Soon, everyone was in the dining hall again as they ate their food.
"I just wanted to say one thing, kid." Tony said to him, "I'm sorry for my behavior. But I still want to be part of your life. I want you to be better than me. You're a good kid. And I won't treat you like that ever again. I promise."
Everyone's respect for Tony grew with his sincere apology. Many people made mistakes. Sometimes even horrible mistakes. But few had the courage to admit the mistakes and apologize for them.
Peter looked at Aunt May who shrugged, seeming satisfied. Peter turned back to Tony and nodded with a smile, "I think you can be part of my life."
"Oh! And I'll remain within my boundaries. Sounds good?" Tony asked.
"Yeah. Sounds good." Peter smiled.
"I do see why everyone here likes you so much, kid." Pepper said to him, finding him very endearing.
"You're a very brave person, Man of Spider." Thor said to him, impressed by what he had seen of him in the recordings and till now.
"It's not a big deal." Peter said humbly, "Anyone would do what I'd do if they had powers."
"Are you kidding me?" Steve asked, "You went to stop your girlfriend's dad and then saved him from death without even hesitating. When you grow up, you're going to be the best out of all of us."
Peter almost blushed from all the praise he was getting and was struggling not to have a fanboy melt down.
"I don't consider myself the best." Benjamin said, "I'm just doing what all of us should do. Help."
"Looks like you're right about him, Cap." Natasha said.
"I'm so proud." Aunt May said to Benjamin and Peter both.
"Yes. And considering how many enemies he has, it says a lot about what kind of man he is." Odinson said.
"Really? How many enemies do you have?" Clint asked.
"Quite a few." Benjamin said, deep in thought, "There was this burglar named Felicia Hardy who called herself Black Cat. Turned out she went to the same college as me so I helped her reform."
"Don't forget you two were in an on-off relationship for a long while." Logan muttered and he shook his head.
"Let's not talk about it." Benjamin said and everyone seemed amused by his reaction, "Then there's Rhino. A Russian criminal with a weaponized suit that resembles a Rhino. Very over the top that one."
"So basically like an even worse Cross." Scott said and he nodded.
"Sorry about that, kid. Good luck." Hope told him.
"Then there is Green Goblin who is actually Norman Osborn." Benjamin said to all of their shocks.
"You mean the Oscorp's CEO?" Tony asked and he nodded.
"He seems like a decent guy so far." Sam said.
"He was. His company was making a suit for war along with a glider but he was given a deadline." Benjamin said, "So he tested some kind of superhuman serum like Cap's on himself but went insane and killed some scientists. So the contract went to another company and he killed their scientists too. Then, I started getting in his way and he became my biggest enemy. He caused me a great deal of grief."
For one second, Wanda saw an image flash through his head of him holding a dead, blonde woman under a bridge and sobbing bitterly and screaming at someone in the air, "YOU KILLED THE WOMAN I LOVE! AND FOR THAT, YOU'RE GOING TO DIE!"
Wanda shuddered a bit, feeling a lot of sympathy and sadness for him. He had already lost his Uncle Ben who he seemed to adore from what little him and May had spoken of the man. And worse things kept happening to him. She could see why her older self was in a relationship with him.
"And his son, Harry, was my best friend in college." Benjamin said, "Kind of like Adrian all over again. After Norman's death, he wanted revenge from me and became the New Goblin but I helped him see reason he turned himself in."
"Very few people can see reason at that point. Only Harry did." Logan said.
"Anyone else I should know about?" Peter asked.
"Yeah, there's Doctor Octopus, you know, the Doctor Octavius. He was doing a nuclear fusion experiment and used artificial arms for that but there was an accident which killed his wife and that drove him insane." Benjamin said, "Though he did see reason too and destroyed his machine, killing himself."
"I am so sorry you had to go through so much." Aunt May said to Benjamin.
"You were there for me through all of it." Benjamin assured her, "Oh! And there's also a symbiote called Venom who bonded to me and made me more powerful but also more unhinged so I let it go and it bonded to a guy called Eddie Brock who was my rival photographer in college and turned him into my enemy. It's still out there, changing its hosts. It came from a crashed meteor."
"I think we should take care of this thing before it reaches Earth then." Loki told Thor who nodded in agreement.
"Right you are, brother." Thor said.
