Ch 72 Chase in Korea

"So now you're King then. Congrats." Tony said.

"Thank you, Mr. Stark." T'Challa said gratefully.

Later, after the healers had left, T'Challa sat and talked with Zuri. T'Challa reminisced about seeing T'Chaka in the Black Panther suit and how his father had passed the mantle onto him to simply be king. Zuri said T'Chaka had told him in confidence he was too fat to fit the suit anymore, causing them both to laugh.

Everyone managed to laugh a bit as T'Challa smiled. Odinson didn't laugh though.

T'Challa remembered telling his father not to speak at the UN, as well as T'Chaka's teachings that the outside world could not be trusted.

"He is not wrong to hold those sentiments." Natasha said.

"Especially with people like Ross out there." Clint added, "Thaddeus Ross. Not Everett."

T'Challa asked why his father changed his views, and Zuri said simply time has a way of making you look back at what you have done.

T'Challa now knew why his father had changed his views as he frowned.

T'Challa asked if Zuri looked back at his time as a War Dog, which Zuri denied. The outside world was too unpredictable for an old man, Zuri said.

"Oh it is." Steve said, taking a crack at himself as all chuckled.

"But Wakanda is pretty good for old men." Bucky said about his own experience and all chuckled more as he smiled appreciatively at T'Challa for his hospitality.

The scene then changed to T'Challa and Nakia walking the streets of Wakanda.

"It's still shocking how different Wakanda is from what we thought." Rhodes said, "In a good way."

T'Challa asked her to come home and she regretfully said she can't. While she had come home to support him, she had found her calling out in the outside world, unable to turn a blind eye to suffering.

Steve could get the feeling.

T'Challa asked what she would ask him to do about it. She said Wakanda could offer aid, technological advancement and offer refuge like other countries. T'Challa regretfully pointed out they were not like other counties. If the world found out the truth about them, they could lose their way of life.

"Sounds like a very hard decision." Thor said.

"I had to pass through fire and death to make the decision." T'Challa said.

"Still, considering people like Klaue, I understand the isolationist policy." Wanda said.

Nakia argued that they could protect their way of life and help the outside world. T'Challa jokingly said she would make a great queen if she wasn't so stubborn. Nakia countered that she would make a great queen because she was stubborn. If that was what she wanted, she quickly added.

T'Challa sighed.

The scene then changed to the area of the Border Tribe. T'Challa was talking to W'Kabi as his friend fed the White Rhinoceros on the land. W'Kabi asked about Nakia, which T'Challa didn't answer. W'Kabi, picking up that something was off, asked what was wrong. T'Challa told him what Nakia suggested and W'Kabi pointed out that if they brought refugees to Wakanda, they would bring their problems there.

"He does bring a good point." Loki said.

W'Kabi add edif T'Challa ordered the Border Tribe to clean up the world, they would do it. T'Challa then pointed out waging war had never been Wakanda's way.

"Like my father used to say, "A wise king never seeks out war but he must always be ready for it."" Odinson said and all nodded.

T'Challa and W'Kabi's Kimoyo Beads went off, signaling they both had a message. W'Kabi joked they're in trouble as they put the beads together and a hologram of Okoye appeared.

"Man this is almost like Star Wars level technology." An awed Peter said as T'Challa smirked.

She greeted them, calling W'Kabi 'my love' before telling them someone had appeared on their radar.

"Relationship?" Sam asked.

"Marriage." T'Challa corrected him.

The scene changed to the palace. A meeting was held of Wakanda's council. Okoye informed the council that Klaue intended to sell the Vibranium artifact he stole form the Museum to an American in South Korea the following night.

"Why do I have a feeling the buyer might be a spy?" Hill wondered.

"You will see." T'Challa told her.

T'Challa noted his father's greatest regret was that he was unable to capture Klaue before T'Challa expressed his desire to bring Klaue to Wakanda to stand trial for his crimes. The Merchant Tribe representative argued that Wakanda needed a king, not a warrior. W'Kabi pointed out his parents were killed when Klaue attacked them, something which haunted him even now.

