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Steve, Tony, Hulk, Vision and Carol made their way to the site of the ship's crash. Smoke was still rising up, and the pieces of the ship were on fire mostly.
As they walked closer, they saw Thor standing up, picking up Stormbreaker, and as they looked to the front, they saw the smoke in front of them clear, revealing Thanos on one knee, wearing his helmet, the Infinity Gauntlet in his hand, with the slots empty, and his sword the Thanoscopter planted right next to him.
Thanos looked up at the Avengers and said. "My home was beautiful. Titan was like most planets. Too many mouths, not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution."
"Genocide", Steve snarled in disgust, remembering Thanos had this conversation with Strange in the recordings.
"But random, dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike", Thanos clarified.
"Still murder, Thanos", Tony said.
"They called me a madman, Stark", Thanos said and Tony had to make a surprised face at Thanos knowing his name, so as to not make him suspect there was anything wrong. "You are not the only one cursed with knowledge."
He then said. "They called me a madman. Then what I predicted came to pass."
"So, you're a fortune-teller?" Carol quipped.
"I'm a survivor", Thanos said.
"You will murder trillions", Hulk snarled in Bruce's voice.
"I do not want what happened to my world to happen to others, and I shall take every step to ensure it does not come to pass", Thanos said. "You are unruly wretches, standing in my way. But you are firm in what you stand for as well, so for that, you Avengers have my respect."
Then, he charged at full speed and punched Thor hard, sending him flying back into the rest of the Avengers, making them all fall down as the ground was damaged.
Thor was the first to stand back up as Thanos marched to him, now looking angry. "So while I shall kill half of all life, I will kill all of you unruly wretches, slowly, painfully."
"You are a monster, Thanos, and we are going to stop you", Thor said as he started hovering in the air.
Thanos smirked in challenge and ran at Thor, who flew at him at full speed, and then Stormbreaker and Thanoscopter clashed, forming a shockwave that cleared the area near them.
Thanos then grabbed Thor and leapt high in the air with him, throwing him into a building as he crashed into it too.
Thor got up as Thanos looked down angrily before hurling Thanoscopter into the air. The sword flew around, shattering the columns of the floor, and the ceiling came down, destroying the ground as Thor hovered in the air again.
Thanos caught his sword on return and with a smirk, leapt away while Thor flew after him but Thanos grabbed him and in a spin motion, tossed him away again, making him smash through many buildings as he crashed on the ground again, while the rest watched with wide eyes.
Thor eventually walked out of the last building into which he had crashed, as Thanos leapt in front of him and kicked a machine of war at him. Thor sliced it into with his ax but Thanos took the opportunity and leapt at him, punching him hard, staggering him away.
Thor dodged two swings from his sword and blocked another before slicing his abdomen, making Thanos slice his shoulder in retaliation and punch him back.
Thor managed to steady himself but the ground underneath was broken.
Thor ducked to avoid another swing from Thanos and hit him with a powerful lightning bolt, sending him falling back, and leaping at him, punched him down.
Before he could attack again, Thanos got back up and kicked him back. Thor damaged the ground as he fell on it.
As he got up, Thanos punched him back again, before giving him an uppercut. Thor was sent flying up, his back hitting the building behind him and damaging it, before Thor managed to steady himself and hover at the building's top, looking down at Thanos.
"You are a mighty warrior, but this shall end with your demise, Odinson", Thanos snarled at him.
Thor did not reply as Thanos started jumping up on the building, destroying parts of it on hitting them, and Thor flew back down to meet him head-on.
Their weapons clashed hard again, forming a shockwave that destroyed the whole building while lightning emanated from Thor, sending Thanos flying back again on the top of another building, damaging it as Thor landed too.
Then suddenly all of the debris nearby started rising up into the air and flew at Thor, who used Stormbreaker to slice it, while Thanos turned to look at Maw, who was doing this.
"Go father", Maw said and Thanos leapt off the building with a nod, running towards the headquarters.
That was when a strong punch hit his face, sending him flying back as Hulk now stood in his way, marching towards him.
"The mindless beast", Thanos said as he swung his sword but Hulk managed to dodge before punching Thanos' abdomen, making him gasp before Hulk gave him an uppercut, staggering him back.
"Not anymore", Hulk said in Bruce's voice, shocking Thanos before his voice changed. "Time to die."
Thanos swung again but Hulk got behind him and picking up a chain, wrapped it around Thanos' throat, making Thanos drop his sword as he tried to free himself. Hulk picked up Thanos' sword with his other hand stabbed his shoulder, making him roar in pain and anger, while Hulk wrapped his feet around Thanos to throw him off balance.
Hulk continued pulling the chain, slowly strangling Thanos who was on his knees now, gritting his teeth and gasping for breath, before he reached to his shoulder and with a grunt, pulled the sword out, using it to chop the chain off of his neck, making Hulk stagger back as he gasped for breath.
Getting back up, he turned around and stabbed Hulk in the abdomen, making him roar in pain before Thanos pulled his sword out and kicked Hulk away.
Thanos then ran towards the base again while Hulk ran after him but then looked up to see Cull Obsidian dropping two Corps onto the ground, and so broke stride to save them instead.
