Chapter Two : The Witch X The Meister


Ethane asked his family to let him be left along for a while. Ethane had stayed held up inside his bedroom with the lock on his door for hours on. Listening to the mob that was hovering outside his windows, begging to see him. Ethane decided to close the windows tightly. Inside his room he sat on his bed as the noise died down. Now able to hear himself think again. Ethane wondered exactly what had taken place at Catalonia.

"I purpose a deal in exchange for this power you must make my one wish come true. Accept this contract and you accept its conditions. Something of a different life, a different time and power. A very being of true

purity. You shall have what you seek but beware of defeats for they always deceive."

Thinking to himself Ethane wondered. "Exactly what conditions she was talking about?" He knew the moment he entered into the contract with the girl that was the moment he signed over his very soul. For the girl was nowhere to be found or seen and he still failed, to kill the Immortal Witch. "I'm such a loser" he spoke softly. Ethane sitting on his bed sighed as he let the word "Loser" let loose in the air.

When he heard a rumbling sound from his closet. Getting up to see what it was he braced himself in case it was some big bad evil, making its way to steal his underwear's and socks. Swinging the doors to the closet open Ethane couldn't believe what he was staring at. Inside his closet on one of his shelves was the mysterious, colorful girl. She was wearing his underwear boxers on all backwards as she continually fumbled. with putting the socks on her hands. Ethane's chest started to thump his gray eyes met her colorful spiral eyes.

The girl looked to have been a baby animal inside his bedroom closet, for she didn't quite understand the whole men's garments and women's. Ethane leaning inside the closet helped her out when she spoke. "Is this your home?" Looking back at her in a complete awe. Ethane's face had such an ecstasy look upon it. He almost forgot how her voice sounded, listening to the voice ringing through his head. It was as if snow and winter was wrapped all in one.

Regaining his thoughts Ethane noticed that ever since he met her even when she was inside the pod. He had always felt a sense of unworthiness even now after all that has transpired. He still felt worthless smiling faintly Ethane told her. "Yes it is and you're welcome to sit on the bed instead of the closet." Staring at him Ethane lean out his tanned hand as the snow white skinned girl held it. As soon as they touched once more Ethane felt his body being hurtled throughout time and space as images of all life forums rushed through out, his mind. Feeling a bit of a frenzy coming over him he begged for the images to ceased when the girl let go of his hand.

Ethane almost forgot she was still wearing his garments when he reached over, placing his hands on her thighs the mysterious girl looked at him in. His face breaking out in a hot flush. Ethane desperately tried opening his mouth to explained what he was doing when, she simply stood up and drop them off. Exposing her white bun Ethane quickly covered his eyes as she smiled cheeky. "I see all human men are alike." She spoke.

Ethane getting up and heading towards the window he allowed his face to feel the sting of the cold air, hoping this would have allowed the flushing of his skin to disappear.

Ethane shaking off his embarrassment he stared at the walls of his bedroom until the girl finally spoke. "I'm hungry. You should feed me now." Ethane staring at her he watched the tiny girl look into his eyes. The feeling unbearable Ethane rose up from the bed. "We have food to eat here not sure what you like but you can ..." His voice cutting off.

Ethane noticed the mysterious girl was running down the halls her feet lightly tapping, the stairs. He couldn't believe his uninvited guest has made a break for the kitchen area. "Hey you come back here!" He shouted. Chasing after her Ethane found the girl to be sitting at his table eating his family's supper. Trying to catch his breath before he started speaking, Ethane watched her snow color fingers reaching for food, after food.

"Are you crazy you could've gotten yourself hurt? Or worse in trouble! I still don't have the slightest of who you are?" He told her.

The girl not paying Ethane any attention what so ever, her mind was totally, enthralled with the slice of pizza bread she was eating. Yes, Gatlin had pizza bread. They had a lot of the same foods and places as the olden world did… way before their time. It was something the Princess and the rulers thought best once discovering of the scared water. "For starters you can learn some manners. Is that anyway to be speaking too your Master?" She asked him. Ethane dumb face he spoke. "Now listen here. I get you saved my life but I didn't sign up to be your slave. You promised me power, that is why I am allowing you, to even be here."

Laughing at him the girl darted her colorful eyes. "You're allowing me? You don't allow me to do anything, I allow myself. Just like I am about to allow you, to know your place." She told him. Her fingers snapping, Ethane fell to the floor. His chest beating rapidly, he grunted in pain as the child like girl stood up from, the table. "Now you see? Now you understand. You are not the master of anything know that would be me alone. You my dear Ethane are a Meister. The only thing that is required of you is too be my weapon and hold up your end of the agreement.

