Ch 68 Clash of the Avengers

"This all seems really horrible." Bruce said.

"Of course it is." Natasha agreed.

At an airport, Zemo was listening to a voice message from his wife. He was clearly affected by it, as pain showed on his face.

While nobody liked Zemo, they could feel some sympathy for him due to his loss.

He ended the message and heard a news report on Bucky's escape and Steve and Sam being reported as 'missing' before getting up.

"Prepare to be 'not so missing.'" Tony muttered and everyone sighed.

In a warehouse, Bucky awakened from his trance, his metal arm pinned under some machinery. Seeing he was awake, Sam called over Steve, who had been watching the search choppers outside the warehouse. Steve walked over and demanded to know which Bucky he was speaking to. Bucky remembered, "Your mom's name was Sarah. You used to wear newspapers in your shoes."

"You put newspapers in your shoes?" Tony said amused.

"Uhhhhh…yeah." Steve said, embarrassed and everyone laughed.

"But I'm back." Bucky said, "And now I won't be controlled."

"Welcome back." Natasha said.

Steve believed it was Bucky but Sam was skeptical. Bucky asked what he did and Steve said 'enough'. Bucky was tormented over the fact that Hydra still had a hold on him but Steve didn't have time to treat him with kid gloves. Steve wanted to know who Zemo was but Bucky didn't know. Steve demanded answers about why Zemo would go to all this trouble just for ten minutes with Bucky. Bucky concentrated and remembered that Zemo wanted to know exactly where Bucky had been kept while frozen. When Steve asked why, Bucky revealed he wasn't the only Winter Soldier.

"Did I just mishear?" A horrified Peter asked.

"No you didn't." Benjamin told him.

The recording showed the scene at the beginning again of The Winter Soldier attacking the car and taking the case full of liquid packets. The scene then changed back to Siberia, where five people were injected with the contents of the packets. One of them, a man, screamed in agony as he was thrown in a cell. The door was closed behind him and Vasily Karpov sat down, ignoring the man's screams until he stopped. He got up and opened the door, revealing the man now sitting on his bed calmly.

"That was the Serum?" Aunt May asked and nods followed.

The scene changed to the man engaging The Winter Soldier in training. The man was able to grab The Soldier's metal arm, restraining him and throw him across the room with ease.

"He is that good?" Steve asked as everyone watched in horror.

"Yeah, they were better." Bucky said.

"Thank God we didn't have to fight them." Clint sighed in relief.

However, Hydra was ultimately unable to control them, causing a rampage in the room and The Soldier was forced to get Karpov out of there.

"Looks like even they can't handle them." Wanda said.

"No. They are good at creating, not the best at handling sometimes." Fury said.

In the present, Bucky explained that those five were Hydra's most elite death squad with more kills than anyone in Hydra history, even him, and that was before they were injected. Steve wanted to know if Zemo could control them and Bucky confirmed he could. Steve remembered Zemo's words about seeing an empire fall and Bucky said these five could make it happen, able to take down an entire country in a single night.

"Really?" Hope asked and nods followed, "Oh my God!"

"I think Giant-Man could have helped there if Zemo went that route." Scott muttered to himself.

Sam walked over to Steve and they quietly noted that even if Tony believed them, The Accords would not let him help.

"Why did I sign the damn thing?" Tony muttered.

"I made a mistake too." Steve said, "In the headquarters, I didn't stop to tell you what was going on when Zemo struck. I should have done that. Sorry." [1]

Tony nodded as the recording continued.

Steve noted they were on their own but Sam disagreed, "I know a guy."

"Me?" Scott asked and Sam nodded.

At the base, Tony and Natasha were in a meeting with Ross. Tony was tracking Steve but Ross was forbidding Tony and Natasha from handling it, claiming they couldn't be objective. Ross was assigning Special Ops the case. Natasha demanded to know if they planned to kill Steve and Ross said 'if provoked'.

"This guy is a jackass." Rhodes said randomly.

"Secretary Jackass." Logan reminded.

"He wants the Serum really bad." Thor noted.

Ross pointed out if Steve had not interfered, Bucky would have been killed and no one else would have died.

Steve flinched, acknowledging that was true as Sam put a hand on his shoulder for support.

"If they would've done their jobs and properly vetted Zemo, he wouldn't have gotten inside and no one would have died." Natasha said angrily.

"Secretary Jackass does seem to blame others for his own mistakes." Vision noted.

"Did you just curse?" Wanda asked as everyone chuckled.

Tony argued that the Special Ops team won't be able to handle it, almost begging to let him and Natasha handle Steve. Ross was skeptical until Tony made it clear he wasn't going to talk to Steve this time. Ross gave Tony 36 hours to bring them all in before walking off.

"Zemo really planned this part." T'Challa said.

Natasha noted they are understaffed, with Tony wishing Bruce was there.

"You think I'd be on your side with Ross involved?" Bruce asked incredulously as Tony winced.

Natasha doubted Bruce would be on their side. Tony and Natasha both had an idea, Natasha's being T'Challa. She asked what Tony's idea was.

"You'll see." Tony muttered.

The scene changed to Queens. In an apartment, Peter walked out of the elevator, a DVD player in his hands.

"And you are here." Odinson said.

"Yeah!" Peter said, "Almost there yet."

Peter walked into his apartment, calling out to his Aunt May. However, Peter was thrown when he saw Tony Stark on the couch, talking with his Aunt.

