Ch 108 Wrath of the Titan

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Tony formed a blade and leapt at Thanos but was tossed away while Steve threw his shield, which was deflected but he used the opportunity to fire a bolt of lightning from Mjolnir, but Thanos blocked with the Power Stone in time as Thor flew at him, but his blow was blocked too.

Carol fired at Thanos but he rolled away to avoid being hit and put up the Power Stone to block Hulk's punch as well as Vision flew at him, turning intangible, but Thanos leapt back and punched the ground with his fist, sending away shockwaves which blinded the android for a moment.

Quill flew into the air, firing shots at him but Thanos was mostly just annoyed by those, and then he found himself being surrounded in red mist as he was lifted into the air, and saw Wanda using her powers to lift him up, her eyes glowing red as she did so.

She was about to use her powers to chip away his armor when he pressed his fist and fired a blast from the Power Stone, almost hitting her but Tony managed to fly her away in time, though this freed Thanos from her grip of course.

Drax rushed Thanos from behind, hitting his leg with his blade, but before he could attack again, Thanos just kicked him back while Gamora struck his face in anger, a tear rolling down her cheek, and struck him three times again, trying to stab, but he just grabbed the blade and hurled her away to the other side.

"You disappoint me, daughter", he told her before turning around and causing another blast from the Power Stone, which scattered almost all of his opposition away into different directions.

He then rushed Peter, who had just swung down, and grabbing him by the throat, slammed him to the ground, as Peter gulped, remembering when the same thing had happened to him in the recordings.

Then Thanos raised him up and punched his mask a few times, and it started falling to pieces, eventually only half of it remaining, and then Thanos began choking Peter who gasped for breath.

Then suddenly Tony flew in hard, ramming into the Mad Titan as both fell down, making him drop Peter.

Thanos got up first and pelted Tony with a few punches, slowly breaking off his armor as Tony raised his arms to protect himself from harm.

That was when Carol rammed into Thanos, sending him down again while she was on top of him, and punched his face multiple times with her energy, roaring madly, while Thanos' head was sent down after every blow she gave him, shattering the ground that was underneath him.

When she was done, she started panting, and to her horror, Thanos gave her a bone-chilling smirk and asked. "Feel better?"

With that, he punched her hard, sending her flying off into the sky as he staggered back up, looking at the battle.

Thor, Steve and Hulk were busy battling some more of loyal army that had arrived. While they were nothing compared to the more powerful Avengers, they were good fodder.

Tony, Peter and Carol had been downed by him, and the rest were also still out because of the blast he had conjured from the Power Stone, though they were staggering up slowly, so he needed to take them out before they could do a thing.

As he marched forwards, T'Challa leapt at him from behind and slashed through his armor from the back, before leaping over his head and landing a scratch on the Mad Titan's cheek. He landed and leapt for another attack but Thanos caught him, and punched him with so much force that the Panther Habit was overloaded, dazing the King.

Thanos then dropped him to the ground as T'Challa groaned, and when he looked up, he saw Thanos about to land another blow on him. That was when the White Wolf jumped leaped in, a lot of kinetic energy charged up in his arm.

He punched Thanos hard on the face with that, and it actually sent Thanos off, while Bucky landed.

And then Hope, Natasha, Sam, Rhodes, Clint and a squad of Nova Corps started firing relentlessly at Thanos, trying to keep him at bay. The bullets and lasers landed as Thanos growled in frustration while an awakened Scott grew again, reaching 50 feet.

"Take this, scrotum-chin!" Scott roared as he brought his oversized fist down on Thanos, but then felt a pressure against it and gritted his teeth as Thanos managed to push his fist back up, and grabbing it, flipped him to the ground, making him groan as Thanos leapt on top of him and punched his chest multiple times, breaking off parts of the suit as Scott coughed blood.

"Oh no", Hope said in horror as she flew towards Thanos in a vain attempt to stop him, and in that moment, Wanda and Vision sent a combined blast of psionic and solar energy at Thanos, managing to send him flying off again.

Scott shrunk in size, groaning in pain, barely conscious as Hope ran to him, cradling his face. "Scott, you'll be fine, okay? You'll be all right."

Bucky offered a hand to the King, who happily took it and stood up.

"Thank you, Wolf", T'Challa said, his whole mask still down.

Bucky grinned tiredly in response. "This is no place to die."

T'Challa shared his grin as they got back into the battle.

