"He's gonna be hard to convince." Tony said.
"Let us see, Mr. Stark." T'Challa said.
The four were brought to M'Baku as Ramonda told him T'Challa was murdered in ritual combat. M'Baku said it was a defeat instead of a murder. Shuri told him not rub their noses but M'Baku silenced her.
"Please, do not make fun of him, little sister." T'Challa said in worry, knowing the Jabbari didn't like being insulted much.
"She's like you." Pepper said to Tony and both chuckled.
Everett tried to explain about Erik but was silenced too by the entire tribe as M'Baku said he'd be fed to his children if he said another word.
"Really?" Steve asked as the others looked shocked and disgusted.
"No one in Wakanda practices cannibalism. Not even the Jabbari." T'Challa said.
"So he's joking." Peter realized.
"Just scaring him." Logan said.
M'Baku said he was kidding and they were vegetarians, followed by hysterical laughter.
Everyone laughed weirdly as Scott said, "Worst fake laugh ever by me."
"Better than mine." Hope said.
Nakia kneeled and presented him the Heart-Shaped Herb, saying only he could stop the outsider. Ramonda kneeled too followed by Everett and Shuri. M'Baku stood up and told them to come with him as he walked past them.
"Looks like he's got something." Fury said.
"Oh he has." T'Challa smirked.
"Something very awesome." Benjamin said.
He led them to a tent outside where to their shock, T'Challa lay in the snow.
"What?" Sam asked.
"Damn!" Rhodes said.
"Wow!" Peter said.
"How did you….?" Tony trailed off.
"Yes, they saved me." T'Challa said.
"Which means M'Baku isn't all bad after all." Bucky said.
"Shocking, but nice to know." Aunt May said.
"And then there is me." Loki joked and all chuckled.
"You'll see how he survived." Odinson said.
They kneeled close to him as M'Baku said he was in a coma and a fisherman of theirs had found him and brought him here. He was in the snow because that was the only thing keeping him alive. He'd be dead in seconds if taken out.
"Bummer." Hill said.
"They have something." Thor pointed out.
Nakia handed the Heart-Shaped Herb to Ramonda who managed to grind it and calling upon the ancestors, fed it to him as M'Baku looked at Everett who looked away nervously.
Everyone chuckled a bit.
They buried him in the snow and chanted 'Praise the ancestors' in Xhosa.
"I hope that works." Natasha said.
T'Challa suddenly found himself in the ancestral plane again, wearing a white kingly robe with black stripes on it. T'Chaka arrived and said it was time for them to be reunited. The other ancestors were there too.
"This is gonna be interesting." Clint muttered to himself.
T'Challa said T'Chaka was wrong to abandon Erik. T'Chaka said he had chosen his people and omitted Erik. He was about to defend himself more when T'Challa exploded, "YOU WERE WRONG! ALL OF YOU WERE WRONG! To turn your backs on the rest of the world! We let the fear of our discovery stop us from doing what is right! No more! I cannot stay here with you. I cannot rest while he sits on the throne. He is a monster of our own making. I must take the mantle back. I must! I must right these wrongs."
Everyone's eyes were wide and shining with respect for T'Challa. It took a lot of courage to tell an entire line of ancestors that they were wrong about something.
"Okay, please don't take this the wrong way, Your Highness." Tony said respectfully, "But you had globes of Vibranium to do that."
Everyone chuckled a bit but found his comparison agreeable as T'Challa smiled, "Thank you, Mr. Stark. I am flattered."
"No really, what you did took a lot of courage. Standing up to them all wouldn't have been easy." Steve said too with respect shining in his eyes.
"Even I never had the courage to do something like that." Thor said, "At least not to my father's face."
"Just one thing though, doesn't abandoning Erik endanger the isolationist policy?" Scott pointed out and everyone realized he was right.
