Ch 105 So it begins

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Nova Prime watched as the Benatar landed and out walked Quill, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, Mantis, Groot and Carol, with Quill, Gamora and Carol in the lead.

"Mr. Quill", Nova Prime greeted him.

"Nova Prime", Quill greeted back before turning to Rhomann Dey next to her. "Hey man, how you doing?"

"I am fine Quill, and looks like you people are doing good too", Dey noted and they nodded.

"So what brings you all here?" Nova Prime asked.

"It's pretty important", Gamora said as all they turned to look at her. "It's Thanos."


They all stood together inside the base as Prime asked. "So you are sure he shall come to Xander in almost two weeks?"

"Yes, he moves to collect the Infinity Stones, and the Power Stone is the one closest to him", Gamora said. "So he will strike here first, no doubt about it."

"How many do we have?" Prime asked Dey.

"We have 6000 Nova Corps ready for battle, Nova Prime", Dey informed her.

"6000 will not be enough to battle army of Thanos", Gamora said.

"We can battle him", Drax said confidently.

"Dude, this Thanos guy is not actually a joke", Rocket said to him.

"I am Groot", Groot spoke up.

"Even he agrees", Rocket said. "And he's a teen."

"You've got me", Carol said. "I can do some stuff."

Then a glowing portal opened and Strange walked out of it, looking at them all, before he turned to Nova Prime. "I am Doctor Stephen Strange, Master of the Mystic Arts."

"Why are you here, Mystic?" Prime asked, and it was clear Mystics were a thing outside of Earth as well.

"I am aware Thanos approaches", Strange said, looking between them all. "And I am allies with the Avengers. We can help."

"Oh! The Avengers! Thor mentioned them!" Mantis said.

"Yeah, tall guy, not that good looking", Quill said.

"So he has met you then, that's good enough", Strange said as he looked at the Guardians and Carol. "You all shall help in defending this city too, right?"

"Yes, we will defend this city", Drax said.

He turned to Nova Prime. "Are you willing to give the Orb to me?"

"No, the Orb stays in Xandar", Prime said firmly. "We shall not give it away."

"Fair enough", Strange sighed. "So I guess Thanos will come here then, that's final."

"We shall prepare for him", Prime simply said.

Earth, New York, Avengers Tower, 2 days later

Vision's eyes opened. This was the second time in such a short time period that he had undergone a surgery, and now he could feel a gem in his forehead again where the Mind Stone used to be.

"So, how do you feel Vis?" Tony asked him, standing alongside Bruce and Wanda.

"I do not feel as powerful as before, but more powerful than I did without the Mind Stone", Vision said as he touched the gem.

"That's the Solar Gem, we've made it so that it increases your capacity for thinking by a thousand times", Bruce said. "And it can distribute sunlight through you, and you can use it to fire beams of sunlight at your enemies."

"Sounds cool", Wanda said.

"It is", Tony told her.

"Thank you for this", Vision said to them.

One week later, Xandar

The Avengers had finally arrived on the planet as well, along with Strange, and had been introduced to the Guardians and Carol.

"I like you, raccoon guy", Tony had said to Rocket, not wanting to call him a build-a-bear for obvious reasons.

"I am not a raccoon", Rocket had said to him angrily, making everyone exchange amused looks.

Quill had fanboyed hard on realizing who Steve was. "Oh my God! Its Captain America!"

"So, he is the Captain of a ship called America?" Drax had then asked.

And now, after figuring out everything about the Xandar's military, Steve had decided to tell what he thought would be a good plan for the upcoming fight. "So the Corps can make their barrier, it would be pretty hard to shatter it, and it would take time. And whil-"

"Or you could just send me around and I will destroy most of their army first, and then Thanos will have to come himself", Carol said, interrupting him.

Everyone exchanged annoyed looks. They had seen her arrogant attitude in the recordings, but seeing it in person was even worse.

"Hey, Glowstick!" Scott started, marching to her, when Sam and Hope held him back.

"Easy, tic-tac", Sam said to him.

"You are about as intimidating as an angry Muppet", Hope said to him.

"Like Animal?" Scott asked hopefully.

"More like Scooter", Hope said.

"Damn it! Not Scooter!" Scott groaned.

"Why are you letting him give the plan?" Drax asked Quill about Steve.

"Yes, its surprising you don't want to give your own plan", Gamora agreed with him.

Quill shrugged and replied. "Are you kidding me?! That's Captain America people! He inspired all of my great plans!"

"So he inspired you to dance too?" Drax asked, making the Avengers exchange amused looks again. "Because I cannot believe that. You are a dude, he is a handsome, muscular man, and men don't dance, Quill."

