Ch 71 Challenge Day in Wakanda

"So, how advanced is Wakanda really?" Clint asked.

"You might get an arrow almost as good as Yondu's." T'Challa said and everyone gapped.

"Really? Damn!" Tony said in shock.

"But outside of Wakanda, you and Dr. Pym are the two with the most advanced technology." T'Challa said.

"Well, dad's suit does bend physics." Hope said.

"And the Iron Man Armor is very cutting edge." Pepper agreed.

"So, shall we being?" Logan asked and got nods.

"I think we should." Benjamin said.

"All right." Logan said and turned on the recording.

Unseen to the viewers, a son asked his father to tell him a story. The story of home, he told his father when asked which one. With a laugh, the father began to tell the story.

"The story of Wakanda?" Steve asked and T'Challa nodded.

With black sand forming shapes to act out the story, the father explained that a meteorite of Vibranium had struck Africa millions of years ago, affecting the plant life. Five tribes would later settle on it, founding the country of Wakanda. The tribes would be in near constant war until a warrior shaman received a vision from the Panther Goddess Bast and found a heart shaped herb, which granted him superhuman strength, speed, and instincts.

"So that's how you got your powers?" Peter asked and T'Challa nodded.

"Yes, Mr. Parker. That is how." T'Challa said.

"Wakanda really does have technology beyond the rest of Midgard." Thor said.

The shaman became the king of Wakanda, and the first Black Panther. Four of the five tribes decided to live in the mountains, but the fifth, the Jabari tribe, settled in the mountains, away from the other tribes. Using the Vibranium, Wakanda would develop technology far beyond any other country.

"And you managed to even hide it." Scott said.

"Want to work for SHIELD?" Fury asked jokingly and everyone chuckled.

"Hiding the truth for years is pretty impressive though." Natasha said.

"Yes, considering everyone thought it to be a third world country." Hill said.

"Oh I like Wakanda now." Loki said and all chuckled.

As the outside world descended into chaos, the Wakandians, fearful of the Vibranium falling into the wrong hands, hid in plain sight. The son asked his father if they still hide, which the father confirmed. The son then asked why they hid.

"The reasoning is pretty understandable to me." Bruce said.

"But we decided to not rule in fear anymore." T'Challa said.

The scene changed to California, Oakland in 1992. At night, a group of kids were shown playing basketball outside an apartment as, inside, two black men were planning a raid, going over plans as rifles were seen on the table.

"Who are they?" Peter asked, confused.

"I believe that is Zuri." T'Challa recognized his friend and felt pained, "Which means the other is N'Jobu, my uncle."

"Yes. This is what we are watching." Odinson said and T'Challa sighed.

"I believe I should see this to not repeat any mistakes." T'Challa said.

Suddenly, they heard a faint rustling sound. One man, obviously the leader, ordered the other to 'hide the straps'. He took the guns and hid them behind a poster as the leader checked out the window, only seeing the kids playing. The other man asked him if it was the feds and the leader said no. There was a knock at the door and the other man went and looked through the peak hole. He said it was two 'Grace Jones looking chicks' who had spears.

"The Dora Milaje." T'Challa realized.

The leader said to let them in, simply saying they won't knock again. The other man opened the door and two members of the Dora Milaje walked in. One of them demanded to know who the leader was in Wakandian and, in English, he said he was N'Jobu, son of Azzuri.

"So it is him." Sam said and T'Challa nodded.

"I never saw him after he left." T'Challa said.

The guard demanded he prove he was one of them and N'Jobu lowered his lower lip, revealing his gums. Part of it was glowing a blue/purple hue.

"Okay, what's with the magic gums?" Tony asked and T'Challa chuckled.

"All Wakandians have it." T'Challa said, briefly pulling down his lower lip to show them he did as well, "We believe that it has something to do with being born from the land where the meteorite struck Africa."

Suddenly, the lights flicked, shrouding the room in darkness. When the lights came back on, The Black Panther stood in the room.

Seeing his father in the suit brought him pain now.

