Ch 75 Peter parker

"So, my origins or anything?" Peter asked.

"We already told our origins here." Benjamin reminded.

"So….no origins then." Peter sighed.

"Oh you're gonna be so popular people won't even need to find out about your origins." Tony said and he smiled.

"Let's get started." Logan said and started the recording.

A man looked at a drawing of the six Avengers by his daughter fighting the Chitauri and said things would never be the same with all the things happening. When he was a kid, he used to draw cowboys.

"Good ol' days." Natasha said as she looked at the drawing and the others chuckled.

"Yeah. Now I miss 'em." Steve said.

"You never know what you have till it's gone." Clint said.

"No kidding." Bruce agreed.

"We can have it all back. And even better than before." Thor assured.

"Oh I hope you do." Odinson said.

The man's face was revealed.

"Oh! Him!" Peter said.

"Adrian Toomes." Tony sighed.

"The Vulture." Pepper said.

"Man, this guy looks like that Dogberry from the Much Ado About Nothing movie." Sam said and all noted the resemblance.

"Yeah, I see it too." Rhodes said.

"Unfortunately, he is not stupid like Dogberry." Aunt May said.

Adrian's friend commented his kid had a future as he oversaw cleanup work near the damaged Stark Tower, telling one guy he couldn't saw through the Chitauri Chariot and to use their tech. One guy arrived late and he blamed his alarm when a woman arrived with other people, saying cleanup was under their jurisdiction now.

"Uh-oh." Scott said.

"So, jobs gone?" Hope asked.

With a sigh, Tony said, "Yeah."

She said they were qualified personnel. Toomes begged, saying he had a city contract and they all had families to feed. The woman simply apologized and asked them to turn over any alien materials they had.

"As if anyone would do that." Fury said.

One man told Toomes not to overextend himself, only to get a punch to the face.

"Never make fun of a desperate guy." Hill said.

The others with the woman pointed guns at him as the woman told him to take up grievances with their superiors. Adrian asked who they were.

"Me." Tony said.

Later, they watched the news as it said a joint venture between Stark Industries and the government had formed the Department of Damage Control to oversee collection and storage of alien and other exotic materials. Adrian then got up and said they'd keep the alien technology as the world was changing.

"And here goes." Peter said.

"Don't blame yourself too much Tony." Steve said on noticing his expression.

"Yes, don't." Pepper said, "You should have compensated them as they had every right to compensation. But them turning into criminals is not on you."

Tony smiled and nodded in appreciation.

4 years later, the workers were all criminals now as they worked on the weapons, sent them around to sell and tested them. A man flew down, wearing an Exo-Suit with wings. He landed and the suit went down to reveal Adrian Toomes.

"Man! I am jealous!" Sam said and the others snickered at his reaction.

"Well, they used alien technology. Yours was human." Bucky pointed out.

"Right." Sam said, "Wonder who'll win between us."

Adrian said business was good.

"Of course." Benjamin said.

And then appeared the words- 'A Film By Peter Parker.'

"By you?" Wanda asked.

"Uhhhh….yeah." Peter said.

Someone was shown recording a video on phone and said New York, Queens was home in spite of being a rough borough. Someone asked him who he was talking to. It was Happy Hogan, who was driving. Peter said he was just making a video of the trip.

"Ah!" Bucky said, "Nice kid."

"Thanks." Peter said.

Happy asked why he was narrating when he couldn't show anyone and he said it was fun.

Everyone chuckled as Benjamin said, "Yeah, I do a lot of stuff for fun."

Peter asked why they called him Happy but he put the mirror in their center.

Everyone chuckled.

Later, they went into a private plane and Happy said a bathroom was on it. They walked in and Peter was amazed by it not needing pilot. Later, as Happy slept, Peter stood over him and startled him.

Everyone burst into laughter as Tony said, "Nice one, kid."

Later, Peter was brought into a hotel where he said he had no idea why he was there and it was just something about Captain America going crazy.

"Uhhhh….you told him I was crazy?" Steve asked Tony.

"No. I just said Cap's wrong, he thinks he's right, and that makes him dangerous." Tony said.

"I was exaggerating. Sorry." Peter said to Steve.

Later, Peter was let into a room next to Happy and later, he was in his own homemade suit, saying he'd got this. Happy then arrived and led him through a secret closet to another room where there was a case and it opened to reveal his new suit, which he found the coolest thing ever.

Everyone chuckled at his excitement as Benjamin said, "The suit was pretty awesome so thanks for that."

Tony shrugged.

