Ch 109 Farewell

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Hulk and Banner had stopped fighting after a few minutes. The pair stood well apart as they stared out the window at the city.

"There's got to be a way out of this," Banner thought aloud.

"Banner thinks he can escape?" Hulk sarcastically asked.

"Yeah, that's right," he testily replied.

Banner floated across the room to where the door was. The magical barrier overlaying it included a large disc that rotated erratically. A circle of Sanskrit runes inscribed within the disc spun in parallel. Banner tried deciphering them from his time in India.

"What's Banner going to do?" Hulk's scorn broke his concentration. "Smash monsters with PhD?"

"No, I'm going to use the Mark 49," Banner retorted. "You know, the one that kicked the crap out of you."

"Because little witch scared crap out of you," Hulk blamed him for it.

A fed-up Banner opted to ignore this. He then translated part of the runes that read "touch to open". Frustration caused him to overlook the preceding "Do not". Banner cautiously touched the disc. Hulk laughed mercilessly as the spell flung Banner back next to him. The brilliant scientist gave his alter ego a withering look.

"Banner stuck with Hulk," the latter smugly concluded.

After the compilation on Ross' crimes had been handed, the future people were telling some more stories until the past people decided to ask about something they all wanted to know.

"How did I return the Stones?" Steve asked the future people.

"Yeah, that has to be an interesting story." Tony said.

"I want to hear it too." Thor said before asking the others, "Anyone else?"

All raised their hands.

"All right." Benjamin said as he turned to Steve, "You went to New York first. You disguised yourself as an agent and when Loki was about to escape, threw a device at him."

"It electrocuted me?" Loki asked.

"No. It was a tracker." Morgan said and he nodded, "Made by Rocket."

"Then you tracked the coordinates and fed them to your suit." Lila told him, "You used it to go to where he was, which was where the Chitauri base had been destroyed."

All looked to Tony who nodded as Cassie said, "There Loki was being interrogated by The Other but you knocked them both out with Mjolnir and brought Loki back with you."

"You put him on the ground along with the Teserract he had stolen as well as the Scepter." Scarlet Witch finished.

"So timeline unscrewed." Hope said as all chuckled.

"Good thing I got caught." Loki said, "I have no idea how much damage I could have caused."

"A lot I'm sure." Natasha said.

"So no marrying the timeline then." Clint joked and all laughed.

"And the Time Stone was pretty easy to return." Rhodes remembered and all nodded.

"As for the Orb, you just put it near the container instead of inside it." Logan said, "Not much to change."

"Yeah, not much." Steve shrugged.

"As for the Aether, the Reality Stone had been turned back into a fluid by Rocket's device." Odinson said, "You snuck into Jane's room and injected it into her while she slept."

Steve nodded at that as Odinson said, "And dropped Mjolnir in a hallway."

"At least you won't be calling it for an hour." Sam joked to Thor as all laughed.

"Then you went to New Jersey and put the Teserract where Tony had taken it from." Scarlet Witch told him.

"As for the Soul Stone, you had to throw it back over the cliff." Benjamin said.

"And how did I react to seeing Red Skull?" Steve asked.

"I'm sure it would be the same as the two of us on seeing him in the recordings." Bucky said and he nodded, knowing it made sense.

"Yeah, just like that." Benjamin said, "Not very pleasant."

"Well, we'll give you the coordinates for finding the Guardians and Carol then." Lila said as she got up and picking the device, handed it to Thor.

"Thank you." He said gratefully, "I'll find them."

"I know." Odinson said.

"So we only have to wait for Dr. Banner then." T'Challa said and all nodded, deciding to tell him of the plan later.

Hulk was away from the window staring at the changing patterns on Strange's spell. By contrast, Banner was deep in thought. He wondered if Hulk never showed up again and without his strength, Tony or Natasha or someone else died again against Thanos. It was enough to make him swallow his pride.

"Look," Banner broke the silence. "We've got a lot of things to sort out. But we first have to stop Thanos."

Hulk turned around and faced him. "No."

"What do you mean, 'no'?" Banner repeated what his on-screen self had asked Hulk in New York.

"Banner like Ross," Hulk argued. "Just wants to use Hulk."

Banner was more than insulted by the comparison. So why did it cause him a pang of guilt?

"We don't have time for this," he testily replied before pointing out about the upcoming battle. "They need us out there to deal with Thanos in 2 weeks!"


Banner tried changing tack.

"What about our friends?" He reminded Hulk. "Vision was murdered and Tony and Natasha had to give up their lives! Are you just going to let them die?"

Shaming Hulk into action only intensified his anger. If only because it proved what he said about being used.

"Banner's fault if they die," Hulk growled.

The assertion enraged Banner. For once he could fully vent without the risk of turning into his alter-ego.

"Screw you, you big green asshole!" he yelled at Hulk.

"Screw you, asshole father!"

Their argument ended in stunned silence. Hulk turned his back in hurt and frustration. His outburst had left Banner reeling. He assumed Hulk saw their relationship like he did, as an all-or-nothing fight for control. Banner had long been estranged from his now deceased father because of physical and mental abuse. The young Bruce wanted nothing more than his father's approval. But no matter how hard his son tried; Brian Banner was never impressed and instead used to hit and berate him for what he did. And now the ugly truth had hit Banner at last.

Hulk had a name; Banner referred to him as 'The Other Guy'. Hulk had saved millions of lives as an Avenger; Banner never stopped perceiving him as a threat. Hulk was equally a victim of Wanda's mind games; Banner did not show him any understanding. Hulk had found acceptance in the most unlikely of places – but not from the individual he most wanted it from. It ultimately led to Hulk becoming estranged from him. Banner had been just almost…his father. For a sensitive person like himself, it was a horrific realization.