"And Kraven the Hunter." Benjamin said, "I'll tell you about him and another enemy of ours after the last recording."
"If you need any help, we're all here for you kid." Hill assured Peter who nodded with a smile.
"Damn right!" Fury said.
"I think it's time to sleep then." Logan said and all seemed to agree.
"Yeah. I think I agree." Bruce said.
With that, all of them got up and went to their rooms one by one, now done for the day. When Hill got to her room though, she saw her water had finished.
So she walked back to the dining room to get a new bottle from the fridge. To her surprise, Steve was there too. He seemed to sense her as he turned around. Ever since her proven crush on him had been revealed, there was a certain awkwardness between them because of which they were avoiding speaking to each other.
"Hey." Steve said simply.
"H-Hi." Hill said to him, "What're you doing here?"
"Drinking water in the room ran out." Steve said.
"Funny." Hill said, "Same thing happened to me."
"Oh!" Steve said as he walked to the fridge and opening it, took out another bottle for her, "Here goes."
"Thanks." She said as she accepted it with a smile.
Steve wouldn't say he was attracted to her in a conventional sense. But there was something intriguing about her to him. She had always been there ever since he had got out of the ice, working tirelessly under Fury to help save the world. Working from behind the scenes to keep everyone safe while the Avengers were in the forefront.
She had even saved him, Natasha and Sam from Hydra. And she too had helped him catch up on some stuff like Sam.
Many women were attracted to him. But there were few who were as interesting a person as Hill. He loved Natasha as a friend and was happy for her and Bucky. Wanda was like a little sister whom he adored. He was attracted to Sharon and she was a very nice, capable woman but because of her connection to Peggy, he could always feel his first love's shadow over them.
And a part of him still did care for Peggy but this was his home now.
I am home.
He remembered his words to Tony that he had said after Ultron's defeat. So even if he could somehow go back to Peggy, he knew he won't be able to stay forever. Maybe he should see where this could go after all. No harm done.
As Hill turned to leave, he called out to her, "Maria."
She stopped in her tracks and turned around to face him, "What?"
"I was…..I was wondering…." Steve stuttered. He was worse than Peter at this.
"What were you wondering?" She asked.
"Just….uhhhh…." Steve said, struggling to form coherent words, "After this is over…..will you….will you go out for a coffee with me?"
Hill seemed a bit surprised at his question. She looked contemplative. Steve wondered if he had come off the wrong way. This was one thing he had never been good at. Even after becoming Captain America. Like his 'fondue' misconception.
But then Hill's face turned to a smile. Not a smirk. A smile. Like the ones most women gave when talking to someone they really liked.
She looked up at him and said, "I'd like that."
Steve inwardly sighed in relief. This worked better than he had thought it would.
"After this is over then." Hill said.
"Yeah. Wherever you'd like." Steve told her.
And then they simply stood there, the awkwardness and tension easing slowly.
Suddenly, a white light glowed in the room and they turned to its source. They covered their eyes with their arms and then suddenly the light disappeared and in its place was a dark, imposing figure on a hovering throne.
"Greetings, Avenger and Agent of SHIELD." He said as he stood on his throne, "I have come from the future to deliver a message to Captain America."
He then took out a gun from a portal and fired. A green beam shot out and they both jumped to avoid. The alarms in the building had already started blaring at this point.
Suddenly, someone flew out in a suit. It was like Tony's but far sleeker and thinner. The colors were mostly the same though.
Before Kang could fire again, the person inside said, "F.R.I.D.A.Y. Initiate defenses."
It was Morgan. Some turrets popped out of the ground and fired at Kang. When the smoke cleared, Kang still stood there, holding his gun. He had produced an energy shield with his throne. Some other turrets appeared and fired at him as his shield defended him.
He then pressed a button on his throne and a sonic wave was produced. As Steve, Morgan and Hill backed to avoid, the sonic wave hit the turrets, disabling them. Kang then dispelled his energy shield and fired his gun at the ceiling. Some sonic waves shot out and dispersed on hitting the ceiling, hitting the turrets and destroying them all.
His throne then lowered itself to the ground as he got off of it.
"I don't care why you are here, Kang." Morgan said, "But this ends now."
She fired a repulsor at him but he disappeared from view and the repulsor hit the throne instead which was protected by the energy shield.
Kang appeared next to Morgan and before she could react, lifted her by the throat, "Your armor is…amusing. Primitive."
