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With the barrier formed by the Nova Starships now gone, the fighting wasn't a strategized military operation from either side anymore. It was completely chaotic now, with anyone anywhere. Remnants of the Starships were still lying on the ground, burning badly, and several charred bodies were visible, others were not.
Sakaarans and Outriders were all in the middle of the city, fighting the Avengers and Nova Corps in their way, all in a mass of uncoordinated duels.
Bucky punched one Outrider twice, sending it down, and managed to put his gun up and shoot a Sakaaran point blank before it could attack him, killing it, only to be punched down by an Outrider as it came on top of him, trying to kill him when Natasha shocked it with her Widow's Bite from behind, managing to stun it enough for Bucky to knock it out as she helped him up.
Another Outrider leapt at her, pinning her down, but Bucky pulled it off of her and as they struggled, he snapped its neck, and this time he helped her up. Both had bruises and cuts on their faces.
They just exchanged a nod and continued fighting.
Sam was flying in the air, taking on the Chitauri as he fired at them on their ships, taking some down, but his suit had taken some damage too, mostly from being rammed on the sides by their fast chariots.
Clint was now up on a building, having been dropped there by Sam, and was shooting any chariots he could, as well as Outriders or Sakaarans, though he was running out.
T'Challa was surrounded and covered by multiple Outriders as they grabbed him and tossed him away and rushed him again, but in the split second, he leapt up and punched the ground hard with his fist, the kinetic energy discharge from his suit sending them all flying back, giving him the reprieve he needed, as he panted heavily on the ground.
Wanda and Hope had formed an unlikely team of sorts. Wanda used her powers to take down any Chitauri, Outrider or Sakaaran in the immediate vicinity, as well as destroy Leviathans with her energy, while Hope took on and beat any enemy that got too close, as she was too small to be seen, and Wanda's durability wasn't any different from any other normal human.
As some Chitauri and Sakaarans tried to fire at them, Wanda stopped them telekinetically and sent the creatures flying off while keeping their guns, and turning them on some Outriders, fired, making them roar and back off before she flung them all away too.
Two Chitauri came nearby as she did that but Hope enlarged and leapt at one, making it fall down while she fired her stingers at the other, taking it down. She then shrunk to avoid being attacked by the Chitauri she had pinned and going near its mouth, fired two powerful stingers, taking it down finally.
Scott had punched out about 5 more Leviathans after his first one, and was now smacking the Chitauri chariots around, but he was tiring out, and the giant form still took out a lot if he was in it for too long, and it had been quite long now. He was tiring out. His movements were sloppy, and he was staggering too.
Peter looked up to see a Leviathan flying down at some Nova Corps and firing a web, pulled hard, trying to pull it away. The Leviathan still managed to fly towards them, pulling Peter along with it, only for him to brandish the four spider legs, as he tried to hold on to the building's roof.
"Come on Spider-Man", he grunted to himself, still trying to hold the Leviathan. "Come on, come on, come on, COME ON!"
And with that, he pulled really hard with a roar, straining his muscles, though the Iron Spider Armor managed to save him from putting too much strain on himself, and with that, the Leviathan was pulled away and sent smashing into the building as Peter leapt away to save himself.
Steve, Tony, Hulk, Rhodes, Vision, Carol and the Guardians were holding up the best so far against Thanos' army, the Avengers and Carol due to their flight and durability, and the Guardians due to still being in their ship.
Steve leapt into the air, twirling Mjolnir, and smashed it on the ground, the resulting lightning killing multiple opponents, while Tony went into a Leviathan's mouth and caused a huge explosion, taking it down, and this time due to his much better armor, he wasn't damaged at all. "I guess the Tale of Jonah got a much better ending this time, woohoo!"
He flew higher while Rhodes fired his own repulsors, as well as his machine gun at the Sakaarans.
Vision flew at a Chitauri gorilla and rammed him to the ground before turning intangible to avoid some shots and turning tangible again, fired a beam from his Solar Gem, decimating many more enemies.
