"Now you must be thinking of recruiting him." Natasha said to Thor.
"Oh he sure was." Bruce said, "And I'm rather easy to convince."
Hela sat on the throne in her palace, asking about the noise as Skurge said a resistance was trying to knock down the front gates. She gestured to her undead Berserkers and they ran out to deal with them. Hela asked Skurge to tell her about himself. He started explaining his family history but she said she was asking about ambition. He only wanted recognition and a chance to prove himself. Hela told him when she was young all great Kings had an executioner not just to execute people but to execute their vision, but mainly to execute people. It was a great honor though.
"She was Odin's executioner, wasn't she?" Steve asked.
"Yes. She was." Thor said.
Hela got up and said she was Odin's executioner and now Skurge would be hers as she summoned a Bloodaxe and handed it to him.
"Skurge the Executioner." Tony noted.
They were now going to begin their conquest. Hela, Skurge and the undead army arrived at the Observatory but found that Hofund was missing. Hela said that sword was the key to opening the Bifrost to other realms.
"Very nice, Heimdall." Clint said and all nodded.
Hela asked him to round up the people who weren't falling in line.
"This madwoman." Scott snorted.
Later, some children and adults ran around as the undead army chased them into the forest. They bumped into someone and the man took off his hood, revealing himself to be Heimdall.
"Even banishment didn't kill his loyalty." Loki said.
"Which is why he is the best gatekeeper for Asgard and a trustworthy friend." Thor said.
He brandished his sword and swiftly took down 5 of the undead Berserkers before asking them to come with him. He led them to an ancient Asgardian stronghold, pressing his hand on runes to open it. Several Asgardian refugees were in there, safe. He told them they'd be safe too and led them in there as they reunited with loved ones.
"At least he is saving people." Bucky noted.
"From the Mad Queen." Hope joked and all chuckled.
At Sakaar, Thor was being washed up and bandaged by nurses when he woke up with a roar and they all ran off. He got up and looked around, shirtless.
The jaws of the ladies dropped at seeing his body in all its glory.
"How hard do you work out?" Hope asked.
"Well, fighting demons and all that is pretty good work-out." Odinson told her, "So I should never stop doing that."
"Those ladies must be enjoying." Aunt May joked and all laughed.
Thor then found his Sakaaran armor and put it back on before hearing a sound in the water and turned to see Hulk there. He asked if they were cool and Hulk nodded as Thor gave him a thumbs up and joked how Hulk was in a bathtub.
"Yeah. Never thought I'd see that." Steve joked and all chuckled.
Thor asked how long Hulk had been big, green and stupid and he said Hulk was always Hulk.
"You can speak in full sentences too now." Peter noted.
"I guess the longer he is around, the smarter he gets." Bruce said.
Thor asked how he had gotten here and Hulk said by winning as Thor said it was cheating, pointing out the Obedience Disk.
"In this case, yes." Fury said.
"Oh no!" Bruce said as he realized something, "The other contestants. I killed them as Hulk."
The guilt in his eyes was showing but T'Challa assured him, "You did what you did to survive. Now yes, some of them might have been innocent. But you haven't always been in control of Hulk. Especially not now. To prevent this from happening, perhaps you should work out your issues with him."
Bruce nodded. While the guilt was still there, T'Challa was right about them needing to work things out.
Thor asked how Hulk had gotten here and he did a swirling motion with his hand into the water, saying it was a Quinjet. Thor asked where it was now and Hulk got out of the bath, making Thor close his eyes due to the nakedness. He walked past Thor who said it was in his brain.
"Ugh! Now I can't get it out of my brain either." Sam said as all shook their heads on seeing Hulk's butt.
"Damn it!" Bruce sighed, "Why the hell did have to happen?"
"Sorry about that." Logan said.
"It's still in my brain." Odinson muttered.
Hulk pointed at the Quinjet outside the window and Thor noticed, feeling happy.
"There it is." Fury said.
Hulk wore a towel and sat down, eating as Thor said he was getting them out of here and that hulk was gonna love Asgard. Hulk said he'd stay but Thor said his people needed him as he put on his gauntlets, telling him they must prevent Ragnarok which was the prophesized death of his home world but Hulk yawned loudly.
