"The biggest fight of your life now I guess." Natasha said.
"Not just my life, but all Asgardians." Thor said, "And yeah, this was the biggest one so far."
Odinson shared a look with Benjamin and Logan, the three knowing he would have to fight an even bigger one soon.
At Asgard, Skurge announced to all Asgardians that some misguided soul had stolen the Bifrost sword so they should inform him where the person was or face bad consequences. Hela stood there with Fenris.
"The people aren't going to take this well." Steve said as all tensed.
"Especially with that wolf there." Tony said.
Hela randomly pointed at a woman and she was dragged to the ground as Skurge stood over her with a conflicted expression.
"He doesn't want to do it." Bucky noted.
"He only wanted to feel important. Not kill his own people." Fury said.
Hela called him 'Executioner' and reluctantly, he raised his ax, only for a man to stop them as he said he knew where the sword was.
"Couldn't sit back and watch his fellow citizens be slaughtered." Hill said as all watched sadly.
"He did a noble thing. But now all of Asgard is in danger." T'Challa said.
Thor, Bruce and Valkyrie flew out of the wormhole and were knocked out for some time before waking up finally. They arrived at Asgard as Valkyrie said she'd never thought she'd be back here. Bruce said he'd thought it'd be nicer. Not that it wasn't nice but it was on fire.
"A madwoman is slaughtering armies there and you're talking about nice?" Clint asked sarcastically.
"Right. Stupid statement." Bruce said.
Valkyrie said there were heat signatures in the mountains and people were clustered together so Hela would go for them. Thor asked her to drop him at the palace to draw her away. She said Hela would murder him but he said the people trapped there were what mattered. He'd deal with Hela and they would help everyone get off Asgard with the help of him man on the ground.
"Heimdall." Sam said and Thor and Odinson nodded.
At the refuge, Heimdall told everyone Hela was here.
"Better be prepared." Rhodes said.
Thor handed a gun from Sakaar to Valkyrie, saying the ship had a gun now. He then gave her the old Valkyrie armor, saying he'd found it in the armory.
"And now the Valkyrie is coming." Peter smirked.
Thor jumped down the ship as Valkyrie wished him luck and said, "Your Majesty…..Don't die. You know what I mean." Thor looked at her and walked off.
"Yeah I know." Odinson said.
Hela and Skurge walked towards the refuge while Thor arrived at the palace, seeing the broken walls and the hidden murals which showed Odin as a warlord with Hela holding Mjolnir.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that." Hope said to Thor and Odinson who both nodded in appreciation.
"I know how you feel." T'Challa said to them in sympathy.
Hela destroyed the door with her Necroswords, forming a bridge. With Skurge, she walked inside, only to see the refugees were all gone. Heimdall had sensed her coming and led them all away from a secret exit, telling them to get to the Bifrost.
"At least the people are safe." Scott said.
"For now." Logan added.
In the Commodore, Valkyrie suited up, wearing her old suit and equipping herself with Dragonfang as she pushed the gun and Bruce watched.
"The Valkyrie has returned." Pepper said and all clapped for her.
Back at the palace, Hela and Skurge heard a thumping and saw Thor sitting on the throne, tapping Gungnir on the ground.
"That looks so badass." Peter said as everyone's jaws dropped.
"Great entrance actually." Tony said, "But I can do better."
"I know you can." Thor sighed.
Hela walked towards him as her horned crown disappeared. Hela noted he was alive as he said sarcastically he loved what she had done with the place, redecorating it like that. Hela said their father's solution to every problem was covering it up.
"Literally." Loki added.
Thor added that it was to cast it out as well.
"Literally again." Loki added.
Thor said Odin had told him he was worthy and said the same thing to Hela. Hela said Thor had never known Odin at his best as she had drowned entire civilizations in blood and tears with him and that is where all this gold had come from.
"Okay, not to sound offensive, but both of them sound like a real piece of work from this." Scott said.
"Father was. She still is." Odinson said.
"Yes. That's correct." Thor said.
Hela said one day Odin had decided to become a benevolent King, to foster peace and protect all life and to have Thor.
"And that's the difference between you and him. He moved on and changed. You want to stay the same." Steve said as all nodded in agreement.
Thor said he understood why she was angry and she had a claim to the throne technically. He'd love for anyone else to rule but not her because she was the worst.