"Klaue is a monster." Logan snarled and all nodded.

Okoye added that it was too great an opportunity to waste. W'Kabi pleaded with T'Challa to take him along so they could kill Klaue together. T'Challa denied this, saying he needed W'Kabi in Wakanda. W'Kabi relented, but asked that T'Challa either kill Klaue or bring him back to Wakanda. T'Challa promised to do so.

"As a king, you shouldn't make huge promises as there is a chance you fail to keep them and that will be seen as a weakness by your people." Thor said and T'Challa considered before realizing his point and nodded.

The scene changed to Shuri's lab. T'Challa walked in as the Dora Milaje stood by. T'Challa made a Wakandian pose, which his guards mimicked before he walked over to Shuri. Shuri bowed, mockingly greeting him as 'My king'.

T'Challa rolled his eyes as the others snickered.

T'Challa, amused, told her to stop and the pair do a handshake followed by a Wakandan pose. As T'Challa was led into the lab, Shuri explained a car had been set ahead to Busan. She asked who was taking with him on his mission and T'Challa said Okoye and Nakia. Shuri expressed doubts that it was a good idea to bring his ex on a mission.

"If you both can stay focused, not a bad idea. Otherwise, it is." Hope said and all nodded in agreement.

T'Challa assured her they would be fine and, if they needed back up, she would be on call, to Shuri's excitement. Shuri then showed him his communication devices, updated with surveillance, and Remote Access Kimoyo Beads.

As Tony and Peter drooled over the tech, Natasha asked, "Should I make a video?"

Everyone laughed at their expense.

"Oh please do and send it to me." Pepper said and the laughter increased.

T'Challa walked over to some equipment, asking about it but Shuri was briefly distracted by T'Challa wearing sandals. Shuri made fun of him but T'Challa but T'Challa simply said he decided to go 'old school' for his first day. Shuri then showed him what seem to be two ordinary flip-flops. T'Challa put them on and flip-flops turned into shows, covering his feet.

"I'm sure there is more." Scott said.

"Considering what we have seen, I believe that to be true." Vision said.

"It is." T'Challa said.

Shuri said they were fully automated, like the 'old American movie' T'Chaka had watched.

"So your dad is a Back to the future fan, huh? Well, he has good taste," Scott said and T'Challa shrugged.

Shuri also explained they were sound absorbent, which T'Challa tested by tapping his feet but nothing happened.

"That would make stealth missions a piece of cake." An impressed Fury said.

T'Challa was impressed by this and Shuri told him they're called 'Sneakers'.

Everyone snickered at her antics.

T'Challa simply raised an eyebrow and an exasperated Shuri simply lead him over to three suit displays. One held T'Challa's suit while two others held two white suits, one with a silver necklace and one with a gold necklace. T'Challa became offended when Shuri called his suit 'old tech'.

"Teenagers." Clint said as all snickered.

"I can relate." Aunt May muttered as Peter sighed.

Shuri placated him by calling it 'functional but old'. She began mocking him about having to put on his helmet when being shot at and an exasperated T'Challa told her to stop. She told him to pick one of the new suits, gesturing to the one with the golden necklace. T'Challa liked it but, given he did not want to be noticed while on a mission, T'Challa went with the one with the silver necklace. Shuri held the Kimoyo Beads up to her brother's head and they glowed. She told him to 'tell it to go on'. After a moment, the white on the model was replaced by the Black Panther suit.

"Whoa!" Peter breathed as all watched in awe.

"Yeah, that looks awesome." Benjamin agreed.

"Can your new one top this, Tony?" Bruce asked.

"Well, this does remind me of it." Tony said, "Though mine has more features."

"Oh it will be shown here and it did look great." Logan said.

The entire suit fit within the necklace, Shuri explained. She then ordered him to strike it.

"This is embarrassing." T'Challa muttered.