Then suddenly Thanos was hit on the face by Mjolnir, sending him flying back as Steve caught Mjolnir on return and raising Mjolnir, brought it down, the lightning hitting Thanos hard and Steve leapt at him just as he got up.
The two grappled, gritting their teeth before Steve kicked Thanos and Thanos punched him, both falling away as Thanos' sword fell down, and Mjolnir also fell near him.
Thanos got up and grasping Mjolnir, tried to pick up, but nothing happened, so he used both of his hands but it still didn't budge.
Then a hand reached over. "Here, let me try."
And with that, Steve gave Thanos an uppercut on the jaw, making him stagger back as he picked Mjolnir back up and threw his shield.
Thanos deflected it with his sword but Steve threw Mjolnir at the shield and the shockwave sent Thanos to his knees while Steve leapt and kneed him, and then he was hit by a repulsor on the face, staggering him as Tony flew and kicked him on the face, and then enlarged his hands into giant battering rams, hitting Thanos on the face again and sending him down.
He then turned his right hand into a blade and leapt at Thanos, intending to stab his throat, but Thanos grabbed his hand at the last moment and broke off the blade, before stabbing Tony's shoulder, making him gasp as he got flashbacks to being stabbed in the recording.
Thanos threw him off and got back up as Steve leapt at him with Mjolnir, but timing it right Thanos grabbed his neck and tossed him away too, before rushing to the command center again.
The others were too engrossed in the fight to stop him, and those who could were all distracted or taken out temporarily.
Thanos rushed into the center, swinging his sword and killing three Corps who tried to take him out, and smashed through the door. The Corps fired at him but Thanos twirled his sword, deflecting all of the shots, and then Glaive and Midnight ran to his side, rushing the Corps.
"We will take care of them, father", Midnight assured as Thanos rushed up, leaping to higher points in the building and damaging the parts where he landed.
He then saw a bunch of Corps aiming their weapons at him but he didn't care and simply swung his sword, chopping all of them before kicking in the door, to see Nova Prime and three other Corps standing there, aiming at him.
"You shall not get what you came for", Prime said to him.
"Your courage is as remarkable as your foolishness laughable", Thanos said as the Corps fired but Thanos deflected their shots and with a swing of his sword, sliced them all down before marching at Prime.
That was when someone leapt at him from behind and sliced his face with a sword and he realized it was Nebula as she leapt in front of him.
"You should have killed me when you had the chance", Nebula snarled at Thanos.
"It would have been a waste of parts!" Thanos roared at her as she sliced his hand, then his face twice before Thanos kicked her back into Prime, making them both crash into a wall and go through it.
He then sliced open their vaults and out fell the Orb from one of them as he caught it before it could fall onto the ground.
He opened it, seeing the Power Stone glowing purple, and said. "Finally."
With that, he picked up the Stone, roaring in pain as its energy hurt his hand, but he was strong enough to resist it, and slowly moved it towards his Infinity Gauntlet, and put it in his slot, roaring as the power of an Infinity Stone surged through him, and he felt the power too.
He then glared at Nebula and Prime and as Nebula charged again, he fired a blast from the Power Stone, sending her crashing out of the building to the ground, while he leapt down and out of the building, marching towards her.
He then fired another blast at her but Strange came in the way and used a spell, turning the blast into waves of water before firing a mystical blast of energy at Thanos but he used his newfound power to shatter the blast, staggering Strange back due to his strength.
Strange then used the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak, grabbing Thanos' hand in it as he pulled hard, trying to prevent him from closing his fist as Thanos grunted.
Steve and Tony then flew down and started pulling the Gauntlet out, gritting their teeth as it was pretty hard to do, but they would do it.
Thanos tried to punch with his other hand but Hulk grabbed it with both of his arms, roaring at Thanos' face as he didn't let go, while Thanos glared angrily.
"You shall rue this day, father", Nebula said to him as Thanos looked at her in anger, still trying to pull his fist back from Steve and Tony, while Strange didn't let go.
Then suddenly Strange saw several pointed pieces of debris flying at him and unfortunately had to use one hand to deflect them, but that was all Thanos needed to pull his fist back, punching Steve and Tony away before punching Hulk on the face, staggering him back, and with a blast of the Power Stone, sent him flying off too.
Before Strange could do anything, Thanos hit him with a blast of the Stone and he was also sent flying off and knocked out.
And then, he pressed his fist, energy surrounding Nebula as she screamed in pain. "Rue this day, shall I?"
Nebula continued screaming as Thanos said. "Even if I do, you won't be here to see it."
Steve got up, hurling Mjolnir at Thanos, but before it could hit him, Thanos twirled his fist, and Nebula shattered into many pieces, just as Thanos was hit on the chin and sent flying off.
Gamora and Quill arrived at the scene at that very moment as Gamora's jaw dropped, her eyes wide in tears and pain as she fell to her knees, tears rolling down her cheeks. "No, no. My sister."
"You bastard!" Quill snarled at Thanos who got back up, looking at the Avengers and Guardians around him.
"She died for what she believed in, I will make sure she is remembered for that", Thanos said coldly as they all glared at him. "But I shall not allow anyone to stand in my way."
Thor flew down, while Tony and Hulk got up too, and Carol and Vision flew to face Thanos as well.
"Avengers", Steve said, raising Mjolnir, the desire to avenge Nebula high. "Assemble!"