"You're right," a remorseful Banner admitted. "I'm sorry."

An unmoved Hulk kept shunning him. Banner kept persisting though. His fateful accident prevented him from having children. But that same accident had also given birth to one. Hulk effectively was Banner's child. The latter willed himself to break a toxic cycle of emotional neglect and abuse.

"It wasn't your fault," Banner's voice began to quiver. "I can't change the past. But I'm not going to hurt you anymore." He decided to redefine their relationship. "From now on, I'm going to look after you."

Hulk slowly turned around. Normally, he would have dismissed the very notion that 'puny Banner' could look after him. Did Banner finally understand what he wanted?

"How?" Hulk dared to hope.

Banner flung his arms around him.

"I just wished Dad could've held us like this," Banner told his inner child.

Hulk sniffled as he embraced him in return. Banner had finally accepted him for who he was. And for the first time in his existence, Hulk loved himself. The mystical cage around them started to glow brighter. Hulk and Banner sensed a change in the very fiber of their being.

"Hulk scared," the former said.

The light became incandescent.

"Me too," Banner admitted. "But we no longer have to be scared of each other."

The pair hugged tightly as the spell consumed them.

Everyone felt the light from the room as Peter asked, "What is going on?"

And then Bruce walked out, looking very satisfied.

"So, did you two work it out?" Clint asked.

"Banner and Hulk not scared." Bruce said in Hulk's voice, startling everyone before saying in his own voice, "Yeah we did."

"So you both are in control now?" Pepper asked.

"Yeah. No more fighting. We are one now." Bruce said, "Like we should have been."

"Well, Bruce." Steve said as he got up and held out his hand, "I am happy for you. Both of you."

Bruce nodded with a grateful smile as he shook Cap's hand.

"Hulk like Captain." He said in Hulk's voice and Steve's smile grew brighter at that as he knew that these two were on the same page.

"So it's done then." Odinson said as he got up "Now it is time for you to go back."

Tony and Pepper looked at Morgan who had a smile as well as tears.

"I know we haven't had you yet." Tony said as the two walked to her, "But when we do, you will have both of us till the end. I promise."

"I know." She said as she hugged the two.

"We'll take care of you, honey." Pepper assured.

Tony said in her, "I love you 3000."

"I know." She said, "I know."

"Well, you're so big right now." Scott said to Cassie who chuckled, "And when I go back, you'll be small again."

"But you will get to see me go from small to big." Cassie said and he nodded, "And maybe giant and tiny too."

The two laughed at that and shared a loving embrace.

"Dad, whatever happens, promise me one thing." Lila asked and Clint nodded, "Please, don't lose your path."

As she said this, she seemed to be in a lot of pain.

"Something happened?" Clint asked.

"The man you killed in Japan, few years later, his son tracked you down and killed you." Lila revealed and Clint was shocked on hearing that.

"Don't worry." He then assured her as they hugged, "I won't let that happen. I will not lose my way. For you and my family."

"I know you won't." She said.

"Well, Benjamin. It was good to meet you." Steve said as he held out his hand, "Hope you continue to lead them."

"And I hope you do too." Benjamin said as he shook it.

"I'm going to miss you brother." Odinson said to Loki as he embraced him.

"I know." Loki said.

As they parted, Odinson said to his younger self and Loki, "So promise me, you'll look after each other."

"I will." Thor said without hesitation.

Loki looked to Thor and with a nod said, "I'm not leaving again. I will do so too."

Odinson nodded with a smile.

"And we will do everything you asked as well." Thor assured and he gave another nod, knowing they would.

"Thank you, for your advice." Wanda said to her older self, "I will do what you said when we get back."

"I know." Scarlet Witch said, "Good luck."

"Good luck to you too." Wanda said as the two hugged.

"Well Cap." Logan held out his hand, "When you're done with the bald moron, maybe give me a visit."

"Will do." Steve said as the two shook hands too.

"I know we won't lose you this time, Auntie Nat." Lila said to Natasha as she hugged the younger woman for comfort.

"I'm not leaving you or anyone this time." Natasha assured and she nodded, knowing Natasha was being honest.

"Peter, whatever happens, do not lose yourself." Benjamin told his younger self, "It's who you are underneath that your enemies want to destroy. And take this."

He held out a drive as Benjamin said, "Whenever Norman first becomes Green Goblin, you go hand this to whichever authority you can. He will be taken down before he can cause much damage."

"I will." Peter said determinedly.

"I'm so proud of what you have become." May said to Benjamin as she touched his face and he kissed her hand lovingly before the two embraced each other lovingly. She had been his mother ever since he had lost his real one. And she was all he wanted.

As they parted Benjamin said to Peter, "And don't forget, with great power-"

"Comes great responsibility." They finished together.

"Well then." Logan said as he looked around, "The goodbyes are done. It's time to send you lot back."

"In the machine then." Bruce said and the future people nodded as they all went into the huge machine which looked like the Quantum machine from the last recording.

"Good luck!" The future people said simultaneously.

"Good luck!" The past people said at the same time.

And then Logan pushed a button as a light flashed. When it was gone, so were the past people.

"I'm guessing that's the end of our role." Logan said.

"Yeah." Benjamin said as he wrapped an arm around Morgan who appreciated it, "Now we can only trust them to not repeat our mistakes. Now let's do something useful ourselves too."

"Yeah right." Scarlet Witch agreed.

"Here's to hoping." Morgan shrugged and the others smiled at her, assuring her it would all be all right.

And then, they went off to their monitoring room to see if any new threats had popped up or not. After all, that's what heroes did in any timeline.

end of the reaction part.