T'Challa kicked the model in the abdomen, sending it flying across the room. Shuri yelled at him as she went to retrieve it. They bickered as Shuri brought the model back over before T'Challa noticed the area he had struck was now glowing a purple hue.

"What is that?" Pepper asked.

"Just watch." T'Challa said.

Shuri explained that the Nanites absorbed the kinetic energy and used it for redistribution, impressing T'Challa.

"So basically, they'll just be attacking themselves." Rhodes said as they were all impressed by this.

"Wow. She is good." Tony admitted.

Shuri then ordered him to strike it again. A suspicious T'Challa noticed she was recording it.

"Why that?" T'Challa muttered as everyone knew Shuri was up to something.

She claimed it was for research purposes. A cautious T'Challa kicked the model in the same spot and was thrown back by a purple energy wave, landing on his back as Shuri laughed.

Several laughs broke out as T'Challa sighed.

"I really like her." Clint chuckled.

"Yeah, she knows how to embarrass." Benjamin laughed.

A disgruntled T'Challa ordered her to delete that footage.

"I do not think she will." T'Challa said.

"You thought right." Logan said.

The scene then changed to Busan, South Korea. T'Challa, Nakia, and Okoye (In a dress and wig) got out of a car. Okoye complained about being forced to wear a wig as Nakia teasingly told her to 'whip it back and forth'. A disgruntled Okoye called it a disgrace as they reached a woman at a food stand.

"The Dora Milaje consider their shaved heads a sign of honor which is why Okoye is not happy about wearing a wig." T'Challa explained and they nodded.

Nakia greeted the woman in Korean, calling her Sophia. Sophia asked about T'Challa and Okoye, who Nakia claimed were rich friends from Kenya. They were good, Nakia insisted and Sophia asked if that meant good for trouble, like her.

"So she has gotten into something." Tony muttered.

T'Challa and Okoye exchanged a look as Nakia frowned. However, Sophia let them in regardless. The trio entered through a secret door, passing through metal detectors before two guards opened the doors for them and they entered a casino.

"Casinos. Not seen one of those for almost 10 years." Tony said.

"Oh those places are pretty unsavory." Pepper said.

T'Challa ordered them to spread out in an effort to locate the buyer, who likely had already arrived. As Okoye walked over to the balcony, Nakia took T'Challa's arm as they walked down the stairs.

"He might already be here like you all said." Natasha agreed with them.

T'Challa inquired about what Sophia had said outside and Nakia admitted she got into some trouble with some ivory traders. T'Challa coyly asked if there will be trouble tonight and Nakia said it depended on how quickly they finished the mission.

"So finish it quickly then." Clint noted.

"Yes. That sounds about right." Fury agreed.

"Which is not something that happens for any of us." T'Challa said to everyone's amusement as well as agreement.

Okoye told them to focus over the Comms and T'Challa and Nakia walked off. Nakia walked up to the bar, ordering a whisky. Nakia spotted three Americans and alerted T'Challa and Okoye. From the balcony, Okoye spotted two more while T'Challa spotted Everett Ross by the tables.

"Ah! The more sensible Ross." Tony said.

"The reasonable one." Hill agreed.

"He is the buyer." Wanda said.

"Yes. There is no other reason for a man like him to be in an underground casino in South Korea." Steve said in agreement.

"Like T'Challa said in the recording, things just got a lot more complicated." Logan said and all nodded.

T'Challa walked up to Everett and they greeted each other politely. T'Challa noted Everett was the buyer as he placed some chips on the table. Everett said whatever he was doing was none of T'Challa's business.

"Well, basically, both of you are in each other's way now." Sam said and all agreed with his observation.

"Like he said, this is a lot more complicated now." Bucky said.

T'Challa pointed out he gave him Zemo and Everett argued that him keeping T'Challa's secret makes them even. Everett told him to leave but T'Challa told him that he won't leave without Klaue before walking off. The next roll, T'Challa won but he has walked off by now. An elderly man with black glasses walked over and took T'Challa's chips, "You know what? I think I'll just take these. Bring them over here, and hold on for safekeeping."