Hulk was hit by a hammer on the face, slightly staggering him back as Cull Obsidian roared at his face, and struck again, but Hulk easily caught the hammer, lowering it as Cull was horrified while Hulk grinned, and head-butted Cull, making him fly back by a few feet as he crashed to the ground, forming a crater where he fell, and groaned in pain as Hulk marched to him.

Cull tried to pick up his hammer but Hulk stepped on his hand, crushing it as Cull roared in pain, and then lifting up the hammer, Hulk roared. "HULK IS STRONGEST THERE IS!"

He then brought it down on Cull's head, finally ending his life. And with that, the first member of the Black Order was down.

As Glaive and Midnight took down more of the Corps, their path was blocked by Heimdall and Valkyrie.

"You shall die for your defiance, Asgardians", Midnight snarled at the two.

"I would be scared if you could actually follow through on that threat", Valkyrie taunted, and that was enough to make them both attack in a rage.

Heimdall blocked two blows from Glaive and weaved away to avoid another while Valkyrie blocked two of Midnight's blows and kicked her back, sending her rolling away.

Heimdall ducked to avoid Glaive's swing and elbowed him in a spin motion, sending him back before head-butting him back as well, and then lifting him up by the throat tossed him away.

Valkyrie slid away to avoid Midnight's swing and sliced her side, making her grunt as Valkyrie kicked her away from behind, sending her flying again.

Glaive struck Heimdall but he blocked with his gauntlet, trapping Glaive's weapon, and then did a spin motion, disarming Glaive, before kicking him away again.

Before Glaive could get up, Heimdall spun his weapon and stabbed Glaive in the throat, ending him as well.

Valkyrie blocked more blows from Midnight, backing away as she did so, and then elbowed her face in a spin motion, sending her flying back again. Midnight fell on her back but rolled away in time as she got back up, ready to face Valkyrie again, but was stabbed through the chest by the Asgardian, making her gasp as she coughed out blood, and then Valkyrie retracted her sword, while Midnight fell down, dead.

Ebony Maw used telekinesis to lift a Corp up in the air and was about to kill him when an Eldritch beam was fired at him and he put a weapon of war in the way to defend himself as Strange flew down to face him.

"Come to die, Sorcerer?" Maw mocked him.

"No, come to kill you", Strange said as Maw hurled projectiles at him and Strange used a mystic shield to block.

Maw made the column under Strange break and hover but Strange flew into the air to save himself before blocking more projectiles from Maw.

Maw made tendrils appear to wrap around Strange, and he used a blast of Eldritch magic to destroy them all, staggering Maw away in the process as well, before trapping his throat in an Eldritch whip, pulling as Maw grunted.

He then pulled Strange to him and punched him down, making him fall to the ground while Maw stood over him angrily.

That was when the Cloak of Levitation wrapped around Maw's face, Maw staggering around as he struggled with it and Strange got back up, deciding to use his favorite trick on Maw.

As Maw and the Cloak of Levitation struggled, Strange opened a portal underneath Maw and he fell into just as the Cloak unwrapped from his face, and Strange closed the portal.

He had transported Maw to the cold vacuum of Space, where he would die slowly and painfully.

During this time, the battle against Thanos had resumed in full force.

Carol flew at Thanos, her fist powered up with enough energy to destroy a building, but he timed it right and backhanded her away, sending her crashing to the ground once more while it was damaged due to her falling and sliding on it.

Thor hit Thanos with lightning, sending him back, and brought his ax down on him but he rolled away to avoid and punched him away into Tony, making them both fall.

Steve then threw the hammer at him but he deflected it as the two walked to each other, facing each other.

"As long as one man stands against you, you'll never win", Steve declared.

"Noble sentiments from one about to die", Thanos retorted.

"I've lived by those sentiments my whole life."

Thanos then tried to punch but Steve ducked under it and getting behind Thanos, kicked him on the back, making him stumble.

Thanos turned around, swinging but the smaller and more nimble Cap dodged under, striking the badly damaged chest armor and a left hook with the shield to the enemy's cheek before ducking under a massive backhand, then delivering a jumping back kick.

Cap threw a right hook but Thanos grabbed the arm, then the soldier's throat before rearing back and head butting Steve, sending him crashing down to the ground.