"Another reason why my father should have taken him in." T'Challa said. [1]
T'Challa awoke with gasps as Ramonda, Shuri and Nakia gasped in joy and hugged him while M'Baku nodded with head lowered. T'Challa asked for a blanket and they went off to get it happily.
Everyone clapped happily as Bruce said, "Yes!"
"Erik is going down now." Bucky said.
"Damn right!" Fury agreed.
Ramonda, Shuri, Nakia and Everett explained the situation with Killmonger to T'Challa and he told Everett to get Ramonda and Shuri out of Wakanda while he will continue the challenge. Ramonda said they wouldn't leave Wakanda and Shuri said no one will be safe if Killmonger gets his hands on their technology. She then took out the silver necklace and put it around his neck.
"Oh she is resourceful. I really like her." Loki said.
"Yes. Now you have what you need." Natasha agreed.
"And we have to go back." T'Challa said.
"The Black Panther lives. And when he fights for the fate of Wakanda...I will be right there beside him." Shuri said. "As will I." Nakia said. "I'm in, too." Everett said as they turned to him, "What? You're gonna need all the help you can get." M'Baku yawned loudly and asked if they were done.
Everyone laughed at his antics.
The others walked out as T'Challa thanked M'Baku who said he repaid T'Challa for sparing him. T'Challa requested him to let Ramonda stay and he agreed but refused to give his army when T'Challa asked. T'Challa said it was for all of them but M'Baku pointed out he was the first king to come there in centuries. T'Challa said he wouldn't speak for past kings but an enemy was on the throne and if Killmonger got the Vibranium, he'd come for Jabariland next. M'Baku still refused and T'Challa walked away.
Everyone sighed as Hill said, "That sucks."
"I'm expecting some kind of entry now." Tony said and T'Challa smirked.
In Wakanda, the weapons were put into jets as W'Kabi said the War Dogs in Hong Kong, London and New York were ready. Erik said they'll strike there first and commented on the handheld sonic cannon that could stop a tank and was untraceable by metal detectors. They had many of those and the world would find out who they were soon as a jet flew off but soon, exploded and fell on the ground in pieces as the others looked in shock.
"Oh boy!" Peter said.
"Looks like someone is here." Scott said.
"They're gonna get their asses kicked." Logan said.
"Right you are." T'Challa said.
"Can't wait." Wanda smiled.
From the wreckage, T'Challa climbed out in his Panther Habit and retracted the mask, overjoying Okoye. He called out to Erik, calling him N'Jadaka. Erik greeted him and he declared, "I never yielded! And as you can see, I am not dead!"
Everyone clapped and cheered happily as Bucky said, "And now Erik is gonna get his!"
"Finally!" Hope said.
"He still needs an army." Thor pointed out and the atmosphere was a bit tense again.
"Just watch." T'Challa said.
Erik said the challenge was over and he was king, ordering the others to get the jets in the air. They did as commanded as Shuri, Nakia and Everett snuck into the lab in disguise. Okoye pointed out the challenge wasn't complete but W'Kabi ordered the Border Tribe to charge at T'Challa and they did.
"Vengeance really has consumed him." Steve said.
"Sadly." T'Challa said.
Okoye told Erik his heart was full of hatred and he was unworthy to be king. Erik's own Black Panther suit with the golden necklace appeared around him.
"Man, that suit is awesome!" Tony said.
"Reminds me of your new suit." Benjamin said and he smirked.
Okoye told Ayo to help T'Challa and she and some other Dora Milaje charged as the rest engaged Erik who managed to hold his own with his Panther Habit and Vibranium swords. The jet fired at T'Challa as the Border Tribe activated their shields but T'Challa leapt into the air and landing on the ground, punched hard, with the kinetic energy taking everyone down. He then grabbed a spear and threw it at the jet, taking it down too.
Everyone clapped as Clint said, "I really want that bow."
Everyone chuckled at his antics.
The Dora Milaje engaged the Border Tribe, taking them down as T'Challa disarmed W'Kabi and kicked him away, begging him to stop. But he climbed a rock and blew a horn and then White Rhinoceros arrived and charged.