"And now he's stalking you Your Highness." Rhodey noted as they all frowned.

"Well, he has a job to do as well." T'Challa said, remembering he was a Watcher agent.

Everett followed after T'Challa and alerted his team to T'Challa's presence. Once he caught up with him, Everett explained Vibranium from the Battle of Sokovia linked back to someone he's not at liberty to say, "When the dust settles, you and me can work something out."

"I don't think that will fly with you." Scott said.

"Not for now." T'Challa said.

"I'm not here to make a deal." T'Challa said.

"As predicted by you." Hope agreed.

Outside, three cars pulled up to the entrance. Klaue and several mercenaries got out.

"And he is here." Steve said.

"So we could have him face justice." T'Challa said, "But things happen we do not consider at times."

Klaue walked over to the entrance, greeting Sophia with a kiss on the cheek. He walked through the metal detector and the alarms went off but the guards didn't even move.

"How are they not even reacting to their alarms going off?" Scott asked stunned.

"They probably know him. From the way he greeted Sophia, he's a regular there." Natasha noted.

Spotting Klaue and his crew, Nakia alerted T'Challa and Okoye. T'Challa checked in with Okoye and she confirmed she was in position. She didn't see the Vibranium and confirmed Klaue and his crew were armed, despite the casino supposedly having a no weapons policy.

"Nobody cares about policies anymore." Sam said.

Klaue met Everett down on the ground floor. Everett noted Klaue had a lot of people with him, jokingly asking if Klaue had a mix tape coming out. Klaue confirmed he does, offering to get him a sample and even telling one of his men to give Everett a sample before Everett turned him down.

"He is even more psychotic than before." Wanda noted.

"Maybe Ultron damaged his mind as well when he cut off his arm." Tony said.

"Yeah. That makes a lot of sense." Thor said.

"Traumatizing events can change us." Odinson said with a shudder, remembering the five years after the Decimation again.

"Well, he didn't seem that stable to begin with." Clint said.

"It's like the One Ring has poisoned his mind." Pepper said and all chuckled at the reference, though it made sense. [1]

Everett pointed out Klaue had a lot of people with him. Klaue laughed, assuring Everett they weren't for him, placing a hand on Everett's shoulder. Okoye saw six more men enter the casino and alerted T'Challa and Nakia that it was a set up.

"So he planned to kill Ross and take the money." Rhodes said in disgust.

"That's what war mongers do." Steve said grimly.

Klaue asked if Everett had the diamonds and Everett removed Klaue's hand from his shoulder. Okoye said they needed to move on Klaue as Klaue's men began moving into position but T'Challa did not want to get into a shootout.

"You might not have a choice." Sam pointed out and T'Challa sighed.

"Right you are, Mr. Wilson." T'Challa acknowledged.

Everett asked about the Vibranium and Klaue pulled it out, slamming it onto the table wrapped in brown paper with the word 'fragile' written on it.

"I was expecting something more." Scott said.

"You're not the only one." Hope told him.

Klaue joked about saving money on a fancy briefcase. Nakia intended to move on Klaue but Okoye ordereded her to stand down in Wakandan. Unfortunately, this was heard by one of Klaue's men.

Everyone tensed as they realized what was going to happen.

The man walked towards her and Okoye, realizing her cover was blown, pulled out her spear and whirled her weapon. She struck one in the neck before stabbing the second one in the foot. She then ripped off her wig and threw it in the first man's face before pushing him off the balcony with her spear. The man landed on one of the tables, causing panic. Realizing the Wakandans were there, Klaue pulled out a gun and tried to shoot Everett but Everett blocked with a steel briefcase.

"Of course he was going to deceive Ross. I knew it." Loki said, being a deceiver himself.

