Ch 85 Thor vs. Hulk

"So, where're you now?" Peter asked Thor.

"In one of the worst places ever." Thor said.

"That place was a piece of trash. Literally." Odinson said.

"I liked it there." Loki said.

"Of course you did!" Thor said.

In a world beyond the Nine Realms, Thor crashed through a portal. The place was full of heaps of trash.

"You weren't kidding when you said this was a piece of trash." Tony said.

"Giant piece of trash." Scott added.

Thor threw debris off of him and looked around at the portal and the falling objects. He looked up to see something about to fall on him and quickly moved out of the way.

"Nice save." Steve said.

Thor looked around and saw a huge city in the distance.

"What's that?" Bucky asked.

"Sakaar." Loki said.

Then Thor some kind of ship landing in front of him and out walked strange looking aliens, asking if he was a fighter or food. Thor said he was just passing by and they said he was food.

"So they're Sakaarans then." Natasha noted.

"Are they really paper people?" Clint asked.

"They don't have much strength." Thor said.

"But they have very advanced technology." Odinson said.

Thor tried to summon Mjolnir but then remembered it was gone.

"Still miss it, even if it was only to conduct my powers." Thor said.

"Yes, it does hold a special place in my heart." Odinson said too.

Thor then raised his hands and as one Sakaaran came close, he threw him off. Another tore off half of his cape but was punched down along with another. Then the lead Sakaaran fired an net and it threw Thor down, electrocuting him as the others started hitting him.

"Damn it!" Sam said.

"If you're the God of Thunder, then why're you being electrocuted?" Hope asked.

"I was too weakened in that moment." Thor said, "I lost Mjolnir, I was smashed into the Bifrost, and thrown through space and time into a far off world. Even the source of my power was damaging for some time."

"Yes. It is what happened." Odinson said.

"Makes sense." Aunt May agreed.

Then another ship flew down and they looked up in shock. It landed and a pathway was formed. Out walked a dark-skinned woman with markings on her face, drinking a beer. "He's mine." She said.

"Who's that?" Scott asked.

"Angry girl." Bruce said with a smirk.

"Don't mess with her." Thor said.

She walked towards them but due to her drunken state, fell down into trash so the Sakaarans started hitting Thor again.

"That looks really embarrassing." Rhodes said.

"Oh it is the worst phase of my 1500 year long life." Thor said.

"Yes. Among the worst." Odinson said and shuddered again on remembering his 'Bro Thor' phase.

She got back up, saying Thor was his so they'd have to go through her to get him. The Sakaarans decided she was food too and she said she'd go through them. She then struggled to activate her gauntlets as they moved closer but managed to do it. Her ship's guns were activated and she used them to slaughter all the Sakaarans.

"That looked really, really awesome." Hill said as all clapped for her.

"Yeah. She is resourceful." Thor agreed.

Now only one was left and he rushed her but she ducked to avoid a blow before punching him and throwing him off.

"She's strong." Fury noted, "I think she is an Asgardian."

"Right you are." Odinson said, shocking everyone.

"What's an Asgardian doing in a trash heap?" Pepper asked.

"You will see very soon." Logan said, "It will be revealed."

Thor ripped out the net and thanked her but she threw a disk that attached to the side of his neck and activated it, sending a toxin through Thor's body as he was knocked out.

"What is she doing?" T'Challa asked as all gasped in shock.

"She is not on my side for the time being." Thor said.

"But you are Asgard's prince!" Scott said.

"Not to her." Odinson said.

She dragged Thor by the cape to her ship and later, he woke up as she said to someone she had something special. Thor banged the glass between them, introducing himself as Thor, Son of Odin, saying he needed to get back to Asgard. She sarcastically apologized and pressed the button, spreading the toxin through him again as he was knocked out.

"That thing is really powerful to knock someone like you out." Peter said to Thor.

"Obedience Disks usually are." Benjamin said.

"So, she is selling you to someone?" Steve asked as all glared at the woman.

"Yes." Thor said, "She has lost her way and fallen."

"Yet you forgave her?" Clint asked.

"She redeemed herself soon." Odinson said.

"Besides, what she did is nothing compared to what I did." Loki said, "He forgave me too."