"Motherfu-" Fury trailed off again.
"Damn man!" Scott said.
"They got the big guns." Steve sighed.
T'Challa avoided a charging Rhino as W'Kabi jumped on it while the others threw Dora Milaje around. Nakia, Shuri and Everett reached the lab as Shuri handed Everett the Kimoyo Beads to control the Royal Talon and gave him comms, telling him she'd guide him and said it was like riding a hoverbike.
"You really have one? How does it work?" Peter asked.
"I will tell you sometime, Mr. Parker." T'Challa said.
In spite of Nakia's protests, Shuri made her wear Dora Milaje armor and they ran out, wishing Everett luck.
"You're gonna need it." Hill said.
The Dora Milaje continued fighting Erik until he grabbed one and held his sword to her throat. She said 'Wakanda Forever' and he sliced her throat, killing her.
Everyone looked saddened as T'Challa closed his eyes and sent up a prayer for her.
Okoye roared in grief and rage and they continued fighting Erik as Shuri and Nakia, now dressed in Dora Milaje armor, ran out and Shuri used her Vibranium gauntlets to send two men flying.
"Wow!" Peter said as the others clapped.
She then threw a Remote Access Kimoyo Bead at the Royal Talon and it activated as Everett took his auto-pilot seat, being told it was made American style for him. He started the Royal Talon and it flew off as Nakia and Shuri cheered.
"Yes!" Tony said as all cheered again.
T'Challa grabbed a Rhino's horn and managed to flip it down as the Dora Milaje trapped Erik between their spears and electrocuted him, sending him to his knees, trying to get the necklace off, but he used his kinetic energy output to send them all flying and they fell in the battlefield.
"Shit!" Sam said as the others sighed.
"They fought well." T'Challa said.
Nakia then declared 'Wakanda Forever' and charged Erik with her chakrams though he avoided and then Shuri fired her gauntlets, sending him back. Everett took one jet down but the others turned towards him and started firing at him. T'Challa took more men down but a charging Rhino sent him flying off. Nakia hit Erik with her chakams and disarmed him of one sword but he hit her thigh with his claws.
T'Challa gasped and tensed as the others watched with bated breaths.
Erik threw her off as Shuri fired a powerful blast at him, sending him to his knees but he picked up a broken spear and hit her gauntlets, damaging them and threw her down as T'Challa was hit by more men but on seeing Shuri down with Erik standing over her, he used his kinetic energy to send them all down. Shuri told Erik he won't be a true king and then T'Challa leapt at him, sending them both into the mines as they landed down while exchanging blows.
"So it begins." Steve said as the others watched, tense again.
They fought as Erik threw T'Challa away but he clung on with his claws on the sonic stabilizer to save himself and managed to leap back down.
"Okay, now you're just copying me." Logan said as Benjamin and Odinson chuckled.
"You did something like that?" T'Challa asked.
"Yes. On the Statue of Liberty's crown." Logan said all seemed shocked at that. [2]
The two punched each other and the kinetic energy sent them both flying back. T'Challa told Shuri to call the train. Shuri said the stabilizer would deactivate his suit but T'Challa said it would deactivate Erik's too.
"Smart. Both of you." Tony said as T'Challa smirked.
Shuri called the train as T'Challa kicked Erik to the other side. The suits deactivated as Erik said he didn't need a suit to kill T'Challa and his reign was over. T'Challa said he wanted them to become like the people he hated so much and divide and conquer.
"I faced racism for half of my life." Sam said as the others looked at him in sympathy, "I didn't turn into a homicidal maniac."
"Amen brother." Rhodes said and the two smiled at each other as the others had respect for the two in their eyes.
Erik said he learnt from his enemies as T'Challa said he had become them and was going to destroy the world. Erik said the world had taken everything from him and he would track down anyone loyal to T'Challa and put them in the dirt next to Zuri. The two roared as the train passed and rushed each other.
