
"So what if I'm a devil?" Teo asked as he walked towards Raijah, "Is that going to make you treat me differently just like those people back at Gloria Town?"

"What do you m-" Raijah began.

"I mean that you humans mistreat devils for no reason!" Teo shouted as he dashed towards them.

"Dark Prana: Dark Flash!"

A flash of darkness followed Teo as he pointed his sword forward and dashed at the trio.

Teo's attack cut through multiple mountains as he sent the trio flying and crashing into the ground.

The mountains rumbled as they split, which caused rocks and debris to fall towards Raijah and the others.

Teo stood on his dark sword as he looked down, "that should've finished them," he said as he began to fly back towards the town.

As the smoke from the rocks and debris stopped falling, Raijah shouted, "we can't let him get away!"

Val released her purple shield, which protected them from the falling mountains, "no more going easy," Val said as she prepared to attack, "let's go, Cora."

"What about me?" Raijah asked as he stood up.

"He's after you, so it's best if you stay here," Val said, "you not having any prana is working in our favor because he won't be able to trace you."

"Oh," Raijah said in a disappointed tone.

"Sealing Prana: True Prison!"

A purple, box-shaped shield appeared around Raijah. He sat down with his head down, feeling noticeably disappointed.

As Val noticed this, she said, "don't beat yourself up about this. It isn't your fault that we have been unable to unlock your prana."

Val jumped into the air as she trailed behind Teo.

Before Cora left, she looked back at Raijah, who was sitting and throwing rocks at the shield he was stuck in.

"Go ahead," Raijah said as he smiled at Cora, "I'll be fine."

Cora jumped into the air as she followed Val.

Teo looked back as he began to sense Val's prana.

"How did y-" Teo began.

"Sealing Prana: Pressure Fist!"

Val delivered a devastating blow to Teo's chest, knocking him off the sword and sending him falling towards the ground.

As Teo slammed into the ground, he extended his arm, which caused his dark sword to fly into his hand.

Cora and Val landed in front of him causing, the ground to shake.

Teo lifted his sword and attempted to attack them, but as he began to manipulate his prana, he felt his arms tense up.

"What the hell is going on!" Teo shouted as he began to get frustrated.

"My pressure fist can seal the flow of prana," Val said with a smirk, "which means that you can't manipulate prana to use any of your prana attacks right now."

In a flash, Teo appeared in front of Val and Cora, "I don't need prana to defeat you two," he said, "this trick of yours won't last forever. All I have to stall until my prana can flow again."

"You're underestimating us," Cora said as she and Val dashed at Teo.

Val punched Teo in the stomach sending him flying into the air.

Cora quickly jumped into the air and coated her arms with pink prana.

"Eat this!" Cora shouted as she channeled a sizeable amount of her prana into her arms. She punched Teo in the chest, causing him to cough blood as he fell back down into the ground.

As Teo lay on the ground, Val and Cora walked towards him.

"We don't have to finish this," Val began, "all we ask is that you leave Gloria Town and its people alone."

"I did nothing wrong!" Teo shouted as he attempted to move his body to no avail.

"All I did was ask them for shelter!" Teo continued, "but, once they felt my prana and realized that I was a devil, they ridiculed me!"

Val and Cora looked at each other. Both of them had faces of concern.

"What makes you humans hate us, devils!" Teo shouted, "when has a devil done anything to a human!"

Both Val and Cora had no answer because Teo was the first devil they had ever met.

Teo continued to shout, "you humans spread tales to others about devils, and they believe them! Us devils have never done anything to a human, yet you continue to treat us with hatred!"

As Raijah sat in the shield, he heard everything Teo was saying to the girls.

"Royals treat us, peasants like that too," Raijah thought as he began to understand and feel sympathy for Teo.

As Val and Cora realized that Teo was not wrong, Teo felt the tension in his arms disappear.

"Music to my ears," Teo said as he stretched his arms, causing them to crack.

Dark prana began to surround Teo as he stood up.

"I'll reciprocate that hatred that you humans have for us with my hatred of my own!" Teo shouted, "I don't care if that means I must give in to the darkness!"

"Dark Prana: Dark Samurai!"

Dark prana erupted out of Teo, taking the shape of a giant samurai.

"Stretch Teiden!" Teo shouted as his sword began to stretch out to match his samurai's size.

Teo sat in the chest of the samurai as it began to form armor out of dark prana.

"I'll destroy that town, destroy that kid with the tattoo, and I will destroy humans!" Teo shouted as the samurai lifted its sword.

"Damn!" Val shouted as she stretched her arms out.

As Teo swung the sword down, attempting to obliterate the girls, a purple shield appeared, which stopped the attack.

Val began to struggle and shake as she kept her arms out to keep the shield up.

"How much prana can you manipulate?" Val asked Cora as she continued to struggle to keep the shield up.

"A decent amount," Cora responded.

Raijah looked up at the shield, which was now beginning to crack under the pressure of the giant sword.

"How the hell do they plan on stopping this?" Raijah wondered as he stared at the giant samurai.

"It's over!" Teo shouted as he continued to apply pressure on the shield.

"Make something that we can use to match that thing!" Val shouted as she began to sweat.

"I'll try," Cora replied.

Cora stretched her arms out and began to manipulate as much prana as she could.

Pink Prana began to surround Val and Cora as they lifted off the ground.

As Cora continued to manipulate prana, Val continued to keep the shield up.

Cora's pink prana took the form of a samurai as it began to form armor made of crystals.

As Cora released more prana, a giant crystal sword appeared in the hands of her samurai.

Raijah looked up at the two giant samurai, which were equal in size.

"This is crazy!" Raijah shouted as he looked at the girls, who were in the chest plate of the crystal samurai.

Dark prana began to radiate from Teo's samurai.

As Val and Cora felt Teo's prana, they began to shiver.

"His prana is full of malice," Cora said to Val.

As Teo looked at the pink samurai, more of his dark prana released.

"I'll crush you," Teo said in a menacing tone.