Everyone nodded, deciding to watch for themselves.

At Asgard, Hela stood, without her helmet.

"She looks like Galadriel's evil, gothic twin." Tony joked to lighten the mood but got no response.

Hela announced to the army in front of her, "It's come to my attention that you don't know who I am. I am Hela, Odin's firstborn, the commander of the Legions of Asgard, the rightful heir to the throne, and the Goddess of Death." The army pointed their weapons at her. "My father is dead. As are the princes. You're welcome." Hogun glared at her. "We were once the seat of absolute power in the Cosmos. Our supremacy was unchallenged. Yet Odin stopped at Nine Realms. Our destiny is to rule over all others. And I am here to restore that power. Kneel before me and rise into the ranks of my great conquest."

"Nice evil speech." Peter said sarcastically.

Hogun said whoever she was, she must stand down or they'd show no mercy. Hela was annoyed they hadn't listened to a word she had said and was told this was her last warning. Hela angrily put her helmet back on, sadly saying she'd thought they'd be happy to see her as Hogun's mace protruded spikes.

"The soldiers were never going to listen to her." Thor said sadly.

"They fought bravely." Odinson agreed, "Including Hogun."

Hela threw small Necroswords at Hogun who deflected with his mace and hit her but she was unaffected as she kicked him into a wall, smashing it down.

Everyone tensed.

The army attacked as Hela leapt into their midst with her Necroswords. They weren't even a match for her as she sliced them down with her Necroswords or threw the Necroswords at them, taking them down. She threw one at a warship and it was destroyed too. They attacked but she was unaffected by all of their blows, taking them down with swift Necrosword throws. The warships fired at her but she was unaffected as threw her Necroswords, destroying them all. She continued slaughtering the army. One of them stabbed her from behind and the blade protruded from her abdomen but she was still unaffected and killed him with a Necrosword throw. Soon, the entire army was slaughtered as Skurge looked around in horror.

Everyone watched in horror and sadness, feeling for all the dead soldiers who were falling to the insanity of a madwoman who had escaped.

Hela looked around, saying she had missed this but it was still sad as they were good soldiers dying for nothing. Hogun then staggered back up and she asked if he had a change of heart. Hogun told her to crawl back to whatever cave she had come from, calling her 'demoness.' She threw a large Necrosword at him and it killed him as Skurge looked away in horror.

Tears appeared in the eyes of Thor, Loki and Odinson as they tried to calm themselves down at the brutal murders of their friends The Warriors Three (former friends in Loki's case but he still remembered the good times).

"I'm so sorry." Wanda said as all looked at the three in sympathy.

"They were good warriors. And even better people and friends." Thor said.

"They will not be forgotten." Odinson said and Thor and Loki nodded.

"We will remember their sacrifice." Steve assured them and everyone nodded, "They were brave men."

"Martyrs for Asgard." Tony said.

"That they were." Loki agreed.

"Let's go see my palace." Hela then said as the two walked towards it.

"That palace doesn't belong to you." Odinson sneered.

Someone climbed up to the Observatory and stole Hofund.

"Heimdall?" Hill asked as all smirked.

"Heimdall." Thor said.

Thor woke up, restrained to a moving chair as a voice said he was found and was at home from where there was no going back. A presentation of the Cosmos was given as the voice said this was Sakaar on the edge of known and unknown and was the collection point of lost and unloved things like he was. He was significant here and loved.

"As long as you follow the goddamn rules that is." Loki said, "And don't try to escape."

The voice said no one loved him more than the Grandmaster as his projection was shown. He was the original, the first lost and found and creator of Sakaar as well as Father of Contest of Champions. A projection of the Contest was shown as well as the voice said he was no property of Grandmaster and would meet him in 5 seconds while he passed through a planet's projection.

"This guy really has his head in his ass." Clint said.

He was told to prepare himself as the presentation sped up to an absurd degree. He was told to prepare himself again as he'd meet the Grandmaster. Unable to cope with his situation and the presentation, Thor screamed awkwardly like a girl and was suddenly in a room as the presentation disappeared.

Everyone burst out laughing hysterically as Rhodes asked, "Did you just scream in a high-pitched voice?"