"And now I'm in this too." Aunt May said, "That makes everyone."

Tony mentioned that Peter applied for a Grant with the September Foundation. It was clear Peter had no clue what he was talking about but played along. Peter became uncomfortable when May mentioned Peter keeping secrets from her.

"Sorry, May." Peter said, "I did do that a lot."

"It's all in the past now." Aunt May said as she put an arm around him.

Tony charmed May into letting him have five minutes alone with Peter. Once in Peter's room, Tony spit the walnut meatloaf he had praised moments before into a trashcan.

"Rude!" Aunt May said as she glared at Tony who paled.

Tony then took a look around the room, noting the out of date computers. Peter said he looks through trash for it and Tony called him a dumpster diver.

"I'm not a dumpster diver!" Peter said as he flushed.

"You go through trash kid; you're a dumpster diver." Sam said and Peter sighed.

"Now I'm not." Benjamin spoke up.

Annoyed, Peter wanted to know why Tony was here. Tony pulled out his phone and played a holographic video of Spider-Man swinging across New York on webs, asking if that was Peter.

"Busted." Hope said.

"How did that happen, kid?" Scott asked.

"Went to Oscorp on a field trip and got bitten by an enhanced spider." Peter said, "Next day, I woke up without needed glasses and I could bench press my table."

"Damn!" Sam said.

"You could control your strength?" Steve asked.

"Not at first." Peter said, "I was afraid of my powers so I always have to hold them back."

Peter stammered a denial, unconvincingly as Tony continued showing the footage of Spider-Man saving lives, noting Peter had 'mad skills'. Peter continued to stammer denials as Tony unveiled the hiding spot in his ceiling and Peter's suit came down, hanging from rope. Peter stilled as he realized he'd been caught. Tony listed all the names Peter was known as on the internet, 'Spider-ling, Crime fighting Spider, and Spider-Boy' before Peter corrected him, saying to call him Spider-Man. Tony made fun of Peter's suit, calling it a 'onesie'.

"Did you make fun of him?" Aunt May asked angrily as Tony paled.

"If you want his help, be more respectful to him." Pepper told him.

"Sorry kid." Tony said genuinely.

Peter bemoaned the fact that he'd been caught as Tony asked if anyone else knew. Peters said no one, not even May because 'she'd freak'.

"I'd but I'd also be supportive to a reasonable degree." Aunt May assured her nephew.

Tony complimented Peter's web shooters, tossing one to Peter. Tony asked about the webbing and Peter admitted he made it.

"That was impressive, Mr. Parker." T'Challa told Peter who flushed with praise.

"Uhhh…..thanks." He said.

Peter started to explain about how he got his powers but Tony cut him off, uninterested, as he observed Peter's suit, specifically the goggles. He made fun of them before an annoyed and embarrassed Peter yanked it out of Tony's hands.

"We don't have money! No need to make fun!" Aunt May snapped as Tony felt guilty for his actions.

The ones from the future noted how Tony was so different with Morgan than with Peter.

Peter explained, since he got his abilities, his senses had been kicked into overdrive and the goggles helped him focus. Tony said Peter needed an upgrade.

"And now you're dragging a kid into this." Clint said as everyone glared daggers at Tony, "Why would you do that?"

"I really don't believe the Tony Stark who stood against me would do such a thing." Loki said.

"I made a mistake. A costly one." Tony said as he looked at Peter, "I should never have brought you to the airport. You should never have been there. I'm really sorry for how I treated you."

Peter and Aunt May both did seem satisfied by the genuine apology for now. But Aunt May was pretty pissed.

Peter sat on his bed and Tony asked why he was doing this. Peter explained that he had his powers for six months and, while he'd love to use his powers for selfish reasons like football, people would notice if he could suddenly score a touchdown when he couldn't before. "When you can do the things that I can, but you don't...and then the bad things happen...they happen because of you." He said.

"Very nice, kid." Steve said, impressed.

"But we lost sight of that." Benjamin told Peter, "We let being an Avenger get to our head and so we stopped looking out for the little guy for a time."

Peter realized Benjamin was right. He had been treating it as a chore for a while. He nodded at Benjamin in appreciation.

Tony called this 'looking out for the little guy'. Tony sits down next to Peter, putting a hand on Peter's shoulder before randomly asking if Peter has a passport or been to Germany.

"I'm sorry." Tony said softly, unable to look at Peter and Aunt May, "What I did was not okay."

Peter did not want to go but Tony was not taking no for an answer. Tony got up, walking to the door, claiming he was going to tell May when Peter shot some webbing out, pinning Tony's hand to the door. Peter demanded Tony not tell May and Tony agreed.

"You manipulated him into helping you!" Aunt May snapped.

"I really sank low there." Tony agreed guiltily. [2]

The scene changed to the Compound at night. Vision was standing in his room when there was an explosion from outside.

"What's that?" Scott asked.

"Someone." Wanda said as she and Clint exchanged a look.

Vision phased through the floor up to the kitchen, where Wanda was. Wanda asked what it was and Vision said to stay there as he phased outside to investigate. Sensing someone else in the room, Wanda used her powers to throw the knife off the cutting board towards the intruder. However, when she saw who it was, she stopped it inches from Clint's face.

"It's you!" Hope said.

"Yeah, I'm back." Clint said.

"I don't think I should have involved you or Wanda either." Steve said, "Sorry."