Hulk grabbed a Leviathan and using his much higher level of strength from before, twirled it around, and hurled it at a group of Chitauri Gorillas, taking them all down while he roared.
Carol punched one Outrider back and kicked another away before glowing and causing a small explosion, sending many more opponents around her flying off by many feet.
The Sanctuary II fired at the Benatar again and they were scraped badly as Quill said. "He's such a jerk!"
"Tell me about it", Gamora said as they tried to dodge another shot but due to the scrape, the ship was slower and it was hit again.
"Ah man! This sucks!" Rocket said. "The ship is going down! Now we really should take components from Thanos' ship!"
"Talk about it after we've saved ourselves", Quill said.
"I am Groot", Groot said.
"So how will we save ourselves?" Drax asked.
"Yes, we are going to go down with this!" Mantis added.
"With a crash landing, idiots!" Rocket yelled as he and Quill drove the ship together, bringing it down for the safest crash landing they could muster, and the Benatar now shut off with the crash landing.
"Let's go", Quill said as he put on his helmet and getting out, flew away, with the rest all jumping out behind him as Quill flew up and fired at Chitauri chariots, taking two down. "That's for my ship."
"They didn't fire at it though", Gamora muttered as she took down three Outriders in a spin motion.
"I AM GROOT!" Groot roared as he elongated his hand and stabbed through several Outriders, lifting them up and throwing them all away.
"I shall best thee, armies of Thanos!" Drax roared as he leapt at one Outrider, stabbing it multiple times.
"Yeah, come and get some Space Dogs, get some, get some, get some!" Rocket yelled as he fired at the opponents coming at him, and then Bucky arrived, lifting him up, and they spun around, firing at more enemies before Bucky put him down.
"How much for the gun?" Rocket asked.
"Not for sale", Bucky said, rolling his eyes as he remembered the conversation.
"All right, how much for the arm?" Rocket asked.
Bucky chuckled and walked off, while Rocket muttered. "I'll get that arm."
The battle against Thanos' army was on, and as intense as ever.
The Sanctuary II then took out its guns and fired on the ground once more, only for multiple portals to open on the ground as well as buildings as the Masters of the Mystic Arts appeared on the scene, opening portals again to random places with nothing in them to block the shots from the ship.
"The cavalry is here", Steve quipped with a smile as all sighed in relief.
"So, managed to convince them at last, didn't you?" Tony asked as he flew to Strange.
"Yeah, fortunately", Strange said as he summoned a Mystical shield to deflect some more shots that came at him.
"Do we win in this?" Tony asked.
"I cannot tell", Strange simply said before flying off.
"Fair enough", Tony muttered before upper-cutting a Chitauri gorilla nearby, sending it flying up and crashing to the ground, taking it down.
Wong fired his Mystic blast at two Outriders, taking them down.
Strange then hovered in the air and multiple Stranges appeared, all of them taking out whips made of Eldritch energy and restraining multiple Chitauri chariots with those whips, and pulling hard, took them all down, crashing them before they assembled back into the real Strange who looked up at the Sanctuary II, the guns having been taken back again.
Now with Mystics here, the tide was turned, for now.
Thanos looked down at the Mystics' arrival and ordered the Black Order. "Go to the planet, and join the battle."
All four of them bowed and went away together as Thanos sat down, snarling.
Same time, Nidavellir
"Make sure the handle isn't lost", Thor said to Heimdall and Loki. He also had a new eye now which he had gotten in Nidavellir. This one was much better than what Rocket had given him in the recordings, and it wasn't up Rocket's ass first, fortunately.
"Will do", Heimdall nodded.
Thor then walked to the beam of the forge. "Allfathers, give me strength."
"You understand, boy? You're about to take the full force of a star. It'll kill you", Eitri warned.
"Only if I die", Thor countered.
"That's what he meant", Valkyrie said.
Thor held the parts and with all his might, pulled as the beam shot out through him and the mechanism started working.
Thor roared as Eitri told him to hold it and saw the metal melting in fires. Thor roared as the energy burnt him.