"He meant 'like a girl.'" Natasha said.

"I wish I had a camera to record it in the moment." Loki said.

"That is never going away, is it?" Thor asked.

"It still hasn't gone away." Odinson said as he shot a smirking Benjamin and Logan a look.

"Don't blame them." Sam said and all chuckled.

Thor looked around and in front of him was the Grandmaster.

"Why does he look so much like the Collector?" Tony asked.

"They are both Elders of the Universe." Odinson said.

There were soldiers behind him and in front sat Grandmaster with the drunk woman on his left and another on his right. He found Thor wonderful as the woman confirmed it was a 'he.'

"Of course I'm a he!" Thor said indignantly.

Grandmaster said he loved when the woman, who was called 142, came to visit, saying she was something that started with a 'B.' The other woman, Topaz, called her trash and Grandmaster said that didn't start with a 'B' so she said booze hag but Grandmaster said he meant best because that's what she was as she had brought him his beloved champion. He asked what she had brought today and she said it was a contender.

"These people really alien trafficking then." Steve noted with disgust.

"Yes. I'd never ever step foot there." Tony said.

"Oh don't blame you. It's a hellhole." Odinson agreed.

"I don't even remember much of it." Bruce said.

"Lucky you." Thor snorted.

Grandmaster wanted a closer look and Topaz pushed his chair to get one as Thor said he wasn't for sale and broke his restraints but 142 pressed the button and toxin spread through his body again. Grandmaster said he was a fighter as 142 asked for 1 million units and was paid. She walked off as Thor said she'd pay for this but she corrected she had been paid for this.

"She's good with puns at least." Tony muttered.

Grandmaster pressed a button and the restraints restrained Thor again as Grandmaster asked who he was. Thor broke his restraints again and announced he was the God of Thunder as little lightning crackled in his hands but Grandmaster laughed, saying he hadn't seen thunder but sparkles.

"Hela really did a number on you, man." Scott said to Thor, "I'm sorry."

"She did too." Thor said about 142.

"Yeah. She was a drunk trafficker for years before we helped her reform." Odinson said.

"What's her story?" Steve asked.

"You will be shown, bub." Logan said.

Topaz told Grandmaster they'd found his cousin as he walked to his room and Thor's chair was moved there too and there another man was restrained to another chair. Thor greeted him as he begged Grandmaster for forgiveness. Grandmaster said he was pardoned. He thanked him but Grandmaster pointed a stick at him and said he had been pardoned of his life as it melted Grandmaster's cousin into slime while Thor looked in horror and disgust, annoyed by the smell while Grandmaster joked he was stepping on it and asked Topaz what it smelt like, to which she said burnt toast.

"What-the-freaking-hell?" Sam asked as all watched in horror and disgust.

"He is a greedy, vain, cruel man with his head inside his ass." Loki snorted and all nodded in agreement.

"I can see that." Pepper said.

"No one this bad exists on Earth at least." Clint said and all agreed.

Grandmaster then sarcastically apologized for his bad manners and introduced himself before taking Thor to another room and putting on music, said he presided over the Contest of Champions. People came from far and wide to unwillingly participate in it and Thor was part of the new cast. Thor said he didn't give a shit and needed to go back to Asgard. Grandmaster increased the music's volume when Thor noticed Loki there talking to some other people.

"You're there too!" Scott said as all were shocked.

"I'm there. I'm here. I'm everywhere." Loki joked as he made two illusions for a second before coming back to normal.

"You're not on a chair." Tony noted.

"I'm too smart for one." Loki smirked.

Thor was shocked and beckoned Loki to him. Loki was shocked too as he played cool as shushed Thor. Thor asked where Loki's chair was and he said he didn't have one. Thor asked him to get him out but Loki said he couldn't as he had made friends with Grandmaster and gained his favor. The Bifrost had brought him here, weeks ago, shocking Thor who had just arrived.

"How did that happen?" Steve asked.

"Time works differently on Sakaar." Thor said.

Grandmaster asked what they were whispering about, startling them both, and said time worked differently in Sakaar. He said on any other world, he'd be about a million years old, and then said, "But here on Sakaar….." He blinked and smiled like a little child who was fancying something, confusing both Thor and Loki.