Clint quipped he should've knocked as the knife dropped to the floor and Wanda asked what he was doing there. Disappointing his kids, Clint mused as he fired two arrows into the walls. He was supposed to be taking them waterskiing. Clint grabbed Wanda by the hand and began to lead her out when Vision returned, saying Clint should not be there.

"This should be good." Scott muttered.

"Do not underestimate Barton." Fury told everyone.

"I learnt the hard way." Vision said.

Clint joked, "I retire for what, like five minutes and it all goes to shit'. Vision pleaded with Clint to consider the consequences of his actions. But Clint did not yield and Vision was electrocuted by the arrow Clint shot into the counter.

"Told ya!" Hill said.

Clint tried to make a break for it but Wanda hesitated due to her guilt. Clint sighed before walking back over to her, telling her he needed her help. "Look, you wanna mope, you can go to high school. You wanna make amends, you get off your ass."

"Don't let one mistake stop you." Steve said to all of them, "Any of you. You have to learn the right lessons from it."

Vision broke free of Clint's trap and Clint fired at him. However, Vision phased so it went right through him. Vision pushed Clint back and Clint landed on his feet, making a sarcastic comment about wishing he'd stretched. Clint pulled out a baton and rushed Vision. Clint attempted to strike him but Vision phased through before hardening himself. The baton broke when Clint struck him with it and Vision put Clint in a choke hold, telling Clint he couldn't defeat him as Wanda watched. Clint agreed, but noted Wanda could. Vision looked up and saw Wanda's hands glowing with red mist as she demanded he release Clint.

"And now she will beat you." Logan noted.

Wanda declared she was leaving but Vision refused to let her. Wanda used her powers to affect the Stone, making him release Clint as Vision fell to his knees, Wanda increasing his weight. Vision told Wanda they would never stop fearing her but she said, "I can't control their fear. Only my own." Wanda then sent Vision down through the floor as he fell through the Compound's many levels.

Wanda felt partially guilty for that but she didn't regret it either.

"If it had been communicated to you earlier, it wouldn't have come to this." Rhodes told her.

Clint and Wanda stared at the hole for a moment before Clint told her they had another stop to make.

"Me." Scott realized.

At the Task Force base, T'Challa and his guard were moving towards a car but found Natasha blocking their way. The guard demanded Natasha move or she would 'be moved'. Natasha refused but T'Challa called off his guard.

"Who do you think would've won?" Tony asked T'Challa eagerly.

It is difficult to say." T'Challa said, "Agent Romanoff is a skilled warrior, I can see that. But the King's guard is trained in the warrior ways of Wakanda, some since childhood. I honestly am unsure."

Natasha asked if T'Challa thought he can find Barnes and he pointed out he had considerable resources. Natasha pointed out that Bucky was famous for disappearing and T'Challa asked if she knew where they are. Natasha admitted she knows someone who did.

"It'll get ugly." Natasha warned.

Elsewhere, Steve met with Sharon as Sam and Bucky watched from a car. Steve said its low profile, which Sharon noted as a good thing as she opened truck of her car to reveal Sam and Steve's gear.

"Okay, she's awesome." Hill said as the others found themselves agreeing.

Inside the car, Bucky was in the back as Sam was in the passenger seat. Bucky asked Sam to move his seat up but Sam blankly refused.

"Uhhhh…'re acting childish." Tony said and Sam realized he had a point.

Steve thanked Sharon as she said she's keeping a list. Sharon looked over at the car as Bucky moved to the middle seat, pointing out Bucky tried to kill her. Steve apologized, saying he's keeping a list to. He warned her they'll be looking for her now, which Sharon already knew. Steve thanked her and they stared at each other for a moment before Steve walked over and they kissed.

Steve was uncomfortable. Sharon seemed great and he found her attractive. There was something there, but it just felt too soon after Peggy's death to start something.

They pulled back, both agreeing the kiss was late. Sharon walked off and Steve looked over at the car as Sam and Bucky smirked at him.

Steve stared at them both incredulously as they smirked and the other chuckled.

They drove to an airport and Steve parked by a van. They got out and Clint and Wanda exited the van. Clint greeted Steve and Steve apologized, saying he wouldn't have called if there was another choice. Clint brushed the apology off, saying he owed a debt as he looked over at Wanda.

"No you don't." Wanda said.

Steve thanked Wanda for having his back and Wanda shrugged, saying it was time to get off her ass with a look over at Clint.

Clint smirked at her as Wanda shrugged.

Steve asked about the other recruit and Clint walked over to the van, saying he had to put coffee in him but he was 'rearin' to go'. He opened the back door to reveal Scott Lang, dozing.

"I'm back!" Scott exclaimed.

"And I'm pissed." Hope snarled and he paled.

"Sorry." He said lamely.

Scott blinked at the light, asking about the time zone as he got out. Scott spotted Steve and began fanboying over him, shaking his hand far too long. He dropped it and looked back at Wanda, complimenting her by calling her 'great.'

Wanda smiled at Scott as Clint shot him a grateful look. Throughout this whole recording, all Wanda had heard was how everyone feared and hated her. It was about time she heard something positive.

Scott placed his hands on Steve's shoulder, as if to reassure himself this was happening as Steve stood still, fighting amusement as Scott stammered 'thinks for thanking of me.'

"Is this as embarrassing as it looks?" Scott asked.

"Much worse, fanboy." Hope snickered as everyone laughed at Scott who was embarrassed.

