people chuckled.

"It's not just you, my friend." Odinson said.

Steve walked into a restaurant and up to Sam, also dressed in a cap and sunglasses, who was posing as a customer. Sam asked if Natasha told him to stay out of it and Steve answered with silence. Sam noted Natasha might have a point. Steve argued Bucky would do the same for him but Sam argued that Bucky was a different person in 1945. Sam wanted to consider all their options before they got into a bad situation.

"That is a wise decision." T'Challa said.

"I'd do the same for you." Bucky said and Steve nodded, remembering Bucky had not run in the fight with Tony and come to help him.

Sharon walked up to them, a file in hand. Since the footage, tips had been pouring in, most of them dead ends. But there was one solid lead, she passed Steve a file. This was all the head start she coyuld give him and she warned him that the police had a shoot on sight order.

"And now it has come to this." Wanda sighed.

At a hotel, Zemo was in a room, a news report on the bombing in the background. Zemo had the red book out, reading it, practicing the words to get the pronunciation just right. Zemo was interrupted by a knock on the door. He placed the book in a drawer and walked over to the door to his room. He reached for his gun in his pocket but room service spoke up on the other side of the door, causing him to relax. He opened the door slightly and prevented the woman from coming in as a bomb was seen in the closet.

"So he framed Bucky." Bruce said and all nodded, "He planned this out, didn't he?"

"I think he got lucky too." Tony said.

At Bucharest, Bucky was at the market, buying plums.

"That's me. Not the Winter Soldier." Bucky said.

"Welcome back." Peter said cheerfully and he nodded with a smile.

Hearing sirens, Bucky walked out of the stand, a nervous reflex from being on the run for so long. Bucky saw a vender at a news stand eying him, so he walked over. Picking up a newspaper, Bucky saw the headline about the bombing and knew he was a wanted man.

"Someone would have tipped the cops at this point." Clint said.

At Bucky's home, a rather modest apartment, Steve was there, looking around. Sam radioed in, telling him German Special Forces were headed his way. Steve turned around to see Bucky standing behind him.

Everyone tensed as Steve and Bucky exchanged a look.

Steve asked if Bucky recognized him, which Bucky claimed to know him from the museum. Steve knew he was lying and Bucky relented, telling him he wasn't the bomber. Steve believed him, but said, "Well, the people who think you did are coming here now. And they're not planning on taking you alive." Bucky casually said, "That's smart. Good strategy."

"And what about your life?" Natasha asked Bucky incredulously.

"This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck." Steve said. "It always ends in a fight." Bucky told him.

Everyone looked at Bucky in sympathy.

The police came up the stairs and were at the door as Sam gave them five seconds. Steve demanded to know why Bucky pulled him from the river, to which Bucky claimed to not know as he pulled off the glove around his metal arm.

"I do know." Bucky said.

Sam shouted a warning as an explosive crashed through the window. Steve deflected it with his shield, the explosive shattering as it hit the wall before another crashed through and landed at Bucky's feet. Bucky kicked it over to Steve, who quickly placed his shield over it, containing the blast as it detonated harmlessly.

"Did they just throw a bomb into the house?" Rhodes asked angrily.

"Did they bother to check if any civilians were inside?" Wanda asked.

"Considering Captain Rogers was inside, no." Vision said.

"Maybe the government should put their own enforcers in check first." A disgusted Hill said. [1]

Bucky lifted his mattress up, using it as a shield from the shots coming through the window. The police began trying to force the door to Bucky's apartment open with a battering ram, so Bucky tossed the table over, blocking the entrance.

"That looks cool." Peter said.

"And intense too." Benjamin pointed out.

Two Task Force members burst in. Bucky engaged one as Steve tripped up the other, causing his rifle to fire aimlessly. Bucky threw the officer to the floor as another one burst in. Steve grabbed his gun and Bucky pushed him out onto the balcony. Steve stopped Bucky as he tried to follow, "Buck, stop! You're gonna kill someone!" Bucky pushed Steve to the floor and raised his metal arm.