"Even I am better than her." Loki said and all chuckled.
Hela reformed her horns and told Thor to get up as he was in her chair. "You know, Father once told me that a wise king never seeks out war." Thor said as he got up. "But must always be ready for it." Hela finished as the two charged at each other with their weapons.
"It's on." Bucky said while all tensed.
Heimdall led the people to the Bifrost when Fenris blocked their way. He charged them with a roar when gunfire hit its face. The Commodore arrived, piloted by Bruce as Valkyrie fired her gun. Heimdall and the refugees turned the other way when they saw Skurge with the Berserkers. The two women Skurge had propositioned in the beginning of the recording raised their blades in defiance.
"Out of the frying pan." Tony sighed.
"And into the fire." Steve finished with a grunt.
Thor fought Hela, managing to stab her once and land a hit with Gungnir before she pushed him back. He tried to attack again but she dodged and said she had expected more before throwing him off as Gungnir fell out of his grip.
"She's too strong." Aunt May said.
"How're you gonna beat her?" Natasha asked.
"Just watch." Thor said as he exchanged a look with Loki and Odinson.
Skurge roared at Heimdall for the sword as the Bersekers charged. Back inside, Hela lifted Thor by the throat, "Here's the difference between us. I'm Odin's firstborn, the rightful heir, the savior of Asgard. And you're nothing." She threw him back down.
"If she is the savior, I don't want to see its destroyer." Pepper said.
"Oh but you will have to." Loki said and all looked interested now.
Thor got back up as Hela formed a small Necrosword and tried to stab but he dodged and tried to elbow her but she freed herself. He tried to punch but she was unaffected and formed a gash in his abdomen, making him kneel down and said even a blind man could have seen this strike before cutting off his eye with a slice of her sword. "Now you remind me of Dad." She groaned.
"Damn it!" Sam said as all gasped.
"Oh no, oh no, oh no." Peter was saying.
"She is winning. She is too strong." Tony said.
"How did you even survive?" Hope asked.
"She took your eye as well." Fury groaned, getting painful memories.
"What a sicko." Natasha snorted.
"Oh that she is." Loki agreed.
"A huge one." Odinson said.
"Just keep watching." Thor said.
Outside, the refugees tried to fight the Berserkers off as Valkyrie fired at Fenris but he was unaffected and ran at the people. Heimdall threw off his coat and prepared to fight with Hofund. Valkyrie was annoyed that he wasn't dying and Bruce flew the Commodore between Fenris and the people. "verything's gonna be all right now. I got this. You wanted to know who I am?" He asked, confusing her. "You'll see!" He said and jumped off the ship. As Fenris charged, Bruce fell in his way.
"I don't think that worked out the way you wanted." Benjamin said and Bruce groaned.
"No, it was an epic fail." Bruce said.
"We can see that." Hill said.
"It takes time." Bruce said.
"I'm guessing the distance between the Commodore and Bifrost was a bit too short." Scott said and all nodded.
Fenris sniffed Bruce and charged at the people again as Heimdall prepared to fight. Then something grabbed Fenris' tail and threw him back. It was Hulk, who announced his arrival with a roar.
"And he's here!" Steve said as all cheered for Hulk's entrance.
"I think this might just be Hulk's third best entrance." Bruce said and all agreed.
Valkyrie had a look of realization on her face.
"Busted." Hope said and all laughed.
Valkyrie saw some Berserkers sticking to the Commodre and tried to shake them off as Hulk and Fenris fought and were thrown off the Bifrost while Hela pinned Thor to the balcony and made him look at the fight on the Bifrost saying, "You see? No one's going anywhere. I'll get that sword, even if I have to kill every single one of them to do it."
"And you call yourself a savior." Steve snorted as all looked at her in disgust.
The refugees fought the Berserkers as one of them sliced Heimdall's knee but he took that one and another down. A third kicked him down and was about to kill him when a gunshot from behind destroyed it and now Korg stood there. "Hey, man. I'm Korg. This is Miek." Miek appeared. "We're gonna jump on that spaceship and get out of here. Wanna come?"
Everyone burst out laughing and sighed in relief as Tony said, "Giant stone man to the rescue."
"Just in time." Pepper said.
Heimdall looked back and the Statesman appeared with Loki on it, "Your savior is here."
"Never thought I'd say this but you actually look like a savior in this scene." Clint said while all stared in awe.
