"Now you need to catch him." Tony said.
"Yeah. I will." Peter said.
Flash was in his car with his date, apologizing about dinner, saying he knew when branzino was fresh and that wasn't. Then Peter jumped on the car and said in a deep voice he needed Flash's car.
Everyone chuckled as Natasha said, "At least he is intimidated."
"He isn't hard to scare." Benjamin said.
Flash stuttered that it was his dad's car but later, Peter drove it away as Flash and his date watched. He bumped into some bicycles, making Flash gasp as Peter drove away.
"Stole your bully's car. Never done that." Steve joked and all chuckled.
Peter called Ned, who picked up and asked to track his phone, which was in Adrian's car.
"That was smart, kid." Clint said to Peter as everyone looked impressed, "Great work."
"T-Thanks." Peter said. Being praised by the original Avengers was too good for him to bear at this point.
Ned tracked it down as Peter drove around, trying to turn on the headlights, telling Ned he was in Flash's car. As the speakerphone was turned on, Ned found Peter stealing Flash's car awesome. Peter avoided a bus in the way, saying he had only driven with May in parking lots and this was a huge step-up.
"Oh it is. It is." Aunt May said in a worried tone.
Peter asked if Ned had called Happy and he said he was working on the backdoor phone system, happy that he was the guy in the chair.
"Yeah. Very nice guy in the chair." Bruce said.
Adrian got out near his base.
"Need to go faster." Sam said.
Ned managed to get through to Happy, who didn't know him. Ned said he was an associate of Peter and tried to explain but Happy didn't listen and cut the call, to Ned's disappointment.
"Happy does need a better level of patience." Pepper said.
"Yeah he does." Tony agreed.
Ned told Peter the headlights were on round knob to left of steering wheel which he must turn clockwise. Peter did and the headlights turned on as Ned said his phone had stopped outside an old industrial park in Brooklyn, which made no sense to Peter as he had said he was going out of town.
"He could be lying." Scott said.
Ned then said he had reached out to Happy who didn't seem to like him much and was catching a flight, surrounded by many boxes. Peter realized it was moving day and Adrian was gonna rob that plane.
"Oh no!" Hope said.
"Yeah. Sounds about right." Rhodes said.
Happy was making the men load up the remaining stuff- Hulkbuster armor, prototype for Cap's new shield and Thor's magic belt, which he failed to pronounce.
"It's Megingjörð." Thor said.
"I don't think mortals can pronounce it." Loki said.
Peter was told to turn right so he used webbing on a pole to help himself as the car skidded and almost hit a pole but stopped and straightened.
"Damaged his car. Nice." Bucky joked and all chuckled.
Ned asked if Peter was fine and was told to keep trying to get through to Happy as he said it had been an honor when a teacher turned on the light and asked why he was here as there was a dance. Ned stuttered and said he was looking at porn.
Everyone chuckled as Logan said, "And now he's in trouble."
Peter climbed into the warehouse, looking at monitors and swung further in to find Adrian, who put on a coat and said he admired Peter's grit. He could see why Liz liked him, saying he got it now. Peter asked how he could do this to her but he said he was doing this for her. Peter webbed his hand and he said Peter was young and didn't understand how the world worked. Peter said he knew selling weapons to criminals was wrong. Adrian said that was how Stark had made his tower. The rich and powerful could do whatever they wanted whole guys like them had to pick after them and eat their table scraps. Peter asked why he was telling him this. Adrian said he wanted him to understand and because the suit took some time to get airborne as he took out a knife.
"Uh-oh." Sam said as all tensed.
Adrian cut off the webbing as the Vulture suit flew in. Peter avoided with a flip as it crashed into columns, breaking them. Peter flipped around to avoid and Adrian apologized. Peter asked what for as he wasn't even hit yet and Adrian said the suit wasn't trying to. It hit the columns instead, breaking them and collapsing debris on Peter.
"NO!" May yelled as she held Peter's hand so tight his knuckles turned pale while everyone else glared daggers into Adrian.
Adrian said on phone he was coming and walked out, looking at the tower and wearing his suit before flying off as the plane flew while Happy watched.
"Damn it!" Rhodes said.