I have waited for centuries for you... I'm not about to wait any longer." She told him coldly.

Releasing him Ethane coughing horrifically held his chest tightly. "You still haven't told me anything about you. How's that going to allow you to do what it is, you wanted?" He asked her. The girl staring, she turned her back. Her red and purple hair falling down to her sides she whispered. "My name is Lunalesca but you can call me Lu or Luna."

Admiring her name Ethane heard the door swing wide open. Upon its entrance he heard shouting. "Ethane we're home!!" Shouting through the front doors, Ethane and Luna stunned to see his father and sister, standing in the door way. Their eyes fixating on both him and the mysterious girl. Ethane had hoped no one would've saw the strange looking childlike girl, beside him. When Nero walked in behind them and as usual she ruined everything. "Who the hell is she?" She demanded.

The Witch X the Pizza Bread

Ethane freaking out he hurriedly spoke up, "Everybody this is my um friend her name's Luna and she will be staying with us for a while." Ethane's family staring at the mysterious girl, he prayed they wouldn't lift up her bangs. Samuel Blackwood admiring the young girl's looks he smiled. "Welcome Miss Luna. I trust my son hasn't been too much of a slack, to show you around our lovely home?" He asked her.

Luna giggling, she spoke. "No sir he's been most helpful than you think." Ethane tensing up as she looked his way tried to fake off a smile but truth be told, he was fearful of the colorful mysterious girl who appeared from a glowing pod. Holly smiling, she spoke quietly. "I um… like your hair it's really pretty."

Ethane was stunned to see his little sister so dumbstruck in front of her. Holly had always been out spoken but something about Luna made her feel all shy and fuzzy. Nero rolling her eyes she frowned. Ethane could tell whenever she was feeling a bit bored or just plain suspicious she would reserve, judgment on somebody until better studying them later. "Thank you and I like your hair too Holly." Luna told her.

Holly blinking up her green eyes the same color as her father's sparkled, with delight. She was pretty happy that Luna had just said her hair was equally pretty. "You… You mean it Miss Luna?" Holly asked.

Luna nodding, she smiled at the young eleven-year-old girl. Ethane unsure what to say about her sudden change of attitude towards his family, he welcomed the newfound change.

For he knew it made explaining things easier. In the back of his mind Ethane could hear a faint whispering. "You don't need to say anything about it because it doesn't concern your well-being." She said. Ethane feeling uneasy left it along. That night the Blackwood's were all gathered around the kitchen's fireplace after a lovely supper.

"So Luna how was supper?" Samuel ask. Luna smiling her eyes perk up as he waited for an answered. "Lovely Mr. Blackwood, but I did not understand the taste of the orange slimy goo." She told him. Laughing Nero spoke. "That orange slimy goo is called cheese and what you ate was called pizza bread." Blinking Luna spoke. "Cheese and pizza bread? How does one make Cheese and pizza bread where does it come from?"

Luna had begun to ask a lot of questions... a lot of questions that made Ethane uneasy.

The Blackwood's explaining that pizza bread was a food from the olden days, Luna smiled. "Well then I love the pizza bread cheese!" She shouted. Her eyes smiling with delight Ethane's chest thumped. He had noticed that every time Luna would show any emotions his heart, would react to it. Like a control box hooked up to a bomb, that could destroy the entire solar system. Ethane was helpless like a doll to a puppeteer controlling its strings and while his body is feeling this pull, Luna had also began feeling it.

Chatting on and on everyone in the house had went off to bed. Samuel explaining that Luna would share a room with Nero. Luna freaked at the news while Nero wasn't too pleased by it either. That night Luna crept inside Ethane's bedroom. Her tiny pale feet tipping over a pile of musty clothes she slide underneath the covers. Laying her head gently against Ethane's, Luna fell asleep. Dawn had approached the big wood bark house and as the family were waking up Ethane, had found himself in a jam.

Sleeping soundly underneath his arms was Luna. The harsh images from before came swarming back to him. Her red and purple hair swirling around his chest, his bed sheets, Ethane paused. He couldn't wake her up... No she was too sound asleep to be disturbed. No matter how horrible the images were Ethane, couldn't wake her but he knew Nero would be coming in soon, to wake him for training. His mind racing with ideas to wake her Ethane, tried the only thing he thought could work. "I command you to wake up." He spoke.