Hill fired at him with her gun but he opened a portal in the way and the bullets went into it before shutting it off. Steve rushed Kang and lifting a chair, threw it at him. But Kang pointed his hand at the chair and it stopped in mid-air. Turning to the two with a smirk, he asked, "Now, where were we?"
The others were all led to some kind of secret panic room which was connected to all of theirs. It had opened when the alarms had started blaring.
"What's going on?" An alarmed Fury asked.
"Kang is here." Cassie said, shocking them all.
"The guy from the future?" Scott asked and she nodded.
"Why is he here?" Hope asked.
"No idea." Lila said, "Morgan, Cap and Hill are out there."
"Hill's there?" Fury asked in shock, "He'd kill her."
"And Morgan?" Tony asked, him and Pepper terrified for her life.
"Look, some of you need to stay here." Odinson said, "Bruce, you stay here."
"But why? Hulk can be helpful." Bruce said.
"If Kang gets through us, the others would need your protection." Logan said.
"So who's staying?" Pepper asked, looking at Tony.
"You are. May is." Lila said, "And you too, Fury."
"And you two as well." Cassie said to her dad and Hope, "We don't have time to get suits for you two."
The two nodded, accepting.
"And you as well, bub." Logan said to Peter, "Bruce might need some help if things to shit. And Vision, Rhodey, you too."
Peter, Rhodes and Vision seemed to nod, accepting.
"What about me?" Tony asked, "I'm not leaving my daughter out there."
"We do have time to get a suit for you." Benjamin said as he arrived inside, "I called up some people."
"Be careful, peanut." Scott said as him and Cassie hugged each other.
Back in the dining hall, Kang spun his hand and the chair flew back at Steve and Hill, hitting them and throwing them back.
He then threw Morgan away into a wall and she fell down. Kang then turned around to see Steve running at him.
Steve threw punches, kicks and flips but Kang opened small portals in the way every time as Steve asked, "Why are you attacking the Avengers in their headquarters, Kang?"
"No, not the Avengers. Only you, Captain." Kang smirked, "I am here to eliminate you from the timeline."
He then pressed his belt and a green sonic wave shot out, throwing Steve back as Hill groaned where she lay.
As Morgan got up, Tony then flew in, "You all right?"
"Yes, dad." She said as he helped her up. Tony was using the Iron Man Armor: Mark XLV. This suit seemed to have been preserved even till 2035.
"FRIDAY. Full power to the Unibeam." Tony said and fired it from the Arc Reactor but an energy shield blocked it.
"That's not possible." Tony said in shock, "Scan his weapons."
"Error." FRIDAY said as the weapons weren't from their timeline.
"Scan his chair." Tony said in desperation.
"Error." FRIDAY said again.
"There's nothing we can do to scan his weapons." Morgan said as the two stood together.
Kang fired a beam at them again but suddenly someone with wings came flying with a shield and blocked the beam, though he was sent flying back.
It was Sam. But he wore a suit that resembled Captain America's and also had his shield, along with his wings.
He staggered up as Steve asked in shock, "Sam?"
"Not your Sam." He said, "The Sam from this timeline."
"Why do you want to eliminate Captain America, Kang?" Tony asked him.
"To save the world." Kang said ominously.
Suddenly, a huge figure appeared behind Kang. He seemed to be a giant made of rock and wore only pants. Before Kang could react, the figure grabbed him and threw him away, crashing him through a wall.
As Kang groaned, he saw an arrow inches from his face. It was Lila, in her Hawkeye suit and next to her were Natasha, Clint, Bucky, Sam and T'Challa, the former four pointing guns at him.
"Here's some friendly advice, I'd stay down if I were you." Lila said to Kang as Clint smirked in pride.
"Just like Hawkeye." Natasha joked and the three chuckled.
Suddenly, the green stone on Kang's helmet glowed and another sonic wave shot out, sending them flying back as the stone guy rushed in. Kang's shield appeared again but the stone guy punched it so hard twice it disappeared and he lifted Kang into the air angrily.
"Ben wait!" Benjamin said as he walked inside with Steve, Tony, Logan and Morgan, now wearing a Spider-Man suit, "We need answers."
"What did you mean when you said 'save the world?'" Morgan asked him.