The Avengers and Carol were struggling to contain their snickers before Drax turned to Steve and said. "I shall fight with you, America."

"Good to know, it's my honor", Steve simply said to Drax, all deciding to roll with it.

Carol then started. "Okay then, like I was saying, you could send me aroun-"

Tony was sick of her attitude and rolled her eyes similarly to when Steve had said 'I understood that reference', and turning to her said. "You wanna take the reins, Glowstick?"

He gestured to the hammer resting nearby. "Pick that up, and it's your show. We'll follow your lead."

Carol smirked, thinking it'd be easy, as Steve said to Tony. "Come on Tony, I don't think that's needed."

"I think it is", Tony said. "FRIDAY, record the show."

"Yes boss", FRIDAY agreed.

Carol walked to Mjolnir and with one hand, she tried to lift it, and it didn't budge, so she put more strength into trying to raise it, but no result. Her confident smirk disappeared as she then used both hands, then started to glow as well, and her feet left the ground as she was hoping flying in the air would make it all easier, only to be met with failure once more.

She landed, dejected, as Steve walked to Mjolnir and picked it up before turning to the rest. "I think its best we all focus."

"Yeah, he's right", Peter said in agreement.

"Let's plan it out then", Natasha said as Steve walked back to the group, missing the stunned and crestfallen look on Carol's face, and also ignored Tony's grin. "So here's the plan-"

One week later, the Sanctuary II

Thanos sat on his hovering chair in his warship, his four children leaning before him.

"We are close to Xandar, father", Corvus Glaive informed him.

"The Power Stone still lies there", Ebony Maw told Thanos. "We shall take it soon."

"But some of the other Stones have shifted locations", Proxima Midnight said. "We cannot tell why."

Thanos simply looked at his Infinity Gauntlet, all of the slots were empty currently. "No matter where the Stones are, I will find them all, and erase half of all life with a snap of my fingers. After all- I am inevitable."

Same time, Xandar

"All right, so we have a plan", Steve said to everyone. "We shall face three armies- Sakaarans, Outriders and the Chitauri. We have one shot. The Chitauri won't be too hard, the Outriders are strong, we must be cautious, and the Sakaarans have powerful weapons of war. We must stay on the same page, and stick to the strategy. So all of you know what to do. We have one shot, so no mistakes or do-overs now. Our job is to minimize casualties and hold them off till Thor arrives, and prevent anyone from reaching the Orb. Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives. And we're going to win." He looked to all those who had time-travelled with him as they exchanged knowing looks. "Whatever it takes."

"Good luck", Steve then said to everyone.

"He's pretty good at that", Rocket said.

"I know right?" Scott said.

"He's Captain America, what do you expect?" Quill asked.

That was when an alarm beeped all over the planet.

"Enemy ships incoming. The Sanctuary II has entered Xandar's atmosphere."

The people of the planet had already been evacuated in the week before Thanos' coming, so all of them were safe from whatever was going to happen next. No matter who won, the damage was going to be terrible.

But the Avengers had come here to win, and victory they would achieve.

Same time, the Sanctuary II

Nebula was suspended in midair as Thanos said to her. "My plan to snap away half of all life begins today, and you will do good to watch, beloved daughter."

Nebula said nothing as Thanos patted her head and walked away as he gave his orders. "Beam down the Sakaarans and Outriders!"

In the middle of the city, the Avengers stood together, looking up at the Sanctuary II covering the sky as Tony said. "And there it is, after all of this time."

"This is the last time we see it, I hope", Natasha told him.

"We will", Steve assured as they saw the Sanctuary II launch a beam downwards, and then several Outriders and Sakaarans were on the ground, the latter even moving some war machines to battle.

"Wait", Steve said.

"All Nova Corps, interlock and form a blockade, do not let anyone pass through", Nova Prime ordered.

The Nova Star Blasters all started coming together, connecting and locking in with each other as the yellow barrier all the Avengers and Guardians had seen before in different ways was formed.

The Sakaarans and Outriders rushed it, but the Sakaarans failed, while the Outriders managed to get through some of it due to their strength but the effort was enough to kill them.

"Hulk and fliers attack now!" Steve ordered.

And with that, Bruce took off his glasses with a smirk. "Time for these people to see a party trick."

He then transformed into Hulk, now looking a lot like he used to back in 2008, and he let out a loud roar of anger and wrath, before leaping away while Tony, Rhodes, Sam, Vision and Carol flew up into the air at full speed too.

