Ch 104 Bunch of jackasses

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Earth, Wakanda

Vision lay on the table as Shuri worked on him, her machinery scanning the Mind Stone while she started working on getting it out of his head.

"How are we doing, sister?" T'Challa asked.

"It is going to take a few hours", Shuri said. "But we should get it out."

"I think right now, we can spare a few hours, King T'Challa", Vision said.

"Right you are, Vision", T'Challa said with a nod before walking off.

Same time, Space

"So we are supposed to find a team of people?" Carol asked Thor.

"Yeah, they're a team that flies around in Space and does good and bad stuff", Thor said. "They have had dealings with Thanos before. They will help us out if I and Loki talk to the best of our abilities."

"Yes, and my best is much better than yours", Loki reminded with a smirk.

"Well, I have improved recently, so don't count on it", Thor said back.

"I think we are close now", Heimdall said as the ship sped forwards before finally stopping before another ship- The Benatar.

Thor walked off to the communication room and communicated- "This is the Statesman, we are carrying Asgardians and some other species."

A voice which Thor and Loki instantly recognized as Rocket spoke back. "Any of you have spare parts?"

"We don't need spare parts!" Quill's voice spoke back.

"We do!" Rocket said.

"No we don't!" Quill said back.

"We are here for a peaceful and important conversation", Thor said gently, not wanting to make these people suspicious of him or anything, since that would suck a lot. "Can we talk, please?"

There was some more arguing.

"Let's call them, kill them, and take their stuff."

"Oh come on, Rocket! Not everything has to be about money. Well, a little bit, but not-"

"Let's do it!"

"But they want to talk!"

"Okay, we will talk, then take their stuff!"

Then Gamora's voice spoke up. "We will talk with you, don't worry. Ignore these two."

"Finally", Loki said in relief.

"I was beginning to think you would have to show off your lightning", Heimdall said to Thor as everyone in the ship chuckled at his joke.

"Let's talk with them then", Carol said and all nodded.

Few minutes later, the Benatar

Thor, Loki and Carol stood face to face with the Guardians of the Galaxy- Peter Quill, Gamora, Rocket Raccoon, Teenage Groot, Drax and Mantis.

Groot was into his video game still, so he wasn't going to be part of the talking.

"So tell me, dude, what do you want to talk to us about?" Quill asked Thor.

"He is not a dude, Quill, you are a dude", Drax said as Quill turned to him. "He is a handsome, muscular man."

Thor and Loki exchanged amused looks at the familiar argument as Quill argued. "I'm muscular!"

"You are one sandwich away from fat", Rocket told him.

"You have gained a little weight", Drax said in agreement before turning to Thor. "He looks like a pirate had a baby with an angel."

Thor groaned while Loki and Carol both chuckled and Quill said. "Okay, I'm gonna commit, and get some dumbbells."

"You can't eat one of those", Rocket said.

"Okay, guys!" Carol called out as they all turned to her. "Important conversation, remember?"

"We're having one too", Quill said.

"This one is more important", Loki said. "Because it involves Thanos."

And with that, the three of them had the undivided attention of the Guardians of the Galaxy, or as Rocket called them, bunch of jackasses.


"The entire time I knew Thanos, he only ever had one goal. To bring balance to the universe by wiping out half of all life. He used to kill people planet by planet, massacre by massacre", Gamora told everyone.

Drax added. "Including my own."

Gamora then said. "If he gets all six Infinity Stones... he can do it with the snap of his fingers", she snapped her fingers to emphasize her point, "….like this."

"And you say you know what he's up to", Quill said just to be sure.

"We do, we have some sources", Thor simply said.

"I do too", Carol added to help him out.

"So, the Time Stone, Mind Stone, Reality Stone and Space Stone are safe with the Avengers right now", Thor said.

"The Avengers? Never heard of 'em", Quill said.

"We are Earth's Mightiest Heroes", Thor simply shrugged.

"What? Like Kevin Bacon?" Mantis asked.

"No, Kevin Bacon isn't among us", Thor said with a chuckle.

"So, where do you think he should go next?" Gamora asked.

"Xandar, as the Power Stone is there", Loki said before looking around, trying not to make eye contact with Gamora. "And no one knows where the Soul Stone is."

Thor noted Gamora's expression but didn't make any comment on it. Carol, however, did.