"You people seem to have a taste for theatrics." Loki said, "I like it."

"Theatricality and deception can be powerful tools." T'Challa said simply.

N'Jobu bowed and, after a hit in the legs, the other man followed suit. T'Chaka ordered the other man to leave but N'Jobu, introducing the other man as James, respectfully insists. T'Chaka agreed before removing his helmet.

"He trained you then?" Rhodes asked and T'Challa nodded.

T'Chaka and N'Jobu hugged, greeting each other warmly before T'Chaka looked around. N'Jobu asked how home was and T'Chaka informs him that it was not well.

T'Challa knew what was coming. Still, it was hard to watch.

T'Chaka showed a hologram of Ulysses Klaue, who stole a quarter ton of Vibranium from Wakanda and set off a bomb at the border, which took many lives.

"Of course he would." Clint said disgusted.

"He was always after our Vibranium." T'Challa sneered.

T'Chaka casually noted that Klaue had inside help, as he knew where to look and how to strike. Nervous, N'Jobu asked why T'Chaka was there. T'Chaka demanded his brother look him in the eye and tell him why he betrayed Wakanda.

"Oh boy!" Peter said, not expecting that.

"My uncle betrayed the nation." T'Challa said sadly and Thor and Odinson felt sympathy for him, remembering Loki's betrayal, though he had reformed at least.

N'Jobu denied this, so T'Chaka, in Wakandian, told 'James' to tell his brother who he really was. 'James; declared himself to be Zuri, son of Badu. N'Jobu was shocked as Zuri lowered his lips to reveal the same glowing gums.

"Bet he didn't see that coming." Wanda said, paraphrasing her brother and all nodded.

N'Jobu was enraged at this deception, grabbing Zuri as he demanded to know how Zuri could deceive him while Zuri sneered that N'Jobu betrayed Wakanda. Before it could escalate, T'Chaka intervened, grabbing his brother's shoulder and coolly telling him to stand down.

"Well, you got a taste of your own medicine. And it was much worse than what I got." Loki said as he exchanged a look with Thor and they remembered when Thor had stuck the Obedience Disk on him.

N'Jobu wisely released Zuri as T'Chaka asked him if he really thought he was the only the spy Wakanda sent.

"Spies?" Clint asked.

"We have our own spies in the outside world called the War Dogs. They gather intelligence for us. They are like our SHIELD." T'Challa revealed and everyone was a bit disturbed.

"Motherfu-" Fury trailed off.

Zuri handed T'Chaka the stolen Vibranium as the king declared that N'Jobu will return to Wakanda and face the judgement of the council.

"I don't that happened." Bucky realized and T'Challa nodded.

Outside, the kids were still playing when one looked up into the sky. Shocked, he dropped his ball and the others looked up to see a Wakandian ship fly off, back to Wakanda.

"Is that a Wakandian plane?" Tony asked in awe and a little jealousy.

"It is the Royal Talon Fighter, the personal aircraft of the Black Panther." T'Challa said, amused at Tony's reaction. Though he had a feeling he knew who this kid was. And right now, in spite of his actions, he could feel some sympathy for him.

The next day, a young T'Challa and Nakia were running through the catacombs of the City of the Dead when they spotted T'Chaka, seemingly in deep thought. Sensing someone was there, T'Chaka demanded they show themselves. T'Challa sent Nakia back as he stepped into his father's line of sight. T'Chaka scolded his son, telling him that he and Nakia should not play there.

"You played in the catacombs as a kid? That's like playing in Niflheim." Thor said.

"They fascinated us as children." T'Challa said with a sheepish smile and everyone chuckled.

Noting his father seemed distressed, T'Challa asked what was wrong and T'Chaka confided in his son that he was forced to make a difficult choice. T'Challa reminded him that he told him that every choice a king made was difficult.

"It truly is." Thor said as him, Loki and Odinson exchanged glances, remembering the decision to cause Ragnarok to stop Hela.

T'Chaka acknowledged this but said some choices are harder than others. T'Challa was sure his father did the right thing.

