108 Planning

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Everyone sat in the dining room quietly, trying to come to terms with what they had seen. No one really said much.

"Anyone want cheeseburgers?" Morgan suddenly asked and they chuckled.

"Yes please, cheeseburgers would be good." Pepper said and she nodded as they were brought in.

"Thank you." Steve said to Tony, "For what you did."

He turned to Natasha, "And you too."

"But we will make sure the situations that led you two to lose your lives do not arise again." Steve assured before turning to Loki and Vision, "And you two as well, along with Gamora."

"The 2014 one would be so glad to hear that." Logan muttered.

"So she joined them?" Thor asked.

"Yes, she did." Odinson said.

"Tony, I know I can never get you to stop." Pepper said to him as he looked at her, "But please, don't kill yourself. I won't be able to live with myself if you did."

"I won't. Not this time." Tony assured as he hugged her and she accepted, knowing she needed it right now.

"Was this really the only way?" Peter asked, "Couldn't there have been a way where we won and everyone survived?"

"No, unfortunately there wasn't."

They turned to see Doctor Strange walking out of a fiery portal, a look of regret on his face as he looked at Tony.

"I looked into every single possible outcome I could." Strange said, "Even the rat stepping on the machine was a bit of a gamble."

"So the rat actually saved the Universe?" Scott asked.

"It contributed yes." Strange said before turning to the others, "But like I said, I looked into every possible outcome. There were some in which others went to Vormir, and couldn't do it. And one in which I told you, Tony, of what would happen, and in the last moment you hesitated and Thanos won."

Tony nodded at that, knowing Strange was right about it.

"So this was the only way then." Pepper said as she looked up at him with tears in her eyes, "Basically, you saved him and set them both up to die."

"Before Titan, there could have been several ways to win. But when we reached Titan, there was only one." Strange informed them.

"So no running off half-cocked then." Tony said and he nodded.

He then looked regretfully at Tony and Natasha and said, "I know you two had to die for the Universe to live, so I am really, really sorry that I couldn't save you two along with the others. Because if I could, I would do it in a heartbeat. But you have to understand why I did it."

"It's all right." Natasha assured him, "We understand why you didn't. The Universe needed saving."

"And it almost was." Scarlet Witch said.

"Until we found out the Universe would collapse without the Infinity Stones in them." Lila said.

"Which is when we made this plan up." Cassie said.

"I hope we do not disappoint." Thor said.

"We can't fail all of your trust in us." Clint said too.

"We know you won't." Morgan assured, "You people are the Earth's Mightiest Heroes."

"So are you people." Steve assured the future Avengers and they nodded in pride, knowing Steve meant what he had said.

"So like I said, I am sorry for not being able to save you." Strange told both Tony and Natasha, "But now I hope you are saved."

"We will." Tony said, "It's not that hard."

"Don't underestimate Thanos." Odinson warned and he nodded, knowing Odinson was right.

"Now the only thing to be done is to plan out how to beat him." Fury said and all nodded.

"Yeah, let's do it." Bruce said.

"Actually, you're not going to be part of the planning." Strange said to Bruce's shock.

"Why?" He asked.

"Remember I told you he would come to help you with your green problem?" Benjamin asked and Bruce nodded, remembering.

"Right now?" He asked.

"Don't worry. We will tell you the plan when you're done." Loki assured and he nodded in thanks.

"Well, then, good luck guys." He said as Strange led him away to another room.

"Good luck!" They all said to him at the same time as the two disappeared from view.

"So, first things first, let's talk about allies." Morgan said.

"Yeah." Tony said.

"I'm still gonna be in space, right?" Thor asked and they nodded, "Well, I will go to Nidavellir and forge Stormbreaker first."

"I can get a staff forged for me too." Loki said.

"Awesome. You'd need it." Odinson said, "And when you get back, tell Heimdall about this."

"Really?" Thor asked and he nodded, "Why?"

"You need to send the Teserract to Earth." Benjamin said, "So give it to Bruce, and have Heimdall send him to Earth with his Bifrost powers."