"Why are you making that face?" Carol asked as Gamora looked at her. "Do you know where it is?"

Gamora started. "I-"

"Tell us!" Carol snapped.

"Carol", Thor held her by the arm as she looked at him. "That was not so courteous."

"This is why you should not do the talking", Loki said to her, making her sigh and move back as he turned to Gamora. "So, do you know where it is?"

"Tell us, Gamora, please, we need to know", Quill said.

Gamora looked between the ground and them all, and finally made a decision as she looked at them all. "I do."

"For how long?" Quill asked.

"Quite some time", Gamora said. "I found a map that told the location of the Soul Stone, and I burnt it to ash, so Thanos can never know."

"Unfortunately, there is something else we found out", Thor said as the Guardians looked at them. "Thanos captured Nebula, and is currently torturing her."

The eyes of the Guardians were wide in horror as Gamora said. "We have to save her!"

"And risk facing Thanos", Loki pointed out. "He is powerful even without the Stones on him."

"So what do we do?" Gamora asked, clearly concerned.

"The Stone Thanos is going to come for is the Power Stone in some time", Thor explained. "And that would be on Xandar."

"So we should do there?" Drax asked.

Looking to the Guardians and Carol, Thor said. "You all should go to Xander as soon as possible, the Avengers would be coming there as well pretty soon."

"We can help them out", Quill agreed. "Plus, we're on good terms with those guys anyway, as good as we can be that is."

"You sure you want me to go with them?" Carol asked.

"Yes, I am sure", Thor said.

"Where are you going then?" Rocket asked.

"I am going to a place where I can get a weapon", Thor said.

"What kind of weapon are we talking about here?" Quill asked.

"The Thanos killing kind", Thor shrugged.

"Shouldn't all of us have one of those?" Quill inquired.

"You all lack the strength to wield it. Your bodies would crumble as your minds collapse", Thor said, enjoying the looks on their faces.

"So, I shall go with them then", Carol said and he nodded.

"What about my sister?" Gamora asked.

"By the time Thanos moves to Xandar, my weapon shall be complete", Thor explained. "It can transport me anywhere I want. Thanos will leave Nebula behind in the ship when he attacks, so when he is gone I will use my weapon to save her, and then we will be joining the fight at Xandar."

"Okay, that makes sense", Gamora sighed. "Please save her."

"I will", Thor assured.

"Good luck", Carol said.

"You too", Thor told her as he and Loki walked off together while Carol stayed with the Guardians.

"I did more talking than you", Thor told Loki who groaned and rolled his eyes as Thor chuckled.

Later, Statesman

"So where to now?" Valkyrie asked Thor.

"Nidavellir would be it", Thor told her. "Let's go there."

"Sure thing, bro", Korg said as Miek grunted, and they drove there.

Earth, Wakanda

Vision's eyes opened as he felt lighter, and realized there was no Mind Stone in his forehead now. He got up and noticed Shuri had it in the grip of some kind of machine.

"It is out of me", Vision simply said.

"How do you feel?" Shuri asked.

"Lighter, and less powerful", Vision said. "But better."

"Good to know, Vision", T'Challa said as he walked in. "I think it is time for us to join the rest now."

Same time, New York, Stark Tower

"So kid", Tony said as he led Peter to his lab. "I know you want to do your own thing, but for this fight, you should have this."

And then he opened a compartment, revealing the Iron Spider suit, and Peter geeked out at its very sight itself. "Whoa! That is even more awesome to look at in person!"

"I know right?" Tony asked.

"I will take it for the fight, but that's it", Peter said.

"I get it, kid. I get it", Tony assured him as he tapped his shoulder and walked out to see Strange having his hand on Natasha's broken one as energy glowed from him.

Then suddenly, Natasha's hand was healed, to her amazement. "Wow! Thanks. That seems handy."

"It is", Strange said.

"Thanks", Bucky thanked him as he nodded and walked off.

"Sorry about the hand again", Bucky apologized.

"Ah, it's all right, such stuff happens", Natasha assured him as they shared a kiss while Tony walked to Steve.

"So, where are we now?" Tony asked.

"Strange says the Mind Stone is now out of Vision and he's alive", Steve said, making Wanda nearby sigh in relief. "So far, so good."

"Let's hope it stays that way", Tony said.

"Yeah, me too", Steve agreed, though they still weren't completely sure of what would happen yet.