Except Steve and Bucky, everyone watched tense.

"I'm not gonna kill anyone." Bucky said before punching the floorboard next to where Steve's head was at.

Everyone sighed in relief.

Bucky pulled out a duffle bag and threw it out the window. It landed on the roof of a building nearby as more officers burst in through the windows. Steve used his shield to block the bullets as Bucky saw another officer at the window. He threw Steve through the window, knocking the operative down as he and Steve fell on the balcony.

"So I'm your weapon?" Steve asked as Bucky shook his head while everyone chuckled at the joke.

Bucky used his metal hand to deflect the bullets one of the officers fired at him before grabbing the officer and slamming his head through a shelf, knocking him out. Bucky then took a cinder block and used it to take out the second officer in the room.

"Okay, badass." Rhodes said as everyone seemed impressed.

"Thanks." Bucky said.

As Steve dealt with the officer on the balcony, the police, having grown impatient, had taken to shooting holes in the door. Bucky put his metal arm through it, knocking one out and startling the rest. Bucky then kicked the door off its hinges, knocking more down and beat the other two down. One burst through the glass above but Bucky knocked him out and took battering ram, knocking them all out.

"You're one of the best fighters in the world, aren't you?" Clint asked Bucky who sighed and nodded.

"And that's why no one should have made you angry." Bruce said as all looked at the screen.

Bucky then used the cop who had come through the glass to swing down the steps and began engaging the cops down there. Steve emerged from the room as one of the officers began calling on the radio for help. Steve crushed the radio before jumping after Bucky. They begin engaging the police together but Bucky knocked one over the railing. He almost fell to his death but Steve caught him.

"You weren't killing anyone though." Pepper said.

"Heat of battle." Bucky said.

Steve scolded Bucky before yanking the officer back up, throwing him into the wall. Bucky ripped off the railing, using it as a long, metal vine to swing down the stair case as Steve secured the officer. Bucky engaged two more officers as Steve saw an officer about to shook at Bucky. Steve threw his shield, knocking the weapon out of their hand as the shield went into the wall. Bucky looked back at Steve before jumping over the railing, falling two stories before catching himself on railing.

"Impressive." Thor said.

Bucky didn't say a word and simply nodded, thinking about everything that had happened to him.

As Steve pulled his shield out of the wall, Bucky pulled himself back onto the stairs. Bucky broke down the door before rushing down a hall and onto a balcony. Bucky then jumped onto the building where he had tossed his bag, only to be tackled by the Black Panther.

"And you're here." Tony said to T'Challa.

"Going after the wrong man." T'Challa sighed.

Black Panther brandished his claws and the fight began. Black Panther blocked and dodged Bucky's blows and kicked Bucky, sending him down to the ground, his back against an air vent. Black Panther attempted to strike him with his claws but Bucky dodged by jumping up. They traded some more blows before Black Panther threw Bucky on his back. Bucky picked up some iron and used it to block Black Panther's claws.

"You are impressive in battle, my friend." Thor told T'Challa.

"And I'm using it to fight the wrong man." T'Challa said again.

"Don't blame yourself." Bucky and Odinson said at the same time.

Steve came out of the building and saw the scene. He called Sam over and Sam flew in, seeing the scene. Steve jumped onto the other building as a police chopper rolled in. A sniper shot at Black Panther, who turned away from Bucky. The bullets didn't pierce his suit.

"Vibranium?" Aunt May asked and T'Challa nodded.

Sam flew in and kicked the tail of the chopper, causing the pilot to fight for control. Bucky kicked Black Panther off him and fled, jumping down the side of the building. Black Panther followew, using his claws to slowly glide down the side of the building. As Bucky and Black Panther continued the chase on the ground, Steve jumped off the building as well, using his shield to cushion his fall. The chopper rounded the corner, firing at Bucky again.

