Ch 89 Thanos

"You sure you ready?" Odinson asked one last time.

Steve once again looked at the others and nods followed. When each one had nodded, he said, "Yes. We have to see."

"All right." Logan said and turned the recording on, "It's gonna be really hard though. I'm warning you."

Voices were heard calling out, saying the Asgardian refugee vessel called the Statesman was under assault. They requested aid from any vessel in range. They were 22 jump points ahead of Asgard and their crew was made up of Asgardian families with very few soldiers.

"What is happening?" Thor asked in a dangerous growl.

"Thanos." Odinson said sadly as he closed his eyes.

"He is going to kill our people?" Loki asked in horror.

"Yes. Half of them he will slaughter." Odinson revealed.

Thor roared angrily and getting up, angrily smashed a nearby table, his body emanating a little lightning.

Loki, Steve and Odinson all got up to calm him down.

"Brother." Loki said, "You need to calm down."

"But Thanos-" Thor spoke.

"Is still two weeks away from attacking your vessel." Odinson reminded him, "You have time to get away and prepare."

"Thor. Look at me." Steve said and Thor did, "This is the future. It can be changed. That's what we're here for. And we're here for you."

Thor relented and nodded, feeling helpless as all looked at him in sympathy.

"We won't let you down, pal." Bruce assured him as he sat back down.

The black screen faded to show the Statesman as the Sanctuary II fired blue bolts at it.

"That monster." Wanda sneered as all watched angrily.

"I remember now." Tony said, "Thanos' ship. That is what I saw all those years ago when I threw the nuke. This is what I was preparing for all this time."

"Now we will prepare for it together." Natasha said and he nodded.

In the burning wreckage of the Statesman, a wounded Heimdall lay on the ground as someone walked around, passing several dead Asgardians.

"No." Thor whispered brokenly as Loki and T'Challa tried to comfort him while Odinson closed his eyes sadly.

The figure walked around and said, "Hear me and rejoice. You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan. You may think this is suffering. No. It is salvation."

"Salvation?" Scott exploded, "You're slaughtering them just like Hitler slaughtered Jews!"

"They are all self-righteous." Steve sneered.

"Universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice. Smile. For even in death, you have become Children of Thanos." The figure finished as his face was revealed. It was Ebony Maw.

"So Voldemort and Squidward had a kid then." Tony joked to lighten the mood but it didn't work. Even he didn't feel better.

Loki was revealed to be standing there in fear. Proxima Midnight had her spear on him while Corvus Glaive and Cull Obsidian stood there too.

"I don't think he is pleased with me." Loki paled, "I failed him all those years ago and hid from him."

Everyone tensed and paled in anticipation.

Then a huge armored figure was shown looking the other way.

Everyone held their breaths and narrowed their eyes.

"The Mad Titan." Fury said and they all breathed heavily in worry.

"I know what it's like to lose." Thanos said as he turned around to look at a wounded figure at his feet, "To feel so desperately that you're right... yet to fail, nonetheless."

Everyone's horror increased when they realized who the wounded figure was.

"That's you!" Clint exclaimed to Thor while all looked horrified and concerned. But Thor himself seemed unresponsive.

"Relax guys, I'm alive." Odinson pointed out but they still didn't seem relieved.

Thanos lifted Thor up and walked towards Loki, "It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. But I ask you, to what end? Dread it, run from it... destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say... I am." And then he revealed the Infinity Gauntlet in his left hand, the Power Stone glowing in its slot.

"Isn't that…?" Hill trailed off in horror.

"The Power Stone." Natasha finished as all watched.

"He decimated Xandar a week before this attack." Benjamin revealed and they were even more pale as they remembered Nova Prime, Dey and his family. All of them were slaughtered now?

Thor groaned how Thanos talked a lot as Thanos asked Loki for the Teserract or he'd kill Thor, saying he would have a preference. Loki coldly told him to kill away.

"Really man?" Clint asked as all glared at Loki, "After all that, you're still letting Thanos hurt him?"

Loki and Thor didn't respond, just watching the screen in shock.

Thanos moved the Power Stone to Thor's head and it glowed, striking energy into his head as he screamed in pain.

Everyone watched in horror. Some were unable to watch Thor's suffering. Wanda shuddered, remembering seeing this in Odinson's memory. And now she was seeing it again. Odinson himself was breathing heavily as he remembered the torture vividly.