He got off and asked everyone to get on the ship. Heimdall said he'd seen Loki coming and Loki knew he'd have. Loki, Heimdall, Korg, Miek and the other Champions then prepared to fight the Berserkers as one of the Champions who had 3 heads was taken down while Valkyrie crashed the Commodore at the far end of the Bifrost. Thor was happy until Hela stabbed his shoulder and ripping out the sword said, "It's a valiant effort, but you never stood a chance."
"Wouldn't stop me from trying." Thor said.
"You see... I'm not a queen or a monster. I'm the Goddess of Death. What were you the god of, again?" She asked Thor as she pinned his hand under a cross-shaped Necrosword while he had a vision of Odin in Norway.
"The old mentor/daddy coming to give advice." Tony said and all nodded.
"Yeah, I was getting the same vibe." Peter agreed.
Thor saw Odin in Norway and fell to his knees. "Even when you had two eyes, you'd see only half the picture." Odin said. "She's too strong." Thor said, "Without my hammer, I can't." Odin asked with a smile, "Are you Thor, the God of Hammers?"
"That was the point I always used to miss." Odinson said.
"Yeah, stupid me." Thor agreed.
"That hammer was to help you control your power, to focus it. It was never your source of strength." Odin revealed.
"So all of it was just a training phase?" Bucky asked, "The preliminaries?"
"Yes it was actually, to my own shock." Thor said.
"Oh I find it even more shocking." Tony said.
"It's too late. She's already taken Asgard." Thor said. "Asgard is not a place. Never was. This could be Asgard." Odin said as he gestured at the grassy land around them, "Asgard is where our people stand. Even now, right now, those people need your help." With that, he started walking off.
"Home is where those you love are." Natasha said as she exchanged a look with Bucky.
"I'm not as strong as you." Thor said. Odin turned around with a smile and said, "No... You're stronger." He walked off as Thor closed his eyes.
"You are actually stronger than him?" Rhodes asked as all looked shocked.
"He meant that I can be." Thor said.
"The older an Asgardian gets, the stronger he gets." Odinson said, "In a few years, I actually will be stronger than father was."
The others were even more shocked.
"Your family is like the biggest powerhouse ever." Tony said to him.
Back at the palace, Hela asked again, "Tell me, brother. What were you the God of, again?" Suddenly, lightning formed in Thor's hands as Hela looked around in shock. The sky darkened too. And then Thor roared and the biggest lightning blast ever hit the palace, throwing Hela off while Loki and the others watched.
"The God of Thunder, bitch!" Hope said as all clapped and cheered for Thor.
"That has to be among the most awesome things I've ever seen." Benjamin said.
"Thank you." Odinson said.
"That looked very epic." T'Challa said and all nodded.
"This scene deserves background music." Tony said.
"Tell me, which song do you want?" Natasha asked.
"Immigrant Song-Led Zeppelin." Tony said.
"Okay." Natasha shrugged and actually played it on her phone.
"Thank you!" Tony said.
"The song does fit well with the scene." Thor commented as all continued watching the recording with the song playing in the background.
Thor leapt into the air as hordes of Berserkers converged and jumped in their center as the lightning threw them all away.
"YES!" Hill cheered as all clapped again.
Thor looked up, his entire body emanating lightning.
"You produce power at this point." Scott said as all looked in awe.
As more charged at him, he flew at them in a rotatory motion and killed more. He punched many more of them away as lightning bolts emanated from his body and descended from the sky to kill more of the Berserkers. He then kicked another away as his lightning destroyed more before blocking another one's punch and hitting it and many behind it with lightning, killing them all. Crackers burst from the Commodore as Valkyrie walked out, holding Dragonfang. She sliced one down before blocking the other's attack and cutting off his head.
"Now she's in too." Logan said and the clapping increased.
"This looks so badass." Peter said.
Hulk struggled to hold back Fenris and punched him before flipping him over as Loki sliced a Bersekrer and rolled to avoid another before hitting him with his helmet and then stabbing him.
"So that thing does more than just make your head look bigger." Tony joked and all laughed.
Thor hit another one with lightning, sending it flying off telekinetically before grabbing another and flying up with it and then slamming it to the ground as lightning bolts killed more of the Berserkers. He then snatched swords from two of them and in a rotatory motion, sliced more of them down while his lightning killed more of the Berserkers. Skurge watched from a corner and threw his Bloodaxe away.