Sam greeted Scott who apologized but he just brushed it off as an 'audition.'

Everyone snickered.

Steve asked what he'd been told and Scott noted it was about some 'psycho assassins'. Steve warned him they'd be outside the law on this mission, which was nothing new to Scott. Bucky said they should get moving and Clint said he had a chopper for them. However, alarms blared as the PA system went off, a man saying something in German. Bucky translated, saying the airport was being evacuated.

"It's starting." Thor realized.

Sam realized Tony has found them, confusing Scott as they looked to Steve for orders. Steve ordered them to 'suit up'.

"It will get ugly." Rhodes said.

Steve, in uniform, stepped out of the parking garage and onto the airfield. He moved towards the chopper Clint had mentioned but a device hit the chopper, making it useless. Tony and Rhodes flew down, blocking Steve's way by landing in front of the chopper.

"Distraction tactic." Logan noted.

Steve tried to tell Tony about Zemo but was interrupted when T'Challa, dressed in his suit, jumped down, landing a few feet from Steve. Steve and T'Challa greeted each other as Tony gave Steve the opportunity to surrender.

"With what's at stake, he won't." Sam said.

Steve tried to reason with Tony as Tony accused Steve's judgement of being askew.

"Both of yours were to an extent." Odinson said and they agreed.

Steve tried once more to warn Tony about Zemo's plan as Natasha appeared, asking Steve, almost pleadingly, not to 'punch his way out of this'.

"Uhhhhhh…..he just mentioned five other Winter Soldiers and you ignored him?" Peter asked. [3]

"It does seem strange that Agent Romanoff and Colonel Rhodes ignored that." Vision said as the two realized their own horrible mistake.

Steve answered Natasha with silence and Tony ran out of patience. He called out and Steve's shield was yanked from his hands, his hands bound by webbing as Peter, in a new suit, landed on the chopper, "Hey everyone."

Everyone stared in awe and clapped as Peter and Benjamin both felt flattered. While no one approved of Tony bringing in Peter, he did look awesome here.

Peter talked excitedly about the suit Tony had given him before Tony shut him down saying they 'didn't need to start a conversation'. Peter, embarrassed, shyly greeted Steve. Steve calmly noted Tony had been busy and Tony exploded on Steve, accusing him of dragging in Clint and rescuing Wanda from 'a place she didn't want to leave, a safe place'.

"It's not safe if Ross can get his hands on her anytime." Clint snarled.

"I'm trying to keep...I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart." Tony said. "You did that when you signed." Steve countered.

Tony and Steve both winced at this. They silently acknowledged their inability to talk it out had led to this.

Tony became even more enraged at this, shouting that Steve needed to turn Bucky over and surrender, almost begging him to give up by the end. Sam radioed in, telling Steve Red Wing had found the Quinjet. Steve raised his hand and Clint fired, cutting Steve free. Steve signaled Scott, who enlarged himself on Steve's shield. Scott kicked Peter on the head and takes the shield.

"I'm so sorry!" Scott said, horrified he had hit a kid.

"It's all right. I got much worse." Peter said.

Scott returned Steve's shield to him as Tony and Rhodes marveled at this turn of events. Tony's scanners picked up Wanda and Clint on the parking deck. As Tony went off to handle them, Rhodes picked up Bucky and Sam in the terminal. T'Challa raced towards it, eager to kill Bucky as Steve threw his shield at Rhodes. It hit the front of Rhodes' armor, forcing him back as Peter asked Tony for instructions. Tony ordered Peter to stay back and 'web them up'.

"Well, at least you told him to keep his distance." Steve said grudgingly.

"Not enough for me!" Aunt May said sharply and Tony winced.

Steve threw his shield at T'Challa, hitting him in the back and knocking him down.

"Sorry about that." Steve said but T'Challa waved him off.

T'Challa quickly got back to his feet as the shield returned to Steve and Steve grabbed T'Challa, throwing him back. T'Challa demanded for Steve to move but Steve stood his ground, so T'Challa tried to kick him but he blocked with his shield. Elsewhere, Scott told Natasha he didn't want to hurt her but she was unconcerned, kneeing him in the groin.

All the males in the room winced, eying Natasha wearily as she flashed a wicked smile.

"And I thought I was rough on you." Hope muttered to Scott.

Natasha grabbed Scott's arm and tried to flip him but Scott shrunk himself and, to Natasha's shock, flipped her on her back.

"But he has a powered suit." Natasha sighed.

Scott began dragging her hand behind her back before Natasha used her Widow's Bite to send Scott flying.

"No playing around." Scott muttered.

In the Terminal, Bucky asked what 'that' was as he spotted Peter outside the windows. Sam muttered about everyone having a gimmick.

"What did you call him?" Aunt May asked angrily, at this point angered by all the negative things said about her boy.

"Sorry ma'am." Sam said, figuring out her state right now.

Peter used his webbing to crash through the windows and delivered a flying kick to Sam, sending him sliding across the floor. Bucky tried to punch Peter with his robotic arm but Peter caught his fist, to Bucky's surprise.

"Damn! You're strong kid!" An impressed Hope as Peter flushed.

"Yeah. Even Steve struggled to stop my arm." Bucky reminded and Peter felt better.

Peter fanboyed over Bucky's arm before Sam flew in, grabbing Peter and flying him away from Bucky. They struggled before Peter kicked Sam, forcing him to let Peter go.

"You have the right to remain silent? What are you kid, a cop?" Clint asked amused.