"Do these people even care about civilian casualties?" Rhodes asked in disgust again.

"Doesn't look to me they do." Sam said.

"Were they even real cops I wonder now?" Fury said and all looked at him in shock.

"Maybe they were a Hydra cell who came to take you back." Natasha said as Bucky paled.

"Just a theory really." Hill said.

Bucky jumped off the ledge and into heavy traffic. He headed into a tunnel, with Black Panther and Steve following him.

"How are you so good?" Bruce asked.

"You will see, Dr. Banner." T'Challa said.

A police cruiser rolled up behind them and Steve stopped, tackling the wind shield with his shield. Steve then jumped off, opened the door and threw the driver out. He shattered the wind shield before taking the car, driving after Bucky and Black Panther.

"You and stealing cars." Natasha cracked and all chuckled.

"It's one of my special talents." Steve joked, "But I think I have made the situation worse."

"Yes, this one you did Cap." Fury agreed.

Steve drove passed Black Panther, but Black Panther jumped on the back of the cruiser. Seeing this in the rearview mirror, Steve tried to shake Panther off with no luck. Steve radioed Sam as he became aware of the multiple police cruisers on his tail.

"Now things have been made worse." Natasha said.

"Should have considered our options better." Steve sighed sadly.

"Ross always makes things difficult." Tony said.

"Yeah tell me about it." Bruce said sarcastically.

At the edge of the tunnel, Bucky was blocked by several cars. He jumped over several waste containers and continued running. Steve followed, driving through the containers and after Bucky. Outside the tunnel, Bucky grabbed a motorcycle and casually tackled the man away before jumping on it and driving into another section of the tunnel.

No one could stop themselves from clapping at that.

"You are awesome!" Natasha said to Bucky who smiled at her.

Steve followed Bucky through the tunnel and Black Panther climbed onto the roof. Black Panther jumped off to try and get Bucky, but Bucky grabbed him by the throat. Bucky tried to throw him down but Black Panther hung on to the back, bringing the motorcycle on its side. Bucky was able to use his metal arm to stop it from falling and kicked Black Panther off. Bucky lifted the motorcycle back up and continues retreating as Sam grabbed Black Panther. They scuffled in the air as Bucky threw a small explosive onto the edge of the tunnel. It went off, bringing some rubble down.

"Things getting worse." Tony said.

Sam stopped as Black Panther launched himself through the air. He landed on the motorcycle, cutting the back tire. The motorcycle fell and the pair rolled on the ground as Steve jumped out of the car, which flipped over.

"You won't give up, would you?" Thor asked T'Challa.

"We are not so different I think then." T'Challa said.

Steve rushed over, tackling Black Panther away from Bucky before he could do anything. They stood up as multiple police cruisers rolled in, surrounding them. Rhodes, in his War Machine armor, landed and aimed at them, ordering them to stand down. Rhodes told Steve he was a criminal.

"How did we get to this?" Rhodes asked.

"We didn't talk." Steve noted as they all looked at him, "We let this choice tear us apart."

Steve stood down, seeing Sam had been caught as well. Bucky was cuffed as Black Panther, seeing he was outnumbered, stood down as well. He removed his helmet and revealed the face of T'Challa, to the surprise of everyone.

"And busted." Hope sighed.

"We have made a bad situation even worse." T'Challa said about himself, Steve and Sam. [2]

"Yes. The three of us made a mistake." Steve said.

At the Compound, Vision was attempting to make Paprika in a gesture to make Wanda feel better. Wanda walks in and takes over, as Vision can't taste anything and has never cooked.

"Thank you for that." Wanda said to Vision gratefully. While she could see the problems with their relationship now, he still did try his best.

Vision awkwardly tried to assure Wanda she was not hated but only ended up amusing her. Wanda reflected on how she had been changed by her powers. Vision briefly related by talking about The Mind Stone in his head. Wanda moved to leave to head to the store but was stopped by Vision. Tony had asked Vision to keep Wanda there until The Accords are in place.

