Prince Teo

As the trio walked away from the crater that Mia was in, Val closed her eyes and concentrated.

"I can sense the source of the dark prana," Val said as she opened her eyes.

As she led them to the source of the prana, Raijah noticed a building with the door left open. As he looked closer, he saw that there was a body lying in front of the door.

"What happened?" Raijah asked as he ran towards the man and quickly began to examine his body.

Although the man looked dead, Raijah could feel him breathing.

"He's still alive," Raijah informed the girls.

Val and Cora crouched and joined Raijah as they all looked at the body.

"It looks like the dark prana overpowered him," Val explained, "the dark aura is too powerful for the townspeople to withstand, so it caused them to pass out," she said as she looked around at the many bodies that lay in the room.

"That explains why the government has been unable to contact the mayor. All of the messengers and the mayor are most likely unconscious as we speak," Cora added.

"If we get this Teo guy to stop releasing his prana, will the villagers wake up?" Raijah asked as he gently placed the body down.

"As long as their bodies are intact when the aura stops, they should wake up," Val responded,"

"Then let's stop him," Raijah said.

With that, Val continued to lead them towards the source of the dark aura.

They came to a stop in front of a building that seemed to be a restaurant.

Val opened the door, revealing countless bodies that lay on the floor. The restaurant had wooden tables with red walls and brown flooring.

In the middle of the restaurant sat a boy who was eating an entire table full of food.

He was a dark-skinned boy with short wavy hair and golden eyes. He wore an unbuttoned black jacket over a white shirt with black jeans and shoes. Floating beside him was an entirely black sword with the tip of the blade pointing down.

"So," the boy said through a mouthful of food, "you guys are strong enough to withstand my aura."

Infuriated, Raijah ignored his comment and asked, "why would you knock out all of these innocent people?"

The boy turned around, "what makes you think they're innocent? Is it because they're humans?" he asked as he sighed.

"What do you mean by that?" Raijah asked.

In a flash, Teo appeared in front of Raijah with his dark sword in his hand.

As Raijah looked closer at Teo, he noticed that Teo had a similar tattoo on the top right of his forehead. Teo's tattoo had eight arrows pointing in different directions, with a circle going through the middle of them. Unlike Raijah's tattoo, which looked new, Teo's tattoo looked almost faded.

"I mean that you humans are all filled with hate," Teo said as he swung his sword at Raijah's neck.

Distracted by the tattoo he had seen, Raijah stood there in shock.

Val quickly reacted by pushing Raijah out of Teo's path.

"Why'd you let your guard down?" Val asked as she kicked Teo into one of the tables in the restaurant.

"He has a tattoo like mine," Raijah said as he continued to stare at Teo, "could he also be a god?"

As Teo crashed into the table, he said, "me? A god?" Teo laughed hysterically, "I'm the furthest thing from a god."

Teo stood up and put his sword in front of his face. A sudden burst of dark prana followed.

"Dark Prana: Blackout!"

Teo's prana became darker than before, causing Raijah to be unable to see. Noticing an opening, Teo dashed at Raijah, attempting to finish him.

Val intercepted Teo and stopped his sword by coating her arms with her prana.

"How are you able to see me in the darkness," Teo asked Val as they clashed.

"We can sense your prana!" Cora shouted as she appeared behind Teo.

"Crystal Prana: Crystal Spikes!"

Hundreds of large crystal spikes appeared in the restaurant and charged at Teo.

As they flew at Teo, Val jumped back to avoid them.

"Your attacks are futile," Teo whispered as he lifted his free hand.

"Dark Prana: Dark Beam!"

A Dark beam of prana fired out of Teo's hand and shattered the crystals.

Val released her purple prana causing the darkness surrounding the restaurant to fade away.

As Raijah realized he could see again, he dashed at Teo, "what do you know about this?" Raijah asked as he pointed at his lightning bolt tattoo.

As Teo saw the tattoo, he felt his head begin to ache. Teo dropped his sword as he grabbed his head and began to see blurry flashbacks.

Teo saw many people with blurry faces that he could not make out. Each of the people had a tattoo similar to the ones he and Raijah had. However, each person's tattoo had different markings.

Behind the people with blurry faces stood a man that was wearing a black outfit. Although the man's face was also blurry, he stood above all of the other people. The man held a sword that was taller than him and wore a long black cape. As Teo saw the man, his body began to shiver as he filled with fear.

Teo yelled in pain as he shook his head, and the blurry vision faded away. He picked up his sword and quickly swung it at Raijah.

Raijah dodged the attack, "wait!" he shouted, "we could be somehow connected. Maybe you can help me find out what happened in my past."

Dark prana began to swirl around Teo's sword, "I don't know who you are," Teo said dismissively, "and I don't plan on helping you with anything."

"But you're the only other person I've seen with this tattoo," Raijah argued.

"And If I could, I'd get rid of it!" Teo shouted.

"Dark Prana: Dark Beam!"

A dark beam shot out of Teo's hand and slammed into Raijah, sending him flying out of the restaurant and crashing into a nearby mountain away from the village, forming a large cave.

Teo appeared in front of Raijah and grabbed Raijah's head as he said, "you showing me those memories is enough reason to kill you."

Just before Teo could attack, Cora and Val appeared beside him.

"Sealing Prana: Pressure Fist!"

"Crystal Prana: Crystal Fang!"

Val's fist was coated with purple prana, while Cora's arm was covered with sharp crystals radiating her prana.

The two girls struck Teo in the stomach, pushing him back to the entrance of the cave.

As Teo landed, he began to smile as he said, "It seems like this won't be easy with you two pretty girls protecting him."

Val and Cora reacted to his comment with faces of disgust.

Teo walked towards them as he released the true power of his prana, "why don't you show me your prana too," Teo said to Raijah.

As the trio felt Teo's aura, they soon realized it was unlike any prana they had felt before.

"What is this power?" Cora asked as she felt her body getting weaker.

Raijah looked at Teo, who engulfed himself in dark prana, "this prana doesn't feel human," Raijah said.

Val's eyes grew wide as she came to a sudden realization, "Raijah, you're right. It isn't human prana," Val said with a shocked look on her face, "this is the prana of a devil."