Later, Peter was hidden behind a crate in the airport as Tony, Natasha, Rhodes and T'Challa confronted Steve and an excited Peter looked at them, though he didn't know T'Challa.

"The Black Panther. Newcomer." T'Challa smiled.

Then Tony called out to him and he said he had to go as he leapt up and used his webbing to take Steve's shield, "Hey everyone."

"Very nice, kid." Steve said and he blushed.

Later, Peter was swinging around as he excitedly said he had stolen Steve's shield and thrown it back at him. He then looked behind to see Scott in his Giant-Man form holding Rhodes and said he was big now before swinging away as Scott threw Rhodes.

"Yeah. I'm really big now." Scott said.

"This is embarrassing." Rhodes muttered and everyone snickered.

Later, Peter was in his room, excitedly telling everyone about his role at the airport fight when Happy arrived. Peter flipped off the bed.

"Wow!" Wanda said.

"Uhhhh….enhanced abilities." Peter blushed.

"You're great at what you do, kid." Sam told him.

Happy said they had thin walls. Later, Peter was in the car with Tony who noticed the video diary and said he'd do the same thing. He said they should do an alibi video and then said he hoped May was wearing something skimpy.

Tony realized he was being glared at by almost everyone in the room, May's being the hardest.

"You're hitting on her in front of her nephew?" Rhodes asked, "Dude, that's creepy."

"You're right. Sorry May." Tony said but she wasn't convinced as he turned back to the recording.

Tony said it was inappropriate and they restarted, with him telling May how everyone was impressed by Peter at the internship and as the car skidded a bit, Tony said Happy was his driver before becoming head of security but Happy said he didn't like joking about this.

Everyone chuckled as Pepper said, "Poor Happy."

They stopped near his apartment as Happy took Peter's case but he said he'd take it himself. Tony told Peter Happy was his point guy and not to stress him out. He told Peter not do anything he would or wouldn't do and operate in the grey area in the middle. Peter excitedly asked if he was an Avenger but Tony said he wasn't yet. Peter asked when the next mission was and Tony said someone would call him before proceeding to give him what looked like a hug. Peter hugged back but was told this wasn't a hug and he was just opening the door for him as they weren't there yet. Peter walked out as Tony bid farewell and Happy drove off as Peter excitedly said they'd call him.

"They're not going to call me." Peter said, "And I shouldn't have thought about it either."

"Yeah, we let being an Avenger get to our heads." Benjamin said.

"Just like I let being a king get to mine." Odinson sighed.

"Yeah. But no more." Thor said.

2 months later, Peter was in public transport as he messaged Happy about the new mission. He had sent him several messages, numbering almost 100 in the last two months.

"And now you've stressed him out." Loki joked.

Peter walked to Midtown High, avoiding a car driven by his bully, Flash Thompson, who called him Penis Parker.

Aunt May glared at Flash as everyone felt sympathy for Peter.

In Midtown News, Jason Ionello and Betty Brant talked about the Homecoming and he asked her if she had a date, to which she said she had and he looked awkward.

Everyone chuckled as Scott said, "Teenagers."

Peter walked up to his locker and opened it, only for a Darth Sidious LEGO to appear behind him as someone asked him to join him to build the LEGO Death Star together. Peter turned to see Ned and they were both overjoyed.

"Ned." Aunt May said, "Sweet boy."

"Yeah." Peter and Benjamin said.

Ned asked if they could build it tonight but Peter lied about the internship and they hoped it'd get him a real job. As Ned talked, Peter stared at Liz in the front, not listening to Ned.

Everyone chuckled as Hope said, "Someone's got a crush."

Peter blushed as all chuckled good-naturedly.

They were in a class as the teacher asked a question. Flash gave an answer which was wrong. Peter was watching a video of Spider-Man on YouTube but when asked, gave the right answer as the teacher told Flash being the fastest wasn't the best.

"His name means he has to be fast though." Tony joked and all chuckled.

In the lab, Peter used chemicals to make his webbing but the chemical overflowed so he threw it away.

"Still impressive, Mr. Parker." T'Challa said and he was overjoyed again.

Later, Peter and Ned were staring at Liz putting up the Homecoming sign as Peter asked if she was wearing a new top but Ned said it was her skirt. Peter said they shouldn't stare as it'd look creepy but Michelle said they were losers. They asked why she sat with them and it was because she didn't have friends.

Everyone chuckled as Hope said, "Yeah. I was also the odd one as a teenager."

"I knew it!" Scott said.

At the Decathlon rehearsal, Liz asked questions as Peter told Roger Harrington he couldn't make it.