"That was internment!" Fury snapped.

"Why did you do that?" Clint asked lowly.

"For your safety." Tony said to Wanda and before anyone could respond, he continued, "But….the way I did it was a huge mistake. I should have told you already and given you a choice. All of us should have known so that we all could together decide how to keep you safe. But I tried to fix the situation myself, thinking I could do it! That's what I do! I always want to fix things! Even if they're not mine to fix! I should have let the lawyers handle this! So I apologize, Wanda."

Pepper held his hand and with a proud smile, nodded.

"I do understand why you did that though." Wanda said, "You only wanted to help. You just went about it the wrong way."

"Does anyone else think the air is getting clearer?" Rhodes asked.

"I think I do." Logan said.

Wanda pointedly asked Vision what he wanted and he simply said for everyone to see her as he did.

"Did you just play at her guilt and insecurity?" Clint asked Vision.

"I didn't understand emotions at the time so it was unintentional but I apologize." Vision said sincerely and Wanda nodded.

In Berlin, multiple police cruisers were escorting Bucky, who was in a container made to hold him, to base as Steve, Sam, and T'Challa were in the back of a car. Sam made a comment about T'Challa's suit, which he saw as 'a cat suit'.

"It is not a cat suit!" T'Challa said annoyed.

"Looks like one to me." Tony said and all chuckled a bit.

"I am cooler than you." Logan said to T'Challa who sighed.

Steve asked if T'Challa's suit was made of Vibranium. T'Challa, without answering the question said, "The Black Panther has been the protector of Wakanda for generations. A mantle, passed from warrior to warrior. And now, because your friend murdered my father... I also wear the mantle of king. So, I ask you... as both warrior and king... how long do you think you can keep your friend safe from me?"

T'Challa flinched and said, "I apologize for my rash actions."

"I understand." Bucky sighed.

They arrived at the base and got out of the back of the car. Steve saw Bucky in the container before walking up to Sharon, a man in a grey suit, and three armed members of the Task Force. Steve demanded to know what will happen to Bucky and the man in the suits said he would be psychologically evaluated then extradited. Sharon introduced the man as Everett Ross, the Task Force Commander. Steve asked about a lawyer for Bucky, which Everett laughed at, finding it amusing.

"Heard of the Geneva Convention?" Natasha asked angrily.

"Another Ross. Though this one is much more reasonable." T'Challa said, "Right now, he is just doing his duty and is stressed."

"Two people who share the same name and are so different." Bruce said.

Everett told them they'll get a recite for their gear. As Sam grumbled about this, Steve looked back, getting a look at Bucky before the doors closed behind them. Steve, Sam, and T'Challa were led into another part of the building, joined by Natasha, who scolded Steve.

"I deserved that." Steve said.

Tony was there, on the phone, doing an interview, mentioning consequences when he hung up. T'Challa was led into an office as Steve asked about consequences. Ross wanted them prosecuted, Tony told them.

"I think he wants the actual Serum which is why he wants you, Cap." Fury said as everyone felt their hatred for Ross increased.

Steve noted he was not getting that shield back and Natasha made a quip about it and Sam's wings belonging to the government. "Damn, that's cold." Sam quipped. "Warmer than jail." Tony quipped back.

"How did it get to this?" Natasha wondered.

At a power station, a man in a truck drove up, looking at a clipboard.

"This doesn't look good." Hill said.

"Nope." Clint agreed.

Back at the base, Natasha walked into the office T'Challa was being held in. She referenced their earlier conversation and he noted she wasn't used to the truth. Natasha brought up his Vibranium suit, which put him under the jurisdiction of The Accords. T'Challa asked how long a psychological evaluation usually took, eager to take Bucky back to Wakanda to face justice. Natasha warned him he was being naïve before Everett walked in, clapping sarcastically. Bucky's extradition had been granted.

"So much for due process." Steve snarled.