Loki was unable to watch and shouted at Thanos to stop, which he did.

Everyone looked at Loki apologetically as Clint said, "I'm sorry."

But they still got no response.

Thor said they didn't have the Teserract as it had been destroyed on Asgard. Loki then lifted his hand and the Teserract appeared in it as Thor groaned how he was the worst brother ever.

"You had it this whole time?!" Thor roared as everyone looked at the two.

"Yes." Loki said as he lifted his hand and it appeared in it, just like in the recording.

"Why? Why did you take it?" Thor asked.

"Even if the Teserract is destroyed, the Space Stone won't be." Odinson said.

"This thing needs to be kept safe. That's why I took it." Loki said.

"Didn't work out so well." Thor sighed as all turned back to the screen while the Teserract disappeared.

"I'm sorry." Steve said to Thor, Loki and Odinson.

"I assure you brother….the sun will shine on us again." Loki assured Thor as he moved to Thanos. "Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian." Thanos told him. "Well, for one thing, I'm not Asgardian." Loki said as he stopped near Thanos, "And for another... we have a Hulk." Then Hulk leapt out with a roar and tackled Thanos away as Loki dropped the Teserract and pushed Thor out of the way.

"Hulk is here!" Peter cheered and all felt relieved now.

"You stole my line!" Tony said to Loki while all rolled their eyes at his antics.

"Now is not the time." Loki said.

The future people were still tense, knowing even Hulk wouldn't be able to save anyone now.

Hulk bellowed angrily in challenge.

"How do you like that?" Hope mockingly asked Thanos.

Hulk punched Thanos, sending him back before punching him two more times and then elbowed him twice on the shoulders before slamming him into the wall. He then held Thanos in a chokehold.

"He's doing it." Tony said as all watched, tense.

"We're counting on you, Hulk." Bruce said, hoping they would stop Thanos. The situation had made them all forget Vision's fate.

Cull Obsidian moved to help Thanos but Ebony Maw raised his hand, "Let him have his fun."

Now all the relief was gone as everyone had a sinking feeling in their stomachs.

"What?" Aunt May muttered.

"Do it, do it." Bruce was begging Hulk at this point.

Thanos grabbed Hulk's hands and slowly pushed them back before striking his shoulder, staggering him back.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Bruce said in horror as all watched.

"That's not possible!" Tony said.

"How did this happen?" Loki muttered.

"The people." Thor groaned, now feeling even worse.

"Thanos is too strong." Logan muttered while all had pits in their stomachs.

Thanos blocked Hulk's punch and struck him, staggering him again. He then dodged another and punched his back, throwing him off. Thanos kept blocking Hulk's punches and punched him back several times, smashing him into a pillar. He then kneed Hulk's face before lifting him up and throwing him down.

"NO!" Bruce said in horror, worried for Hulk, who while part of him, was still a different personality.

"I had no idea that was possible." Pepper said.

"This is Thanos!" Tony said, "He is too powerful! He prepared for us all this time!"

"Their strength seems almost equal but Thanos' skills helped him prevail and he does seem slightly stronger." Vision said.

"I can see that!" Bruce snapped.

"How're we supposed to stop this guy?" Rhodes wondered.

"If he could beat Hulk like that, he needs to be fought with brains rather than brawn." Sam said.

"Or both." Clint said.

"Yes. Both." T'Challa agreed.

As Hulk lay, Thor struck Thanos' helmet with a pipe but he was barely affected while the pipe shattered. Thor made to strike again but was kicked away. Ebony Maw telekinetically trapped Thor with several pieces of broken metal.

"Oh no!" Natasha muttered as all paled.

Heimdall then looked at Thor and as his eyes changed color he said, "Allfathers... let the dark magic flow through me one last... time." The Bifrost appeared and lifting Hulk up, transported him away somewhere else.

"Thank you. Thank you." Bruce whispered gratefully to Heimdall.

"He saved you." Loki said.

"Where did he send you?" Peter wondered.

"To Earth." Steve realized.

"To warn us." Tony said.

"Smart move." T'Challa agreed.

Thanos then moved menacingly towards Heimdall.

"No, no, no, no." Thor was muttering as everyone paled again.