"It's on." Loki said.
Shuri ran to Nakia and both were still good to go so they rejoined the fight while a jet attacked the lab so the hologram was deactivated and the glass integrity was just 50%. Everett asked to be put back in in spite of Shuri's protests and continued fighting the jets.
"He's brave." Hill muttered.
Nakia and Shuri joined the fight, taking down some of the Border Tribe but then they were all surrounded along with Okoye and the Dora Milaje between the Border Tribe's energy shields. W'Kabi gave them three seconds to stand down but was cut off by howling in the distance.
"Are they who I think they are?" Scott asked as the others realized who had come.
"Right you are, Mr. Lang." T'Challa smiled.
M'Baku lifted W'Kabi off his Rhino and announced, "Witness the might of the Jabbari, first hand!" He threw W'Kabi away as the Jabbari Tribe attacked, taking down the Border Tribe swiftly.
Everyone clapped as T'Challa said, "Finally!"
T'Challa and Erik fought as another train arrived and the former was kicked to the other side as their suits deactivated again momentarily. As the train passed, Erik picked the broken spear and the two charged again while Everett was still in the lab. Glass integrity was just 15% now. Two jets attached grapple hooks to the Royal Talon to stop Everett and on Shuri's instructions, he made an 'X' with his arms and broke it, causing an explosion that destroyed the two jets.
Everyone clapped as Peter said, "That was awesome!"
"Yup." Benjamin agreed.
The system managed to reboot just before the Royal Talon fell and Everett rammed it into the last jet, destroying both the aircrafts as the glass was destroyed and he ran off.
Everyone sighed in relief as Steve said, "At least the weapons are dealt with."
"Which leaves the bad guys inside." Tony said.
M'Baku was beating down his foes as W'Kabi charged him on a Rhino but Okoye stepped in the way and recognizing her, it stopped and licked her face.
Everyone sighed in relief as Scott said, "Advantages of having pets."
Everyone chuckled at his joke.
W'Kabi got down and Okoye asked him to drop his weapon. He asked if she'd kill him. "For Wakanda?" She asked and then pointed her spear at him, "Without question."
Everyone's eyes were shining with respect for Okoye. Ready to stand against her own husband whom she loved for her country? That took a lot of courage.
"She is not just a warrior due to her skill. But also due to her heart and sense of duty." Thor said and everyone nodded in agreement.
"She'd be a great shield-maiden for Asgard." Odinson said and they all agreed.
"Her and Sif would get along pretty well too." Loki said and everyone agreed again.
W'Kabi looked around at all the fighting and realizing how much he had fallen, dropped his weapon and got on his knees. Seeing that, his army surrendered.
Everyone sighed in relief again as Steve said, "Now that just leaves Erik."
"Yeah." Logan said.
T'Challa and Erik fought as another train arrived. T'Challa grabbed Erik's hand and they struggled for the spear. T'Challa was almost pushed to the edge but just as the train passed, he pushed Erik back and as they flipped, the spear flew into the air. T'Challa managed to catch it and just before Erik's suit could reactivate, he stabbed him near the heart and he gasped.
Everyone watched, tense.
They retracted their masks as Erik said it was one hell of a move and said his father had promised to show him Wakanda one day. T'Challa helped him up and moved him outside on a hill where they saw a sunset. "It's beautiful." Erik said. T'Challa said they could heal him but he didn't want to be held prisoner. He wanted to be buried in the ocean like his ancestors who had jumped from ships because they knew death was better than bondage. With that, he breathed his last and died. T'Challa kneeled close to him and put his body in the position of a dead warrior.
"That was an honorable thing to do." Thor said, "Respecting the dying wish of your opponent."
T'Challa nodded in appreciation, "Wakanda still believes in the old ways."
"So does Asgard." Odinson said.