A shootout broke out and T'Challa pushed a table on its side as he and Everett took cover behind it. Klaue ordered his men to get the diamonds from Everett but T'Challa engaged them, kicking one in the chest, sending the man flying. T'Challa kicked another in the knees and engaged another as Everett made his escape. Meanwhile, Nakia engaged some of Klaue's men, slamming one down onto a table before picking off one of her heels and throwing it at another, all while pinning the first man to the table. She then tossed the first man onto the floor, still holding his arm, and took his gun, which she then fired up at the balcony.

"Man you people are real badasses, you know that?" Tony asked.

"All of us are trained in the art of war and martial arts." T'Challa told him, "Because that is what we need if we are to engage with the uglier side of the world."

Nakia's shots got two of the men Okoye was fighting. Okoye used her spear to flip a man over before she struck one in the face with it, knocking him out. She then whirled around, engaging a third man. She tried to strike him but he grabbed the spear with surprising strength. Okoye kicked him in the abdomen and he went through the railing, falling to the ground floor. Okoye jumped down and then struck him in the face with her spear, knocking him out.

"She's a badass." Scott said what they were all thinking.

"She is the best warrior in Wakanda. She did not get that title by sitting around." T'Challa said with a smirk.

"I can see that." Natasha said.

T'Challa punched a man, knocking him out and saw Klaue rushing up the stairs. Determined not to let Klaue get away, T'Challa jumped onto the table, using it as a stepping stool as he jumped onto the balcony, holding onto the railing and pulling himself up as Klaue reached the top.

"This is the second time you have climbed the stairs like that." Bucky joked as all chuckled.

"I believe I do not have the patience." T'Challa joked back and all chuckled.

T'Challa called out and Klaue turned to him. Seeing T'Challa, Klaue tried to shoot him but his gun was empty. Klaue mocked T'Challa about looking like his father before his hand split as he activated the sonic cannon. T'Challa grabbed a nearby table, using it as a shield as Klaue fired. The table was destroyed by the blast as T'Challa was thrown back, going through the railing and landing hard on a table below.

"That looks like it hurt." Peter said.

"A sonic canon." T'Challa told everyone and they looked over at him, "It is an older Wakandian weapon. Likely left over from when Klaue attacked Wakanda."

As money fell to the ground floor, Klaue laughed at how he had 'made it rain' before one of his men grabbed him and pulled him out. Klaue ranted about how 'awesome' that was as he and his men exited the casino before getting in their cars and driving off.

"He really is crazy." Sam muttered.

Nakia and Okoye then rushed out, Nakia asking about T'Challa. Okoye said he'll have to catch up as she dropped an EMP bead on a car.

"Um, why'd she put the bead on there? It's already stopped." Rhodes asked and T'Challa smirked.

"An EMP Bead has more than one use." T'Challa said, sparking their interest.

"Definitely need to see that." Bruce said with a smirk.

Nakia and Okoye got in the car they arrived in and took off after Klaue. T'Challa then ran out, calling Shuri. In Wakanda, an excited Shuri rushed over as the EMP Bead did a scan of the car and created a holographic version of the car.

"So you can take control of a car with one?" Peter asked in awe and T'Challa chuckled.

"Yes Mr. Parker." T'Challa said.

"Awesome!" Peter said.

"We gotta get one of those." Sam said impressed.

Getting inside, Shuri asked which side of the road it's on before an annoyed T'Challa shouted at her to just drive. Shuri began to drive the car as T'Challa changed into his suit, jumping onto the roof of the car. Klaue told his driver to put on some music and the driver turns on some rap music.

"Rap music in a car chase. We're in an eighties movie now." Tony joked.

Klaue ordered his men to split up to confuse them. Nakia and Okoye took the two heading right as T'Challa and Shuri took the other two, Shuri saying she knew a shortcut. T'Challa and Shuri pursued their two cars, who weaved into open traffic, causing four cars to crash into each other, creating a traffic jam. Shuri said they weren't going to make it but T'Challa ordered her to keep going. Using his claws, T'Challa stcuk them into the ground, lifting the car slightly, allowing them to pass through the jam without hitting any of the cars.