Thanos glared at Heimdall and took Corvus Glaive's glaive. Heimdall looked sadly at Thor whose eyes widened in fear. "That was a mistake." Thanos said and stabbed Heimdall with the glaive, killing him brutally. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Thor screamed in agony.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Thor screamed as all watched in horror and sadness.

"Heimdall." Loki whispered sadly, now feeling guilty for his treatment of the Gatekeeper.

"Thanos murdered him before my eyes and I was helpless." Odinson said, struggling not to cry.

Everyone looked at the three sadly again as T'Challa promised, "I will not let Thanos do to your friend was Killmonger did to mine."

Thor looked up at him and nodded gratefully, though he still didn't seem convinced.

"You're going to die, for that!" Thor yelled in grief but Ebony Maw gagged him with a piece of metal and shushed him.

"Yeah, I'm gonna blow off your mouth you son of a bitch!" Tony sneered as all glared at him.

"I'm gonna help you do that." Bucky sneered too.

Corvus took back his glaive as Ebony May picked up the Teserract and bowed before Thanos, "My humble personage... bows before your grandeur." Thanos took off his helmet, revealing his bald head, and also took off his armor, revealing his huge black vest. "No other being has ever had the might... nay, the nobility... to wield not one, but two Infinity Stones." Thanos took the Teserract from Maw who said, "The universe lies within your grasp." He shattered the Teserract in his hands.

"He's strong." Natasha whispered as all watched with wide eyes.

The Space Stone was revealed.

"The Space Stone." Fury whispered, tense, "Can't believe I was experimenting with THAT!"

"That's why we were drawn to it." Loki told him.

Thanos blew away the glass and slowly fit the Space Stone to the Infinity Gauntlet as power ran through him.

"Now he has two." Steve said and all tensed more.

Thanos told his children there were two more Infinity Stones on Earth and to find them. They bowed and said they wouldn't fail him.

"Mind and Time." Clint said as all looked at Vision while Wanda put an arm around him in fear.

"He's going to kill you." She whispered and all paled at the reminder.

"He wants this." Vision said as he pointed at the Mind Stone in his forehead.

"We will protect you." Steve said genuinely and he nodded in appreciation.

"We need to fight this guy before he has any of the Stones." Rhodes said.

Loki then arrived and said they might need a guide for Earth. He had some experience in that area. Thanos asked if he considered failure experience and he said he considered experience as experience.

"You're really sucking up to him?" Scott asked.

"No. I don't think he is." Fury said and Hill nodded.

"I believe I have a plan." Loki said and Thor paled again.

"He beat Hulk! What do you think you will do?" Thor snapped. Odinson was pale already as Benjamin and Logan looked at him in concern.

"Almighty Thanos... I, Loki, prince of Asgard..." Loki looked at Thor and said, "Odinson..."

Thor and Loki exchanged a look and turned back to the screen.

Loki continued, "The rightful king of Jotunheim... God of mischief... " A dagger materialized in Loki's hand suddenly, hidden from all while Thor watched in concern.

"What are you doing?" Thor asked in concern as everyone watched in horror and anticipation.

"Please do it." Tony begged, even though everyone had a feeling what would happen.

Loki continued, "Do hereby pledge to you... my undying fidelity." He kneeled and bowed before Thanos, taking a deep breath. Then, moving at quick speed with his Asgardian reflexes, he lunged with his dagger, only for Thanos to press his fist as the Space Stone glowed and the blue energy stopped Loki's hand.

"Shit!" Sam said and all paled.

"He was so close!" Bucky exclaimed.

"No, no, no." Thor was saying while Loki and Odinson watched, pale.

"Undying?" Thanos mocked before grabbing Loki's weapon hand and making him drop the dagger, "You should choose your words more carefully." He lifted Loki by the throat, slowly choking him as Thor watched.

"Let him go." Thor whispered in an almost begging tone.

"You're a monster." Steve sneered to Thanos.

"He's gonna kill you." Natasha sighed and everyone actually felt bad for Loki, even Clint. He had changed after all and was trying to kill the real threat.

"You... will never be... a God!" Loki wheezed out as his skin color returned to blue. Thanos squeezed his neck and a crack was heard as Loki went limp, his eyes wide and mouth open, blood running down his nose and mouth. "NO!" Thor screamed but the gag muffled him.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Thor exploded and lightning shot out of him, destroying another nearby table as all jumped away in shock and fright.

