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After the battle was finished, a lot of cleaning up had been done, mostly by the Avengers and Guardians, since any civilians looking for their deceased family or friends who served shouldn't have to search for them in between corpses of Thanos' army.
So the Chitauri, Outsider and Sakaaran corpses had been removed, with Thor and Strange lighting them on fire with their lightning and magic respectively.
Thanos had been the final one, where Thor had lighted him on fire with a powerful lightning bolt, and then used a powerful wind to disperse the ashes into different directions in Space, to Gamora's approval.
The survivors weren't without injuries either.
Steve had lost his shield and had quite a few injuries on his face, which would take time to heal even with his healing factor. Tony's arm was damaged to the point he was advised not to move it much for at least a month. Hope also had one arm in a cast. Natasha had broken a leg due to getting caught in an explosion and now needed to use crutches to walk. Scott had been beaten up the worst though, and he needed to be on a wheelchair for at least 2 months from now. Peter hadn't been physically hurt as badly as the rest but his near death was traumatizing enough. And Gamora had lost her sister.
Right now, the Nova Corps were holding a ceremony to honor the heroes, both the living and the dead.
Nova Prime looked at the assembled Avengers and Guardians and announced. "Today, we would like to express our profound gratitude to these Heroes who helped us defend our planet from Thanos' forces. Without them, we would have lost everything. But even after all of this, we lost many people. Good men and women sacrificed themselves so that we may live, and we owe all of them an unpayable debt."
No one applauded, but all nodded with firm gazes as one of the older Corps pinned medals to the shirts of all the Avengers and Guardians one by one. He had a bushy moustache, and the Avengers all recognized exactly who he was, though they didn't say a word.
"The Universe is proud to have all of you as its Heroes", the man said to them in a proud tone as they nodded humbly, happy to meet him again now. "Excelsior!"
A memorial for all of those who had fallen, including Nebula, was erected in the middle of the city as Gamora walked there and spoke. "Nebula and I, we didn't start off on the right foot. Both of us may have been adopted by Thanos, but we were always pitted against each other, and I let it happen. Nebula suffered a lot under Thanos, much worse than anyone else did. But over time, she decided she would not let what Thanos did to her define her. She decided she would be what she wanted to be, and she wanted to be a good person, a hero. The two of us, we became friends, we became sisters. And she became the best version of herself. She may have lost her life, but she died a great hero, and she will never be forgotten. None of them will be."
Gamora then lowered her head and walked away, wiping some tears as Quill embraced her again while some more eulogies were done.
Thor faced Quill and Carol and said to the former. "I trust you will continue looking after the Galaxy now."
"Yeah, someone has to do it", Quill said.
"If you need help, you can call me", Thor assured.
"It goes both ways", Quill said as they shook hands, Thor a bit amused and surprised that they were getting along much better in this new timeline than the original one.
He then walked to Carol as Quill walked off. "How are you?"
"Thanos beat me, easily, so I feel like an idiot", Carol said.
"Good, because you were", Thor said as she looked at him. "But I hope you've learnt your lesson now."
"I have", she said. "If you need my help, call me."
"Same from this side", Thor said as Carol nodded and walked off too.
A week later, Earth
Thaddeus Ross was in court, on trial for all of the crimes he had committed, and so far, it wasn't looking very good for him as Harvey Specter ripped into him brutally from all the evidence they had acquired.
"Secretary Ross has clearly misled people nationally with false pretenses that he would be a fair and just handler of the Avengers if they sign the Sokovia Accords, but his history shows that he is not a just and fair man, he wants power and success, without working honestly for it. But the only time success comes before work is in the dictionary. Secretary Ross has carried out illegal experimentation, violated international borders, and misled others to rise to this position, which he clearly does not deserve."
"All of these are just excuses to justify the international laws these Avengers violate", Ross' defender said to Harvey. "Secretary Ross was the one who was facing the consequences of their actions."
Steve, Tony, Bruce, Natasha, Clint, Wanda, Vision, Scott, Hope, T'Challa and Betty, who was also there, had to resist the urge to scoff at what Ross' defender had just said.
"Winners don't make excuses when the other side plays the game", Harvey said to the other guy, stunning him into silence as he gave a smile and sat on his seat.
The judge then read over some notes and started announcing.
"For illegal experimentation, the defender is found- guilty!"
Some people actually started cheering but she banged her gavel. "Order in the court!"
People became silent as she announced some more.
"For violating international borders, the defender is found- guilty!"
There was some more cheering which got silenced.
"For misleading people by withholding important information, the defender is found- guilty!"
This time there was no cheering as there was some more.
"For trying to mislead the court, the defender is found- guilty!"
There was more cheering now as Ross was cuffed and lead away by Everett, while he glared hatefully at the Avengers, especially Bruce, only for Betty to come in the way as she glared back at him with equal venom, and he looked away at that, being led away.
"You know that feeling you get when you finally kill an annoying cockroach?" Tony asked the rest and they nodded. "I am getting exactly that feeling."
They chuckled as Hope said. "I guess with this done, we should go home, and you can rest."
"Yeah, I need it", Scott agreed as Hope wheeled him away.
Bruce and Betty faced each other as she held his hand. "How have you been, Bruce?"
"I've been good", Bruce said.
"And how are things between you two?" She asked.
"Much better than they have ever been", Bruce said.
"Are you seeing someone?" She then asked.
"No", he shook his head.