"Oh God there is something wrong with this guy!" Bucky said as all were confused and disgusted by his behavior.

"You didn't know that earlier?" Natasha asked sarcastically.

Thor asked Loki to tell Grandmaster of their relationship and he said he didn't know Thor. Thor said they were brothers and Loki added 'adopted.' Grandmaster asked if Thor was any kind of fighter and he said once the Obedience Disk was out of his neck, he'd show him. Grandmaster mocked how Thor was threatening him and said if he wanted to get back to the 'Ass place', he'd have to defeat his champion. "Fine. Then point me in the direction of whoever's ass I have to kick!" Thor said and Grandmaster was satisfied.

"I think I know whose ass that is." Hope said and all chuckled while Bruce sighed.

Thor's chair was moved away and he was thrown into a cell as the door closed. He banged at the door as another prisoner who was made of rocks told him to take it easy. Thor looked at him as he said he was a pile of rocks waving at him and introduced himself as Korg. He said he was the leader here and was made of rocks but there was no need to be intimidated. He didn't need to be afraid as long as he wasn't made of scissors. The alien next to him who had knives for hands formed scissors with them for a second.

Everyone burst out laughing hysterically as Hill asked, "Where do you find these people?"

"In the arena." Odinson shrugged.

"He isn't intimidating." Tony said, "He is hilarious."

"And sweet." Wanda added.

"Yeah. That he is. Nice guy." Thor said.

"I agree." Loki said, remembering his offer to escape Sakaar.

Korg said this was a rock-paper-scissors joke for him and introduced his friend Miek who had knives for hands. Thor recognized Korg as a Kronan and asked how he had ended up here. Korg said he had tried to start a revolution but hadn't printed enough pamphlets. Nobody had turned up except his mum and her boyfriend whom he hated so he was forced here as punishment to be a gladiator. This was a promotional disaster.

"He talks a lot." Sam said as everyone chuckled at Korg's antics, "And I want him to talk more."

"You're not the only one." Rhodes said.

Korg said he was organizing another revolution and asked a running Thor if he'd be interested. Thor managed to return to where he had started, to his own shock.

"How did that happen?" May asked.

"Nothing makes sense." Thor said.

Korg said the whole place was a circle. Not a real circle but a freaky circle. Thor said this didn't make sense ad Korg said the only thing that made sense was that nothing made sense.

"Now that makes sense." Logan said.

Thor asked if anyone else had fought the Grandmaster's champion and Korg said Doug had before calling out to him but no one answered and Korg remembered Doug was dead, saying all who faced the Grandmaster's champion perished. Thor asked about Korg, noting he was made of rocks but he reminded it was perishable rock who just did the smaller fights for warmup of the crowd. Korg asked if he was gonna face him. Thor said he was gonna win and get out as he walked off. Korg said that was what Doug used to say and called Thor 'new Doug.'

"I like this guy." Scott said while all continued laughing at his antics.

"He is sweet in a different kind of way." Peter said.

"Yeah. That he is." Benjamin agreed.

Hela and Skurge walked into the palace, having killed more soldiers. She wondered if no one remembered her. She then looked up at the murals which showed people worshipping the Asgardians and offering them goblets and garden parties. Odin and Laufey were also in one mural, having signed a peace treaty. Hela was furious saying Odin was proud to have it but ashamed of how he had got it. She then threw Necroswords into the wall and it shattered as Skurge backed to avoid damage. Another, older mural was revealed. Which had Odin standing in between blood as him and Hela led their people to war. Hela sat on a giant wolf.

"My God!" Steve said as all gasped and widened their eyes in horror on seeing the truth about Odin for the first time in their lives.

"So God of War 4 told the truth about him at least." Tony muttered to himself.

"Yes. Father used to be a warlord who conquered the Nine Realms and bathed them in blood." Thor said sounding ashamed. While he still loved his father, he still didn't respect him as much as he used to due to this.

"And he condemned me!" Loki said.

"Yeah. To be honest, you're no saint. You killed people on Earth too." Clint said to Loki, "But this is even worse than that."