T'Challa sighed, knowing that his father had mishandled the situation with Erik.

He always does, T'Challa says, which is why he will always reign.

T'Challa flinched at this.

T'Chaka was amused by this, laughing as he asked about when he got old and Bast came for him. T'Challa declared that when that happens, he will be Panther and will fight off Bast so his father may live forever. T'Chaka laughed, bringing his son in for a hug.

T'Challa sighed. He was the Panther, but he had not fought off Bast to save his father. He had fought the murderer after his death. And then found out that the person he was fighting was actually innocent. Ironical.

In the present, T'Challa was standing in the City of the Dead, staring down sadly at his father's body.

T'Challa sighed, feeling like a weight was being pressed down on his chest. T'Chaka was still his father in spite of his shady actions as king. Everyone, especially Steve, Tony, Wanda, Peter, Thor, Loki, Hope, Odinson and Benjamin, emphasized with him. The loss of a parent was never something that was easy and it could be crippling.

The scene then changed to the Royal Talon Fighter in Nigeria. T'Challa was watching a news report, talking about the attack at the UN a week earlier. It mentioned T'Chaka's death and how T'Challa was expected to inherit the throne.

"And now I have." T'Challa sighed, still feeling the burden of kingship.

Piloting the ship, Okoye alerted T'Challa they were coming up on their destination as the ship decloaked.

Upon seeing their true first look at the royal vessel, everyone except Steve, Bucky, Natasha, Wanda and Sam stared in awe. While for Thor, this ship was not the most impressive, it was beyond anything he had seen on earth. Tony and Peter were practically drooling over it.

"Tony, I'm pregnant." Pepper whispered just like that and he didn't even notice while the others snickered.

"Uhhhhhh… were saying?" Tony asked, finally getting over the drooling and everyone laughed.

T'Challa walked over to a display of the forest below, four vehicles on the ground. T'Challa picked one up and slid his hand over the top, revealing the inside. Several people were inside, one of which glowed gold.

"All this is Vibranium based technology?" Tony asked in awe.

"Your father did not realize what he had in his possession Mr. Stark." T'Challa said.

Okoye picked up her spear and T'Challa told her he can handle this himself. Okoye was clearly skeptical as she put her spear back.

T'Challa rolled his eyes as everyone else smirked, sniggered, or outright laughed, already liking Okoye.

"Met her once. She is pretty badass." Natasha said and all nodded in agreement.

T'Challa said he will get Nakia out as quickly as possible as Okoye handed him some small, black orbs.

"What are those?" Peter asked eagerly as T'Challa and Aunt May chuckled at his enthusiasm.

"Just watch Mr. Parker." T'Challa told him simply.

Okoye warned him not to freeze as T'Challa claims he never froze.

"I'm guessing you have a thing for this Nakia. So you'll freeze." Clint said and chuckled while T'Challa sighed.

T'Challa fell through a hole that opened up underneath him. He exited the fighter and threw the orbs. Each one turned into a disk that landed on a vehicle, which then all seemed to have mechanical failure. The vehicles stopped, crashing into each other. Men with guns got out, all of them confused on why their cars suddenly lost power.

"What are those?" Aunt May asked intrigued.

"EMB beads, designed by my sister. As the name suggests, they emit a small, electromagnetic pulse, disabling all electrical devices within range." T'Challa explained.

"Isn't your sister like seventeen?" Clint inquired.

"Yes. Though she was fifteen then." T'Challa said, stunning them all.

"She's barely older than me!" Peter exclaimed.

"She might be smarter than you Tones." Rhodes said as he looked over at Tony.

"I would not say she is smarter than Mr. Stark, she simply has more advanced technology," T'Challa mused. [1]

"Thanks…I think." Tony said, not sure whether than a compliment or not.

The leader saw one of the disks and tried to pull it off, but it was stuck. He ordered defense positions and his men all took their positions. One of them tapped on the truck, which had various women in the back, who look afraid as they were told no 'funny business'.

"Human traffickers." Sam said disgusted as everyone glared at the screen.