"Good", she said and then kissed him on the lips, with Bruce kissing back, happy to be with her again.
The Avengers sat together in the tower as Rhodes said. "So, we won, we managed to beat Thanos before he could wipe out half of all life. How do you feel?"
"Victorious for sure", Tony said, sitting with Pepper as they held hands. "And Jackass is gone, plus, Harvey the BAMF ended up bringing the matter of the Accords to the judge, and they took it to the UN, so now it looks like the UN is going to suspend the Accords till a fairer and more reasonable document regarding oversight can be drawn up."
"Which is exactly what we need, both for ourselves and the public", Steve said as Tony nodded. He had returned Mjolnir to Thor a while ago, who had gone off to talk to the Norway authorities to get some land for his people, though Thor had assured he would give him the hammer if he ever needed it.
Steve had also given up his broken shield to T'Challa, who had promised to fix it quickly and return it to him.
That was when Fury arrived with Hill.
"Well, you all look like shit", Fury commented.
"The commentary is very helpful", Natasha said dryly as all shared chuckles.
"There's someone I want you to meet", Fury said as he and Hill turned around and walked off. "Come on."
Same time
"Why did you call me, Wanda?" Vision asked as they faced each other.
"This, this is going to be hard", Wanda said, taking deep breaths. "After seeing some things in the recordings, and what my future self told me- I am now seeing things a bit more clearly."
Vision simply listened as she said. "You are a good guy, Vision, and you are kind and sweet, but I don't think it can work out between us."
Visions actually looked hurt, and Wanda felt the utmost guilt for hurting him as she said in a quivering voice. "I know you tried your best, and I will always care about you, but what we have isn't all that good."
"I can change", Vision immediately said. "I can try to-"
"You should change, but not for me, for yourself", Wanda said as she held his hand and they looked into each other's eyes. "Changing you for myself would be unfair to you, Vis. But remaining in this relationship, after the realization I had, is unfair to both of us."
Vision seemed hurt, but accepting as he let her hands go and nodded. "I respect your decision, Wanda. Perhaps you are right. But I hope we can still be friends."
"We can be", she assured as she gave him a hug which he returned.
There was a knock on the door as May opened it to see Peter on the other side, giving her a smile, and she hugged him tightly, kissing his forehead, as he hugged her back, looking at a picture of himself, her and Uncle Ben behind her.
Hope wheeled Scott into his house as Cassie ran out yelling. "DADDY!"
"Hey, peanut!" Scott said happily as he hugged her, though she accidentally hugged him a bit too tight. "Ouch!"
"Sorry daddy", Cassie apologized as Scott stroked her hair.
Phil Coulson and Melinda May were relaxing together when they heard a familiar voice call out to them. "Agent."
They turned to see Nick Fury standing there, walking to them.
"Sir", Coulson greeted as he and May stood up.
"Just Fury now", he said.
"Why are you here?" May asked with an edge to her voice.
"One final mission", Fury said.
"I am retired", Coulson said.
"It's nothing big. You just need to meet a few people", Fury said and stepped aside to reveal Steve, Tony, Thor, Natasha, Clint and Pepper standing there with Hill.
"Oh!" Coulson said, almost in a gasp.
Thor walked to him and gave him a tight hug. "It is so good to see you again, Son of Coul."
"Lungs!" Coulson gasped out so Thor let him go.
"Sorry", he said lamely as Coulson rubbed his chest.
"Coulson", Tony said, holding out his hand as Coulson shook it.
"Hey", Pepper greeted him.
"Hi", Coulson greeted back.
"Agent Coulson", Steve greeted respectfully.
"Captain", Coulson said, becoming a fanboy again for a bit.
He then looked at Natasha and Clint, but no words were said.
An hour later
"I wanted to tell you all badly, many times", Coulson said. "First, I was going through this life changing experience. Then, I was busy tracking down threats and enemies to SHIELD. Then the Hydra uprising happened and I became Director. Finally, I just admitted to myself that I was too much of a coward to face you guys after so long. And for that, I'm sorry."
"Can't hold a grudge now", Clint said weakly.
"After all that has happened, there is no point to it", Natasha agreed with a nod. "We forgive you."
"Thank you", Coulson nodded before turning to Thor. "And don't blame yourself. You couldn't have known."
"I don't anymore", Thor told him.
"Here", Steve said, putting down Coulson's Captain America trading cards, and Coulson noted what was different.
"You signed them", he said happily as Steve just gave a respectful nod.
"Should have done it much earlier", Steve said.
"So, you want anything more here, or are you comfortable with this?" Tony asked.
"I think this works for me", Coulson simply said.
"It is pretty peaceful, I don't think any changes need to be made", Pepper said.
"Yes, it's a magical place", Coulson agreed, sharing a look with Melinda as he did so.
As the rest continued talking, Steve walked to Hill.
"Hi", he said awkwardly.
"Uhh, hi", she said back with equal awkwardness.
"Remember that time we talked about coffee when this was all over?" Steve asked.
"I do", she nodded.
"So….uhh….wanna go out for it at the end of the week?" Steve asked hopefully.
"Actually", Hill pretended to think before looking at him. "Yes I do."
The two shared a smile at that before joining the rest.
This day would end, and many more would end after it. Thanos may have been gone, but there were always bigger bads out there, but they knew it, and they knew their work was never done, so they would always stand and fight the good fight.
Because that's what heroes do.