"Where I am from I rule the world." Kang said, "But recently, a disruption in the space-time continuum wiped out everything from my timeline and only I escaped. I traced the anomaly to here and turns out its Captain America. He shouldn't have existed in the 21st Century beyond 2023. And because of your actions, he will."
Suddenly, small green balls of energy shot out of his fingertips and hit all of them, sending shocks through their bodies as they fell down in pain.
Kang stood over Steve again and said, "To save my timeline, you must die, Captain America."
Before he could fire though, he was hit by lightning and screamed in pain. Thor was there with Loki, Odinson, Wanda and Cassie.
Before Kang could react, Odinson summoned some kind of ax in his hand and threw it at Kang, sending him flying back and crashing into a wall.
"What's that?" Loki asked as him and Thor looked at the ax in awe when Odinson summoned it back.
"Stormbreaker. A king's weapon." Odinson said before announcing to Kang, "You wish to end a life villain, then try ours!"
"Yeah!" Cassie said before stopping, "Wait what?"
Kang then staggered back up and raised his hand. Suddenly, shots were fired at them all from behind and they jumped away to avoid. It was his throne, moving on its own accord. It flew into the room and Kang sat on it just as someone on fire came flying in and fired at him but the energy shield defended him. Cassie shrunk and fired her blasts at him but the shield defended him from those too.
"Give it up, Kang." Tony said as all of them stood together against him.
"I don't give up, primitive." Kang said, "If you insist to fight so much to save Captain America's life, I will show you all exactly what you are fighting for."
They all charged at him as a white light glowed and suddenly, they were not in Avengers Tower anymore but in a burnt, destroyed and desolate city. Some fires were still burning on the almost destroyed buildings.
The sun seemed to be burning really bright too.
"What the fuck?" Logan said.
"No." Bucky whispered.
Kang then appeared on his throne and said, "This is what Captain America's presence beyond 2023 leads to. This is all his fault."
Odinson saw a broken doll on the ground and picked it up.
"Where have you taken us, Kang?" Morgan asked.
"Not where, when. You stand in your New York city, just 10 years from 2035." Kang said, horrifying them all.
"You did this!" Clint said as he pointed his gun at him.
"You're not listening, Avenger." Kang said, "I didn't do this. Captain America did."
"All right everyone, just calm down!" Tony said, "FRIDAY, connect to Stark Industries server."
"Error. Server not found."
"SHIELD! Anything!"
Everyone was horrified as they realized Kang was telling the truth.
"There is no one out there. There is no one left." Tony said in horror. Even the satellites in space lay broken.
"Of course not." Kang said, "Very soon, back in the timeline from which the past Avengers come from, the Earth will be consumed in a war. Earth's sun will be a casualty in that war, along with all life on the planet."
"What kind of war is that?" Cassie asked.
"A war between two alien races." Kang said, "The Kree and the Skrulls."
The ones from the future were shocked as Benjamin mused, "This is what their fighting will lead to?"
"But in the end, it was Captain America whose presence caused this destruction." Kang said.
"Nay! You lie!" Thor said, "No one man can be responsible for this destruction. Least of all, Captain America."
"Not knowingly." Kang said, "But he should not exist in your timeline. I am here to correct that."
"So let me guess, handing over Cap to you is going to save the world." The flying fire guy said.
"Stupid future man!" Ben roared and charged, trying to punch him but he blocked with his energy shield and hit Ben with an electric shock, sending him flying back.
"It may." Kang said, "I am here to eliminate Captain America. But I will advance your technology and prepare your military for the upcoming war."
"And how will you do that?" Past Sam asked.
"By conquering 2023." Kang said, "I tell you that as a courtesy. I will come for you all."
"If this is what my presence will lead to, I will stand down." Steve said, "But the entire Earth…what should we do?"
"We have seen what the Kree can do in the recordings." Tony said, "Kang may be the Earth's only hope."
Kang smirked as everyone looked at Tony in horror.
Then everyone detected a smirk underneath Tony's visor as he said, "But he's being a real jerk about it."
Steve smirked and said, "Avengers, take him!"
With that, Natasha, Clint, Bucky and Past Sam fired their guns. Future Sam threw his shield while Odinson threw Stormbreaker and Thor fired his lightning and Loki threw a dagger. The flying fire guy also fired a blast as Tony and Morgan fired repulsors and Cassie fired a blast. Wanda too fired a hex blast as Benjamin shot out a webbing line while Lila fired an explosive arrow.