Luna waking up her eyes squinting she noticed the seal inside of Ethane's eye. The same eye where the power of the Bodhisattva eye lives. The Bodhisattva eye was the eye to see all. Giving the wearer or creator tremendous power over life and death. Ethane paused as she spoke. You dare command me? You a stinky mortal caster who cannot not even defend his own country, how can someone like the likes of you command a being like me?!!" She shouted. Ethane not understanding her words or where Luna's rage was coming from. He grew scared as her eyes started to turn.

The color of the iris changing into the Bodhisattva eye sign, Ethane freaked. Luna sensing this apologized for her behavioral as Ethane regained his relaxed composure. "I'm sorry but please do not ever common me understood? It can be quite unpleasant for you." She told him. Ethane nodding, he spoke. "You should sneak back inside the room before Nero comes in and notices your here." Luna frowning her lips pouting she raise up, from the bed. "I don't have anything for today can I watch you?" She asks. Ethane afraid of what would happened if he denied her, request he gave in.

Ethane getting undressed he felt somewhat uncomfortable as Luna eyes looked on. "Um you might want to cover your eyes or look somewhere else until I've finished." He said. Luna giggling, she smiled. "You're shy Ethane? My that's adorable but don't worry I like shy playthings." She told him. Ethane nervous he took off his clothes pulling the caster robe, against his chest. He looked around his room in the dim for his shoes. Luna spotting them she grabbed them and held them tightly to her chest. "Can I have my shoes back Luna?" He asks.

Luna smiling, she frowned. "No not until you say you will allow me to come and watch you today?" She told him. Ethane wondering was she serious as he searched her eyes for answer. None of the mysterious eye power forming in the pupils Ethane promised she could. Luna smiling, she spoke, "Good to see you are learning who the master is and who is the meister." Ethane frowning, he hated the word meister it's the same word that celestial guard Duke Brigham, said about him. Luna guessing his thoughts she spoke, "That's because of what you are now is called a meister, a meister is a weapon.

Usually this person job is solely to fulfill and protect their master. In this case, your only job and care in this world is too fulfilled. Your masters wish and to keep her from harm. "Ethane looking at her his gray eyes grew wider. "You didn't want to help me gain power, you just wanted a living doll too use as a shield for your own purposes huh?" He asks. Luna giggling, she told him. "Very good Ethane but are you really that sure about my intentions? After all I have the power to make a person believe, see and think what they want too. How sure are you that what you believe now isn't something, I conjured up just to oh like you said before…? To use as a shield, a living doll."

Ethane feeling hurt by her words, he could hear Nero heading towards the door of his bedroom. Pushing Luna from off the bed he told her to hurry up and go outside, before Nero catches them and thinks something else. Leaving but not before staring at him before she left Luna smiled. "If I didn't know any better Ethane I would say you looked to be a true caster mage." She told him.

Ethane smiling back, he spoke. "This isn't going to get you any favors tonight now go." Leaving she sent him a thought inside his mind. "Oh I truly doubt that."

Nero was coming up the hall when Ethane met her half way. "Oh hey ready to train?" He asks. Nero shocked to see him up so early and dressed she spoke. "Um yeah but where's your new colorful little friend at? She wasn't in bed this Morgan, Is there anything I should know about?" Nero ask. Ethane trying to keep a straight face he nodded. "I don't think so. I heard somebody outside just now maybe she woke up earlier and decided, not to bother anyone." He said.

Nero thinking to herself she sensed he was lying deciding to let it go as they headed into the training tunnels. Holly Blackwood and Sir Samuel Blackwood walking up they headed outside, their feet walking around the back of the house. They stopped to see Luna sitting in front of one of the family's river bank springs. Her hair now a shimmering blonde gold, Holly couldn't keep her excitement contained. "Oh your hair? It's beautiful what happened to it?" She asks. Samuel Blackwood smiling he spoke.

"You must be a great caster mage in order to preform something like that?" He asks. Luna shaking her head she spoke. "No sir it's something that always happens to me when I show emotions." Holly smiling, she walked closer to the pale snow girl. Her green eyes examine the mysterious girl as she sat beside her. "Um hope you weren't trying to be along if so I'll leave." Luna cutting her off she smiled. "Oh no its okay I was just thinking that's all please feel free, to sit. After all this is your home I am merely nothing more than just a guest."

Samuel Blackwood snorting he told her. "You are more than just a guest you're family and here we treat every Blackwood, family member with respect." Something about Samuel Blackwood's words made Luna feel a little uneasy. She had never experienced something so welcoming and warm. The only other time she did experienced it was from inside of her Pod. The day Ethane had came along and awaken her from the deep slumber, which claimed her life.