"Everett wanted to do it the right way but politics got involved." T'Challa said.

Steve was watching the security cam footage of Bucky when Tony walked over, carrying a case. He opened it to reveal two pens that once belonged to FDR, which he had used to sign the Lend-Lease Bill, providing support to The Allies when they needed it most. Steve noted some would say it brought them closer to war.

"I'm not saying I do." Steve said as they glanced over at him, "But some of the guys I served with during the war felt that way."

Tony claimed he was trying to extend an olive branch as Steve noted he hadn't seen Pepper. Tony admitted he and Pepper were taking a break.

Tony and Pepper flinched as everyone shot them looks of sympathy.

Tony said, "A few years ago, I almost lost her, so I trashed all my suits. Then, we had to mop up HYDRA... and then Ultron. My fault. And then, and then, and then, I never stopped. Because the truth is I don't wanna stop. I don't wanna lose her. I thought maybe the Accords could split the difference. In her defence, I'm a handful."

"A document won't make a difference." Pepper said, "It's you I love, Tony."

Tony stood up, musing about how his father had always made things work with his mom. Steve remembered Howard during World War Two and Tony remembered Howard mentioning it a lot during his childhood, trying to inspire Tony but just ended up annoying him.

"I'm sorry about that, Tony." Steve said, "I don't want you to feel short because of me."

"In the beginning, I was inspired. But it got a bit too much." Tony said, "Still, I think I exaggerated his shortcomings sometimes."

Steve apologized for making things difficult and Tony responded with a sarcastic quip. Steve explained that he couldn't just stand back and watch as something that he saw as wrong happened. Sometimes he wished he could, Steve said but Tony knowingly said he didn't and Steve admitted it. Tony admitted sometimes he'd like to slug Steve but he didn't want to see him gone because the world needed him. Tony tried to bargain that if Steve signed, it will make it all legit, transfer Bucky to a psyche center instead of a prison in Wakanda.

"Didn't Everett allow T'Challa to take Bucky?" Scott asked.

"I didn't know that." Tony sighed, "But really, I'm not pleased with my actions on here."

Steve picked up the pen, saying there would have to be safeguards if he agreed. Tony seemingly agreed, saying they could amend The Accords later.

"I lied." Tony said in shame, "I wanted you to sign so badly, I said I would amend them, even though I can't. What was wrong with me?" [3]

"Guilt." Rhodes said.

"It makes us do worse things than before." Pepper said.

"We can only move past that." Steve sighed.

Tony mentioned getting Steve and Wanda reinstated, causing Steve to ask about Wanda. Tony admitted she was being held at the Compound, angering Steve. Tony defended it as protecting Wanda, to Steve's disbelief and disgust.

"I should never have tried to handle that." Tony said.

Steve accused Tony of subjecting Wanda to internment but Tony defended it as Wanda was not a US citizen and the government didn't 'grant VISAs to 'weapons of mass destruction.'

"What did you say?" Clint asked Tony dangerously as he paled.

"That is not what you say about a person. Even a powerful one!" Rhodes said, not believing Tony had said it.

"I think I should apply it to myself as well now." Tony sighed, "I agree, I shouldn't have said that. Because that would make me not so different from Ross."

Wanda could feel his sincerity and simply nodded.

Steve and Tony continued to argue, Tony insisting he was trying to protect them from something worse. Steve scoffed, giving the pen back before walking into the office Sam was being held at.

"This won't stop the worse things." Benjamin said.

Steve watched the security cams as the 'psychiatrist' sat down with Bucky, who was still restrained by the container. Sharon walked into the office and gave Sam the recite for his wings. Sam was offended his suit was described as a 'giant bird costume.'

"I know an actual giant bird costume." Peter joked and everyone chuckled.

Sharon turned the monitor in the office on so Steve could see and hear what was going on in Bucky's evaluation. Steve gave Sharon a grateful look as Natasha watched from outside. The 'psychiatrist' addressed Bucky by James but Bucky gruffly told him he was Bucky.