"The lowest scum on the face of the Earth." Clint sneered and no one disagreed.

Hearing a dog bark up into the trees, one of them shone a flash light and spotted T'Challa, in his suit, up in the trees.

"You guys are so screwed now." Bruce said as T'Challa chuckled.

Nakia climbed her way to the front of the truck, peaking her head out as the man who spotted T'Challa was thrown into a jeep. The men fired into the air blindly before he landed behind them on one of the jeeps. T'Challa knocked one back as the others turned and opened fired on him. T'Challa's Vibranium suit protected him as he jumped down, beginning to engage them, slicing them with claws or kicking them off.

"So awesome." Peter said as all found themselves clapping.

As the others were distracted by T'Challa, Nakia grabbed a gun and walked up behind one of the men. She whacked him in the back of the head with the butt of the rifle, knocking him out.

"I like her too." Natasha said as they all cheered for Nakia.

T'Challa continued to engage the men, the bullets harmlessly bouncing off the suit as they continued shooting at him while he hit them with flips and claws. T'Challa used his claws to cut one of the doors off before throwing it at one of the men. It hit him, knocking him out.

"Great." Rhodes said as all cheered.

He approached the one shooting at him out of fear. He grabbed the barrel of the gun but, before he could do anything, Nakia stopped him, explaining the 'man' was just a boy who had been kidnapped as well.

"And now I hate them even more." Aunt May sneered and everyone understood her reasons.

T'Challa was completely transfixed by Nakia, nearly unable to speak when one of the men shouted, having a gun aimed at a woman. Before T'Challa could even think, Okoye was there, stabbing the man in the chest with her spear. He fell to the ground, dead, as Okoye noted T'Challa froze.

"He can't help it. The guy's in love." Tony teased and they all snickered as T'Challa flushed.

T'Challa removed his helmet as Nakia asked why he was there, angry that he ruined the mission.

"He also just completed it. Um, maybe be a little grateful." Rhodey said miffed at her attitude.

"Nakia is not one to like assistance in her missions." T'Challa said with a fond smile.

T'Challa revealed his father was dead, to her shock. He wished for her to be there when he is crowned king. After a moment, Nakia nodded.

"Good to know." T'Challa said.

Nakia walked over to the women, who thanked her. Nakia told them to head home and to take the boy home as well. They agreed and Nakia walked off as Okoye approached them. She told them to never speak of this day and they agreed. With a smile at them, Okoye walked off after Nakia. T'Challa, Okoye, and Nakia boarded the ship and the women watched in awe as the ship rose into the air before cloaking itself and flying off.

"Now that is what I call badass." Tony said and all nodded.

The next day, as Okoye piloted the ship, Nakia held T'Challa's hand, the sun rising over Wakanda. Okoye announced they were home and the pair joined her at the helm. They passed over some herders and two people riding on horses as T'Challa noted this 'never gets old'. The ship passed through a mountain and entered the city of Wakanda.

All of them who hadn't seen Wakanda before gapped.

"Son of a bitch." Tony said.

"That is impressive." Vision said.

"Damn right!" Fury said.

"Vibranium technology huh!" Hill said in wonder.

The ship landed at the palace and the trio walked off, where they were met by the Dora Milaje, as well as T'Challa's mother and sister, Ramonda and Shuri. Nakia greeted Ramonda and Shuri respectfully, offering her condolences as Ramonda greeted her warmly. Okoye ordered one of the guards to help Nakia prepare for the ceremony. The guard bowed and walked off with Nakia. Nakia glanced back at T'Challa, who was watching her go.

T'Challa sighed as everyone looked at him in some sympathy.

Shuri asked Okoye if T'Challa froze and Okoye confirmed he did, to T'Challa's embarrassment and exasperation as Shuri laughed.

T'Challa rolled his eyes with fondness as everyone chuckled at Shuri.