"It sounded cool in my head." Peter said embarrassed.

"We certainly had our embarrassing moments." Benjamin said.

Outside, Wanda and Clint were dodging missiles Tony was shooting at them, destroying everything they could be using to take cover.

"Do you shoot missiles at everyone who disagrees with you?" Logan asked Tony who winced.

Steve and T'Challa were still fighting, T'Challa's claws making a scratch on the shield. T'Challa attempted to strike Steve but Steve was able to dodge the strikes. Rhodes pulled out a Stun Staff, warning Steve this wouldn't kill him but 'wouldn't tickle either'. Rhodes tried to strike Steve but Steve blocked with his shield. As he reached Clint and Wanda, Tony told Wanda she hurt Vision's feelings.

Wanda simply sighed.

Wanda accused Tony of locking her in her room. Tony claimed that was an exaggeration and he did it to protect her, causing Wanda to look at him incredulously.

"That's a damn simplification!" Clint exploded.

"All right! That's enough! We are not here to fight again!" Steve said to Clint.

"Captain Rogers is right." Odinson said.

"No fighting." Thor agreed.

Tony greeted Clint, noting retirement didn't suit him. Clint noted he played golf, getting a hole in one every time. He couldn't seem to miss, Clint noted before firing at Tony. Tony easily destroyed the arrow but Clint, with a smirk, said 'made ya look'. Wanda then used her powers to bring down the cars from the parking garage onto Tony, burying him.

"And now I'm buried underneath destroyed cars." Tony muttered.

"Both of us did damage the place." Steve agreed.

Back in the terminal, Peter was dodging Sam's tricks when Bucky threw something at him. Peter dodged before throwing it back at Bucky, who took cover behind a pillar.

"You're pretty strong kid." Steve said, impressed and Peter flushed at the praise from Captain America of all people.

"T-thanks." Peter said, trying not to have a meltdown.

Sam kicked Peter from behind, trying to force Peter to the floor, but Peter shot off some webbing to swing away. Peter then shot some webbing into Sam's jet pack, throwing him off balance and forcing a crashing landing. As Sam stood up, Peter shoot off some webbing that hit his hands and stuck him to a railing.

"A kid beat me!" Sam muttered.

"Team Bug keeps beating you." Scott joked and everyone chuckled a bit.

"This isn't going away." Bucky told him.

Peter landed on the side of a pillar and started fanboying over Sam's wings. An annoyed Sam said their usually wasn't this much talking in a fight and Peter apologized, swinging down. Bucky tackled him and Peter kicked him into Sam. They went through the glass and fall, Peter webbing Sam in a web body wrap and pinning Bucky's metal arm to the floor. Peter apologized but said he needed to impress Tony before Sam called Red Wing. Red Wing tackled Peter and sent him flying out the window.

"Sorry kid." Sam said guiltily.

Bucky jokingly asked if Sam couldn't have done that earlier, causing an exasperated Sam to say he hated Bucky. Outside, Rhodes went to strike Steve but Steve jumped into the air and delivered a flying kick to Rhodes, sending him down to the ground and cutting his stun staff in half. Rhodes got up as Steve sent a flying kick to T'Challa, sending him back. Rhodes angrily tossed aside his damaged weapon as Scott ran up to Steve, handing him what looked like a Hot Wheels truck. Scott pulled out a Pym Partial Disk, instructing Steve to throw the truck at it.

"I think I know what that is." Hope said, "But I'm still pissed at you!"

"Sorry." He said lamely again.

Scott tossed the Disk into the air and Steve tossed the truck at it. As they made contact, the truck enlarged into a regular sized gas truck. Rhodes, T'Challa, and Natasha got out of the way as it hit the ground, exploding in a blast of flames.

"Sorry about that." Scott said.

"Sorry? You could have killed them!" Clint snapped.

"Quite a few of us were being careless." Rhodes said, "Let's not fight like Cap said."

Natasha and T'Challa awee knocked back by the blast as Rhodes was protected by his armor. Scott exclaimed he thought it was a water truck as Steve gave him an annoyed look.

"Sorry." Scott said sheepishly.

Steve and Scott rushed off as Tony helped Natasha up, Natasha asking if this was part of the plan. Tony said he was going easy on them.

"So shooting missiles is easy?" Sam asked as Tony squirmed.

Steve and Scott met up with Wanda and Clint, who pointed out the Quinjet in the hanger. Bucky and Sam joined them as they rushed towards it but were forced to stop as a beam cut a line in the ground, signaling the arrival of Vision.

"And here we go." Clint muttered as everyone knew what was coming.

Vision demanded Steve surrender, for the collective good.

"Him surrendering would be disaster." Thor said.

Tony and Natasha assembled behind Vision, followed by Rhodes, T'Challa, and finally Peter. "What do we do?" Sam asked Steve. "We fight." Steve said after a moment of silence.

"No choice now." Tony sighed as everyone tensed.

The two sides rushed each other, Wanda, Sam, Rhodes, Vision, and Tony taking off into the air. Tony went for Steve as Steve blocked with his shield as T'Challa tackled Bucky. Clint fired arrows into the air while Wanda used her powers to throws objects into the air. Natasha threw Scott to the ground as Steve hit Tony in the head with his shield. Tony was then hit in the Arc Reactor with an arrow, which went off, throwing him back. Natasha and Clint engaged, Clint throwing her to the ground and putting bow at her chest.