"You're back, aren't you?" Steve asked Bucky.

"Yes. This is me." Bucky sighed.

"If only the situation wasn't so bad." Natasha said.

At the power station, the man in the truck honked the horn, making a man come out. The delivery man got out of the truck and opened the back, revealing two crates. They took it, putting it on the ground and the delivery man made the other man sign for it.

"Now that is not good." Fury said.

"Nope." Hill agreed.

Back at the base, Steve was looking at the photo of 'Bucky', asking why it would be released by the Task Force. Steve realized that Bucky is being set up, to be flushed out. Sam argued that they had looked for him for two years with no success but Steve pointed out they hadn't bombed the UN. Sharon pointed out that that just guaranteed the Task Force would get Bucky and the realization hit them.

"Shit!" Scott said.

"It was his plan, right?" Loki asked and they nodded, "Good plan and he got lucky."

"He wanted the Winter Soldiers." Tony sighed.

"How did he get past security?" Aunt May asked.

"Either he's a pro or security's shit." Logan said.

Zemo casually asked about Bucky's past. Bucky refused to talk about it but Zemo assured him they only have to talk about one as he got a text, telling him 'the package has been delivered'. At the power plant, the worker had opened the crate to reveal the bomb, to his confusion. The EMP went off, frying the plant.

"He knocked out the power to prevent anyone from watching the interrogation and catching him." Vision said.

At the base, the power went out as everyone looked around in confusion. Steve looked at Sharon and she told him where Bucky was at. He and Sam took off as T'Challa watched in confusion. Bucky demanded to know what was happening. Zemo said he wanted to discuss Bucky's 'real home' as he pulled out the red book. Zemo began saying the words from the beginning of the recording as Bucky begged for him to stop before crying out in pain. Bucky used his strength to break his restraints, desperately pounding on the side of the container as Zemo continued to say the words. Zemo finished as the side of the container flew off, Bucky finally breaking free. But it was no longer Bucky, but The Winter Soldier, ready to comply.

"Oh no." Bucky said, pale, as Natasha held his hand.

"That son of a bitch!" Sam snarled.

Zemo demanded the mission report of December 16th, 1991.

"He wants to know." Tony said.

Not long after, Steve and Sam walked in, seeing the guards on the floor, out cold. Zemo was on the ground, playing the part of the psychiatrist. Steve walked up and picked him up by the collar, slamming him against the wall as he demanded to know what Zemo wants. "To see an empire fall." Zemo said.

"And he almost succeeded." Odinson sighed.

Steve's interrogation was interrupted as The Soldier jumped out, lunging for Sam. Sam barely dodged the robotic arm, which hit the wall instead. Sam punched but he blocked before punching Sam's stomach and grabbing him by the neck, threw him into the container.

"Sorry about that." Bucky said apologetically.

"I'm gonna be feeling that in the morning." Sam said dryly.

The Soldier then went after Steve, swinging at him with his robotic arm. Steve dodged but The Soldier overpowered him due to having got the drop on him and backed him up against an elevator. He threw his metal arm at Steve and in spite of Steve's best efforts to stop it, The Soldier sent Steve through the doors and down the shaft, landing on the elevator a few stories down.

"Sorry about that too." Bucky said to Steve who simply nodded.

Sam was awakened by someone talking on the PA. He saw Zemo standing by the elevator and called out to him, getting up and running after him when Zemo fled. As Everett was barking orders, Natasha asked if Tony brought a suit. Tony pointed out he's an active non-combatant before Sharon rushed over, telling them to follow her. Meanwhile, Steve was climbing up the elevator shaft after throwing away his jacket as Sam was pursuing Zemo. The Soldier was engaging some members of the Task Force as Tony watched from behind the corner. Tony transformed his watch into a low powered gauntlet before he rushed out to engage The Soldier.

"Okay, the Gauntlet is cool and you're brave, but that's stupid too." Pepper told Tony.