"Now he sees sense." Fury said and all nodded.
Korg, Heimdall, Valkyrie and Loki took down more Berserkers while Fenris bit Hulk, drawing green blood.
"That is the second enemy to have drawn blood from you." Tony noted.
"Shows how powerful he is." T'Challa noted and all nodded.
"Yeah." Bruce said.
Hulk managed to punch Fenris off, freeing himself as Fenris fell down the waterfall while Hulk held on to the edge to save himself.
"At least he is gone now." Wanda said and all sighed in relief.
The people started climbing the Statesman as Skurge hid himself in a hood and decided to go with them.
"Will the people accept him after his work under Hela?" Rhodes wondered.
"I have no idea." Steve said, "He did work under her temporarily but he didn't kill anyone at all for her either. So a 50-50 chance maybe."
Thor walked towards Loki and said, "You're late." Loki countered with, "You're missing an eye." Valkyrie walked past them, "This isn't over." And then they saw Hela coming at them.
"I think no more music is needed now." Natasha said and shut off the song on her phone.
"Yeah, things are getting more intense now." Tony noted.
"How is she still alive after that?" Hope said.
"She is too powerful." Odinson said.
"She draws her strength from Asgard." Loki added.
"If I was this powerful right after she had freed herself, I would have won, but this way, I can't." Thor said.
"I think we should disband the Revengers." Thor joked.
Everyone chuckled.
"Hit her with a lightning blast." Loki said. "I just hit her with the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning. It did nothing." Thor said.
"Yeah, shows how powerful she has grown." Tony noted while all paled.
"We just need to hold her off until everyone's on board." Valkyrie said. "It won't end there. The longer Hela's on Asgard, the more powerful she grows." Thor said, "She'll hunt us down. We need to stop her here and now." "So what do we do?" Valkyrie asked.
"End her somehow." Hill muttered.
"I'm not doing "Get Help."" Loki said.
Everyone laughed as Logan said, "I don't think it would work either."
"I might actually need help if we try that." Loki said and all laughed again.
Thor looked between a marching Hela and the escaping people. "Asgard's not a place, it's a people." Thor said as he turned to Loki, "Loki, this was never about stopping Ragnarok. This was about causing Ragnarok. Surtur's crown, the vault. It's the only way."
"You're destroying Asgard?" Sam asked as all looked shocked.
"It is the only way." Thor told them, "She is too powerful right now. Not even all of us together would be able to beat her."
"You got a point, Point Break." Tony said.
"Bold move, brother. Even for me." Loki said as he ran off to do what Thor asked.
"If you find it bold, it definitely is something." Clint said.
"Unleashing an all-powerful monster on another while destroying Asgard? Yeah." Loki said.
"Shall we?" Thor asked Valkyrie. "After you." She said as both walked towards Hela. Thor activated his lightning and flew at Hela as she threw two Necroswords. His lightning shattered them as he landed in front of her. He managed to land a few hits with the two swords before she leaned back to avoid and threw him to the other side, only to be kicked by Valkyrie.
"Hela killed all of her friends. So she has gonna have a lot of anger." Steve said, empathizing with her like everyone else.
"That's why she is angry girl." Bruce said.
Valkyrie tried to hit again but Hela blocked and threw her off as Thor charged again. He managed to throw her down with a lightning bolt and tried to stab her but she rolled away as the sword was embedded in the Bifrost instead. Hela threw a Necrosword at him, throwing him back.
"You're so powerful and she is still too much." Scott groaned.
"Asgard increases her power, which is why it needs to be destroyed." Vision said.
Loki was flying the Commodore towards Asgard's vault. "This is madness." He said.
"If you're saying that, something big is about to happen." Clint said and all tensed.
The refugees ran into the ship while Skurge hid with them. Thor flipped Hela to the other side where Valkyrie tried to fight her but was beaten. Thor told Heimdall and the refuges to go and they tried to fly up as Hela threw a huge spear at him, sending him down before manifesting a huge blade that went through the Statesman, stopping it in the air.
"Oh God!" Steve said as all paled in horror.
"She is a monster." Pepper muttered.
Loki picked up the crown and ran to the Eternal Flame before looking at the Teserract.