Odinson wiped tears from his eyes, the grief still fresh even after all these years.

Loki was still pale, shocked at how he had been killed like this. With deep breaths, he recovered himself and put a hand on Thor's shoulder, "Brother, I'm still here. We can change this."

"You fool!" Thor exploded, "Why did you have to try to stop him? Even you had killed him, his children would have killed you!"

"Because that's what heroes do." Loki said and Thor glared at him, his expression a mixture of anger, grief and pride. And then, he hugged Loki tightly, never wanting to let go, "Oh Loki."

Loki hugged back as everyone watched, feeling a lot of emotions. Now they could see the change in Loki at last. It was visible for them all.

"We won't let you die, Loki." Steve assured him and he nodded.

Odinson walked towards them and as Thor and Loki let go, he hugged his brother with tears in his eyes, "I've missed you, brother. Every single day. I had to control myself from hugging you joyfully all these days you've been here."

"I can see that." Loki said as he hugged back, "Though I think your hug would have suffocated me."

Odinson gave a watery chuckle and let go. One by one, everyone took their seats again as Thor panted heavily while Loki was still afraid of what he had just seen. Thanos had killed him effortlessly.

"Operation: Protect Reindeer Games, will commence now." Tony said genuinely as well as to lighten the mood.

Thanos dropped a dead Loki in front of Thor who stared heartbroken. "No resurrections this time." Thanos said.

"I'm going to kill you." Thor sneered as all glared at him, feeling sad for Thor. He had lost everyone- his mother, his father, his home, half of his people, four of his best friends while one was exiled, and his now reformed brother, all in such a short span of time.

Thanos activated the Power Stone and the ship started breaking apart as purple flames, explosions and energy covered it. Thanos then activated the Space Stone and a portal appeared behind them as he walked into it with the Black Order, transporting them away instantly.

"Of course you can teleport, you piece of shit." Clint sneered angrily.

The metal restraints broke as Thor crawled towards Loki, not caring about the ship being destroyed around him. "No…Loki…" He said in grief as he put a hand on Loki's chest and bowed down, sobbing. The Statesman exploded in a purple energy of fire.

"Oh no." Pepper muttered as all looked in horror.

"And I survived." Thor whispered to himself hoarsely.

The Bifrost energy passed the sun and the moon and shot towards the Earth, reaching right above New York.

"I think that's me." Bruce said and everyone's eyes widened.

"Yes it is." Bucky said.

In the New York Sanctum, Strange asked Wong if he really didn't have any money and he said attachment to the physical was detachment from the spiritual.

"Look who's back." Tony said.

"This guy seems a bit too religious." Rhodes commented on Wong and all agreed.

Strange joked how they will make a metaphysical Ham on Rye when Wong said he had 200. Strange asked if it was dollars but Wong said it was rupees, which was a buck and a half.

"Yeah I know that." Bruce said, having lived in India for some time.

"This guy has serious financial issues." Tony said.

The two walked down the stairs as Wong said he would like a Tuna Melt. Then the roof crashed as the Bifrost energy shattered the stairs behind them. They turned as Strange called the Cloak of Levitation while his uniform appeared and Wong summoned Tao Mandalas.

"I think I know who that is." Hill muttered as all watched in anticipation.

The two peered into the hole as Hulk was seen reverting back to Banner. "Thanos is coming. He's coming…." Bruce breathed out in terror. "Who?" Strange asked, to confirm what he had heard.

"Good thing he sent me back." Bruce said and all nodded, saddened by Heimdall's selfless sacrifice.

"We won't let him die this time." Loki said firmly while Thor simply nodded, still feeling grief.

"Now at least Strange and Wong know." Tony said.

In Central Park, Tony and Pepper were walking together as she told him to slow down and he said how there were some dreams in which they got to pee but there were no bathrooms. Pepper finished, saying they woke up and actually had to pee.

Everyone burst out into laughter as Sam said, "This is gold."

"I've had that once." Peter said as Benjamin gave him a look, "I had to-"

"We don't need to hear that." Tony said and he shut up.

Tony said last night he dreamt they had a kid and it was real. They'd named the kid after Pepper's eccentric uncle. Pepper nodded as Tony remembered his name was Morgan.

"I had a feeling we'd named her after that." Pepper said and kissed Tony's cheek as he smiled.