"So Thanos never gets to you guys." Hope said in realization and they nodded.

"So Space Stone is on Earth, Time and Mind would be on Earth too." Steve noted.

"And tell Strange about the time travel thing as well." Lila said, "He'll probably figure it out though."

"Oh I'm sure he will. He is smart enough for that." Tony said.

"Tell him where the Reality Stone is and he can use a portal to steal it as well." Cassie said.

The past people chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Scarlet Witch asked.

"Just imagining how Tivan would look when he finds out the Aether got stolen." Hill said and all laughed at that.

"When you make Stormbreaker, find the Guardians and Carol." Odinson urged his past self, "We will give you the coordinates of where they were during those dates."

"Makes sense." Thor said, "Will save Nebula too then."

"Yes, please do." Benjamin said.

"And considering Gamora knows where the Soul Stone is, we need to keep her safe." Steve pointed out, "Though I wonder if she would want to be kept safe."

"She won't." Natasha said and all chuckled.

"And considering we have two weeks, we can separate the Mind Stone from you." Tony said to Vision, "Me, Bruce and Shuri together can do it."

"I would very much like that." Vision said gratefully.

"We need to stop him before he gets any of the Stones." T'Challa said.

"Which means stop him at Xandar itself." Steve said.

"Will we be able to do it?" Tony asked.

"We will have to." Steve said, "Together."

Tony nodded.

"And Tony." Steve said as Tony turned to him, "I was wrong about you. You can make the sacrifice play if needed."

Tony nodded, knowing Steve was referring to his snap.

"And everything special about you didn't come out of a bottle." Tony assured Steve and he nodded, knowing Tony was referring to him being worthy of Mjolnir this entire time.

"How will we make the people at Xandar listen to us though?" Natasha wondered.

"Strange will have to handle that." Logan pointed out and they nodded in agreement.

"And what about Ross?" Peter asked.

"Oh yeah." Benjamin said, "We have compiled all of his crimes into a drive. When you return, give it to Everett. He will expose Ross."

"Oh yeah!" Tony cheered as all smirked, "Can't wait for this to blow up in his face."

"Me neither." May said.

"Take a seat, Bruce." Strange told him.

Banner blinked and suddenly found himself seated. Which was rather startling.

"We need to talk." Strange firmly stated before revealing, "Based on the recordings, you and your green friend might have a problem in the near future."

The sorcerer had himself first witnessed the said problem himself during the Attack on Greenwich Village years ago.

"Well, according to everyone, he is tired of solving my problems." Bruce said, "So are we doing therapy?"

Strange was dry as ever. "I'm not that sort of head doctor."

The Master of Mystic Arts swiftly poked the Avenger's chest. Banner's head snapped back as his astral form was ejected from his body. With Banner still reeling from the experience, Strange summoned a mystical barrier encompassing the whole room. The stage was set for the astral equivalent of a cage fight.

"You two have a lot to talk about." Strange advised.

Banner anxiously glanced right – Strange had ejected Hulk's astral form as well! Hulk's expression left no doubt this encounter was not going to be amicable at all.

"The spell will lift when you sort things out." Strange concluded matters.

The sorcerer exited the pocket dimension he had created via a portal. Now alone in their pocket dimension, Banner's alter-ego spoke first.

"Puny Banner!" Hulk raged before throwing a punch.

Banner was struck directly in the face. Physically, the force of the blow would have killed him outright. His astral form instead merely flinched, realizing this was a far more even contest.

"Who's puny now?" he taunted back.

Banner drew on his martial arts training. A spinning kick sent Hulk hurtling into the barrier behind him. His pride stung; Hulk launched himself back in the fray. He grasped Banner on the fly before driving him into the barrier. Banner freed himself with a blow to the stomach. The pair flew within the barrier's confines, each trying to pummel the other into submission. Their conflict was intensified by years of pent-up anger, distrust, fear and self-hatred.

They had not yet returned to the past, but the battle to stop Thanos had already begun.