For this, The Avengers could only watch, the tension mounting with each second, horror flooding through them that they had let the conflict spread to the point where they were forced to fight each other. It was a sobering thought for all of them.

"You all brought more chaos upon yourselves than I ever did." Loki commented and they were all horrified by the truth he spoke.

Natasha quickly asked if they're still friends and Clint, his voice supposed to sound sarcastic but just sounds strained, said it depended how hard she hit him.

Clint and Natasha winced as they glanced over at each other, the pain on their faces at being forced to fight family clear.

Using her legs, Natasha freed herself and they stood up. Natasha went to kick Clint but Wanda intervened, using her powers to freeze Natasha's kick before throwing her, gently, into the side of a jet bridge. Wanda scolded Clint for throwing his punches and he nodded at her.

"Sorry." Wanda said sheepishly but, to her surprise, Natasha smiled.

"First rule of a fight, don't apologize." Natasha said.

As Bucky and T'Challa fought, Bucky said he didn't kill T'Chaka. T'Challa demanded to know why he ran then.

"Maybe because people were shooting at him and trying to kill him." Clint said dryly and T'Challa winced.

"Stupid thing to say due to rage." T'Challa admitted.

T'Challa forced Bucky's robotic hand back, flipping him. Bucky got up but T'Challa kicked him against some crates. T'Challa attempted to slit his throat with his claws but Wanda used her powers to send T'Challa flying into a jet bridge.

Steve and Bucky shot Wanda a grateful look as Natasha led out a breath she didn't realize she was holding.

Steve threw his shield; cutting Peter's webbing and causing Peter to fall.

Steve winced, horrified that he was fighting a child as Tony was ashamed that he'd dragged a child into this situation. Aunt May was pretty angry too.

Peter landed on some equipment as the shield returned to Steve. Peter got up; noting Steve's shield didn't obey the laws of physics.

"Who here does?" Hill said.

Steve attempted to reason with Peter but Tony had told Peter not to listen to Steve.

"In the future, please don't trust strangers, even heroes." Benjamin told Peter as he remembered Tony as well as Mysterio.

Peter used his webbing and grabbed Steve's legs, yanking him forward. Steve dropped his shield as Peter yanked Steve forward and kicked Steve in the chest, causing Steve to fly into some machinery.

"Impressive, kid." Steve said and he flushed.

Steve's shield dropped to the ground, a few feet from him as Steve landed on the ground. Peter told him Tony told him to go for the legs.

"At least you gave him advice." Pepper said.

Tony smiled weakly, appreciating that Pepper was trying to make him feel less horrible about the situation but it wasn't working.

Steve went for his shield but Peter grabbed his hands with his webbing, attempting to pull Steve back. However, not to be deterred, Steve pulled, hard, and sent Peter flying.

Steve winced, having hurt a kid.

Sam was avoiding Tony's blasts, asking Clint if he could get him off his back. Clint, on the ground, aimed an arrow with Scott, shrunken down, on the arrowhead.

"Oh! That!" Tony said.

Clint asked if Scott was good to go, which Scott was. Clint fired and the arrowhead exploded into fragments. As Tony blasted them, destroying the fragments, he was unaware of Scott crawling inside his suit.

"Get out of my suit!" Tony exclaimed.

"Nope." Scott said.

"Now that does look fun." Hope chuckled.

Steve pulled on the webbing, bringing Peter close to him so he could strike him in the face with his shield.

Steve flinched, shame filling him as Tony was shot glares by Aunt May.

Peter swung himself upon a platform and Steve asked what else Tony told him. "You're wrong. You think you're right. And that makes you dangerous." Peter said.

"He's got a point," Steve acknowledged.

"I was wrong and I didn't listen. It's dangerous." Loki agreed.

Steve noted Tony had a point as Peter came at him again. Steve kicked Peter under the platform and threw the shield, knocking out the pillar supporting it. The platform came down and Peter was forced to catch it.

"Did you just drop a platform on him?" Aunt May asked in a dangerous voice and Steve felt guilty.

"I'm sorry. I went overboard." Steve said apologetically and she nodded a bit, though she wasn't satisfied.

Steve asked Peter where he's from and Peter grunted Queens as he struggled under the weight of the platform. Steve grinned, saying Brooklyn before he walked off.

"Queens has Spider-Man, Brooklyn had Captain America." Wanda said.

Clint was firing at Tony, who blasted his arrows before suddenly, his gauntlet stops firing. Tony was confused as FRIDAY told him the weapons system was malfunctioning. Scott, in the process of disabling his suit, alerted Tony to his presence by taunting Tony about apparently having no conscience.

"You're that stupid?" Hope asked and Scott looked embarrassed.

Tony expunged Scott from his suit by activating the fire suppression system.

"Well, you alerted him." Hope said and Scott sighed.

Natasha climbed up onto a platform, watching in horror as Rhodes fired missiles at Steve, which destroyed everything they come into contact with.

Rhodes was horrified by his own actions, wondering what happened that made him disregard the safety of his friends that way.

Steve was knocked down; dropping his shield and Bucky grabbed it, throwing it at Rhodey. The shield hit Rhodey's chest plate and stunned him as Sam flew in, grabbing the shield and tossing it back to Steve. Steve caught it, thanking Bucky, who quipped he needs to get one of those.

Everyone chuckled.