Pepper realized Tony had woken up and thought they were actually expecting. Tony said he had a dream about it which was so real. Pepper pointed at Tony's chestpiece and said he wouldn't have done that if he wanted a kid. Tony said it was just a housing unit for nanoparticles.

"It's not helping your case, okay?" Pepper said.

"It's not helping your case, okay?" Pepper said.

"Stop repeating yourself." Tony said and all laughed.

"Wait, nanoparticles?" Hope asked and Tony nodded, "That must be a totally next level suit you've got now. Congratulations."

Tony nodded in thanks.

"I really want to see it now." Bruce said.

"You will very soon." Benjamin said.

Tony said it was just an attachment and he was trying to protect them, the future them, in case there was a monster in the closet. Pepper finished for him with 'shirts' and he said how she finished all his sentences.

"You two complete each other." Rhodes said and everyone nodded as they simply smiled at each other.

"I know I'll never get you to stop now. So just do what you have to." Pepper told him, now finally understanding him even more than before from the recordings.

"Thanks, Pep." He said with a smile and the two kissed.

Tony said they would have a nice dinner and then there would be no more surprises. The two then kissed.

"So sweet." Natasha said and all smiled while Tony and Pepper blushed.

Then a portal opened and Doctor Strange arrived, "Tony Stark, I'm Doctor Stephen Strange. I need you to come with me."

"Did he just interrupt our moment?" Tony asked.

"It appears he did." T'Challa said.

Tony and Pepper looked nervous as Strange congratulated them on the wedding and Tony asked if he was selling tickets. Strange said they needed his help and it wasn't overselling to say the fate of the Universe was at stake. Tony asked who they were and then Bruce appeared from behind Strange, greeting Tony and Pepper and then hugged them.

"Now we've met again finally." Bruce said and everyone nodded.

"Why did nobody notice a portal in the middle though?" Peter wondered.

"They're used to it." Logan said.

Tony sat in the New York Sanctum as Wong explained, "At the dawn of the universe, there was nothing. Then... Boom." His magic showed the Big Bang happening and the projections of Infinity Stones appeared as he said, "The Big Bang sent six elemental crystals... hurtling across the virgin universe. These Infinity Stones each control an essential aspect of existence. Space. Reality. Power. Soul. Mind." Each projection glowed as Wong said their names. "And Time." Strange said as the Time Stone glowed in the Eye of Agamotto.

"Nice presentation." Peter quipped.

"Thanos already has two of them." Steve said, "And his children are coming for the other two."

"Tell me his name again." Tony said. "Thanos." Bruce told him, He's a plague, Tony. He invades planets. He takes what he wants. He wipes out half the population. He sent Loki. The attack on New York, that's him."

"It was him from the start." Tony muttered.

"This is it." Tony said and asked of their timeline. Bruce said Thanos already had the Power and Space Stones which made him the most powerful creature in the Universe and if he got all Six of them "He could destroy life on a scale hitherto undreamt of." Strange finished.

"Did he just say hitherto?" Tony muttered.

Tony leaned casually against a cauldron as he asked if Strange had seriously said hitherto and Strange asked if he was seriously leaning against the Cauldron of the Cosmos. The Cloak of Levitation smacked him, making him leave it.

Everyone laughed as Rhodes said, "This was gold."

Tony glared at him and said, "No upgrades now."

Tony said they should throw the Time Stone into the garbage but Strange said they had swore an oath to protect the Time Stone with their lives. Tony said he had sworn off dairy but they had named a flavor after him.

Everyone laughed at his antics.

Strange said 'Stark Raving Hazelnuts' was a bit chalky.

"It's perfectly fine!" Tony said and all laughed again.

Wong said a 'Hunka-Hulka Burning Hudge' was their favorite, shocking Bruce.

"That a thing?" Bruce asked.

"Wong has good taste." Loki joked and Tony groaned.

Tony said things changed but Strange said their oath couldn't as it might be their best chance against Thanos but Tony said it might be his best chance against them too.

"You're not wrong." Steve agreed.

Strange said that'd be if they didn't do their jobs. "What is your job exactly? Besides making balloon animals." Tony asked. "Protecting your reality, douchebag." Strange said and he shut up.

Everyone burst out in laughter as Sam said, "Another snarky guy with a goatee has shut you up."