There was an explosion where Kang was as Future Sam's and Odinson's weapons returned to them. As the smoke cleared, they were horrified to see Kang wasn't there.
He then reappeared and said, "I hope you enjoy the rest of your days on this dead Earth. For this is where I am leaving you."
He pressed a button and the throne started disappearing when suddenly, cockroaches started crawling up his chair to his shock. They covered him.
"Now that's impressive, bub." Logan said.
Cassie smirked, "My suit detected them as soon as we got here. Cockroaches can survive almost anything."
Ben stomped the ground with his foot and the shockwave sent Kang flying off his throne. He landed on the ground as Logan leapt at him with a roar, claws raised but was sent flying back by Kang's hand.
The others surrounded him as Lila fired her arrows but Kang stopped them with his hand. Tony and Morgan fired missiles together but Kang stopped them too with his hand and threw them at Steve. Future Sam flew in the way and blocked with his shield.
As Kang fired a beam, Wanda raised a shield, struggling against it.
"Tony, get to the chair!" Steve said, "It's out ticket home!"
"But Cap-"
"You're the only one who can!" Steve said.
"You can do this, dad." Morgan said, "We'll distract him."
Tony nodded and flew off as Morgan and the fire guy fired at Kang but he summoned an even more powerful energy shield, blocking the attacks while Ben leapt at it but was sent flying off. Thor fired his lightning while Odinson hit it with Stormbreaker but the shield exploded and they were all sent flying off too.
T'Challa leapt in front of him and tried to fight but Kang opened portals in the way and sent him flying off again.
Tony sat on his throne, trying to figure out something.
A miniature Cassie fired at Kang but he produced energy shield again and fired a small energy ball at her, sending her flying back.
He then stopped a rock being thrown at him. Ben threw another one and Kang sent the first one flying back with his hand, crashing the two and destroying them.
"You hope to defeat me?" Kang asked.
"No we don't." Loki smirked as he threw a knife at Kang which he stopped and threw back at him. But the knife went through him and it turned out to be an illusion.
Kang groaned as he was stabbed in the side by the real Loki who smirked, "It's called a distraction."
Logan leapt at Kang from behind with a roar and hit his suit with his claws, forming an X as Kang roared in pain again. Loki backed off as Kang turned around and fired a beam at Logan, sending him flying back.
"Error analyzing." FRIDAY said as Tony tried to analyze the throne.
"No! There has to be a way!" He said, "This isn't magic. It's technology. There is logic to it."
Wanda fired a blast at Kang but his energy shield defended him. Ben leapt at Kang but the energy shield sent him flying back.
Thor fired his lightning but the energy shield's power was increased. Odinson leapt at Kang with Stormbreaker raised and roared, "YIELD!"
Kang's shield fired an energy shockwave and Odinson was sent back as Natasha, Clint Bucky and Past Sam fired at him but he sent them all flying back.
Benjamin attached webbing to him and swung at him, kicking him on the face before he opened a portal to block another attack and sent him flying back too.
Cassie, now in giant form, tried to hit him but he threw her into the air with his hand. Morgan fired another missile but it was sent back at her and she fell down.
Lila fired many arrows and they exploded around Kang, forming a crater but he walked in the air. Logan leapt at him from behind but Kang stopped him with his hand.
A now miniature Cassie tried to fire a blast but Kang put Logan in the way and he was hit before being thrown off along with her. The fire guy fired a powerful blast but Kang disappeared and reappeared before firing a blast at him and sending him back.
He then turned to Steve, Thor, Loki and Future Sam. He fired at them as Thor fired his lightning back, the two beams struggling to overpower each other.
"Tony, we're running out of time!" Steve said.
Tony was looking at all the codes when he said, "FRIDAY, connect to Port 290926 now!"
FRIDAY did as told and then a white light glowed again as some green sonic waves shot out.
"NO!" Kang roared angrily.
"Your tech is very advanced." Tony told Kang, "But some of it is based on very, very old technology. Stark Technology.
Tony then said, "Activate time circuits, now!"
The time circuits were activated as all of them suddenly found themselves in Avengers Tower again in the dining hall.
"You will pay for this!" Kang roared as he leapt at Tony but the energy shield appeared and he was sent flying back.