"Still in love with that thing?" Thor asked and Loki chuckled, trying not to look at anyone. But Benjamin, Odinson and Logan looked at him for a second before looking back.
The Berserkers climbed the Statesman via blade. A Champion tried to fight them back but was killed. Then they were killed by bullets as the blade shattered. It was Skurge. He threw his hood off and fired with Des and Troy, killing more Berserkers as he leapt down and destroyed the remainder of the blade, killing more Berserkers as he said, "For Asgard!"
"For Asgard indeed." Thor said, impressed by him.
"Now he will get the recognition he wanted." Steve said, "In a good way."
"Oh absolutely." Bucky agreed.
Skurge killed more Berserkers with Des and Troy and screamed, "HELA!" Hela turned to him as Des and Troy ran out so he simply kicked and head-butted the Berserkers away. Hela looked betrayed and threw a Necrosword at his chest, killing him.
"Be at peace, son of Asgard." Odinson said and all had newfound respect for Skurge in their eyes.
The Statesman started flying off as Loki put the crown in the Eternal Flame, "With the Eternal Flame, you're reborn." He backed as the crown shook.
"It's happening." Wanda said and all watched in horror and anticipation.
Thor stopped Hela, saying she could have Asgard if she wanted it. Hela said whatever game he was playing won't work. "You can't defeat me." She said. Ominous fire was seen in the palace behind Thor as he pointed at it and said, "No, I know. But he can." Then the palace shattered into pieces as Surtur, now actually the size of a mountain emerged, holding his Twilight Sword. Hela was horrified.
"He really is the size of a mountain." Aunt May said as all watched with wide eyes.
Valkyrie leapt at Hela from behind and stabbed her, pinning her to the Bifrost. Thor then shattered that portion of the Bifrost with his lightning, sending her into the water.
"Your power really has increased. It took you several strikes from Mjolnir to destroy the Bifrost back in your first recording. Now you can destroy it just like that." Fury said and all nodded.
Surtur destroyed buildings and said, "Tremble before me, Asgard! I am your reckoning!"
"Now Asgard is gone." Bruce sighed while all looked sad but could understand why it had to be destroyed.
"The people are safe. That's all that matters." Valkyrie told Thor as Surtur continued destroying buildings. "We're fulfilling the prophecy." Thor said. "I hate this prophecy." Valkyrie said. "So do I, but we have no choice. Surtur destroys Asgard, he destroys Hela, so that our people may live. But we need to let him finish the job, otherwise..." Thor trailed off as Hulk leapt at Surtur, slightly moving his head and started hitting his crown. "No! Hulk, stop, you moron!" Thor yelled.
"And you had to ruin it." Tony said as all chuckled.
"Hulk needs to control himself." Bruce said.
Surtur was mostly annoyed and threw Hulk off effortlessly.
"If he can throw Hulk like a fly, he must not be messed with." Scott said and all agreed.
"Hulk, stop. Just for once in your life, don't smash." Thor said. "Big monster!" Hulk pointed out.
"Who is helping us." Loki said.
"Let's go!" Valkyrie said. "Fine." Hulk groaned as he picked them up and leapt to the Statesman. A huge blade hit Surtur, staggering him slightly as Hela elevated herself on blades, hitting him with more. But he was unaffected and said ,"I am Asgard's doom!" He stabbed the core of Asgard with the Twilight Sword and drove it deeper, shattering Hela's blades as the fire started destroying all trees and buildings.
"Oh no!" Wanda said as all watched in horror.
"The damage is not too bad." Korg said, "As long as the foundations are still strong, we can rebuild this place. It will become a haven for all peoples and aliens of the universe." Then Asgard shattered into countless pieces as Surtur and Hela were killed in the explosion. "Now those foundations are gone. Sorry." Korg said.
"I'm sorry that happened to you." Steve said as all looked at Thor, Odinson and Loki in sympathy.
"I'm sorry too." Wanda said. Steve, Logan, Bucky and Wanda could understand their grief the most.
"Asgard's not a place." Thor simply told them.
"It's a people." Odinson finished. They nodded with smiles and turned back to the screen.
"What have I done?" Thor asked as the people wept. "You saved us from extinction." Heimdall said as the two looked at each other, "Asgard is not a place... It's a people."
"The people are safe. That's what matters now." Bruce said.
Sometime later, Thor put on an eyepatch and drank some beer.