"I can see that." Tony groaned, "I'm gonna roast this dragon-voiced doctor so badly."

Bruce said they had a stone and needed to find Vision with the Mind Stone. Tony said Vision had shut off his transponder some time ago.

"Bad timing." Vision said.

"This is why we talk!" Tony said to him.

"Thanos really chose the perfect time to attack." Odinson said.

Bruce asked incredulously if Tony had lost another super-bot and Tony said he was evolving.

"We have a problem with super-bots." Tony muttered.

Strange asked who could find Vision and Tony said Steve Rogers could.

"Stings, doesn't it?" Benjamin asked.

"Unlike us, they don't trust each other." Tony said.

Bruce asked Tony to call him but he said the Avengers had broken up. Bruce asked if it was like a band like the Beatles.

"That's actually funny." Bruce muttered as all chuckled.

Tony said Cap and him had fallen out hard and weren't on speaking terms.

"He must be so shocked." Bruce muttered.

"I leave you lot for one year and you do this to yourselves." Fury said.

"Ross had a hand in it too." Tony added.

"And those Accords." Sam said.

Bruce said Thor was gone so it didn't matter who he was talking to.

"Not yet." Odinson said.

Tony finally took out the flip phone, ready to call, when unusual sounds were heard.

"At least you were going to." Pepper said.

"Yeah, that's progress." Bruce said and Tony nodded.

"But something's happening." Steve said and all tensed.

Tony asked if Strange was moving his hair. Strange looked at his fluttering hair and said not at the moment. Tony looked up through the hole in the roof to see metal scraps flying everywhere.

"Uh-oh." Rhodes said.

"This isn't good." May said.

Tony walked out of the Sanctum and saw terrified people running as dust and debris flew around. One woman fell and he helped her up as a car crashed on a pole behind him but Bruce and Wong helped the person. Tony put on his glasses and asked FRIDAY what he was looking at but she said she wasn't sure. Tony asked Strange to put the Time Stone in his backpocket but he said he might wanna use it.

"Yeah, you might, as long as Thanos doesn't get it." Clint said.

Tony then saw a huge circular ship floating over Bleecker Street.

"Oh boy!" Peter said as all gasped.

"That's them?" Pepper asked.

"That's them." Logan said.

In a schoolbus, the hair on Peter's arm stood up as he looked out of the window to see the ship.

"Now I'm in!" Peter said.

"Yeah you are." Tony groaned, a sinking feeling in his stomach.

He told Ned to cause a distraction and Ned shouted, saying there was a spaceship and everyone was going to die. The kids all looked out as Peter opened a window with webbing.

"You're only half-right, Ned." Benjamin muttered.

"Good thing a spaceship was actually there." Scott said, "Actually, bad thing."

"What' the matter with you kids? You never seen a spaceship before?" The elderly driver asked.

"And he's here too." Fury said and all chuckled.

Peter hung to the side and put on his mask before swinging away over the water to the ship.

"Spider-Man to the rescue." Benjamin said.

"I would ask why you're going, but I know I can't stop you." May said to Peter as he held her hand, "Please be careful."

"I will." Peter said.

Tony told FRIDAY to evac all beyond 43rd Street and to notify first responders. Strange used the Winds of Watoomb on Bleecker Street and all dust and debris cleared. He winked at Tony.

"He has grown in power even more." Thor noted.

Then a beam shot down and Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian appeared.

"Them." Pepper said and grasped Tony's hand tightly while all paled.

"Hear me and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos. Be thankful... that your meaningless lives are now contributing..." Ebony Maw was cut off by Tony, "I'm sorry, Earth is closed today. You better pack it up and get outta here."

"It's always gonna be closed to you idiots." Tony said as all clapped at his response to Maw.

"Stonekeeper. Does this chattering animal speak for you?" Maw asked Strange.

"High and mighty coming from Thanos' chattering animal." Steve spoke in Tony's defense and Tony smirked at him which he returned.

"Certainly not. I speak for myself." Strange said as he and Wong summoned the Tao Mandalas, "You're trespassing in this city and on this planet." Tony added, "He means get lost, Squidward."

"Nice comeback." Pepper said as all clapped and Tony smirked.