Steve got back up with a flip and launched a push kick that barely budged the Titan, then connected a left round kick to Thanos' head, and a swing to the warlord's face that he endured. Thanos leaned back from another spinning hook kick from Cap, who maintained the momentum and made a sweep for the leg, but Thanos raised it in time.

Steve, still spinning, tried another hook kick that Thanos blocked and retaliated with a swing from his left fist that was ducked under, but Thanos clenched that same fist, making the Power Stone glow as he moved for a backhand, prompting the human to raise his shield to block.

Steve could only watch with wide, shocked eyes as the moment the Gauntlet and shield made contact, glowing cracks spread across the Vibranium before it shattered into pieces.

Stunned and with pain emerging from his arm, Steve couldn't dodge Thanos' fist, letting it connect as blood spat from his mouth. The pain got worse when Thanos delivered a punch to his gut, before raising a knee under his chin, whipping his head up and more blood emerging.

Thanos then hurled Steve in the direction of an incoming Hulk, who stopped to catch him, dropping Cull's hammer in the process, and in that moment of distraction, Thanos leapt in and landed a punch across Hulk's face and blasted an energy beam point blank.

Hulk dug a trench with his face before he stopped, pushing himself to his hands and knees, and spitting out a tooth, making him let out an enraged growl before turning glowing green eyes at the Titan.

Before Thanos could hit again, Hulk punched his chest, making him stagger back before grabbing his face and driving it into the ground, and punched multiple times before Thanos blasted him away.

He then charged Hulk but Hulk lifted Cull's hammer and hit Thanos hard, sending him flying off from the blow again as he crashed and rolled on the ground.

As he got up, he was hit by a telekinetic blast from Loki, making him stagger back as he gritted his teeth, planting his feet into the ground, and with a blast of the Power Stone, sent him flying off too. "Insolent fool."

He then saw Mjolnir flying off into Steve's hand and before Steve could do anything else, Thanos fired a powerful blast from the Power Stone.

Thor fired powerful lightning from Stormbreaker and Steve joined, firing lightning from Mjolnir, Tony and Rhodes fired their repulsors, Wanda threw in a psionic energy beam, Vision too fired his Solar beam, Strange unleashed Eldritch bolts, and Carol locked in with her cosmic energy blasts, all of it to counter the energy aimed at them from the Power Stone.

Thanos gritted his teeth and forced more power to be sent forth, but the Heroes' combined efforts lead to an explosion that sent all of them back, dazing them and creating a crater the size of three soccer pitches in length and width.

But this was the opportunity at last.

Before Thanos could get up, Tony fired a missile at his face and it exploded, slightly dazing him, and then Steve used all of his willpower and flew at him, putting Mjolnir on top of him, pinning him down, and before Thanos could use the Power Stone to blast Mjolnir away, Thor leapt down with a roar and chopped off Thanos' arm, making him roar in pain as Thor kicked the entire arm many feet away.

Steve and Thor then moved back as Thanos groaned, trying to rise up but failing due to Mjolnir on top of him, and with the Power Stone gone, he had no way to remove it now.

Looking at the Avengers with grudging respect, Thanos asked. "When the day finally arrives, and what I've said comes to pass, will you look back at this moment? Would you change the events of today?"

"No", Steve answered immediately and firmly, no shred of hesitation. "We stopped you from killing trillions, even if the price was steep. There are those of us who lost friends, family, and their home. You believed in the necessary evil, that only power could resolve this matter, and I don't know what the rest of the Universe thinks, but I believe in people. We stumble, we fall, we make mistakes, but we can get back up and learn to build a better future. But not at the expense of innocent lives."

As they looked at each other, Gamora then marched to Thanos angrily, Quill right behind her.

"Daughter", Thanos said, looking at her.

"I am not your daughter", Gamora snarled and with a roar, stabbed Thanos in the throat with her sword, making him gasp as blood poured down his lip, and Gamora roared angrily with tears of anger and sadness in her eyes, driving the sword deeper into his throat as Thanos looked into her eyes.

Gamora didn't flinch, watching as the light left Thanos' eyes, and his head rolled to the side.

Thanos was dead!

Gamora fell to her knees, crying. In his own twisted and wrong way, he did love Gamora, and due to his abuse, Gamora also did feel some love for him, even though she knew he had been horrible to her.

Quill hugged her for comfort as the rest just watched, sighing with lowered heads.

The battle had been won, but the damage and casualties were still grievous, especially Nebula.

So now, it was time to rebuild.