"Yes. This is really bad. And I had to correct it all." Odinson said.

Hela said they used to be unstoppable and she was Odin's weapon in the conquest of the Nine Realms. Then her ambition had outgrown his and he had banished and caged her like an animal. Before that, Asgard's warriors were honored and buried as heroes.

"I hate her with a passion but I do get where she's coming from." Odinson said.

"Yes. Father, instead of trying to counsel her, simply locked her up and erased any sign of her existence to make people think she never existed." Thor said, "She is bound to be this pissed after that."

"And he never told us about her either till the end." Loki said.

The two arrived in the vault as Skurge noted these were Odin's treasures. Hela threw an Infinity Gauntlet away, calling the Stones in it fake.

"Where did your dad get it?" Logan asked.

"My father wanted to harness the power of the Infinity Stones himself." Odinson said, "But around that time, he became peaceful too so he decided not to. But because he knew worse people would look for the Stones, he had fake stones put in it to make it look like he had the Infinity Gauntlet and no one would dare look for it while he lived. Only us at Asgard knew the truth."

"How did Thanos find out then?" Benjamin asked.

"He was a really smart guy. He figured everything out." Odinson said.

She then called the Casket of Ancient Winters weak.

"Hey!" Loki said, offended.

She saw Surtur's crown and commented how it was smaller than she had thought. She then saw the Teserract and said it wasn't bad before noticing the Eternal Flame and put it in her hand, asking Skurge if he wanted to see what real power looked like. She summoned a bloodaxe and struck the ground thrice, shattering it before leaping inside as Skurge watched. Inside were the old warriors of Asgard, buried in their caskets, along with the corpse of her wolf Fenris.

"Everyone who served under her." Tony said in shock.

"Yes. All of them." Thor said.

Hela was saddened by what had been done to Fenris. "With the Eternal Flame, you are reborn." She said and smashed it on the ground as a green shockwave shot out. Skurge watched as the dead soldiers woke up in the form of skeletons and so did Fenris. "I've missed you. I've missed you all." Hela said.

"No, no, no, no, no." Hill was muttering.

"An army of dead people! Okay this is not good at all!" Sam said.

"She can just bring them back if they're down. She is too powerful." Rhodes noted while watched in horror.

In Sakaar, Thor prayed for Odin's soul to take his place in the halls of Valhalla and Loki finished the last verse with him. He turned to see Loki standing there as Loki commented how it hurt to have been lied to his whole life.

"Yes. It really did." Thor said, "I do know how you feel."

Thor threw a stone and it passed through Loki, who smirked and asked if Thor had really thought he'd come visit him in here.

"No. But never hurts to test, does it?" Odinson asked.

Loki said he couldn't jeopardize his position with the Grandmaster as it had taken time to win his trust. He said Grandmaster was a lunatic but amenable and Thor could join their side. He said an accident would befall the Grandmaster in time and doing gestures, said how they'd be rulers of Sakaar after that.

"I actually approve of that." Fury said to his own shock.

"Yeah. Grandmaster is a sicko." Hope agreed.

"If I did not have to go back to Asgard, I would have done it." Thor said.

Thor was looking into the distance and still throwing stones through Loki as Loki asked if he was thinking of returning to Asgard. He reminded how Hela had destroyed his hammer like a piece of glass and was stronger than them both. He wouldn't stand a chance and said he'd have to do it alone like always. Thor didn't say a thing and Loki asked him to. Thor said Loki had faked his own death, stolen the throne, stripped Odin of his power and left him on Earth to die which was why the Goddess of Death had been released. He asked Loki if he wanted him to say more.

"No I don't. I have thought about it enough myself." Loki said guiltily.

Loki said he had not seen the champion but heard he was astonishingly savage which was why he had placed a large wager against Thor. He asked Thor not to let him down and the illusion disappeared as Korg arrived and kicked the spot where he had stood, calling him 'ghost' and telling him to piss off as Miek arrived too.

Everyone laughed at their antics.

"If I had known who the champion was, I'd have placed a wager against him." Loki said as he shot Bruce a look.