"Ah! Your teacher! The guy I gave a pizza." Bruce said and Peter smiled.

"Yes. Small world." Peter said.

Flash commented how Peter was never in the same room as Tony Stark.

"False." Tony said and all chuckled.

Everyone was bummed Peter wasn't going to Washington as Michelle said he'd already quit marching band and robotics lab. Everyone stared at her as she said she wasn't obsessed, just observant.

"Oh really?" Benjamin asked and all snickered.

Liz said Flash was his stand-in but he joked he had a hot date with Black Widow coming up as Abraham pressed the bell and said false but was told by Roger not to use it for comedic purposes.

"In your dreams, kid." Natasha said and all chuckled again.

Peter later walked out and leapt over the gate, going to a grocery and greeting Mr. Delmar, asking for a sandwich. He asked how his aunt was, calling her a hot Italian woman in Italian. Peter asked in Italian how his daughter was and he shut up.

Everyone laughed as Aunt May said, "I'm so proud."

"Thanks." Peter said.

Peter was asked for 10 dollars due to the comment but said he was joking and gave him 5, petting his cat and said school was boring. Delmar told him to stay in school or he'd end up like him. Peter said this was great as he had the best sandwiches in Queens and taking one, ran into an alley. He took off his clothes there and taking out his suit, put it on.

"Uhhhhhh, kid, anyone can see you changing in there." Steve said and he gapped.

"Uhhhh…..stupid mistake." Peter said, "Won't make it again."

Peter realized the configuration was haywire and corrected it before leaping up, jumping and swinging.

"Good morning, New York." Benjamin said.

Peter jumped in front of a thief who was getting away on a bicycle and jokingly asked him to hold his web before it hung him in the air as he asked everyone whose bike it was and when no one answered, he took a pen and put a note, telling the owner to take the bike and if no one came, then steal it.

Everyone laughed as Hill said, "You're funny."

He leapt around, doing a flip on one citizen's request. He showed directions to an old lady and as someone walked to a car, he webbed his head and slammed it into it before webbing his hand, telling him not to steal cars but the man said it was his car as the neighbors started yelling at him from windows and an elderly man said, "Don't make me come down there, punk." He then asked another neighbor how her mother was.

"Man, I annoyed even our old friend." Peter said about the elderly man who had appeared in the recording again.

"Think before you leap next time, kid." Bucky advised.

Peter later swung but fell and getting up, said he was okay. He later sat on a roof and sent a message to Happy's voice mail, telling him what he had done and again asked about the mission again before cutting the call. He almost dropped a piece of tech but caught it.

"Good save." Tony said.

"And I'm treating my job as a chore." Peter sighed.

"Yeah, we were always supposed to look after the little guy. The big stuff is occasional." Benjamin said.

Peter then saw thieves getting into a bank and was excited. The four put on masks of Captain America, Iron Man, Thor and Hulk and used alien technology to saw through the vault when Peter appeared behind them and got their attention with a polite cough, jokingly calling them the Avengers.

Everyone chuckled as Loki said, "Well, the Avengers are done for."

Peter joked about them, throwing 'Thor' and 'Hulk' off.

"Never mess with the kid." Bruce joked and all laughed.

"Nope." Thor said.

He hung upside and joked 'Iron Man' would be more handsome in person before throwing him into 'Hulk' when 'Captain America' fired the weapon and it held Peter in place before throwing him into the others, shocking him.

"Oh no!" Sam said as the others gapped.

"They have Chitauri technology." Vision said.

Peter was stopped by the weapon again but used webbing to pull a shelf into 'Captain America' knocking him down as Delmar called the police and said Spider-Man was fighting the 'Avengers' before Peter webbed up 'Iron Man' but the weapon shattered the place as well as Delmar's grocery in the front. A shocked Peter jumped into the grocery and helped Delmar and his cat out before looking in shock at what had happened.

"Think before you leap." Peter repeated Bucky's advice.

"Yup." Benjamin said.

Happy was overseeing work with men and bots when Peter called him and tried to explain what had happened but Happy said he didn't have time for this as he was moving due to Tony having sold Avengers Tower and he hoped in the new upstate facility call service was worse.

"Why?" Clint asked.

"Too many memories." Tony simply said.

Happy said he was responsible for making sure Peter was when the boy realized his backpack was gone from where he had hidden it, with Happy saying it didn't sound responsible and said he was free not to call him.

"With great power comes great responsibility." Aunt May told Peter the same thing Uncle Ben had.

"Yes. I'll follow it." Peter agreed with a nod.

"Why didn't Happy listen to you though?" Scott asked.