Steve and Bucky took cover behind a plane as Bucky noted Zemo was probably in Siberia by now. Steve ordered Bucky to get to the Quinjet while he handled Vision but Sam radioed in, telling them both to get to the jet. Sam flew over Clint, Rhodes following him and Clint was forced to jump to avoid a blast from Rhodes. Clint added that in order to win this fight, some of them might have to lose. Sam points out this 'isn't the real fight' and Steve sighed before asking what Sam's plan was.

"Sacrifice play." Tony realized.

Sam requested a distraction, something big he said as he dodged Rhodes' attacks.

"Something big coming up." Scott said cheerfully.

Scott said he had something big as he ran up the side of some machinery, telling them to 'run like hell' on his signal and not to come back for him if he tore himself in half, to the confusion of teammates.

"Really? That doesn't instill confidence." Hope said.

Steve asked Scott if he's sure about this, to which Scott said yes, babbling about how he did this 'once. In a lab. And I passed out right afterwards'. Scott jumped on the passing Rhodes' armor and activated a panel on his wrist. Scott let go of Rhodes and, to the shock of everyone, grew to gigantic size, towering over the airport as he grabbed Rhodes.

"Oh my God!" Pepper said as everyone gasped and actually clapped for Scott who smirked.

"That was very impressive, Lang." Fury said and Scott flushed.

Taking Scott's signal, his teammates sprang into action. Sam slammed into Tony before he could try and help Rhodes, who Scott threw. As Rhodes tried to gain control of his flight, Peter tried to help. He shot webbing, grabbing onto Rhodes to stop him. Peter was pulled by the flying Rhodes but crashed into a truck, flipping it on its side. Peter pulled, yanking and stopped Rhodes from crashing into a plane.

"Thanks kid." Rhodes said.

Scott kicked a bus and sent it crashing into a few trucks, causing a stampede of rolling vehicles. T'Challa was nearly crushed by them but Vision stepped in front of him, hardening his body so the bus was cut in half when it reached him.

"Oh god, I am so sorry you're Highness! I wasn't trying to hurt anyone." Scott said full of regret.

"It is alright Mr. Lang, I remained unharmed, thanks to the Vision." T'Challa said, nodding at Vision gratefully.

T'Challa saw Steve and Bucky running for the Quinjet and took off after them as Scott pulled the wing off a plane. Tony was flying after Sam, firing blasts at him before Scott brought the wing down. Tony was forced to dodge as the wing crashed onto the ground, exploding.

"You made us work." Tony told Scott.

Tony asked if any of the others had 'shocking and fantastic abilities' as Sam disengaged his wings and launched Red Wing. Red Wing hit Tony's face plate, dazing him as Sam reactivated his wings, flying off.

"It's embarrassing." Tony said and all chuckled.

T'Challa climbed up some crates in his pursuit of Steve and Bucky, finding Scott standing in his path. Scott declared T'Challa would have to go through him first before kicking the crates, destroying them and knocking T'Challa on his back.

"Thanks Scott." Steve said and Scott shrugged.

"Anytime Cap." Scott said cheerfully.

Scott went to grab T'Challa but Rhodes flew in, Peter hanging on to him by the webbing from earlier, and fired at Scott. Scott was unaffected but distracted enough that Peter swung some webbing on Scott's wrist, allowing Peter to swing a kick into Scott's face.

"Did you have to go for the face?" Scott complained and Peter shrugged.

"Not a lot of places to hit when you're that size." Peter pointed out.

"Nope." Benjamin said and all chuckled.

On the ground, Clint fired arrow after arrow at T'Challa. T'Challa jumped out of the way before catching two arrows, that exploded but T'Challa is unaffected.

"Lucky man!" Loki grumbled as all chuckled.

"We haven't met yet. I'm Clint." Clint introduced himself as he turned his bow into a bo-staff. "I don't care." T'Challa said.

"Yeah, no one cares about old Hawkeye. I feel the love." Clint said dryly and the original Avenges rolled their eyes.

"He does care actually." Logan said and all chuckled.

As Clint and T'Challa began engaging on the ground, Rhodes used his Sonic Cannon on Scott, to no affect. Scott knocked Rhodes to the ground before he grabbed a truck and attempted to hit Rhodes with it but Rhodes fired his weapons at it to destroy it before it could reach him. In frustration, Scott tried to kick him but Rhodes took off into the air in order to avoid it.

"I look like a bug!" Rhodes exclaimed.

Spotting Steve and Bucky heading for the hanger, Rhodes tried to go after them but Wanda stopped him by a crate at him before throwing a car at him, forcing him to dodge. Peter distracted Scott by climbing onto his mask and Scott threw him off, Peter dangling by his webbing as Vision rammed into him, making Scott crash into a plane. This allows Vision to spot Steve and Bucky as they are almost at the hanger.

"Uh-oh!" Hope said.

"I understand why you did what you did." Steve said to them all, signaling he held no ill will now.

T'Challa, restrained by Clint, spotted this as well, breaking Clint's bow and rushing after them.

"You owe me a new bow." Clint said with a glare at T'Challa.

"I will supply you with one." T'Challa said and he nodded.

Vision phased through Scott, freaking the man out as Vision appeared on the other side.

"That's creepy." Scott shuddered.

Vision used a beam to cut down a tower, causing it to collapse and land in front of the hanger. It would've stopped Steve and Bucky, but Wanda used her powers to create a safe passage for them. However, Rhodes used his sonic canon on her, causing her to scream as she lost her concentration. The rubble came down on Steve and Bucky, who were just able to make it to the other side before it collapsed on them.