As the Sakaarans and Outriders struggled against the barrier, Hulk leapt in their midst, causing a shockwave as many were crushed underneath him, and then he struck them with his arms, sending all of them flying here and there, and also kicked a few of them away before raising his hands. "HULK….SMASH!"

And then he brought his fists onto the ground, breaking it while there was another shockwave as many more Sakaarans and Outriders were taken out.

Some of the Outriders leapt at him, climbing him from all directions as they tried to pin him down, but he was too strong as he just kept throwing them all away.

"Incoming!" Tony quipped as he fired two repulsors, destroying the war machines of the Sakaarans, and then fired a laser, cutting some Outriders into two, though their upper halves still roared and grunted.

Rhodes took out his shoulder machine gun and fired at some more of the enemies, taking them down too while Carol flew high in the air, firing her blasts of energy at some more enemies being beamed down to prevent the ones on the ground from being reinforced.

Sam too fired his guns at the enemies on the ground, while Vision charged his Solar Gem from the sun's energy, getting a good amount of energy in the Gem, and fired a powerful yellow beam, decimating most of the ground forces.

Then the Benatar flew in, firing at the Sanctuary II directly and then maneuvering in the air to avoid being blasted by it while Quill boasted. "Dude, I am the best ship captain ever! Don't try anything!"

"Focus Quill!" Gamora snapped.

"Yeah, like how to get some equipment from their ship", Rocket added.

"I am Groot", Groot agreed.

Drax just laughed hysterically and Mantis, now knowing what to do, joined him in laughing.

The Sanctuary II continued firing at their ship, as well as Carol, making them dodge and weave, and used the opportunity to beam another huge group of Sakaarans and Outriders to the ground, the latter rushing at the barrier while the former dragged their war machines.

Steve raised and then twirled Mjolnir as dark clouds gathered in the sky, and he slammed the ground with the legendary hammer, bringing down a powerful bolt of lightning as many more of the Outriders and Sakaarans got hit, dying painfull or getting badly injured while their machines of war were destroyed.

"Remember an old trick, buddy?" Bruce asked Hulk from within.

Hulk did a powerful thunderclap, destroying any remainder of the ground forces as Tony said. "You should do that more often."

"Hulk agree", Hulk said before saying in Bruce's voice. "I reminded him of it, now we'll remember to do it."

"So it begins", Nova Prime simply said inside of the base.

"Send out the Chitauri", Thanos now ordered.

"Yes, father", Maw said with a bow as he walked off.

"The Avengers and the Guardians", Thanos snarled. "Unruly wretches."

But how did they know he was coming to Xandar? And four of the Stones had ended up on Earth, with two of them having been taken to Earth recently. Thanos knew there had to be a connection here, it just didn't make sense if there wasn't one.

Whatever it was, once he got the Power Stone, he would take them all down.

The Chitauri flew out on their warships as several Leviathans flew out too, and Chitauri hopped out of them on long range grapples, scaling the buildings of the city as they roared at everything around them.

"Time for you all to do your jobs", Steve said to the rest of them.

"On it, Cap", Peter said as he swung away and webbed a Chitauri on a building, pulling him away and onto the ground, along with two more of them, and Wanda used her powers to collect some Chitauri soldiers together in a mass, and send them flying off into Space.

She then pointed at another Leviathan and red energy surrounded it as she destroyed all the Chitauri it contained before destroying it completely.

"Time to show how big I am", Scott said as he pressed a button and was Giant-Man. "HAHAHAHAHA!"

He rushed forward and punched one Leviathan hard on the head, taking it down easily as he said. "See! The future is happening early."

"Good thing Hill isn't here", Natasha said to Hope as she fired at one Chitauri, taking it down before flipping and getting behind another, shocking it.

"Tell me about it", Hope said as she turned miniature and flew around, firing her sting blasts at the enemies.

Clint took aim and fired right into the side of a Leviathan, hitting a Chitauri dead in the eye as it fell down and the arrow emanated flames, getting the other Chitauri as they screamed in pain while getting burnt, and the Leviathan roared too due to the pain it was experiencing.

One Chitauri charged him but T'Challa leapt at it and sliced it down, and the two exchanged a look as Clint said. "So you do care."

T'Challa simply chuckled.

Bucky fired his gun at some Chitauri, taking them down, before lifting one by the throat and slammed him hard on the ground, taking him down, and then spin kicked another away by many feet before spin punching one hard on the face, managing to take him down too.

Steve twirled Mjolnir and rose into the air, throwing the hammer at some more Sakaarans and Outriders the ship was trying to beam down, killing them all as Mjolnir returned to him while he hovered in the air, lightning cracking around them.