Maw told Cull to bring him the Stone and Tony asked Bruce if he wanted a piece. Bruce said he didn't but he never got what he wanted as he attempted to transform into Hulk but only his neck turned green. Tony sarcastically said it was good to have him as Bruce said he needed to concentrate and tried again but said they were having a thing.

"What's happening?" Bruce wondered, "He should be out by now. It's never happened before."

"Thanos scarred him and he was tired." Benjamin said.

"Of what?" Bruce asked.

"Of being used by you." Logan said and Bruce looked offended.

"I don't use him!" He snapped.

"We will tell you what we mean at the end of all recordings." Odinson said.

Bruce pondered over their words.

Tony pointed at the approaching Cull and said that was the thing. Bruce grunted but failed to release Hulk as Tony said he was embarrassing him in front of Wizards.

"And myself." Bruce added.

Bruce apologized but Tony told him to stand down and Wong to protect him.

"Sorry man." Bruce said.

"No need." Tony said, "I think something is coming now."

As Cull charged, Tony pulled two strings attached to him and tapped his chestpiece twice as he walked forwards. The suit started forming around him slowly, the armor encasing him. Tony took off his glasses which assimilated into the suit and soon, he stood there in Iron Man Armor: Mark L.

"I LOVE IT!" Bruce said as all clapped and cheered.

"That is the most awesome suit ever!" Peter cheered.

"That's what the unit is for?" Pepper asked in awe and Tony nodded.

"The fruit of your labor. And very sweet fruit." Steve said as everyone continued cheering.

"Now that's Tony Stark for us." Loki said as all chuckled and cheered more.

"Cull is about to get a taste of you." Thor smirked.

Tony formed a shield and blocked Cull's hammer before uppercutting him back and then formed Cluster Cannons, blasting Cull back as Maw telekinetically threw him to a side to save himself.

"How do you like that?" Hope asked as all clapped again.

"Not at all." T'Challa smirked.

Bruce asked where that was from and Tony said it was nanotech when Maw produced a spike from the Earth which threw him up.

"Oh no!" Pepper said as she and Tony grasped hands while everyone paled.

Maw attacked the rest with uprooted trees as Wong summoned the Shield of the Seraphim for defense while Strange opened a portal into which Bruce fell for his safety and half of a cab fell over him.

"We need to sort things out." Bruce muttered.

Tony flew back and pushed a car Maw had thrown back at him which he split into two by raising his hand.

"It's like you cut it with a laser." A pale Wanda said to Vision.

"This guy is the most powerful member in Thanos' group." Steve said.

"No kidding." Bucky agreed.

Tony told Strange to get the Stone away but he said it stayed with him. Tony flew, avoiding all of Maw's obstacles when Cull threw his chain hammer and it crashed Tony through a building into the park where Bruce was. Bruce asked if he was all right and Tony asked if he would help out but Bruce said Hulk wasn't coming when Cull arrived and threw his hammer again but Tony pushed Bruce away.

"These guys pack a big wallop." Scott said.

Tony then flew and fired a beam which deflected from Cull's shield, slicing down trees. Bruce barely evaded one and started slapping himself, telling Hulk to come out. His face transformed into Hulk and roared, "NOOOOOOO!" He transformed back to normal and asked, "What do you mean 'no?'"

"He is throwing a tantrum like a kid, really?" Bucky asked.

"I have no idea why." Bruce said, though deep down he was figuring it out.

"No problem bro." Tony said.

Tony was knocked down by Cull who was about to hit again when someone stopped his hammer. It was Spider-Man. "Hey man." He said before turning around, "What's up, Mr. Stark?"

"Spider-Man has come to the rescue." Peter said as all laughed and clapped. May grasped his hand tightly though.

"You're so strong, kid." Steve said, "Impressive."

"Thanks." He said.

Tony asked where he had come from and he was about to tell about a field trip when Cull threw him off.

"Pay attention!" Tony said as all paled, especially May.

Tony and Peter fought Cull as Peter asked what his problem was and Tony said he was from space and was trying to steal a necklace from a wizard.

"That covers it." Hill said dryly.

Cull threw up a cab and Peter grabbed it with webbing and smashed it on him.

"Nice!" Tony said and all clapped.

Maw lifted several bricks and turning them into sharp points fired at Strange and Wong. They opened portals to defend themselves and boomeranged them back at him. Maw defended himself with a car but his face was still hit by one. Angrily, he used a broken fire hydrant's stream to throw Wong back, knocking him out.