"Whoa." Peter said impressed.

"That was so strong." Scott said.

"I remember I used my claws to puncture a car once." Logan said, "The flip looked like it was an action movie."

Everyone chuckled.

T'Challa lowered the car back to the ground and jumped onto the hood. One of Klaue's men in the car in front of them opened fire out the back window but the bullets bounced harmlessly off T'Challa's suit. T'Challa jumped from the hood onto the back window. Climbing up, he used his claws to open the roof.

"Those must be among the sharpest claws." Benjamin said.

"I have always wondered what is stronger, Vibranium or Adamantium?" Logan smirked.

"Both are pretty unbreakable though." Bucky said.

T'Challa saw Klaue was not there and, out of terror, the driver jumped from the car. He landed in the path of Shuri's car and she ran over him.

The good mood plummeted as T'Challa snarled at how Klaue's madness had also taken away his little sister's innocence from her.

Shuri asked what that was and T'Challa told her not to worry about it before jumping back onto her car as the van crashed while they pursued the other car.

"Have you told her?" Natasha asked.

"Not yet." T'Challa said sadly, "I do not want her to lose her innocence."

"I have found out in the worst way possible what keeping secrets can really do." Steve said as him and Tony exchanged a look, "You should tell her sometime."

T'Challa frowned, considering Steve's words as the recording continued.

With Nakia and Okoye, one of Klaue's men was firing at their car but the bullets bounced off harmlessly. Okoye dismissed guns as 'primitive'.

"Well excuse us, not all of us grew up with the most advanced weapons on the planet." Sam said angrily.

"Some of us have to make use with what is available to us." Natasha said stiffly as T'Challa winced.

"I apologize if her remarks offended you," T'Challa said.

"You're not the one who offended us." Rhodey said and T'Challa nodded.

"I wanna show them my new suit." Tony joked randomly and all chuckled a bit at his antics.

Klaue yelled over the radio that bullets won't penetrate Vibranium as Okoye climbed up onto the roof of the car, to Nakia's confusion.

"What's she doing?" Scott asked confused.

"Something really badass I'm sure." Hope said.

"Right you are, Miss van Dyne." T'Challa said, his lips twitching into the beginning of a smirk.

Okoye stabbed her spear through the roof of the car, to Nakia's surprise. Nakia continued to weave through traffic as Okoye waited before pulling the spear out and throwing it. It went through the windshield of the car and landed in front of it. The car slammed into it and crashed like it was another car.

"Holy crap!" Peter exclaimed shocked.

"Shit." Clint said as they all stared, stunned.

"Son of a bitch." Tony breathed.

"Motherfu-" Fury trailed off.

"Those spears are quiet strong." Thor said, impressed as T'Challa chuckled at their reactions.

"Indeed." T'Challa agreed.

"That's Vibranium for you." Steve said and they nodded.

Back with T'Challa and Shuri, they were pursuing their car as one of Klaue's men continued firing at them. They headed onto a bridge as Shuri pointed out T'Challa's suit had been charged with kinetic energy with all the bullets and T'Challa ordered her to go around the truck near them. Shuri complied as she swerved around the truck, disappearing from view. When she came around the truck, T'Challa was gone.

The smirk on T'Challa's face quelled any reaction The Avengers and the other viewers had, wondering what he was up to.

Klaue's men wondered where he went before T'Challa jumped onto the hood of their car. T'Challa slammed his hands down and the kinetic energy activated, sending out a wave. He jumped as the energy flipped the car into the air. The car came down behind them as T'Challa jumped back onto Shuri's car. Shuri chuckled as she called him a show-off.

"That was awesome!" Peter exclaimed as all of them, stared at the screen, impressed.

"Both you and your sister are impressive." Rhodes said.

"Yeah. She made the tech and you used it nicely with her help." Tony agreed as T'Challa smiled gracefully.