"What the hell Rhodey!? Are you trying to kill them?" Clint demanded as they all whirled on the stunned Rhodes.

"God Cap, I'm sorry." Rhodes said, once again stunned by his indifference to the safety of his friends.

"Yours' and Stark's actions throughout the battle have been…disturbing," Thor echoed Rhodes' and Tony's own thoughts.

"Tell us about it." Tony muttered.

They found Natasha on the other side, who noted Steve's not going to stop.

"No." Steve said.

Steve said he can't and Natasha raised her arm, noting she's going to regret this. She fired a Taser Disk and it hit T'Challa, to the shock of Steve and Bucky.

"I told you I wouldn't arrest you." Natasha said, causing Steve to smile slightly.

"Thanks a lot." Bucky said gratefully and she smiled.

She told them to go and Steve nodded at her as he and Bucky moved towards the Quinjet as she fired another Taser Disk at T'Challa.

"Sorry." Natasha said but T'Challa waved her off.

Outside the hanger, Scott was causing chaos as Peter asked on the Comms if they've ever 'seen that really old movie, Empire strikes back'. This caused Rhodes to ask how old Peter was, to which Tony responds he 'didn't carbon date' Peter.

"What did you say?" Aunt May asked and Tony gulped again.

"You're going too far this time." Pepper agreed too.

Peter brought up the scene with the Imperial Walkers and Tony and Rhodes caught on. As Peter wrapped Scott's legs together with webbing, Rhodes and Tony punched him, causing Scott to fall while in avertedly hitting Peter, sending him to the ground.

"Sorry about that." Scott said guiltily to Peter.

Peter crashed into some crates as Scott shrunk back down to his normal size, removing his mask as he asked for some orange slices.

"I like oranges." Scott said simply as he was shot some odd looks.

Tony landed by Peter removing his face plate as he frantically checked on Peter. Peter, his mask half pulled off, wildly went for him but calmed down as he saw its Tony.

Scott let out the breath he had been holding as Tony relaxed and Aunt May sighed.

Tony told Peter he's done and told him to go home, even threatening to call May. Tony flew off and Peter protested, pulling on his mask and trying to get up but the exhaustion took hold and he fell down, agreeing he's done.

"I like you kid." Steve said.

Rhodes was clearing the rubble as Steve was at the controls of the Quinjet, set to take off. T'Challa was hit by Natasha's Taser Disks every time he tried to go for the Quinjet. Once the rubble was cleared enough, Steve took off. T'Challa tried to grab onto the wheel but fell off as it went into flight mode. The Quinjet flew into the air, Rhodes taking off after it as T'Challa angrily picked himself up. Natasha told him she promised to help him find Bucky, not catch him.

"Nice loophole." Sam said and all chuckled.

Outside, Vision flew down to Wanda, apologizing for keeping her prisoner. Wanda apologized in turn for what she did to him.

"I'm sorry that I hurt you, but I'm not sorry I did it." Wanda said stiffly and Vision nodded.

"And I am sorry that I kept you prisoner. My intentions may have been good, but I should not have done that." Vision acknowledged, "I see that now. I am sorry Wanda."

Wanda nodded.

Vision pointed out he accurately predicted it would lead to catastrophe.

"Really, an 'I told you so' right now?" Clint asked angrily.

"I didn't understand emotions then." Vision said.

"The catastrophe is because of Ross and the Accords and partly our decisions. Not because she was let out!" Natasha said.

In the Quinjet, Steve saw Rhodes and Tony were on his tail, so he increased power to the thrusters. Seeing Sam on his tail, Rhodes called Vision for back up as Sam shot off some weapons aimed only to distract Rhodes. When he got no answer, Rhodes called him again, telling Vision to target Sam's thrusters to 'turn him into a glider'. Vision glanced up and shot a beam from the Stone. Sam saw it and dodged, so the beam hit Rhodes instead.

"Oh God!" Tony said as Rhodes paled, remembering the moment as Tony put a hand on his shoulder.

The blast completely destroyed his Arc reactor and Rhodes fell. Sam and Tony saw this and flew after him, trying to save him as Rhodes alerted Tony that his suit was useless. However, they were unable to reach him in time and Rhodes crash landed, creating a crater as Tony landed next to him. He yanked off Rhodes' mask, seeing his friend unconscious and with a bloody nose.

The mood plummeted as everyone stared at the screen in horror.

Tony asked FRIDAY for vitals and she told him Rhodes had a heartbeat and that help was on the way.

"I'm sorry." Sam said shakily, "You lost your legs."

"It's not your fault." Rhodes said as he looked over at Vision, "What the hell man? I told you to slow him down, not kill him! If that had been him, Sam would have died!" [4]

"We don't kill our friends Vision." Steve said firmly, anger shining in his eyes.

"I apologize Colonel. It appears I still have much to learn." Vision said, assessing his actions.

"I lost my legs!" Rhodes snapped and Vision actually looked like he felt guilty.

Sam landed nearby, saying he's sorry. Tony angrily blasted him, knocking him out as Vision landed next to Sam's unconscious body.

Tony opened his mouth but Sam said, "I know."

"This was horrible." Bruce said, "What the hell guys?"

"We made huge mistakes that led to this." Steve said guiltily.

"There is more." Logan said and they all sighed, preparing themselves and continued watching.