"Now he's pissed." Rhodes said and all paled.

Strange restrained Maw with a whip but Maw flew at him and pinned Strange to a building, trapping him with bricks, saying he must be popular with the children. He tried to take the Eye of Agamotto but his hand was burnt as Strange said it was an unbreakable spell.

"Take that!" Scott said.

Maw said he'd take it off his corpse and threw him down. Strange was about to use the Time Stone when utility cables restrained him and threw him down. The tightness knocked him out as Maw raised the pavement but the Cloak of Levitation flew him away.

"Yes!" Sam said and all sighed in relief.

Tony and Peter fought Cull when Strange flew by them and Tony told Peter to help him. Peter swung after them but Maw threw him back with a board. Peter swung again as the Cloak was stopped by a pole which Maw had put in the way. Peter webbed Strange and tried to save him as he held onto a pole but Maw broke it with telekinesis and they were all beamed up to Peter's shock as he informed Stark.

"NO!" May said and all paled.

"What the hell?" Sam said.

"He's taken you all." Steve sighed.

"Why did I have to ask you to help me?" Tony said guiltily.

"It's no use now." Pepper said gently.

"It hasn't happened yet." Benjamin said.

"I'm in a spaceship." Peter muttered.

Tony was restrained by the hammer which was now a claw. Cull leapt at him with a blade when a portal opened and he was thrown into snow. He tried to jump back up but Wong closed the portal, cutting off his hand. Tony broke the restraints and said Wong was invited to his wedding before flying back up.

"Yeah he is." Pepper agreed as all smirked.

"These Wizards are pretty good." Tony said.

Tony then flew towards the ship, increasing speed with FRIDAY's help as the foot thrusters transformed to a larger jet.

"This thing rocks." Scott said.

Maw walked to the ship controls which Strange's unconscious body floating behind him and prepared to take off. Tony asked to unlock 17:A and a suit flew out of the Compound.

"Is that…..?" Peter asked.

"Yup." Tony said.



Tony told Peter to let go but he said Tony had asked to save the Wizard.

"Not at the cost of your life!" Tony snapped and Peter looked sheepish as May held him.

Tony said he was running out of air and Peter said it made sense as he started falling but the suit wrapped around him and a red and black suit with the Spider symbol on it appeared as Peter stood up and said it smelled like a new car.

"The Iron Spider is born." Benjamin said and all clapped.

"That looks so good on you." May said and he smiled.

"It does." Natasha agreed.

Tony said 'Happy trails' and asked FRIDAY to take him back as the parachute opened and sent him back.

"Thank you." May said to Stark and he nodded.

"You can fight Earth stuff. But against that, it's a no-no." Tony said to Peter who nodded sheepishly.

Tony cut a hole into the ship and walked in as Pepper called and asked what was going on. Tony said they might need to push dinner as he wouldn't make it back. She asked if he was on the ship and he apologized. She asked him to come back but the call was cut due to poor signal.

"I'm sorry honey." Tony said apologetically.

"I understand." She smiled as they held hands, "I hope the one in the recording does too."

Peter had shot a web to the ship and climbed back, foiling Tony's attempt. He clambered into the closing chamber and as he saw the receding planet, he said he should have stayed on the bus.

"Yeah you should have!" Tony snapped, "Are you serious? You came back again?"

"Why are you so stubborn?" May asked and he looked sheepish.

"Please, don't make me worry like that!" Tony begged while May held him tightly again in concern.

"I'm grounded, right?" He joked and both Tony and May chuckled.

Maw started the mechanism and the ship was accelerated to hyperspace.

"Now you're all gone." Clint sighed while all looked in anticipation.

Bruce found the flip phone on Earth and picked it up as Wong walked into the portal and said the New York Sanctum was unguarded. "I'm gonna make a call." Bruce said and Wong nodded before closing the portal. Bruce looked at Steve's name and made the call.

"Finally!" Sam said as all looked at Bruce.

"Now we will enter I guess." Natasha said.

"We all should have been together when this happened." Steve said, "But because of Ross, the Accords and our own mistakes, we weren't. Sorry Tony."

"I'm sorry too Cap." Tony said, "But now we will be together."

"You better be. I've got my eye on you lot." Fury said.

"This has just begun." Logan said as the recording continued.