T'Challa asked if they were finished and Okoye tapped her spear on the ground, an action that the rest of the Dora Milaje mimicked. Okoye walked off with the rest of the guard as T'Challa teased Shuri about seeing him off on their big day. But Shuri was there for the EMP beads, as she had an idea for an upgrade. T'Challa insisted that they worked perfectly but Shuri exasperatedly asked if she had to teach him again that even something that works can be improved.

"Thank you!" Tony said.

T'Challa handed her the beads, asking her what she knew. More than him, she countered as she started walking off. T'Challa called out he can't wait to see her in her ceremonial outfit. Shuri showed him the finger and T'Challa made a face. Without turning around, Ramonda scolded Shuri and Shuri lowered her hand as she apologized.

"Uhhh…Never done that." Peter said about the finger and all chuckled.

"I still haven't done it." Benjamin revealed and the laughs increased.

"I do it anytime I want. With claws." Logan said and all chuckled.

T'Challa asked how Ramonda was and she assured him she was proud. She reminisced that she and T'Chaka would talk of this day often. She knew he was with them now, as it was T'Challa's time to be king.

T'Challa sighed wearily.

The scene changed to a museum in London. A man was staring at African artifacts in a glass casing as the director walked up to him. The man told her he was interested in the artifacts and heard she was the expert.

"Him?" T'Challa snarled.

"So I guess he is the villain of this movie." Tony said and T'Challa, Benjamin, Logan and Odinson nodded.

"Erik Killmonger." T'Challa said and left it at that.

The man asked about several of the objects and she was able to tell him where each one came from. He asked about an axe, which she claimed was from Benin. He corrected her, explaining that it was actually from Wakanda and was made of Vibranium.

"So he has a plan then." Loki realized, "Clearly, him giving lessons in a museum isn't what we are here to see."

He then told her he was going to take it. She told him that the objects weren't for sale but he snarled that her ancestors didn't get these artifacts by paying for them.

"Great. One of those guys again." Tony sighed.

She told him to leave but seemed to have trouble speaking. The man smugly told her he's been watched since coming in here, but she didn't think about what she put in her body. She glanced down at her cup of coffee, realizing it had been poisoned.

"Shit." Rhodes swore as they all tensed.

Security arrived to take the man away as the director collapsed, her cup spilling on the floor as the man, acting concerned, called out for help.

"What a disgusting man." Steve said in disgust.

At the snack stand, a barista saw two medics rushing over to where the calls were coming from. With a smirk, she announced she was taking a break before walking off.

"So that's how they poisoned her." Natasha realized.

The 'medics' rushed over but the director saw one of them was Klaue.

"Klaue." T'Challa said stiffly as they all stared at him.

"And he's back." Wanda sighed, remembering how creepy he was when they had met him.

Klaue and the other 'medic' opened fire, executing the director and two of the security guards, leaving one alive.

Peter jumped, unnerved by the coldblooded executions. Even the adults, having witnessed those scenes often, were horrified by the callousness. No matter how many times you saw that kind of thing, it never got any easier.

Klaue then, to the guard's great relief, told the guard he's letting him go. The guard ran and Klaue then fired, killing the guard.

"Sick bastard." Tony snarled as they glared, disgusted by Klaue's actions.

Erik asked why Klaue didn't just shoot him and Klaue explained to leave the crime scene more spread out, make them look like amateurs.

"A smart criminal. That sucks." Bucky snarled.

The security cameras were on a loop, hiding what actually happened as Klaue walked up to the display Erik had been looking at. He held up his prosthetic hand, which vibrated as a line flashed blue and the glass shattered.

"Covering all their bases to hide what they're really doing. These guys aren't amateurs, that's for sure." Natasha noted grimly.

"They are not." T'Challa agreed, remembering his fight with Killmonger.

"And now Klaue has a weapon hand." Wanda said.

Klaue picked up the axe and put his prosthetic hand on it. It vibrated and the dirt and rust were shaken off, revealing the Vibranium. Klaue laughed, gleefully telling Erik he'll be rich. Erik told him to sell it quick, and Klaue told him it's already sold, bringing the handle down on his knee to break the metal off. Erik pointed out the Wakandians will follow him wherever he traveled but Klaue saw this as killing two birds with one stone.