Peter was buried under debris, unable to even move his head as he grew afraid and called for help, saying he was stuck down there. It looked like he was going to cry.
Everyone was watching in horror. Peter had powers yes. But at the end he was still a kid and this was exactly how he would react to such a situation.
Peter's knuckles were getting more and more pale every second with how tight a horrified May grasped his hand.
He then saw the suit's reflection and remembered Tony saying, "If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it." That gave Peter determination as he said repeatedly, "Come on, Spider-Man!" And with that, he started moving the debris back with his head.
Everyone watched with wide eyes, shocked by how strong and determined he was.
He managed to push the debris back and then lifted it with his hands, finally pushing it off.
"And I thought Steve was stubborn." Bucky said as they simply stared, too awed to even clap.
May finally released Peter's hand and sighed in relief.
"You have a warrior's heart, Mr. Parker." T'Challa said.
Peter leapt off as the retro-reflective panels were engaged on the plane and attached webbing to Adrian who flew at the plane.
"At this point, your determination should make him surrender." Sam said.
Adrian flew at the plane as Peter hung onto him. Adrian used the matter phase shifter to get inside as Peter just hung onto the plane. Happy was told they had launched the decoy jet and seemed satisfied.
"Don't be yet." Tony said.
Adrian walked around the jet, looking at the weapons and throwing an Iron Man helmet away.
"Yeah. I get it. You hate me." Tony said.
He then looked at the footage and saw Peter was still hanging. He angrily flew out and tried to shake Peter off as Peter climbed higher and joked this was a typical homecoming with him outside an invisible jet fighting his girlfriend's dad.
Everyone laughed as Benjamin said, "That's Spider-Man for you."
Peter tried to catch Adrian with webbing while using another to hold onto the plane but both broke and he almost fell into the engine, only to web it up with his web-shooters before he kicked the engine away.
Everyone sighed in relief.
Peter hung onto the jet as Adrian tried to attack him with wings, which he dodged. His man said they'd lose altitude and to get out of there but he wasn't going to go empty handed. The plane moved to New York as a horrified Peter realized it would crash.
"Oh no!" Steve said as everyone watched in horror.
Peter attached webbing to the plane to pull it away as it struggled in the air while Happy finally saw it.
"Now you see it." Tony said.
The plane managed to crash outside the city as Peter sighed in relief.
Everyone sighed in relief.
"Thank God." Clint sighed.
Adrian then flew down, hitting him as his wings sparkled.
"The suit's malfunctioning." Sam realized as everyone was shocked.
Adrian punched Peter and picked him up before seeing a crate and throwing him down. He tried to fly up with it but Peter webbed his wings, saying his wingsuit was going to explode and he was trying to save him. Vulture freed himself and Peter ran out of webs as the suit exploded. Peter ran through the flames, throwing off the wings and lifting up Adrian, bringing him to safety.
"And now you saved him." Pepper said.
"The kind of man he is, I think he might not forget this either." Fury said.
Later, Happy and others arrived to investigate and found Adrian webbed up with a note from Peter saying he had found Vulture guy.
"And now we finally get it." Tony said.
Peter sat on a building and looked down at the city.
"City is saved." Natasha said.
Next day, the homecoming decorations were taken down as Ned excitedly told Peter about his experience in helping him and Peter said he'd saved him.
"Yeah. You did." Peter smiled gratefully.
He then saw Liz and her mom together taking away her stuff as Betty hugged Liz and said she'd miss her. Peter walked up to her and apologized. She said he did it a lot and asked if it was for the dance, which was a crappy thing to do. Peter said it was for her dad, saying he couldn't imagine what she was going through. Liz said they were going to Oregon as dad didn't want them during the trial. She told Peter she hoped he figured out everything going on with him and walked off with her mom as Peter watched.
"At least she understands you." Bruce said and Peter nodded.
Later, Roger showed the team the trophy for motivation and said they would need a new team captain. He appointed Michelle and all clapped for her. She said her friends called her MJ.
"Do you even have any?" Peter wondered.
"All kids go through a phase." Hope said.
Peter said he thought she didn't have any and got a message from an unknown number to come to the bathroom. She asked what he was hiding, startling him but said she was kidding and he went off as she looked after him.