"Brother!" Loki cried out in concern, even though he knew Thor could survive this.
Eitri poured the metal into the mold and started forging as Thor fell down but Loki used telekinesis to steady him, gently putting him down.
Eitri tore the forge open as Valkyrie ran to Thor, trying to wake him. "Thor! Thor, wake up!"
Heimdall ran to the forge and using his eyesight, found the true handle, which was also made of Uru, like the blade and hammer, and handed it to Eitri.
Eitri slammed down on the pieces of the ax and the handle, joining them together as the ax was completed at last.
The ax started floating as lightning ran through it while Thor's hand twitched, lightning running through it.
And then the ax flew through the room right into Thor's hand as lightning engulfed him, and when it was gone, he was standing up, his body covered by armor, and a red cape flowing behind him.
"Hail Thor, All-Father, Guardian of the Nine Realms and the rest of the Universe!" Heimdall announced as he, Loki, Valkyrie and Eitri got down on a knee, bowing to their King, now All-Father.
Thor lowered the newly formed Stormbreaker and nodded, humbly accepting the praise as Eitri ran to the forge. "Come Loki, there is some more!"
Loki ran after him as Eitri slammed down again, forming a big trident, about the same size as Loki's old scepter, and it was formed too, also made of Uru.
"This is yours", Eitri said as Loki bent down and picked up his new weapon.
"Now this will more than do", Loki said with a smile as he turned to Eitri. "Thank you."
"Yes, you have our humblest gratitude, Eitri", Thor smiled.
"Thank me by killing that bastard", Eitri said.
"So, what do we do now?" Valkyrie asked.
"First, we find a friend, then we go to Xandar while also saving Nebula", Thor said. "It is time for us to join the battle at last."
"Let us find the friend then", Heimdall said with a nod.
Cull Obsidian swung his hammer, sending several of the Nova Corps flying off effortlessly, before Drax leapt at him, stabbing multiple times, but Cull grabbed him by the throat and slammed him to the ground, only for Mjolnir to send him flying off as Steve caught it on return, and he gave Drax a hand.
"Thank you, America's Captain, you are truly honorable", Drax said as Steve helped him up.
"So are you", Steve said as they continued battling.
Scott was tired out now, and falling to his knees, he shrunk to normal size, lying on the ground. "Oh….oh god no…..!"
Proxima came over him and was about to stab him.
"NO!" Hope yelled as she leapt at Midnight, enlarging to normal size, but Midnight managed to toss her to the other side with her three-pronged spear, sending her to the ground as she groaned in pain.
Midnight raised the spear over her but a blast from Wanda sent her flying off while Wanda gave Hope a hand, helping her up, and they knelt near Scott, trying to help him.
Glaive struck down two Corps and struck T'Challa next but he leapt back to avoid before flip-kicking Glaive, staggering him, but Glaive ducked to avoid a punch and sliced T'Challa's abdomen, his weapon going through the Vibranium as T'Challa grunted, but then Peter swung, kicking Glaive away. "You okay, Your Highness?"
"Thank you, Peter", T'Challa thanked him.
Vision was about to fire his Solar Gem again when he screamed in pain, Maw telekinetically holding him. "You seem formidable, but your powers are below mine."
Maw changed his density, about to crash him through the ground, when Strange turned his hands and mystical ropes came out of the ground, binding Maw who grunted, while Vision staggered.
Maw used his own magical powers to free himself and flew off.
The heroes looked around. The fighting was rather even now, and many Corps and Mystics had died, while Thanos' army seemed endless in comparison.
They were slowly being surrounded, and it looked like there was no means of escape.
Then suddenly a light breeze started blowing in the area, before it picked up pace, turning into a strong wind, almost storm like.
"What's happening?" Peter wondered as he swung next to Steve. "Is it the end of the world? I'm freaking out. Why aren't you freaking out?"
"Because I can hear it", Steve said.
"Hear what?" Peter asked.
Steve said one word. "Thunder."