With three of the four cars taken down, Nakia and Okoye realized they had Klaue in their sights. Nakia told Okoye to hold on before she sped up. As they drove after him, Klaue decided to 'have some fun'. As they went down a hill, Klaue poked his head out the window and aimed his Sonic Canon at Nakia and Okoye's car. He fired and the blast hit the car full force.

"Oh no!" Aunt May said in horror.

"Shit!" Sam said at the same time.

The car was completely destroyed and Okoye went flying. Seeing a sheet of metal, Okoye whirled her spear and stabbed it, coming down on the ground. The sheet skidded to a stop in front of Nakia, who had stayed in the seat and was thankfully unharmed.

Everyone sighed in relief, happy they were both unharmed.

"They got lucky." Natasha noted.

"Lucky? I'd say that's an understatement." Clint muttered.

Everett then rolled up in a car, telling them to get in but awkwardly told Okoye to put her spear in the trunk.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh at the way Everett said that, the tension in the room momentarily broken.

"Wow! He has a sense of humor and is not uptight." Hill said, reminded a bit of herself. She had a sense of humor but appeared uptight to everyone around due to the nature of her job. Just like Steve himself. Maybe that's why she was attracted to him.

"Why couldn't he have been more like this in the last recording?" Tony asked with a laugh.

"Stressed out by how politics got involved in his job." Rhodes said.

Shuri drove onto the road Klaue is on, in hot pursuit. T'Challa barked at her to go faster but she shot back at him she's already going as fast as she could. Klaue ordered his man to take a right and, when Shuri did as well to keep up with them, Klaue fired his sonic canon. Shuri was unable to avoid the blast and the car was destroyed as, in Wakanda, the hologram faded and Shuri falls to the floor.

"Shit." Scott swore as the tension returned.

"Damn it!" Hope said at the same time.

T'Challa was sent flying but landed on his feet on the side of the building. Rushing down, T'Challa jumped and landed on the roof of Klaue's car. Using his claws, T'Challa yanked one of the wheels off before jumping off. Klaue's car flipped and slides across the road.

"Well, looks like I'm not the only one who flipped cars with claws." Logan said as T'Challa smirked.

T'Challa stalked over as Klaue limply got out of the car. T'Challa angrily called Klaue's name, asking if he thought they'd forget what he did as he deployed his claws. Klaue fired at him but the suit simply absorbed it.

"Yeah, that's not gonna work this time." Scott said smugly while T'Challa winced, knowing this was about to go downhill soon.

T'Challa took advantage of Klaue's confusion and yanked the sonic cannon off his stump of an arm. T'Challa then kicked him, sending him head first into the car, where he bashed his head. Klaue crumpled to the ground as T'Challa demanded to know where he got the sonic cannon and Klaue sneered that 'you savages' didn't deserve it.

"You are the savage here." Wanda said coolly.

"People like him are huge hypocrites." Fury said.

T'Challa angrily grabbed him by the throat and Klaue mockingly begged for mercy. "Every breath you take is mercy from me." T'Challa sneered as he prepared to end it.

"It is." T'Challa sneered.

However, he was interrupted by the arrival of Okoye and Nakia. Okoye pointed out that the world is watching, bringing T'Challa's attention to the fact that a crowd had arrived and was filming this. Everett told them they needed to go and Klaue smiled smugly as T'Challa realized he couldn't kill Klaue yet.

"Yeah, no one is gonna take that well." Rhodes noted.

"I do realize that." T'Challa said, "Which is why I am king."

Later, at the CIA South Korean Black Site, a restrained Klaue laughed and muttered how he could see his own reflection and made kissing noises.

"I believe he has a disorder of some kind." Vision noted and all nodded in agreement, creeped out by his behavior.

Ross suggested to play 'good cop, bad cop' but Okoye said in Xhosa they couldn't let him speak to Klaue alone while T'Challa said they should instead of making a scene. He told Ross they would take him back to Wakanda after questioning but he refused, playfully tapping T'Challa's shoulder as Okoye glared and said in Xhosa she'd impale him to the desk if he touched T'Challa again. Ross asked if she spoke English and she said only when she wanted to.