"She suspects something." Benjamin said.
Peter walked into the bathroom to find Happy, who said he owed him one. And then someone flushed in a stall and a boy walked out, staring at them awkwardly as he washed his hands and wiped them, walking out and still staring at them.
Everyone laughed as Rhodes said, "That was awkward."
Happy said he'd been here long enough to be awkward and said boss wanted to see him. Peter asked if he was in the bathroom and Happy said he was upstate. Peter then sat in the car and Happy drove him there, showing him the upstate Avengers facility which was impressive.
"That looks really nice." Natasha said.
"Yeah. I like it." Steve said.
Tony arrived, asking for a minute alone and Happy said he'd follow loosely. Tony apologized for taking the suit but then said it was the perfect tough-love moment to urge him on.
"Kind of. But too much." Peter said.
Peter said he'd screwed the pooch but Tony said he'd then done the right thing, using an analogy and could be an asset to the team with more mentoring. He said there were 50 real reporters behind the door and revealed a new suit that was red and black with a huge spider on it.
"Damn son!" Sam said.
"Okay, the suit did look awesome." Peter said.
"You resisted temptation. Congratulations, you are better than the first man and woman." Tony joked and all chuckled.
Tony said Peter should try it on and he'd introduce the world to the latest Avenger: Spider-Man. Then Happy would show him to his room next to Vision, who wasn't big on doors.
"I will be now." Vision said.
Peter thanked Stark but said he was good, saying he would stay on the ground as the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man to look out for the little guy. Tony asked Peter if he was turning him down and said it was the last chance, to which Peter said no so Tony said Happy would take him home. Peter started walking out, asking if it was a test and that no one was back there. Tony said it was and he had passed so he could go out.
Everyone chuckled as Wanda said, "I think there were reporters."
"Oh yes." Pepper said.
As Peter walked out, Pepper walked out of the door.
"Look who it is!" Hill said as all cheered at Pepper's entrance.
"Been a while since I was in one of these." Pepper said.
"Yeah. I know right!" Tony said.
She asked where the kid was and Tony said he had made a mature choice that had surprised them all, with Pepper saying he had screwed up and that they had to give the reporters something. Happy still had the engagement ring he had carried around since 2008, shocking Pepper who said she'd think of something better but Tony said it'd buy them time as she kissed him and walked through the door, with Tony walking after her as Happy tossed him the ring and walked off.
"I planned to do both actually." Tony said.
"Congratulations on the engagement." Natasha said and the two smiled.
Peter returned home and found the suit, having been returned by Tony. He called out to May who wasn't there and put it on before taking off his mask. May saw that from behind and said, "What the-?!" The screen turned black.
"And now she knows." Steve said, "Be careful about who sees you."
"What was your reaction?" Hope asked.
"First, I freaked out and yelled at Stark on the phone and grounded Peter." May said, "Later, I understood his reasoning and decided he could do this but only for a certain time limit and in certain areas that are close."
"Sounds reasonable." Tony said.
Adrian was led into prison where he met Mac Gargan, who was surprised they were in the same prison. He said he blamed Spider-Man and that some boys of his outside would want to meet him and kill him.
"Oh no!" Aunt May paled.
"Relax." Benjamin simply said.
Mac said he'd heard a rumor Adrian knew who he was and Adrian said Spider-Man would already be dead if he knew. Mac seemed satisfied as Adrian walked off on being told his wife and daughter had come to meet him. The screen turned black.
"Why didn't he say anything?" Peter asked.
"Because he respects you, kid." Logan said.
"As for Mac, I'll tell you later." Benjamin said.
Steve then appeared in one of his disciplinary videos, saying patience was a key trait for soldiers and students. It could be the key to victory or very little, with the result being disappointing. You'd wonder why you waited so long for something so disappointing. He then asked someone how many more of these were there.
Everyone burst into laughter as Steve blushed in embarrassment, "Hope there aren't any more of these to show."
"There are but we won't show them." Odinson said.
"So, are we done for today?" Tony asked.
"Yeah. You hungry?" Benjamin asked.
Everyone nodded.
"Well then, come on." Logan said.