Later, as Thor was preparing himself for the contest, they saw a beaten up contestant being dragged away as Korg touched a weapon and said someone's blood and hair were all over it and asked everyone to clean up their weapons after the fight. He lifted up a giant fork and asked Thor if he'd like to use it. Thor refused and Korg said it was only useful while fighting against three vampires.

"I think a nice sword, some guns with silver bullets and stakes are better." Logan said.

"Yeah, much better." Benjamin agreed.

"Vampires are real?" Tony asked as everyone from the past except Thor and Loki paled.

"Uhhhhhhh….yeah." Odinson said.

"What else is real? Wendigos?" Rhodes asked.

"Yeah." Odinson said.

"I'm outta here." Rhodes said as all chuckled at him but were also nervous due to these supernatural revelations.

Thor wished he had his hammer, saying it was a unique one forged from the heart of a dying star and when he spun it really, really fast it gave him the ability to fly. Korg asked if he rode it and then asked if he rode it on his back.

Everyone laughed again as Thor and Odinson sighed.

Thor explained how when he spun it he was pulled off the ground by it and it would return whenever he threw it. Korg said Thor had a special relationship with his hammer and equated losing it to losing a loved one, to which Thor agreed.

"Yes. That is the only way of putting it." Thor said.

"It always reminded me of my worth." Odinson said, "I miss it."

Thor then noticed 142 there buying a beverage and opening it. It was fiery but she started drinking. Korg said she was Asgardian, shocking Thor.

"You really didn't figure that out?" Loki asked.

"It was hard to do so with the net around me." Thor said.

Thor called out to her and she showed him the remote but he begged her not to zap him. He then said Asgard was in danger before noticing the mark on her arm, which made him realize she was a Valkyrie and said excitedly how he wanted to be one when he was younger before finding out they were all women. There was nothing wrong with women of course as he loved them, sometimes too much, not in a creepy way though, just a respectful appreciation and that it was great there was an elite force of women.

Everyone laughed at Thor's way of talking as Steve said, "So Asgard had an entire force of elite women. Good."

"Yeah. Lots of places do." Tony said.

"Now we have shield-maidens and warriors fighting side by side which I also like." Thor said.

Valkyrie asked if he was done. Soldiers arrived to take Thor away as he asked for her help but she walked away. Thor said she was a traitor or a coward as she was sworn to protect the throne. Valkyrie angrily walked to him and said this was Sakaar not Asgard and she was a scrapper not a Valkyrie. Thor punched a soldier down but someone activated his Obedience Disk and he was down as two of them started dragging him away. Valkyrie said no one escaped this place and he was gonna die.

"But I am not dead." Thor said.

"We can see that." T'Challa said.

"Whatever happened to her did a number on her." Steve noted.

Thor was restrained to a chair as an old man arrived and said, "Now, don't you move. My hands ain't as steady as they used to be." Thor glared at him and said, "By Odin's beard, you shall not cut my hair, lest you feel the wrath of the mighty Thor." The elderly man activated his cutting device, which looked like it could cut anything. He laughed as Thor now begged, "Please. Please, kind sir, do not cut my hair. Please! No! NOOOOOOO!"

Everyone burst out laughing at Thor's behavior as Tony said, "So he did cut your too after all."

"Because your hammer broke his car's hood and your ale knocked him out and embarrassed him." Steve said and everyone laughed more.

"Yeah. He has gotten his vengeance on me." Thor said.

"Oh he has! What a guy!" Odinson said.

The Contest of Champions was then held as everyone arrived to see it. A hologram of Grandmaster appeared, saying how they all looked very good and he was their host before asking for a round of applause for their contestants. They applauded as Korg, Miek and other champions watched while Valkyrie watched from her ship in the air. Loki arrived at a higher seat for privileged ones and took a drink as Grandmaster announced, "Making his first appearance, though he looks quite promising, got a couple of tricks up his sleeve. I'll say no more, see what you think. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...Lord of Thunder." And then the door went down as Thor arrived, dressed in Sakaaran armor along with a Sakaaran helmet and two retractable swords strapped on his back as well as a Sakaaran hammer and shield in his hands. He had a red mark on running up his eye as all cheered.

"You look just like Kratos!" Tony said as all clapped for him.