"Have you heard the story of the boy who used to shout that there was a wolf after his herd even when there wasn't?" T'Challa asked and they nodded, "The Elders were so fed up that when an actual wolf came, they didn't bother. Now you weren't lying or anything, Mr. Parker. But in your excitement to be an Avenger, you hounded Mr. Hogan so much he grew fed up, just like the elders in the story, and didn't listen to the real threat."

Peter nodded, realizing he was also at fault to an extent here.

Peter snuck back into his room from the window, taking off his mask. But when he landed and turned, he saw Ned behind him who dropped his Death Star LEGO model in shock, breaking it.

"Busted." Hope finally said.

"Can't believe I didn't notice him." Peter said.

"Got better after that." Benjamin said.

"Well, at least the Death Star is gone." Tony joked and all laughed.

Ned was shocked as he realized Peter was Spider-Man from YouTube as Peter asked what Ned was doing in his room and he reminded about the Death Star LEGO, only for Peter to tell him he couldn't bust into his room as he took off the suit. May arrived and said the turkey meatloaf recipe was a disaster and asked if Ned would like Thai but they said he had a thing to do so she left and told Peter to put on clothes. Ned realized she didn't know.

"No not right now." May said.

"Sorry." Peter said.

Peter said only Tony Stark knew as he had made the suit and Ned was overjoyed that Stark had made the suit for him as he asked if Peter was an Avenger and he said he basically was, begging Ned to keep it a secret as May would freak out and he didn't want this to happen to her after everything.

Aunt May patted Peter's head, knowing he meant well at the end.

Ned still couldn't believe it and asked about the suit as Peter said he'd explain the next day at school and let him out. Ned asked how he managed this and the Stark Industries Internship and Peter said this was the Internship. Ned's head lit up in realization as Peter let him out.

"Well, now he knows." Pepper said.

Peter and May were at a Thai restaurant later as she asked if his larb was too larby or not larby enough.

Everyone chuckled.

Peter said he was stressed about the Internship as she told him she wasn't a fan of Tony Stark as he had got Peter in the head.

"Don't blame you." Tony said.

Peter and May then looked at the news of the ATM robbery he had tried to foil and they said the Delmar Grocery had been destroyed accidentally.

"Look! A news report that is not biased! Wow!" Clint said and all agreed. If only the same had been done for Wanda.

May told Peter to turn the other way if he saw something like that as it was just 6 blocks away from them. Peter then said he needed a new backpack, shocking May as this was his 5th one.

"Really kid?" Steve asked.

"Stupid me." Peter said.

The waiter brought sticky rice pudding for May even though she hadn't ordered it, saying it was open house. As he walked off, Peter said he larbed her.

Everyone laughed as Aunt May said, "What is it about me?"

Next day, Peter and Ned were walking together in school as Peter said he had been bitten by a spider and Ned asked how much it had hurt, saying he'd have let it but Peter said the spider was dead. They saw the destroyed Delmar Grocery, shocking Ned. Throughout the day in classes, Ned asked if Peter could lay eggs, spit venom and summon an army of spiders and an embarrassed Peter said 'no' to all.

"Lays eggs?" Hope asked in amusement and all were amused.

In another class, Ned asked how far he could shoot his webs and he told him to shut up. Later, in gym, a video of Captain America was shown, telling them fitness could be the difference between success and failure.

"That!" Steve said in embarrassment.

"More dirt on you." Natasha said and all laughed.

"Why did you do it though? You hated stuff like that." Bucky said.

"The principal is Morita's grandson." Steve said and all nodded.

The instructor said Captain America was a war criminal of some kind but he was still going to show this video by taste. Ned asked if he knew him and Peter whispered he had stolen his shield.

Everyone laughed as Steve said, "Yeah you did."

Ned kept asking questions as they exercised and asked if he could be his guy in the chair with the headset and all that. Peter said he didn't need a guy in the chair as the coach said he looked good. The girls were discussing who to f, marry and kill in Avengers. Betty said she'd f Thor, marry Iron Man and kill Hulk.

"Really? What's wrong with me?" Bruce asked.

"She said kill Hulk. Not Bruce." Natasha told him.

"Ironic as her name is also Betty." Benjamin said and Bruce sighed.

"Well, I must be popular." Tony joked and all chuckled.

"You're popular too, brother." Loki said to Thor as him and Odinson shook their heads.

Liz asked about Spider-Man, telling them about his fight with the robbers. The girls said it was gross as he might be over 30.

"And we aren't?" Tony asked.