T'Challa growled in a rage.

Seeing Erik eying an African mask, Klaue asked if that's Vibranium to. Erik said no, he just liked it as he took it. Wheeling Erik out on a stretcher with the appearance of being two medics transporting a patient to an ambulance. They got in, Erik getting up as he and the woman began making out while Klaue laughed as he closed the door and the ambulance began driving off.

"He really planned it out to a Z. And unlike Zemo, he wasn't even lucky." Sam said and all nodded with sighs.

The scene changed to Wakanda. By a waterfall, Ramonda and Shuri, in her ceremonial dress, were dancing with the tribe, along with Nakia before Okoye and the Dora Milaje tapped their weapons on the boat they were on. This sent a shock wave down the river, where a drain was activated.

"Even mountains and drains are high-tech." Tony said and all chuckled.

The Royal Talon Fighter flew over to the waterfall, hovering over the ground as the ramp lowered. T'Challa exited, wielding a spear and shield and wearing only a pair of shorts, his chest and face coated in paint as his people sang.

"So in your culture, that is formal?" Rhodes asked and T'Challa nodded.

Zuri formally introduced T'Challa, who kneeled in the traditional Wakandian warrior pose while the crowd also took a pose.

"What, did you guys rehearse that?" Scott joked and T'Challa rolled his eyes good naturedly.

"Maybe they have days to rehearse that." Hope joked and both laughed.

Zuri then explained that T'Challa will have the power of the Black Panther stripped away from him before giving T'Challa a liquid, which he drank.

"Can that drink really take away your powers?" Rhodey inquired and T'Challa nodded.

"It is derived from an herb that counters the effect of the Heart Shaped Herb, leaving me the same as an ordinary man." T'Challa explained.

"But why?" Peter asked confused.

"It's challenge day." T'Challa said simply.

T'Challa seemed to gag as his veins turned black while drums were beat and his people danced. T'Challa was weakened before getting to his feet, his strength returning to him.

"And I thought turning into Hulk was painful." Bruce said.

"This was pretty painful." T'Challa agreed.

"I can relate." Steve winced, remembering his transformation.

"Oh I got some of it very bad too." Logan said, remembering the Adamantium transfusion.

Zuri yelled to 'praise the ancestors', which the rest of the attendees repeated. Zuri explained the rules of ritual combat before asking if anyone wanted to challenge T'Challa for the throne.

"Anyone can challenge you for the throne?" Thor asked and T'Challa nodded.

"Anyone, but they must defeat me in ritual combat. I must prove my worth, that I can protect my people. If I cannot, I am unworthy of being king." T'Challa said firmly.

"Yes. A king who cannot protect his people isn't a good king." Thor agreed, remembering his blunder on Jotunheim.

One by one, the Merchant, Border, River, and Mining Tribes all declined to challenge T'Challa. Zuri then asked if anyone of royal blood wished to challenge T'Challa and Shuri raised her hand.

"She wants to fight you?" Peter asked surprised and T'Challa chuckled.

"Just watch." T'Challa smirked.

But Shuri only wished to complain about her ceremonial outfit, to T'Challa's amusement and everyone else's exasperation.

Everyone laughed as Benjamin said, "She has snark."

"I like her." Tony said as the laughter continued.

Suddenly, there was chanting as everyone turned to see the source of it. Men wearing war paint exited the caverns, followed by a man wearing a monkey mask.

"M'Baku." T'Challa said.

"Who's this guy?" Rhodey inquired.

"Leader of the Jabari Tribe." T'Challa said simply.

"The Tribe that isolated themselves in the mountains." Vision noted and T'Challa nodded.

"So they wish to challenge." Loki realized.

"Yes brother." Odinson said.

Everyone was shocked to see the Jabari Tribe as M'Baku exited. M'Baku removed his mask once he reached Zuri, who asked him why he is there. Its challenge day, M'Baku said simply before he turned to address the crowd. He then proceeded to express his disgust that their technological advancements were overseen by Shuri, a child who scoffed at their traditions. And now, they were handing over the throne to T'Challa, a 'boy who could not keep his own father safe'.