She was still sitting down listening to the insects, birds and the trees chirping together, to make such a lovely sound. Her ears picking up on Ethane's training she remembered she wanted to go watch. "I am off to go watch Ethane fight." She addressed them. Holly upset she spoke. "Can I come?" Luna smiling, she told her. "If thou wishes but I will only be there to see Ethane and nothing more. I wanted to see him train he has promised me that I can watch." Holly understanding, she got up with her.

The two of them heading into the training tunnels, Luna's spirit picked up on the traces of Ethan's essences. Coming in from amongst the shadows of the brown rocks. Luna and Holly watched Ethane and Nero go head to head. Their abilities flaring against the rock cliffs Ethane continued to push harder when he noticed, her. Luna smiling, Ethane forced himself up straightly as Nero came in from behind, blindsiding him. "Eyes on me Blackwood!" She shouted. Luna frowning, she didn't like that last attack. Looking at her chest she felt a tinged of pain, from the blow she delivered on Ethane. The training session going on into longer hours. Ethane caught a peak at Luna's appearance.

She was now starting to sweat badly. Her snow color hands covering her chest he called for a short recess. Running towards her Ethane spoke. "Are you okay Luna?" She was trying to catch her breathe when she managed to shake her head. Feeling the pain from the attacks Ethane placed her inside his arms. Carrying her outside of the tunnels he called back towards Nero. "Hey! I'll be back just give me a sec to put her down. She's not feeling good." Nero rolling her eyes she allowed him to go on as Holly followed behind. "She's going to be alright isn't she Ethane?" Holly ask. Ethane trying to keep his focused on not dropping her he managed to nod his head.

Outside Ethane passing his father walked inside their home. His feet kicking open his bedroom door, he laid Luna inside his bed. "What happened? Are you going to be okay?" He asks. Luna trying to catch her breathe she spoke. "In a minute it's just those attacks Nero pounded you with are having a bad reaction, towards myself." Not getting what she meant by that. She noticed he was confused when she spoke. We're connected you dumb jerk.

What you feel I feel and what I feel you will also feel. So if you are feeling hurt?" She asks. Ethane understanding, he spoke. "You too will be able to feel it." Nodding she laid her head up against a lot of his pillows. Upset with himself he promised to train better and dodged as many attacks he could. Luna rolling her eyes she told him. "Don't get your hopes up." Ethane smiling, he asked if there's anything he could do for her. Shaking her head, she asked for only one think. "Don't get hit." Smiling, he left the room to go back to his training.

The day was ending when the news broke out, that the Immortal Witch was lingering somewhere between the planets. Ethane full of new resolved had tried to get Luna to help him track her down. Unable to get her too budged. Ethane rely solely on the one who will help him. His faithful trusty familiar Nero. Nero whining, she begged Ethane to wait awhile before trying, to hunt the witch down. "You are mad Ethane Blackwood! I won't budge not this time you are walking into the Celestial governments, trick. They want us to get rally up and fight against them then when we're not looking…. Slamming her paws together Nero stared at Ethane.

Her red eyes staring into his own. Ethane couldn't believe Nero. All this time he remembered all she ever wanted was to capture, The Immortal Witch. The devoured of planets and gain glory and fame along the title. Ethane smiling, he found himself laughing uncontrollably. "What's so funny wet face?" She asks. Ethane still laughing he told her. "Now look who's having second thoughts? Alright Nero but we cannot deny the seeking water nor the wishes, of the princess and our people. We will have no choice but seek her out first before she seeks us out. Than I will put an end to this once and for all." Ethane said.

Nero nodding, she reached for his hand, holding it tightly they stared at each other as Luna, witnessed on from the bedroom, window. Ethane returning to his room found Luna sitting in the middle of his floor. Her eyes shut and her hands lifted up Ethane stared at the tiny girl. Luna singing softly. Ethane stood in the doorway watching her silently. She was singing a song one he's heard before but from a long time ago. Ethane upset he closed his eyes as he continued to listen to her song. "Why do fragrance blood spills in light winter, children of exact being come running hither.

Realizing he's listening Luna stopped in mid-sentence her attention towards him, she smiled. "Ease dropping while I am in prayer?" She asks. Ethane still amazed by her voice he couldn't help but feel full of youth and life. Even though she continues to stare in that same childlike eerie way. Ethane's whole presence still singed to her every command. Unwilling, Ethane felt like they were doing a dance of tug of war, and only one of them will when the war. Though which one? Luna doesn't look like the type too easily be beaten. Sensing his spirit, she spoke again. "You're still here? You know that's very rude of a Meister." She asked him.