They said he might be seriously burnt but Liz said she'd love him for who he's inside and Ned spoke up that Peter knew Spider-Man and they were friends. Flash mocked them and said they should invite him to Liz's party in spite of Peter's protests. Liz didn't mind but Flash now wanted Peter to be there. As they all walked off, Peter asked Ned what he was doing and he said he was helping him out. He was an Avenger and the only one with a chance with a senior girl.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence." Peter said.

May dropped Peter and Ned, joking she was jealous of house party in the suburbs and said how some hats wore men to Ned who was wearing one. Peter wanted to go back but May said he should try to fit in. They got out as May told Peter to have fun and drove away.

"Now the party." Logan said.

Peter wore the suit under his clothes as they walked in and Ned told him of the plan to get Spidey in. Michelle said she couldn't believe they were at this lame party. Ned said she was too but she made a quip and walked off as Liz greeted them. She said they had pizza and drinks and could help themselves.

"Pizza time." Peter quipped and all chuckled.

They complimented the party when the sound of glass breaking was heard and she said her parents would kill her if something was broken and walked off as Ned asked Peter to spider it up but he said Spider-Man wasn't a party trick and he had to be himself. Flash, who was DJ, mocked Peter and Ned on the mic, with everyone laughing.

"Tough luck, kid." Steve said, reminded of himself, as all looked at Peter in sympathy.

Peter changed behind the party later, muttering to himself. He was about to swing in when he saw a blue glow in the distance.

"Duty calls." Peter joked.

He swung there instead but then realized there were no buildings to swing from in the vicinity so he ran instead.

"Yeah, it sucks." Odinson said.

Some dealers showed a man alien weapons, one of them reclaimed from a sub-Ultron arm from Sokovia.

"They must have connections everywhere." Wanda mused.

They tested the weapons as a hidden Peter watched, realizing this was where the ATM robbers had got their weapons. His phone then rang, alerting them as they first turned on the buyer but Peter leapt down with hands raised, telling them to shoot at him. One pointed a gun at him but he snatched it with webbing and rushed the other but he used a weapon gauntlet to knock him away.

"Oh no!" Aunt May said, tense as the others tensed too.

"Will switch off my phone next time." Peter said.

As Peter got up, they fled in cars but Peter attached webbing to one and was dragged with them, crashing into bins as one fired a weapon which he managed to avoid though the door broke. The driver called Toomes who was notified.

"Uh-oh!" Rhodes said.

Peter crashed into more stuff, eventually losing the van. He tried to fire more webbing but the door broke so he ran around into houses, telling two people their table tennis game was good. He then swung more as a dog tried to lick him but he threw a ball for him to fetch.

Everyone laughed as Natasha said, "Sweet."

Peter crashed into more places, splashed into a pool, wetting the people partying there, and crashed near a tent, scaring the girls.

"Sucks." Tony said.

Peter jumped around on more houses as Ned tried to call. He was about to jump on the vehicle when Vulture grabbed him and flew up.

"Shit!" Sam said as all paled, especially Aunt May.

The suit suddenly produced a parachute and helped Peter down into the water.

"The suit did save me." Benjamin said.

"Thank you." Aunt May said to Stark.

Peter was drowning when Iron Man flew in and helped him out.

Everyone sighed in relief.

Iron Man helped him down as he talked about Vulture and the weapons and asked if he had put a tracker in his suit. Tony said he had put everything including a heater which activated and relaxed Peter. Peter said he didn't have to come all this way but Stark said he hadn't as the suit opened to reveal he wasn't inside. Tony was at an Indian wedding, thankful the place had Wi-Fi as he was given drinks and a garland was put on him.

"India?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. India loves me." Tony said.

Tony told Peter to be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Peter said he was ready for more than that but Tony said he wasn't, saying Cap would have laid him out if he wanted to.

"Thank God you didn't." Peter said.

"I figured out you were a kid so I didn't." Steve said.

Tony walked into a car to drive and said to call Happy if he found out anything about the weapons, telling him to think about college. Peter wanted to talk more Tony disconnected the call and the suit flew off.

"And that's why I should be friendly neighborhood Spider-Man." Peter said.

"Yup." Benjamin told him.

Peter later found a piece of the weapon and picked it up. Ned called and he said he was on his way but Ned said he shouldn't come as Flash and the others were singing 'Penis Parker.'

Everyone looked at Peter in sympathy as Scott asked, "What's wrong with the guy?"

"Bullies always have some story behind them." Hope said.

Ned said they were still losers and decided to see each other tomorrow.

"That's bad." Tony said.

"Oh it's gonna get worse." Logan said.