"She doesn't seem to like him much." Natasha said.

"She is not very fond of strangers at first glance." T'Challa said.

T'Challa said he appreciated Ross' help in Busan and he told Okoye that was diplomacy as he walked inside while T'Challa told her to play nice and she muttered 'Americans.'

"Not all of us are bad." Steve said.

"I'm guessing she has a certain opinion about the entire country." Tony said.

"She did. Not she knows not to judge everyone just because of a single person." T'Challa told them.

Ross sat in front of Klaue who was singing 'What is Love.'

"I'm pretty sure a lot of people want to hurt you." Clint said.

Klaue told him not to trust Wakandans as Ross said he didn't trust anyone and inquired about the arm cannon. Klaue explained and said he could get him one and Ross asked the supplier's name, with Klaue stating he was right outside, with a shocked Ross realizing the weapon was from Wakanda.

"Playing a game of riddles I see. I like it." Loki smirked. [2]

Klaue said what Ross knew about Wakanda was just a front and it was El Dorado, the Golden City, which existed in Africa the entire time.

"Very accurate description." Fury said.

Klaue said it was all built on a mound of Vibranium and they made his sonic cannon look like a leaf blower. Ross scoffed, asserting Wakanda was a third world country and he had stolen all their Vibranium and he laughed hysterically before acting like he would break his restraints, saying he had taken a tiny piece while they had a mountain due to mining it for thousands of years. He was the only outsider who had seen it and gotten out alive, telling him to ask T'Challa what his suit was made off.

"Well, looks like he has spilled the beans." Hope said.

"Yes he has." T'Challa sighed.

Ross picked up a latte and walked out as Nakia noticed a truck moving which she had seen earlier. Inside were Killmonger's allies, including the woman.

"Oh boy!" Peter said as all looked shocked.

Nakia moved to the cameras as Ross told T'Challa that according to T'Chaka, Klaue had stolen their Vibranium while T'Challa said he was believing an arms dealer strapped to a chair. Outside, Killmonger walked out of the truck and put a device on the wall before wearing an African mask.

"Shit!" Rhodes said.

"This is getting really bad now." Steve said.

"Yes, Captain Rogers." T'Challa agreed.

Ross asked what more was T'Challa hiding when Nakia burst in to warn them but the wall exploded and Killmonger and the others started firing, making everyone take cover as Klaue laughed.

"Damn it!" Tony said.

"Klaue is such a sicko." Benjamin noted.

Ross pushed Nakia out of the way as some of the men took a laughing Klaue away. Killmonger threw a grenade and T'Challa leapt on it, absorbing the kinetic energy. He looked up to see Klaue was gone and rushed out as the truck sped away. He leapt up only for Killmonger to fire a grenade launcher, making him fall down. He looked up to see a Wakandan Royal Ring around Killmonger's neck and hesitated, allowing them to get away.

"Damn! That sucks!" Sam said.

"Yeah, they got away unfortunately." Pepper said.

"Why did you hesitate?" Aunt May asked.

"I believe you will see the answer soon." T'Challa said.

"Yeah." Logan agreed.

Okoye ran up next to him and they ran back inside, with Ross on the ground as Nakia said he had jumped in front of her.

"He is a good man." Steve said, "To risk your life for others is a noble thing to do."

He looked at Tony as he said that and Tony smiled in appreciation.

The bullet had hit his spine and Nakia said he wouldn't make it there. T'Challa took a Kimoyo Bead from her and used it to stabilize Ross for the moment.

"Man those beads are something!" Bruce said, impressed by their medical properties.

"We have a lot of innovative technology." T'Challa simply said.

T'Challa asked the agents to give Ross to them as they could save him as they all considered.

"Now you are spilling your own beans." Hope said, "For a good cause."

T'Challa nodded as Odinson said, "But this situation will get worse soon."

"We can see that." Tony said as the recording continued.