"Anyone reminded of M'Baku?" Benjamin asked and all raised their hands.
Thor said if Hulk helped him in getting back to Asgard, he'd help Hulk in getting back to Earth. Hulk said Earth hated him.
"Because of me." Wanda said guiltily, "I'm sorry."
Thor said Earth loved him as he was one of the Avengers and one of his friends. Friends supported one another. Hulk said Thor was Banner's friend but Thor said he preferred Hulk to him and that he didn't even like Banner who was into numbers and stuff.
"Hey!" An offended Bruce said.
"Sorry." Thor said with raised hands, "I do like you. I just needed Hulk to listen."
"Though you have to admit, Hulk is more fun." Tony said and all chuckled.
Hulk said Thor would go and he'd stay and Thor turned around, saying the place was hideous due to red and white and they should just pick a color. Hulk said he had smashed Thor but Thor said he hadn't smashed anything and he had won.
"Technically, yeah." Pepper said.
Hulk said Thor had baby arms and Thor called him a moron as Hulk threw his fruit and Thor avoided. Hulk told Thor to go and he said he was before a red barrier stopped him and he fell down while Hulk laughed and told Thor to go again.
Everyone burst out laughing as Rhodes said, "Hulk laughing and talking. The one thing I never knew I needed."
"My life is complete now." Tony said.
"He actually does look fun." Bruce said.
Hulk said this was 'Thor home' before wearing his helmet and taking his hammer. He said he'd train as Valkyrie arrived and the two walked off, with her calling him big guy and him calling her angry girl. She asked what he was up to and he said winning.
"She seems to like the big guy." Vision noted.
"Well, he is a very strong fighter and so is she." Thor said.
"Yes. That is why they have such good friendship." Odinson said.
Later, Thor looked down at the Quinjet again before closing his eyes and asking Heimdall to help him see. Heimdall saw and heard him and as Thor opened his eyes, they had the same color as Heimdall's and he was standing in Asgard.
"He can do that?" Steve asked.
"Yeah. He can temporarily give others his sight." Thor said.
"Another reason I'd fired him." Loki said.
Heimdall told Thor to see for himself what was going on and they saw the people hidden. Heimdall said he was providing refuge in a stronghold built by their ancestors but would have to escape via Bifrost if the garrison failed. Thor realized Heimdall wanted to evacuate Asgard and he said they wouldn't last long if they stayed because Hela's power grew the longer she was on Asgard.
"And soon she'd be unstoppable." Bucky said while all tensed.
Heimdall said Hela would consume the Nine Realms and Cosmos if they let her leave as they all hid to avoid some Berserkers. They needed Thor. Thor said he was working on it but didn't even know where he was. Heimdall said he was on a planet surrounded by gateways and needed to walk through one. Thor asked which one and Heimdall said the big one before brandishing his sword and killing a Berserker through Thor who disappeared and was back at Sakaar.
"Desperation level: high!" Tony said while all tensed more.
Thor later tried to rip the Obedience Disk out but it didn't come off.
"Those things are really strong." Scott noted.
Thor was sitting sadly as Hulk said 'Thor sad' but Thor said he wasn't. Hulk again said 'Thor sad' and pushed him off before Thor angrily got up and said he wasn't sad but pissed off. He angrily said he had lost him father and hammer while Hulk said he whined and cried like baby while Thor angrily kicked stuff at him, saying he wasn't listening. Hulk threw stuff back as Thor said he was being a bad friend but Hulk called him bad friend. Thor then angrily said everyone called him 'stupid Avenger' while Hulk called him 'tiny Avenger' and threw a shield which Thor barely avoided. It could have seriously injured him.
"What are you, 5?" Natasha asked as all rolled their eyes as the argument in front of them.
"Oh they both sure have the tempers of 5 year-olds." Loki smirked.
"Yeah, not my best moment." Odinson said.
"Hulk is kinda like a toddler in here." Bruce said.
Thor angrily said Earth did hate Hulk as he put down his mace and turned away angrily, throwing his arms in the air. He then sat angrily as Thor walked towards him regretfully but Hulk shook his head and turned away.