"Thank you." Thor said, sensing it to be a compliment.

"It is a compliment." Odinson said.

Grandmaster said to watch out for the sparks from Thor's fingers. Thor then put on his helmet as Grandmaster announced to everyone's cheers, "Okay, this is it. Let's get ready to welcome this guy." Smoke crackers were burst as Grandmaster announced, "Here he comes. He is a creature. What can we say about him? Well, he's unique. There's none like him. I feel a special connection with him. He's undefeated. He's the reigning. He's the defending. Ladies and gentlemen...I give you...Your Incredible..." And then a huge green monster in a Gladiator armor with the helmet as well as a hammer and ax in his hands. He announced himself with a roar, "HULK!" Loki was now horrified as Thor happily cheered, "YES!"

"Yes!" Tony said too and all clapped and cheered at Hulk's entrance.

"And that's me right there!" Bruce announced himself as the clapping continued, "Hulk looks nice."

"It's not Hulk. It's Hulk Maximus." Tony said and all chuckled and clapped more.

"So that was where the Quinjet took you." Fury noted, "Never thought myself it could go that far."

"And you see it was under an ocean." Natasha said and he sighed.

"I was really happy to see you, you know." Thor said.

"I can see that." Bruce said.

"And then you had to fight me." Odinson said and Bruce shrugged.

"I wasn't happy." Loki said.

"I have to get off this planet." A traumatized Loki said as he turned around but Grandmaster was in his way as he told him they were just getting started. Thor waved to the two and said, "We know each other. He's a friend from work." Loki looked nervous.

"You two were more like frenemies from work." Clint noted.

"Where have you been?" Thor asked, "Everybody thought you were dead. But so much has happened since I last saw you. I lost my hammer. Like, yesterday, so that's still pretty fresh. Loki. Loki's alive. Can you believe it? He's up there." He pointed up with his hammer and said, "Loki! Look who it is!" Loki was pale at this point.

Everyone laughed at his reaction as Loki said, "This is among the worst moments of my entire life. The Hulk who haunts my dreams is now in front of me again in the flesh."

"Your reaction is priceless. I wish this could be recorded." Thor said as all laughed.

"Well, we have it recorded." Odinson pointed out.

"Banner, I never thought I would say this, but I'm happy to see you." Thor said to him. Everyone cheered for Hulk with balloons and other stuff in the shape of Hulk's face.

"They seem to love Hulk." Bucky said.

"He must have put on quite a sport." Bruce said.

"Banner. Hey, Banner!" Thor called out. "No Banner. Only Hulk." Hulk said.

"Shouldn't have mentioned Puny Banner." Tony said.

"That is the error I always commit." Thor said.

"I think the gladiatorial clash of the Titans is about to begin." Hill said and all tensed to watch the fight.

Thor was shocked by Hulk's behavior as Hulk leapt at him with weapons raised but Thor rolled away as they hit the ground and smashed it instead. Hulk then hit him with his hammer in a rotatory motion and Thor was sent flying off. He used a knife to stick himself to the ground, slowing himself down as the ground was broken by his strength. Getting up, Thor brandished the retractable swords while Hulk roared in challenge. The Grandmaster clapped while a tense Loki watched.

"It's on." Steve said as all watched.

Thor said this was crazy as they were friends. Hulk charged again and attacked Thor who blocked or dodged before being kicked into a wall as it smashed.

"Ouch!" Natasha said as everyone tensed more.

Hulk threw his hammer at Thor who avoided and it was stuck. Hulk charged at him but Thor managed to free the hammer and hit Hulk who was sent flying off, smashing through the walls as everyone cheered while Grandmaster was shocked and Valkyrie simply watched.

"Back at ya!" Thor said as everyone chuckled.

"You are the God of Thunder. Of course you can fight me." Bruce said.

"I can win." Thor said.

"Yeah you can." Bruce sighed.

Thor walked towards a dazed Hulk and holding out his hand said, "Sun's getting real low." Everyone watched in confusion as Thor repeated the words gently and said he won't hurt Hulk anymore while Hulk was puzzled too.

"Dude! What the hell?" Natasha asked Thor and Odinson as everyone looked at them and Bruce in amusement.