"Fire on the blockade", Thanos ordered.

"Yes father", Midnight said as she bowed before ordering. "Fire at the blockade!"

The Chitauri warships fired at the blockade, not that they did much damage, and were easily disposed by the fliers, Hulk or the Benatar, but those were all distractions as the guns of the Sanctuary II poured out in full force and fired at the blockade hard and fast, not taking a single break.

The Nova Corps grunted, trying to hold the formation, but there was only so much they could do. The bullets weren't going to break formation, but they would weaken them. Still, if this was it, they could hold on.

"Is this it?" Nova Prime taunted her absent foe. "Is this all you can conjure, Thanos?"

Maw stood at the opening of the Sanctuary II, watching the guns fire at the blockade. He then noticed the fliers turning their attention on the Sanctuary II, clearly intending to take it down or fight it.

He then noticed the weakening blockade, and saw there was one tiny gap through it, via which a Starship was exposed to him. And one tiny gap was all the Maw needed.

Before the fliers or the Benatar could engage their ship, Maw raised his hand and pressed it into a fist, and the Starship shattered into bits, killing the pilot who was none other than Rhomann Dey, and that was all needed to destroy the barrier as the Sanctuary II fired through the gaps, destroying more of their ships while the rest swayed.

Nova Prime's eyes widened in horror now.

"Oh no!" Carol said as another beam hit the ground and more Outriders and Sakaarans charged through, this time not having anything to worry about other than Hulk and the fliers.

Tony, Carol, Rhodes, Sam, Vision, Steve and Hulk combined their attacks, taking down many more of them.

Vision and Tony fired at Steve's shield as the beams were deflected and went all around, killing some opponents before Steve threw his shield and Mjolnir at it, the sonic wave killing more.

Rhodes, Sam and Carol continued firing from above as Steve took Mjolnir and Hulk lifted him, tossing him into a Chitauri war gorilla, his hammer smashing the gorilla on the face and turning it into a splatter while Steve fired a powerful bolt of lightning at Tony, enhancing his power as he fired powerful repulsors at many more opponents, decimating them all.

But in spite of their efforts, now the bad guys were getting through to the interior, taking on the Nova Corps and killing them.

Same time, Earth, Sanctum Sanctorum

Strange stood in a center, Wong by his side, many more Masters of the Mystic Arts around the two of them as Strange said. "Thanos plans to kill half of all life in the Universe with a snap of his fingers. It will take us alongside the Avengers to stop him. If we don't, the consequences will be drastic. I implore to you all, not as Masters of the Mystic Arts, but as humans who live in this Universe, to join me and Wong in stopping Thanos. Please."

Same time, Nidavellir

The Statesman landed as Thor, Loki, Heimdall and Valkyrie walked out.

"The place is frozen", Thor said sadly.

"My fault", Loki pointed out as Heimdall noticed the model of the Infinity Gauntlet.

"Thanos' gauntlet looks like that?" Valkyrie asked.

"Yes", Thor said when he sensed something and leapt back, avoiding Eitri's kick as Thor said. "Stop, Eitri! It is me, Thor! Heimdall and Loki are here too, and this is Valkyrie."

Loki and Valkyrie waved as Eitri roared. "You were supposed to protect us! Asgard was supposed to protect us!"

Thor knew this conversation needed to happen like exactly like he had seen in the recordings.

"Asgard is destroyed", Thor announced, surprising Eitri as Thor pointed at the model and asked. "Eitri, the glove. What did you do?"

Eitri collapsed against a shelf in grief. "300 Dwarves lived on this ring. I thought if I did what he asked, they'd be safe. I made what he wanted. A device capable of harnessing the power of the Stones. Then he…then he killed everyone anyway. All except me."

After pausing for a moment, Eitri recalled Thanos' words to him. ""Your life is yours," he said. "But your hands are mine alone"", He lifted his hands, encased in metal from Thanos.

"Eitri, you do not need your hands to forge a weapon", Loki assured.

"Yes, a true smithy always remembers", Heimdall agreed.

"Nothing can make one forget", Valkyrie added.

In a comforting tone Thor assured him. "Loki, Heimdall and Valkyrie are right. Eitri, this isn't about your hands. Every weapon you've ever designed, every axe, hammer,'s all inside your head. Now, I know it feels like all hope is lost. Trust me, I know."

He drew on when his mother had died when he said that, and seeing his future self's pain, as well as Asgard's destruction.

In a determined tone, Thor then said. "But together, you and I, we can kill Thanos."

Eitri looked up at Thor with contemplating eyes before finally standing up.

"Very well", he said. "Come with me."