And then, in that moment, a beam of light shot down from the heavens, incinerating all the Outriders, Sakaarans and Chitauri standing there, and it also hit a back portion of the Sanctuary II, incinerating it as well.
Stormbreaker flew out of the Bifrost, flying and twirling in the air as lightning ran through it. It killed several scores of Outriders, Sakaarans and Chitauri, including the ones that were upon the heroes. It flew back towards the Bifrost which dissipated as Thor caught it in his hand on return, with Loki, Heimdall, Valkyrie, Sif, Korg, Miek and a confused Nebula standing with him.
"What happened?" Nebula wondered.
"We saved you", Loki simply said.
The back portion of the ship was where Nebula had been kept, and by having the Bifrost go through there, Thor had made sure to rescue her.
All watched in relief as Hulk said in Bruce's voice. "You guys are so screwed now!"
"BRING ME THANOS!" Thor roared as lightning surged through him while Cull and Midnight watched in fear.
Thor charged and leapt up, Stormbreaker raised as lightning emanated from him and the now darkened skies. He then brought Stormbreaker down on the ground, with the exploding lightning killing more than 100 Outriders, Sakaarans and Chitauri as the ground they were on became a smoldering crater.
As some other opponents fired, Loki twirled his new trident and the bullets turned to water while he smacked the ground and they were sent flying off by a powerful telekinetic blast.
Valkyrie swiftly cut down five of them while Sif leapt into the air and stabbed through two Outriders before ripping her sword out and chopping off the heads of two Sakaarans.
Korg fired his laser gun with a roar as Miek swung around with the blades, and Heimdall too swung his sword around, killing more of them.
Nebula was suddenly tossed a sword and caught it as Gamora ran next to her and gave her a hug, surprising Nebula, but she still returned it.
As they parted Gamora said. "Are you good to fight?"
"I am", Nebula said, and with that, both sisters attacked together.
Thanos looked down at the battle angrily, while his ship shook slightly due to the damage a portion of it had taken from being hit by Thor's Bifrost, and unknowingly echoing something Loki had said 6 years ago, gave his order.
"Send the rest."
As the battle continued, multiple more of the Chitauri, Leviathans, Chitauri Gorillas, Outriders and Sakaarans arrived, and there numbers were larger than ever.
Thor flew up into the air and with a roar, slammed his ax down in the middle, the lightning explosion sending many of them flying off as he started slicing and dicing, and Steve, Tony and Carol flew to him.
As Thor sliced one, Steve struck another with Mjolnir, sending it flying off and then Thor noticed Steve was carrying it, making his eyes widen in shock and happiness. "Oh! Mjolnir! It is repaired! How did this happen?"
"Its pieces were still lying where Hela broke it, so Strange fixed it and gave it to me", Steve said.
"You are worthy of it so you should wield it in this fight", Thor said.
"Thank you Thor", Steve said humbly as they turned to the fight again.
"You came right on time, Point Break", Tony told him. "But then again, you are the God of Entrances."
They all chuckled at that as Carol said. "The ship is troubling us."
"I know", Thor said as the guns of the Sanctuary II were pointed at them again.
Before it could fire, Thor let out a loud and mighty roar and flew up into the air, lightning cracking around him and the now darkened skies, and he smashed through the ship, shattering a huge portion of it while he managed to find himself in the center of it, right in front of Thanos' chair.
Thanos looked at him calmly and said. "Thor Odinson, you may think you can fight and defeat me and my army, but you cannot stop what is coming. There are many actors in this grand drama, and I, Thanos, appear to be the only participant with a full grasp on the situation."
"I suggest you grasp something right now", Thor said and let out a roar as lightning emanated from him and his ax as well as the sky, and hit the ship from all directions, making Thanos roar in pain as he was hit too, and the ship was destroyed, crashing down to the ground while everyone else watched.
"Well, at least the ship is down", Tony commented.
"But Thanos isn't", Steve said as they exchanged a steely gaze. This was about to get even more intense now.