Gloria Town

As Raijah stepped out of the shower, wrapped in a towel, he noticed Cora was in his closet.

"What are you doing?" Raijah asked as he joined Cora in the closet.

As Cora scanned his closet, she said, "I think that we should match for our first mission."

Raijah joined Cora as they picked out clothes that they both had. They ended up with a white long sleeve shirt and black sweatpants.

"What shoes can we wear?" Cora asked as she looked through the closet.

"I have an extra pair of sneakers that you could wear. I had them when I was younger, so they should be around your size," Raijah said as he pointed to his extra pair of black and white shoes.

After the two finished putting on their matching shoes, they met in Raijah's room and checked themselves out in the mirror.

"Nice!" they shouted as they high-fived.

They raced down the stairs and saw Val sitting at the table eating breakfast.

Val was wearing her white hakama and sandals, and she had her long dark hair in a ponytail.

"You too are matching?" Val asked as she ate her food.

"We're twins!" Raijah and Cora said proudly.

As they got their plates from the chef, they sat at the table with Val.

"So, what is the mission all about?" Raijah asked as he took a bite of his eggs.

Val responded, "there's been a dark aura surrounding Gloria Town. The government has been trying to contact the mayor by sending messengers. However, none of the messengers have returned."

As Val took another bite of her food, she continued, "the government suspects that this is the work of a rogue saint being as they are known for taking over towns and villages."

Raijah and Cora looked at each other skeptically.

"No need to worry," Val assured them, "this is only a D ranked mission. Like I said, a rogue saint likely caused all this mayhem."

"What's a rogue saint?" Cora asked.

"Rogue saints are saints that have severed their ties with the government. People usually do that when they no longer feel like having to help others in need," Val responded.

As they finished eating and prepared to leave the house, Raijah noticed a book in the living room bookshelf, titled "Ririsu."

"What's ririsu?" Raijah asked Val.

"Ririsu is the second stage of a saint's prana. It grants saint's new abilities, but it takes a lot of training to unlock," Val explained, "not even I have unlocked ririsu."

Raijah nodded his head, "I wonder what abilities my ririsu would have," he thought.

Val led the way as they exited the house on their way to Gloria Town.

"How far is Gloria Town?" Cora asked as they walked through the front yard.

"Not that far," Val said, "I'd run all the way there, but I don't think you guys can keep up."

"We can keep up!" Cora and Raijah shouted in sync.

"Go ahead and try," Val said as she quickly dashed away, leaving a blur.

Cora and Raijah sprinted away as they attempted to keep up with Val.

"We're here!" Val announced proudly.

"You guys didn't do that bad," Val said as she patted Raijah and Cora on their backs.

"Although," Val said with a smirk, "I wasn't trying."

They looked at the town, which had a dark aura surrounding it. It was a circle of many buildings which surrounded a statue of the mayor in the middle.

As they walked into the aura, they felt an incredible amount of pressure.

"This dark aura is pretty powerful," Val said as they continued walking, "this might not be as easy as I thought."

As they walked, Val noticed a red object in the distance. It was charging towards them at incredible speeds.

"Watch out!" Val shouted, causing Raijah and Cora to duck, avoiding the object.

As it missed and landed on the ground, the trio realized that it wasn't an object.

A beautiful, curvy lady with long dark hair and flawless white skin stood up. She was wearing a black tube top and a short black skirt.

"Where is Prince Teo!" she shouted, "those saints in the last town already wasted my time and energy. I'd advise that you don't do the same."

"Who is Prince Teo?" Raijah asked with a confused expression.

As the lady saw Raijah, her angry expression faded.

She walked towards Raijah as she said, "you're perfect."

"What?" Raijah said, looking even more confused.

"You're so handsome," she said dreamily, "you're tall, handsome, and you have beautiful hair."

The lady touched Raijah's dreadlocks and put her hand on his chest, "how about we ditch this town and go have some fun," she said as she looked at Raijah dreamily.

"But, aren't you looking for this Prince Teo guy?" Cora asked in a seemingly angry tone.

"Oh, forget him!" she shouted, "I've been following him for almost a year, and he continues to run away."

"Why are you following him?" Val asked the lady.

"That's none of your business," she replied.

"Besides, I have more important matters to attend to," the lady said as she looked at Raijah, "Shall we go?" she asked him.

"You're not going anywhere with Raijah," Cora said as she grabbed the lady's arm.

"That's not for you to decide," the lady replied dismissively.

"Is this Prince Teo person the cause of this dark aura?" Val interrupted.

"Yes," the lady replied, "he's always releasing that menacing prana of his."

"Then we'll have to find and stop him," Val said, "I haven't seen any of the townspeople. What has he done to them?"

The lady looked at Val as she released her orange prana, "If you intend to attack Prince Teo, then I'll have to stop you. As his sworn protector, I won't allow someone like you to lay your hands on him," the woman said.

She charged at Val with a fist of fire.

Val coated her arms with her prana and blocked the lady's punch.

As the two traded blows, Cora dashed at the lady and kicked her into the air.

Raijah jumped into the air and punched her in the stomach, sending her flying back down.

As the lady crashed into the ground, she stood up with a smile on her face.

"You can also pack a punch," the lady said as Raijah landed on the ground.

"I, Mia, from this moment on, claim you as my husband!" she declared as she looked at Raijah.

As Val noticed the opening, she dashed at Mia.

"Sealing Prana: Sealing Blast!"

A purple blast of prana shot out of Val's hands.

As it approached, Mia jumped into the air, just barely avoiding it. The blast continued to travel, and as it came in contact with a building, the building disappeared.

"You were trying to seal me away!" Mia shouted, "It seems like your prana could be an issue."

Mia's orange prana began to spread even more.

"Although I'm already tired, I shouldn't need my full power for weaklings like you. I'll end this fight," Mia said, "and then I can take back that brat Teo and go on with my life with my new husband."

Mia appeared in front of Val.

"she's fast," Val whispered to herself as she clashed with Mia.

As Cora and Raijah attempted to help, Val's prana prison formed and blocked their path.

"She's too strong for you guys," Val said as she continued to clash with Mia.

"Fire Prana: Phoenix Blast!"

Mia's prana took the form of a phoenix and soared at Val.

"Sealing Prana: Prana Seal!"

A purple gust of prana fired at the phoenix and caused it to disappear.

"Fire Prana: Hellfire!"

Fire erupted inside of the prison and blasted Val against the wall.

"Sealing Prana: Release!"

Val's prana prison disappeared, and Mia's flames began to spread around the village.

Raijah rushed to help Val.

"My dear husband," Mia said, "I cannot allow you to do that."

Mia appeared in front of Raijah and attempted to stop him. Before she could strike, Raijah backflipped, revealing Cora behind him.

"Go to hell!" Cora shouted.

"Crystal Prana: Crystal Fang!"

Just before she struck Mia, Cora's arm became covered with sharp crystals radiating her pink prana.

As Cora punched Mia, the attack sent her flying and crashing into the village buildings.

"Her attacks are much stronger," Val observed, "did she already master manipulating her prana?"

Before Mia could land, the trio appeared above her, and all three of them simultaneously kicked her to the ground.

Mia slammed into the ground and created a deep crater.

"Do you think she's finished?" Cora asked as they landed beside the crater.

"Not likely," Val responded, "let's stop this Prince Teo guy and get out of here before she wakes up."

The trio quickly began to search for Prince Teo, who was the source of the dark prana surrounding Gloria Town.