Soon, everything was back to normal. Farmers worked in their farms. Villagers worked near their homes. T'Challa walked into his court and everyone stood up on seeing him, including M'Baku, while the Dora Milaje did their salute.
"The Return of the King." Hope said and all cheered and clapped as T'Challa smiled.
T'Challa and Nakia were in a village later as he thanked her for saving everyone but she said it was her duty to fight for what she loved. T'Challa then kissed her and she kissed back. He asked her to stay and they kissed again passionately.
"Finally!" Tony said as all cheered while T'Challa blushed.
Later, near the same apartment where N'Jobu and Erik used to live, some others kids played basketball as Shuri said she'd thought T'Challa would take her to Disneyland. T'Challa said this was where T'Chaka had killed N'Jobu. Shuri said they were tearing it down but T'Challa said he had bought it and other buildings in the vicinity.
"Why? Trying to be me or something?" Tony asked and all chuckled.
"No Mr. Stark." T'Challa said.
T'Challa said this was to be the first Wakandan International Outreach Center. Nakia would oversee the social outreach and Shuri would spearhead the science and information exchange, overjoying her as she thought he was joking but he wasn't. T'Challa pressed the Kimoyo Beads and the Wakandan jet appeared, awing the kids who wondered what to do with it. T'Challa and Shuri did the salute as the latter walked towards the jet, telling the kids about it as one kid who resembled a young Erik asked T'Challa if it was his. He nodded and the kid was awed before asking who he was. T'Challa smirked as the screen went black.
"And soon, Wakanda will be out in the open." Steve said.
"Yes. It will be." T'Challa said.
"Man that was something!" Tony said.
In the United Nations, Vienna, Austria, T'Challa, Okoye, Nakia and Ayo walked together to give a speech. Everett watched from behind and smirked as T'Challa gave his speech, "My name is King T'Challa...son of King T'Chaka. I am the sovereign ruler of the nation of Wakanda. And for the first time in our history...we will be sharing our knowledge and resources...with the outside world. Wakanda will no longer watch from the shadows. We cannot. We must not. We will work to be an example of how we...as brothers and sisters on this earth...should treat each other. Now, more than ever...the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth. More connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis...the wise build bridges...while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way...to look after one another...as if we were one, single tribe." One world leader asked what a nation of farmers could offer the rest of the world. The others all discussed in murmurs as the four Wakandans and Everett smirked while pictures were clicked. The screen went black.
"Oh a lot of stuff you never even dreamt of in your wildest dreams." Pepper said.
"I have to say though, I did believe there will be some negative consequences to this." T'Challa said.
"There might be." Steve said.
"I know." T'Challa said, "Let them come."
"Now one more scene." Benjamin said.
Three children with painted faces looked down on someone. As he stirred, they ran out to Shuri who asked if they were playing with that man again. She told them not to tease him as he must rest and sent them somewhere else as the man, who was none other than the one-armed Bucky Barnes, walked out. "Good morning, Sergeant Barnes." She said as they looked at the water. "Bucky." He said politely. "How are you feeling?" She asked. "Good." He said, "Thank you." She chuckled softly and said, "Come. Much more for you to learn." She walked past him as he continued looking at the water. The screen went black.
"So I made a cameo after all." Bucky joked and all snickered.
"I'll have to thank Shuri when I meet her." Steve said.
"Oh me too." Natasha smiled.
"So that ends my journey I believe." T'Challa said.
"Yes, Your Highness." Logan said.
"So who is next then?" Vision asked.
"Me." Benjamin said before turning to Peter, "Us."
"Really?" Peter asked, feeling a bit nervous.
"Oh don't be shy." Aunt May said and he smiled.
"We are all here to support you, kid." Tony said, "And don't pay attention to my earlier treatment of you. I can treat you much better than that."
"You can." Benjamin agreed, remembering he had treated him far better during Thanos' attack.
"Well then, let's begin." Odinson said.
"With pleasure." Logan said as he turned on the recording.