"I know." Tony sighed,

He blasted The Soldier with a sonic wave, dazing him before blasting him with a flash, stopping him before rushing over. The Soldier tried to shoot him but Tony blocked it with his gauntlet, absorbing the bullet. Unfortunately, this left Tony defenseless and The Soldier yanked the gun in half. Tony struck him with his half but he was unaffected as he struck Tony with the half in his hand.

"Uh-oh." Tony said.

"You did pretty good though." Bucky said.

As Tony was tossed into some tables, Sharon rushed over and began engaging The Soldier. Natasha joined her as they both kicked or punched him but he flipped Sharon onto a table, taking her out of the fight. Natasha jumped on The Soldier's back, wrapping her legs around his neck as she frantically beat on his head. The Soldier backed up and yanked her off him, slamming her down onto a table with his robotic arm wrapped around her neck, choking her. "You could at least recognize me." She gasped.

"Damn it! Why the hell did this happen to me?" Bucky said angrily in guilt.

"Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault." Natasha told him gently.

T'Challa rushed in, kicking The Soldier off Natasha.

"Thank you." Bucky said to T'Challa.

"Me too." Natasha said gratefully and he nodded.

The Soldier and T'Challa exchanged a few blows before The Soldier landed a solid hit with his robotic arm. T'Challa was sent flying back but landed safety on the floor. Looking up, T'Challa saw that The Solider was climbing up some stairs. With a growl, T'Challa rushed over and climbed up the other side of the stairs. He pulled himself of the ledge and jumped, landing at the top of the stairs, blocking The Soldier's path. They exchanged a few blows before T'Challa grabbed The Soldier's robotic arm, holding it down and restraining him, to The Soldier's surprise.

"So it's not just the Suit?" Tony asked.

"No." T'Challa said.

With a twist, The Soldier and T'Challa were sent tumbling down a flight of stairs. They picked themselves up and continued their fight before T'Challa sent a powerful kick to The Soldier's chest. The Soldier was sent flying into a wall before falling into an opening down to the first floor. T'Challa jumped off the stairs down to the floor, but The Soldier was gone.

"And he's gone." Rhodes sighed.

"Not for long." Steve said.

Outside, Sam had followed Zemo outside but lost him in the crowd of panicking people, finding only Zemo's jacket, abandoned on the ground.

"Damn it!" Sam said.

On the roof, The Soldier had gotten into a helicopter, preparing to take off when Steve burst through the door to the roof. Steve ran onto the landing pad as the chopper began to lift in the air. Steve grabbed onto it, trying to stop it from taking off. As it began taking off with him hanging, Steve grabbed onto the ledge of the landing pad, pulling the chopper back with his other arm.

"Wow Cap, nice." Tony said as everyone then started clapping and cheering. The ladies were watching with dropped jaws. Clearly, this was making Steve look even more attractive than he normally was. And strong and handsome. Like a knight in shining armor.

"It's too sexy." Hill muttered so only she could hear.

"The girls would love this." Natasha said and to everyone's shock, took out a phone and snapped a picture.

"You had your phone this whole time?" Wanda asked.

"Yeah." She said.

"What is your obsession with my love life?" Steve grumbled but Natasha just grinned cheekily. By now, the ladies were over their temporary infatuation with Steve's biceps.

The Solider turned the chopper on its side and Steve let go, taking cover on the pad as the chopper's blades tore it up. Miraculously, Steve managed to avoid the blade. However, Steve ended up next to the wind shield and The Soldier reached through with his robotic hand, grabbing Steve by the throat.

"Oh God!" Hope said.

Desperately, Steve pushed the chopper off the pad. They fell below, landing in a river. Steve pulled the unconscious Bucky out and swam away.

"Now we've come full circle." Bucky said.

"Yeah." Steve agreed.

"This is about to get a lot worse." Benjamin said.

"No kidding." Logan said as the recording continued.