"What?" Thor asked.

"You had to say that line!" Bucky said.

"I thought the cringe would transform Hulk back to you, Bruce." Odinson said and all burst into laughter.

For a while, it looked like Hulk would stand down. Then he grabbed Thor's hand and smashed him around as all cheered while Hulk threw him away. "YES!" Loki cheered as he stood up, "THAT'S HOW IT FEELS!" Grandmaster looked at him in confusion and he said he was a huge fan of the sport as the two laughed.

Everyone burst out into hysterical laughter again as Scott said, "Now that is what I call an epic fail!"

"It looks more like cringe fail!" Hope said.

"I knew I'd be embarrassed." Thor said.

"Oh this is nothing." Odinson said and he was confused.

"Now you know what it feels like." Loki taunted Thor and Odinson.

"And we still got up in a few seconds unlike you." Thor said and Loki pouted.

Thor got up, now pissed. He avoided Hulk's ax and hit him with the hammer, staggering him down before upper-cutting him with it. He then leapt to avoid Hulk's ax and hit his face with the hammer, staggering him away as everyone cheered. He then broke the handle of the ax with his hammer, making Hulk stagger back again while all cheered.

"Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained?!" Tony asked as all laughed at his reference, "Is this not why you're here?!"

Thor said he'd get Banner out as he hit Hulk hard with the hammer, making him fly back. Hulk got up and they fought as Hulk managed to disarm Thor of the hammer. "What's the matter with you? You're embarrassing me! I told them we were friends!" Thor said angrily as he avoided Hulk's blows and punched him a few times, making him stagger around.

"Looks like he wants to win this time." Bruce said as all watched.

Thor leapt at Hulk and held him in a chokehold but Hulk threw them both down. They both then rolled away as Thor picked up the hammer and leapt at Hulk but he stopped it with his hand this time as everyone tensed and Loki and Grandmaster leaned forward to watch.

"Uh-oh." Sam said as everyone tensed too.

Hulk snarled angrily as Thor laughed nervously but was punched away as everyone cringed. Hulk leapt on top of Thor and started pummeling him angrily, throwing his helmet off. Loki cringed while Grandmaster laughed.

Everyone cringed as the tension increased while Tony said, "I know what that feels like."

Thor suddenly saw a vision of Odin standing in the grassy field in Norway.

"Why do I think something is about to happen?" Scott said.

Suddenly, lightning emanated from Thor's body and he punched Hulk away as his helmet fell off and he fell down while everyone watched in shock, including Loki and Grandmaster.

"Lightning man huh!" Fury said as all watched in excitement.

Hulk roared and the two charged at each other, leaping to attack. Thor punched Hulk in the chest and a shockwave of lightning went around, destroying the ground as Hulk fell down. Everyone was chanting 'Thunder!' repeatedly now including Korg and the other champions.

"You are about to lose your position." Peter said to Bruce.

"Actually, he isn't." Thor said.

Hulk groaned and shook his head as Thor walked towards him. Then, Grandmaster pressed the button and the Obedience Disk activated as the toxin passed through Thor's body, sending him to the ground.

"Damn you asshole!" Bucky snarled at Grandmaster as everyone glared daggers into him.

Loki sighed as Valkyrie finished her beverage and sat in her ship. Hulk leapt high right to the top of the arena near the roof. Korg muttered, "Another day. Another Doug." Thor watched with wide eyes as Hulk leapt down. Thor put his hand in the way but was knocked out cold.

"That hurt!" Thor said.

"A lot!" Odinson added.

"So I won then." Bruce said.

"Because the match was rigged clearly." Steve said and all nodded in agreement.

"I think the Mightiest Avenger isn't Hulk anymore." Tony said and all nodded while Bruce sighed.

"All right, all right, I'm stronger but you're more powerful." Bruce gave in.

"You still fought pretty well though." Thor said to Bruce who nodded in appreciation.

"And now you and Bruce together make a dangerous opponent." Odinson told him.

"But with you losing, I think you're gonna remain on Sakaar." Natasha said.

"Yes. For now." Odinson said as he looked at Thor and Loki while the recording continued.