T'Challa glared at the screen. While him and M'Baku were on better terms now, this was still hurtful.

M'Baku declared that the Jabari Tribe will not stand for this and T'Challa accepted his challenge before he can even formally give it. "Glory to Hanuman." M'Baku said.

"Hanuman?" Bruce asked.

"The Hindu monkey God of strength." T'Challa said before turning to Thor, "His mace has the same requirements as your hammer. And because of his strength and the Jabbari's reverence of Gorillas, they worship him."

"I'd like to find out more about him." Thor said.

The Jabari went to guard M'Baku while the Dora Milaje moved to guard T'Challa at T'Challa and M'Baku's orders.

"What are the guards for?" Wanda asked curiously.

"To make sure neither side breaks the rules of combat or runs away until the challenge is finished." T'Challa explained.

Zuri started the challenge and the two rushed each other. M'Baku parried with his spear but T'Challa blocked with his shield. However, with a powerful swing of his spear, the blow sent T'Challa falling onto his back, to the concern of Nakia and Shuri.

"Shit, he's strong." Clint noted.

"Strength is not everything my friend." Thor pointed out as he looked at T'Challa, "This challenge has just begun."

"Right you are." Odinson agreed.

T'Challa then stood back up and tried to strike M'Baku, who dodged. T'Challa then sent a kick to his chest, sending M'Baku falling on his back, to Zuri and W'Kabi's satisfaction.

"Strength is not everything." T'Challa echoed with a smirk.

"You must cover all your bases." Steve agreed.

M'Baku stood back up and T'Challa rushed him. However, M'Baku dodged and sent a powerful blow to T'Challa's shield. This knocked T'Challa off his feet and caused him to lose his weapons. His mask flew from his face as he landed on his back in the water.

"Damn!" Sam said.

"He is a good opponent." T'Challa told everyone, "Not advisable for everyone to fight him."

M'Baku laughed as T'Challa pulled himself to his feet, finding the Jabari pointing their weapons at him. Returning to the fight, T'Challa grabbed onto M'Baku's spear and delivered a spinning kick to his face, causing the crowd to cheer. T'Challa punched M'Baku three times and M'Baku fell to his knees.

Everyone clapped as T'Challa gave a flattered smile.

"You definitely have the skills to compliment your strength." An impressed Bucky said.

"Thank you, Mr. Barnes." T'Challa said.

Angrily, M'Baku got back to his feet and managed to restrain T'Challa in a bear hug. Trying to crush T'Challa with his strength, M'Baku head-butted T'Challa, taunting him that he was 'a boy not fit to lead'. Dazed, T'Challa heard his mother tell him to 'show him who you are'. Determination filling him, T'Challa head-butted M'Baku in return before punching him, breaking his mask. Angrily, M'Baku tried to stab T'Challa but T'Challa grabbed the spear, the tip of the head getting him below his shoulder.

"Uh-oh." Sam said as everyone watched with wide eyes.

With determination, T'Challa declared, "I am Prince T'Challa...son of King T'Chaka!" T'Challa pushed back, getting the spear away from him. T'Challa then grabbed the spear when M'Baku tried again and kicked him in the chest, disarming him.

"Now who's unfit to lead, huh?" Tony said cheekily as they all cheered.

T'Challa then tackled M'Baku, the pair landing at the edge of the waterfall. T'Challa pinned him while using his legs to put M'Baku in a choke hold, pleading with M'Baku to yield. M'Baku declared he would rather die. As the crowd chanted T'Challa's name, T'Challa pleaded with M'Baku, reasoning that his people needed him. It is this that reached M'Baku, as he tapped T'Challa's knee in a sign of surrender.

"You are an honorable man, Your Highness." Thor said.

"Thank you." T'Challa said.