"Looks good on you." Natasha said.
"Thank you." Thor told her.
Loki arrived behind him and said, "It suits you." Thor turned to him and said, "Maybe you're not so bad after all, brother." "Maybe not." Loki smirked. "Thank you." Thor said, "If you were here, I might even give you a hug." He threw the bottle's cork at Loki and he caught it. "I'm here." Loki said.
"I will be now." Loki said as Thor looked at him with a smile.
The people then bowed to Thor as he walked among them and saw a throne on the side of the Statesman while Hulk, Valkyrie, Heimdall and Korg watched. "Your throne." Valkyrie smirked and Thor slowly sat on it as Loki arrived.
"Hail, Thor, King of Asgard!" Loki said genuinely.
"HAIL!" The entire room rang out as Thor and Odinson smiled in appreciation and thanked them all with nods.
"So, King of Asgard. Where to?" Heimdall asked. Thor waved awkwardly at the people.
Everyone could see the change in Thor now. In the first recording, he had raised Mjolnir and looked boastful during his interrupted coronation ceremony. And now even after getting the throne all he could do was give an awkward wave.
"I'm not sure." Thor said, "Any suggestions?" He asked Miek where he was from but Korg who had Miek said he was dead. Korg had accidentally stomped on Miek on the bridge and felt so guilty he'd been carrying him around since. Miek suddenly groaned and Korg happily said he was alive as he told everyone and asked Thor what his question was again.
Everyone laughed as Tony said, "I like this guy."
"Earth it is." Thor said.
"So now you will live on Earth?" Steve asked.
"In Norway." Thor said, "I don't care what that Secretary or those Accords say."
"And what about you?" Clint asked Loki, "I see that you've changed, but many won't."
"I won't show my face." Loki shrugged.
"I have to ask though, where was Sif during all this time?" Tony asked and all wondered too.
"After I banished her, she roamed the Nine Realms, slaughtering any evil beings she encountered." Loki said.
"We have to find her and bring her too." Thor said and he nodded.
Thor and Loki stood together as Loki asked, "Do you really think it's a good idea to go back to Earth?" Thor said, "Yes, of course. The people of Earth love me. I'm very popular." Loki said, "Let me rephrase that. Do you really think it's a good idea to bring me back to Earth?" Thor said, "Probably not, to be honest. I wouldn't worry, brother. I feel like everything's gonna work out fine."
Odinson winced as Benjamin and Logan put hands on his shoulder for support. Nothing was going to work out fine now.
"I don't think this has happened yet." Thor noted.
"No." Odinson said, trying to hide the pain in his voice, "This is the future you will see from now on."
They all nodded, their anticipation increasing now.
Then a shadow appeared in front of the Statesman and in front of it was a giant warship. The screen went black.
"What is that? What is that? What is that?" Tony asked as all looked horrified.
"The Sanctuary II." Odinson said sadly, "Thanos' ship."
"THANOS!" Thor exploded as he got off his couch, "He is attacking us? My people? What about them?!"
"Calm down." Benjamin said as he got up.
"Thanos will attack our people and I should calm down?!" Thor exploded.
"It hasn't happened yet, bub." Logan said, "Not to you. Why do you think we're showing you the future? So that you can change it."
Thor sighed and calmed down finally as he took his couch again while Loki put a hand on his shoulder and everyone looked at him in sympathy.
Grandmaster staggered out of somewhere with his women and saw the entire Sakaar standing against him. "Oh, boy." He muttered before announcing to them, "I just gotta say, I'm proud of you all. This revolution has been a huge success. Yay, us! Pat on the back. Pat on the back." He patted his own shoulder and said, "Come on. No? Me too. 'Cause I've been a big part of it. Can't have a revolution without somebody to overthrow. So, you're welcome. And it's a tie." The screen went black.
"Hope he gets what he deserved." Bucky said.
"Oh the people overthrew him and now run the place themselves." Logan said.
"Nice to know." Loki said.
"He was a creep." Thor said, "Big one."
"Now you will see your future in the next recording." Benjamin said, "It's gonna be very tough. So prepare yourselves."
Everybody looked tense as Steve said, "This is what you brought us here for."
He looked at the others and one by one, they all nodded so he turned back to the three future people, "Do it."
"All right." Odinson said and turned to Logan.
"Let's start with the show already." Logan said as he picked up the remote.