"Now that really is toddler behavior." Clint noted and all chuckled.
"Well, toddlers do have infinite anger." Hill said and all laughed while Bruce shook his head.
Thor apologized for saying those stupid things and said nobody called hi, the stupid Avenger. Hulk said it was okay as Thor said he couldn't throw shields at people as it could have killed him. Hulk apologized and said he was just angry all the time. Thor said they were the same but Hulk said he liked fire while Thor liked water. Thor said both liked fire and then Hulk said he liked raging fire while Thor liked smoldering fire and Thor laughed before asking Hulk to do something for him.
Everyone laughed as Bruce said, "I think Hulk needs a parental figure."
"You're very right, Dr. Banner." T'Challa said.
Valkyrie later arrived in the chamber, kicking a guard's weapon for fun. Hulk raised his hammer as she avoided and kicked him on the back, making him fall down.
"Wow! That took some serious strength and skill." Hope said and all were awed.
Then Thor revealed himself and she said he was really thick-headed if he didn't get how someone who was hiding across the other side of the Universe wanted to be left alone. Thor wanted her to stay so Hulk ripped off a piece of his bed and threw it in her way, telling her to stay and adding 'please' as Thor said 'please' too.
"He should rein in his excitement a bit." Tony said and Bruce nodded.
Valkyrie picked up a drink and said she'd listen to him until this was finished. She started drinking as Thor tried explaining Asgard was in danger and they needed her help but she finished her drink and dropped it, walking off, to Thor's shock.
"She is a fast drinker." Steve said and all were awed by her even more.
Thor said Odin was dead and she stopped as he said Hela the Goddess of Death had invaded Asgard. Valkyrie said if Hela had invaded Asgard it was already lost but Thor said he was going to stop her. She asked if it was just him and Thor said, "I'm putting together a team. It's me, you, and the big guy." Hulk was playing with a huge ball and said, "No. No team. Only Hulk." Thor said, "It's me and you." Valkyrie said, "I think it's only you."
"If only I had you with me at the time." Thor said to Steve while all chuckled.
She walked away but Thor stepped in her way, begging her to listen and said Valkyrie were Elite legendary warriors of Asgard and was sworn to defend the throne. Valkyrie said she wasn't going to be part of any more family squabbles as Hela's power came from Asgard. When she had grown beyond Odin's control, she had massacred everyone in the palace for the throne and he had sent the Valkyrie to fight her back. She had survived and had only faced her when she had believed in the throne and it had cost her everything. And that was what was wrong with Asgard.
"Yes. That was what was wrong. But not anymore." Thor said.
"No. Not anymore for sure." Odinson agreed.
"All of that has left a mark on her." Steve noted, sympathizing with her.
Thor tried to stop her but she put her knives on his throat. Thor put them down and said he had turned down the throne but this was about the people who were dying and they were her people too. She pushed him off and told him to forget it like she had. Thor agreed before thanking her. She asked for what and he lifted the remote of the Obedience Disk, saying for this and that she hadn't seen that coming.
Everyone clapped as Loki said, "Smart boy."
"Learnt a thing or two from the spies." Thor said as he looked at Natasha, Clint, Fury and Hill and they smirked.
Thor then pressed the remote and the Obedience Disk came off.
"Finally!" Tony said as all cheered.
He said she could enslave more people for the lunatic and drink and hide but he chose to run towards his problems and not away from them. Hulk threw him the ball and he threw it at the window, "Because that's what he-" He was cut off when the ball bounced back and hit his head, making him fall down.
Everyone burst out into hysterical laughter as Thor and Odinson looked embarrassed.
"And that people, is what we call an epic fail." Logan said as the laughter increased.
"The God of Thunder embarrassed like any mortal man." Tony laughed.
"Oh this is priceless." Loki laughed too.
Thor got back up and said, "Because that's what heroes do." He then leapt out of the window, shattering it and then leapt down via buildings before landing in the city as Hulk roared, "Friend stay!"
"I have a feeling now he's coming too." Steve said.
"You will see." Thor said.
"And now the escape." Benjamin said as the recording continued.