T'Challa released M'Baku as he let out a breath. The crowd cheered as T'Challa got to his feet, raising his arm in victory. Zuri crowned him King T'Challa as he placed Bashenga's necklace around his neck. T'Challa and Zuri hugged before T'Challa greeted his people. Holding his arms in a Wakandian pose, T'Challa cried 'Wakanda Forever', a cry that was echoed by his people.

"And I thought I handled crowds well." Tony said and all chuckled.

The scene then changed to a cave. T'Challa was lying on a circle of red sand as, around him; the Heart Shaped Herb was prepared, turned into a liquid by some healers.

"So that's the special herb." Clint said as T'Challa nodded.

Once it was ready, Zuri gave it to him, telling him to let it return his powers and take him to the Ancestral Plane. Once he consumed the liquid, T'Challa groaned as his veins begin to glow purple. As Zuri called upon the spirit of T'Chaka, T'Challa remembered memories of his father.

T'Challa stared at the screen sadly, thinking of his father.

As T'Challa lost consciousness, Zuri said to 'praise the ancestors'. This seemed to be a signal, as the healers each picked up a shovel and begin to bury T'Challa in the red sand.

"So this is their excuse to bury you in the sand?" Tony joked.

"Another ritual?" Steve asked and T'Challa nodded.

As he was buried, T'Challa remembers the events of Zemo's attack on the UN, failing to save his father and putting on his father's ring. T'Challa then awakened in the ancestral plane.

Everyone, even Thor, Loki and Odinson, were in awe as they took it all in. The ancestral plane looked beautiful; there was no other word for it.

"Baba was right." T'Challa told them.

"What are those panthers in the trees?" Hope asked.

"Past kings, past Black Panthers." T'Challa explained, "When we die, we leave our human bodies behind, take on the form of Bast, the Panther Goddess."

"Wow!" Hill said.

Standing to his feet in a white suit, T'Challa watched as one of the panthers in the trees jumped down. It landed in front of him before the panther turned into T'Chaka.

"Father." T'Challa sighed.

T'Challa and T'Chaka shared an emotional hug before T'Challa grabbed his father's hand and got down on his knees, apologizing.

"It wasn't your fault." Sam said, "It was Zemo's."

T'Chaka commanded T'Challa to get up, reminding him that he was now king. T'Challa got to his feet and T'Chaka asked what was wrong. T'Challa said that he was not ready and T'Chaka pointed out that T'Challa had been prepared to be king his entire life. T'Challa clarified that he meant he was not ready to be without T'Chaka.

"No one ever is." Steve said, remembering his mother's death.

"I am over 1,500 years old and yet I still was not ready for my mother's death a few years ago." Thor told T'Challa thickly, "You are never ready to lose a parent. Never."

"You really are not." Loki agreed.

"A man who had not prepared his children for his own death has failed as a father." T'Chaka told T'Challa, "Have I ever failed you?"

T'Challa sighed, remembering his father's shady actions again.

Never, T'Challa said immediately. T'Challa then asked his father how to best protect Wakanda. He wanted to be a great king, just like T'Chaka, T'Challa said. "You're going to struggle. So you'll need to surround yourself with people you trust. You're a good man with a good heart. And it's hard for a good man to be king." T'Chaka tells him.

"Wise words." Odinson noted.

"Is anyone else getting a 'Lion King' vibe from this?" Scott asked and all except Thor and Loki raised their hands, "Good. I thought it was only me."

"There is a Lion King?" Thor asked confused and his friends covered their mouths, attempting to stifle their snickers.

"I had no idea animals on this planet also had societies." Loki said, equally confused.

"Looks like Point Break and Reindeer Games need to see more of Earth culture." Tony said while laughing.

"Oh I have seen enough of it now. It is….entertaining." Odinson said.

T'Challa awakened back in the real world. His head burst from the red sand, where he was greeted by Zuri. Out of breath, T'Challa told Zuri his father was there.

"So now you have seen the plane yourself." Loki said and T'Challa nodded.

"It wasn't just a belief." T'Challa said.

"It is gonna get worse now." Logan said and everyone tensed, even T'Challa, though he knew what was coming.