"I have faced your wrath, Kang!" Odinson said as he flew into the air, "Now you shall suffer mine!"
He then fired a powerful lightning blast with Stormbreaker as him and his weapon glowed with lightning. Kang screamed in pure agony before he fell down, his suit now in shreds and his helmet sparkling. His body was scorched badly.
He groaned as he said, "This….is….not…..over."
"Cap and I don't agree on a lot." Tony said as him and Steve walked over to Kang, "But on this, we do."
As he tried to get up, a hex blast hit his abdomen and he was down again. But it wasn't Wanda.
They all turned to see Scarlet Witch coming out of some kind of orange glowing portal.
Kang's neck was suddenly wrapped by an orange glowing whip. Everyone looked up to see a man in a goatee dressed in some kind of blue uniform with a red cape on his back that had a collar coming up to his shoulders.
"Who're you?" Tony asked.
"Doctor Strange. Sorcerer Supreme." He said.
Steve looked down at the very weakened Kang and punched him hard, finally knocking him out.
Strange's whip disappeared as he flew down and he moved his hand in a rotatory motion, opening another portal.
"It's the Baxter Building." Strange said, "Send Kang to the Negative Zone."
"Finally! After ages, we have caught this bastard!" The fire guy said.
"Thanks for coming, Johnny." Benjamin said to him, "You too, Ben."
The two nodded with smiles.
Ben then lifted Kang and the two walked into the portal, taking him away.
"So you're some kind of magician now?" Natasha asked Strange.
"We are called Masters of the Mystic Arts." Strange said, "And I am the Sorcerer Supreme. You are all from the past, having been brought here to view your past and future mistakes so as to not repeat them."
"Yeah, we are almost about to finish in two more days." Benjamin said.
"I never thought this would be needed." Strange said, "But back in the original timeline, there is one thing I didn't consider when we finally did beat Thanos after all the losses."
"What?" T'Challa asked.
"In that timeline, all the Infinity Stones were destroyed." Strange said, "Reduced to atoms. But what we didn't realize then were that they were needed in pure form to help sustain the universe. And with them gone, this universe would collapse in half a century now."
"What?" Tony asked as everyone gapped.
"Yes. Which is why we brought you here." Strange said, "If you all view your mistakes, this situation will never arise. And the universe will be stable again."
"And because we brought you here instead of going back in time, the alternate timeline stuff isn't going to happen." Benjamin said, "Your past actions will change the future."
"So Back to the Future does work." Tony mused.
"We have to go now." Strange said as he opened another portal. Scarlet Witch kissed Benjamin and then walked into it with him.
"That was unexpected." Logan said.
"This place is still safe, right?" Bucky asked.
"Kang has future tech which helped him bypass all our security." Morgan said, "Others can't."
"You did, good." Tony said to Morgan who smiled.
"You too, dad." She told Tony.
"Good work, Tony." Steve said sincerely.
"And I am so proud." Clint said as he looked at Lila proudly.
"What did he mean about me?" Steve mused.
"He wasn't clear." Odinson said, "The Fantastic Four will try to get answers. We will tell you if they do."
"Whatever it is, we will have to face it together." Wanda said and they all nodded.
"Sounds like the threats we wanted you about aren't the only ones out there." Benjamin said.
"Changing the past changes the future." Tony said, "And it can happen positively as well as negatively."
They all nodded, still tense.
"Is Hill all right?" Steve asked.
"Yeah. She is." Morgan said.
"I have to ask though, what were you two doing out here?" Tony asked Steve with a naughty smirk and Steve sighed. Which was answer enough.
"Oooh!" Natasha smirked, "So the Captain asked the spy out on a date."
"What happened next?" Bucky asked.
"He got it." Steve said and Bucky and Natasha smirked.
Steve and Past Sam turned to Future Sam, "Did I give this to you?"
"Yeah." Future Sam said, "You retired. And gave this to me."
Steve felt he wasn't telling the entire thing but nodded. He shook hands with Future Sam.
"All right. I know it's hard but maybe we should all go to sleep." Benjamin said, "I promise, no more supervillains will attack. And we only have to view this stuff for two more days."
Everyone nodded in agreement and one by one, all were back in their rooms again as they reunited with ones in the panic room, who were shocked but relieved to see them.
Now the atmosphere was tenser than ever. But the heroes were all united at least. And they would finish the viewing soon.